HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 6O. 4• ilis-'Tionee.Acivecetto Neeend,or 14, 1957 Hensall And .District News CQRRESPQNDENTS Mrs.. Maude. 'Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie McGregor,Phone. 682-r,31 Honor Dead At Cenotaph Memorial services honoring the dead of two world Wars.was held Hensall on Sunday morn- in,g at the Cenotaph. Wreaths were placed. Mrs. R. Taylor, Sr. laid the provincial wreath; the Legion wreath by S. Rannie; Le- gion Auxiliary, Mrs, E. R. Davis; village, Reeve N. Jones; Tucker - Smith, Councillor Elgin. Thomp- Son; Ray, Councillor Qscar .1cloPp. At the conclusion of this serv- ice members of the Legion, Ladies' Auxiliary, Girl Guides •„Association and Brownies, head- ed by the Bannockburn Pipe Band, of Varna, marched to Carmel Presbyterian Church and were addressed by Rev. Donald MacDonald,who chose for bis sermon topic "Follow peace and Holiness without Which no man can see the Lord.” Next to the main purpose of reconciling us to God the great design of the Christian Religion Is to reconcile vs to one anther in the bands of peace and good will," he said, 4nd continued, "man bnnature Is unfit for the happiness that God meant him to enjoy in this cvbrld or in that which is' to come until evil is subdued and put to death in his life." Mrs. William Brown rendered an appropriate solo, and th.e choir rendered .an anthem. Mrs, Harold Bell was at the organ console. A splendid. •congregation was present for the impressive _Ahura service. Color bearers for the Legion were Wilmer Dal- rymple and Mervyn Bell; Auxil- iary, Mrs, H. Horton and Mrs. Howard Smale; in charge of color party was • Jim Taylor; parade marshall, Sydney Mc- Arthur. Last post and Reveille was seunded by a flight cadet from RCAF Station, Centralia. Kippen Institute Treats Families Kippen East Women's Insti- tute observed family night en- tertaining their husbands and families to a turkey banquet in the Legion. Hall Friday eve- • ning attended by over one hund- red. Winners of euchre were: ladies, Mrs. Charles' Eyre; gents, 4 Bill Kyle; travelling lone hands, Ernie Whitehouse. The children enjoyed bingo. In charge of the entertain- ment were Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. John 5 et,1 Organize Class., For Metal.craft The Hensall Recreation Com- mittee has arranged for instruc- tion 1. metalcraft. Mr. A. J. Sweitzer, of Huron Lumber Co. of Exeter will -be the instruc- tor and the first night for this project will be Wednesday, No- vember 13, 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the town hall. These sessions will be held every Wed- nesday night for 12 weeks. There are a number of vacancies still open. A badminton .club will also be formed and badminton will be played weekly Monday and Tuesdays of each week com- mencing this Monday, Novem- ber 11 in the local Community Arena. Hensel! WI, • Hensall Women's Institute sponsored a sucessful bazaar, bake sale and tea in the Legion Hall on. Saturday, and cleared $82.00. In charge of the fancy work were Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs. R, Elgit; white elephant, Mrs, W. R. Stephenson, Mrs. Alda Simmons, Mrs. C. Cook; baking, Mrs. R. M. Pesk, Mrs. V. Rowe, t' Mrs. J. Horton, Mrs. William Henry; tea cup reading, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. 'T, C. Coates, Legion Ladies •Entertain Vets President Mrs; E. R. Davis presided for the November meet- ing of the Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary Tuesday, November 5 held in the Legion Hall. Plans were finalized for a visit to the Eric Reid Red Cross Old Soldiers' Home, Landoll, which took place on Tuesday when three carloads of members entertained the in- mates to an evening Of bingo for which prizes were given. Treats were given and refresh- • ments served. Members will attend the 2gth anniversary of Clinton Auxil- iory Tuesday, November 19 at which 11 auxiliaries from Zone 3 will be special guests. This auxiliary wll contribute towards a gift for Clinton. The group will cater for a banquet on Wednesday, NOV, 20 for the Ground Observer •Corps which will be attended by 80. Reports on the recent bazaar, bake sale and tea were given with the proceeds gratifying. Mrs. W. Brown submitted the report for the sick committee; Mrs. W. Aikenhead. recreation. At the December meeting members 'will exchange gifts. Mrs. E. R. Davis won the mys- tery prize. Bingo winners were Mrs. Mer- vyn Bell, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs. Alda Simmons (2) Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mrs. Garnet Allan; specials were won by Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mrs. Davis. Students On TV Twenty four students of grades 7 and 8 from Hensall Public School appeared on CKNV-TV, on M'Ladys show Friday after- noon and'really excelled them- selves. Their first selection in two parts was "For the Beauty of the Earth." The second num- ber was "Santa Lucia." On Hunting Trip A party of hunters including George Hess, Hensall; Dr. Ad- dison, Clinton; Don Shepherd, Grand Bend; John Wainer, Wood- stock; Elzar Mousseau, Kippen; Herb Mousseau, Jim Parluns, John Robinson, Leroy O'Brien, D. Walker, R. Bannister, all of Zurich and R. Grenier, Grand Bend are enjoying a hunting ex- pedition at Balongy Bay, Mani- toulin Island. W.M.S. Study Japan ' The Women's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church ob- served their November meeting Thursday last with Mrs. A. Clark's grpup in charge, with Mrs, Clark presiding. The devotional and study book on Japan was given by Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. A. Ferg, Mis, F. Harburn, President Mrs. G, Armstrong presided for the businels and announced that Mrs. J. E. Whit- ing, of Hazelton, B.C., who is connected with the Mission Hos-. pital in that city, will be guest speaker at the December meet- ing. Mrs. H. Mc.Murtrie, Mrs, L. Mickle, Mrs. M. Traquair were appointed a nominating commit- tee to bring in the 1958 slate of officer...Mrs. Henry and Mrs. McMurtrie gave highlights of the sectional meeting held in Hensall in October. A bale for overseas relief was packed, and 'luncheon served. Reception for Newlyweds A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Laird Finlayson (nee Ruby Par- sons), was held in the Exeter Legion Hall on Friday nightand was largely attended, A purse of money was present- ed to the young couple, presenta- tion address read by Harold Caldwell, presentation by Grant Smith. Desjardine orchestra pro- vided music for the dance. Personal Items Mrs, Lawrence Ziler was Called on CKNX radio last week on the Merry -Go -Round program, and received A gift, Please Turn to Page 7 • Be Prepared. Cheek With 118 for the latest in WINTER, CLOTHING for Men arid Boys. From head to toe we have, what you Nttb and WANT at POPULAR, PRICES! See our coats, cam shirts, socks, underwear, trousers and foOtwear, SHOP MW SAVE AT • C. Joynt & Son 62 Herisail twontiommonffivivoffinommotommomimiumminimwomoyfiennumofiniith. a • PS Students Aid UNICEF The girls and boys of Grade V and VI of Hensall Public School, instead of tricks or treats on Halloween night, collected money for the U.N.I.C.E.F. and were pleased with the kindness and generosity of Hensall's citi- zens for, with their own fund and collections, they have 02.23 In the U.N.I.C.E.F., five cents provides.enough penicillin to cure one child of yaws, a deforming tropical disease. One cent pro- vides the vaccine to inoculate one child against TB; one cent provides five large glasses of powdered milk for the world's undernourished children, • Evening Auxiliary Plans Yule Parcel The November meeting of the United Church Evening Auxiliary was he'd in the schoolroom of t"^ Monday evening with 'cut, Mrs, Jack Drys - .:ding. Rennie conducted the wt....hip period, using the theme "Remenibrance Day." An article written by Padre Young with the theme "Go ye there- fore," was read. Mrs. G. Walker who assisted with the devotional read sacred passages. Members, agreed to send a parcel to the mission at Cross Lake instead of exchanging Christmas gifts among mem- bers. A motion was made that the group send a $10 Care parcel and also a gift to Miss Gauld, in Formosa. Nomination committee com- posed of Mrs. Harold Elder, Mrs. Edison Forrest, Mrs. Jack Tra- quair, were asked to bring in a slate of officers at the Decem- ber meeting. Miss Ellis gave an interesting article on "Christian Stewardship." A film strip on Japan was shown by Mrs. Ross Forrest, assisted by Mrs. Edison 'Forrest. The recreation committee 'di- rected several games. Hostesses were Mrs. C. Christie and Mrs, K. Buchanan and assistants. Carmel Ladies Aid Elects New Slate Mrs. Clarence Reid was hos- tess at her home Monday eve- ning for the November meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church, with her group in charge. Mrs. Alex McGregor Conducted the devotional, using the theme "Lest We Forget," She was assisted by Mrs. Edwards and by Mrs. Glenn Bell, reading "In Flanders Now." President Mrs. Percy Camp- bell presided for the business period.Mrs. C. Reid, assistant secretary, read the minutes in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. John Soldan. The Ladies' Aid donated a girt of money to the Board of Managers and $25' to the church choir. Mrs. Glenn Bell conducted the election of officers. President for 1958 is Mrs. Alex McGregor; vice-presidents, Mrs, Glenn Bell and Mrs. Frank Wright; secretary, Mrs, John Soldan; assistant, Mrs. P. Camp- bell; treasurer, Mts. C. Volland; group leaders, Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, Mrs. .J. E, McEwan and Mrs, John Soldan; Manse committee, Mrs. E. Munn, Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Mrs. B. Edwards; quilt, Mrs, Munn, Mrs, L.. Luker, Mrs. E. Camp- bell; reception, Mrs. R. Y. Me - Laren, Mrs, Edwards, Mrs, J. Bonthron, Mrs, D. MacDonald; pianists, Mrs. E. Munn and Mrs. Dougall. Mrs. E. J. Wood Active In WMA Fiddler ,I311.1 Hyde Adds To Honors William Hyde, 92, captured first prize. in his elassof five for Old Tinie Fiddling, and first for oldest man at the Old Time Ficl. dlers .Contest held at the Recrea- tion Hall, Fair Grounds, at Wood- steek. Friday evening 'sponsored by the Loyal Order .of Moose. This makes a total of sixty two first prizes Mr.. Hyde has won at various .contests he has appeared. in Western Ontario, in addition to many other ,prizes, Celehrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ffila cel- ebrated their thirty-first wed- ding anniversary on Wednesday.: alley were dinner guests at the Queensway, where later in the evening, members of the prayer meeting group and friends met to .extend felicitations on this. happy 02CaSi011. After a brief worship .service Rev. Donald MacDonald in his inimitable manner gave _expres- sion to sentiments appropriate to the occasion, Personal Items J. W. Bouthron is spend. 'ing this week with her daughter :and son-in-law, Mr. and, Airs. Mac Greer, Of London. .Mr. and: Mrs. Harold Redden,. Bobby, Jimmy and Debbie, -of Dresden, spent the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Heddenand family: Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Shaddiek and Gerald, of Clinton,.were • Sunday guests .with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shacklick and Pill, Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Peck spent the past week visiting with l\Tr.• and Mrs. Lyle :Statham, of Kings - vine, Mrs. Statham is asister of Mrs. Peek. • Mr, and Mrs. Stuart McAuley and Jimmy, of Sarnia, are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. Shad - dick and Bill. and Mrs.- Melvin Orr, of Hanover, were weekend visitors Withthe former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. Mac .Greer, of London, visited this weekend with her mother, Mrs, J. Bonthron. Mrs, Ella Drysdale returned home after Spending the past week with friends in Port Dover. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norminton visited, over the weekend with end with the former's parents, 'Fire From t)/ ire Mr. and Mrs, William, R. Illuminates Sky Stephenson. Ivan just recently of the Royal Bank branch of that city. Mss Wilma Drenderhurst re- turned to Clinton after spending A high tension hydro wire, in 'front. of Fink's: Apartment bleck on Nelson. Street, was brown tn the ground by heavy winds Sa- turday Morning at 4 A.M. end. caught fire along the ground, The flames illuminated the skY and were .seeu by :any .of the vil- lagers. , Bill Fink was awakened by the first flash of :fire 'which illu- minated the bedroom and he turned. in the alarm and the power was cut' oft Hensall Are brigade responded to. the call. their S.11:14411 -.14W and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Art Traquair, Woodstock., Mrs. Alberta MacBeath is con- . fined to Scott Memorial Hospital, .Seaforth, where she is under. . going treatment, Mrs. Edna Celina was. a week. end visitor with her son.in-law and daughter, Mr,' and Mrs. A, MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stephenson and sons, Bryan ,and Bradley, 01 St, Catharines, spent the week.* was appointed assistant manager the past two. weeks With ter parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Brenda burst. Recent witutera of Christnies. cakes veined et $7•N at service station lore Jack Kins. AM, R.R, Z Cromarty,. and: Lloyd Heard, .or Varna. ilit11111111114414,4141111111111101411.111111111140,1110,11/114410/110V • 4, Complete Line :Of: Veterinary :Products Prescriptions • Baby Needs Vitamins Wilson's Rexall Drugs Phone 20 Hensel' • iii nal i ii it i ittitspitsintipits Wake up your family to a sunshine -bright breakfast that will have them smiling even on rainy mornings. Serve generous per- tions.of nutritious foods in appetizing variety every day. That's the happy way, to start the day—the right way to send your family off t' school or work, well-fed and full of energy. And lust look at these eye-opening values in breakfast foods — they're this week's super -savers at SUPER SAVE. /BIRDS EYE FROZEN 12 -oz. tins Orange Juice 3 FO FR 89c TENDER CRISP POTATO CRACKERS S'/2 -oz. pkg. Chippers Christie's 29.c SUPER SAVE • FRESH DAIY Bread Sliced coax SYRUP Crown Brand 24 -ox. loaf 17c 2-111, tin 31c ;IA Fancy Sweetened . range Juice 2 Start the 'Day With Nutritious Kellogg's Cereal '4E1 DZ. TINS Sade 70 55 Save 40-19e. pkg. • • • Raspberry and Strawberry • Added Pectin — Wagstaffe's Jams , • • • • • Aunt Jemima • Buckwheat 'or Plain Ige. 24 -oz. anc ake FIour2. PKGpo Large Family Size • Heinz Tomato t hup $uper $aveMeats Liver • . • " 25c Prime Rib Roast Cubed Stewing Beef 0 0 0 • • • exon Brand Side Bacon Chicken Roll . • • La. L. 49c 39c Le. PKG. 45c Private funeral services for the late 1VIiss Eliza Jane Wood SUPER SAVE PRODUCE BUYS were held from the Bonthron PY APPLES 3'1-8. 2 funeral chapel on Monday, Nov. 11: conducted by Rev. C. D. Da- Istot.G 9C niel with interment in Bengali Union cemetery. 6 -Quart itaike t 69¢ Miss Wood died at her home on Friday, November 8 follow- ing a lengthy illness, ORANGES 91111N3KIBT 51C Miss Wood was a member of CI DZ. the United Church and an ac- tive member of the Womens Missionary Society when health FRESH BEETS tsi 2-29c •permitted. Surviving are one brother, 1 Frank Wood of Hensel", and a FRESH DATES . Dz. 21c niece, Mrs. Hardwick of Van- couyer who has attended her during her illness. PEI POTATOESLSE, 3 3 c 1 Debrah Gass, 3 Dies In Hospital • Pitmen:I services for Declrah Leo Gass, three Year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mts. Earl Gass of Hensel, were held from the Whitney funeral chapel, Sea - forth, on Thursday Nevoither 7 with interment hi Maitland - bank cemetery. Dedrali passed away In Scott Memorial Hopi. tali Seatorth oil Tuesday ftilloWo inga WO days' illness. SurViVitig are one brother, Gary, two years and bile sister, Brenda, .One Year. Mr, and Mrs, Gaga Were for y 1. Personal Items Dr. William T. Joynt, of ton. don, was a retent Visitor with his mother, Mrs, Alleo joyat. SUPER SAVE PRE -CHRISTMAS BONUS' PANDA BEAR .$3.4w9. $5.00 order Giant 27" Various Colors Top Quality Plush ONLY rd -i- Regular $5.95 15 Z. 8 TL. jar Save 70 Save 30 Grade 'A' Large FRESH EGGS MARK ET HENSALL- ONTARIO 1 • • I.