HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 23,1 . ; • a A C 4 A . • • .11 000200.000040000100001.00001100000.10.100004000asquannamans00 Let's Talk SPORTS a By DON "BOOM BOOM" GRAN/OTT Sports Editor FineI1Y -another hocker. season has arrived! With. November 23 as the opening date for the cross- ing of sticks and claShing, of skates in the • Exeter arena, it 'brings to our mind that this is the latest starting date for a hockey club yours truly has played on in some time. Last year, the tribe was well under way in early November. To top, it off, even though we haven't started, we are still behind former teams in ,getting into. condition. Not having played any exhibition games before the season's opener may hurt the Mohawk chances of delivering a solid performance. Meeting BLACK - WELL, a high class intermediate "Xi", team in the first game will be a tough 'assignment for the tribe. However, we're discardingthe. c,rying •towel to pass on the information that all of This year's Mohawks dressed for the game will do their BEST to pick up two points in front of their home town fans, FRANK ALPOUGH, business manager -of the BLACKWELL CLUB, tells us he, still hasn't found .a rink to play. home games in. Just to show how much some real athletes want to play the game, Ilderton offered at a meeting in CLINTON recently to .try to get the HENSALL arena to book them. This might• not seem like much but when you take a look at where Blackwell is, you have to admire them for their enthusiasm, Blackwell is near POINT ED- WARD. Some of the happenings that take place at, hockey meetings sound like a bunch of tWo-year-old kids fighting over a popgun. Everyone in this league seems to be worrying about the EXETER MOHAWKS being so strong. At the Clinton meeting, FOREST„• who is going INTERMEDIATE "B" to get four im- ports. on the club, was tossing words around that Exeter had such a powerful hornebrew club .they didn't know what they were going to do. •Well, I'll bet my bottom dollar that Forest comes ,up with a smoothly balanced club that won't have to take a back seat from anyone this year, least of All a home- brew entry! • Personally, I believe that our club has a lot of rebuilding to do. Experience is the largest prob- lem facing the tribe. Yes, we have five players with the needed experience but five'inen can't win enough hockey games. Before the season is out, I'm sure any,:title hopes that our team may have will be rest- ing right in the hands of the local kids on the club. If.they learn to act .quickly, think and pass effective- ly', before ,this short 16 -game, schedule runs, out,, then we're in. But if they .can't,. do it then they will have that, much more experience for another winter. I'm sure all of the 'players will be gibing all they have when on the' ice for; the town of Exeter, so it's my sincere wish that the good citizens of this town support them, as often as they can. Things have really been rolling along smooth- ly on the BOOSTER SEAT setup for this winter. You!. might say that 99 percent of ,last year's boosters ap- proached purchased their seats again. The only draw- back to the club's plans is the lack of time .to get. arotind to...See-eVeryone:: However, they' Will be en sale at- Snell'ilros. 'this • Saturday,: •'. ' * '* • * • * • * ON-'3Hr GRIDIRON iITCHENER-WATER- LOO DUTCHMEN did it again as' we.!stroliglY eipecti ed they would .all season. On paper .a 17-16, score over LONDON LORDS lookedlike a! nal. battle but when you glance at the statistics, London may as well have been out en the golf course, This year, marks the fourthin • succession that the Dtitchies have wonthe title which, we might add, is about two too many to keep Any league happy. However, with the $70,000 that is reported to have been spent by London to' get a winner, who would give any' thought that K -W would have a ghost of a chance? Ha!• * °A- * *. HOCKEY DATA History will be made in Canada • at the' end of this week when RUSSIA'S DYNAMOS will play the WHITBY. DUNLOPS at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. It marks the first time that .Russia has let her hockey team play in this country, to our knowledge . at least. Incidentally, the game will be televised over London. It should be quite interesting to see the world's most power-. • ful skaters in action. Let's keep our fingers crossed. that the CBC connections don't go haywire when the game, is scheduled to come on. * ' • * * . .¥ . A HUNTING WE WILL GO -GO -G0= -Plenty of BIG game hunters from -this area are out tramping 'the woods these days in the north lands as the season is on and the game is reported to. be plenti- ful. 'One of the basic rules of hunting was given to Id and we'd like to pass it on withan illustration. An Egeter- four -man expedition just returned from the woody north with two moose and 'a deer.. At all times a hunter must be ready •to' fire. But • what? We are told that one Of the BIG GAME hunters had mother nature call on him, out ,in the • middle of nowhere: While visiting her he spotted a 'deer prancing by, What did he do? You guessed it!' He lost .his pants in the chase but he' hit'his' target. So remember, always .be prepared for action n6 matter what position you're in!, (Name •upon request.) * * * * * THIS 'N. THAT Maybe' the' WOAA. INT. LEAGUE Will have 10 teams in it after all, • If the STRATHOOrROCKETS don't soon Manage to win game, loon ler an entry,,form, Thorny! . Mo- , hawk Reserve Booster seas go sale this Saturn day from AO a.m. to 5 p,m, at, Snell Bros. Last year booster seat holders who have beenapproached have responded very well .to this year's cut in prices ,e LIVINGSTON'S 1111,16t have a 'crack" basketball team since they dumped DETROIT inan exhibition' game . Will it be a race to tlae wire between. TILLSON:, BURG and STRATHROY for the cellar position in the OHA SENIOR "B" standings this year? . By the way, a mixed bowling team composed of three girls and three boys from Strathroywill bowl on .the local alleys this Saturday morning against six youngsters from the Exeter schools . NEW YORK RANGERS looked like,Stanley Cup ,winners the way they played against LS CANADIENS last Saturday 'on TN, Hope We,can di) the same this' weekend against BLACXWET.?„ See you in the rafters at 9 ° pm.! . i faMitaufiManmattimtaMatimabah.; I 3 . . 401‘k lit 'Us Supply. You 'With' '•,•• a. . E. I. .. . 'Rubber ',Stamps •1 , , . • ,.. The TimoisiAdvocate ,,... • L.... . ,. ... . • Tribe Open Season Saturday Nine Teams Form District Grou : OPEN SATURDAY MORNING HOCKEY -Wing Commander N. D, Bray, D.C., chief technical officer at RCAF Station Centralia, officially opens the minor hockey pro- gram for Exeter and district -Saturday morning. 'He drops the puck between Mike -Cushman, left !and Jimmy Carscadden while Exeter Rec Directdr Larry Heideman -and Huron Park Playground Director John McCarron watch.A large number of boys from Huron. Park participate in the program, Centralia contributes to the cost of minor hockey. -TA Photo 'JUNIOR BOWLING 'CHAMPS -Winners of the Saturday morning bowling league, operated by Recreation Director Larry Heideman, centre, are shown here with their 'trophy. Girls are Anne Hockey, the captain, left, and Arlene Glover. Boys are Larry Willert, left, and Lester Heywood. Peter McFalls, absent from the picture, was also on the team. •-T-A Photo SH Girls Threaten Champs In WOSSA. Tournament Pletity of excitement prevailed in the University Of Western On- tario's Thames Hall, last Satur- day as teams from all over West- ern Ontario did their utmost to ebhrianmgpititioghieria WOSSA volleyball In the' midst of it all, South Huron District High School Jun- iors, champions of the Perthex Conference Volleyball League, ran astray in their title bid man- aging to grab only one Win in three tries. In the morning, Sbilth Huron dropped a 26-20 decision to Lea- mington, In a pair of afternoon enetulterS,.they came out on the short end of a 24-20 game with Clarke Road Collegiate but then .managed to trip Tillsonburg ,32- 24 in the nightcap. Despite the fact that the locals Won only One gaine,they lngtin ini- tial start with Leamingttin, who eventually copped the WOSSA Junior "A" title with three Wins, Leamington, who possessed the tallest junior girls' team in the totirnaMent, wasted little time in getting started as they led a Shaky ,started Hiltonteam 16-5 when the hall time whittle went. At this stage of the opening con. test,, it looked as though itWould be ,Just a matter of how many points the More experiented Lea- mingtOti squad Was going to pild up before the game ended, However,. Coedit Miss L. Seim, her sent a determined South Ituron Wnt onto the fleet for the last half 'of the game. Within the first feW minutes, some very skillful serving cut the Leaming- ton lead to 16-10. At thrbelquatter time, Leant- Ington held a 2145 edge but the gap watt hatrOWed by three points on Sane Horton's effective serv- ing. After the ball changed hands a'number of times without either team managing to register a point, South Huron threw a real scare into the opposition by mak- ing it a 2120 ball game. The twO points were collected when Ilya Gulens batted a serve over the net that fell in for a point and Barb Hodgson smacked out' a line drive from the serve poi - tion that stopped Leamington de- fenders doid. The tension proved to be a lit- tle too much for the South Huron team and they began to falter. Leamington took the advantage to roll up six more points and wrap up the game. Leamington Went on to defeat Clarke Road Collegiate 2546 and Tillsonburg 40,10. Disheartened at dropping their opening contest, the locals didn't play as well against Clarke Read in the second game and came out on the short,. end of a 24-20 score, However, Miss Seignel'.1 erew did get credit for twe points against Tillsonburg in a lopsided 32-24 victory. South Huron held a' 1342 lead after the first half but With a determined second, half Spurt, had little trouble dis- posing of their oppoSitiOn. Coo Pirthex Title Southro n rs won the right to participate in the Maier WOSSA tournament at London by downing St. Marys Juniors 26.16 in 41 sudden -death affair at Mitchell en Thursday •afternoon to capture the Perthex Confer- eliCe Junior Girls' ehamplonship, Winning Coach MISS L. Salvia Was well pleased with the tettin't showing. The girls received indi- vidual crest* and, the Junior Chamber of Commerce Trophy, emblematic of junior volleyball supremacy. The trophy is donat- ed each year by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of St, Marys. WOSSA. lineups and points per player were as follows: , innsT GAME Leamington 26, South Enron 20 _LEAMINGTON; jUdY Raceks Delores Watson 2, Yvonne De- bolgh 1, 245rtha BOrookke 7, Linda. troOrsbn 1, Cora, learn 7, Pat Leartion ‘2, Joan Bergman 1, Janet Benner 2, Bonnie Maxwell 2 Mary Liska,toy Tuddel, Pat dackson, Jane Vanuittwill, 4Di. anne Penner. SOUTH EL`BON; Jane Ilorton 4, Gulens 2, barb Hodgson 2, 'Kris Gulens 1, Janet Gaschti Dianne Bannie 6, Anne 1,Zoenler, Joan Guenther Marjorie ilodgert; Carol Becker Anne Alexander, Dianne 'Thiel,' Marilyn Hamilton, Sandra Eel& Shirley Bold. SECOND GA5H (31sirke Hood, 24, 'Sbutit Huron' 20 CLAIIBE /WAD: Shirley Be. *ea 1, Elizabeth Chihninicke ts, tarolyn SehauS 1, Sharen Matain 7, Marilyn Merrier 1, Marilyn Gil. brit]. 1, Judy Dobie 2, Barb Chan. Man, .Mary Carrinbell, Joy CO Sandra; Kennedy', Sandra u al. SOVVE, laorton 4, 112e GirIni 1, Carol HeNtet, ;lean Guenther 1, /4:rig Gulens' 7, ;Janet Ganehe 4, Anne /Oehler 3, Dianne Rtni ft, Barb un leicandei'Dianne Then, 'Marilyn lianiliton, senora rteie, Shirley lteid, Alarjorie Hedged. , tritlkit 0.,V.344g Sinutat 'intro* 22, Tillisonhutt 24 BOUM ELMOS: :Tans norton 6, ilse Gulells 2 Caret Seeker 7, 1Cria GOMIS7, Janet Gate:he 6, Anne ICOtiltier 4, rAtkutid Ralilile 1, Jean Guenther, Alariorte Hod - gem Barb ./Iaturson, Anne Alex. ander, r)larino Thiel, Sandra net& Shirley Ileid, TiLLS0104tittr4; Senotteb, tate. ler L Tteketer J. llantho 2,ilondr Milth 2, Sanderson 6, Gallo. Way, EXater Mohawks will officially inaugurate the 19.57-58 jockey schedule this Saturday night wben. they tangle with :Blackwell, an M.terinediate "0" learn, oil home ice at 9:00 The encounter wilt blow the lid off a 16 -game It schedule for the tribe, is expected Mayor R. E. Pooley of Exeteis will be en hand to drop the 'first Puck to official-, ly open the season. One of Five l'O" 'roam*, 131ackiami1 is •one of five inter- mediate "B" teams operating in the league this year. Forest, Point Edward„Clinton and Lu - can are the other towns playing with imports on the team, Black- well is reported to be one of the , strongest "IV clubs in this grouping. For the first Hine in years, Exeter has shifted back into the homebrew thisbfreiwhraec Tyear is made up Of players within a seven -mile radius of Exeter. Despite this limitation, there is no shortage of players trying to land a place on the teaM. Plenty To Choose From Playing Coach Jim "Red" Loader, who just returned to the ice lanes after fighting off the flu, will have close to 20 players stand. ochose frdill for his first home In goal; the choice lies between Gar Baker and Dick' McFalls while for the blueline brigade, there's Bob •Coates, Kevin Pei - bridge, Bill Waghorn, Bill Bat- ten, Allie Rundle, and Red him - "Up' front, Loader will have to pick three combinations 'from Bill Pincombe, Gar Johnston, Iry Ford, Cy Blommaert, Jim Russell, Jim McDonald, Effie Brintnell, Don Cowan, Bill Oberle, Larry Heideman, Jack ParsonS and Don Gravett. "We have some exceptional talent for a homebrew club," stated Red, "and although I have not had much .time to work with them we'll give it •a •good try. You can be sure we'll be out there fighting to win our home opener!" With. Blaeltvell, Forest, Point Edward, Clinton and Lucan all in the intermediate "B" bracket, Ilderton, Exeter, Hensel and Zurich: make up the • strictly homebrew clubs. Schedule Drawn Group convener Doug Thorn - dyke of Clinton, produced. a 16 - game schedule Monday night for the nine clubs. They will play a home and home series. Exeter Mohawks will have Blackwell„ Lucan and Zurich. ap- pearing. before their home town, fans on Saturday nights while Ilderton, Forest, Point Edward, Clinton and Hensel will make their debuts on Fridays in the local arena.. The' Tribe will be ,on. the road ter°lre De n t. InThursdaylefi: throughoutinlSaturdaythet.*7. j1 -11,1111 ';',.31 Iltillail 4. .F01700t OA .NOVentberil. 2h9°,1.9.WeititStI3aniad'arwteilldaaYs, JNII:::P.Teb, ell; Irlaie:,erwiloxit.4ppetrezalwar4 jeunal er 1 ly no enntheirtsi al .S.chadulo• ;Whir tion. ' - Flyers will not open their .sched- . - Pogf at 44irer White's Lucan Trish playing ill iii;Euel" a' t volt : wiu come December 13 And 14. ;30-fleniiitil at glackwall for a sixty minute ba season will See ..coach, Bob ,i•rTget. at Tit ,trtro , ,, and Exeter - fans are' 'concerned on Saturday the same two clubs • 7-J'olnt Edward at. '110011014 will go er arena. back at it in' the Ji980,--714741L at tr.V741:atnE.t a;.ter Clubs Start 144 . 441114F Ifid:tle: ' single 144t5 "A" -1*--:::::WooErtn'eiliwia.4.ttla'rt:iluo::::mtuZ, ::01w.elkar4. Will make the short.triptoLwilhetalle.. 4,,,,111,,,,o, The Irish will make their Ord Top highlights as far as Lucan The league's first game of the 20,-Blaelcwoll at .ZOXi014, • Friday, Pecember 13, the tribe ,44keuery Due to the lack of ice, _Zurich Islarlh at Ittrn i,151,1;enaillliebs:awrt'iuil3r.abilfe.1PneleaceYeaesni ' 4-22. !"----- ;Ile:: d 's s• A ra. at Hensill 17-°Irefaent;all'attZCVnetillen al-clinten at Lucan .. Ft, fr• i ,, ... . 0 ti-Zorieh at Blackwell Zurich at Ilensall Ilderton at Blackwell • Forest :at Boint Edward, and ri Y ..,. been drawn, up for WedneadaY 40_111gliTito:t,Trgt be formed in their own rink. ZuPrlicahY,IllitlIC°baecuhsiring.°nfoure7sosre,'fivl a 30-Blackweit at lionsa,11 • . Forest t Lucan Clinton at Eensall holdovers from last Year's squad P-Talgii atatCLionca„t0: . and some younger jiivenile play- Crternoon to..arne) Point E.ciward: at Voreat Blackwell at Morten ' • 27 -Point Edward at togellik .99,-AttrIlek 141m4ef OA* ,Ilderton at Clinton leerasgute.oform a contender in the moHieitnhs.all will journey to Ilderton. Lucan on the llth of the same 3 and will open at home against for their first game on December The schedule is as follows: November 21-.Ltican at Forest 23=-111aektrell at Exeter (9 p.m.) 26 -Clinton at Iltierton 26 -Exeter at Forest 27 -Point Edward at Clinton J9e-ceBmlabcekrwell at Lucan GAS 2 -Forest at Blackwell 3 -Clinton At Zurich Lucan at Point Edward Hensel' at Ilderton 5•: -Clinton at Forest It -Elderton at Exeter 7 -Forest at Clinton 9 -Point Edward at Blackwell. 10-ZUrich at Ilderton • 11 -Blackwell at roin4 Edward Lucan at Hensail 12-Ilderton at Forest 13 -Exeter at Taman Hense• at Zurich' l.). 14-Luenn at Exeter .(0;00 pan.) Clinton at Point Edward 4pIIIIIIIIII iiiii iiiii ;mit( iiiiii llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll ll iiiiiiiii stim ll iii iiiiiiii llllll I Mixed Bowlng. February 1 -Exeter at Point Edwin* 4-Ilderton at Zurich 7 -Forest 'at Ilensall 7-1,,ucan at Zurich Heneall at Exeter 12-Ilderton at liensall • N.B,-Clinton at Blackwell to 1:41 scheduled at a later date. 1111111114014 CANADIAN PROPANE & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTS'ON • Ph. 156;W, Grand Bend 1 l III ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iii iiii I; iiii ;III i I ll Every Friday Night -1113.m. Open 11.c)wling Tuesday Nights, 7.9, and Saturday Afternoons . • and Evenings Exeter'Bowling Lanes The 58'S Are Going Great! Here Are Some Of Our Recent TRADE-INS 56 Pontiac Deluxe 4 -door sedan, air condition- ing heater, turn signals, low mileage, new car condition, 55 Bel Air Hardtop '8-cyl. engine, powerglide, radio, two' tone finish, whitewalls, new Ca.r con- dition: '51 Pontiac 4 -door iedan, air conditioning heater, sun visor. • '56 Ford 4 -door sedan, air conditioning heater, turn signals, windshield washer, good condition. • '52 Chevrolet 4 -door deluxe sedan, air conditioning heater, custom radio, turn signals. '51 Chevrolet 2 -door sedan; radio, turn signals, air conditioning heater. •Get :Our Price Before. You Buk. • n‘11'Br�s, Ltd. PHONE 100 Chow and Olds 10011111