The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-21, Page 4f1r9,1/3 14 Tho Two*Athmcipst, Nov•mbor 21, lw PRESENT ORIGINAL MUSICAL—Three of the principals responsible for the produc- tion of the original comedy, "Patches in the Park"; discuss one of the songs in the play. Howard Kew, United Church organist, is pianist and also plays a drunk in the play. Marilyn Brownlee, centre, is the choreographer, kind Mrs. Lila Ribson, is author and producer, —T -A Photo Many Members Assist At Bazaar Last Saturday the W.A. of the United Church held their annual bazaar, tea and bake sale in the Big Crowds See Patches Two large attendances filled -church parlors. Mrs. Edgar the Lucan Community Centre auditorium, last Friday and Saturday nights, to see "Patches in the Park," which did but again emphasize and exemplify the fact that Lucanites are partial to home talent. All did their parts well and were a credit to the producer and Roulston and Mrs. H. B, Lang- ford received at the , door and Mrs, Irving Gibson had charge of the admission fee. Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mrs. Erle Young were lunch room hostesses. Assisting in the kitchen .were Mrs. John Park, Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. Ivan Stan- director. ley, Mrs. E. B.. Pitt, Mrs. Eldon Before the curtain dropped on Hodgson and Mrs: Maurice Cob- the last act, Harold Ribson •Serving in the tea room were Mrs. Art Black, Mrs. W. Flan- nigan and Miss Lynnette Wal- pole. At the candy counter was Mrs. G. E. Nicholson; at the "This and That" counter, Mrs. J.R. Murray and Miss Reta Chown; •at the fancy work, Mrs. Alex Young, Mrs. C. H. George, Mrs. Tom, Le; Mrs. Don Mc- Guire and Mrs. Georg Paul; at the doll counter, Mrs, Milton Price and Mrs. Jack Ryan, and et the plant and vegetable table,. •Mis. Gordon Banting and Mrs. N. W. Wasnidge, and at the bake table, Mrs. Ira Carling, Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and Mrs. Le's Kennedy, Euchre Party lirs. Tom Coursey and Mrs. 11. Stone were hostesses for the opening euchre game of the season at the Coursey School last Friday night, when five tables were present. High score prizes were won by Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mr. Joe O'Neil, while Mrs. Allan Ryan and Mr. Harvey Hodgins wen second prizes. Miss LOreen Hodgins won the lone hand prize. Hostesses for the next euchre, November 29, 'will be Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mrs. George Hodgins. stepped out of character, to thank the audience for its sup- port, the members of the cast for weeks of practice and all those who in any way made the comedy such a success. He paid particular tribute to How- ard Kew, who was not only a pianist but a drunken, bum in the play. Mr. Kew postponed a pending operation, for like a true trooper, be felt "the show must go on." Mr. Kew also stepped out of character long enough to assure he audience that it was to' St. Joseph's Hospital and not the Ontario Hospital he was enter- ing the following day. I m on unization Dr. E. R. Patterson, health officer, Mrs. L. E. Wilson, health nurse, assisted by two other Middlesex nurses were in charge of polio immunizatiOn at the Public School last Tuesday. The number receiving needles was smaller than at the previous clinic Mrs. Jim Stroud Mrs. Jim Stroud died in. Los Angeles, November 5 and was buried the following Friday. Mrs. Stroud was a sister of the late Mrs. S. C. Chown of Alice. St. Lions Entertain District Clubs The Lucan Lions held one of their best meetings when they entertained 44 Lions from Byron and St. Thomas at a turkey dinner in the Anglican Church basement last Monday evening. The president, Les Woodward, was in the chair. The Aylmer bagpipe band led the parade to the tables. After the dinner, Byron and St. Thomas Lions entertained with hilarious skits and dances. A dutch auction of imitation hams (made of sawdust) netted $15.15, which was presented to the Lucan Lions. The Lucan Lions had draws for three prizes which netted them $52. - The guest speaker at the din- ner was G. E. Thorman, a St. Thomas teacher, who spoke on the Sputnik, conditions in Rus- sia and Youth Education. One local guest at the meet- ing was Bob Murray. The _Anglican Ladies' Guild catered for the dinner." W.I. Committee Meet Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. Sheri- dan "Revington, Mrs. Jack Lan - kin, Mrs. William Brownlee met at the home of the W.I: president, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, last Thursday, to discuss plans for the turkey dinner for the annual meeting of the London Middlesex County Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, .to be held in the Lucan Cornmuity Memorial Centre, Wednesday evening, November 27. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Egmont L. Frankel, honorary chairman of the Ontario Division and chairman of the Women's Service Committee of the Metro- politan Toronto unit. Personal Items Mrs. Joe Hay is a patient in Vittoria Hospital. 1 Am Your. New. Neighbour And Would Like To Meet You I have re -opened the "Supertest" station at the corner of Main and Sanders (across from the Library) and extend to you -a most hearty Imitation to drop in and get acquainted. 1 am sincerely interested in the efficient operation of your cat and. would like the opportunity of demonstrating our "Free and Friendly Service" by checking your Tires, flattery and Radiator at any Vine, • •• 1 ani proud to offer you "SUPERTEST" Gasoline and Lubri- cants which are unexcelled for ,quality and performance in your car. We also •catty a stock of tires, batteries and accesgories for your con- veriience. 1 hobo We may have the pleasUre of serving yott. • Lawrence Rumpel OPEN THIS .SUNDAY AND NIGHTS ALL 'NEXT WEEK • Superfest Service Station Opposite The Library ai Exeter Lucan Personals Mr. and Mrs, G. 3.Simmonds. of %Aaiun% were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. tari XMathr.er' Donald Ribson and Mewl, Mr. Bill Hodgins. of WaterdeWn, were weekend pests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Bibson. Mr. and Mrs. rrank Hardy spent last Weekend in TOMO. Mrs. Jack MtirdY, Mrs. Sheri. dan Revington, Mrs. Jaeic kin, Mrs. C. H. George and Mrs. H. B. Langford last WednesdaY attended the Christmas tea and bazaar sponsored by the Wom- en's ssociation of $t. Paul's Cab.' edral and held at St, John the a .4vagChurch,Melisittchel Mrs. Hackett spent •a few days last week in Chatham the guest 9f her daughter, Mrs. Jack Graham, and family, Mr. Mansell Hodgins (father of Mrs. Clarence Hardy) underwent an operation m $t. Joseph's Hos- pital last Saturday,s Visitors last week with Mr, and 1Y1rs. Frank Hardy included Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Reed, of Win- nipeg, on Tuesday, and Mr. Jack Philips, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Girard, from Tren. ton, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Campbell, of Detroit, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett were Sunday pests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E$ Qrr, of Parkhill, and also called on Miss Hattie Hodg- ins and Mrs, Ida Carroll at the Green Gable Nursing Home. Mrs. C. Murdy is spending a few days in Toronto with her sis- ters, Mrs. Alma Price and Miss Gertrude Dempsey. November 22 is the date set for the Lucan Council nomination. and December 2 will be election day, if necessary. Mr. , and Mrs. Michael Black- more, of Toronto,, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. Ronald Coleman, of Lon- don, was a weekend guest of Mrs. T.. Brooke and Mr, Harald Brooke, also of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, of Exeter, were Sunday guests. Mrs. William Cochrane and - Mrs. Harold Butler; Jr, spent last weekend in Winton, guests Of Mr. and Mrs: W. Davidson. , Miss Betty Brown, of London, was a weeked guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardy. Corp. A: E. Perry, of Albert St., has been posted to Mac- Donald, Manitoba. • Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Jack Lan - kin, and Mrs. H. B. Langford viSited with Miss Hattie Hoclg- int at the Green Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. N.' McNaughton, Clandeboye, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Corbett, of Paris, last Sunday.. • At a• meeting of the Lucan Cubs on Monday night in the Scout Hall, Akela (Mrs. Jens Andersen) invested three more chums, Larey Armstrong, Of Clandeboye, and Kirk Mont- gomery, and Johnnie Ward, of Lucan. Baheera (Miss jean Hodgins) presented the ,First Star to Brian Smith. Baloo (Miss Audrey Marshall) was in charge of games. Mr. and Mrs. Arm- strong and Mrs. Montgomery were guests. Miss Sylvia Ross and Mrs. Wreathe Ferguson of London were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls. Exams are in full; swing at the Lucan Public School. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family of. GUMMI were Tues- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erle Young. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lapp of St. Thomas were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Boniston. Mr. And Mrs. William Brown- lee spent last weekend in Wel- land, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Laverty and family. Rev. and Mrs. Edward C. Alt - well, nee Margaret Ashworth, formerly of Lucan, are happy to announce the birth of a son, David Charles, at the Sarnia Ge- neral Hospital, Sunday, Novem- ber 10. Mr. Thomas Weller Sr. re- ceived word last Sunday of the death of his grandmother, who died in Grandview, Man., in her 91st year. She spent her child- hood in Owen Sound and Callen- der, Ont. Mrs. Arnold, Morley, received word that her sister and her husband, Corp. and Mrs. P. Graham, who have been sta- tioned in Germany for the past two years, were sailing for home from Rotterdam on the Ivernia Saturday. November 16. Mrs. X. Cranston left on Sun- day for London, where she will be the. guest of her daughter, Aileen, • till Christnits, at 550 Ridout St. North. Apt. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting last Wednesday visited the for- mer's brother, Mr. Hilton Ban - ting, who is a patient in Sar- nia's General Hospital, Muscular Dystrophy Campaign • The Muscular Dystrophy cam- paign for Liican and district, November 23 to Novernber 30 is being sponsored by the Women's Institute, Cannisters are being placed in places of business. Lucan • And ,District NAOS Phone 1St Imiocelt Midget Loop Schedule Set sch.m. All games for the South Mid- dlesex Midget Hockey League will be played (three each Mon. day night) at the Lucan Arena, Last Monday Oakridge Acres, Ailsa Craig and Lucan were the winners. Nov. 18 — Ansa Craig vs. By. ron, Ilderton Vs. Ulm, Oak- ridge Acres vs, Lambeth. Nov. 25 — Lucan vs. Ailsa Craig, Lambeth vs. Byron, Oak- ridge Acres vs. Ilderton. Dec, 2 — Oakridge Acres vs. Lucan, Lambeth vs. Ailsa Craig, Byron vs. Ilderton. Dec. 9 Ilderton vs. Lam. beth, Ailsa Craig vs, Oakridge Acres, Lucan vs. Byron. Dec. 23 — Ilderton vs, Ailsa Craig, Oakridge Acres vs. Byron, Larebeth vs. Lucan, --Dee. 30 — Lambeth vs. Oak- ridge Acres,Lucan vs. Ilderton, Byron vs. Ailsa Craig. Jan. 6—Ailsa Craig vs. Lunn; Byron vs. Lambeth, llderton VS. Oakridge Acres. Jan. 13 — Ilderton vs. Byron, Lucan vs. Oakridge Acres,. Ailsa Craig vs. Lambeth. Jan. 20 — Oakridge Acres vs. Ailsa Craig, Lambeth vs. Ilder- ton, Byron vs. Lucan. Jan 27 — Lucan vs, Lambeth, Byron vs. Oakridge Ams, Bder- ton vs. Ailsa Craig. Feb, 3—Ailsa Craig vs. Byron, Ilderten• vs. Lucan, Oakridge Acres vs. Lambeth, Feb. 10 — Liman vs. Ailsa Craig, Lambeth vs. Byron, llder- ton vs. Oakridge Acres. Feb. 17 — Oakridge Acres vs. Lucan, Byron vs. Ilderton, Ailsa Craig vs. Lambeth.' Feb. 24 — Lambeth. vs. Eder - ton; Lucan vs. Byron, Oakridge Acres vs. Ailsa Craig. Legion Auxiliary News • On Thursday the'Ladies' Auxil- iary. to the Legion 540 were host- esses for a stork shower for baby Michael Nagle. Mrs. Basil Nagle, Michael's mother, accepted the gifts and on the baby's behalf thanked the ladies. The convener was Mrs. Dave Egan. She was assisted- by Mrs. Lloyd Mason, Mrs. W. Stocks and Mrs. H. Bond. The door prize was won by Mrs. Ralph Rummell. The auxiliabr ladies are now busy making and assembling a wardrobe for their annual• Christ- mas doll draw. The doll This year is a lovely cuddly baby one which will later be displayed in one of the -store windows. Irving Lodge . Rt. Wor, Bro. H. M. Norris, DDGM,• of Mitchell, last Thurs- day paid his annual visit to liv- ing Lodge, Lucan. Following the meeting in the lodge room, the members went down the street to the basement of the Anglican church for a din' ner. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Dave Park last Tuesday evening was hostess for the members of the United Church Evening Auxiliary and Mrs, B. J. Roberts' group was in charge of devotions and refreshments, Mrs. Ivan Hearn, Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh and Mrs. Ross McRob- erts assisted Mrs. B. 3. Robert's in the devotions. The president, Mrs. George Paul, resided, for the business session. A spledid assortment of doll clothes was handed in for the bazaar, Nov. 16. Mrs. Ivan Hearn and Miss Reta Chown were named a nom- inating .committee to bring in a slate of officers for the next meeting. . Explorer News Twenty-two members of the Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers Ex- pedition met at the United Church last Monday evening. The expedition began with games in charge of Coralyn Donaldson and Jean Marie Lankin. The worship service was taken by Counsellor Kae Haskett. The theme of the exploration was the thoughtfulness of citizens for others. Counsellor Haskett was in charge of the initiation service for Cheryl Thompson and Patri- cia- Cobleigh and the • presenta. tion of the stars ceremony.. Three explorers received their red star, seven their blue star and nine. their gold star. Personal Items • Mr. and MrS. Charles Fisher and daughter were Sunday guests of Mrs:- Wes. Atkinson. Clandeboye Comments By MRS. PATON W.M.S. And W.A. The Clandeboye tilted Church W.M.S. meeting was held In the church basemtint with Mrs. T. Collins •pretiding. • Mrs. Arthur Simpson review. ed the third thaPter"of the study book on Japan. Mrs, Alex McIntosh presided for the W. A. meeting, Final plans were made for catering to the masonic turkey banquet to be held at the Lam Com- munity Centre on November 20. Two Ceuples Honored On Thursday evening Nit, and Mrs. Brute •McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. George Lee of Carlisle wereguests of honor when friends end neighbors gathered at 5.5, No. a (Barber's' school). Miss Pelle Stevenson read an address while Mrs. Orville bix. on presented each couple with gifts of rooneY. Progressive euchre was enjoy-. ,,ed with Mrs. Omar Cunningham winning the ladieihigh prize while Mr. William Lee won the gents' prize, WontIMI3 I nstittoti •The ComMunIty Activities and Public Relations committee with Mrs. Hari O'Neil as convener arranged tho program for the November meeting of Clatide. boys WOinetVs Institute held at the home of Mrs. Rupert Wil. Hams. • Mrs. Al./16st Lewia presented a talk on. "Adjuatinent to Old Age." Mrs, O'Neil spoke en Organization in a COrilitunitY arid a skit leading to •a discus. sin° on "Over Organization 'in a Shiall Com/tufty" was pre. sented by IVira. Cora Carter, Mrs, Janiet Hall, Mra, E. Lewis and Mre, O'Neil, The Motto 'It isn't what we start, it is what we finish that counts" was discussed by Mrs. George Simpson, ..Please Turn to Page 15 UC Men's Club Hears Orator The Men's Club of the United Church for their Monday itietst, ing, last Wednesday, went in a body, to Metropolitan church, London, to. hear Dr. Donald .0. Soper, Ph, D. of London., Eng, land, speak on labor, (The wives. 'of some of the members accom- panied their husbands.) • Returning to Lucan, a business meeting was held in the church parlors with the president, Mr, Clarence Stanley in the chair and Mr. Harold Westman's ,group id charge of program and refreshments. Oiwng to the Christmas season it was decided to hold. the next meeting on De- eember 1,1 instead of December 18, Anglican -News Flowers on .the altar last Sun- day were in loving. memory of the late' Mr. Wes. Atkinson and were donated by his wife and family. December 1 being White Gift Sunday, Rev, J. P. Prost was trying to decide where best to send the gifts when Captain 'Ow ley, of the Church Army, from the Parish of Foleyet in Moo-, sonee Diocese wrote him appeal- ing for Christmas gifts for the poor in his 100 mile long par- ish. Mr,. Cluley gave up a good position and overcame a speech defect to go into the ministry so Mr, Prest feels 'at least part of • this year's gifts shOuld go to him. Personal Items • Mr. John Blair,. of Calgary, whose right side was paralyzed and speech affected • after a re- cent stroke, is. somewhat im- proved. Are You A Baskerville? y MISS LINA ASIOTT Lucan Correspondent. Are you a Baskerville? When the November 9 edifier' of the Toronto Daily Star. con- taining Al Graham's picture of Mrs, Harold Ribson, of Lucan, reached Northern Ontario, Mrs. M. Humphrey, of Geraldton, was Interested in. but one wortisi that word was Lucan, for her mother, the former .SarAh. jane Baskerville, and her nine ,protb. ,erscame from Wean. Alone in the world now, Nos. Humphrey has for years been trying to locate SWIM of her uncles or cousins but each clue has ended in a blind alley. So immediately on reading the Star's story she wrote Mrs. Rib,. son in the hope she might be able to assist her. Mrs, Ribson, being a newcomf, er to Lucan, handed the letter over .to me, your correspondent, AO I've been contacting old,. timers,funeral directors and church records in the hope of un- earthing some clue. • - Should any reader .Of this hu.. PM interest story be a Basker- ville or descendant, kindly write los. M. fitunohreY, Geraldten, Ontario, Box 336, Personal Items The 'businessmen of Lucan Are again sponsoring a Christmas draw. Mrs. Jack Henson Underwent another operation in St, Joseph's Hospital last Tuesday, cum iii llllllllllllllllllllllllllll eed A Car Wash .41 A 3 441 tal k •.1 4 • EXETER i 4.3 * FAST, COURTEOUS SERVICE AWAITS YOU AT Glenn Lockhart's North•End Whit. Ross Station PHONE. 691•W •Here's what She really wants 4 FIGURE outfit Dazzling "All -White" Glamour --AT AN AMAZING LOW PRICE • ••••-•••••••:i.:i:Kit•i0iiiNifii: FIGURE' SKATING OUTFIT — pre:deist onal styling; alkwhit• leather with foot. .• flattering closed tee; fully lined with soft leather; solid heels and susistumproof soles. Fashioned ler comfort and full central. The eye-catching, gleaming akromeylated Figure Skates VIM sawtooth leading edge. May be used for either Pleasure or Wows Mating. Extra value DE LUXE FIGURE SKATING OUTFIT This sparkling whft• outfit feature, solid leather hoar, sells and inner rides. Spongs rubber padded at ankle and tongue. Lined With 111.6041 brown lid leather. Nicely shaped combination narrow horrid* latest professionakstyle hkeut shaped top. Fitted with chrome.plated English Ague Skater. A real buyl Women's eisu — 3 to 9X(Iu halksisee),,, • Talftepagr 5 Misses' sires 11 ln 2 Women's sizes 3 to 10.95 16 GIRLS' Wh Ito Boots Pleasure Skating Outfits "AU -wintry PLEASURE srATma Ounnr Snow.white "Elk" fine grain leather, with sown -in ankle supports; ruist..asect iimmide; nutlt4n ettig shanks; Water, proof sales. Handsome chressteidattiel tube skates. Misses' Wereenra 4,11 Jr 2 3 to9 7.35 . &VS "irANCY 'MOTE" PLEASUBE SEAT: Did OUTFIT Sloan "lskrut" kyle with *h5ped-M.1g too, im'issei whit. leather, lint ilioeolisa, including tenant.; Suakin thank; Wart( hilt inset* Widit ileitstitrYteki Mier; . Crabituttion list with narrow heel', *toiled to dashing Ammo plated tube shelter, Estrogen* salon, Westin's sktii 316 ' 10.95 BOYS' ISMS "SMALL FRY" c, Skates and Boots BEGINNER'S Mit SA?* Citittrra For 3 to 7 year.. Approved lackey idyls leather bards. 'with builkift ankh teptierti, nUtside.. Orem Diskinat to WTI tiny the fir* isippeit they toed. Boots are rOlikiti to renti4 Nam to 111 PAM 5.95. , • 436 Main it Exeter Piton* 451 a Milton 4 A 4.i A 1 4. A • A 4 4. " 4,4 t 4 4 A 4 X 4 A .0 4iA 4,