HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-28, Page 12t b •„ .Pies- 14 Th. Tiniwil lvoc#l.,r Novern or 2* 1957 jf♦ilAFA1FFINAlA1AAAA1FIUARIAFAFAF411N1AAA.lAAAFFIMAAAAAFt ;11A11AA4AAAAFAAl11AAl1AIFI,ryn1AF1111ARF11RAl1RAA11nA1FFFlF1AlAAA1mmt4l Effect Karl Haberer TO THE 1958 Hay CounciI If elected as a councilor, I promise to work on behalf of the township to the best of my ability. I wouldsincerely appreciate your vote and `fluence. Vote Haberer • ZURICH . L FF RAt,JIt111,11F0A14U1 ultit1t,111111A1t1111 ant11mg111Atu111sJ1,tti brittnnt1„RtIAJ IWIttltltlAttlAtttllim F1111}le; Appoint Thomas To Committees W. H A.,. Thomas,..Middlesex West M.MP, Was appointed to. four standing committees and one joint committee in the .louse of Commons last week. Be will serve on .agriculture and -colonization, Miscellaneous Private. bills, :privileges and elec- tions and public accounts. He is also on the joint committee of the House and the Senate on printing. The committees were present- ed. to the House by Elston Car - cliff,. Huron 11tP and gdvernntent w'Jtip. Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI .24-HOUR SERVICE rand Re -Opening! :SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 FREE Door Prizes SPECIAL PRJZE. For Purchasers During Re -Opening Stop & Coffee Tables Table & 'Floor' Lamps Hassocks Occasional Chairs and. •Rockers. Bedroom Suites . . . . $169 Chesterfield .Suites . . $149 Chrome Kitchen Sets . • $68' SPECIALS! SPRING -FILLED MATTRESS $32.50 BEDROOM SUITE 5189.00 With 'Restonic Spring -Filled Mattress Christmas Gifts! Our complete stock of Christmas merchandise, is now on display—Cornplete selection of Furniture, Toys, Appliances, Hoover Cleaners. COMPLETELY REMODELLED,INSIDE AND. OUT BRIGHT NEW STORE FRONT Tiernan's Furniture PHONE 8 DASHWOOD v: 4 winning Wearabtes If yon want to pleabe a To plgi �e hint /something to wear, him MOST, choose his wearable gift right here Christmas Bonus On Made+To.Measure Suits ASK ABOUT IT LIMITED TIME ONLY WALPER'S HONE si MI*N`S. AND BOYS' WEAR Civilian A Military Tailoring EXETER ra 1t J ; i, frD'it0111F10 D`1l tASitenoAit United Church History Topic At Cred iton WI Historical Research and Cur. rent Events committee was in charge of the meeting of Cred- iton Women's Institute .on Wed- nesday evening. Mrs, E. Lamport presided for business. .Several reports were given. Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner reported on Hospital activities and was re-elected as represent. ative to South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Weber rbported on the re- cent trip of W.I. members to Toronto. The date n4 next meet- ing was set for December 16, Three new lnemberS were- wet- comed. Mrs, W. Mack presided for the program and gave a detailed story of Crediton United Church. Mrs. J. Bishop favored with, a vital solo and readings were given by Mrs. E. Lawson and rs. P. Rudolph, Mrs. J. Wood- all' gave the story of the Lawson family, Collection was taken for Chil- dren's Aid Society. .Exhibits. were wedding pictures and a contest on `old songs was held, Hostesses were Mrs. W. Hoist, Mrs. B. Finkbeiner, Mrs, E. Hoist, Mrs, Lawson, Mrs, P. Rudolph and. Mrs. Mack, - t Crediton Cozy Colleens The 4-H Homemaking Club, Crediton Cozy Colleens, met in Crediton Community Hall on Saturday with eight members present. The roll call was answered by naming different woollen samples. Margaret Lawson was elected president; Nancy Fahrner, vice- president; Joan Smith, secre- tary; June .Kuhn, treasurer, and Doreen Kenney, press reporter. Crediton Crafty Cutters The 4-H Homemaking Club, Crediton Crafty Cutters, met on Saturday in the Community Centre for the purpose of elect - Letter From Shipka Mr. and Mrs, Karl Guenther and Janet were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hard - castle and Mr. John Guenther, in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, of Woodham, were guests on Sun- day, with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ron and Barbara. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pickering and Terry- spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Comfort; in Fenwick. Mrs. M. Baker was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.. J. Louie at Grand Bend. Mr. Jim. McKenzie, of Windsor, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner, Bob, Bill, and David, were Sunday visitors in London with his mother, Mrs. L. Fink* • beiner;' and sister, Miss'' Audrey Finkbeiner, who will be return: ing to St. Lucia Island thisweek; iMr. Bill ScholIes, Bill ley and Stuart Gim, of London, were Sat- urday visitors with .Mr.. and Mrs: Roy Ratz, Don and Harvey. Mrs. Milton Ratz visited last week with • relatives in Detroit and London. Miss Maude Bodgins is visiting with her niece, Mrs, Ross Love, Mr. Love and family, while Mr. Mansell Hodgins is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mrs. Melvin Gaiser, R.N., is in L' endon this. week assisting with the care of Mrs. Albert Gaiser, who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. THE POTATkRANCHER AND THE SLICKERS One time old Fired who was a potato• ranther;went to the city with a suitcase full of cash to buy'a Cadillac. When he arrived he met two slickers who said that they were also from out of town. Theyall went out together to set the sights, and it was then that the slickers confided to old Fired that they had a fast deal for him to buy City ,Hall for only 1,000 dollars, But old Ffi'ed was not to be outsmarted of his hafd.earned cash and sold, "You etiet fool me 'cause 1 buy a lot of seed potatoes s.nd 1 know that you only get whit you ply for” lassraaee Is Ilk. that yes hese.. teintragee that really insures la a good investment, When ybi4 buy inburshee, keep in Mind that it ie not the size of the premium, but the lifetime benefitsyou receive that de. cidee the value of your invest. anent. Only your local• lode. pendent agent tan give you eoripleii itialitanre /service. over a lifetime you Could lose money on insurance by net teeing bis friendly eouneel, The UNREAL ACCOUNT Sr W. H. Hoclgson "1'h1 Imuranca Mein" PI4ON8 ;t4 tlttl�tR ing two new officers. Shirley Geiser was elected sec- retary anal Shirley Radford press reporter. Leaders .are Mrs. W. lt, Smith and Mrs. J. Morrissey. Next meeting will be held on Saturday, November 30 at 9.30 Personal Items Mrs, Charles. Green who suf- fered a fall in her ikune six Weeks ago is still indisposed. Tests revealed the fracture of several vertebrae, Mrs. Albert Geiser is .a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, having undergone a major operation on Saturday. Dr, and Mrs, 1erederlck Mor - lock and son, Scott, of Water- loo were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock. Mr, and Mrs, E, M1, Fahrner, Mr. and Mrs, E. K. Fahrner, Mr.• and Mrs. Wellington Hoist, Miss Lillian Hoist, Mrs, Roy Finkbeiner and Mrs. Roy Matz visited on Sunday with Mr, Cal - Vin Fahrner at South Cayuga and attended church service over which Mr. Fahrner presides, and who conducted dedication service for Elizabeth Colleen Palmer, daughter of F/0 and Mrs. Robert Palmer of Bright- on, Miss Maleeda. Schenk of Lon- don visited on Sunday, with Mr, and„Mrs. jos. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Radford and Shirley spent Sunday at Blyth. Mrs. E, Guenther and Miss Sailing of Waterloo were week- end guests with Rev. and Mrs. G• Strome, Mlr. and M?rs. Emmery Fahr ner spent Wednesday of last week at Preston and Kitchener. CAST YOUR BALLOT FOR John Corbett for May Council As a farmer in the township, 1 feel 1 can serve in the best in- terest of all the ratepayers. 1 would appreciate your sup- port. sommik JOHN,CORBETT TO HAY ELECTORS;. Vote Alex Mousseaux . for DEPUTY - REEVE, On Monday, Dec. 2 YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED Teri Win Turkeys At Legion Bingo Ten People in the district won turkeys at the fowl bingo; , s kn e' Wed nes {tby LxeterLegton We nes day night, November 00. They vert: Ray Smith, Mrs Doug Triebner,: Bobby Reynolds C. Jt. Wailer, Mrs, Mary Biro Mrs, Wilfred Doupe, Howard Holtzman, Gerald Glenn, Mrs. George Lawson ,and Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, Bill Dixon won the door prize. The branch is sponsoring fotyl bingoes every Wednesday night before Christmas. ■ ■ t Garage And nd Ev1ening Service • 0j en this Sunday, Wednes,I day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Snell Bros. Ltd. Garage • • ■ A A. 1 .FR1AFFAFNI llt FItAAAA dflI1A1IdFAIkI IN. At A1tA!1 tU1U1 9 Vote TQ Elect 1 5 i I i i , Deputy -Reeve For F. Hay Township Monday, December . Oscar i(iopp 1 .i......»,.lo.. I have served several years as councillor andone , year as deputy -reeve, I have endeavoured to serve all ry .....parts of the municipality wtliailir -fear or favor and unceasingly for the interest of the town- ship,. I regret I will not; be able to see all of you personally and I respectfully solicit your vote and influence on my behalf, Vote Oscar Klopp • 1. ' poll; O sen 9 a.m. to S p,m. I ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pii SEE and DRIVE the new 1958 Studebaker Scotsincin At Graham Arthur Motors - Exeter PRICED AS LOW AS $2350 ' Check Closely These "Top Quality” •Used Cars With These Extras: • New Snow Tires • New Slush ,Mats • New Steering Wheel Cover Given. With Every Used Car Sold Over 5200, Purchased to December 1 '57 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, ". A. tt t o. ur a t i c transiaitssion,olip covers; whitewalls, radio; backup ` . lights. '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN • -New paint; Only $395. '56 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER • Radio, sham auto. - '53 STUDEBAKER CH'AMPIION Overdrive, a real money -saver. .`50 AUSTIN SEDAN Radio—one of the best! Open Evenings Gidham Arthur Motors "Where Good Friends Meat And Leave The Same Way" PHONE 210 MAIN STREET EXETER New. Hoover Consfellaiien _. Here's the amazing new. Neevir that travels from ream to ream by air. Ne pulling . , , ne tugging). Through a unique err lift, the 'CONSTELLATIN s made to float Meng after you as you client Add to this, till exclusive Oeuble-Stretch Hose .. the combination bare -floor and rug nozzle ... the large, throw -away dust bag ... the generous supply of cleaning tee's, and yet) have Canada's finest now value in Canister cleaners .. , the Hoover CONSTIL. LATIONr• $82,50 Get Your FREE JACKPOT COUPONS AT, THIS . STORE Open 1 Set. Nites , and Wild. Altairntonii .dpitirOek0tke64111 New Low -Priced Hoover Upright M015EI. 118. A genuine Tripte,Actien Hoover, The kind that beats, es it sweeps, as it cleans. big enough for the tough jabs, light enough for quick ones, yet selling at a lower -than -ever price! Tools for above -the -floor cleaning available with lode! 118 at only slight extra cost. Other upright models 0 slightly higher prices. a $991.50 RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 + GE TV' And Appliances • Philo) TV And' Appliances • McBrine Luggage. tl i. t � , t .t t ... . t ..t,. .t:, t t ,...t, t . ...,u ,,..,-.°. _ 1 4