HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 25.••• 5 5 ER favor, your- IgENS wsy 4 ring - fins fins r.ns c rc Ries Tc Tins ;C Iz.' Tins . Pkgs. 9C 1 4 4 woommommauttllsommookwitionaloOlintOninomomomlormatowmitInlowftwIm910WO A s 403 ANDREW ST, ,EXETER PHONE '719 MOO, Phombino, Sheet Metal 'Work Burners • .Nommmtnommomilimpulumtutumummommsokummouommutimimmiumnommummommi '40AVAUt t AHOWIMPAUAHAMAAHAMPRIAAAfleflA0PAHAMMAIIIUM0111141AWAWAHOHIJAANAMPAPAHAVIADAAMA ALF ANDRUS 1 , • 11. . 2 0 ii 2 *- 4 ri I., A A L The Overshoe &Hoboes is Here! k 4 i 1. 44 E A A 1 A A . a 4 4 A 4 8 4 . A 4. 4 4 Purchase Winter Footwear NOW! -RUBBER BOOTS *, OVERSHOES * PUDDLERS . • • 10- Skates We Feature a Compete Line of the Famous 'Bauer ,Skating Outfits We ACCEPT TRADE -!NS FAn: Official Hockey Puck to every boy ree vi4o purchases new or used skates. SMYTH'S SHOE 'STORE X -Ray Fitting EXETER PHONE 376 1 • _ Aa'Ai'4 aria. ' . 1 c YOU'LL. GIVE it PitOUDLYI. There's an extra thrill in giving ...,and'get- ting baggage proudly hallMarked" by the nam e AlleBrine. Corns in and choose from our many fine values. A A A 4 Letter Prim Kippen By MAL NORMAN 1,0N0 .issaar -Successful A successful bazaar was held at Icippen United. Church on Saturday with a geed attend - ane, .4170.00 :being • :realised, Those in charge .of the various booths were: .sewing',. Mrs. R. D. Elsie,. Mrs.. Wilf 'Mellis and. Mrs. John Anderson; touch and take, Mrs. 'Wm. Caldwell and. Mrs. Ralph Turner:. fish pond, Mrs. John 'Cooper, Fat Lovell; pies. and tarts, Mrs, .Allen john - .§0n, Mrs. Emmerson Arglerson; cakes and cookies, Mrs. R. Con- sitt, Mrs* Wm, Kyle; iread and. buns, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. Stewart - Pepper; • vegetables,. Mrs. Herb Jones, ldrs. Eldon .Jarrott and Mrs. Bert row candy, Miss Dorothy Turner and Margie .Elgie. Tea was: served in the base-, ment, Those in .charge were Mrs. Morley Cooper and Mrs. Robin McAllister, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. G. Vennema of Burlington were recent visitors of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Binnendyk. Mrs* Bert Faber spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch of Blake. Mr. Sam Cudmore of London visited a few .days with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, leaving. Sunday for Kitchener to be with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, .Charlie Cudmore. Mr. John Doig of Grand Rap- ids, Mich. was a weekend .guest of his mother, Mrs, Lydia Doig, end sister, Janet. His mother and sister returned to Grand Rapids for the -winter montltS. Miss Louise Hyde of London visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, the latter accompanying Louise to London on Monday. Mrs. N. Dickert and daughter, Mts. K. McLellan, were in Lon- don on Monday. Mrs. Olsten df Enchant; Al- berta visited recently with Mrs. Arthur Anderson and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Upshall. Mrs. David Kilpatrick and Mrs. John Mason of London were recent visitors with Mrs. Arthur Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson visited last week with Mr. Wm. Cook ed Goderich. Young People Meet The third meeting of the Kip - pen Y.P. was held in the Suno day School room on Sunday. The devotional was taken by Marie Sinclair and David Copp- er. Harold Parsons gave the topic "Christian Citizenship". It was decided to have•'a skat- ing party in three week's time at Hensel. Contests were en- joyed by all. The Y.P. are can, vassing for the. Bible Society this week. The Story ,In .Special Gift Value!' 2 -PIECE LADY'S SET': A Matching Aert;pak ansl. Overnight Case. Regular $29.50 SPECIAL 24.50 *4 14 h ER LEL CL. rter A a 1 A.. • Complete Selection of Train Cases, Sets, Men's Luggage Trunks in All Sizes RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER PHONE 109 Photo of heart operation by eottrosiol Tim ilosplial tor Siek Children, Toronto .New hope for prevention of ea rt Disease 1 In spite Of accurate diagnosisk advanced medical. seined and surgery, heart disease is still the greatest killer tOday. What causes it? Can k be prevented/ The National Heart Voundatien of Canada, Mainly forined, intensifythe searth for theanswers to these cite:Oohs. Atte Lire Insurance Companies in Canada ate supporting this , Foundation bccause it is so iinportatitto the future health 6f Cana, diens. They have Made substantial, gratiti to covet the cog of launching the organisation. ir The Poundation WriIl Citeetite intensive research int° the tenses Of heat disease by every possible Meant, It will seek to stimulate professional and ley Mutation and help family (teeters to keep abreast of the newest developiiterdi in diagnOSig and treatment, Support of Me Ntatottal Nati POtmeleitiort 1tjust one of Okla)) ways jfl whith the Msurattee einripartier irt Canada are helping to create et healthier, happletlifs ,for Carkieltaitt, ,THE LIFE INSURANCE 'COMPtHIES-111.,tANAD.A SigondLine In "Sow -Easy Club" The third meeting of the Eft- ville 4-H Homemaking Club was held on Friday afternoon at 4:3O at the home -of Mrs., Kenneth 'Herm There were seventeen members and two leaders pres- ent. i• A demonstration of laying a pattern on the material was given and how to shrink mater- ial was shown. The weave or grain of the wool was discus- sed. Roll call for next meeting will be answered by a pattern altera- tion and how to make it. . • Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price of Detroit,Mich. spent the week- end with the latter's mother. Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary .for Mr. and ,Mrs. Garnet Johns in Sarnia on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol Ann, Mrs. Philip Murch were Sunday guests of Mr. and "Mrs. Donald Parsons of Hensel. News, Budget From Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ ftswerrsairs.A....eww**Arerowftgoor* Personal Items • ". Cathy, three-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glatt - vine, who has been ill in South Huron Hospital, returned 'home last Thursday. ' Mrs. Wm. Motz and Ronald spent Saturday in London. Michael Kaye has returned to hit home in Exeter after spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Nedza while his mother was ill in St; Joseph's Hospital, London. , Mr. and Mrs, Don Dinney and family are now occupying • the home they recently, Purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil. Cromarty — Continued Prcini Page 6 ily, bf Weston, Spent, the week- end With Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mil, J. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott and Mr. and Mrs, smut Wallace spent a few days in Toilette, and attended the Royal Winter Pair. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visited on Sunday with Mr. mid Mrs. Garnet Ceckwell, bath - weed. Mr, and Airs. T. L Scott and boys, and Mrs, lkleore spent the Weekend with "Mt, .and Mre. Hugh Moore Lindsey. Guests With Mr. Ind Mrs. Everett Kerslake on Saturday evening were Mr. end Mrs, Ken Drake, State; lir. and M. W. sinuing,Richsra and MRobert, Mitehell; MtS, Grade SOU and Mr. and Mrs, Keit *Keller, The member* of the anjOyeda b�wltng petty at Mittel' on, Saturday bleht. Council On Eclucation IOS 55 • The 46th, anua1 convention At Exeter and District :Council of Christian Edueation was held et the J. A., P. McCurdy School, RCAF Staten Centralia, terneon and evening .sesSiotis Ofl Wednesday with tit.* theme **Through the Looking Glass,'" There were 14 Sunday gest represented and the Peat :wasp. er was Rev, J.H. Getz -of chener, Members of 'Thames. Road Sunday :School conducted the opening worship serviet. A wet- -COMO was extended by Vadre. McLean. and .F/0 Stevenson of the :Station. • Reg, Hodgson, the president,. ,conducted the remainder Of the meeting and introduced the pest speaker, ROY* Getz who apoke briefly on "Po .we Date Look in the Mirror?" Evaluation js an attitude :all should adopt. All should accept .a goal, evaluate resources and material and work • tdward that goal. , An invitation was accepted from •Greenway Sunday School to hold the next convention in their church the it Wednes- day in November 1.9513. It was also decided. to try a fireside' meeting every second' month with the executive planning a. program. Members of Greenway gave demonstration of a teachers and officers . monthly meeting • and Rev. Getz gave evaluation - remarks,. IC cafeteria style supper was' served in the school auditorium and Padre McLean led in:* song' service with Rev. A. E. Holley, at the organ, The evening session. opened 1.:03". reports from the resolutions and nominating committees, Fadre McLean installed the new • of- ficers. Past president is . Mr. Wellwood Gik. president, Mr. Reg. Hodgson; Vice -Presidents, Mr. Edmund Hendrick and Mr. • Don Gaiser; sec. treas., Mr. • Howard Pym; Secretaries for children's work, 'Mrs. Wm. Routly; girl's work, Mrs. Lawrence Curts; boy's work, Mr. Jack Geiser; • Y.P. work, Mr. Maurice Love; leadership training, Mr, Horace Delbridge; missionary, Mr. Edgar Cud - more; temperance, Mr. Cecil Skinner. .iviern.oas Mrs. K. V. Fletober and own of her -class from .James $t. Sun- day School gave it deinenstration of a twenty question Via whiciv proved to be one. of the higli-H lights of the convention. heclosing worship service.' was conducted by RCAF Sta- tion Sunday $q0, The theine. of Rev. Getz' ,evening .address was "Face toFace with :Myself kind. of person am 1. as 1 look in the inirrOr,. that Godi it holding .for me?" What are the real gOals that motivate.our: living? he ouostioned. Hs said. "all -the experie.nces of evsalua-, tion„ will be of no value unless we act on the knowledgewe. have gained," Witter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL. Ei,Lvi000 Mr. and Mrs. Don. Sutherland and girls spent Saturday eve- nimnergawri.th Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dixon spent Sunday with Mr. and Nfrs, Keith Weber at Angus and also called on Mr, and, Mrs. Frank Segrest at Camp Borden. Mr. David Dundas of St. Thomas was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Dix- on. . Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Ranting of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fenton spent Thursday in Sar- nia with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Morgan, also visiting with Mr. Hilt I3anting, who is 411 in the General Hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Luca n visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon vis - ted with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd of London on' Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fenton and children spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Siinday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Whittard, Rich- ard and Jeanette and Darlene liolistOn of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Odd and Caro- lyn of London, W. F. Alexander Clerk Of Session William Fleming Alexander died in South Huron Hospital, Tuesday, November 19, 10410X - Mg a ieeatb)! 041,50. He had been hospitalized since Febru- ary VS, Mt. Born in Nebraska, U.S.A. in 1.884 he was the son of the late John Alexander and Mary Fiera. r 5 1 1 ing. In 1826 he "nested With WS E penta to TUckersmith Town' 1a $.111p. 5: 1,999 he married. Agnes Jane • ,g Thomson .and he purchased the g 'Thonison farm in KY 'TWA - ship where they.. resided •until retiring to Hensall in am_ their I younger son, Jena, -continuingfi en the. farm.' 5 During his life Mr. Alexander was an active member of St, Andrew's United Church, Kip- ,pen, and WAS cleric of the ses- sion. for a number of .years. 1 Offices, Ris wife predeceased him less. than 'three weeks ago, October al. Surviving are two sons! Nor- man of Londesboro and John of Henson: four daughters: Isobel, Toronto; Mrs. -Cecil Dining. WOW; London; . Mrs. Robert. Simpson (Jean), Kirktori and. Ruth of Exeter .and 10 grand- children; one brother, Albert G. of liensall. Two brothers; John Alexander, Georgetown and Dr., Charles Alexander, Brantford, predeceased him, Thebody is resting at the Bonthron funeral home, Kemal, where funeral services: will, be held today (Thursday), at 2 p.m. conducted by Key. McMillan. of St. Anderw's church, Kippen With interment in Baird's ceme- tery. • also serfled, in several piiblie Caution plus courtesy, plus common sense, equals safety,— DRIVE SAFELY Phone 102 for HARVEY'S . TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE 41114A4 . OilloW4PAftoomo ,00 A Dob for Pao** Special'Attention*:. :must be given to motor vehicles in preparation .'for the NtoWingmonths-of old weather • CARBURATION AND IGNITION serviced by skilled mechanicsusing mo4ern rnent is what you get when you Visit, our garage. This work is done properly and assures GOOD PER. FORMANCE AND ECONOMY •OPERATION1 Our Front -End Equipment and Wheel Balancing Assures Longer Life to Tires and Front -End PartS WE INVITE you TO WATCH SERVICE OPERATIONS IN OUR SHOP Exeter Motor Sales PHONE 200 IAA ttt I t tttt wen t tt Immo, Fred Dobbs, Prop. NIGHTS 762-W or 769-M JUST [0 A 0K, . .Everything - about it says tomorrow! IT ;HERE, INOVit f r Here's a brand-new kind of motoring magic—De Soto for 1958! This new De Soto is the last word in quality craftsmanship and advanced engineering! For 1958, the biggest V-8 engines in De Soto history team up with the modern convenience of push-button Torque-Flite automatic drive. You "tune in" the power with a fifiger tip, gently nudge the throttle, FOR and smooth; silent Torque-Flite _instantly answers your command! You'll find De Soto's ride just as spectacular as its response, too! It's 'a satin -smooth, sure-footed, road- holding ride, thanks to revolutionary Torsion-AIRE suspension. Come try a new De Soto Firedotne or Fireflite—two great new series for 1958 in your choice of ten =dela! 44' -...4.7::••••••-•—•,..•7a;.t..". t...,1"..1:4,ttlit$7.. ."• 4,41, ,4t, • . • lr!',M*1'.71M ,.,•••• 4 ttttt l'oreitan AIRE Ride takes the bounce out of bumps, brings you around turns without sidesWay, lets you step without "n6.16.diVe".OnlifrIREortionAA tutpension system does all thee! P ush.button drlying. Modern, all-, ineehinital path -batten controls make lever.shifting obsolete! Just press a button ind away yOu got See the 1958 De Soto and drive 11! De Soto IS designed to stay new, to keel) its new -Oat !style and' spirit! • Smart, aerodynamic tail line in crease 'debility at highway speeds • New dual headlightis spread mere light over more toad area ter eider night drifting • New optional Sures Grip differential prevents sPinning the rear wheel* iti sand, mud. snow or on lee • New, luxurious interfere are roeriiier, give you more Otalinfotai than (Ade before. CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANAbilo YOUttli &Wily* step .ishosid hi oars of Mil POrWard Look EXETER MOTOR SALES Phone 200 • . Egotist. A.