HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-21, Page 103 The Titt+nsi.Advecatsr :Novennh rr 21, 195T !101441104114111410,11100111411141114101.11NId111ntg1111µ1titail U alutI.H.1WItta1t1114114111,ntnS111(µ1.11lb,6 !.Glenn. Fish AS Cauncillor I stand, firmly on the 1957 record --a record. of co-operation and working together in the best 'interest of Exeter. Vote Fisher X '04111101.1.nm11ltetnn11111111tlllllllelllptlllll inuttenuIt111111 enentimion a scus 11t111llltlilli pie „114,1111111111111!11111111,it11t4n1111111111111111111l111111111411111t111111111111111111illlmlllt111111111n1111111111,1111/1111111114 Re -Elect Ross Taylor For Council • THREE YEARS ON COUNCIL • VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE Your Support Will Be Appreciated sa nmmmnlulni,luunnta1111utt11r1111uuuttuuutt11tt11unnrom11tt11mnuu11n11Hun11utuu11unt11nm This Wtek In. Thames Road Gy MRS. WI.i.I.IAM RHODE Airs. Itobert fIern and Linda of Jarvis visited a few days last week with Air. and Mrs. John Selves. Ann,ouncements BIRTHS \1( IOLSON--Mr. and Mrs. Alike' Nicholson. of -Grand Rend. an matinee the birth of x .daughter, Karen Gail. at South. Huron Hospital. Novenlltber•29. 1937---a sister for Michael. Aiss Nancy Passmore i� visit- ' SIMS—Mr. and Mrs. Iran Slum ing with, her sisters, rs Miss Rose -1 Reiman. announce the birth a f n Steven a1' •. a eon, William, atSouth miry PaSSlllpre and Air, and Iluron kiospital, November 22. 1857. Mrs, Morrison Caswell, Brant- ford. Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgert moved to their home in Exeter on Tuesday last. IN MEMORIAM -COATES In, loving memory of '1"Ullam 13, Coates, who passed away November 27. 7856. Misses Margaret Bray .and "Wears do by but memories stay. Marion Lamport of London spent! Asnear baecedd by as y stere and the weekend at their homes here. Air, and Airs. Edwin Miller were :guests at the Dickenson- Tuttle wedding at. Granton Unit- ed Church an Saturday. Ur. and Mrs. William Snow. Billy, Bobby and Jimmy were guests on Sunday with Mr. and: Mrs. -Roy Nickels. of London. Air. and Ars. Alvin Passmore and Beverley visited on Sunday family. 28* WAL.PER--1n loving motion- of our dear Mother, Caroline Wai- ner, who passed away Novena- ber 21, 1947. Asleep in Hod's beautiful garden,. Sheltered from sorrow and pain, Some day wen life's jottrney is ended 1Ve'li meet at the end of the lane. —':ver remembered by her family, Linda and T,tbeodore. :S* SNELL--in laving mentor)" of a with Air. and Airs. Clifford Aioir dear 'Mother a,nd grandmother, of Hensall. Annie S. Snell, who passed away one year ago, November The Sunday School icholars are asked to bring their dona- tion of money on Sunday, De - ember 1 for the White Gift service which will. be held on December 8. The flowers on the communion table at: Thames Road church on Sunday were placed there by Mrs. Robert Simpson in memory of her father, the late Mr. Wil- liam Alexander, who died last week, Airs. Fred Johns of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hummel of Milk River, Alta., Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Elford, Ava and Michael, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bray and Robert were guests on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. William Elford. 3.M. Club Meeting The November meeting of the 3-M Club was held on Wednes- day evening in the basement of the :church with 18 present. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery were in charge for the evening. Mrs. Melvin Gardiner Presided for the Meeting. The theme was "Compassion". Mrs. Robert Jeffery read a story. The scripture lesson was read by Reg Hodgert and Mrs. Gar- diner gave the meditation. A story was given by " Mrs. Reg Hodgert. For Councillor Murray A. Greene (VARIETY*STORE MERCHANT) Vote As You], Like, But Vote On Monday, December 2 FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS Phone 576-J Don't Let This Happen * Here . , Keep This Community Accident -Free During AFE.D.RIVI NG WEEK DECEMBER 1 TO 7 Because the mounting accident toll has become a matter of grave public concern, the Mayor and Members Of the Tows' Council request all citizens of the community to join. in the nation-wide observance of Safe Driving Week, December 1 to 7 inclusive. The objective is to avoid all accidents during this seven-day period. The Council urges everyone to obey all traffic laws and regulations in an effort to avoid accidents, riot only during Safe Driving Week but during every week of the year. The Council also requests that citizens co=operate With their Police Department to Blake this community a Safer place in which to live,. The Town Of Ex.eter VE'E`R",' Moyor C1 V"r :PICKARD, Merit ; 7, Deep My our hearts there's .a picture Of a dear one gone to rest; In mem` ry's frame we will keep Because she' was "One of the best." . Ever remembered and sadly CARDS OF THANKS missed by her fan A ws« . '� AN KS 1Ve wish to thank all those who ea kindly remembered "Irene with ,cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in 'Victoria Hos- pital, London, and since return- ing home. Special thanks to Dr. Gans, Mtss Claypole and staff, -- Bay, and Irene Pepper. 28* Mrs. Alberta MaeBeath ' wishes tit thank. all those who sent cards and flowers while a patient in. Scott Zltemorial Hospital, Sea - forth; also to the nurses and Dr. Brady'. 28c I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to the lieople of Hensall and district for cards and treats sent to me white a patient at. South Huron Hospital, Exeter; special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff of the hos- pital, Dr. Goddard and Legion Ladies Auxiliary; my d•e e p e et gratitude.—Herb Hedden, Hans 8 I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me while a patient in South Huron Hospit- al with visits, treats, flowers and cards. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and kind nurses, Dr. Fletcher and Dlnney's; also to - those who enquired by phone•at my ]tome.—Mrs. Percy Dunsford, 28* Mrs. Hughes and fancily wish to -extend a sincere "Thank You" to. all their friends, relatives and, neighbors tor cards, memorials and other expressions of sym- pathy at the time of their recent bereavement, They are truly. grateful. 38* I wish to thank MY friends and neighbors who so kindly remem- bered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home.—Meta Keay. 28* Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Richard wish to sincerely thank their friends, n el g• h ho r s and rela- tives for the lovely flowers, cards, visits and treats sent to .Leslie while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since return- ing home. ' 28* Mrs.- Orme and Murray Nish to express their gratitude and sin- cere thanks to all those who so kindly renierinbered thent., in any way during Murray's stay in the hospital 'Mid since his return to Lucan. .?,Sc The family of the late` Mrs, Frank Parkinson wish to express their sincere thanks to the rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their kindness' and sympathy ex- tended to them airing their re- cent Sad bereavement. Special thanks -for the many beautiful floral tributes, cards. Rev, ,f, H. Slade, 'Woodham, Mrs. Ronald Squire, St• Marys Memorial Hos- n1taj staff, Dr, 'Davis, pallbearers, Marriott funeral home, St. Marys, and all those who helped In anY way. 280 We wish to thank our many friends and relatives who re- membered us with cards, treats, gifts and flowers while in St. roseph's Hospital and since our. return home. Joyce Preszcator and ferry. 28* COMING EVENTS BAZAAR, bake sale and tea, Hensall United Church, Satur- day, November 30, 3 p,m. Spon- sored by the W,A..of Chiselhurst United Church. 28c ANNUAL 'TURKEY BINGO, De- cember 9, at 8:15 p.m., Mt. Carmel Hall; 15 turkey rounds; chickens for extra draws. 28c EUCHRE'& DANCE, Town Hall, Hensall, December 6, 8:30, p.m. Draw for 3 -tier _ Christmas cake;; lunch prize; Norris orchestra, Admission 50e. Sponsored by Kippers East Women's Institute, 28c Cave�n Xmas Fair Sat., Dec. 7 3:00 p.m. EXETER LIBRARY Baking, Fancy Work • and Candy TEA WILL BE SERVED reemerei Exeter District CO-OP ANNUAL MEETING RE TURKEY BANQUET Fri , Nov 29 '7:00 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Stew Mother', Lueknb''w, first Ay Rip in Huron County Vitriity I'rb>jhatrf Banquet Tickets 1`.3$ Buy frit l blr.af.rrl Of if O'ff'ice DEATHS 1IO1,Z1IAt'S IR Suddenly, on Thursday.' November "+. 1957, Ella (,+aileron. wife of Otto F. llolzhaueer of 212 South. Ohio Street Avalon. Mother ,of Rua - C.. .. Aire. Elisabeth Rogers, Aire. (1riatIne' k aneYand t ar o- 1fn kiolzhau er, at home; sister Aim JSablle Wein Greditop and Airs, .Edna Pempte of Ma - ram. Penn.: also six grand- children. Interment in Green- wood Cemetery on Novetnber IL HUGHES -- Suddenly at his late resilience in Stephen Township on Friday, November 22 1937: Edward James Hughes, beloved husband of, Nellie Green.. and dear father of Mrs. V. Hyslop (Edna). Windsor, anis Donald. Leroy Hughes. Hamilton, In his seventieth year. WEEKES—At the Heywood Nurses ing Home, Exeter. on Friday, November 22. 1937, Atiriam Weekes, or Exeter, in her eighty-third year. ,CLARE —Passed away In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Friday, November 15, 1987, Effie Lewis, beloved wife of Francis Clark, Crediton, in her , eighty-first year,Interment in Exeter •ceme- tery. FlA)'TFIR-••Passed away In Toron- to on Thursday, November 14, 1957, in her eighty-first year: Interment in Grand Bend ceme- tery. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. hurray Nell, Exeter, is entertaining at a trousseau tea on Wednesday, December i, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and 7 to 9 in the evening, in lranoUr of her (laughter, Beverley, whose marriage will take place on Sat- urday, December 7, 1257. 2$c The Women's Missionary So- ciety of Whaler! United Church are celebrating their fiftieth an- niversary on Wednesday, Decem- ber 4. at 2 p.m. Special program is arranged for the afternoon. All former members or the society are cordially invited to attend. 28* Topics From Zion sy ,M.11S1.ILAN1 -D 'KEMAN Mr. and Mrs. Harold l•Ient and Mi. Bob Hera of Jarvis attended .the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto,. op Thursday. Mrs, Bob Bern andLklda returned hoi1 to Jarvis on. Saturday after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. IL: „Herm Mrs, Epllriam Horn visited Thursday with her brother, Mr, Win, Stephen, who is a patient in Stratford general Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Warren Brod;, attended the Dickinson•Tw,tle, wedding on Saturday in Gran. ton United Church, Mr. Milton Brock is..a patient in. South Huron Hospital, Exe•. ter, Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jacques and children visited with "Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Dobson, Dirk• ton, Sunday .evening. Mrs. Morris Bern. returned to her home on Saturday after spending some time at St. Jo•• seph's Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kern .and Mr. .and- Mrs, Bob Kinsnriaal, Kippen, spent Thursday and Friday at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Mrs, Ross Hera has re- turned to Detroit after spend- ing several days last week at her home. Mrs. Norman Brock had a brush demonstration at her home on Monday evening. , Mr, and Mrs.. Roy Dykelnan, Exeter, spent Sunday wit Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bale, Lon- don, visittd Sunday evening with. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Johils and family. ,111111111,111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a1111111i,111111111,1111 n1l ll 11111101111 lllu 1lnnl 111 illi IlllllllII llll • Vote Ralph Bailey FOR COUNCILLOR 1958 After serving five years on council, I have again allowed my name to stand for election. Your support and influence at the polls will be appreciated. • t!,11111111!111111111111,11111l l 1111111111011111111(11111111111111111111111111111O111t1111111111111111111111111111 hill l 1111!1111 t 1111. 11111111wq111t11111111111 umunmu uinnnlnW nuiunnnll nununn1111nuluuin In wlu umnluuntlunuuin4 Vote For Claude Farrow -For Council Your Support' Will Be Appreciated 1t111tlllll nestmentun!11111111 amnllinllnlillil1111u11111111111t111tlm11111111111HWll ]111111111 mull, 1t111111111111t1' , SAFE -DRIVING WEEK December 1 to 7 ',Sponsored In The Interest Of Your Safety By W.. H. Hodgson "The Insurance Man" PHONE 24 EXETER r0nnuntintuthillnlrtunnitutim.mint 1:numnsoum uttotlnutilnl4miaintnnumintlllelettell!. Vote As You.Uke: . . Do try to express your franchise on Monday.. If elected, I shall endeavor to Serve the town to the best of lily ability. Vote For Gec,Reth r. Candidate For Council Z'1111t11111111mottI11111111111t11mottlat kuot t1omitImmtt1,11t11.1.1mowt111111twoli111111otwp1ittiont1111pflot� ,..04tlttlnulntltu111111tttltoylonituitln111,utlnitt11n1unlnlnlnt11111111mIt 11111111m,linnuu11t11tngNutl. Exeter Voters!' I have allowed my name to stand for councillor for 1958 and I would appreciate your support at the polls on Monday. a' PHONE 671•M FOR TRANSPORTATION Alvin E. Pym Nona 1111111ufollo hill no 11111 pllhln llI lllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110*• ..lnnnuuululnnuluu/lllnwlu,uu11un111nmm17lmuuu11lnumulnunnumnlnnuul numil11111lun11111f Cast Your Ballot For RALPH 'GENTTNER Having allowed my name to stand as a candi- date for the 1958 council, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Your support will be appreciated, If elected, I promise to serve in the best in- terest of all areas of our town. . GENTTNER 111111111111111111.11111! 111111111111111111111111111111,1111,111, 11111 t 11111111111111(l. nuumit! 11111,111111111111111111111111n1111H111nt11111111timmntnitiuemnin 11111131 mnuu Hitt l ll1l uuunuly Vote Musser For 1958 Council .After serving two' years on council, I feel I am qualified to do a good,job for the town during n the coming year. I promise to do my ' best for the • benefit of all the citizens.' 1 respectfully solicit your. vole and influence, Bill Musser 6 f.kllltlll minimum. 111lnite 1111 u met muu,111111!111/Inept,1111111111111111111 l 111111101111111111111111tit t11I111` INDECISION 1 ... caused, this fata accident LOCATIONt Rural intersection, fr, Orillill TiMti ' 4:15 pm. BOAD BURFACItt Brevet, Di,y BESULT t One killed. One slightly inlutsd 'the car on the right approached the interbection and Iyio 'ed dowel, Apparently to Wait !Nihil the other CO .held I1aeiled. But, suddenly, the driver changed her mind `it'd began to aceelerate .0. no doubt thinking,. she had time to croitti the interiifectiela, The other driver braked immediately'., but 'couldn't stop in time Rig e*r elatnmed, into the other broadside, The indecisive driver died ,iii hospital. Indecision 'hitt •beer! the 'emote of many liieriouu and fatal, accident . Remember this every time you drive, t i ONTARIO' DitOiN?MitNT Mk TRANSPORT ,,y , n/, 10 ,r, A A 0 1- .w si it A tw, • di 01 4 4. a c ! k k 4 } 4 b r p p p • t f q 11 tit V c 0 ti N' n