HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 13Announcements oreaseraeyea.eneteeneeseaseenrenateearetare EIRTHS e."1.1P133eleta-a1te attd, UM Arnold Exeter, atinounce the birth of their _daughter. Bonnie LOU, at ,Soutit Huron Hoepital, Novenlber 1031 -ea zieter or Mergaret and aililabeth. L.4.IVRENCE---air, and lilre„ !rem), 11. Leavrence, 176 41.0 In ma ale Drive, CentrelitY, artlaintnetit 'birth of e, daughter, Barbera, 'Eileen, at .Sereth Huronleo:spit-a al, November 1947., .1,• sister ler MOW. AlerALLS —Mr. and Mee. Eimer .200 •CIFF: ' Exeter, announce the , a ea a blab ot a .0aughter, :Heather 0 r.t! 'Pg!tf Witc Ofoier or 1101/. Eleine, at 'Seutb. Heron Hos- .sovroy following the lost irrAntlitAttglater for Mr. end Mrs. Insertion Waal, November 10, 1057 — a. ralatet afelrall* Arid Mr. eid SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS Mrs. Fred -Gliders. *Ore 'ThonI5 WOO ea. aelle.ISZCATOR .-- iind. WS. to Per Word Lorne Proszcater (nee ,Joe riounce the birth of their son. .SitniMisplay classifieds Chambers) are Woes: to an"' .Perry Gordon, in St. aoseph's (Rpstri.Dted.tO ol10..c011411110 Ilospitel, Lennon, November larmaaer --Mr. eed atrs, :fettles 'Flo, insertion ISO .Por inch 1.907. • , Taylor (nee Lucinda Pinney), Snbegell.lent 11.1$01lions YLCME. Station Centralia, an. MO for Inch Davie .Rebert, at Smyth /igenClassifiedads _aCcePted. up nounce the birth .0t • rig tili Hospital, November .8, 1957 Wedllesday. 220011, .4iimut4CD sale bother for Dillie and Cerlatine, cony should, be in Tuesday At The iirn.pA�vecate, November 144 121 CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or 700 Mors min 25 Word* --, 20 Per Word ENGAGEMENTS noon. air. end, Mrs. Milton Webb, Dastmoorl, wish to announce the engagementof their dattgliter, (arole ImUy to Tilonlas 111. Minns, son. of Mr, and airs. Merles; F. Nuens, London, The WeOdlog to tato plate Seturtia,Y, December 7, at 3 reeleck, Evan. gelical Tallied Brethren Ceureh, DashWood, lac Mr. anti. Mrs. Murray Nell, of Exeter, aentotnce the engegernent of Emir eaughter, Beverley Marie, toa"Cerl W. Terner. son of arr. trnd airs, Ralph. Turher, Ansa. 'Craig: the Marriage to take place early in Deceminer, 140 CARDS OF THANKS , The family of the late airs. James :Horne wish to thank all those who remembered her while ft patient at Mrs. Heywood's Nursing home. and appre.ciatton tor floral tributee, cards and erriiPatity extended at. the time of their bereavement: also manY Manic to Honper-HeckeY Funeral Horne, Aire. Heywood and nurses, ler. Fletcher and Rey, HuglY 1411son, . 14ric Mrs. Peril Seed,' Exeter. wishee to thank friendsand relatives for cards, flowers. and .gifts wbile sbe was a patient in St, Joseph's Rosetta), London. 14c Winnitred and Pon Mayo, or London (nee Winnifred Hodgert) wish to thank the reletivee 'end. friends Of Egeter and community for the alfts they received fol- lowing their recent fire. 14c .71mm3' and I wish to thank our, friends: and relativefor cards and treats wlyile patiente in South Huron Hospital and since returning borne. — Mrs. , lea r'n Brintnell etid jimmy, 14.* wish to axprese my sincere thanits to kind friends and neigh - bora for the cards andgifts: also to those who were so fartbful In corning to see Me since My accident.—George HIcics. 14c I wis hte tbattk ell those who remembered Me wiali cards, gifts and treete while T was a patient in South Huron Hospital; special thanks to Dr. Fletcher and the tursese—Elsle Klngma.14" The family of the tete Mrs, 'William Alexaader wish to ea - press sincere thanks to relatives end friends for carde, flowers and visits dering her Illness and for floral tributes and cards and friends; who called following Our bereavement. Thanks to Dr. God- dard. Rev. Benson and Rev. •Mc- Miman, miss lvisort and the Bop- thron Funeral Tirane. SPecial thanke to Misa Claypele and staff of South Huron Hospital, Hospital, Exeter. 14* Mr. George Earl and family ish to sincerely thank their neighbours, triende and • relatives for their .kIndnessl, for flowers, treats end, visits while Mr. Earl wan a. patient in South Huron * Hospital, Exeter, .14 Mr .end Mrs. :Bert ,Bax wish to thank *their neighbours and ft.' end s for their kindnessesa treats. flowers and visits wItile Mee. Bea Wan a Patient in St. Joseph's Hospital end since re- turning atonte.. 14c Airs, Elgin Weigand. and family wish to extend their most sincere thanks and appreciation to rale, - Eves, friends% and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes, cards, leftiesand antis of ittn.d.- liens extended to them during their recent tad bereavement in the loss of * Itueband and father. Special thank s •to neighbourfor doing chores said also those who helped thresh bone. Also special thanks to Rev. N. Krota peal - bearers &ea the Hoffman Funeral Rome. 14* 'IN MEMORIAM EacRETT—inloving memory of bur Mother, Mergaret Eacrett, who passed away November 18, .1953; 1.053; altso- Our Dad, Ro- bert Eacrett, who passed away September 4, 1036. . Along the road to yesterday. That leacla us traight 'to you, Are memories: of the happy days FOR SALE FOR SAI,E j REAL EsTATE DRAIN TILE • 4 Inch e 55 per M Derd 5 inch 85 per M•Delal 6 inch , 110 per M Derd 7 inch --------143 per M Dead 8 Men 173 Der Dead T's, las and Elbows in Stock price:3 for 10", 12" end 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elginfield Phone 1.0a Liman Iltfn CARET SAFE — ;50.00. ,Ainely at Wares -Advocate. tfc" TOYS! TOYS! 33eavers Basement Toytawin is open all year round. Gifts for children's pareies. birth- days etc, tor all Ages. Beavers{ Hardware. attn CASE COMPINV, -ft. etit. witn 11.0L'SE, In Peeltwood, it -bedroom motor and piek-Up attaeluttent large altelten, Living roonl. Pane and tan attachment, In Ael con- Ian' and washroom, pressure pas. dition. Mao cob corn be the ton, tem Installed: alao lvoodslird and Phone Zurich 76R13. 7:14' double g'arage: stable room be. hind: largo garden. APP1Y Clare Islasse. .Pashwood, phone 7:14:21e '54 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. verY cicala Phoue lexeter. 7:14' PUP, German Shenlierti. if '1. Miller, nitrate alata# Dealtwood. 7:14e MOBILE 110a14, 30 -ft. Glendale. sleeve -two. three yeara oh/. Ap- ply A. Bider Centralia village, lit eveping. • 14e AtiR1V ING Ora week Preesur- lead, ereeated fence post, and 8'. long life, ideal far barn yarde etc: Phosbalt •-• mouse ball tor orchard 'use: sure Isla; 10 lb. $1.45, Exeter District Co-opera- tive. 14e. 21" TV, Admiral, table model, 1 meth oid perfect concittion, exeeptionally clear picture: must saeririce, m o v 1 a to Detroit. Phalle 422 Exeter. .14e WHITE ROCK PULLETS, 51,e monthe old, milled front large flock'. Your cboice at el..50 eacb or 91.00 eacit as they came. Ar - PJ' at Canna: 31111 Ltd. 14c NUMBER OF SIIALL PIGS: 3 T ant w o rt It sows; McCormick - Deering torn binder and loa.der: papie blower, in A-1. shape. Ap- ply Lorne Allen, phone 63-r-9 Nirkt on. 14c GIRLS' KENIV001) SET, 3.pleae, blue, size 3-4 Yeats, in good cop- dititm. Phone 1,36 liepsati, 14* FOR RENT V L A. PROPERTY --, 3-bedroOnl. living room. large leltehen, com- plete bath, full basement, garage, well loceted, newly finished in- terior, priced right for nulca se. e. HOCSE in centre of loam—lashed- door, living room, dining area. kaciten, finished basement, Ideal for doctor or other -conurieretal uSea. 150 ACI1ES — 'Erick house, hank barn. nrive shed, liouee requires Isonie repair, very low down 'pay- ment. We have e nernber of amuses listed. in Centralia, Clreditort and Grand Bend. Commercial proper- ties and farms ic surrounding' community. in. M. JACKAOX, Itpo 1 VIRrtpto Phone Oa Grand Rend lnifell, ,I. CrAtittAit, Agent phone 3.4;040 oulotweed, (shlplun) TimE — Special offer, 18 weeks for $6.87. Limited time only. Sub- soriptiops to all magazines. Er- eter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 10:17-11;2P LADIES HOME 3,01,1RNAL—Spec;-- tat offer: 23 months only 54.47. ,ApPlies to new subscriptioes, re- newals and Christmas gift orders, See us for any aubscription, Ex- eter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 10:24;1121 01-101C111 APPLES, 'Northern Spies, no. Spies and Russets. Please bring containers. Apply Victor Jeffrey, phone 692-r42. .31:7:14:210 LADIES' MUSX1tA.'P COAT, long and centre back, mink shade. siert 16; also ladies' jacket; both in Perfect condition. Apply 109 En -terms Ave., RCAF Centralia. 14' TYPEW B. I T E R. Underwood, standard, Phone 77-r-11 Zurich. 14* 250 PULLETS, Red and Rock, ready to lay. Apply Xiirray Thompson, R.R. 1 Clancleboye, plione 42-r-24 Inman, 34c RACTOR TIRF1 .CHAINS. heavy duty, TON:28, Less than half price. John Deltz, liappen. 140 OIL SPACE HEATER Bruee Tuckey, Phtnia Hensall. APARTMENT 3 rooms down., stairs, private entrance, utilitieri paid. Available now. Apply 33 Huron St. or phone 480-W. 10:31tin BED-STTTING ROOM, with pri- vate bath, partlY tur nishe available now, Store, Mein Ste 11x40, heated, availeble now. Apply Mrs, Gladys Henry, phone' 348, 14* APARTMENT, fu rnished and heated. 13eavere Hardware, pb7ototee 86 Exeter, 3 -ROOM APARTAIENT, down- stairs, moder n, self-contained, heated, partly- furnished, private entrance, suit one or two adults. APPIY 145 Victoria, $t. W. or phone Kiritton •84-R-7, 1 4:11tfc APARTMENT. above Goold & JorY store. APPIY T. 0. Southcott. 11tfc APARTMENT, furnished, steam heated; av all able now; lots of heat and hot water, ,clean, cosy, cheerful, right in the middle of town, reasonable rent. Elliot Apartments, 442 Main Ste Phone • 10:10tfc 476. STORE on Main Stret, opposite the Post Office, ,Available Oct, 1. Apply at Times-Advoca•te, 9:19tfc 3- ROOM APARTMENT, uptair front. With private bath and entrance, available Nov. 1. All utilltiely Dahl. New floor cover- ings and freshly decorated, at 315 .Andrew St., Exeter. Annie at Ford's alen's Wear, Exeter, er Phone 691-r-5 Hensall (eqllect). 10:17t fn , SERVICES' • WHITEW.A$IIING & CLEANING-, Arrangemtnts can be made. Bill Watson. Paohweod, phone 35.r,. 10. Otto DEAD STOOK: Pickee up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks. Small Charge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect: Ex,. eter 287; William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingerso 11, 3:5-1128 NOW IS THE TIME to have your eeptie tanks pumped out, Plume Butler Erase 1.3(1-W or 308 Lucan. 9:12-11;210 NOTICES ifall, glinwille: Lloyd Jfilina. ARO.; leWeerne Saitiner, Poll Clera. Dwelling: F. Inicharme, 1).41.04 Polling Booth No. 8, Ileslidence Corriveau, l'oll .or Roes Hera; Rossi liern, 1.)-,Peta.; said eons will hp Item. open crate/. NtIler. Pen Cieria from nine o'clook uutil five rolling Booth No. 7, I.:learnt% • Ceelerli p,rn. ! Public Llbrar y, Ire Marsitait. Ihtted at Zurich, Ont., Nov. 11, aw e'en co 1)11115, 1037. , Clerk. • If. W. T;ROW.E*SHIIIE, Should. an election. for ''rewn- • ship Schaal Board enaue, voters Returning Of.ficer in Blau:shard awl Iildeittlph. will 14:" c vote at Polling' SUb-Divitglan 'IOWNSFIlla OF And all 4.1ecirers are brrEbY. NOMINATION & ELECTION , quested to goveru themseivee • I. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE SPECIAL 13RAY meat broilers: dual purpose cockerela Choice of the best. Indian River Cross. •a'ullets (Ames In -Cross). Atik for Rst of started available. (Ordie Dec, -Jan, broilers now.) Agent: Eric Carseadden, Exeter, phone 246-W or Bray Hatchery, 320 John N., Hamilton. 14c -"estigebre MODERN APARTMA1TS. heat - 140 ed. Attfield's General Store, , 10:24tfe Crediton. j'exCerijNieS, weighing arpund 90 pounds, Phone 73-r-2 Crediton. 14c 'CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS—One boy's 3-pleee blue, size 6x, in good condition; one girl's blue snowsuit, size 12. Can be seen at Mid -Town Cleeners, . 140 4 ON TRUCE, 1946 Ford, 'good condition, with stock reeks. Ap- ply at Fra.n.k Hicks" Centralia. .• 34e FEMALE BEAGLE PUPS—Phone Kixecton 90-r-11, 14n0 SHORTHORN BULL. young, red, heavy boned; won first at Tees - water Fair. Sire: Imported and sold by ,Reford Gerdhouse, win- ning second at Cleat. 1.1.1955; placed top bull at 0.4.C. in a class ot 12 aged bulls this sum- mer under 44 judges. Dam: A consistent breeder of top cattle, !sired by Benpett bull. Cost 11,900. Priced for quiek sale. William Oestricher„ phone 111-a Crediton. . 3.4:2te BOXER PUPPIES—An etttstand- Ina fawn litter sired by a Spell - hinder Grandson ex Bangaway daughter. Priced from 950. De- poSit holda for Christmas. "Stud Service." Ellen Vannin Kennels Regal. Doneld Adams, n.n. 5' St. Marys, phone Weldon 57-11. • 14c IN MEMORIAM STEPHEN—L1 mentors,' ot it dear daughter and ester, Together we ()nee knew, Mrs, Cora Stephen, 'Who passed e -Always remembered by daughe awetwo years age, November ters end sons-in-law. 14e 15, 3955. This day we do remember A loving thought we give, To one ho longer with us But in bur hearts still Item —Always remembered ny mother, brothere 'and :sisters, 14* WOOD—In loving mernory of a dear wife and mother, Margaret. P. Wood, watt passed away November 13, 1956. IIU In all the world we shall not ZACRETT—In lov.lilg :memory of s our grandmother Marge:ter), 'who peesed averty November 18, 3D53. Ae Angela keen evetth can* Grandfna, • Please, Zeatts, Juet let her know "X hat We down here do not forget We loved and Mite • her era eaLovingly remenibered by grand- children Paul, ene a A heart to wortderftaly kind; So kind e, veice, ;so stweet a -smile, An Inspiration so worth while, A syrnpathy so .sure, so del, -A. love so betutiful to keep. —Sadlmissed by husband WU-. liamy Wood, and family, 'Harold, Olive, Pearl, 14. :Hancock. ISITCHELL—In toeing rineMory ef Earl Mitchell, who passed mean otte year .ago, November 13, 1916., • ,. Ris memory 48 ar Oat' tedeY As ill the hour he pabSed aWay, renierribered by his Wife • Rena and ,farelly and sister and brother-in.law, Aft. and Afra Alvin Mali', 14* OtAit4�AV61 otal &al ANY CHAIN MIA, ME* !WILT IEL PIONEER MODEL NC PIONFIER —Nur: lit ittileld:litedellte 1 the litiest tutting unit -over built, Stt AHD taSt it .NOW EXIETER FARM' IQUIPMENT mord SO Lotter From Brimsley By MRS: AECIL ELLWOOD APARTMENT, Upstairs, 3 bright rooms and bath, 959 monthly, un- furnished• fox, bachelor or. busi- ness couple. No children plestae, because of office below. Apply 3. W. Wein, phone 1 dies, 356 evebings, 29tfc APARTMENT, ground Moe, un- furnished, •heated, hot and cold letter, built-in cupboards, •use of laundry for washing, private entrance. Blatchford Apts. 14* 4 -ROOM APARTMENT, bright, heat and nydro supplied. Phone 64,1ar, 14* REAL ESTATE NOTICES HOMES • FARMS C. V. Pickard • Exeter $4,000 CASII will glee you pos- session of modern one -storey 3. bedroom home, Attached garage, Beautifully fintehed kitchen and bathroom. 011 beated. Balance of purchase price on liberal terms. VILLAGE Ola. CREDIT.= NO1WINATION For. Truatees ' A meeting will be held in the S t .31)11 en TownshipCommunitY Halt an November 25, 1:197., for the purpose at nominating trust- ees' for the Villege of Credlton. Nominations will be open, (ram 8 to .9 p.m, W. L. 140)3GE, Returning' Offieer Public Notire is berebY given -1 tee ti that a -meeting of the electors of e"+"' --"a••• --riv* 10"" the Township of Stephen. will he ar, ta neenaeleae Clerk Iteld in the Town Hall, CredIton. on Alanday, November 25, 137. at lioo o'clock in the af ternoon, for • the purpose or making and re,. relying nominations for Peeve, Notice Deputy-Ree,ve. Coupelinien, and also for Trustees; of the Township Selmal Area comprising Sections 12, 44,anefl. 31,f;.1 t,w100 taon a, :.Tenileocitt od. And further notive is hereby given that, In ?Vent of more ean- <Reales being proposed and qual.. ifying for any particular offiee than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned 10 Monday, December 2, 3937, when polls sban be opened from 9 at the followina, 'places with the BUSINESS opPoRTUNiTigs o eloek a.m. until 6 racloelc pen. ata Rooms, Lot 205, Con, 1; Gordon c7Penr°1101.n11:-D 11.7:ill it axio1:4 01.0,Lie,sl,brpaorlYi 00A;PrePi. s.1415teloCr VleTt :4: t 111°ItInil attendant caC.Aneti714; undermentioped offivers in charge as fixed by township be -lave via: Polling Rooth No. 2, Frank Triebner's Kitchen, Lot 217, Con. 21 Preston Dearing, D.11.0.; Frank Triebner, Pelt Clerk, Polling Booth No. 3, Wenzers Barber Shop, Credtion; WIlitani POoeslltroleihele,ha. D.n.o.; Aaron 'Wein, STRAYED Polling Booth No. 4, Town 14:21e . TOWN OF EXETER. Notice re: • ' COLLECTION OF TAXES I- will be in the Town Hall on the ,forlowirig days for the col- , Rh Mclean of taxesr • of Saturday,•Novetnber 30 I fe From 1:30 to 5 and 1:30 to 9 1111 AI re and Mrs. Ea Dorey (the former airs. ataYbel are fatting over the MAYFAIR neisrn4.4sm in the near future. Welch fer further ennotincement, 14c H. 0. Brea ...ea ; f , . , PARTNER WANT'ED---Ambitioue young man, 18 to 30 years. with $.100, for a. new scientific device. A great opportunity. Write to; 219-319 W. Pender Ste Victory 51., Vancouver, B,C, 14:21c Lot 10, Con. 1: Alvin Baker. YEARLING BE:REFORD, from D.R.O.; Russel leinkbeiner, Pon Lot B, Con. # 'Osborne TownshiP. Polling Booth N'n, 5, O'Rourke's mark in righ,t ear. Apply Harry Clerk. Kitchen, Lot 10, Con, 2; Gerald Coates, phone 48-r-15 Iiertkon. 14e oo'Rlieonrlkeeri4 D.11.0.; .1oe Regler, Poli Polling Booth No, 6, Club Rooms, Lot 54, Con, ea.13,; Otto Willert, 0.11.0,; Chester Geiser, Poll Clerk. Pollieg Rooth No. 1, Sweltzer Ttte1it1Con, 17; Flnlbeieer1.11%.;lissLove, rou,erh Polling Booth No. la Pollock's Store, Lot 90, Con. S.B.: Mansell HodgIns, 11,11.0a 1VIlliaan Hicks, Poll Clerk. Polling Booth No, 9, William Desjardine. Lot 4. Con, Aa. Colin Love, D.11.0„; George Wolper, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby re- quested to govern themselves ac- cordingly, Creditort, Ont., Nov. 5, 1957. FREEMAN W. MORLOCK, Returning Officer 14:21c CLERK'S NOTTCE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST VOTERS' LISTS ACT vorlins, LIST 1957, Municipality of Grand Bend, County of Lamb - ton, Notice is hereby given that have compliett with Section 9 the Voters' List Act 1051. ,aad at 1 bave posted up in my rice, at Grand Bold on the urth day of November, 1957, e llst of all peesons entitled to ole an the said Municipality at unicipal Elections and such list mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon e11 otere to take immediate proced- re to have any errors or omie- ons eorrected accorsling to law, le, last day for eemeal beteg the 11E1) 'YEARLING STEER, from 'Illottott!3,6$1-711.1 .ka41%. T°"'"]!? Aionday. December e From 3 to 6 and 7:30 to a ERIC IT, C.1ARSCADDEN Tax Collector 14:21:28c iu 451 Town' OF EXETER - 30th day of November, 1957. • Dated. this twelfth day of No.. yembar, 1957, MURRAY A. DES 3ARDINS Clerk of the Municipality of Grand Bend 14c • MAHN-4=N &ELECTION •Public , reatice is herebygreen that a meeting et the •electors 'of tlfe town of Exeter will be held in the Town Ball on Friday, No- vember 22, 1957, between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'cloek in the evening- for the purpose of making and receiving non:illations for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -Reeve,' and six .Council - tors for the year 1958 and for one :Public 'Utilities Commissioner for the years 1958 and 1959 and- IsfocrhotontBreeozlembers of the Public It for the years 1958 and. 1959, • 92,000 C.ASH—possession of 4 -bed- room brick. amid kitellen and bathroom. Nice basement with good furnace., Garage. Easy terms on balance of moderate nurchase p Ar Pltic e , • ATRENT HOUSE— centrally located, 4 completely furnished, self-conteined apartments. This is an oil heated brick with every- thing in the best a repair threughout. Will provide COM- prtable home and income. APARTMENT- HOLISE—good lace, tion, 6 apartments, • oil heated. Offered ea 0. very low price. irAnsis 100 ACRES -- Centralia district, close to highway and schbol. Good barn and'conifortable house. Hydro. Produetive clay loam. Price $16,500,00, Liberal tame. 100 ACRES—Kippen distriet, level clay loam. Hydro in house and barn. Good water supply. Price 912,000.00. 100 ACRES—Exeter, large brick house and large bern en wan. Best of land, Hydro. Moderately priced, rd buy or sell see ta V. Pickard, Realtor 8z General Inatitanee, 304 • Mein St., /Dieter. Phone! 1.695011Ltre 628. PArsonal Sunday guests with Mr. And Mrs. Fred Fenton were Mr. and Mrs, Bob Colderidge and child- ren of London and Mr. and Mrs. Williant Fenton and children, " Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rowe Spent the Weekend in Sarnia, guests of mr, and Mrs. Vino Morgan, Mr. Dean Whiteroad Super- intended of McGillivray, has been ill with the flu.. Mrs. Gordon Allison is able te be out Again After her recent Mr. lint Ranting, who left -for his daughter's hnine in Sarnia, is ill In a hospital there. Mr. Bev Morley is taking an engineering course in Toronto. Mrs. Earl }familia; spent PH - day With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rainilton Of }Adam Mr. and Mrs. Don Seofficin and Elsie of Parkhill spent Sun- day with Mr. L.in Antbs. Mt. And MrS, Rathurii Steeper And on spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper of Park. hill. Start,sooner, drive slower, IND longer, bet hofor the dir$L-40R,11/10.me SAPELY And further notice Is hereby given that in event of more can- didates being proposed and qual- ifying' for any particular office then required to be elected, the PrOceedings will be adjourned to Monday, December 4, 3957,.whett polls hall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 6 o'clock p.m.. at' the feta:eyeing places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by town by-law: Polling Sub -Division No. 1 -Aa - at showrooms of Fred Newton, Main Street; George Lawson, 11,11.0.; Vera 'Rowe, Poll Clerk. Polling' Sub -Division No. 1-16— at showrooms of Fred Newton, Main Street; t haries Monteith, D.R.O.; Edna, Taylor, Poll Clerk,. PollIng Sub-Invisten No. 2'A— at Token Hall, Main Street: Eric Carseadden, 11.11.0.; Louise Hey- wood. Poll Clerk, Polltog Sub -Division No. 2 -16 -,- at Town. Hail, Main Street; Asa Penhale, D.11,0.; Grace Wurm, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub -Division No, at Glee afcEnight'e residence,, Meat Street; Saran Leiria, Da1.0.; ,Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk. :Polling Sub=latvision No. 3-B— at Glen Mclenight's residettee, Main Street; 1Villiam 33,11.0a Leis Leant, Poll Clerk. It Should be noted that when a proposed candidate is not present at the notnination meering. his nominating paper nail riot he valid unless; there is evidence satisfactory to the returning of - Veer that the proposed candidate consents to be so nominated. .And all electors are herebY areogetioredbitnedt.o govern themselves sly. Exeter, Ott., Nov, 12, 1057. CLARnEeNtuCrEninVt. OPrItiOcIeCrARID, • 4:21e HOUSE 6..raom cottage and 3 extra lote, barn with stable, North End, Exeter, on Main St, immediate possiessian, Apply 3, C. Harrison, phone 11-r-19 lairkteri, 1 40 PRICK ROUSE, 3 -bedroom, new 011 furtmee. 2 bloens trent Poet $0,560. 11. 16. Balkestil, Beeter, phone 89-S. 7ffe , FRAME 110118E, 7 -room, 3 bed- rtierris up with 3-pieee batiti 1 bodrhotti Or den and 2 -Piece bath down; hardwood fiborS down; oil heat; adjacent to sehoola. APPIY 234 AndreW St. 12:10:260 , I FLOOR, 1nii1 brie, IlvIng tooth. fireplaela 2 bodetionat, full bath, ;tide kitchen', full cellar, furnace, het Water tank, central location, ArAtt,atillIstt HOME, oll furnace heat, separate entraneek end Wall. reates, Good inveetmeet. GOoci ravelling; bedrboms, be:three:it e telt. it'' linage robin, dining rtietrotflot.leti,Kitchen, Inailt f:Instittr ti-bonenern, in geed dee:dal:5h, Tete thee lielf cash, balance by Month like rent: Why fetal 11;12tfe Write,. emit or tome. d. Peareh. tatter, Exeter, phone 4351 viti4 paraonit, ohetui 50I, Eyed COle, thefts 6364V, Sildi4. mon__ NEw RonSt nearing teniPletitin, POreed &i Oil Nice Iecto. Mat, Iteitetilieble plate, AnIales te 'Toni "Walkers, Nellitlit St4 pitons 18,30 n , Sign OUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED: afan far eteady travel Among 4ap ns urn e re 111 Huron .00 u 1 t y, Permanent -connection wan large inanutacturea OnlY reliable hustler conaldered, Wrae )1earle1511aa Dept, lea202-131,, 4005 RicbelleU. Itiontreel, Que. 14c EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES — Electric Portables. by the week, Hopper - Hockey Furniture, phone 91), Ex- eter. Stfc TOWNSHIP Or 'OSBORNE • NOMINATION' & ELECTION Public notice 15 nereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of 'Osborne will be held in Township Hata Eltinville, on Monday, November- 25, 1957, at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, for tbe purpose of making and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve, 4 CoUncillors and 2 Trustees for the Township Area School Board, And further notice Is herebY given that in event of more can- didates being proposed and •qual- !faring for any particular office than required to be elected, the Proceedings will be adjourned to Monday. December 2, 1951. whert polls sha,11 be Opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock pan, at the following places with the undermentioned officere in charge as fixed by township by-law viz: Pelling Booth No. 1, School House No, 4 Eden; Fred 'Ford, Harry Coates, Poll Clerk. Polling Booth No. 2. Residence of Lloyd Stewart; Charles ,Tef- pfe071, Dle.t1.0.3 Lloyd Ballantyne, Polling Booth No. 3, School House No. 1, :Flurondale; Valliant Sclinerreil;, 11.11.0.; H.3arry often', Poll Polling Booth No, 4, Public Hall, Farquhar; Roy Ballantyne, 11.11.0.;21e12ert Masers, Poll k. Boeth No, 5, Township VILLAGE or ;ZURICH • NOMINATION notice is hereby given that hi ompliance with By...Law No. 14, peeeed October 13, 1057, under authority of Chapter 266, Section /4, of the Municipal Att, meetteg of the eleetoris of the aftlitleipitlitY of the ToWnship of Hey will be beta in the, Tbian- ehip Hall inthe Village of Zur- ich ou Friday, NoVenabot 22, 1951, et the beta' front one to two oaelook Ian, for the purpose of. nominating canalcletee for Sleeve, - Depute' -Reeve end Coundilitire for the Township of Hal' for the Year 1958, and for two Truethes for the alesP Townshas Sehnol Area Beard for 1058 and 1959. When a proposed eandidate 13 net neetent, his boinibetion papef, shall nett be valid 1ttiles/4 there iN atte,ched thereto' evidence in Writ- Sigited by the tiroVetied Mis tildriteatattelnetbry to the return-. Dig °fritter that. he tenet:Mt to be SO nominated, In nese *, nen 'IS demanded, polIC Will be opened On Meriden, Decetitime 2, 1957,- iti the several Polling Sub - Divistiente of the 'towns -hip as tenon:Si: Pelting Beetle No. 1 — Sehbol .11olied No. 24 retain CeMpbell, 11.11.0.; Lorne Chantratta Cleek. • • rellIng 1300113 Ne, Steeseat. Pella Reeldenee, Let 2e, Con. rit Uttgit 11.11.0.; :REMO Koehler, Pell Pelting nomil Ne. 2—Town Halt; TaereY rt.t.o.; GOrdort Sureens, Pon Clerk, r61:0A teeth Nei. 4.--Towii 14411; Anovt Nona, D.R.O.; Lorne Xlepp, Pell Clerk. ?Oiling :Rooth, No, 5 — School :Mete NO. 12: Ifilion truenther, 11.11.0.; ClIftotd rennar, tePth 5.- tag tlu-entntr. Reilthela 1:),/t.4>.3 SitineY taker, Ptili Clerk, tootit Nta 7 — Salted tiettse Nn. -4; ;IA*. A. Ate:A:WWI., D.11.0.; Gulti Urmdo; roll rlerlc. Enbth 230. IP-4AL Alasbir Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. HEAVERS HARDWARE, Exeter MISCELLANEMIS DO NOT feed lice an your cattle that winter and eapect a satis- factory gsin. apraY them with Lindane by the Spray alari with experience arid equipment. Tele- phone 2125, L. V, Eogarth, Exeter. 14:2.1natane BE 'SURE You order The tops in chickens or this continent. TheY are guaranteed to live ane lay as well if not better than any other breea, when they receive good feed and care. 'Tbette are the ''West -Line" Chicks. See our dealer. L. V. Hogarth. 1•1xeler, telephone 1.15. 1.112.1:28;342 EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABY FITTING', Profeesional, 600 an hour. Phone, 7,e5.. 14* , PART.TIMB POSITION desired as stendgrapeer or bookkeeper. Aea PlY BOY, "Ir, Times -Advocate, 148 PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5, 10, 15 lbs. New pep, too, Try famous Ostrex Tonic Ta.blets for double resulta: new - h ealth Y flesh: new vigor. Ostrex: altar improves poor alipetite due to lack of iron. "Get -acquainted" size only 60e. At all druggists. 14:21:!Se s WANTED HORSES—Will buy any kind of horses, heavy or light. Buy. sell or exchange. Call 138, lera.nk Taylor. Exeter. et -Cc WANTED TO FEED for the winter, 16 or 20 yearlingcattle. Apply Murraey Thompson, R.R. 1 Clandeboye, phone 42-r-24 Lucan. 14c MISCELLANEOUS EVENTIDE VILLA. Eventide Villa, a home far elder- lY citizens, is now open at .30 Sanders St., Exeter, The Villaie under the management of Airs. L. Desiartilne, phone 150 Exeter. ----- mememintamentletwee ---- 1011$41.1111W1 ----- I XjRGEIiTLT Required $1,500 to $1,800 on Mortgage Apply Box TIMES -ADVOCATE 14:21c 1 Used Cars 'For Resale, For Parts Or Scrap 'EXETER ATO WRECKERS And sales. Phone Exeter 612, Grand Bend 8 • 183 Wellington, St. V1, (Across from Canadian Canners) 11 :14tirt ATTENTION, rARMERS—Prompt courteous collection ot all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect for over 300 lbs.. ED ANDREWS, 851-e-11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. • 11:14-12:26* HELP WANTED aiAN for ante wrecking work. Apply Exeter Auto Wreckers, 183 Wellington St. W. 140 • YOUR OLD ' ilArrtaY IS WW1114 UP 1`6 • ON •A NW 1111.11ERY Larry Snider' 'Motors Phone 624 Exeter - AUCTION SAL Automobile, AUCTION SALE Consisting f S COO* Used Care On Abe PreMISes, Main at.. in the VILLA4.40 OF ZI;3a0Vi at Desjardize's OS41410 The Undersigned Au:alone*. inetrueted to sell by leetarie 13031 eit 1441,1,14DAY, -3SOVId10101011 AO At -g409 Shaul* Tsai Pontiac 2 -Door Sedan, coatir, PlOtelY preens:Wed, with 42,0011 actual xnlleage, in A-1 G01410044 . 1083 .Cliev Hardtop, 2r tenet custom radio. This car is 1/1111 - new. 1937 Meteor 200 aeries 4. -poor Sedan, tri -tone color, ivhitewallis, custom radio, like new, 1080 Choy 4 -Door Sedan, frtons, whitewalls, -custom radio, :Wald - Shield washers and other eatre41, These cora will be sold undey full guarantee. Inapection invited. TERMS; Cash. ELROY DL'S,TAIIDINF., Props At tlie zeme time and platte; 1081 Plymouth 4 -Door asidan, color green, Actuet mileage 22,000, in alt.around guaranteed coma* Ulna Thte is a good cicait car, JOE 1-1VBERT MILLER, Zxecutors for tbe 10stata of the late Walter 11;31e1 No reserve. 1'ERMS: Ce.111. ALVIN WAI•PER, Auctioneer 01.1;11. - --- erter111111011101)11010Araniereattlarla --- - 001; LaSktFT '57 FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR ' $2,895 I Automatic, power steering, power brakes, • a tinted glass, windshield washer, whitewall 1 tires, backup lights—everything but.birth controI '57 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN $1,995 . Overdrive, radio, new tires, O.K. . '56 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, radio, lovely $1,995 '56 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN ,... $1„995 You're robbing me. '55 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SEDAN $1,595 V8, radio, only 16,000,miles. '55 FORD COACH '5,. $1,595 „She should be good, a minister had it! '55 ,DODGE SEDAN , ,-. $1,595 Radio, a beautiful red and white. • ; '54 DODGE SUBURBAN ,• $1,395 a Gad, she'd. be great to go to Florida in! . • '54 METEOR "NIAGARA' SEDAN-- - , $1,295. _ Radio, it's just like a brother to me --it's 11 I been here so long. • '53 FORD CUSTOM COACH ...„ -- . .... . .... ---2 $1,095 i '•Rebuilt motor, radio. I • '53 PONTIAC COACH $ 995 I Well educated, quiet schoolteacher had it, , '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 950 .5. z New paint job among other virtues, i '53 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE $ 950 - A beautiful maroon. a '53 CONSUL SEDAN $ 850 i Your wife will love you for this one. . 1 '51 METEOR COACH $ 595 I : a . A gorgeous yellow and black. '51 PONTIAC SEDAN . $ 595. '50 FORD COACH, a beautiful thing $ 595 '50 DODGE SEDAN, black . . . . .... $ 550 , 50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, overdrive .......... $ 395 i '49 .FORD COACH ......... ..... , . $ 395 1 '49 PONTIAC SEDAN $ 350 i '49 FORD SEDAN Good motor and tires, no grill, body rusty inside tagged. '51 MONARCH SEDAN .............. ..,. ...... ,.......„. Motor needs overhauling. '49 METEOR SEDAN, it ran in anyway .., ..... ,. '49 AUSTIN SEDAN, a steal ...... .. .. _ .... '49 METEOR COACH, she's rough boys ..... • TRUCKS, $ 195 $ 195 $ 195 $ 150 • $ 95 • .'56 FORD TANDUM DUMP $6,500.15 A real work horse. '57 FORD 1 TON WALK-IN PARCEL . DELIVERY, a beautiful thing $3,750,23 '54. MERCURY 700 TRACTOR ..,.,....„,„ $2,499.99 With 5 ton motor. •'56 FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP * $11500,00 Long wheel base. •.'53 FORD 3 TON STAKE DUMP $1,500.00 153 FORD 3 TON 7 x14' STAKE $1,295.00 Tarp, ready to roll, '48 FORD 3 TON ,C & C $ 350.00 ' Good for something.. 149 MERCURY PICKUP—Want a eheapie? $ 195,00 SPECIALS a The following beautiful cars and trulekshurcwillbe reduced $10, each day until sold: '52 REO TANDUM DUMP . ..," $1,385 it 51 CHEVROLET SEDAN, a pod one $ 440 i '51 STUDEBAKER MAN, overdrive $ 340 '50' DODGE COACH, beautiful black $ 340 I '50 PON• TIAC SEDAN, a steal You're breaking my heart at & $ 240 1 '51 HUDSON SEDAN $ 240 TRACTORS Si IMPLEMENTS, 54 WOODS CORN PICKER --Don't rely en Setteette else td do your COM plating. Do it yourself and SAVE!... $ SOO 'SI rota) C011111/NE MOTOR .... . . . * 6*5 1 QII want it thisfall. YOUdMUST WANT THIS SET OP• • # 128 HMI TRACKS NOW! Larry Sn PHONE 624 Salo and Service EXITS* °fors