HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 15r3 4 t
3 a
gleft, and Mrs.
MODEL TRIP SOUVENIRS. =Mrs. George Wilson, R,R. 6 St. Marys,.
Gordon Maynard, Unionville, right, displayed souvenirs of —their recent trip to the
ACWW convention in Ceylon to members of Mine district Institutes who met at
Crediton recently. •Helping to display the garments are Mrs. Wilfred Mack, second
from left, Crediton WI president, and. Mrs, Morlock, Crediton vice-president. The
two convention delegates described their trip to 50 district WI members. They went
to Ceylon by way of the Hawaiian Islands and ,Australia ,and oil the return voyage,
toured Italy, Switzerland, France, .other European countries and the U K. --T A .Photo
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I News
Of Yourr t . .•'..... u ' i of latepiaen and two dough vers;1 f T it ► C,t^talty
l ^I. eV �f �t Mise. Rai burn, Cen�'ahsl l A�n The �[
C)f 1 ertrude, of London; Ono bra• met on Sahli
erk oY a/ e Y t+a
$weitzer, C 'and Rend, and :Mrs. ,'t,� {�.
A} memorial stone was deft- week with relatives.and friends hrMtYRrl�l
ated .at the re on re
memory of F10 Charles D. rio end Mrs, Retied Painter :fit, private service was held ,on
Mess last Sunday afternoon .at and daughters of Brighton visit• Wednesday At the Evangelical
LIBRARY tl2 R mit .01 t phe end itx
MRS'. ,1, M. S. two Slaters Mrs a t t It # w tQ ca the dui!
Young Canada• l3pok 'Week c
will be observed in your library in
in Pi an, Crawford McPherson, Parkhill. Ruth R la
next week, November 18 .to 23. 2t3o m. F/10MacLean, Prot- ed •during the: weekend with M. U.B. Church, Crediton, and iii•
A display of new books will p
be seen in the basement of the extant chaplain of ItCAI? Staticin, and Mrs. . M. Kaiirlter, Mrs.' tertnept was hi. Cxoditon came.
Binary during the Hours, that Centralia, conducted the serv- Fairrner, who spent several 4.ays .tery4
the library is open. cRov, F. M a' t f l3l last week .in Brighton, aceom-
panied thein tQ I hton,ditri ' �n!Iluuulalfll1f11n11I
The teachers. op the Public Mr. and Mrs. Adolph t
.School are co-operating and d f d AI M Albert Lund '
again, this year posters are to be
designed to advertise Young
Canada Boor Week by pupils in
grades 4 and up. These will: be
judged and prizes :given. to the
Classes from Grade 4 to Kin-
der garten will visit the library
at times, during the week pre-
arranged by the 'teachers and
Mrs. Laing, librarian.
A few of the books which you
will .see in the display include:
Popular Mechanics Build -it
Yourself Book 'for Boys
All the 'projects described hi
this book were chosen especially
for boys and the drawings and
bow -to , photographs were pre-
pared especially for easy under-
McCall's Giant •Golden. Make -it
Best Looking
For 'S8
erev n
In one lightweight cabinet, Emerson
Port-O-Rama,offers you, 14" or 1'X"
'BV, radio with phoiojack, optional
car-and-boatplug-in; and under
pillow speaker for hospital use and
personal listening - . - truly an Emerson
"best -looking" value fo'r 1958
,Eldorado and Imperial Series
Beautifully -styled pace -setters for '58,
the new Eldora:do and Imperial series
bring you new styling, new wide -range
screen, new. stepped-up performance . t.
"beat -looking" TV for '58.
Choose' from 24", 21" and 17" Console
and,Table Models plus
21" TV-Phono-Redio°Combination,
This book is filled with over
a thousand things • to make,
There is something for every
child to do — easy things for
the very young and challenging
ones for the teen-agers,
Plum Pudding for Christmas
Read of all the funny things
that happen when the King was
invited for dinner and the e must
be a plum `pudding.
A Picture History of Canada
a A combination of vivid pie
tures and simple text makes
this book the best possible in-
troduction to the Whole story of
, Feist o on
Church, Kitchener, read the
scripture lesson. A guard o, hon-
or of flight cadets was in at-
tendance. The Last Post and the
"Reveille" was played by. Flight
Cadet Trumpeter,
Wreaths were placed by F10
R. W. Palmer .of Trenton after
which tributes were offered ;i
the officers and cadets. The ben-' arephen Farmer _
ediction was pronounced by Rev. NF1
G, Strome of Crediton,
Relatives and friends attend-
ing the Ness Memorial on :Sun. William Batz, 76, died at idst=
day included Mr, and Mrs. Ed- home on Sunday, .Nover,ber 1o,
win C. Ness, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Be was born in Stephen town '_-
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. • Harold ship, where he continued to
Irvine and daughter Inna Lynn, farm for many years and has
all of Detroit; Mrs, Pearl Mc:..
Queen, Windsor; Sgt. and Mrs,
J. Saxby, Centralia; F/0 and
Mrs. R. Palmer of Trenton and
Rev. and Mrs. F. Foist 'and .fam-
ily of Kitchener,
Church News
Choosing as'his subject "Med-
als and Memories," Rev, A,
Rapson delivered an impressive
sermon in the United Church
Sunday morning, stressing that
Reniembranee 'must mean Con-
secration• .
A special service was held in
the Evangelical U,B. Church on
Sunday morning. Dr. H. F.
Siemsen of Naperville, Til., was
guest speaker. Rev. Glen Strome
dedicated chancel vestments do-
natbd by Mrs. Pauline Ness in
memory of her husband, the
late F/O Charles E. Ness, who
crashed in his jet trainer some
16 miles frons the base at North
Bay where he was stationed,
almost four 'years ago,
Thanksgiving Play Given
Thank Offering meeting of the
Ladies' Aid and W,S.W,S. of the
Evangelical Church was held on
Thursday evening in the church
school rooms,
Mrs, M. Foist had charge of
the devotions and was assisted
by Mrs. IL Schenk and Mrs. E.
Wenzel. A vocal duet. was sung
by Mrs. E. Insley and Miss.
Doris Schwartz. A thank offer-
ing playlet was given by five
members and thank offering
boxes presented.
Business was led by the presi.
dent, Used stamps were brought
in and decision was made to
hold the Christmas meeting on
December 12.
Personal Items '
Stephen Area School trustees
and wives attended the school
convention in Guelph on Wednes-
Mr. Harold Kirktown of Mark -
dale is assisting at the Bank of
Montreal while the manager, J.
C. Irwin, is on vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. HowardHaist
and daughters of Fenwick were.
Sunday, , v i site r s. - with Mrs.
Hoist's „,mother, Mrs. H. Fink-
Mrs. IL J. Kuhn of Kitchener
spent the weekend with Mrs, M,
Mr. William Smith and Gerald
spent the, weekend in Pigeon,
Mich. Mrs. Smith returned home
with them after visiting last
an . r. andrs, :
with Mr. and Saginaw,
Mrs. Lorne visite
- j I
lock and other relatives over
the weekend. '
'11 iWarr� Ratz, 761
Buckle Horse
This • is a story of a spirited
horse for ages 7 to •11. Although
promising to be a race -winner
a car accident changes the whole
course of the life of this horse.
The :Golden Book of Indian
Crafts 'and Lore
Costumes, beadwork, pouches,
drums and tom-toms are des-
cribed and shown by' pattern
and diagram how to make. Di-
rection's are given for )doing ri-
tual dances. The author, Ben
Hunt, endeavors to preserve the
Indian arts and craft — "our
only truly native culture."
Wings Over Labrador
The story of the finding of iron
ore in Labrador, the building of
a railroad through some of the
roughest. country, transporting
men and equipment by air is a
thrilling one for teen-agers.
We'll try to tell about some
more books ' later. Next week
visit your library and see new
books for young Canada.
Lest Listening For 58
1 a
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You'11 ;find every high-fidelity" feature you
have ever wanted in the four great Emerson
Models for '58. Each set bringe you
top engineering, With advanced styling and
craftsmanship that alike an Emerson
cabinet the showpiece of any living-rodirl:
Medel 833
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ersOi' *,arms
itariio'd 'wide word of
entertainment is at
your fingertips Witit
thin and the Mine
other Royalty Line
sets .. x
,yesided for some years in Credi E_
He , is survived • by his wife,
two sOns, Barl and Ervin, both 1.
president, Ilene cMrt
preside* Sharon ,%itt rti,
tary; :Rosemary:Rosemarywitch,
titer and Hellin , • pr
111ll1111YIlIIAl1 fef'1!III I$4$Nl nf11111fIff111!aeel,el111111Iefffe 1.4e1
Finest * *
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Middleton irst• .Genttner
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Distillers since 1857
• f
They're here the greatest lineup of mighty Mercury
Trucks in history ! Pickups to panels, tandems to bite abes, •
these are the trucks that have=,earned a nationwide
reputation for paying off. They're payoff proved —
power and performance, in safety and styling, in economy
and comfort—in every way that counts!.
And now, new nighty Mercury Trucks are ready to
pay off bigger and better than ever with a load of new
profit -packed features for '58. New handsome styling
pays off in prestige; new Six and V-8 engines pay off in
extra power and lower fuel costa; new Quadri-Beam
headlights pay 'off in safer night driving --these are just
a few! For the full story on new payoff prowls mighty
Mercury Trucks for 1958, see your Mercury Truck
dealer right `away!
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