HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 28P09, 10 The Timee-AdVocate, 'November 2A. 1957 re4144444444141440.404144.444144444444114441,1041141414411.44414,4444144444444114441U14111444444404444414441141.144M114141141014 1 Canada's Finest Heating Oil SOLAR HEAT DISTRIBUTED PY YOUR., FRIENDLYO-A AGENT I Middleton & Genttner Phone 4Q Exeter .11.limay..m...;;;; l ; lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll • Pi rC..• •;1 . • ,t • Let it snow - you'll• go! '10 `nabl§.17,C6—<W r4 "IA t Traction in action we're offering you the safest, surest winter traction tire ever. New Custom Subur- banites with V -Grip tread clesigni Snowy hills, slippery snow -packed curves, this new winter tire takes them all—no skids, no spinning or fishtailing. • We give a generous trade-in, allowance on ybur old tires—mount New Suburbanites free of charge. See us now for— NEW CUSTOM SUBURBANITES by GOODifirifEAR, JIMMY HAYTER PHONE: DAY 91 — NIGHT 84 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE DASHWOOD, ONTARIO • ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS DOC .a1it Mrs. thesr Put, ital. 3 1,1xeter, an- nounce the bleth of a son. Brian Murray, at South 11=941 Hospital, November 11, 1917. EA1114-111r, and Mrs. Donald Earl, 302 Algonquin Dr,. .11.0A1-' Ceptralia. announce the birth. of a daughter, Tamalia Rose. at South Huron hospital, Novem- ber 14. 1057—a ,sister for MieltY. 1EDI/EN— Air, and Mrs. Donald Redden, annotince the birth •of their son at S. Catharinea General hospital. November 12, 1917 — grandson for Mr, and Mrs. Vernon hetletin, St. eathae rines, and great-grandson foe, Mrs. ('athaxib e lied& n, 1101 SO, 11 • 11.1:11 PRIM —4.t2 Willittni and Mrs. litimphreY, 140 Algonquin Dr., :RCAF Ceutralla, are heel*" to announce the birth of a daughter, Tracy Shawne. wet= 7 lbs.. 12% oss.. at Smith Huron Hoeplital, November 15, 1957,.-a sister for ,April. JOHNSON -51r. .and Mrs. 'elervlit Johnson (nee jean Boddy). R.R. 1 Grand Bend. announce. the birth o n daughter, Marlon Jean, at South, Huron 1-10§Pital, November 17, 1957. 4lavIKWA1D-111t. .and Mrs. Ted MacDonald, Exeter, announce the birth •of t son, Terry Ar- thur, at South Baron hospital, November 16. 1917. RONLOFSON—Dr. and Airs. Rich- ard Itoelorson wish to announce the birth of their son, Richard, Bradley, November 11, 1917, DEATHS ALEXANDER -- At South Huron Hospital. Exeter, November 19, 1917, Wililani Fleming Alex- ander, husband of the late Agnes Jane Thomson, ln his seventy-elghth year' BISSETT—In London, an Monday, November 18, 1017, Reginald Carling Bissett, dear brother or Mrs. Edwin Irwin (Florence). Exeter, and Mrs. 'William F. Newell (Edna.), Ingersoll, in his sixty-third year. — At her late residence In Dashwond on 'Monday, Nov. 18. Marie Kraft. Resting at the Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, from where funeral will take Place Thurs- day,.Nov. 21, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment in Dashwood E.17,13, cemetery. Budgetyour Christmas giv- hig with Jack Smith Jewel- lers . . . Choose from our extensive array of QUALITY GIFTS. . . Use Your Credit, pay convenient instalments to ease .the Christmas bur- den. "BUY JEWELLERY FROM JACK" Jack Smith CREDITON • CREDIT JEWELLER Phone 510 ,Exeter Sweat, Juicy Florida • Oranges • 29c.00z, Mac Apples • 3 Lim, 33c PICKLES' . 39c Maple Leaf WIENERS FAULK*LEr 39c Catelli Cooked, 15 oz, tins SPAGHETTI • 2 o19c Lipton's Chicken. 4. NOODLE SOUP • 3 2,9c 'Ballot Coloured Toilet TISSUE 2, E. 45c Cheery Morn, 150 off largo 6 oz. jar INS'T COFFEE . • 97c Cheery Morn Fresh Ground COFFEE . . • 69c E. D. Smith's, 11 oz. bottles KETCHUP roR 39c SUNLIGHT soAP BAR 10C Blue or -White, 50 off large pkg. BREEZE . . 38c ANI -FLUSH 20 -oz 2.7c Thrift Size( 35 oz. 430 Good Luck MARGARINEA 33c McLaren's Sweet Gherkin, 16 oz. jar Long Green California Cukes • 2 von, 19c Serving You Better 'Free ery cot PARKING Maple.Loaf BACON• 39c SUPERIOR FFx MARKET* AT REAR OF STORE Saving, You More Phone 532 OPEN FRI YVL 9, SAT. TM 10 DEATHS CHAMBERS—In (.''Itntelti,, 00 ,,sat. urdaY, November 16. 1017. John 11,Meyin chambers, beloYed bus. band of :Emma Hill. 10 his eighty-ninth year. Pithile fune- ral service on Monday, Novent- her 18. Ingrate= In .16Xeter -cemetery. P A 11K 1 N SRN — At St. Marys Memorial Hospital. on Sunday, November 17. •1911, veromna Swallow, beloved we of Frank Parkinson, t out h eencellaiOn, Illanshard "17ow.nship.. in her seventieth year. Resting at the Mary lo t t funeral home, St. Marys, where the funeral ser vire will be held Tuesday November 19. at 2 pan. Inter - tit cot in Kirk ton cemetery. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for the many cars, !bowers and treats while a patient In St. Joseph's hospital. — Mrs. George Clarke, 2.1e Mrs, William Betz and family wish to express their sincere thanks (0 their Many rAlatives, neighbours and friends ter their many acts of kindness, eipres, Mons of sympathy and healthful floral tributes during their re- cent sad bereavement In the sud- den passing a a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Ilev, (1. 14. Strome, Dr. Fletcher. pallbearers, T. Harry Hoffman and all those who helped in any way. I would like to thank alt friends for gifts and all kind - 'lessee shown before my depart- ure to Germany.—Velma harveY. 21* Marlon and Andrew Dougall wish to thank all those who re- membered Marion with cards, gifts and treats while a patient itt South 13U011 140$10 Rah Special thanks to Dr. Dans and nurses. 21* Larry Rats wishes to thank all those who remembered him with cards and treats since Ills acci- dent, They were very much ap- preciated. Al* Mrs. 'William Willett wishes to thank relatives and friends for cards, treats, visite and kind- nesses shown while, a patient in Victoria Hospital and sinere- turning home, 21* IN MEMORIAM. PURDY- DALIVilli PLE —In loving memory of our dear daughter and rsister, Mildred Laurine, who passed away November 21. 1941, and our dear, mother and grandmother, Mrs. 'George Dal- rymple, December '1, 1916. . This day we do remember. A loving thought we give To those no longer with us but in' our hearts still jive.' —Always remembered by Susan. Len and 'Maxine. 21* B1ID—In 'memory of a dear father and grandfather, Patrick. . Reid, who passed away five Years ago,. November 22, 1952. .Asleep In God's healthful garden, Free from all sorrow and pain, And when our Ilfe's Journey la ended We know we shalll. meet frim —Ever by his ilaugh ter Mary, son-tn-law Clarence and 'grandchild re n. - =21* REID—In loving memory mY dear Grandpa, 'Patrick 'Reid, who passed away five' years • ago, November 22' 1912. The midnight stars are shining 'Upon your silent grave. Beneath it sleeps the one 'lee love And the .one We could not save. I often sit and think ot him 'When 1 am all alone • For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own. —Always remembered bY grand - eons Norman an d Johnny • , 21* Prance, • Topics From • Dashwood •By MRS. ERVIN RADER Agnes HOW : Agnes, G. Hayter passed away in Toronto on Thursday, Novem- ber 14, 1957, in her 81st year. She is survived by one sister (Martha) Mrs. Richard Hodgins, of Granton, and one brother, Nelson, of Thedford. The body rested at the Hoff- man funeral home until Monday at 11.00 a.M., when funeral aerv- ic,e was conducted by Rev. Peter Dymond. Interment was in Grand Bend CemeterY, Mr. Robert Wein, of Sudbury, and Miss Erma Wein, of•Clinton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr. Siegfried Miller, of Water- loo, spent the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe and children, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Wes Wqlfe, Dashwood Merry Maids Dashwood Merry Maids held their meeting Wednesday eve- ning with ten members present and leaders Mrs. S. Baker and Mrs. E. 'Devine. The grain of fabrics was dis- eussed, also preparation of wool for tutting, including straighten- ing and shrinking. Roll -call for next meeting will be "bne alteration 1 made in my pattern. and how." Home assign- ment is to bring, record books up to date, and shrink and press wool. Mrs. Martha Baker accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Jake Vin- cent, of Grand Bend, to Cali- fornia, leaving Tuesday' morn. ing,. to spend the winter months. Mr, and Mt% Robert Stortnes, of St. Thomas, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn • Tiernan. Miss Erma Kellar, of London, spent the past two weeks at the home of her sister, Miss Loretta Kellar. Miss Marie Kraft Dies In Dashwood • Miaa Marie Kraft died at her late residence, Dashwood on Monday, November. 18 in het 84th year. She had anent most Of het life in DashWOOd except for 15 years spent in the West. Surviving are two siaters, Pearl and (Dm) Mrs, trona Haugh, Dashwood and two broth ers, Sam and Conrad, of Estirn, Sask. The body is resting at the vr. Harry Mothball' funeral borne, Dashwood until Thursday at 130 p.m. when funeral services wilt be conducted by 13.ev, W, Nitta' with interment in Dash- wood• *co Metery, Pallbearers will be noSS. Lorne and Robert Haugh, Jack and Don Gaiser and Rev, truce See bitch. Shop At Home IN MEMORIAM BEID—In hiving mernery o my dear dad, Patrick Held. who Passed away five Tears ago, November 22, 1912, Ile evialted none a. last fareWell, Nor even said "Voed-bye"' He had gone before we knew And only God knew why. Aeleep in God's beautiful garden, Away for al sorrow and pain, Some day when ,jourhey is ended 'We shall be together again. —Always remembered by E,Iste and Clareace Pranee, 21* REM—In loving memory ,a4 iny (tea husband, Pa LA, ick Reid, who Reseed away five Years ago, November 22, 1952, In tears we saw yon sinking, Wo watched you fade away. Cur hearts were almost broken, You fought so herd to stay. But when we say yea sleeping So peacefully free front pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that gam. —Lovingly remembered by Itis wife, Sarah. Reid. • 21* wEBER.— in loving »winery. of Dathet 'Weber who Passed away one Year ago, November 21, 1917. As dear today as in the hour he passed away. —Ever remembered by wife and family, 21* WILLERT—In loving memory.ot a dear grandmother, Margaret Willert, who passed away one year ago, November 25, 1956. l'm thinking of you today, dear Grandma, • But that is nothing new. I though of you yesterday • And the day before that too. '• I will think of you tomorrow, And each day through the year. I will think of you always, Grandina. Because you were so dear. —Loved and always remembered by granddaughter Shirley 21c WILLERT—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Arthur Wilbert, . who passed away one year ago, November 21, 1956. Her thoughts Were all so full of U She never could forget, And so we think that where she is She must be 'watching yet, As angels keep their watch up there, Please God, just let her know That we down here do not forget, We loge and miss her so. ,—Ever remembered. by IniSband and family, - 21* SUPPORT Muscular Dystrophy. Let'sgive them a Fighting Chance! Lambton County victims ' ask your help. Back your firefighters • local campaign against MUscular Dystrophy The Drive is NOV, 17 to NOV. 25 PUBLIC NOTICE Save Enough .Monerr ,• Pay Youti.-1,58..Taxes •• Drive RA.M13.LER See The All -New 1958 Models on Diip lay NOW( • Come In 'And Drive The Famous METROPOLITAN Wilson Bros. Fina Station PHONE 657 • • FREE LUBRICATION EVERY 1.000 MILES FOR REGULAR CUSTOMERS • ; NORTH _END ' • EXETER Days .onii Nov.'21, 22,. 2357 SUIT SPECIALS 10 Men's Suits Regular $49.50 , S - To $59.50 4.1 4 15 SUITS, Regular $69.50 $35.00 • BOYS' SUITS 14 Quality a Suifs, Regular $ 1250 $19.95 to 42435, - • e MEN'S TOPCOATS • Iroi, Quality • 30TC3FF• Gabardines, • o Tweeds Dress Shirts SPECIAL OFFER /098 Sport Shirts 2.98 EPECIAL OFF EP 3 Days Only - • Thursday, Friday, •Saturday MADE.TO•MEASURE WORKING UNIFORMS aPHONE 81 SPORT COATS 12 Men's 6 Boys' Big Value 2 PRICE SUBURBAN -COATS All New Men's and Boys' lO7o °Fr, - Clearing at DRESS FELT HATS 18 Stetson and Biltmora. Reg. $6.95 to 410.95 0 U $4 0 A FREE! With Every Purchase $25 Or Oyer 1,Sport Shirt' 1 Tie 1 Pair Of SOcks. From our Specie! Table FREE PANTS Buy one pr. get another pair FREE from our spittial rack. Boys' Shirts White Shirts — Sport Shirts 1 2C0°/C) Winter Caps Men's and Boys' • 20°o t"1 3 Days Only Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SPECIAL TAILORING SERVICE . $c MEN'S . WEAR TIP TOP TAILORS EXETER 15,1 43 4 14 4 4 14 ; .4 1 I. • 0 • 4 4