HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-07-18, Page 3meo y. They we very melon i. /tees
Sed perbles riots peens' ..stens ae
oreeeke 'boy wt p ha vos? halls 'Md .os
r e•ee their nen ie peeper (wW4
tis sMs wool be ern d there viwanisl
/Mien) knees able se dee .Mtmwpst mono
ice d ams6 ksseirm on Ileo eller. ahem 1t ie
tba `Madag hastily e MiMwiee the Daley
7V eon* sea mw le bra tbmmd.ee
the Cetus a...it dew gentry. whir
the s..bme, fhb s s liS w the "smote
witne wemt mete.. I.pp be gw9 N!dff
Reno R aid tIay 1w esrounl to
apneas d hie pp►pe n, bet ti pi le
eseertalal •est
aft fie .M'..d 1M ..
al meet Innen of having his Oaken, M
=Lie bid ire«.Sae, en 1h.Ir wisest
fMrM'd s.eh .seyee.na hewn. el nine
dere may appose tet we are miler wets
thewmeliteM es the elene•l..reser. Se
M believe we eve said fat -bei that es
sM M tokgtmetiy er lea .only mstd is Ca
adti end wean esttnlled that .11 reene.able cl.
ernes win feel rather pleased thee etberwt
with or bowery.
Ti. OMs el the lith i.rset. repots ms
that to Rentable loneetor Gwent thou
hen Tilden se ill as to allow the eeabtlnbt.es
d aepmnte esbeere foe the beae#t d /low
Catheiies, Sed TAT same Noy ponied u
neral .,kerbs ire the evil envie el tee
pdim7. We agree eotdially with to troth
these nnwk.. and latent that le the terse
any. n attempt .holed b• meds by men pow
Irwin liberal principles to expend the Nil
node a he.k.timg on the mime d nett t
neon' a.mioee.1 a, tante-else weeriselom.
We egret that say Le1idate►e .bol "'Wise
• el pane wtetdswr, they bane fek teem et
p►- hen dine prates le iho ptadpss of .lobs,
sea melanoma es trate
The lir ielyde•ud ke e. will be
lased et aembar ,.less' rad el N are
.es en et the sbsliu s d the peealy. k
r is n.orsbeloua meMelwrd se memo of the
vroom neagtweeete ef th•. hstitetiee,
kiss es it will to ab r.M pose. time fm Ono
cher leg My One diet sigh sed t eatebreh the
are Innen" .1 the
jeSY. is tb.'Sated plow. es it pee. tb.t Ib. esti-
the esti...( erieueele shall he See as the wee-
• 17 ie which the ?twined PINII1 * isy is woo-
It- ted. (willow the wills d the Peorte tie,, we
e.- pre....) the pehin weld ties he steel bens
b- the tieing end ttamerdiyes ekeia OUTS TT
% women eibletios of thew mew er.elties en-
- eninrily
rninrily prodner. A.el though the Bill rasais-
i• d n ether desirable prsldas. this aloof L
t, amply e.meir.t ..Fit dais attendee sad sppre-
s, satins el the Legi•Islure.
s- We ore eery to wenn that • wnsber d my
r• •apn s their eepo5itien to this
sr, meas•re. Owe pert, is afraid that it is the first
we/inwards the snit We of apiid p.wrhm.em.
eh an weld nen seek • iewne metier me the
Id Satiation d .anrthi.e that to als.ble, •ay.
t idimpu .M. n Ilse .genteel rad tenteeral .ell -
e brise of .limy ! Fee Swab .ume wee we have
d lee.rruownte. W. •.i.ly Wine. them to reed
h their Bibles sod .:.rain their mane.
of Anther peril .Memo to Mr. Richard✓ Bill.
Bi benne it Apes set ge for rm.srh, sed ray
• ' either repeal the Dan Penalty Statute oe lot
ie it ale. altogether." We have .reg debt' of
he .As .taeriteof this party. We ern A mach
opposed 10 k•(/ aMM•e as any ether etas. sad
y ...bonen Ie
nets,.' to peepneea. at the ',Mane espier
those final damamstioae sod sew the .redo ern
h isfsaty, of these bitter religiose a.itnosltl
that en versed. God ere sewesemiag the wor
Bet we de set wee with the Geis in thlsbi.
that the staser. 1• raw prated sod newt
helped. We enrollee* that the memorial .f oh
tingle toes. Egerton Rennie. Int the effect
"baking"ter melee the Behest Rill e.1 I
$.sales: And if in i.hobiie.ta sf Upper Can
da •n pepdy eh.. to the letsreetea the nein
enosiiea, they will demand, with the two
mit, d en mea, the immodai repeal of than
Ila.al Aet. if it einem be dose sere Rorie
Benin ei Parliament, let it be math the s
stiee d.a
•t renal .leettaw. Mw
Cwasada des•r.ee te ho sealed, for Ilk telt
Eente Ronne awl his &ggranted despotism
/lee nsaduestie.
i•o•tl•a is between a greet mond
sod peaoi&ry ietrnst, es 1e the case of
e the Orrin Room.... we weeld at once soy
rs ager gift se W thole tts.0 r. or let ole guff
Id. lien oleos. Bet the Menc.'e..1 Captiel Tee-
s nehmen hen se premier, futwwess is haggis,
be mew -with them it is a matter d rariesee,
• and s• they yet .ne.tit.te a .ery- largo mow.
d ties. perhaps • m.j.eiiy, et the people. •e think
M their eaoelatlee gerepla are 'toiled 10 mow-
, aad we, therefore, bail this 11i11
it d Mr. Richards .■ • k dehl. attempt to mid-
i- gate the rigor of ea established mod kplierd
• •prime of orally, which .Timis ignorance ,tad
Frieda* will set whir le be abolished.
I. IYWl aebewWAmm the mane, else F.my s -
i' The edeeoapo of the Cante to she Farrar,*
Celarida.. by J. Gendea Brews of the Gbit
.mer, Teres.. This was *dinged the eectond
lora .f the Prise Essays, lately presented to his
F.xeellrsey on this impeerant nhjret. It 1• well
writteo-is • ph -ening an familiar style, god con-
tain mach valuable inform.ties. We shall e• -
drawer te make ram for se event le ear next.
heireaeideri.g the rapid an eslaiehieg pee-
ress d seeimy dorieg the lam half eteterm-I
reviewing '6e /trod of light that wince, leareieg
sod mead philosophy MN threw, opo th
world la that period, doe would be led to be
here that the log, tag Straggle betweee ligh
asd darken, between troth sed error, must
deseri•g to a slew. Os* would supper the
Nee generally weld begin to be guided is the
.aedaot by es.. 'nano' pdaeipIe dowel obit
guise, an that the sordid motives of iedi,14u.!
..lgebmeu.timid be kept coesperiiiwely i• ea
tel if the seperwr sonti.eots. We de sot, b
may nesse., with to. team ate deal every teas
e 07' We aeliaowledge remittances from
_ Robert Len E'q.. Bytnwn, George Brown
, Esq., Kiergetoa and Dr. Robert McColl'
be Paris,
it tommnnicationg.
Goocatcw, July 15.
1 Bir, -World yet eakr a favor ea owe
• of yew sebee. ( tyre, and a freeholder of rho Ja-
egabl • of thinking nod jsdgiag for himself. or
wield be expected isdlsidrlly to regulate led
owe endow by mead details prieipleo.
very !sew MST of mmskied oerer;Miui--they
we Tet igoermi-t ey keew oohing of the tree
p►ieripl.e 'When, •etioe, and it ie to be feared
Any will n.;11 so fee nether lag
se'p•r•eid Twee et Oderich, by "Howie, bim
• to eageire, tbregb the ,.dram e( year paper.
A whether or sot, the i.habitasa of the 8t.
George'. sad Bt. / adrew'. Ward* the satisfied
with the eoadeet e1 their .bora repreee.tatiwes
of the Common Conseil of Gededeh, to wjt-
W. R. Rich, Monroe J. Hamilin, Dixie Wat-
s e sod James• Wets., Eqn.. he. Are. inee-
meeb, as by their deniceties pf Jet, is set at-
' ionise ib tte.ti.. N to Cowed .bes soil-
• fled of the mise-tbenfil emendate all hairiness
- kgidation d wba.erer eater., is the wettest
iej.ry and detriment .f Me Knew welfare d
the Tow.. i belle air. tet this hist will be
..meteor for theses, seised Weide to wive is
- the ,mien, sad call a meelia f Sed pm relevan-
t tion either epperviag or tea tennis( their ea -
duct. A FREEHOLD: -R,
i am gine to esderesed that the above nam-
ed parties who smiled. did set refer to attend
Met mid. well if Mr. Rich gee. I will. Well,
Rich says if Bgsin Wetsse gees i will. Dr.
Hamilton moa, well i1 Messrs Rich sed Wee -
ma gra 1 .ill, mod the fact is see o1 them goes
-arid the keweem of dm Tete. L set ulrsded
to. - A F.
N. B. -le reference to the foregoing cot-'
moaieatioo, our own °pinkie is that as
16ero is a majority of the Conciliate who
are willing to do their duty to their consti-
tuents, they should meet immediately and
proceed to impose a rate of assessment
which will et Last be'efficient to inset the
menet hillbillies of the Corporation. it le
too bad that the business /the town Noel/
be neglected merely because two lee
three is4ivid.alp, (moot of whom have mei•
ober stake ser interest to the place ) "bean
feel imolirmd to renege tee disappointed
expeetatioes, 1, bseoseleg refractory. -
Let touch of the Con/millers u are willing
to act, do se with promptitude and decision
and trust for a jeatificatien of their pro-
ceeding" to then who have power to jus-
Bet they are willing tc he fed. an they .r. kid
Aad dm moth .1. a. lead them -the Imo .b
en lead nay reep.et.blm member of hie fell./
ten, either to geed or evil, is certainly a eras
d tied. a nese d .prior intrlket, mod *lea
who, it may safely be presented is of . ae-
en•itatsd with the .mrkahte./e.d .f intent
One to whist. we have referred. As! .e
we rosea l say is, that thew leaders who en
kit the pewee" of istelligemee and praItted by
it might rassmably be eap•et.d to 6.,... at
lest ashamed of Iodise the ipeant storey fa
the mew iatlkatiee et their owe sel6sh•ese.-
Thh, however, s set the ewe. Entry day
!.rasee prow( of the lameoteble feet let
wMe er weenier, istnat and moral principle
owe tate eemp•utia, et -Mahan is far, far in
the m.neiat ever all settler pnaeipies, eves
wish geed rte -....paid fat teeehi.g morality!
As inane of this mad disregard of principle is
Pew beteg memrfeated ie Upper Cassie. The
High Chen\ )cry or at kart to leaders erf it,
hen heSort. •lased fir the he ef the " ea-
de.mne" its e.rpeaem dib action wont -
by tune* the Plea. M.. Pries in the Clergy
foe ane l••mise, eels very plesahla bot di.-
ne.s, 'mine bra bees get ell end is beta[ e -
Mindy, end leidfwdl hawked &bot by See-
ing an whet'., *i*la inksliy to id.eig
the imam well sentry to .int It.
The Potitise is Sa'teemd m tbm British O.w-
emewat, .d prays th&t ire power or authority
shall be punt en the Celestial Letdaure ra
legislate as.. or ietefww with the Clerry Re-
ssw.s Did rho Petitioners merely prey that
tie mem reeipi..tm .1 the One? R.eorve
fuel AeeM be allowed to costing is the re.eipt
of it Meng their tiros, their esedsei might k.
teteroted. Fr although they would, ens is
that one, be pence le Minty to gee other pea.
pebep*pay, still, bring esj,rd se charity it
might poesibfy be rimed. Bet the Petiii.
arempet aim die /.arise of "noted Arlan,"
sed ins, donator, artematie, bonen 1t is ies-
wee& Ins ea sumo ta peonies nod i• the
memo d edifies, for tio poreo of seniair,
AM wbAN should be . ssbt me thong. Tber.
1e OM ser latellimat man ie 0'4 414 few who
bell -yes that the English Church
or so ether °harsh. era claim may portion of
doe Clergy Reserve feed es. matter d rife' -
We hope, therefor, 'bet .6. Fetich• will re-
edy* the seetemptw►wd it tents
0.r beet thanks ore deo to*. B. Richards,
len. 8. Hou. Member pr Lode. f« a Rill io-
apd.eed es the whjmet &Capitol Peoidmnt.
Wed. or vise that wpdial& hire for the piece
ed helm' epee whisk the Bin ie 'rioted -we
theft thsi r,tb es.ifne.t er sbwea et the
is WeMelt k
la obs hen
i• up towards the Aro-
diet here bees se log
with lig eivil std ro-
sea whin have op. -
the Moo at eltilaim-
•adi to be r•eresd tat
whish have boss
fml h7, doe ill a uta
ettodethieg ef that a pr.Ba eery proem
seseedel is meow
Thealsmes .f Cbelesiae sleim`.-
whisk bee hoe
eembieleg 'sr
lbw h
booboo grey
ire lett kko she eared
et Isom, dry Awe
.eaaagS)ahots halleipelterer Oleo
Lse esod es.
ha *dos%
ml de
- kemRmlege. ills
how .med smash seesererle de m
few what is hese
wed 1We ash r
des,laa4.d iallei t is .
• are ego be.m*1 with
.f their &Atm me me the
abet glshsg.r*mem
theillimmidee moao
nano* .. a tattler
Sh deb
Euc*,mut, 96, Jae, 1860.
TO Rea IDITOS M Tyra rota NSAL.
Bra. -Air you neasisemlly favor n with •
pari., Betio., It may sot be msiatereotimg to
your ratters to bon semm knber iefrmeti.a
relative to this sew s.ttleesest Somewhere
sheet two heeded rad sway lots d iffy woes
nett ban bees aaaigt.d an actually raid ep-
ee. Th. mistily of the Ind is e,elleet, being
'Airily • rich Isom ewer • slay bottom. Tbe
preportign of .wrap ie ...wally small. The
eosin w anireiat renins mown off the wane,
.d is mos pare of the Township a seareiy of
.prise awl creeks is mg•edrd with sot. anxie-
ty. A gent geeatlty d lend es beee cleared
devise the lea twelve seethe. ••d a cagider..
Wo breadth of fall what hashers sews t wbteh,
together with the sprig ereps, leek remarkably
A majority of the settlers here are well-e-
b•wd. idestri ire poses, tams his rte int
sod dia.slse; sad there are met weenie those
who regard throaelves as heist sw'sesry to
eke weU.hei•g 11 the rnlemati bet .heels ie-
tl°yses ie mete detient•I thea .ofd.
TheTuw. Plat of Pvwta.ge le 'armed M
he is to market Bees. The Mill rite win b.
►wgevded as se *ileitis hnmmMel fee soled
Me. Jolts.% the 0s'ev.s•.0 Rge.t. enlist
the passe s the S1e1 elk, as think res les
he •$••s•4 moms core of depot" sebio► W wan
gens/ i. the Henget.g end tier►-wslshi.e do.
poitiemeet rose elf ib•M•leth,^ Thebe apse
sem spook* food el, cod the
et Peters irregelmtty wets etre* Fiord est I
tine is.16•rdi,., room le hoe that ser me-
reprot flans will be alike endit.bke n saw•
aalu% aais.in to imdl•Id.d sod model
'Os, ntrgm_M . aid omen hwortali with
amp .wtmlasl hs►trdm. orris it denier
Wier minall
feed p
by obs 1 ighsva ihmfatedoleass
P••M, d Tonle LAMM& i tMwdgfeisty
Slaw rani.. The heitid•s b ebutioieg Is-
t-dsmieg hqum+ net hind .war dee eleseases
d lbw EMM. as Oviedo the petite. ,•ay
he weadtd es ••mpwbsiag IM chief .herasl .
nen - new path, onicelause epee tM fle-
mr.li teg'.Sarney d tise sge..i,G. es mei-
met for Limed dielnet.s. hew ...Malo/ tc
son aunt, a .►*unto, .ebsrib.re he •
aeneriees Tory ahem, ea the greed .f in swm-
Imlay, and et its beteg priatpelly dented to
the diseeminuss dagrknit•ral rsfsrmeti.s. A
mend attempt a deeepuern is this tray will
prove • .igaml failure.
Whim pport.ntty .are, sod twits/..
prompts, I may agate address yo..
Yore respectfully,
1. L.
Poner,te,A. C•marit -8T ollrOto.-Tote
MU to the Re.. Tees. McPhereo., for mew
time omeatIne ler to For Chetah Presbyte-
rian at Stratford, wee tsadrrated leo Mooday
the 94th Jae*, at Stratford. The Re.. Morn.
Bell of Woodstock, .sd Wallace of Jugend,
sad Graham of Tsskeremith, were pretest oe
benne( the Tenn tery n( Leedom. The eau
toes weenewn i. The it.duetios widl ens oke
plow. -Cos.
New York, July 10.
The President did at 36 minutes peat
ten o'clock, last night. His death w•e nim
end, peaceful The Vice Proudest. the
Mayor of the city, the Attorney Oeseraf,
Physician and family, eerroeeded bie bed.
General Taylor's last word. wen, " r as
Pewterer', i haw endeavored to do my ds•
1, .e Ti. Cabinet will this moral*, ono-
municate to Congress the death of the Pre•
indent. The Executive depeetm.ats ara
all eland. The remains of the President
will be exhibited i■ mate, at the Executive
mansion, till the day lir the lowest, which
will be °e Saturday. Col. Blies in critical •
ly 111 with cholera. Several deaths from
same diner, hare occurred.
The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser sop:
-" The iotellire.ce of the alarminging ill_
one and death of President Taylor has
eome upon m* so suddenly and unexpected-
ly, that we are wholly unprepared for the
great calamity which hes fallen upon the
nation. While all eye" were turned to
him with bop. and cosid•nee, in the pres-
ent eventful crisis is the affairs of thecoun-
try-while all looked to hem to guide the
ship of State amid the storm in which it is
now involved, God in his Providence, hu
seen 8t to wi
thdraw him from bio post of
duty, and a whole people moues the dis-
pensation. All hearts are command with
the greatness of the calamity, and sadness
is upon every brow. Never did we ob-
nerve a feeling of mournful solemnity so
pervading' as now: Geo. Tatter was jest
the man for the time". His gecgraplical
po.ition-his personal popularity -hie stere
and unbending devotion to the right -hie
conscientious discharge of duty -he ousel -
lied character -hie ardent patriotism, and
Inc. for the Union -all combined to reader
him competent to act se the executive of
this groat nation, of • crisis when So many
of thea, qualifications would be called into
regnieition. to him the people of every
ssellen had confidence that he would not
permit the " Commonwealth to stiffer detri-
ment," at the kande ofinternal or external
foes. But he has gong -hie mortality has
put os immortality -and an entire people
are wrapped a grief for they feel that
thetr'e te the Ion is his death.
The effect which this afflictive snot
will have nom the political affeirm of the
country cannot now bp 'animated. All
ever that it will be unfavorable to .n ittlrk+..
bye •djnotw.t of the pending difficulties, in
coneeg.tence of the withdrawal of the porn. -
nal and sectional infl ones of dos. Taylor.
But fortunate. indeed, is 1t for the Seat')
that Millard Pastore Odle Vies President
of the Untied States. Upon him will now
devc'e the arduous and responsible duties
of the Ezetwti•.. H. too, has • national
reputation, wed ie him have the people re -
treed a woe eonlldese.. Lour has Um
Whig patty of the Union regarded him a
ons .f their meat ninon Statement, one
capable of 8111., the highest station ie their
gift- He now goes into that station -sot
by the impala, vote, it ie troe, bat by u
act of Prowideece, under tin operation of
our lnetitotiou. He becomes legitimately
inserted with all the of the
President', and will prove himself equal to
the natio' which be in called to 811."
Philadelphia, July 10.
On of the mat destructive conflagra• , q
twee that ever occurred in this city, was s
witeeend peet.rday. TO fins int broke
oat at half put 4, p.m. in the first story of
Stere No. 98, North Delaware Avenue. --e g
Three terrific explosions took place, origin.
ting, it le sunned, from about 1000 beg. t
Saltpetre stowed in Budge warehouse.
Delaware Aeons was completely filled ,,,
with • saw of human beings ; among t
whose wore several hoadrede of noble and ,p
gallant firemen. The first explosion did
Sot Seem to cane much excitement or fear, N
.or did the snood, except some alight fears
for palely, when Sive masa moved towards
the last end ofth. wharf. The third ex•
plosive, however, proved the death of many
tees, women and childn.. le Detainee
Avenue and Water Street, the scene pre-
sented was appallingin the extreme.-
When the third and ast etploeio• of Salt-
petre neared. the rush for bran Wu terrific ;
many were forced over the wharf Isle the
Dolan•►., *6.1. • great .ember jumped
into the tint to Mehl themselves from the
bricks and timber Flom the boning morn.
The net of pereoae, whoa property has
les destroyed, oceeplpe a .elate of one
d the ,.rote, papers. Th.,, sort bare
boo at lean 30 penes. killed. The ap-
pearance presented by este of 16e bodies,
was shocking it the Otsego 1 some a0
dere will proha►ly at.
'1'le 2e bvr wounded outset he lees them
awl% W. mitimetsthe few •t (oar millielo
af Myers. About 400 boom has bees
t7 ?b. alp Grab, date Lle.rpesl N
Rrir York, 35 days est, with fel mares
cora, woe wrecked sorer Cape Rees. The
wreckers pillaged the own. care, mod
peeprog.rs; no Imes loot.
will seed the passenger. forward Nandi
07- Loo. Team .-T6e Hedvig River
Railroad oe Thotedmy, took down to Re
York a train of 93 ears, baying 1,750 pos.
@segers. The trate was half a m4. in
Ingsh-..that ltso,ig•t Irain, probably,ever
drawn es the country by a single ento-
A ohne time since. a woman w.. Flippo.
sed to hen died of cholera at Meneo, and
was burred, but without • coffin, an
is not enema' there, and in. were shallow
grave. She goo. revival, dug h.reelf ort,
sod returned home, to the joy .f Nr friend.
-$. it is stated.
'.td Reralt .Ja Bite Frem 4 Human
Being. --Ur, Dube, of Cobleeti, emotions
the ease of a police -AL -4w, whose thumb
was severely b rtee whilst tinier a men
No custody. Tem wound healed up wiry
well, but • week afterward numbness end
formication were felt in the thumb and the
index. with •paemodie twitcbem of the
mimeles. The next day, the man was es-
ised with frightful capitulation" and loos of
coeseiousnes. for • few moments. Thew
symptoms diminished greatly for the two
following mouths, yet they reappeared sub-
sequently with renewed intensity, ace( m -
partied by defective .peech, wast of sieep,
and wandering. The pinion sone died.
Os a pet mortem examination, the po.-
tenor portion of the left hemisphere of the
brain was foiled is • stats of inflammatory
eons° ng. -Lancet.
A woman offering to ellen a deed, the
Odin asked her whether her bu.basd com-
pelled her to sign 1 ' He compel me T said
the lady, ' on, nor twenty Gk. him.'
As Act to amend the Criminal Law in re-
lation to Capital Punishment.
Whereas it is expedient that ample time
should be allowed between the paring
of sentence of death on any penoo and the
execution of such se.tenee, for the die•
coney of any error in the proceedings at
the trial or othrwlee, before it be too late
to remedy the . of such error:
Be et therefore enacted, Ste.
That when any pereo• .hall be convicted
of any crime punishable with death and
sentenced to much punishment, he shall at
the same time be e.teoeed to hard labour
io the Provincial Penitentiary until such
punishment of death shall be indicted.
11. And be it enacted, That no person so
imprisoned shall be executed in pursuam..
• of such sentence .within one year from the
day such sentence of death was passed, nor
until'thewhole record of sod% proceedings
or came, shall be certified by the Clerk of
said Court, under the seal thereof, to the
Governor, nor until a warrant shalt be towed
by the Governor, under the greet feel of
this Province, directed to the Sheriffof the
Corny wherein the Provincial Penitentiary
to situated, comm.adi.g the Sheriff to
cause the sentence of death to be carried
into execotioe in bias County, which war-
rant the Sheriff .1.11 obey.
III. And be K omen, That any Penn
ender Semen of death .t the time of the
pmtwng nen Aet, shall be conveyed to
the Previ.eial P.eiteatiary, there to be
conned at bard labour until the sxpir.tioe
of so year from the time of hie nuance,
.ed until the swetones of death shall be
executed; and the Governor shall terse his
warrant authorizing and requiring much
sod confinement, sed each per-
son may thereafter be dealt with as if ea-
teecd after the peseta( of this Act.
Iltlllll !!fee inn mil es 1 sem 11 1 ism
GODERICH, 1.1y 17.
WHRAT, Fall, per be. 3. 3d.-8pnag,
do. 3s to 3e 4d. Flour per bbl. 30s to 99a
ed-(su per be. a led -Pam per bu. le -
Potatoes per M. • ed to 2s -Pork per bbl
60a. -Barrer per Ib. 3d to 7d -Home per
16. 84--Egie ear en. ed.
Mrgl J.ly 9.
Pose. -i• the early part of the wok,
there was a brisk dossed at an .domes of
is over or last quotation., oey 30., ad
is some intents 30e lid. Latterly,
however, the demand has le some measure
subsided. Yesterday and to -day, we would
ooze the rats at t9. 6d, to 29e 9,1, for
troll hills, and 29s 9d to 30. for parcels
Pant.. -Were sought for in the early
part of the week, and 30e a 80• 141 was
it... Yesterday they were bought at
Nosed to -day we have not beard of a
FLOom..-We have again hal an sttre-
ely doll week, and we teduce our que-
stions about 6d pet harrel, at which the
whet to day is quite inactive.
Oaf Meat, tomes Meath, and Bitter.-.
othing doiog.
WuaiT has partaken of the dowowee
tendency of Flour, and we reduce not q
tattoos accordingly. The traneaetione of
the week have been very limited, and it
would be difficult to -day, to sell a quaintly
at our limit.
Oarli have food buyers at 1. 10ed, a 1a
114, at which they ars bought for Milted
Stats Markets.
Pana. -A small gisastity has been pitted
at 3e per mint, let they an not it active
iisngie Oozes... -.Nn *ales to report.
Paovt.tose.-Roof dull. Perk is it fair
O• halvah,. lees Ie.h Jane, hoe, Ow b-
lewwd wife ef Mr. heoph Wine, of this Tows,
all •••••47 -etas peers std ares new.
1. 1h. Township .t Aehliold, .e the led
of MT. lin Palaroe McG.i.e, of Coo
'moieties, *sod B8 7yatUsor.s
ie 161e Taw. e. 8at.rday, the thirte.nth
ieeteat.• lieserieg Meese, 8
the bel.wd w41111e.-Patrick Me[iesey,
Berl oil et Mr. beery Mertes,
1. tble Tows
Niseftert y»wraa. e
tldsseri hot. the
evil eGOI Wow
.pensee 6ab1paths
The erell Pea ins satinn great ravage*
the 1ndi•ee ad whose iaba6itaste of
e S ^ ee i51.: sad. is ►epee le ra-
west N 1051 .posses.g$ the Iodises imms-
aar t I6 ILhers soy « their Fipple who ►a...
Was'1'iId CHOLESA.
CinNss do lay e,
►a Mum from t ef Ism
Has lefB
other &owe, ttMwiag a ssaaidewhlm dIF`
were A shekels. _ we.; of dM Rs Mildew e1 uNs
ao•sawe be GM at eb Minh h Hos e
M WMlrrmb.s '.may, ,g pfd giiiiey " i fhb is as% fir s.
sed oils., TM moan h Kasheels a lad tlab .f wee H tome
_ ends2Mtliyttesl ppm Sim rte s • - T. R't If rare. Ma
. Qairriai,kid le -elf
The ton
the New York post
from Cablusie. ohne
$111R1M 1e.
tmt dJirt4,
BIM les., M tad C. R., Cosner el' w
..robot, .4. deneter.
1. trim Town, se *W44 d lei", et the hider
Y..her'. by t6. Raw. C. /Loather. Mm..g
Penton, u Nim 31as..aar Ws
then ter of Witham 55.tk.., Eall• Tomalawe.
.1 the Tows d O.dnieb.
At Granteh, .n sheikh 1.1y, by the Rev. C.
Fletcher, Mr. Lrwi. White, .I the Ti.onipd
Kte.mdtso, te Ranh Also*. dQuderirb,
N 0 C .
1a 1 ase t► tNdMfdAfleSr.f
TGA Sideelel‘
au w4,mer
e w
ale e.ge4*or mammas Mh
ibew 7isrMMIM er/ te greae?tisk, Drd iRu.
mmll .rmri.•dnlmer/om mjr54 *eaneAreblOrd
=7 Boast ieells .M l .ous-
elk errseee
11urRsIftMiM . brisk* se smiie tt ' e
toot taxon roar"
ARRIVED -July gad,
Schooner PIv-from Detroit-iMedragnr
Master. General cargo.
Highlander -from Klneardi.e--McLind,
Muter. Freight aid punsters.
July 6.-Seb,, A dote from Qmenc,
Crabb, Muter. Merchandise.
CLI~.;RED-July 7.
8ebr, Ply, McGregor, Nasser.
July 11 Schr. Aenex•tlss+ Cral6, mut.
cargo Bark. - - -
Arrived July 19 -Sen. ) , hem Port
Sarnia. Paaeenger..
Hi.hlsnder, from Bayfklld. Wheel.
ihemist a n b Dragaist,
July 1660. 38-3
COPARTNERSHiP heretofore we
feting between the und.reigned u •
Company, is obis day dissolved by sntmal
consent ,
The business will in fntnre be carried on
by Wm. Kennedy alone, w6e is Imre* au-
thorized and empowered to arrears all mat-
ters eonstet.d with the immediate beetnese
of the late Firm.
S.ugesn, 97th lone, 1660. 3199.
TO BE SOLD. -An Excellent
Farm of Land..
BEiNG Lea No. 13 aid 13. ee the 14th eon-.
xriow. Township of Lewin, eoaiaUg
900 acres, 70 of which are .lard. The Laid
is of a Bowdon quality, and well wawwd. It
is situated ten miles from :be Twee ef Ledom,
ea the Macadamised Road. Hero L a Frame
Henn and two Frame Barns es the p►emiere.-
it is in the enure ef a popdses locality. The
plan ie will adapted for s Sion or Tan
Stand. McFerm is well retitled to the stunt
ties of person desirous of foie, isle beans.
Theta ie also • good Baring Orchard ee the
said Farm, mid will be sold ea fey resoahk
terms. For particulars apply to Wm. McMa-
hen., es the mdjotoieg Lot, or to
Town of Goderich.
July 3rd, 1850, 53822
OFFICE, to 3rd loll 1850.
Acheson Robert Morrish Charlotte
Alcock Mies M Oliver
Alexaedoe Wm. Mayor Thou
Aedoreee Thomas Miller Robert
Begs Wm. Mainline Mn C
Bonhomie Julia Mcletyre Jonepb
Brick Mary McKersie Euphoria
Barber Jobs McGlade Micheal
Beat Samuel McCerdy Patrick 9
Bali Jamie Racehorses Wm
Baird John McCoy Robert
Booth Robert McGregor Andrew
Blake Matthew McLean*. Martis
Bedford Mia T. Nichola 1
Barwick H. C. Venal A D
Brown Chanes 'a'Cossor H B gi
Crowe. Jahn O'Connor Joseph
Churchill Arthur 2 Palmer Georg.
Counter John Pock Lessard 9
Crabb Mary Ana Ps..' 1....
Craig William Park.Js40
Cruor Willia. Pi
Campbell Colin Plow 1 mirpr.t
Campbell Job. Rutledge William
Crighton Donald Reid Alexander
Dooming William Richards Richard
Douoogb Aedow Ralph Thomas
Detbrty George Ras Jobe
Donoghue Jobe 3 Smiled James
Duncan Andrew 8attedera Hee/
Ferrer Mre Themi.anStiles Simon
Farina Hoary Savage Jobe
Griffin Jobs Steep Peter
Grimes William Stafford Stile*
Hawkins Jobe 9 Schneider Ree P
Hotly John Dory lames
Henesey John Doyle James
Haddon Jobe Shot Patt
Hambly Thomas Stewart David
Henry George 3 8w George 2
Hogan Patt 3' 8hepberrd William
Hudson John Tebutt EdWard .
Hunter William Jr Valentine Barthel
Holmes Jogeph Vunstono Samuel 2
Johnnie Thomas
Jose" E R Esq
Joon Wm
King John
Liddel Robert i
Lusk Edward 2
Lan vier Pier.
Lewis Do nisick
Morrie Phan.
Wilson Molyneui
Whitely Mark
Wslmh David
Woodward Mir.
Williams Ree John
Weimer Daniel
Whales Jobs
Yate Jobs
KYDD, Pat Master.
REMAiN1NG in the Stratford P. 0. ep
to July 716, 1860.
Atderfo. Dessau Kennedy Andrew
Adeno. June Kilterhoro Re,. A.
Ambler David Lewey Semi.
Alla. Jams Murray W.I.ror Jot.
Boyle Bame.l Me•ryles, Wm.
Drees Philip. Murray Jenne
Brow. Mil. ' Magill David
Grey banter McLane Rpbt, P.
Curly John 2 McMaster Thee.
Conry Wm. Niel W.
Campbell Thee. O'Doe.'11 'oink
Cert Daniel Pods* MAW,
Cooly Petr Dyam loo.
Cassell Palk. Riley Margret
Draper Theo. flown Wm.
P Chas.ATIN Rodger
hr oke Rih0 e Wm.
''Geer Heigh Rowell it.omard
Fly.. Hngk elhente Three.
Gott Wet. Stewart J.o. flloe.
Only Jens eibbeld Wm•
Hector Mal lbws Shills. Elis.
Hill Sarah Wright Ales,.
!rem* dare* Watson Jac
J.tht Catherine White Raohsl
)Cls.msa GOAN Wantonly lee. E.
A. r. MiCKLE Peet Mester.
Gleiriab, M 1111.y. ASO.
lO. 3m -trio!
r )1Id0 i. 1MRute re ell shot demo .mems
that 1 Mw .oder • peso etAtwep arse.*,
d se WILLIAM $TORT, o.ib.rimrif
.d,'Pay fey ail ,'Paday mer either by Nose eel ;t
heed .r etherwrea. Anti gnat disrtmyse, leo eke
to era ferlltwifil le tb. mune aid aye.
Cate. ,4b
Oei, 115114Ry hay, sWalta.. ie 1;.
- .rt.•. 11
pine no Divine Cat.rarlf r ter Dena tt
Conde' of Horn Perth sod stare. •iMbwi )
bold in the times and places lelb.wfag:-
1a1. Aymm.e.-.Coors hoose 141 .-
3rd-Aeeeet. T. G. Morgan. roe., Clerk.
31. Disease - Detainee Tavern Hong Pi')
-Sod September. Leen Cu.. Erq.,
3d. Deriama-Weod'eTavere. Bte.thrd flee
September George Williams. P•oq.,C1erl . •
4t11. 'Neta',-•Qelan' Tares Lesio Mrlr '
13th September. George Caner. Esq...G•I r
Sib Amnon- 1elee e'.Ina.Bruo►r1M
Sept. Jan. 0.,doe, Esq., Conk. 11
Sola. Qebi.sr4toha.I house Si. Mary's. 4*4.
Seri. James Colorise. Esq.. Clerk.
The Shrine .f the Berard Germ wlfl eels
meow peactesdly at 11 o'clock, A. 37.
Gederieh, Jely 1316, '50 lv-a-esi '
LATEST News from Huron !
-TM nbeeribem beg Wave to rola,. the
Tanners of Ham. awl all .tats iotesresd, Met
They hen ammeeerd the madnmt.ro.7
ASH KETTLES, which they .ill wormer
weed, Sod are determined te Bell .. Cheep sir
Cb.apn thea say leepertsd. Any Kole feed
defective frees weed. err air glee, will be takes
beck withta ,w. s frees date of parehne".
G.4.r{e6, lose 1316. '60.•
PERSONS desirous of ,.allot. -08.010
Durham Road to the loveable* of
OlsMolg, B.ntlssk. Brant, Greenock, Xis.
lea sod Kincardine, must apply per.naUy
at the Oleg of the vadereigned, ad Mo lo.
cations will be confirmed •ke.pt Guth as arty
made ie accordance *It6 16i. requirement.
All •ae.gemeste of nearest io locations
without the keowledge and approval of the
Apert, w!11 be enunciated as a forfeiters of
.11 right in the locate* or mini gner
Clown LAND Orris.
&Mink, County of Waterloo. }
M.rtb 14th, 1860. del
IOTICR.-The Partnership
leinakn vestige between ALatAtrnsll..
B.aatsuros Oen God Census Jahn Watwa►,
d Strathird, ashen r, carriedTeencarriedd
en .N
e name, style mid ins of Orr es, hi
tot Wil
Worley dissolved by gseteal eneent. All debut
nab, dosed fru, will be paid by dm reit Al.
,,odor Derde to On, to nom a6 debut dee to
the said ie are se be paid irtbwlih.
*news, A. B. ORR,
D. H. Lia.sa C. J. WILSON.
Doted at Stratford, this 13th day aloe, A.
D. 180.
-‚76...be.rN.. hung bed PARK Leto
Kon 4e3, 434, 438. 439, 431, rad pen MEd.
Her the anew et the Time .(BTRATFORD
.erveyed •ad Sid out iete on -torch .ere Lets,
wool/ respectfully call the atte.ti...7 Partin"
whittling u berm purchasers te the *mt.-.
Free turd Misfuesbetd Deeds wilt ire erreted to
those pereload.g, or bind kw Deed will bogie's
to those who egoist pay for LMo eat dna, et
much • kogth of time es may be agreed epee.
Toe particulars ei to Price, &e. apply to Mr.
D. H. Lion, 8olimt.,, Stratford, with where
the pian pf the Property lin.
Stratf , lath Joie, ISM. fwa.9!
NOTICE.-Tbe Sub.eribet begs to intl.
mate to all that it may Bowers, that
the 8th Division Court having been remov-
ed from Clinton to Bree.Beid. The Clerks
duties of that Court will be attended to
"diario his a►nce at Bucefield," by Mr.
One. McMillaneaof that place, also at btr
odes at Melee.
JAMES GOl1 )HON, Clerk
No. 6, Division Court.
Climes, 95th Juno, 1860. vos91
Goderich, Canada West,
AQuantity of Potash Kettles,
of the relented 8t. Mwricr, Three Riv-
en fres Works,"-Atso daily looked hr hem
Liverpool, via .Meetreel,
BALES Blaobd sod tlableethed C.lio.se•
de Cense Yea, asserted colours.
de. Fusty Prieto.
Ad. " Hae•my's " First Qnslityilak Brady.
Qr. Casks Paloeed Betas Sherry Wile.
do. " Pert do
Aird in nadide to the above, a■ ...entrant
.1HARDWARE, A,. &e. *bleb the 'sheen -
berg purpose seli.g very low.
.90 M. B. (SEYMOUR & Cw
H.ren, Perth seal brace. tae of
a Writ of Attaehmest meed out of Her
Majoety's Cort .1 Queen's leer► .t To-
ronto, nn the TWENTY-EIGHTH DAT
of MARCH, in the year of our fiord Oso
Thousand Eight Hundred an rill. tad to
toe directed. sgeiest the ESTATE, REAL
as well s #'ER8ONAL, ofen.aT Co.
an ahseondiog or consoled r, at the
Suit of Hemet Dory sad Tet► ea F. Amster'
for the snot of Eighty -Theo. Posed,, One
Shillis, and rotor Peoon,
i levo ted all the Relate, Reel mei
P.reo.•I of he serf Hobart Cook. and oalw
the said R t Cost were with.. the j.
rredletrrae of he said Covet and pet to fail
t. the Aetna, oceans the elem.( the aid
Henry Doty end T6eeeee P. Abet to be
dieteleargd .tthi. Thew C•leeder Moabm
from the Int day of the pobliealao• of thd.
Notice m t6. Canada Gazette, all the Tr -
tato, Real es P.'r.o.al, of 11%. "aid Rolart
Conk, or se moth thereof es may be mesa
miry. will be held liable fee the Payee.'
Benefit ad 8atm(ot.ee of the claim.
PMtlater's Ono*.
fled•nrs,'ah April, 1150.