HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-28, Page 8'10, _ 'Do T1 II,At vocito, Novombor 2E, ,9957 ...aymenlVisit Homes Response 'Splendid ,e eve , Th � � every onaber, 'visitation � in same cases. women participat- of ibe eight churches in this dis- ed. The canvassers assembled in trier connected with the sector; a body in their respective plan was' held on Sunday. churches and were eomnnissiene. Churches en•operatin were' by the ministers to no out tii•a 'Iain: Strteet, James Street,, igen- by two. Before leaving the all andEllinvWe United, church the noon' meal wasoo, Churches; Cavell mut ,Cromarty i vided by one of the wen'sinechurches; Zion - ganizations. Church, Crediton :and i The visitation was the .c1iimax Calvary E'.ti.B'. Church, Dash :of more than a three month's t"waod, [ preparation of a carefully The visiting was done in the; worked -out plan in which the lay after.noen principally by men but members of the churches played • for a very special- Christmas , Bluebird Diamonds "Miracle Of Lova" $coo AND UP Gents' and Ladles' FANCY RINGS Birthstones A Good Flue Te Shop S. B. TAYLOR PHONE 420WJeweller, � .EXETER �01443►0 !? g ; PDr ►JCOO► ' yBa 41..:0*.444104*.oitiowqrstowicv. 4.1 -41tor ,er aortia ; 'Lei &Insley Us Face The Facts lite MRL CECIL. EIMNOO j D .Parsonit t .satt. r BY ,KENNETH SH0 PtCE' lUr. and Mrs. John Scholfield•Chairm r an. McG'illiYx a TYr , p and Elsie of Parkhill spent Sun School Area Board .day with 1Vliss. Mary 13. du uGs. This afternoon I would like to Saturday .evening guests with speak peak to the ratepayers a f 4r. and Mrs. •Cecil Ellwood were p avers o thio • township as one ratepayer to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon: Young and another, forgetting. that 1 am' Linda of Toucan, ants Mr. and one of 'a, board of trustees.x a Mrs, George 1'rest and Billy, are working in the interests of Mr. David Morley has been all concerned. on the sick list. You have been toles this after - Mr. f - 111r. and Mrs. Scott Reid and noon by members of our school daughter .of Lieury spent Sun- board of .conditions that :exist in day with Mr. and Mrs. Murray / our school .area. While they utake Rowe. no .demands of us, I feel that as Guests with Mr. and t1rs. Fred a ratepayer in our township, Fenton durig buriat of 141r, i paying taxes like the rest of 1lilt Beating'were the tatter's yeti, I am entitled to a hearing. daughters, Mrs, Allen Carter .of 1 Back sante 10 years ago,• our Lansing, Miss Olive Ranting,, school area was formed. 'At that R.N. of Sarnia, .also Mrs. Elmo1 time our former school sections Morgan of Sarnia. (and . d I am led to believe there The McGillivray Women's In- were few exceptions) could not stitute met in the hall on Wed^ t v t t _ nesday afternoon. Plans were s .';, 4 44,4 made to. eater to a turkey ban -111: quet to be held 'Thursday eve sit .nni tv for the Federation :of Agri Mr. and l►irs. -Grant Amos and •J+ children spent Saturday eve ring with friends in Exeter. Mrs. Charles ltillwood and son, ,�:! Harry, of Sarnia visited with Mr, :and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Odd. and :+r Carolyn of London spent Sunday with their parents, arouse suffielent interest in their schoolget h toout a and , o the d kh bu- siness a trio siness which had to be done on school meeting day. Our school. inspector of that time did work for and succeeded .in having this area formed. I believe that he had the idea in mind that even Wally our township schools. would be united, and that we as ratepayers would have a rnore. economical setup than the pre- vious administration. In that I think we are all agreed. The grants paid to an area are much. greater than to individual. schools, At that time our schools were not all alike --- some were in poor condition, some fair, and some reasonably goad. Water in any supply, as well as from a health standpoint, was question- able. After 10 or 1.i ye.:rs those the most important part, Many of the lay members who never before had attempted any visita- tion in connection with the work of the church found great sans, taction in the manner in which they were received in the homes and the splendid response. The canvass was not only Thr funds but for a deeper interest in all branches of the church's work; h STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS DURING DECEMBER Something For Everybody. T toflke Christmas Merry( Let us help you solve your Christmas gift problems from our enormous stock of ladies', men's, children's and infants'' wear .and household goods. We will lay away any merchandise . until Christmas. Here are a few sug- gestions: • ;For Ladies And Misses Dresses, coats; suits, blouses, skirts, housecoats, lingerie, pyjamas, handbags, nylon hosiery, handkerchiefs, para- sols. etc. • See, our beautiful Crinoline: slips, from 15.96. LA12JES' & MISSES' GRAND. MERE SWEATERS A .lovely gift, smoothies and orlon feather weight, short and long sleeves, pullovers & cardigans, $5.95 to $7.95. 'BABIES' WEAR_..:. Complete new stock for eltristmas. orTheHome. Towel :sets,,' linens, bed spreads and throws, fancy pillow cases, .table cloths; white ,and/ colored sheets: F-LANNELETTE BLANKETS—Kingcot heavy weight,, white with colored borders, size 70x90, while they last at $5.69 a pair. We now have plain grey Ibex blankets' in stock at 15.95 pair: , EXTRA 'SPECIAL -25 dozen Caldwell make dish cloths, size 12"x12" on • sale at 12¢ Each, 8 for $1.00. BATH MAT SETS; boxed, Christmas special at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, set $3.98 Got Your r Coupons. Hee F•r The Ito $$00. XMAS Jackpot For Men Tony Day Sweaters ' ,,,, , In Lamb's wool and orlon or' pure Acrilai5.95 to $9.96 ¢ Sport ,Shirts $3,95 to $6.95 Arnazing New No -iron Shirts $5,95 to $7.50 .By Arrow and Forsyth,plain white or stardust .Forsyth Scarves 1' ; $1,95 to $3:95 Matching Tie and Sock Sets,,,;,.,....,Y,.,,,.1,.,,,,,;,,,,,,,, $2.50 Chrome Tie Racks,. holds 45 ties ....`,,.,.,,•..........:... '$2,75 SPECIAL1-41annelette Sport Shirts `$1,98' Hickok Tie Bars, Cuff Links; Belts, Billfolds For oys • All -wool liookey Sweaters ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,1 $2,98 SOX • $1.69' Toques ,...„ 98 White Broadcloth Shirts, bow tie, links . $2,98 Flannelette Sport Shirts $1,49 to $ .91 Ski, Cas, Mitts, :Seeks etc, — A Big Variety ?11P44ti on EXETER �'�:yr1, �y��+,ty�1 �{y ��j;�y�J�ys.:.�'�� �1 ��!{��y. !� I �I•rp.Y 1•P ;, 1► 1.l^ d,Y" I,��Tii/.' 31Y ..'. 7F 1 s •rS.7 •:moi 5 izu 3.5 `5 • 5 ts 45 ts • S OP conditions remain practically un - .changed. Why? Can It be :as ratepayers, brat we cannot or will not bring our- selves 'to realize •that one of the first, responsibilities lies in e du- catrn s our oncoming genera- ti;Viele a `. lts sadu s know t that In the past 25 years, the change in time, the' Gradual, has steadily marching ar . hin g o n. While we have gone front horse to buggy days to an age of tractors, coni• bines, hay -balers and forage harvesters, not to mention auto- mobiles from the old tin sizzle age to eight-cylinderbl.'conver. i e t s and Cadillac$, we. are still content to educate our ,children in the sante buildings and ways as our fathers, yes, and our grandparents received their edu• .cation — back in some eases, before the turn of the ,century. 1 ,wonder. 'if time, could be erased if the founders of these old schools would not feel just a little ashamed of the fact that those schools had not turned out better material than what we i of the second, .'third, .and even respect has beep lost. IS That the fourth generation appear to' , not .enough to ,cause tis to won• e av not*put .der if huo, represent.. eP offtoo. 1 I think, my friends, that it is 1long the thin0that we have time that we took a good look been asked .to do in tine ,years; d around us, face facts, let by, past?' . v a o R l gonesand i. e b ns n e b o!', p il that •weydo have the intesti- nal fortitude le face tomorrow , wi a f r. khor t +ea �• Su Support It would ,seem to nae that ourp * would not unlike our ;churches the re - schools S d 1 � shouldcommand ���. ,_ o cord Muscular' , d �' ,a .speet of the communities. in which they serve. The recent of some of:: sera '...'h. , attacks by vandals t � � �• our schools make it appear that ,It„U1uUU.It1U111,,,,,,,,,osu lqq,e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,q„ti1r,,,,,,,,i111INiP,t„Ali&llflu, IHI llll„ vo,,,l,i,,,,,,,1, ,,. Cornish, Mitchell Vic. Co CERTIFIED• PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H..1..Cornish L,. F, Cornish 4, Mitchell K, 1M,. Slads 'W. E. Suchard 291 DUNDAS: 'ST„ Dial 2.2651 I QNDQN, ONT,. A11111,Iill llllllillllllll1111111l II IIl11i11111111111111111111111141.11111111111illltllll/tllllll/11111lINIIIIIIIIIII(IlJlllllll 1, 111111114, In'EXE TER For The, t„ wiuv latm as eatUr�: Plus '�rese Xm C41NIN ROL SINGING . • �Q xore6 8Y Council Afternoons, Sp Saturday pEtern Sato / SNO Afternoon Saturday .Every For Cbllctren► 'D�,��� "'iCORX All Lit Uel Streets, Homes., . ' � Stores, RK1,�,�' RES P A of Parking. Space Available. ,Plenty of ;ICI CSelection In Exeter'• YeV`il find A Complete r Christmas • • CKP aoo.o Cash Prizes ! Sat., Nov. 30 Sat. Dec. 7 Sat.,, Dec. 14 Saturday, Dec. 21 . -. A e • • .s . $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 $500. 141 ,:V t'. Every purchase you, make in participating Exeter stores between now and Chriitmas betters your chance to win these big cash prizes! Draws will be made a$ soon after 10 p.m. as possible but you <don't need to be present to win! Enter now . enter often, Here's your chance to win a really BIG Christmas gift from your progressive Exeter merchants. FREE Chcince With EVERY Purchase. (Minimum Amount 250 'These ...EXErER tores. Food Markets A & H SUPERIOR DRURY'S RED WHITE - EXETER FROZEN FOODS FINK'S MEAT MARKET FORD'S FOOD MARKET PRAYNE'S GENERAL STORE SANDERS' GROCERY Jewdllery Stores JACK SMITH JEWELLER St 0. TAYLOR JEWELLER Stationery Stares CHOOSA BOOK SHOP EXETER TIMESADVOCATE Cleaners BRADY CLEA4ERS MOTOWN CLEANERS Shoe Stores 4MYTHIS SHOE STORE WIJERTH'S SHOES Miscellaneous ERSMAN'S BAKERY F. W. HUXTABLE SAVOY BARBER SHOP JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS LTD. GUENTHER TUCKEY TRANSPORT Furniture Stores DINNEY FURNITURE HOPPERtHOCKEY FURNITURE Restaurants ARMSTRONG'S RESTAURANT OTHER'S COFFEE SHOP Clothing Stores LLOYD FORD'S MEN'S WEAR GOULD & JORY IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR WALPER'S Variety Stores tHAINWAY GREENE'S VARIETY Hairdressers YtGO-I3Y BEAUTY SALON Drug Siores BROWNING'S HUNTLEY'S IDA ANDREW JOHNSTON DRUGS Auto Supply GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS CANADIAN TIRE STORE EXETER MOTOR sALES MATHERS BROS. SNELL BROS. GARAGE SOUTH END SERVICE LARRY SNIDER MOTORS WILsON OROS. • Hardwaresilectric BeAveRs HARDWARE FISHER'S HARDWARE LINDENFIELD'S LTD, RUSSELL ELECTRIC TRACK/AIR HARDWARE Open Wedne day Afternoons Until Christmas 1%44; Early! 4 *goo:4o* imounittootooktonotomonotionnonstouncooksmowtonninompontroolognitotittotol •