HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-07-18, Page 4&IAT M AJO I*)O'ti MH % c L 1:It - el `-111111111111311 ADD111111111.-.AA118 111111111111PW11111,4119M OIL b the Hamas last 'Oft tin` Smitten f; NOW q.eti.a was re by Mr. Pelee freer • dope y, Mr. Sherwood saying tect lust of th. woman •Ao peered Hie ids sad solace of his declining years. SLeri dao grew warm, and ezi& rating es the folly. •1144 sun, at (un tb *Ida mad, "Tum it you many ('.rouse CrAsitibar, 1'll c.t you rff with a.lulhag!.' Tom e4,eii 111 rester rhe opportunity of replyisgl.sM••looking arch!) at hue Imbue, asset, rillse sr, you mops borrow Kt" tt" w Ieu Tem *old o of lar a fdrfuss, knit tie. • C41.1114111.*vakM 441'4 Ltdif.'. e d.y he request um to want rith Alan, mod .eros catered ea•tbe dutoect of his "mit mer A qpiperd 00,4004 Ptak to him to piper • '1.,'',." e,,,g guipure the radventagee el .o Intl..' as ••s sate ,aliases. Tom listened w►t` IAs utaltaN n be ioehred to lel" patience, sed this dipc:aa ed an the per ne.h$trne basis recognised the pie bashed so rials to make a lacuuue opposulua. Mr. Malcolm Cameros appear sal deeiroue, boweees t1 recurring his vote agato.t the measure and tilled for a diet- atoo, sad the yeas and says. 'I'bg lollow- ant wee the reewlt t- Y1as-Metes.. Bolded., 11.11, Boutillier. R.tmtt, Career, Cb.uveat, Davignon, De Witt. Drummond. dumas Ferguson, Flint, Yoursier• K.tetter, You:quis, Guile!, Hall, Meeks, Holmes, Jobin, Lacoste, L footatue, Lama,,*, i.yn.. Jllasdonsfd, (Glengsry.) Murcia*, McCimeril, M.iFarleed, Merin, Methet, Mongen's, Morrison, Nelsue, Neiman, Pspti.ean, Poletie, Price, Risherds Roes Sanborn, tiauvageal, Scott, (Two Monatains,) Atoll h, (Durban) Smith, (Westwunb,l Tache, Thompson, Watts. -46 NAYS -Mews. Beckett, B iulion, (Nor- fnik,) Boulton, (Tnrooto,) Cameron, (Kent) C.yloy,Chabot, Christie, Chrysler, Dickson, tritgy, HnDkine, Johnsen, La 'Corriere, Mac- Nab, Malloch. McLean. Ileum, Robinson 8herwood,(Brerkr;lle,) Bhs►wuted, (Torus to,) 8teneoson, Wilson. -93. 1'M eall .1 the biome muted for by Mr. Baldwin was brought op, when all but silt members &Dowered In their names, Messrs. Culbbtrl, Egan. Macdonald, (Kingston,) Scott, (Bytuwn) sod Smith, (Frootenac.) Tim almond reading of the Represeotau,n Bill was moved by Mr. Lafontaine. Atter sums debate, Mr. He.ry Johu Boulton mov- ed as ao.ednr.•nt that Ib. btU should be read that day tet .months, the house being of opislea that the mores's/atio° .Mould be pawed Os' increase of populau"n, giving to every county 20,000 of the population, one member ; to those with 30,000, two mcr.- bers ; to those with 40.000, three members. Mr. W. H. Molitor' inured in amendment simply that the representation should be based upon population, and that the bill de not pass its second resdinp. Mr. Henry J ib5 Mottos", amendment nu negatived 51 to 19,,dnd Mr. W. 11• Buulton's by 61 to 10, add the original mo- tion for the served readieg of the bill 4•11 put, when there were for the motion, 61, against it, 21. Our readers will remember that this bill required under the provisions of the Union Act, two-thirds of the 84 members of the house to give it effect ; the wooed reading was thus lost by 5 votes. 56 being the number necessary. The fol- lowing was the vote : yeas.-Msein. Armstrong, Baldwin, Bell, Boutillier, Burritt. Cartier, Cauchon, Chabot, Chauveau, Davigoon1 • Dewitt, Drummond, DucJieenay, Dolnas, Ferguson, Flint, Fortier, Fournier Fourquin• Gory. knitter, Hall, Hinck., Holmes, Jobin, La- coste' LaFontaine, LsTerriere, Loans,j Lemieux, Macdonald (Glsigary), Marquis, Merritt, Methot, Moogenais, Morrison, Nelson, Notinao, Polette, Price, Richards, Ross, 8aoborD, Sauvegeau, Scott' (Two Mountains). Smith (Wentworth), Tache Thompson, Viger, Watts, Wilson. -5I. Nave. -M . Bsdgely, Boelton Nor- folk, Boulton, [Toronto') Cameron Corn- wall, ormwall, Caylby, Christie, Chrysler, Dickson, Hopkins, Jol,nsob, MacNab. Malloch, Mc- Connell, McLean, Meyers, Papinesu, Prince Rubinson, Seymour, Sherwood, Brockville, Sherwood Toronto. -21. it will be observed that Hoary John Boulton and Mr. Caleb Hopkins voted against the Bill, all important M it is con- sidered by the Reformers of Upper Canada, asd that Mr. Malcolm Cameron was not present. Mr. Smith, of Durham, Mr. Ly- on, Mr. Stevenson were also absent, although is their plates at the call of the House in the alter000a-Gfobe. • FoRTR"si a Fu■esay.-Ooe of the weal *helot Lan. aahire hod Ter -halm. maeufact urea, Mr Tbrethll, has bees arreat,-d no a charge of furgteg bills to Me extent of £10 000. £Itt,000 had tees dtecuunteJ when he was taken. but the money was recover - el. It it thought be would have 1111 rD the Euro,ia. Lands Returned for Sale, by the Treasurer of the United,, Counties of Huron, Perth, and Bruce, for Arrests - of 'Fax, to the 1st January, 1850. The Township of Ashfield. Lot. I Con. Acres. 1 £ S. d. 3.•..5•••.900 East 9 11 6 4••••"•••• 84 4 12 10 10••••'•••••200 " •••• 11 1 10 I.•••3.•••200 West••• •11 1 10 2.•.•4••••200 10 14 6 3.•••4•••.136. 7 10 103 4.••.6.•••200 11 1 10 5•••••••: •163 88 9 5 5••••8••••200 11 1 10 9..•.3•••• 11 0 7 1:•••9••• •200 11 1 8...10••••200 11 1 1 10 ' 7..•11••••1••.4 • Ii.Tew1 Piet 179.. • • 9 1 0 111 • 1,.•.s100...•:...: 6 to 27 4f ••••114 11 11 6•.••41•.••900 E.t.a••• 11 1 3•••• •.••300 3 6 8•� 9.•.. ....100 5 10 14e.•• ••••200 11 1 Accounts from the gonthern ports of the Bolted State., says the New York Cera• materiel Advertiser are very disastrous.--- There isastrous.-There ere more than onl hundred sed thir- ty ships in the port of New Orleans 6111 - ployed, and without reasonable proapeet of employment et remunerating tate•--. Freights are ruling at the ruinously low rate of one fourth o`a mot per pound to Liverpool, while the prospect is, that the coming erop of cotton will not be equal to that of last year. which scarcely extend- ed to two mullions of bales. Ships are leaving for Liverpool in ballast. or freighted with goods for that purpose, the freight of whish scarcely dehays the cost of landing and disshi rgtog i aeireuostues believed to be almost, if not altogether, without a puatel io the history of American laviga- tloa. Cosovaa'e ingessrr-Aa inquest was he'd before Dr. Wanless, OS Saturdaymor- nung last, on view M aka Asad body of Edward Matthews, Fwq., Dundas Street - • ' 93 1 23 The body was found laying os the floor, GORE OF DOWNIE. beeit$e a pool of blood whieh had tamed 1. • • •4• • • • 114 1 9 9 from a iron shot wound, the anterior ever- 2• • • • 9f1 1 17 101 ted edge of which was situated immediately Letter B 107 1 1 11 behind the loft angle of the lower jaw. ••••.5••••109•......•3 10 3 The wound had involved the destruction of 8. •• • •.•••109 4 0 11 the left carotid arteries. TI. body had a Letter A 100 0 14 1 doubt.-barreiled gun in the I-e(t hand and B• • • • • • • • 100 1 S S the ramrod clenched to alts right. Mr. 1•••.0..•.109 1 2 4 Matthews had bees indisposed for the pre 9• •. • •...109 1 2 04 mous week, with a bthona attack is con 3• • • • • • • . 109 9 1 101 binatioe with mumps. The jury, taking all 8• • • • • • • • 109 0 16 6 Otero adreumstancee into consideration, 6• • • • • • • • 109 2 1 9 together with the feet that Mt. Matthew. 7• • • • • • • • 109 1 4 3 lad been snhj.et to Bta of melanehofv, (rave 8• • • • • • • • 109• . 1 11 9 a verdict of ".elf destruction. while Soder 8• • • •7. • • • do 1 10 8 a 8t of temporary Ineasity.. 1• • • • • • • • de 1 9 03 4••••8•••• do 1 19 03 1 4 3 1 19 03 BIDDTJLPH. • 35....1••••100 26...• ••••100 14••••1••••100 16.•••6.•••100 34.••• ••••100 10 R. Boon'y. 114 • 9 N. ProofLine 112..• 4 ' ••••114 6..•.11••,.118 j1' P1011Tt'11it-e.e, Wali "'°d''. • ;x •u, .••.••1•.•.194••01..: 'Of'/e 1I116 0 •r• ••..• •• • ise.ee.p.aseel as• eht y • .2ti.•••, oar. 4", ..1 J• i 7 sg....... d+w..4e»rd.t N u . h...n:• .., d. p 18 1 g••..k.• em••B IS 11 • .:.111.... 1... M.••.••••1 • 11 .vs'• to . a'• y -404 ea ea••f.-•a ,5 ow. at, • • ace .,...•rTr ..114I.M t.t. r.�tt- A�lev ea. tee ate s,.v r• rs. Was, i'. >wnt. 44•••• ... we 1 9 • - rTUHEttt ..nbsrbM us talonstheiebslbiteMs arnlerrah, t9ep ,r1•Mr! !••••4• • M •0 14 1 .f 0 6 9 STANLEY. 9 19 73 Oed.rrtr 554 it• amity, wailrhasaw cr+se.t • Largs 8s:.pt• d 1M LA7fi BIM• • O 14 i 1:,.,.1'•.:..I.•..100.....' ......... 11 2 PaOVEU phi -flume et t�M'PDR,'8014ICPPOR f••••fl.••• '1*• ... 9 2 0 4" as' S W I1 COOKING B 0 X. �.•..r.. Qp e 14•.••••• •Ipp i • •+ ••= d S 7 ai 5 10 11 i 1 DERICIII• 16.... .. do 1018.411 y South Bay. o re bee Cr. .. . • 9 F.un L.ls Rd. U6 u• 1 19 71 AND PARLOUR STOVES, ALFRED W, r, a Rd6laer 1 8 b 1a le de Pt I ••••• 15 16 17 17 18 94 9 100 which he afore fes L at stM, e. stet. 4 19 9 at his OLD STAND, u LARGEherr So- y 9 7 TINWARE of every description. .••• •••. •.. sincere 19 9 8 hxnl1puvemajA he Ma received dace M bas 011 Tl'CK P.RRMiTIT. bees !e be/mew •s Owdertah, sed hopes by strict boomers, lad moderate ran, it.. ....100 Ilaron RnaJ, 0 11 1 • shared the public patronage ....do ••.. 15 AIMING. PAI. - V PAPER sad act.i, H A NG earrir 12.... ....de ...:....... ....4 12 9 .owhor.of•re. WILLIAM STORY. 0....2.... do 0 14 O.dericb, 6th Sept. 1919. 9v-.31 t1 9.... ....do 0 14 . 10....3....do.... ....... ...0 14 .11.... ....di 0 14 13 do 1 14 30 do 0 14 2-I London Rd -de S 10 1 ]q do 5 10 1 45 do 0 10 41114 14 11 do 0 14 9 li li 1M REDUCED D Pl)ll(, 0 Geartal Agent & COOT Ole het do do 19 8S 99 23 30 31 44 45 46 47 •J1 18 20 21 27 24 _ l O 14 f STEPHEN. The 8abwnphr slap W N cv)u.Rerus OFAC004iNTS 0 14 1 , 4.,..1 ...IW. ODF.RICf1 O 14 1 3 .. .do 0 11 1 pease a,wurtmee of eel. I, 1849.4 I)•mtlf 0 11 S '.. 93.... .du 8 13 11 2, du 9 IS I! Tb..rbeerlbwlakrsahaopporfantnyo<atsr JOHN S'PRACHAN s O 11 1 15 ! 1s' e 10 I! e,e1' s r thanks a IM Peabhe for the •eery BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY LAW, L� • 96 0 Solicit., is aster,y,, Csetdywrtcer, SOUTH EASTHOPE. """'"' to b.. P NOTARY /U•LIC, 1 100 0 18 11 euonaue to du 1 11 3 ^" 111..•• 3 0 N S GR PAINTING. GLA lin his otlhc6 ie West Rvey.el,tiederieh do 3 0 4 11 ... ....do ....... 9 6 3 ZINO. P.1 G 1NG d Goderieh, lnd Jasawrtr, 1860. • 3vy4• do 1 11 it do 0 14 1 do I 8 11 do 1 11 101 2 du 0 14 1 5 81 1 16 73 115 0 14 100 do .: 87 ELLICE. '7 9 100 7 3 1•*0 1 4 100 fr'ULLARTON. 1 1 100 10 1 do 19 1 do 23 1 do 29 do 2'; 2 do 1 1 1l 2 O 14 1 O 16 10 17 3 10 O 18 13 1 12 2 2 6 3 USBORNB. 20 1 100 19 2 do 16 3 do WILLIAMS. 4.16 61 21 1 East 100 1 12 2 22 100 1 12 2 23 ale 0 1S 1- 31 do 0 8 6 3 do 112 2 4 tlo 1 12 2 5 do 1 12 2 7 2 do 1 12 2 19' ' Luo 0 14 1 29 do 01,8 13 12 - 3 do, 1 12. 1.1 17 do 0 14 1 1 5 E. do 0 18 13 a 4 do 1 5 9 2 0 0 5 96 1 10 101 1 9 6 9 95 0 13 4 0 17 3 16 120 1 0 '6 '1 17 Bio. part of 5th O 11 3 . con. 84 acres. 5 1 -7 6 2 98 1 11 Gore do. 74 0 13 8 6 -19 "0 6 15 4 0 1 7 Broken front of • 6th 63 acres. 5 1 1 9 60 0 5 12 15 105 - 0.19 11 .84 1 7 12 '16 100 1 12 19 19 do.0 18 20 do 0.18 26. "' (10 1 12 28 '20 do' 0 14 33 do 0 14 1 34 do 1 12 Sia 7 West 112 1 1.6 24 • 137 1 5 3 3 97 11 1 5 10 1 U 18 0 14 i 7 3 14 1 8 11 O 18 11 3 0 4 5 10 11 51011 3 38 9 A 19 6 do 0 18 11 10 9 1: 3 Mitchell Rd. West, '76 sere 2 19 0 10 3 Et 4 do East, 35 acres 0 6 3 104 9 24 10 61 11 10 10 3 11 10 24 28 3.1 96 31 11 £172 3 51 28 6 6 104 N ba'f 25 5 6 103 33 0'11 1 3d O 14 1 11 O 14 1 34 O 17 0 2 1 8 O 16 0 1 1 33 8....".•..123 9....'••••. 73 11.•..".... 78., 12.•••"••••13I 2 3. Proof Line 85 3...."....18.14 4...."..•. 821 9.•••'1.•••1931 BLANCHARD. West 3 18•.13 29 West 1 19 40 8 N. Boun'y. East 1283. Buun'y. 593 COLBORNE. 5.•••2East 100 4 4 6 0 7 9 O 7 33 O 18 43 O 18 1 2 9 5 O 11 7 3 17 10 33 40 04 O 6 14 O 10 9 1 14 11 2 5 0 4 16 0 3 10 11 14.•••3.•••100 5 10 1.1 2...•4.•••100.... 4 12 1 �.... ....100415 10 11 7••••9••••100 5 10 11 2.••.2 W. 100 0 18 11 3•••• 100 5 6 9 4••••4.:••100 �•.• S 10 11 6......••• 69 014 7 !.••.•••••loo 0 18 13 3•••• •••.too 0 14 1 4•••10..•`•100 4 2 9 3••••E• Lake R. 1003 1.5 0 i6. Like Ikon Coo.••••71•••• 3 19 0 Block E part. 343 10 14 0 DOWNiE. 1•••.!••••100 4•.•• ••••rep, 11•.•••.•.. awe 11••••0...• do 16•••e'l•••• do 9••••0•••• do 8...•1..•• do 71' 9 9 1 2 73 1 6 8 1 12 2 313 6 6 14 1 O 14 1 4 16 10 0 18 1 9••.. .•.. do ..... .•.•. 1 12 2 11•••• .... do ..,t3 4 03 11•••10•.•. do t.•"9 '9 10 13•••11•••• do 0 14 1 GODERI,};11. 1 111 I i 60 80 du ' do do do 410 do do do do 33 5 do 39 do 10 6 do 13 7 do 22 do 3•J 9 de 36 36 39 40 41 22 3.1 do 10 do do do 14 do do 14 du 35 16 114 36 " go 37 46 38 12 3 B.y(J. 66 4 105 5 86 19 170 43 96 46 '74 47 70 Part 2 45 71 81 71 67 5 Maitland, 157 23 88 60 134 70 47 '71 70 30 85 81 107 83 138 9 A 20 10 20 6 B 36 7 27 10 31 • 6 0 93 ria 93 rust Re mem-Hoes they pelf acres, the /rite.-•Pw the information doer Canadian, eteSle►•, eve will mire tion • feet reepeetieg gi weeds, *bleb hes )(int ens* to oar /dente: s, sN we trust it will bare the MEd♦,bleb MEwe fatted by gfeieg it pe Mb betty. A plash rood was g Ron O 4...bergh to Hwnaltew 6 - Le - tines of seven es4ea. This TOM .*0 iUa t%.a*aald dollars per elle, et 01111110, M ate whole, 14etakie, tellb.eeS0, gds W A gent Minim of Preseott iefi**0 web 14.2 10 en1eribad for roe worth K ter .teak. The rend bee bear snot* IM puMM atm months, std a lbw days ago w ymoelsp• enmity dollen neut., as bM ant Aw yearly di.Mend. or 10 pot' Ile, Ir•d a Ilea Armin. that • bone of pot west ere• retained to the noels of slat dlewNere star eentiwgenelss-ae9SP a torn) N*M/p-dial• per ..et Far etanomf Aced 414 a wet 1, awn steam greatest tb.reeglthre 11.4 MI b 4wsliorgb••+PIM.W0 Tele - r 10.•• • •••• do 1 19 01 1••••P•••• 88 1 8 11 1•••• ••••103 1 14 101 l.••• ••.•119 1 6 4 4.••• ••••137 5 1 t 0•.•. ••••109• 1 1t 101 8•••• ••• do 1 18 9 7•••• •••• de 1 • 8I 18.••.• .••• 40 1 14 301 14rau. •... tib 0 16 4 71..10.••. an 3 0 8 i•.• •••. de 4 3 1 '9...... .409 91110 tt.i. •••.111 9 10 9 '•h.... .•..1(18 3 11 o Hai.. ..•. 51 1111 Ii 194... •.••411....%44 8 0 )•4I.�}11.1 98 N 90.8.11....108 .t .. ..pB 114 1 1116•.• do •.•.• • 14 1 tea 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 15 16 10 4 13 2 17 O 9 ! 19 1 5 3 3 71 3 2 14 O 11 O 11 1 5 4 8 O 11 O 11 2 11 3 0 1 6 3 3 9 9 6 .3 9 0 2 1 17 4) O 13 9 8 13 9 • 13 9 6 14 3 4 7 6 ! 11 16 O 13 2 312 6 5 14 7 3 18 4 4 15 10 6 6 6 4,2 0' 3 16 8 410 0 4 9 9 3 14 4 4 4 9 O 12 43 5 5 6 O 6 73 O 9 103 O 16 6 2 0 8 2 8 8 O 8 10 1 1 II 1 10 8 1 5 73 O 19 43 O 2 10 O 2 10 O 2 10 O 3 8 0- . 0, 1 11 061 0 11 14 93 0 4 101 93 0 4 71 93 0 7 9 10 Huron Road 136 ace. 1 9 13 136 9 2 HAY. 1....1....100............ £5 10 11 .... 2.... .... do. ............ 5 10 11 .... 10 West Lake Road 65 acres.., 2 11 8 1 8 9 1 13 9 14 IS 5 MULLET. 0 TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. O\ E within 1 miles, nod the other with• ie about 3 utiles of Godertch'f. wn Plot. The first is I.:T 10 is lot Conces- sion, Tow nship of Goderich, 'CONTAINING 164. ACRES, 1s bounced at the one end by Lake Huron, and at the other by a Publ:c Road, -soil the second is LOT 8 in 8th Ctwcesaton, Colbordb, W,Ui,saion, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, - and is muted at the Junction of two Pub- itc Roads. For Particulars apply to JPO. MIcDONALLI,Seq ,,Goderich, 13th June, 1819. $ .If HURON HOTEL, GODEI%ICH. TAMES GENTI.E3, would re.peotslly la - ./'torn the loh•hitaltts of Goderich, sad Ito vi- cious. that he will cue.tanaly Keep Horses and Carriages • FOR mat. tor which he respectfully eoliths the patronage of the pcLlie. JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 199. - 58.433.11 P IIPT THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS A N 11 PHCENIX BITTERS Th• high sad .,,,,l celerity %Lith thew pre.e.l.eal Moller two h.., .carred foe their hnrbo a .Reser le .n Roo Area.. etre iter) sorer 40 erre: re rendered re 41541 541 pr.ence ..f psis/ law asap ruaeeecon, ar.1 t ..er• 101 1 toy or moo. Tray are br.wwt sy the kala ; M•e g%.•4 w.r.• testify for Intro, asd ter Urine .w t9 rM•i.t.h of 5 lb, credulous. >tiv JUL w _ oANL SSW mmU } rte ACTIIMA. ACUTE and,Cir/ONIC tecta.' VI TIRE. APPLCTnl.a of �1.40.1K n.• atifl.2 Y4. 3Rio 1BLUOU* FEVERS et LIVER COMPLAINTS. - ill Op earth end mai. whew ;haw .1.,w,. roved. Wr ell M h h,,...,e I'4ntnr. 1:ne.•'. lad when. she wet (3 m. thee^ Me,h-n.ee. wa1 nee., .nen,4. be welter them. /11./U4.14 GNOLIC. teal .eROCt Lowness. an.a . CtotT/V/NS54. Ct►1tua do titivate*, CH, tL•C. c:0..UMrrnl!4. Dar %oh prod warn ba 1M drama CUaRUTT nultuxa„ux0PSlsa. • 03 8 0 :' 13- 14 2 1 0 0 £39 18 93 NOTICE. THEBoberrih.rhaeas been appointed Ares' far the .PROVINCiAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. here- by intimates, that hal .a prepared to receive Bob- ocription.for Stock to the Proprietary Branch. sod appllcations for losuraocs in the Mutual Branch. and to give such information on the subject as may be required. JOHN CLARK. 1849. 2r-o34t. 11 11.... ••.• do..... ........ 0 14 1 12.... .... do 1 8 14 - - 3 14 5 LOGAN. 11 •..t•••.100..............5• 10 14 .....14. • .. .... d4........ ..... 6 1. 11 15. ... .••• .........• 6 0 i IR.., a ,.. a ... 6 10 7 17 ... .... do 6 10 1t 4 12 9 19.... .... d..... 5 l• 11 9i. .. de. .•. 0 18 13 Goderieh, 26th Sept. DYSr1RPSI0• .. Parent with Ihit J,., .,. g .r sass, .1..04 May .•.e4 tart .aw.',.o. mn.oi rely. ERUPTIONS er Ute Hon. A:1YSIP1LAa, PLATE Lc'.CY. FEVER awe AGUE. F.e 1lis stew..fth• two Oen emote, those me•Itn.rs 41 be G.td • safe y v,tr. and *1)5.., trendy. Other nr4iestre Inn the .r,vm 0.1•4.4.1 to r mars ,1 the ,h.ee..-• sore hpoen merino. le traraeat- ToV 'torr. a' sa79encO. Asn Re ctiian. F"t: tA•issn J coxrt.s.siArai OIINMELAL 313133iL>;K'tIC, Grrt;Z. OTDDERZAS. OII r%L. UF4DAPr?L'1. desert. •ioe, INWARD /Tr11. IAifflI..oMM4TO1r Rw1VMA res*. pumas MAMA ,iuSlD/la AYESrim. 5/44,3 rim Li'IR OOIRPLAIMTti. L1PtusV. LOO''z'Ls4, 1111CI1CC RSA I. 0/1RASR11r New► feints rewrote fett els all fir ,i-o..f Meer/ ..M ewt ewer a•. the .ata oesera4 esuovs4••+•f `'.,as enih. Muer ti*RArg. NERrOCR DEBILITY. NEP I'br', C6NPL4m' 24 el w Mewl% USOOMG ulat.7ri0b reLPt re l'i"N •If Ur HEART. PAINTER $01.00.10. P2LDS • 'Ta• ,. tgie.l r.'e iel.w s'1 tiros amarlwas err of Fara el se Teen r..d.a et the meet are. l.ds Mabete a .key Fa INS in chs red.**, tont. !mho. pwte and atter R H R V M A T I S 71. TN...tn,c.d ova 11.r tm4Je di.os•r. sal be .m of reef ler rbc LX. l.4da4re 1RV.p et *1.000 tit do SIIIAL►, seance Y. S4LTRIIEU4, 1t•5LLrois. SCROFULA. as ZING'S 311VIL, our sent err, V L C E R A. er eon* dweerrr „r. W 0 19 m .fell knob .' , nwnunlf r .enrP.d be fir. M"h,nss. Pat•••...I: M 1.1t10 rennet. rhe. eine Om these embrace 05..5,4.,{. Rebel ..II b n.,t.... TEE LIFE PILLS AND PL'Qi\I1 BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. And thus remove all disease from the rystem. A•i t•1rt.1winpt..a• LIFE P111S sad X BIT T f E R$ M nae W re.c] is eM .e hwtl.• w eery r.*Msa St. rear. of these mediei.r, .r• taw psi •p 1a .►b. Airs17e r. ••11.1•MK, n'it'er ..M' • 1..44455) 0414.4 M.,e i. bead S.taarieaa.' nnu,nn I the ,,.Nbe.. ke, es wiles b • drew i..4 I.w4ny (row W.II arm re our 4104., y err. ,hiti•g IM city 0.s nary roan ler e,. Tiw wrappers rad �ea. wearier-seriYfa4r••aa reran" .haw ere revere be tarred that the)) n error. 9e carrel, ..d do bet boy M web . neem bet H yes 4s• be nrY.d Kr they tem teett Woo .. or dost troth theta. Qj Frosted ..d aid y DR. WILLIAM D. IRorrAT, its. ae.Nwq. earner r Masa, ..a... 14.w Verb. Ter bale by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. DANIEL HOME LIZARt4, ATTORNEY AT LAW, std Cuaseyutter, 3t1iciter fa Gaster• ;•t., Has his oQimm a formerly, le Sttstferd. St1♦atfo.d, 2,4 January, 14110. 9.-649 N. B --)Ir. Strarhee, nl the lute irte of Strachan k L•saro, enemas., to setas Agent and Counsel For Mr. Liam is e11 matters' referred to him from 0trsHert, 11'A'l'SON S W1LLI:VMS, POR SALE ►TNRER MiLL PRIVILEGES, close to the lake Shore, and at 64 8 and 18 miles from fioderich. with email Farms at- tffrhA. Alec -ONE NUIQDREDBuilding LOTS in the new laid not Town Plot of Wicklow, on the 18 mile River, and on the main road from Goder•eb to the flnori.hing settlements ie the new twenty of Brace. Terms --One fonrth of the purchase mon •y down, the remainder in Fear instalments with interest. Apply (if by letter post- paid) to the proprietor, JOHN HAWKiNS. Goderich, March 18, 1850. 3v-D8m6 Me(11LLTVRAY. . tT1...,! 38 10 93 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WATRRLOO, t 28th February, 1849. S rHF. Subscriber hereby intimates to his 1 friends and the Travelling Publi; gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Stnaburgh, and will now be found in that well-known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Jones, where be will be reedy and able to conduce to the comfort of Those who may honor him with their patronage, And while be interne thanks for pest (ivory, M hops., by et3let attention to the wants and wishes of ids castossere, still to merit a eontiaoanee of their patronage. • JOHN- ABEL. NAL -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. y2-.4tf arose. - PART t DIXIE DIXIE /F'.9TSOV sf Goderich, B4RR18TER AT LAW Ae. ke. sad OEOROE WILLIA116. of •arslferd, lett el ties firm .4 Hecier, Welles lead Willies's, Banistets. As.Terssto, nem. tbi.4ay ..,,red mut co -minutest -in, i. the Premie►. ilea Porte*. mu el 1-4w. C1Asaav and Cesvaraern., will is (eters keep their Offices at G.dsrieh..d swathed, respectively, ander the same, mirk sod it. of Warsaw . d Wttr.raw . 1)izma WAT.oI, Guderich, Goatee Wruu*ue, Stratford. 1 24,1 December. 1849. 9. 6471 R. Nr1LLIAMIS, & Co. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGIST.. A.d Gement Dealers im Grneeris., Lima.ta, Paiute, Oil., Narelshs, Dye Stab, Hardware, ere.. STRATFORD. Pnheriptwe dispessed with Sees*.) asd p romprlild.. 3s'-• 15. J. K. GROPING, AUCTIONEER, 'LL attend SALES io any part of the 'Comity on reaenesble Terme. Ap- ply at his Residence, Lipbt-H.use Sweet. Gedaticb, April 411* 1849. v-94 DANIEL CORDON, Goderieh, Jan. 28 1848. - New Tailoring Establishment IN GODERIOH. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. A1ri137 Sebeeriber beg. leave to talons the 0 98 1 1 lebehttuts of the District of Huron, ! 11111 oil /M a �sghb"neap District., that be has 1 Vs' Botablioh/d himself in Stratford, .v ... •... e.....5......, 8. 1 1iis rekt18 ai gard to ewe Pd Speri6ea- 7....3.... b ........ �� ••�t)f Paere e Private sodding.. Brad ....04....1.... de ........ ..... 04 411 1/Ms. Ire. tee. Ile., MAI will tofke .93.... . .. d. 0 'I of snub Hrwettei., on ... • .'1R....Bt2f,.... ...aittM . de 0 14 1 ret esfwaenna►I. term'. 1 1! ilia thorough knowledge ofhie profeeslos 311 ...8 ... dn.... . 9 • aye bb genetic. as Badder, qual'6... him for 10•..11.... dn.- 4 y! 9 r1y eadenakteg is the la. Addresspost .. .... de..... 2 40 0 PETER FLR(10 40N, 12.... .... do ....1... 2 • • Band., 9t.. ke. Stratfeii, C. W . 34 10 1t iitr.tford, March 6th, 1849. 2,-.711 • 78 N ij .ti CABINET MAKER' Tires d..r. Esu 9r S4 Cesade Co's. Oirwo, WELT -81'81:1"T. CODERJCH. Miguel 47th, 1.49. 1T -a3• R. YOUNG, R')OT as 8110E Laker, one door West uf'Mr. George Vtdess's, Blacksmith, Front Nreet, Goderieh. April SBtb, less. do 3 `JOHN J. E. LIIOTOIY. lerot1aT /01�•�8Bemis, Olnrmissio,wr Queens d1, AND CON Ii 1i . 9r1'RATP.RD. DAVID H. LIZARB, WISHEVv S to intimate to the tslableaats of Goderieb and the' serrosedie6 sentry, that he her cOromeneed 1us;oew as Coe4ey , General Agent sod Aeeoutsat, sod by assidu- ous auueetioe. accuracy, and modem, el.drges, hopes to be useful to such u nosy require kit services. There wishing to employ him Is say of the •bore breaches will pleat all •l 1. Reoierry Other, Lighthouse street, - Goderich, 13t1 March. 1850. y3 -s DR. JOHN HYDE, (era nosy &.ams. MEDICAL EiilList STRATFORD. 9.••424 vane.. 8ebser,ber bees to announce to the fs- j be brume of Goderieh, sad its vici.hy, tbnt he h•• enmmeaeed business in the above line. in Ihe'Room s4jolnin7 i1. IIORTON'S sad• die Shop, Market 8 o1re, where he will be pre- pared to *teeat•.tl ur0iai is Ma line ea the shortest cotter, sod at moderate charges. 8. $•-Cortise does os' the shwa.' notice JOHN ADAMS. Oederieh, Oet. 17,10149 .94.117 CANADA Liv AS.SURANUE CJA1 Y. Nether ale been TRE Su g appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepsted t4 receive proposals for Aeetl• ranee, and will be hippy to - afford te e.y perms the 0*eslery mfswmntioe, as to die peraetplse Nibs 1.atilottne. JAAIS,S iWATBON• Gederiele, • A Joe* 18491 the 911 !asp/ 1 .MI11413. (Now 4 d rel.) A' s,. TIE above 114911 MN good rltdathodation of tta,e14e 11r, 8tiblht7. 10!., kbtr. The Paeket Msry Aron will INN Gahm rat/pelt/1 be weasttese 4ww.Rtemp.) regaAr. fsr the KAarsedi.s Saltier et..s. 1'er faeigbt w pse.age apply to (;,apt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arnie. G•der,ch, Marta 061b, 1060. r1 N Jaiy 31. 1849. WM. REED, HOUSE AND SIGN PADINM��• •.., (. I G H T- i/OU B E BT. 00EACM Oct. 25, 1849. bee TO LET, M:.» TiTAT two etwy Frame Daig lately occupied by Jade Aelluseae sed Ise - mediately oppn•ita his preheat nes.desee. Tor terms snit fortber p•nit•lars 1pilk u ALEX. M. ROSB,N.etI8t. .0oderie 1 , } da1�tT� �jl) it. Lt 72416L IretfONEs.x ' p,„,..,., to mond 9.M 1016:1 rest I' the Unitea Colleting on the kW terms. Apply at the RegtItry 0181 Light Abuse street. Ge4•tieb, April 11, 1850. 13-1• 0 , �11air cB. THE Pn1he 4�eriber baying RENTED t WAREHOUSE sad WHARF belong- ing to the genets. Dev'enpovt, of (bur place bas established binwelf aa ; FORWARDS% Ac0MSIrtftF mateat Atl1. Ally orders or a rh;sslde mow er: emote of 0tare MIwit( **NYe' attention. 'h,10tOr UIEWAN. Windsor, Neel, 11149: 11./7341. alit ()urn Signal e ra 14PTSD Ann tVwtJ 3D T05 flY '1'HORIAA MAf QURE111r ab►Tea Aub ►ilitoMlrnmi. YS Ma1KttY•s�ist•, depti,eI• • maid Jsb 7birag, ninnies ,rkb anions awl dvp•tele. Tears os' rw%Hosea0,101141,-T15,111 LINOS per none if ppaa :r;el or'Natn mut 11t2PIi1••'t►Ihh yM M la of the year. Ne papet 4isesetis nava sd•hat8epu*li mg. redo .e. A.y idieldasl is the ,pessiMe Are eta Ntee p Ostia. IT AB late Wresasrd pat paide +fig thug *GI net pest win to tgiiipt : Thee To • I Mort "Gel TAltla Ila*. Wit Y.44kq Wbiob Bels. Oral Thy Se if 1 1141.41 The es TMS flack n Aad The w Ilett G For the Boma The pb 1 Amato With. Nay, d. For 1 I'm wet Paris And ails b Frim hi It is net • Tfe t Thew N w 1 To {whet If pi! toy It Ass The is AMI tb.t This G i..awing "4 or bag Mink, nl 174 pa Thi.k el With to Ned dot I Het* tk Then by Whim That tba That . Ar, by t1 'feat ..e jrs I pn tb With Mi Areflet ti For i1 i The arse The ow, IiOW 7 "How " I bate given to don't kac dos't ka4 never VA Yµ11 1 de vin me4 Such e r can That iefc atter is lakes toll twos nol does dem o read) this Req. he matt Our seer We ea 1341 aonp iota/ b • bore adptio le it Int us • botipt into •t ,T . er a flit BAP. mei atd* Aral ra b.vhM__isti Tis lists aid fader, Pm eelleogren f)'sM Ike Ihte.;On ir;W .bA tie bs•tf S.t 1 *10 adrA 1RMIW .046/Mlt'• Iff t1w yeff .,r -.ems.-