HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-28, Page 141 P. 19). Tho Thoil000Advecoto,, Novingtor 21 41957 • • .•• 4. r, • ,711,71717, pgmn, oon* Group. Plans Welfare Alexia A1 Davis Wed Saturday November socia1 meeting pusiness meeting. ln a double ring cerentOnY at !the Exeter ntetteci 1, wet 'held. at the. borne. of Ms. Do 4 Robertson. Ms. .Calvin , • Wein Mrs. jack Coughlin and' R. Getottuer were appointed ••• ! goininit$ee to Obtain inforn?a- ,.,' Rg, on welfarework for 'Christ - The sale of tie -ets on the linen St Petrick's. Anglican. Nye' Was also . Progreasive elichre was Played b"ia WecicUng "Ws "re with prizes gong le Mrs. Lloyd Changed by Alexia Ano Davis Ford and Mrs. Don Robertson. and Robert David Tindall. The 13 '1 Mrs. Ward Kraft, Urs. Lou bride is the youngest ,datighter d ' Of Mr . and IviroHeber Davis . ataito to he discussed At the next were gueetin ests at the mg- . and the groom, the youngest son AVIFIPPinifilkiFilijnfF Mn bir. Chas. Tindall and the • Rev. Peter Dymond was the • officiating elergyntari and Mrs. thigh Davis played the wedding draw.",e to he held in Deeeroher, SaintSburr. !SaturelaY Neve* late Mrs. Tindall, London. • . 4 Yleedley Yardley tolloe so, Limnos' 5•1, $2.00 $2.65 YordlgY Males *de $2,15 Yard's), Men's Dehrie Set, $4.75 • ORDER NOW! PhotoChristmasCards Printed on Card 50 for $5.00 • In Folders 50 for $6.50 , • Slightly higher rate per card for smaller lots. 7 Yardley Lads' Sel, 6245 Yardley LadiesSet, 0.25 Yardley Ladies' 50, $4.25. EXETER Phone 50 music and accompanied the Selo- ist, Mrs. Reps McFalls, sister of the groom who sang "0 per. feet Love" and "The Wedding P. •rGarvetffin marriage .by her fath- er the bride chose a hoar length gown of nylon. lace and :net over satin with PAter Pan collar edged with pearls and lilypoint sleeves, A tiny pearl -studded headdress held her fingertip veil of French illusion, She wore the groom's gift, a strand of pearls and car. ried a White Bible crested with a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Jim Young, Lucan, as her sister's matron of honor with Miss Joyce McDonald, Lucan, and Mrs. Howard Clarke, Credi- ton, as bridesmaids 'wore iden- tical gowns of peacock blue -vel- vet and carried cascade bou- quest of autumn flowers. Joan Aarker, neice of the bride as flower girl, wore red velvet fashioned Winger to the other DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY Mr. Ws. Fred fl' Li 777,77.1 Iteliekektodle To :'.Donaie Gifts Pans were made at the Wed. nesclay :evening .nmeting of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge W. to bring Christmas cheer to 'the Children's .•Aid 'Shelter at (lode - rich by bringing unwrapped gifts .at the next ineeting te be sent to the children there, Also. a !Christmas .Calte and fen dollars is to be sent to the tidafellows. Rome in Bane. Do-, nations were, vete(' to the Oren's. War Memorial. Hospltal. for research work,. to ,South lin ron Hospital and the T.B. ,Christ- mas. seal campaign. The usual, euchre. and bridge marathon has been cancelled this winter ,in favor of a _euchre party to be held at the conclu. sum -of the iirst meeting of the month Onthe first Wednesday in the lodge rooms from Decent- ber to Mara inclusive. Bingo was enjoyed. 'Noble Grand, Mrs, Obert .Tehns, pre- sided. At the meeting .on the first Wednesday a • letter was read from Mrs. E. S. Steiner, a former active member now living in Bridgeport, N.Y. anti attendants. Each wore a pearl received a TV set from their family when they celebrated peedwit, a gift Of. the bride. A nephew of the bride, Leslie their sixtieth wedding anniversary Sunday. Mr. Wells, a Greenlee, was ringhearer. strong Legion member, is affectionately known as "Mr. Allan Tindall, Exeter, was Popp" every November because of his large poppy groomsman for his brother and sales. —Jack Doerr Ross Morella- and Hugh. Davis were ushers. A reception followed in the Ir. Pop ellOSe a cinnamon toned crepe, parish hall. Tile bride's mother dress, satin trimmed, with nat- ural accessories. Mrs. Tindall wore a goark 60 Y with matching accessories and Sunday was a red letter day Four cousins of the bride, in the lives of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Harvey Latta, IVirs. Maur- wells, long-time residents of ice McDonald, Mrs. Harry Car- Exeter, when they celebrated Car- roll and Mrs. Clarence Davis were seryiteurs and were 'amidst- their diamond wedding anniver ed by Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mrs. sary with ,,a family get-together, Labannalf Hodgins, Mrs. Ray- The celebrating couple were mond Greenlee and Messrs. surrounded with flowers from the Harvey Latta, Clarence Davis •Legion, of which Mr. Wells has and Harry .• been an active member, from For a wedding trip to points Trlvitt•Memorial Church of Eng - north the bride donned a cran- land, and from friends and rela- berry-toned velvet dress with tives. The table was centred White accessorieS and white mum with a thrr anniversar y' And Wife mum corsage. ee-ti y corsege. cake decorated to mark 60 years. Mr. and Mrs. Tindall will The fainily presented the cele- make their home in Mt. Brydges., brants with a television set. Alfred Edward Wells was born in Birmingham, England,. in 1874 and came to Canada at the age of 13 years. On November 24, 1897, he married Caroline Cath- erine Genttner, in Zion Lutheran Church,,Dashwood, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Eifert. The bride was born in Werdens- berg, Germany, and came to Canada with her parents in 1883 and settled in Dashwood. The bridal attendants were the late Mrs. Ed Warness, Eiceter,„and Mrs. Ed. Harness, Exeter, and north. Mr. and Mrs. Wells made ,their home in Dashwood for ten years where he was employed at the planing mill. They moved to Exeter in 1907 where they have 1iVed ever since. Mr. Wells ika GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prep. Hair Treatments, T1E:Ow individual Styling, Permanents Manieures, sPaeiele 409 Main St. Phone 522 IF, A COLD MAKES BREATHING DIFFICULT— HERE'S AN ANSWER *henyou coffer from all the annoying discomforts of clogged nestrils, running eyes,' catarrh dis- charge due to a cold—hunember Catarrh -O -Zone. The soothing vapourreleased from Catarrh -O -Zone quickly helps clear the nasal tract— kings fast relief. Just sprialde a few drops of Catarrh -O -Zone .on your handkerchief or in the bandy platitio container. A few drops Of Catarrh-0- ZOne on the pillowat night helps_you rest cotafortablY. Get Catandi-O-ZOne todly—it you t druggist. pm, plillOtiginPROMIRtfil00310313PROFIRRIRRIRROVIC.041111041R01 • Santa Says "Get Something The Whole Family:Will Appreciate" Like The HHK ELVINATOR : HOME FREEZER • 20% CUBIC FOOT 3 STORAGE BASKETS ,? • PAST PRIEM SECTION • 3-YEAlk, FOOD' PROTECTION • SaYEAR GUARANTEE F. W HUXTABLE $ 1St*, Your LocI KOlvinoior Diaire 4110101000010/40/0010SPOUWOMMOULOVIr EXETER "IT IS NO WISDOM BUT IGNORANCE THAT TEACHES MEN PRESUMPTION" (Author's Name Below) sums Many firms previously unconnected with the medial world seek an opportunity to make quick money. They hire people to go from door- to-door to sell unknown brands of vitamins. Unfortunately, these doer - to - door sales men have no knowledge ex- cept what they memorize from their. canned sales .pitches. Why gamble? We pharmacists have the training to prop er ly answer your vitamin questions. Before obtaining any vitamins from these door- to- door op•pottnnists, check their prices for un- known makes with what we charge for products of the reliable firms physicians endorse. Des- pite their glib promise, our prices are usually much less. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exleter 447 WHEN YOU NEED A MED/GINE Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge'. A great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of tiling their pre - scripting, May we com- pound yours? • • Andre Johnston Drugs Main Sto COW 1. CHIEMISIS tch,4,41r4•414:Ayttoti, (Ii0S-itta) Copyright, 165t: (IW) 1 ears Wed veteran of the First World War, and is an active member of the Legion. He has been top poppy salesman of the Legion for many years, and is affectionately known as Mr. Poppy, They have four sons, Laverne, Ernest and Nelson, of town, and Gordon, of London, and two daughters, Mrs. Albert (Pat) Tyler, Dashwood, and Mrs. Lloyd Lindenfield, town. Mrs. Wells has one sister, Mrs. Sam • — Please Turn to Page 17 • Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHOME 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling e ETHEL DESJARDINE • AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750.W.) EXETER Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving. Bair Styling and Shaping Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 Modern • Beauty Salon 314 Main St. Phone 349 HIGH STYLING PERMANENTS HAIR TREATMENTS Pearl Henderson, Prop, HILINE Beauty Salon Located in Cook's Hotel, Centralia Proprietress • Marg Coward, Prop. 010411WOMPIIIIIIMMARIMPARPOTO CAN Hil.P ..you 5E4ECT THE Perfect Gift For - Your • 4 Christmas 'Eve' 1 4 FREE COUPONS on the $800 JACKPOT If we know her, we can tell you her sire. If we don't, u t describe her and we can find the right 'size and style to suit her. FREE GIFT. WRAPPING SERVICE e PHONE 474 EXETER IRMFARCitirigOtr-,01011.111-VIROCCIWARCO • . : I 11 t. : FREE! FREE! $800 JACKPOT COUP0N8r Sponsored by Exeter 5insinessmen,a Arsdoelation , 305 P.RIZESII , • Including 6 ROA lib Portable TV Seta • For Superior Store Shoppers Only • Early Garden Fancy • DEL -MONTE PEAS..1" ZINS 2i FOR 33 FRUIT COCKTAILNCY 20 DEL MONTE FAOZ. • CREAM CORN - TOMATO JUICE FANCY 15 OZ. • DEL MONTE FANCY 15 OZ. •DEL MONTE PiIIsbj&ry MIX Chocolate." SOLO MARGARINE INST. COFFEE GIANT TIDE izo ciFF: 29c, 1 LB. PKG. 59c rOrl 233c 2 F011 29C 17 -oz. pkgs. 2 FOR 55c 2 FOR 53c MAXWELL HOUSE 1SC• OFF LARGE 6 OZ. LIAR 0 $1.23 . 65c BFAST CLUB JAM DRR°0-r2v5rgRy 24 DZ. 45c McCORMICK SODAS Pati Lt: 31c ,DAVID T -MIX COOKIES U3 PIM 35c _ • MEArs• DEVON BACON twurwasKto BOLOGNA Maple Leaf m_ibED :SAUSAGE MAPLE tEAr. zKiNt:gss PURE PORK1 LE P irk 29c 47c 63c 39c LEL La COTTAGEROLLSsmcgagi MAPLE LEAF Le, CHICKENS F4lretWICTSTI 3 L.H. AV, LB, Serving • You • Better Free Delivery SUPER191/Z FFOOD MARKETH Saving You More Phone S32 CUSTOMER PARKING Al REAR OF STORE 'J.,. OPEN PRI TIL SAT. TR. 10 Maple Leaf Turkey, Chicken or Beef Meat Pies; ,2 FOR 49c • Aylmer Fancy Sliced Strawberries Or Raspberries 115 OZ. PEON 37c Defiler Peas 19c • York, Alt Flavors Ice Cream th-GAUS. 89c Highliner Haddock • Fish, Sticks si OZ. PICO, 29c PRODUCE • BanaklaS 12 wig, 29c 1111711.11•11111111MMNIMINM7ISMNSIMNIIIIMISISMISIOSISM Indian River Florida • Grapefruit 10 49c eel". Oren Celery Hearts • 19c BUNCH Poly Big Suoklat Oranges 8 ling, 49c