HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-28, Page 114 4 4 1 4. 4 8. 9. 4 4 4 4 4 4. 1 4. .4 $ 4, 4 9 f 1' 1 • .0 • FOR SO4-E 4 Campaign Promises, Jus FOR SALE LADIESWINT.Elt 00A'r, size 14, wine. May he eeelt at $11d,Town. Cleaners, 2SQ 1956 FORD custontline, autematic. 2 -tone, sedan, custou rU10 "rent and rear epealtera, .snow tires, anti-freeZe,• windshield washer, tinted glass. Van he financed, sale or a ill aecept older car, 235 Andrew St., phone 558-i lexeter, after 5 p.m. 26c UPRIGHT PIANO, Will is, 46" high. George .13, CJarJce, Seafortii, 4 phone 84. 2130 38 ISSEDitat STEERS, Hereford, for immediate sale. Apply to Louis Farwell, phone 84-r-7 Zur- ich. 80 P108, 8 weeks oltt. Photo 21- r3 Crediton. 280 2. BUDGIE BIRDS, green, male land female, Phone 577 Exeter. 28c LADIES' MAUVE COAT, size 16- 18, good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners, • 2$e • Miss M. Weekes Choir Member Miss Miriam Weekes, 82, the last surviving member of her family, died. at the Heywood Nursing Home on • Friday, No- • vember 22. The deceased was a sister of the late James and William , Weekes, who for wars conduct- ed the marble works, now owned by T. Pryde and Son. A sister, Annie, predeceased her in 1951. Miss Weekes was a member of Caven church, and for years fang in the choir. The body rested at the R. C. Dinney funeral home until: Mon- day, when funeral services were onducted' by Rev. S. Kerr, with interment in , Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London. Pallbearers were two nephews, Clifford Spackman and Evan McDonald, of Gualph,. also Reginald Knight, Thomas Woodward, Carman Cann and William Sillery. 1048 FORD SEDAN. good vomit, tion, $0{). phone 35-e-10 Dash- wocl. 16 L-16 C 1111.1: 0 RANGE, In .good wonting condition, $50.0(4. AnPlY Mrs, Geralti-chapniap„ phone 5384- .tt 16Xeter. 280 23 PULLETS, 'White Rock, anti 24 cockerels, 6 months old. Ap- ply Cann'a 41.1.111 Ltd. 28c AXMINSTER CARPET. for hall, grey with border, -914 feet long and 27 inches wide, Priced reaeon- able. Aim's, 'Times,Adtteate. 28* flIftf,TYS BICYCLE. sidewalk, V. C. Higgins, with outrigger rear Itheels, $10.00 Phone 1198-J-2 Ex- eter, . 2Se '57 PLY$1012trIt Belvedere, nice and clean„ radio, heater, new tires. Phone 297-W Exeter, 28:5* n0Y.4.r., TYPEWRITER, new 1057 'Citadel" model Portable, regular $119.30, special clearance at 3901 Ideal .0 h r i s t .m as •gift, Exeter Thnee-Advocate, phone 770. 28:51219 sTratizsq, International, Pre- lude pattern, 12 pieces, cost 340; for $30; blue satin formal, mitts, bolero, crinoline, size 12, worn once, was $64 Per $20, Phone 144 , Grand Bend. '1 28" • CHICKEN FEEDERS, 24utubot 4. ii -ft, automatic waterers, Phone 593 -id Exeter. . . . 28* LADIES' MUSKRAT COAT, long celltre back mink shade, alae also muskeht jacket, size 14; both In. good condition. .. Apply. 109 Empress .Ave„ • RCAF Centralla. 28* KITCHEN RANGE., Clare jewel, porcelain, in good condition, Ap- ply David Blackwell, Parr Line, phone 85er-8 Zurloh, 28* MOVIE•PROJECTOR, 8 nim. new, Keystone Bright Beam, 500 watt. air cooled lamp and•glass beaded sereen; also Hoover apartment washer. Apply 105 Paricdale Ave., RCAF Station Centralia, phone 747-W-4.. 2Sc LADIES' CLOTH COAT, navy, size 16, May be seen at MED -Town Cleaners. 2Se • CAREY SAIE — $50.00. Apply at Times -Advocate. tfc• • A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE B OF M Between you and me... and my bank C. E. Shaw, Manager . — Exeter Branch, Bank of Montreal Even for a banker, figures can be pretiy cold things by themselves. I always find that you have to look beyond them before you can get a true picture of what they really represent • • . of what they mean in terms of people like you and me — and our endeavours. Take my bank's annual report for 1957, for instance. The two•and-a-half billion &Mars shown on deposit is quite an impressive figure. But what's behind it . s • !what does it represent?, The answer amounts to this: it represents the money you have saved through your own industry , and thrift --• money whichwe use to finance enter- prises of every size and description . • . to help farmers, fishermen, lcusinessmen, store -keepers, schools, churches and -industrirs to prosper and grow. In short, it is your money that's helping build a stronger, more prosperous Canada. Every dollar you • sive at my bank plays an important role in the story of our country's and our community's — growth. It's a role all of us can be proud of — you and 1• • anl niy bank. ' The. B of liVe 140th Anniversary Report covers' ▪ the widespread operations; of Cansnla's senior finan- cial institution for the year ended October 31st, 1957. From its wealth of facts "and figures I've picked out three of the most significant features of the Bank's annual story. They are the life -blood of Canadals .economy. . , OAN Hu rill • • . 40 20,11/01 •(44401441 • Highlights of the 6 of M's 140th Annual Roped DEPOSITS amount to S2;632,251,201, well over half of which is the personal savings of Canadians in all walks of life. The re- mainder is money deposited by businesir firms, institutions and 4 governments. The bulk of- this money is hard at work in tiro form of loans to people and businesses of all th4Cit, LOANS, at $1,437$36,447, esiablislt now record, The H of loans in Canada the highest 146 its history— are helping every bratich of the Canadian economy to prosper. Large and small, they have been made to business and industrial enterprises of all kinds to tanners, fishermen, oiilthcfl, mitiors,ltimbermen and ranchers to citizens of every tolling, to provincial and t, municipal governments and admit districts. INVESTMENTS in high-grade governmot bonds Sirieuitted to $651,133,040, This money helped to finance many important ; 4 • government project*, designed fot eferyones benefit. Other securities held by the Hank — which inelodo a diversified list of high-quality short-term indult:fig issues brought total invest -7 hieing to $812,675,309. ' BANIC,Or' MONTIttAt 64444 9/44ai at44 *•b SittlitillAN 100 StAtletitt Al4A6t1 mid; t,vior* 1st sorry waik of We atta .1k17 FOR SALE DRAIN TILE' 4 leek $ 55 per Id Del'd. 5 inch per, M i; tueh 110 per M Dent 7 inch 145. per Al Del'd $' inch in per td Uei'd Y'Al and Elbows in Stock prices for 10", 12" and 14" • on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE tonintioin Phone 192 Lucian, ut fn. TOYS! Beav,ers ItEtsetneat Toytown. is open all year round. Gifts for .phigaree's :parties. birth, days. etc. for 3.11 agee. Beavers. Hardware, 3tfn John Strange, 79 Dies In Toronto John Strange, 79, of Exeter, died Wednesday in Branson Hos- pital, Toronto, where he had been taken last week after he became ill during a visit with his son, Frank, and family. A native of England, Mr. Strange and his wife operated a general store at 1VIcGuire, Mc- Gillivray township, for a num- ber of years. He later turned it into a chopping and woodwork- ing mill. He was a member of a popu- lar barbershop quartet which entertained throughout the dis- trict. Other members included Tony White, Charles Haggar and •a M. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Strange moved 4o Exeter in 1938 where he con- ducted •a mechanical repair shop beside his home on Huron street. Mrs...Zrange died in 1950. A Mason, Mr. Strange was the third member to join the Ailsa Craig lodge after it was formed, He later transferred to the Exe- ter lodge. He was a member of James St. United Church. His family includes one daugh- ter, Grace, Mrs. Walter G. Ward, whose husband • is vice- president of Canadian General Electric; two sons, Frank and Cyril, who are well-known in radio and advertising industry in Toronto, .111e also has one brother and one sister still • living in Eng- land. 'Tentative date for the funeral is Saturday, November 30; It will be held frail the Hopper- -Hockey Funeral Horne with Rev. H. J.' Snell in charge. • Town Topics Mrs. 'Charles 413ratd, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam McKenzie and with her Mother Mrs. Ezra .Laniport.. Mr. and- Mrs. Malcolm Kirk- lancl„Kitchener, visited with the, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkland, over the, week- end. - Mr. and 1VIts. Harold Lindsay and Mrs. V. L. Roulstod, of Simcoe, visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Howald. Mr. and Mrs. ' Stewart Mc- Bride, David and Julie, of To- ronto, spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. A, McBride. Mrs. Thomas ,Collingwood re- turned home on Sunday after spending three weeks in Vic- toria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hummel of Milk River, Alta., and Mrs. A. E. Johns of 'Hamilton visited last week With Mr. and Mrs. Wesley John and relative's. Mr. Hummel •has' been the success- ful sBarley King for the past three. years at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maybe and child of Windsor visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Ed Dorey over the weekend. • Parsons-Cannonf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Finlay- son, Kippen, attended the wed- ding at Bridges St. United Church manse, Belleville; on Saturday, November 16 of Hugh Parsons to Karen • Cannonf, Belleville, in a quiet ceremony. • *••i•••••••••••••••••,•••••4~•••••••.••••‘.....•••••••:•••••••••*. Comments About Kirkton. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hall Board Euchre The Hall Board held a euchre in Aberdeen Hall Friday eVe- ning. Prizewinners were: ladies' high, Mrs. E. Cowdrey; lone hands, Mrs. -C. Scott; men's high, Harry Rodd; lone hands, Tom Crew, ' Tickets Were sold ori a thicken and It was won by Lloyd CoW- drey. W.A. And W.M,,S. The November Meeting of the W.A. and W41Vt. S. was held in the church basement. Tvventy. seven members amiotred the roll call, • Mtg. 11, Paynter tondueted the Worship set -vice assisted by Mrs, R. Tufts and Mrs. T. Elliott. The slate of officers for 1958. was presented by the nonlinat- Ing tonimittee. Mrs. Alex Crag° and Mrs. It, Ilaziewood read re- ports from the W.M.S. rally held in Woodham. Mrs. Med Alien took the study book and a Christian Steward. ship paper was given by„, Mrs. • tickell. DurIn g the W.A,'"ineeting, plans Were made 1.0 eater to a banquet on Saturday, NeveMber 30.•The slate of officers for 1058 Was presented by the norninat, Ing committee. Personal Mr, and 'Mrs. Burns Mackie:, and family visited Sunday with M. and Mts. flay Stacey of Avonton. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliroti White of Brantford visitod on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs, 3. WilliatilS. Mr, and Mrs. bon Newcombe and family 'of Thotadale visited Sundtt,with Mr. And Mrs, Dave FOR SALE 41 11,16f1PE118, Holstein X Hereford, due 194 b'ebrtlarY. Apply Frayne Parsons, 11.11. 1 Hensel], phone Exeter 453,r,22. ' 28* CO$IVOI1T COVER. Tor Xnterinte tional Farmall 11 tractor, in goqa condition; price '412,00 Ari,piy Render, plume 699 -re 12. 28e HAND-ZIADE ARTICLE'S — Mrs. llyndman, GS Huron it. East, line on display from now to Christ- mas, hand -made ankles suitable for gifts., eases. Ittitcheon Sets, guest towels, baby sete, mitts etc. Some needle- polet pieces, 23 inches and plc, ture size and yarn to work them. III/err:me welcynie to Call. 280 FOR RENT APARTMENT., furnished and heated, Beavers Hardware, Phone 86 Exeter., 7tfc 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, d -o wn., Stairs, ni oder n, self-contained, heated, partly furnished, private entrance, suit one on two adults - Apply 145 Victoria. $t, 'W. or phone Kirkton 64-J1-7. 14:11tfe STORE 011 Main Stret, opposite. the Post Oftice. Availahle Oct. 1. Apply at Times -Advocate. 9:19tfc APARTMENT, tipstairs, 3 bright rooms, and bath; $53 monthly, un- furnished, for bachelor or bust- ness couple. No children ,please, because of office below. Apply J. W, Wein, phone 7 daYs. 306 evenings. 29tfc APARTMENT -- Furnished and heated, private bath, suitable for two people; available December 1. Apply 70. John St. East. 21tfc 1.10'1JSE, close to airport; avail- able Seemlier 1, Elmore Mc- Bride, phone 322-W-12 Exeter. • '21•45c APARTMENT, heated, furnished, 2, bedrooms, private entrance: available December 14, Apply 92 Main St„ phone 162-W. 28" APARTMENT, cloarnstairs, 3 rooms and bath, available now, bed -sitting rooni with private path, partly furnished, available now; store, on Main street, 11x40„ heated, available now. Apply Mrs. Gladys Henry, phone. 348, 28' FURNISTII6D COTTAGE, inimed- late possession, suitable for • two adults. Phone -276 • 'Sc 3 -ROOM .APARTMENT, on Main 'street, ground floor, front ent- rance, heated, utilities paid, new- ly decorated, avallable now. Phone 76-M Exeter, 28' 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE, on Andrew St. Apply William 3. Thomson, Centralia, phone 103-r-4 Kirkton. 28c APARTMENT, furnished,. flr st floor,. ,freshly decorated, steain heated, suitable for 2 people. Available December 2. Phone 135. 28c • REAL ESTATE 'HOMES FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter MODERN 2 -bedroom home. Large bright 11Jng morn. Small dining room. Nicely arranged kitchen. Three-piece bath. All floors are covered..'Walls pla.sterech Fully insula.te. Oil -burning furnace. A complete home. Moderately priced. 2 -STOREY BRICK — Four bed- rooms. Living room, dining room and good Vitchen. Three-piece bath. This is a -compact, well- built home. Goad roof and' par- ticularly fine basement with steel furnace. For a short time this home can be bought for $6,000.00 cash or $6,600.00 en' very easy terms. • SMALL nomn in very choice 'citation. Convenient. kitchen and 3-pleee bath. Oil heated. Every- thing in good condition. Suitable for couple or small family. Low price. Terms. REDUCED PRICE—Choice, brand new •3 -bedroom home with at- tached garage. Nicelyfinished kitchen. B 2 Lii r o o rn in colour. Floors covered. High basement -with t t 1- burning furnace and tubs. This house is beautifully finnshed. $4,1)00.00 cash will give you possession. B aka ri 06 easy terms. APRTMENT HOUSES—Let us give you, the details. FARMS—We have several we will be pleased to show you, To buy or sell, see' C. V. Pickard, Realtor and General In- surance, 304 Main St., Exeter, phones 165.and 628. 11:216f0 BRICK. HOUSE,' 3 -bedroom, new oil furnace. 2 blocks from Post Office, $6,600. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-X. • 7tre FRAME) HOUSE. 7,rocon, 3. bed- rooms up with 3 -piece bath; 1 bedroom or den and 2-plece bath down; hardwood floors down; oil libel; adjacent to schobts. Apply 236 Andrew St. 1219:26c • ' 1 FLOOR, instil brio, living room fireplitee, 2 bedrooins, fall batit nice kitchen., full cellar, furnace, hot watee tank, central Iodation. 2 -STOREY HOUSE,. 'kilo furnace, 2-pleee bath, hot and cold water, heaVy duty wtring, garE age,Early posSession, ' ' 11:28tfc FRA.111.11 HOUSE, 3-bedrooin, in goed bendition, less than _half cash,„balance by month like rent. 'Why rent? ,. 9 :12tfc Write, phone or come. W. C. retiree, Realtor, Exeter, nitwits 436; Earl Parsons, phone 507, Fred Cole, phone. -538-W, Sales - Inert, . lltfc 150, ACRES oil highway, 2 Miles Reim Exeter; 2 baeng„ driveslred, 6 acres of 'Wheat, 7 Acres perrnan, ent pasture, 25 acres of bush, 65 aerea fall pletighing. Newly re - Modelled 4 -bedroom honee with 3-plece bath, furnace; butit-in cupbtiards, the floora. For for - titer .intortnittion contact faX 11/. Tir0es4Acivecate. •MS* . 3-r-tvon.00:oi moaerit home, liv- ing room, 3.pleee bath, kitelien, cupheartle, breezeway, et- taelied garage, $1,300.00, reaSett. able dotvri. payment. 3,1316D11.0631 houset, 'dee)ter a professional mitt), *OM furnace, eMplete, bath, large living 8t0111,: gai•age, 0 071 trally located. $8,760,00 with terms. r„vrt.ot BRICK' HOME, Centrally Ideated, Wired for &index, 3 l001418down, .1 'Minna up, emit side o' teren, attached getrito, $13,30000 with tertita. We have a riuMber of 4-0 to 450 acre 'rants for vote inspection. $11., IW. 41Act:5O16, :Hoot likide Phone 011 • ferend Send 'MEL 4t, tattititItt, Aitent i'llithec 164,44 Itinditti'ond (14hip0eal 28e I1010116 ileW vigor. Ostrea ttito • e MI Tat1101141 •OStreg Tonle Tablet& for thi0 60 d Uggittli thibblii rethink; now neaitity :1:11:"V tittri, ircr",!kgs : 10, 15 ,1,14, No part tee, T.„11 kINNY 'MEIN WOMENT GAINT, $ _106:Aiiu:„.4Ler • • 1... • The TbneemAdverAto, November 21* WANTED - buy any kind of horeee, heavy or light. Btly, 0011 or exchange. 0411 13$, Prank Taylor, Exeter. Stfc Used Cars vor IteSele, Parte Or Scrap EXETER ALT° W1LIBC144EttS And Sale* Phone Exeter 872, Grand Bona 8 153 'Wellington $t. W. (Across from Canadian -Canners) 11;t4tfn 4.TTENTION, P'AIIMERS—Prompt courteous aolleetien of all ,deed and disabled farm animals And Waco, o.11 collect far over -UM lbs., ED ANDREWS, 851-r-11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling & CO, of Canada Ltd. 11:14-12:26* MIXED 4IRA1N„10 ton9 good, heavy. Apply Sandy lililiot, phone 476 Exeter. 28c USED TRTCYCLE or child's pedal car. Dashwood. 30-r-11. 28:5* SKIS, 6 or 7 feet, Phone 453-r- 21 Exeter or apply Mrs, Harvey Hyde, R.R. 1 Hensall. 28” U SED-PIANO—Apply W, ItiarLln, Exeter South, phene 43. 28* K I TO 11141 N TABL 63, moderately priced. Phone 248-W-1 Exeter, 28c BUSINESS OPPORTUNiTIES MAN WAls;TED — Are you die, satisfied with your work? Would you like a business of your own? If se. write Rawleigh's, Dept. K- 202 -GG, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. • 28c HELP WANTED RESTAURANT WORK—Apply in Person at the Mayfair, Restaur- and Mrs, Dorey. 21:9$c EXPERIENCED CLERK for men's wear store for December only. Phone 81 Exeter. 25e MISCELLANEOUS DO NOT feed lice on your cattle this winter and expect a satis- factory gain. Spray thein with Lindane by the Spray Man with. experience and equipment. Tele- phone 966, L, V. Hogarth, Exeter. „•14:21;28:6o BE SURE you order the tops in chickens of this continent. They are guaranteed to live and lay as well if not better than any other breed, when they receive good feed and care. These are the "Weet-Line" Chicks. See your dealer. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, telephone 266. 14:21:28:3e EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG ' 'MARRIED W.0111AN de- sires position consisting of house- work, child care, or baby-sitting, 5 clays per week.. Apply Times- AdvocaterAi • 28c MISCELLANEOUS EVENTIDE 'VILLA. Eventide Villa, a home for elder- ly citizens, is now open at 30 Sanders St., Exeter. The Villa is tinder the management of Mrs. L. Desjardine, 'Exeter. 9:12tfc EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWJNG MACHINES -- Electric portables, by the week. Hopper - Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex- eter. Stfc ROOM & BOARD available fox' 1 or 2 girls in a friendly, comfort- ableough .Apply 420 Maribor - 28' Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, TOols, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, Exeter ' SERVICES WHITEWASHING, CLEANING— Arrarigemtnts can be made. Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 25,r- 19. 9tfc DEAD STOCK: Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 600 lbs. total. Phone collect: Ex- eter 287; William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingerso 11._ 9:6-11:28 Attention All Users! CO-OP tiNIVERsAL MILKERS We -gire free service on pipe lines; pumps, pulsators etc. Parts in stock, ATIREOStl'OIN Help prevent Toot rot. shipping fever elle, by feeding Co-op Aureomycln. -EXETER, DISTRICT CO-OP Phone' 287 Collect Beside CNR, Station '25:6e• • FUR. REPAIR and remodelling, maiiy• years of experience, expert work. Mris, Victor Szymanekl, Whalen Corners, photte 81-r-22. Kirk ton „ MS" NOTICES TOWN 01' E-N-ETErl- Notiee re: COLLECT/ON 01" TAXES WM bo in the Town Hall on the following days for the eel - lection ot 'taxa: SaturdaY, NoVernber 4111 From 1:30 to 6 and 7:30 to 0 Monday, December 2 Prom 3 to 6 and 7:30 (4,9, ERIC H. CA.RSCADDEN Tax Collector 14:21:118e TOWN' Ole 16XETER NOINTINAVION• -a. ELECTION .1Publie notice 15 .hereby give') that Meeting of the elettere the •t0Wn of Egeter Will: be held in the Town Hall eit Friday, NO, ventiber 22, 1057, between the botire 'of 7:36 •O'clock and 8;30 .0 clock" in the • evening' 'for the •PhrPOst or:making. and receiving liOnlinatteritt. for, $taytir, Reeve, DentitY*IteeVe, and- alx. •Ceititeil- lerS Ler the. year. 1958 and for ono )1tiblte MIMICS Cerritillindeiter far the yearit 1968 and 1959 and Ter 'three IneinberS- of the Public fiebeel Betted for the years. 1958 and t And 'further •neilee is hereby gitien that in OVent 04' refire tan- dIfittiett„.being brepoSed and (WM, ng t ifYiee Mitt • particular billet 1.11111” re- ti 1. • bo rIe4.ite(1, 'G. • piteeediligici WM be adjetartted to Menditatt,. IDeCeinber 104, When 00111 Shall be elietied (rent O'cleek a.in, Wait e• O'clock at the felitittrieg plaee4 •tiVitit the Underinefititirled °filters 111 aharge .14, fitted by totvit PolUng Stilli,DIVISlen NO, 1-A.e‘. Itt ,t4h0Wreelitit 'Fred Isto!tori. ,10111,111.6 SV,'•eht; Gotierg; .14/44.AVAti. • * tit% 641. PO114 v 'Bette,eft 0. 14131. LAihttiVi,dottig lereit'......Nettrion... NOTICES 1).11.0.; Edna Tayiar, l'All Clerk. VolllllW Spb-Divislen No. :1•;Aee at Town UaiI, Alain Street; .:Eral Carsoadden, 1.):71.0.; 1193P - wood. Pall Clerk. Sub -Division iso, 344— at Town Hall, Main Street; Asa' Penhale. P400.; ciraee Wurin, Poll. Clerk. Polling Sub -Division, No. at Olen McHnight's residence, Alain Street; Sarah Laing, D.R.Q.; Lai.tlia, itell0ils•Anii:begklbtrliivgfr,toitot.sja Clerk, trize—e, Main Street; William Allison, P.11.0.; 0.ols Learn, Poll Clerk. It should be noted that when a proposed candidate is net Present at the nomination meeting, me nominating paper will not be .vaild unless there is evidenee satisfactory to the returning of- ficer that the proposed candidate eonsents to be so 314minated, reqAulledstealt elere.srn aretem hhseelievbeys ace"diueurnitig °ulcer 14:21e lY 16geter, -Out., Nov. 12. 1957. ' CLARENCE V. rxcicAnD..% TOWNSHIP OF HAY NOMINATION Public notice is lierehe given that in compliance with By -Law 1.1.1ciatie1'passedr4auttQ oritY gft"r23,Ceiiapt1 er 957, 266, Section 74, ot the,Munteipal Act, a meeting of the .electors of the Municipality of the ToWnship of Hay will be held in the Town- ship hall in the Village of Zur, ich on Friday, November 22, 1957, at the hour from one to two clock P.141„ for the purpose of nominating candidates for Reeve, Deputy- Reeve and. Councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1958, and for two Trustees for the Hay Township Scheel Area, Board for 1958 and 1959. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nominatiqn paper shall not be valid unless there Is attached thereto evidence 40 writ, ing signed by the proposed carte. didate satisfactory to the return- ing ,officer that he consents to be so nominated. In case a. poll is demanded, polis will be opened on Monday. December 2, 1957, in the several Polling Sub -Divisions or trio Township as follows: Polling Booth. No, 1 — School CHloeurkse, No. 2; Percy Campbell, 1)101.0,;..0,; Lorne Chapman, Poll Polling Booth No. 2 — Stewart Bell Residence, Lot 20, Con. 3; Hugh McEwen, 1)41.0.; Bruce Koehler, Poll Clerk, Polling Booth No. 3—Town Hall; Leroy O'Brien..e1414110.; Gordon Surerus, Poll Clerk, Polling Booth No, 4—Town Hall; Albert Hess, D.11.0.; Lorne Klopp, Poll Clerk. Polling Booth No. 5 — School House No, 12: Hilton Truemner. cDieRr.kG.; Clifford Pepper, Poll Polling Booth. No. 6 — Earl Guenther Block: Reinhold Miller, D.R.O.•, Sidney Baker, Po11 Clerk. Polling Booth No, 7 — School House No. 3; .Tas. A. McAllister, D.R.O.; Glen Weido; Poll Clerk. PolIing Booth No. 5 -Jas. Masse Dwelling; F. Ducharme, D.R.O..; Bd. Corriveau, Poll Clerk. Said polls will be kept open for,00lmoohnipnhmo.'clock a.m, until live Dated at Zurich, Ont., Nov, 12, 1957. 11. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer 14:21'28c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE SOME STARTED pullets, Dual purpose cockerels. Order ;January - February broilers now. Wide choice chicks including Ames In, Cross pullets. Ask for complete list. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, or Erie Carseadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 28e STRAYED HEREFORD STEER, onto farm. of LOU LS Masnica, H.R. 41 Credi- ton. owner may claim same by proving property and paying expenses. 21:28:5* DOG—Strayecl from the farm of John 10. McEwan, Highway No. 4, ti -mile south of Hensall, Tues- day, November 19, German Shep- herd dog, with cream head and legs and dark on back; answers to name of "Lucky". Apply to lohn 16. McEwan, phone 699-r-13 Hensel], 2Sc, More farmers switch to Surge Milkers for safer, faster milk- ing. (adv't) gigOgifilfilWCACRICCOCCRIP.10407?°..infgrInginffilifiiiraltilfgr.ininFari aallieetteineellelialleteetesioneseeseeameeosiopeeeleneeletnannantale11110101114144400 • '57 FORD COACH, low mileage *2,300 '56 FORD FAIRLANE COACH $2,100 Automatic, tutone. 57 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, overdrive radio $1;895 '56 FORD SEDAN, a -steal $1,895 '56 FORD COACH, radio $1,895 '55 STUDEBAKER "COMMANDER' VA SEDAN, radio, low mileage $1,500 '55 FORD COACH $1,500 '55 DODGE SEDAN $1,500 '54 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN .... .... $1,450 Automatic, radio, nice, '54 DODGE SUBURBAN, radio, a steal ..... $1,395 - '54 METEOR SEDAN, radio 0,295 1 - '52 MONARCH SEDAN, overdrive, radio ., $1,095 1 '53 FORD COACH ' ' $ 995 '53 PONTIAC COACH, a beauty ,..., .. $ 995 i ,.. '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN . , . „. $ 950 '53 PIXMOUTH CONVERTIBLE, radio ,„..,. 6 650 ,. '51 MONARCH SEDAN $ '51 METEOR COACH $ 550 i '51 PONTIAC, SEDAN ............ „, ............. „....,.,.„ $ 550 $ 550 3 ,... ...... $. 550 1 : ,,.......# $ 550 E $ 495 '52 AUSTIN SEDAN $ 395 .1 '50 STUDEBAKER COACH, overdrive, radio,$ 350 '49 PONTIAC' SEDAN $ 350 '49 AUSTIN SEDAN $ ,150,1 '48 CHEVROLET SEDAN ' $ 150, 1 •• '51 DODGE CUSTOM .SEDAN '52 FORD SEDAN " '50 DODGE SEI5AN TRUCKS 3.. '56 FORD TANDUM DUMP • $6,500, I: '57 FORD 1 TON PARCEL DELIVERY ... .. . ... $3,750, g : a '56 FORD 3 TON DUMP $3,200, . '55 FORD 31/z TON •C & C $2 700. , , 3 _ '54 MERCURY 31/2 TON TRACTOR $2,500 1. ' With five ton motor. - - .. '52 FORD 3 TON DUMP STAKE ..... ., . . ... ....,..... $1,500 I '56 FORD PICKUP, 8 foot box $1,295 1 * '53 FORD 3 TON STAKE $1,295, '53 CHEVROLET PICKUP, low mileage .. $ 795 '48 MERCURY 3 TON $ 295 '49 MERCURY PICKUP $ 195 SPECIALS' [4 The following beautiful truck will be reduced $10 each day until sold: Thurs. Price ; '52 RIO TANDUM DUMP. $1,265 •:; ••• TRACTORS .& IMPLEMENTS I '54 WOOS CORN PICKER, the best! $ 550 '56 RUBBER HALF TRACKS $ 225 TRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS Larry Snjder Motors ' Ford - idsel Dealer PHONE 624 Sales and Service EXETER 1 0010.1 ......... 1000000100100100010101001 ...... 1000 It's Always A With Year -Round Furniture Gifts Soft spoken beauty that smiles at time 4 A Complete Selection Of Household Furniture For 'This ChristmAs Is Now On Display At PHONE SO' opper-Hock y FURNITURE iiiktlikAttiltkAtigiliiittitiAltAtiAttlikkig1141114/11141,404114/1MilititttiNAgitittitilAi$AtilitlititAitAitAtIAttiAtatiiitiii;.: • 44 a' 4. 44,