HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 10111114$1t
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Ps 14 Ths. TIm0PAdvocate, N0v0mber 141 1947
H &S ,Parents
rooms of the Exeter
Pubic Selma were open for in-
sepliction .of the, parents, who
were interested in the pupils'
WOrie prior to the November
Meeting of the Home and School
.Association on, Tuesday, evening.
Teachers. were oo baud 'to greet
the arents and4 discuss joJ
The program for the Home and:
'School melting was arranged by
the. teaching .staff, Mr, Lawrence.
Hear Pupils
sfinerVisor,!' demon-
strated music instruction. in
grades ..and 3. Pupils of Giade
I were taught motit.n .songs and
singing Mice and in Grade 3,
pupils were taught to read. Innate.
Pupils of Mrs, Don Mousseati
and Mrs. Ron Heinirich present-
ed a theal reading "five Little
;Kittens" And a dramatization of
"The Little Red Be" in cos -
:Wine wasgivenby boy and
girls.. of Mrs. R. D. .Jerreyn's
, • The . attendance award was.
won by Mrs. JeriY.'s room,
President .1‘Irs1 W4liani Itu.nt- •
ley announced that the members
of the safety patrol for the •
school had been taken to Wog -
ham& to, .CN -TV to see ..„4 west-
ern round -up, •and that mothers
of the lciadergartenelasses,
taught- .by Mrs, Lorne Kleinstiver,
*had visited the classroom on Fri.
day to see their sons or •daugh-
ters at work. The Home and
School members servedcoffee te
the mothers of the morning class
and a cup of tea in the after-
iiiii IIMMUMIN ll i 111 llllll 011111'11,,Mfintitn11841Mtitt.111011111111,111011ittl l RtttIll l 1.1 l llll l llll ll
•s -
Wheel Balance
1 :Front -End Aligpnien't
is A 'Must For Your !
.. Be Safe! Bring your eat In today,for • a .buMper
to bumper safety check.:,
Hunter-Duvar & Sons
lll llll tilt lllll stetttottitttiillistlItti llllllllllllll llllllll tititttlt llllll lll ttimitttetiottti llll l IttottittettlItto ll t llll
COmtliOn10 About e •
kadiess Guild And W.A.
The 'Ladies' "Guild and V.A.
of St. P'aurs Anglican church
met at the home Of Mrs. •Clay -
ten Smith Thursday .evening..
Mrs, Cecil Dobson, Viee-presi,
dent, conducted the W,A„ *ed.
'leg. Scripture paSsage was. read
bY• Mrs, Wiseman.: ...A letter of
thanks was read fromMis.s. Stoe-
ey, prayer. partner stationed at
Punnicky, Saskatchewan, for
Sunday school papers, •eards,
etc. sent te her or use in the
school. •
Mrs. Burns Wackier gave a
report on the serni-anniial held
at st, ;Isom .Chnret, Stratferd.
Mrs. Alex Irvine gave a chapter
of the study book. Dopations
of money was given towards a
Christmas gift for Miss Storey.
The Guild • JInepting- followed,
}'mal arrangements were made
for the 'bazaar -and articies•
brought in. At the close of the
meeting Mrs. Eric Humphreys,
Mrs. • gum 'Blackler and Mrs.
Kne.x assisted .the hostess. •
Library Euchre
The Kirkton. Library held their
irt ...euchre the season in
Aberdeen. Hall.' Friday evening
with eight tables jn play. •
Prize winners. were:. ladies
.high, Mrs. Clifford Scott; lone
hands,, Mrs, Ray Paynter; men's.
high, .Lloyd Cowdrey; lone hands,
Harold payis.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Revill Pearson.
of Collingwood spent the week,.
end with •Mr.• and Mrs, 'George
Hall, .
, News/
Ibs Cello Wieners
10 lbs White Sugar
2_ lbs. Calif. Grapes
Anglican,, Legio n Halls!
Take Shape At Bend.
The new Anglican parish hall .14,ay 91 last week
Wog ereeted by. St. John's -b
the Lake Anglican church is ge
Y- Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Adams,
t• Pauline and Patsy, visited in
e Port Huron and Rad 'MelftM
ting well on its way, with :th
gan, Over the weekend,
s Mr. and Mrs, _Roy Finer and
' Mr...and Mrs, Ted Stanlake Visit-
°H..ed u P.ort' Hume en, Monday.
oetside alls and roof being
completedwand the inside wall
arenow being erected,
The new Legion -hall is qs.,
progressing. well, the Lego 1i
rnembers. using all their spare
evenings in working on their
new .hall to bring it to .comple-
Von, as soon as Possible.
'Remember Falien
At .Drum. Service- ..
The annual drumhead •.servie
was ' held at Grand Bend eeine
tery on Monday at 1045 a.te
The veterans met at their le
gion roma. and marched in
body to the cemetery, Centred
Clayton Mothers being le com•
mand and Comrade Harry Ham
ilton, Horace Lake and Wm
Peckett flag bearers.
A two-minyte silence '.WA
observed honoring those wh
had given their lives in sa.erific
for their country during one 0
the two Great.' Wars. Rey,'E
Wattarn read the scripture Iron
DeetrolunnY, Rev: A. E. Bowdet
followng with prayer. Rev. • A
E. Holley gave a short .• addres
on our duty to carry• • on wha
those who had fallen bad give
their lives for, and •only througl
peace in the hearts of'men ca
there beno more wars..
The service was attended b
members of the Ladies' Auxil
iary and - other • villagers wh
were pleased to be present t
honor those who had paid tb
supreme sacrifice. .
Homemaking Club Meets, •
The 4-H. Homemaking Club
met on Tuesday evening at ,,the
home ,of Mrs. -Eddie Gill,- with
a full „ attendance,. . ., •
The members . dismissed the
weaves, choosing the style,. ma
terial. and • pattern for their dif
ferent • articles, they will. be
making, They also.• learnedabout
the ,warf •and west. of. The 'differ -
vet weaves, and ..concliided by
taking .measureineets1 and study-
ing the patterns.
Mrs„.J.. Dalton, Mrs. IL phtle,,
Mrs. Arthur •Allemand- and Mrs.:
E. Desjardine„ Messrs.. Jim Dal,:
ton and John .Chamberlain, at
tended a bazaar and tea atthe
new Eventide Home at Petrolia
on r Saturday aftereoen. Mrs.
paitool as the wife ,of the reeve
ef the village, helped to serve
the • tea
0.- Mra, Mary Ygo ,spent the
weekend in .Petrolia.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Grose and
- Mr. John .Chamberlain spent
A visiting in Port .Elgin. •
e • Mrs. "Par,. Harrison was ye-
, leased from St, .Joseph's Hos-
• pital, where she was a patient
for the past -week.
Mr, Wm. Sweitzer visited with
shis •nlece in Listowel hospital
.on Saturday.
p Miss -Betty Dalton of Braet-
f ford, Jim. -cif Kitchener. And Frank
of Toronto, .spent the weekend
with their. parents, Mr. -and
Mrs. James 'Dalton. • •
. The annual ..eengregation'al hot
A turkey .dinner will be held on
t friday. evening from 5.30 to 0
n o'clock in the 'United Church.
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. McMurray.
n of Toronto visited with'Mrs,. Mc-
Murray!s sister. and brother -in -
y law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown. for.
- a few days last week; Mr. and
o Mrs. Wm. Desjardine of the B
o Line also visited witli-Mr. and
e Mrs, Keown on Saturday.
Grand Bend Gay Gals
The 4-H Homemaking Club,
Grand Bend GaYGais, held:their
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Don. Hendrick on Tuesday - eve-
ning with a full attendance.
Leaders demonstrated the
shrinking of wool and discussed
weaves and weft of wool fabrics.,
Home assignment was to pur-
chase patterns and adjust them
ready for eutting. • •
Personal ItAirs: • !
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .
of Detroit spent the weekend
with Mrs. Miller's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Jay Whiteford, -
Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Flear
spent Wednesday- in 'Port. Huron,
Mr. and Mrs. • Donald Scott
and son 'of •Sarnia visited- with
Mr. Seott's gratdmother, Mrs,
Wm. Patterson', over the week-
. end.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson,
of Gravenhurst, spent a few days
last week. with Mr, Wilson's aunt
and uncle, Mr: and. Mrs. Henry
Devine. " ' • ,
Mrs, Myrtle I3ossenberry yis-
fiteewd• draeylastivlaessi
iwneeTk°.'"nto for :.a
Mrs. Wm. Rendle spent a. few
days Visiting with her daughter,
Mrs, D. Coulson, Mr. Coulson
and family, in London, last
week'. .
Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Robertson,
of Sarnia visited with Mrs. Rob.
ertsOn's— annii.ind uncle, Cpl. -
and _Mrs. ' Neil 'Chamberlain,
• John and Nancy, on Sunday.
Mrs. I:. Geromette is Spend-
ing this Week ',with her, 'sister,
Mrs. Gordon Turnbull, On, the
Blue Water High -Way. '
' Mr. and 'Mrs: M. Russell of
Hensall visited With their daugh-
ter, Mrs. H. BOssenberry, Mr,
Bossenbcrry. And family,. on 'Fri-
day. •
Mr. and Mrs. William Salioles,
Of London, were among the Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
William Sweitzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie' Baird and
Mr. Delbert Mason 'of London
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs, Thos. Baird:,
. Mr. and !VW: 'Alee .Love and
daughter r Holly, of Tempt° vis
ited with. •Mr.* Love's 7. parents,
Mr.- and Mrs. Wilt Love, over
the -weekend.
Sunday visitors with Mr and
Mrs. ;Win, Sw„eitier Were Mr.
and Mrs... Sam . Sweitzer and
Brian Of Exeter, Mrs, Isaac
Tetreau, Mr. Milton MeAdani
and son of Zurich and Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Clark and family of
Mr. andMrs. Leland ..Detjar.
dine and family moved into their
new home south ofitown on High-
RepOrt Ott
•• ....MEAT
. ' Swift's Prerrsiuni :Govern:15160 inspected Moats Only
T -Bone or1
lub Steaks
• e
• 0 ' ... 0 0
round Beef
ow Pork Sausage
• • rit. 794
PURC, t'14;tALL's. LINK'S
. .Bologna:
• ,.•
. Ohl TI -le Pltdr
G. Cooked Ham
taS:,• 99d
. A
Rea Atict,..-
. . • .
Mrs. T. Waugh Of London
spent' Tuesday. with • Mr, and
Mrs. Leonard -Thacker.
Mr, ,Ittel Glidclon of GOderich
Spent'a few gays last Week with
Mr, and Mrs. Xerineth.Langford.
• Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin -
on, Ann and Paul, spent Friday
evening with Mr, and Mrs; Claire
SisSdb. .
Mrs. AlVada Hopkins of Mit.
the% Mrs. Lottie Jonet Of Ran -
cloth spent 'the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Win.
Mr. anti` Mrs., Ross Jones of
Glendale spent Sunday evening
With Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jones.
Yr.., and Mrs. Austin Hobbs
of fifratiton spent ,Tuesday eve-
ning with Mrs, Xis. Ivfossey.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson
and family, Mr. end Mrs. Fred
Thomson Were Sunday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carman
Ttinn of St. MarYs,
Mei. Frcd Thomson spent
Monday With Mr, and Mis. WM.
Jones: Mr, with.
'Thomson was
a Monday evening guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills of
Prospect Trill, Mr. and Mrs,
Gladwyn Hooper and family
spent Sunday everting With Mr.
nod MA. Jack Thomson,
?". •
Aie, •
To ch.00.**
From -
Including hrinmia
Coutts• Hallmark 40
International. I.eeert,
Cards retigiegef
Isntimental *04
whimsical theme'. '
50"nal imprinted
cards. for that
extra measure
ef distinction
SO FOR 14.50
eeke er.
'PHONE 770.-
tilie*Aw 1)13ea
.11, if I.
. .
Hereare-soi,e :hatidy'tiPs
soting yourtractor for tIS:winterg
• .%
they will save you time arid money next spring
. first, either drain the radiator and '
block, COrflpletely, or fill:with the
correct amount of anti -freeze. If star-
•ing.forvery long periods, also drain,
the entire fuel system, fuel tank, set.,
tling cup, 'fuel 1ines Screens and '
carburetor.. Remember, fuel left in •
the tractor for a long period of.time
tnciy form hainiftil gum deposits, • :
Next, remove the Spark plugs and
squirt light engine oil into- each.
cylinder, Oil A* valves and
then turn the engine' over
e few times to distribute the oil, This
prevent t rust and corrosion
• . '
'•• • Nowdubricate thetraitar thoroughly
to rentayei dny old vidie.whiCh May
contain ‘Moisture, aCidt.prither
purities Wash andiliiaktitedirt :off
the outside of the iesefoi; and
paint over any bare sPatitoisbrevent
rust. Make sure the battery•4s fuUy
charged dikl stOtectin,ii warm, dry
•• • plece.CheckfrequentlYandhscharge
about Once evortthrrty clays:
test but oaf letssf(tfoncf feb,'YOlai
tractor stand in 'the open or be di
... roosting place for the thitkens.,if yoU
can't put if in a maChine shecl,'then
cover tha tractor with La larpcnn,
order youP,petroletzm supplies how
1 direct. from iloitr local B -A di'airibu' tor
THE IN l'irt 8 14 AmitotioAN 0111, ,comPANY` Liwirrett
Your $A Agent