Huron Signal, 1850-07-18, Page 1' 1.4•••••••...2„4...111.. • • iortro,,--••••••••• Jai 4.11, IN Lou, nn. i 6#0,###### n••••.••• u nnu.' rrplr ode 4 Ow' *4 , *I* weinue • of Aliee 4 OW We, 2N .14t .4-11 .000 f to -it /VA I I 4. . 4. ie. ,firio • 4 • N tite _411 7.1j.1..4":11A4819. Gaarsage • Alt I I e f#0, ••• possreug Itivroata,0 -Is it yr too v. 4..enteren"' e Twat s es Teo -.0 • I too.gaoloosi. • " 41 41 4.1.' 1, 4'0.01 41•0 • „sal 4" • • , re* err 4.44 ,.• ' ORO, 1'7,2 -4. .Isseroolsoisisroo 1.4 /**to:tt t 4.4 -t es 'es4.) • 710117.0 sur .14 jnonitRi CH, COUNTY Cir irtrafor;' W) Tfiunsomt: •.„., arnell 3rei seats ; t• 111• , . • %di 140 OWN OA 1•1):. ,1 1) `44404...4 Litt OLLIME 111. -041111tertites s- torof Oil se Mee • Aro '04+ t opoillawikfewhomehe omelwrossebtammet • .14 m• mamma NUMMI? XXVI. fis.0101111•• rug ()imam 040Wals,-Ibia la lks# musts foe poppet Peppers this "ember. () rt. totemporsrole with parmarilly the two Ii 1W4k4I.$I1SI4 Ask Mal Wisp aid Mum seprtitoree also. • • plants in our own irounde, sow twrii years Cor plohltag .hood be pickled Jest bider* ebonite,* exchange wiltriteasie .end on their fTpeper Cosa& bet for lee' dee pap& el Csioeda; it woo um the dillbseems - I f et hee'th th d, the b teamed thedr ;toper., as we exreot vu renew pur visits to h Core spietios die •1101 Twos= Cbsseh lad 44 as tb,.4 P4441tOgail,, I rip user smosillssestir Itsr sveitesteisold/ • shossis 4.A411411101116Llifillemainit Nowerr. OH *4 • . Y who Rohl, ateiwiw• for yea itafifi • -who mum ~sem be* *Hilt Of • deathless fame. - W eio Imre &mow each goldes draws .4e, Widcb ye hope to see he haw had nub dazzling gleams Olf par Meat t Toil ea lastly with par pea-. ' 4: 110p/ 0/1 with your heart ,; ime Shaw your worth.. thee . Panes will give het pm. • who bravely writ to pie Comforts for year hem., • may Iota pier hoer, of path - 1.4i • Lot Mem go sadirons* : • may nave to .1(0441. hone With the frowns 0((.II. • mar hope for your reward Asa Mae, tong 'a 4.11 • 4 work oe, are bravely a, lie despotism sever ! than find; Fate's not unkind, Hope on, thos-hope ever. • • oho've men 'oars does score saa. Who totter hy the way : • know soon from homer' ken .„ Ts will 11401 mime. your hops are lied above, Earth no longer memo nd of r•sl, of jay, and love. Mike. and irren• dream.: vomillrishmo e•er view, Other thowilits are gives, Brigbt lad and . ops os, then, for H A•pRICULTUR. Sitio Watter.-The late It.n. Henry okl. near y, are in oer e , wit e Lorain( re w44., y awl a a seer 00 whets. Im P O*Of a hither damage to the ends foil growth ; tho boll sal! 'gnash pepper theta in a week or two. -rhe Si.. nf the twigs. So fir as this trial gees, the ars the bat fur pickling " the small kind TatIVAratc.t3 Sgueimuits.-,A, (td espriliewi lard to it. ThatifielleillekellserWasittlittple vessilibineett A dostissee eimatAttillig MOP Oast te so hardy es it seed be, for them" ors the haateet. amid the hoot for 11111ieel.... log las ay.., .ret of co: reoest tionmks o• tho lotihd hitt inin the heetweeet , , thish1 4thinip Iwo. sod eadv•Ive leader ttees -The pleats lo q4estion have Haze" eay that the poppers of MirlICO a • played in reporemlos the slave trate ou *hi t had doctored hod fro rigM iaterfite 110 letailieh„this hoe. house know', sad thlrAlesi two waters haw. bene 'too/ Wee* •Moo a1u, 0014411* who undo thio co "Palk° 14 proposed 'vitt' trowel of the ai nod taboos ens. not been wcry rapid ittowereiapil that slow as meek belief lbs oar peppers as otiro of sauf.iii that in•t•md of the matter -to divot,. of The r.greaneir: &kW- - kneel. 'that this wee the grrat •4,g progress may have eructed them favorable srobetter then Struppoes strawberry toe !tomb Got,aest •aprodors £71 - 00- ,og .. of oar adin,tu.d right 14, kg,Aste spot, towards the lassos t- - Prairie rarlier mama. 'noose oho malt the hottest Mode •••111 VP." th# #110010.0, oft' 0""tit PIT, of ,,C4,,,,,,,ian. (hs, 141114.) To-- io• bill o.00l L., ,Yee 1106041st be laid out le seeding to the mold, ' (Chicago)RA.1*h. ' ' ' . should procure dm blexican seed. si £ Is pm heed. ',migrants who woold robsolas caadored th aeon to • pers000to dm poople a* Wtiv can ss mthe OP 004 Atss ON &IAA ti Salta T CULT'S 1.1100.-T11°113 who ,be twoulre•---N. V. Commercial .41tetereser. United Cased'. Ile iiii het ovidemised how- E•ao -The editor of the Maine Matt% 3- k" inetkInf about the magedieont shw• tor published a few days ago bus mann.- borriew, anti 11111110610 tplantity` of them rats- lei a ti you Ait.onic.du---The Polar lee his been 'he member for Cornwell eat.) soy that thi. Milli 0( 04. Wee glen . gather Om following remarkable remits: years past, in the garden formerly owned by •"11.,:i 7 Lie ric1.7 nessevw t an mos . mviiiiindlsod reports a 4) IF:,en if the peopte ,._...,..j v,..._. Upper Capads. Pink! be Ose third of an sere in corn umsally pro. nse iii Afar Street may like to know the Z.:,1 et"' t 1,1.1,44%,,irr,,, 11 , 44, i n thid to hare oi4e0 their supprt to this mf•sure, grind.nt besiJea some refuse. The quan- 1 applied about (thee a week, for flame to the tie ocean. u , n s la • o -- question to Eriglond for settlemeto, the people Illy wee 'efficient for family use. and- fur limes, cormneocing when the green leave. , TIM I. J 'hoe Nese Brenstoieker of th• of Lower Coseds, hid ovvvr hro) an nopovenit, fetaepIng tide large dr two email hogs. first began to start, and makthga the lam piao wore go tileaseM s'estres several A tarricon vessel. to give so °puma es it: and the hill meet thrm. From the "tame vomit! he obtained two or aPplIcation just before the three hundred puesphme, brti hie family roll Whom, the following preparidion--Of 114"4-eseiseS" 11111"1"wi 8411"0 the is" low (tire be onjuot to them. He tholepin them wini ofonion•: these he hel soil at ono dodo,' oat quarter of a pound, disaolveti in SI gal- 4ee.;'1."'H. -0° c;rrrdc 0'1" 1-811.41P7u1"0.100 rbeil:q1°": sgoarc, he wouldp obteincil sixty bushel. do, etch one pound, of muriate Of sand:mil; wiligli'-i thee perid legiditure to iitt.rf.re in the qmotim", le ate which they had them:whirs mid that .hey hail so per buithol, end tha amount purchased his loss of rairtir river water, one-third wee ow Ca Meth arrived from Borustols, for Of # # from Wheel we ed cm a hod shoot 30 feet by 40 for weeral d" 444 441 1.og the Wart" 'Prior Will was esottioned hy the people of eseado I d I A olt d thirt bushels of sound corn fur Process 447 4.44404) I cultivated them. Tio. famittrable omen or the voyages bound by the legi.letors having puevr, referred lb- wethe, to Mad with twitter for England. no good 'mown that it was unjust, fir dt• le- •upply of beart& from, a bed Ado rod nitrate potaith, glauber ',alto, and sal eo. right to interfere, to deprive this legislature id flour. Thus from one-third of an acre end *polled at fine, and when the weather Purl4•••1 fur Gte4 , n 010011 44o1,44. obtained his bread eters. eras dry, I applied clear soft wa'er between Wwwrioto Thornton Potietrv.-Attbe '1° whititied P°wee• 14 "wised all memos that The reel of the mond was appropriated to the time, of using the preparation -.es the riscond monthly meeting of this aretety. no Power. (Hear hear.) He behoved that the all sorts of vegetables, fin "mine, end growth of the young !cirri' is tro rapid. that Maiday,crentne lam. 14 Sheroo, of £50 ohject .1 .44. coneritutimsal set, might to be tow - winter upp-.potatopa, beets, panpipe, cab- unie°1 well ottPPitrod with water the fun coed', were diopneed of at ilia avenge boottir rigid oat. and that the property should ho divided pot eltent &admiralties'. He bare, grime corn, peas, beans. Cucumbers, will scorch them. I used a common water- of £0. We understand Cud die nimbi, moonset .11 melons, eqoashes, tio., with fifty or sixty ine-pol, arot made the app'icatinp testy& 0(*hares sobseribed now exceeds Seri, and could not he ecomeil of wi hiss t t butthels of beet. and carrots for the Lied of etening• Managed in this web there is that a monthly loan meeting may be de- ,i,,,,, a 0,,,,.. 11.-4,4-- re, hi. ch.' --fcb- ;-0(0,41.44- l'a.v.% PI a row. Then 44. 44.4 attic newer garden, never any necessity of dialing over the bed, needed upon.f-Gazette. , i ofitior leer officers of the Grows mad presioded . . 1 .. b b t nth • • • -----------------•••••- -"',4 : • - A ' is opposition to oily see* ahem. A didesse mspberries, corrnote, and googeborries in or settinglt out lthew. 'BUit or tensears _ plum, cherry, as.1 quince, trees. If a family those of two or throe year,. old, But yisi aroutnrial . Vet111011111t111, inweegst *II tho datoornismioso swam es wield great variety, and • few choice apple, par, 04 ire can be suppOrted from cote acre of ground must be sore arid keep the weeds out. -'C, t('b. vice's lee had mire of die goes - in Maioe. the stifle can be done in every .4. H., Northampton Genette. DOUSE OP ASAtMlilet. . dee were affect, the ishreenest mast he held State and County it] the Lluiop. - Roots yoa Carru.-Carrote, parsnip" n, emu yours More, is Mu " Notes - ' and beets rosy be sown asy Woof° Jona if • Trona the Elomineri just, sod not is accordance with dm optathe of y the way," related tin folio/rine aoeedote Twutee.-Tvellitav may ba sown at all •Paattne, your miture is wall reared. It shoot,' be THURSG.1Y. J#1111 50• the ',BMW -herr'. se the Crews. Thorefoor a de - o( a farmer in Verinont, nth. always 0h. from April to August, is our climate, although 0 fit " to be midi' l'ot Mc LAFONTAINE said -in giviag his opt- mend fer • redurtrthistioo woelell ..Ib. sapist.- : abo Wearable Au....y Guns' Wein, who rained a high. price for hi* seed wheat, Moth oath" the best which are were very early ed with the _soil. Piles the marYnire c'trn %ter fano sad which be celled •1 berrol wheat" -his neigh th Angus' for a tall or wittier crop. Those wows Moe a tho eutoect--he would commeseo by re- le the pediement a Upp.“ caned., froal the meow he reeget,thnt h. aussos, wag 0404401 - which thoroughly -barrow on the very bots retorting to him for their seed, and lam is Ser.*. or arly in summer, we seldom day of planting. that you may have as few meriting that the question had been dimuseed ss state of parties, it wee imposed.* to make as model tarpmeet le fewer of remainder revere - e""111 • sacred. The elegem dielsios wso usegoar as - he might so shall, by which ttae .e6r'S ,herer repreeeotasiveo became ot 0005 sawatee. * ad ass ed--ersit sod eoitapesel-dIvIded •ed mem. Weed, 4.4. 44. Veal grielle41, hums by mom of Tory toot Reform: am former, Ike advocator 4' swiss% eod sawarreatsek retain's*. the late ter tbil taint picots of ei i I sad reNgther, liberty. mad the emit perfect resaloy. Aed ,itises hoe. teetleuthe sew eiseeekee the !mew, hssolsee have hies mid ism* piteleumod their eigiadsee ie he M veisoe eithribt astheMehe el Mel Pee - mid rhe HOW, wed Illyailkiihr grey 8... in. They puleuideliefe Sem lie ego 41111. sees stewed t• the 1140Mii fp vithieh ,heir country meek Tem isfors14 osipe:p 101 8.44 say heeemblis pediniess ow say Mei. is The seessies et the Clergy Rearms the people ..d the Geemesssea beid sismilso mews taking thew sparehen dein the est two dem se e 'g- enies by *Mei we rimy *Ivo Or, hod ielivend these spreside le their coostiteeste dee mummy befit* the lest gesirrs1 w ily see Weft drat they would found a sem is ;hie Pins? Ile trouped set. Had the his. estembet kr Oxford, who se elution bed nen. 'Seely sighed is &from of meted rights eed the obligati/0s a ik. people of Caned, to slipped them neatly imported elergymes lath esita out here expecting to have assuideefot lite, had, he. Mr. APeaker, dose this before the iatellieent gnome& Oxford, how sassy rum would ha hove polled Net asso.-rettlh• first titm- Had wheel wee, le fact, onsperiot in appearance, roper Canada Imetioni an ashore act providing for the ditoribstie• a them Inas, tout was, that it woe*/ aside the people mob- P*Ifet ai high u $1 per bush"t* The worth mush so tbe weather is so %arm, 'lid is- weeds as 'hie for the hoe and the fio- eleiu'i•eit' The 00 become so numerous, that thett y ore geer- 701'.Keret was at last 4.101.014, whom those .417 hard and wormy. A liohtectiT, well maps. Irt'or rows mei (4)21fiar 6. ltte Dell- prodeetoreamos, and early sostunty. et spart--asd yoor drills nsay be made tote who had hero is the Debit of paying. him red the previou• year, is the best; no monism hills if you have courses enough tocut tree prices, availed themselves 01hoi prac-• should be applied .i.h. time of sowing. soles, down pretty looking plant. that 'thud too lice of making " barrel wheat" for them- -it be a well deo..p.d compost. ea the room. thick This labour is dons with that boo, selves and they save the &Terence in pr,ce wo.I,l bc, Ale Is be tad flaviered. Let dm cutting &cootie thn rows. When your The farmer is flotation "weed, before ground 44. 4.; or plooshed deep, and made mei- olants are all is hiPst, you will hare but threphing his wheat, to select the hest Owlets, sod oinking then. over the head of loot sod fins ; sour die semi broadcast, asd rake litt'e tinning or hand orsetlinig is cath your ao open barrel three or four Loose heron' laying thorn down to b. thrashed, obtained n this way a superior seed. An, in this w ay, the largest and earliest white kernels would he shaken out and fall into the har- t -et& he obtained what might be considered o select seed, which he denominated Ws " barrel what" sod which. until the farm- sor bard bow 10 40 it for themselves Mumd their advantage in purchasing." The kiat contained in the shove anecdote, goy we think, he profitably availed of by eitatit.grewers generally. • To Macs Plums arm 01818 TARIM BEA* YOUNG W. Cole *aye :-" Tu induce early bearing particularly where treea are lotuviaot sad barrels. clip off the extremities of the brioches its July, about one-third of Hos mew groweth ; this will prodocs ▪ buds the latter part of summer, for a crop the next season. We hero found this very eucessful." A. J. Downing says :- a If yeti *Oh tO bring fruit trees into bear- ing at an astir see, pinch off the shoots the Int of July cad agate at the eved of six weeks." neatest wey to separate beeswax fresh the eolith to the ep • lists er woollen cloth or bag, with a peble or two to keep it from Boating ; place it in if kettle or cold water, which hang over the lave the lister Wet', the wax melte and lo fhb' Offal* SIAM tal the imporities recoil, OHM kg. A ' - fIltabi.-Ifinververt teenier sifted tiny be Mid Jleititate of all powers to vegetate in any other sebdascet if Peeped la e diluted Manila ogyeenat• mutilate acid at a temperature of about 46. or 48 degrees of Fahrertheit, prided 11 eta possesoes its principle Tastily, It Will germinate in gory in quality. When dry, those peas fe• hours. Atd If, this, it be planted haws a bluish color. Altogether thie pea is se yg might te he, id wo popenpriete end, it the finest of the tablet ra 'hitt we hays cut - were we reserves in Lower Canada. This . weepitered by that body. Alshosgb, according min a just and equitable intilannut of this que- ues the cam. 11 • should treat the otwatios os to his ieterpretatioo, his therrch wait excloded don. 44.4 8. defined what fit sow cosudderod a its mord& It was @pokes of yesterday as • from portkipstios is three fonds, he had bd. Pm sad equitable asttlemmit art before the Re- qaestiee that might affect Lower Cased& is& mewed the rights ef all protestant dosomina- I formers of North Yea, does aarese thlak he reedy, and as appeal hod boss mode to the fears does, sot confining himmilif merely to the *sold have been illsopport slob • awls j4111 Atthresest of- the members for that room: many gormless • °bombe, England end &named_ With wiles:goo es religiose exclonively Lower owe( jell. 1.1141 hew. deter- @nett to the appeals 'hat hsd bees made to the - 01 .441 Reserves. Bal. 444 seems es 1( 4014.014. mined in the ram pailisment by Upper Canada members for Lower Canada, that this movenwat protect himself by dateedieg that we then!! it io e‘,..4. A. itte spring cult tr. awe , ground was well prepared and sowed. votes. Ilia constituents had reposed confidence woold be made a reason rot ioterfirios with the not yield to alwparltalia; Wad orsotall bon as Preyed by the sursiroay,tt is WI timeliest phis C" W°R118. - Charles Cist, E.q., of is him, mad 44. 1441 that it woe his boats's* both property devoted to religious parolees in Lower *slightest omen met relative isseidee sod *We% te rue.* ashes sod soot over the grouted, just mi C.o.d., he emit! ealy say that they (the meta- and Is awes tket me hetes* tight to Wok Wok the Cineinnatti Advertiser says ; have to give his 'pinto°. aad his vote. The terms Our --------- ips rue coming •p. After they o 7 • e Protestant demi" Is the aestitmothal Act, ben for Lower Cnoodo) would act accendiag to and easoke Ib. , teeker India et • a hint to giro m firmer 'to edit how to d oth bb d plants from tot worms. , are well ep, they sheeld be hoed wed thissoil to t n.„.i, - sis or eight isches apart, and be hope clear frame . e" Pull a fbw tops of clover. which Pnt weeds. The Meth ere, tor`winter see nesy be along side each plant you wit.% to save ern - sows 1..rolit the twisty -fifth of July to th• tenth er the clover with a chip. The cut worm of torero. os land this was well oteomed for prefers the clover to anytbipg else, and ether crops in 'prim': hoe and thio opt as foe every day or two you eau examine below fit. early trot,. Th. bet, him., 1,4 early "e1/2 the chipt, and Mn, eut worm over 10 the ben and her cb:.ckens. are the Early White Daub awl Early, Garda "Thi. is less labour than to replant." Sion*. The White Flat, Yellow 8004 sad Yellow Abe/ores, aro excellost Soft, for Wiser CAPloT.-In many casco, carrot geed is ..,_. ,,,,,,..._1_. a ...fit bo,._ r.t kiaito., caw. i. 00811 in dry soils, the last of May, mid early in Rine, and it fails from the drying ''''srieter.iit.te7v ;ell knows e-io need arseisg bent. Ooe thoussod bushels can he growl', with gad nvonsposent os acre, and it is cosoidered as extremely profitable erop for fainters. The seed t umid be sows from th• first to tits middle oe effects of a hot sue. The better way to i3 his °pair's, istathelled all proorstast demonise, their opinion., a whet erne inet, and their coo. act of Perlisasitielti paid'', We MO WK. *IP doe& Ili Visa set of these who thought that o6e0ce; they might do ameg, bat they would hos. gee defogs We, Is tat sow paressiesse as act of porliameot filial; hot he cooteeded sot do so ksowtosty. It hod bees said that the as waste piper. Mr. Shlsaber. falit "ea wif that there bale been 'centred soder 11*. “1, reamer pelmets were alioesredfrued, sad holm, mid the park hoe. felt, dist them are am settles apart these rawest, rights which most slimed in Nash. He knew &stair of the mat. waste paper. Betimes this pest 41 4. ralFrias too preserved, (bay affect the very Wads"( sake- ter; but let the question be tried by the peeper to put *6. 11... *messy dewed WOO Op AIM. ty. He thoosbt it wee newlee (0 104.1. them tribunal. (Hear, hear.) If 'rooms of tho de. !spastic's with the Hoe. Atrium Goer& tames; but the imperial parliament had the nominations wbooid refuse to receive soy share of rod week sad teeeseetteet se 11,0 wee s • welds. power to set them apart, and the question 401 these reserves; their Portions seght to be neer,. not hove vestorsd tie orgutopeo hallaWai laWapaelall slit, whether it was jodicions or not to do so: k et! sod be allowed to accumulate, till they might is :aloe* were he Bel eoPPorPlai b1 "eb nothwot- had bee. dooe, and rights hod beet, acquired 110- employ it for some other purpose. In Lower ty. The Attorvey Gemini Esuw had mated; that der the set The constitutiosal act gave power Csasda, the sernioary of Montreal sad Q•ebec, the *et of 1040 wee midget; wee rued without room stoma this loss, it to toa the, „eo to the provincial legislature, 10 legislate on th• the ceeperatione hod their property glee. (04 OM. the congest of Lower Crimean. ossuary to dis ex - in a warm place two or three days, nod (patios; that power has nevlebeen taken away, pow of education and for the poor. The hos. erased wishes of Upper C...4., as! was, is theo drain off the water, and let it remain a ' and he was of opinion that the promo set ,.,e,„„ then read from the settee, of Emote. feet, unconstitutional. He seemed te have as few days longer in the moist state. until, it be disturbed. He agreed with his colleagues f lido° to ebow that the property of the corpora. respect for mach as act; sad ie the light of juice yhhe, imy, 114,4„ iongo„ime irc, thee is about ready to sprout. If it be more Upper Caoada that there is no d‘ltile•Ilt clot loss, the seminaries, and the lesdits had here ho would not hays emeedeted it mem the se other toomps. SOW in drills, OM land ploughed deep and harrowed; this them to the distance of hooks Melte* front each other, aad eyeshot* Oa. of two good horioge afterward& Os* posed of seed will my on &ay. -Puritan Rocerdsr. coevenient the mud any be gown after in this provioce, and can be woe. In referring guaranteed to them, 'anti et:told they dispose of it mach lade Patter. Bet whee, le vildidem to soaking a day or two. There le no danger , The oath -men woo - is asking seed several days. In sowing *1- "I*" " * q t he h' f di- uestion, he said he be liev- as they thought proper. this, we call to our recolleetthe the elmenetaa- sthelred seed in • eteed-thower, tread thinly id the "Oral °Putt" °I ibt° legal ad"wrs 61 the 0114 who bad intimated a threat thin this property cell cr the election of ISM. the house thss °buds- andoiry off the monitore from the surface Crowe is England. ort the meaning of the term wosid be interfered with, should ge to Elegised ed; the istrissiog sad massgentest of MI sad of the seed, or 'spiv dry tend or plaster to " Protelltont clertl" was ling kept a secret to with a view of bringing about that object, they 1840: the fact awed by ib. Atwater General . Forw this Province- • Tee of dm hedges in Eagland would he laughed at; the honour end the good East, that toehold bed is 1839 deetand tbet this '11im Barre VIONTaliLlie.-Tre very best dry.t6..-X. E. 'er• early pea, oot- .1 .4(41 one eerie thed by Omo.-The Ohio CultIvator . hed said that the term inclited PI. 'faith of England were pledgml. Efigthed enter. was a local goalies affective es oily, sed tbet ea last season, wee the Priem' Albert. Ill the farmers of that Slate, as the dry worth. • •I'Protesteetel. *A. he hew that the Crown hod ed into a contract to preserve this property not therefore ther would sot dispose 0( 11, leer inter - is about five or six days earlier than the sr of the past month has amulet, 'a right to net &VIM them Wads; .0 he eateladod in 1759, whe. Fr.... *** eitoquieho, bet in fem even at our own request, how ear tie 4111 - Early Frame or Washington. Champion ithet they moot 44. 44.44 meted. If the whit of 1763 when France wee in a "wan to bee, torney General and the Hoe. Conteisefeeer of of England is a new ries, a liberal supply of seed of Which mat sent to oo last season hv Mr. Rivedi,elt. 'oedema°, Ifortienitural Hall, Ho.ton. It grows about five feet high, and prodsess as early crop ; the pods axe well fitted. the Peas large tied eery At- sebeted the gram crop. to sows Millet, Indies Cora, Rota Bags, asetteseattes for Hay. TRIM ENDOUR ftti ! ! mill •grew with air touch speed met, rigor aa tinted, nod wig trodon tale become a reed- it. il ooesoot oe lorpitodo onoio,o,.-_ tits. We notice 1111t it rank' ally high in Garalea Book of Neter., page 100. England. The Renate beet to am *sly doom, „tome with•mhb thoidity ohm bet a that we were sot boos! by the Compilation& „T . _fie darkest day is not all gloom, Moimeill1 Mid Flaw Tasserwilf Imam thetheet hinder mad chill:rate of early bests feer athlete, bad elapsed from the tiros the Aet: yet los fogad that is the Pathan/eat cit Up- The darkest wan: Iteth bright foam nem it; fse hen noes aimed always he cool ear- but whoa sows for • late atop 41 44 shape alarm was given till the whet* hoe ef butt- par Cseedli, tido member hod proposed a did- Anil twoltim through the eloodlem night bw„„ wawa; with „ „hut or ilk,. ' the best Winter but for the table. Cide's drag.o. the worth side of the o1?, between tee of the reserves *motet Three dre ina- Some military 0401 10 cheer ir 44, ;rhos muck decomposed by salt end Superb Celery is the heet red, and Soy- idea. Daly's kegs brick Moss sod Mr. Bab- toms, sod giviog ea qoarter of them to educe. Until he hoard the hon. slumber foe the second ft WOW Wee abelbd, may lie need with mein'. "'hi" the be" white eeter7 • The' ' 446 blallamilith shop s's**ereiePett 111. * time. He (Mr. LO.regarded this ea proof thd ridiog of York, he did think that this was the I imill• lit eadwod *4 myth, wy oho, Orly add fete Weleheron Caoliflower terns' sheet of lamo, sad all the houses seams 4.1.044 tawrisk4 „alai, Th. im. etit, after (fro rears' trial, ttio hen emir the% space were boreal to the ground, as the proporet at that time admitted that the throe &them day is ihs history of ',form. or at least pow gritegooplooweit leopood• irrenr seven &wont frat Prove*** tills emote, . WhIse Pees- well if MP* breidinge me tile opposite sok, denomiatioos Itad acquired righis soder the" des darkest hoor, since, 1831: for les bad feared eadowtweot A doetneeee. wee mot from tbe Mit there wag not sate mos left who bed the in - Womb Nom drseetell to $ ~aerate ea taaa, ish the Wilt onion fer ail perms. TO froaeag At 'Meet, &moire vehicle wee the Imo twasest auit 01 ifype„, which would Alined/ham tsars Wel genet, etwl the AU- Terapersoce House. There Mate h•## WOO . C0100ial office, to both tipper sad [Alert cane. depeerdersa to hike the course the hon. member zombif dm ouch onohuto to tho toothal Marrow this best south gromm•-•., at limn fifty boo berated, sod consider . efe is 1917, and was received in hod' Provinces had so candidly adopted. He has Spoken like • vai the 'solitaires of the somata, n°rtiew18wrist• .,. ,,tr.irig the early hourlfe the even‘ng at which Ng* 14 otiiktiiia by thou jute& Iftowe re, FAamtae.--ifore, bait sioi lb* Are 1.09k PlaaN veil little Pg°PeTAY It" lanes istertemsee to' ft. -invest the lends in Jannary of that year • recommending legislt. Reformer. Ile has lipase the eeelmente a in the Reformers. He has spoken es reform. outeasim Mai trot* stanviliteet., and carried tti Intik depivejl, r., "heir 'gluey, „shandy sawed. alii...1*Pmint lte. thrwit, &i.e.-Suety mi thill PAM gefggfpleg se the ki,,,A v4 rbikapp Me ,se igagieve iimated Crowe. Alvin wee inundated into the leg-tla- ntreria&iy P#104 Wore dia lest geworof Modem& re.,,,,ei. in th, sesiies or 102, 1. Set • subservient trueloosey has mime weer the heindlliterwedie ny Wiese tin at4 *Mb' tir isfilhai.W111tiry difflir ehhetly it, buildings. Ile sapid was Ofla Preirille *4 "res°rb°th re-isvent ia the Crows these Clergy lierrerves. doom& two wig 4/4: sitto mow armf the A? 'Apt we were usable to sere any repreamtellae• a- diet potty: and nom mime on- Itilealtaissall *es .4vesespo puler+m,01,00..,, .1.........a 1 so .ataftia, op .aaa -fara. •q44, conga/awe part of air Minting Material. Theee deseenues todeneted the *paw* .1 oh, accost' othlo holeesev,I.Itit relit efenne.goerteoir,,44 ishneenn offiii,biair-4.1;;; woos eiy mom - H***". * eme , al tern Out of a tart. Red wen ealsetad aseartment ceisa,s1 Seemlier a u,,,,11.7 ,hot tbe Prtmeeed .1? 20#1e 11612‘10 ariel inn, the growth or • .117 the donor could sot 'be carried IWO effect, fie fought again. He eoeW sot vote for the teals- Crewe Leads magsise the rights secluded by might then •Ittes with the Commissiooer of tiows as they Pa& his ohjecdoes beteg, as we sweb Isigoitoss proceolins. Vested eights !-• COMO 1.4•411i IOW he laileowed died it said he understood it, dist they did not prvoot toy mode - Propene improperly obtaiood sod uovrarrememidy carried all#C. it WWI impearible to read dos ese- of distributing the endowment, when ii shoed 1 apprepriated; then they nil need debts ler- -• eudiiiire the Pseh's"' UR"' c°°°4° °° Seed si the di.posal of the proviscial legis- sooth ! There was a tints when the Commie - this gantioe withoot mooting to * tem% **tam of Crows Lands would have bete eloqueat that at that time; tho people of Vetoer Canitd From the North Americas. is desouncing the idea, whes *cold have were oitiveted 10 these resetv.s. Re believed Hon. MALCOLM CAMERON said he woo monied sod repudiated such sesomeota, and that the Craintnia4011101 Pubile Works Maid food apart -Ty- ono& farts • iGfirtett character to make him Whites tbit them wen vested rights. AS IVA might the own video. miereprearetities mai (reel, had obtained pose...don of your haws •od lands and denied your right sod owsership, demand eossiderstioa from you for the to • and tremble be had is hamming and robblos 'mo- lt is truly nwissielmly to see the degraded poi - doe iota which the " clomping of civil and re- lorises liberty," the great soepeosformist of South York, hes bilks. The eoentry will de- plore this retrogreasion, end consietescy wit! biosh becasse the isgrattiode asd versatility of her votar,es. Where now will the honest mart repose coolidaneir/ la whom will he pima his tryst / What principle, my the sceptics!. eller ao slIoallitert. by OOP Pa '110v/really philtre, td Worriowney mid his country 1- Tbs honorable inembet for the Pieced Ridisg entertaining &eke does, the atroogest Wiese of personal friesdithip. with every swim sod desire to defend elm whandettatins. mill feeds if pe11111e11111fieslifie ebb piste Is mil wart ',goon UAW Z.; flosi ante segeed. nnel *ea leelose=e4r. .1.014o•'sg dot hall. ea itA10.4161 eOrga,• ehereeteroi wt"1"1 no"loo 1"0". sh"• roweadownd h4 • els.eie'"at to whoi7 Tis""'erbs.tes4.resish1V "tirsas"; estairdown. sstlf Impsilase hap *eery ebetlftm. f""balflobt, NW+ rw. ••,.d. tv••• w• web, of Sailsitd awned to failftest dolow1 Orel? erineittl••• The Why. Mr. Privker, tt be Whited- itehmbearse ••• asolwirf.11.• ra* wwwwilleddik, ethetseemrie thee wfige.:114040111emmgeeeene wall in not quit. s year , useedgame thelothe hill he referred tie • Meth , Alton", Clew° IS"" h*td ad"""ll'hed via to tri I ho lino. L fi. PrImee attempt to re hoar d pestero.. au, 001 iffotlevere Fe a estesh4oafrer peeve, 14,4011/001010enansii bertioem, and that Oar OWOWIlloo. Itpos opmmiewsee eee„„teneogeng legreset, the sabres with (sleuths, 1.641 tiel.hate. the Reformer, .1 144). lfott" to do, through of he Reform 0 44arlIntaof, • -1,k• • Our Town was visited last nightivekk the Most disesteem, Bre which tote ever bees my lot to record. h . 1 about 9 deloelt in the envelege..the woad blowing a perfect pl. from the oorth .041 --sod the diseCatteles wail revered depanno efasidtpsdart, Silks 01111 1148. might to TIP* eorf WOO *do 40.04. On, Legislations bed the pow r to deal with them short Pert. all We.". Warta to .p.I. 'he °en 4h 8.• Witt cloth. vet ie,,a4swe p164004. ' Progimqt nbPeulee le/Oriel Waeboll" mseme• *gm day s 1 peffpee Lowe, tillefele tek sem sc tea I...a 1..ey s‘l f.._roosted: *for the set tee,. or ill alb 14.44 wlb, fe ivory tee thmhettesi of the miller cookie 46 tin hat seed by the Attorney 11641 iliac* u• hews the mod eurserdineryi own - 'Ste ineectie svd CA as •' Oath* ffed. beads if tie entire usethlees. Oor annum mock Gum& Ink Oki 'emend reedieit, me the litheness, aid the tweet iserire re...video io Vbtf Ode' steed hat 10 tied, woad fee ottiarr. eteattAut .1.6. beret. The t te dog _ gap red A* I =all to...a.... eils: posh • • * el t.... %new. rits,..147 eat e el °ILI: 4 ob„,r47:44.1.ta.,Imi0:•• virzfari'it drePr' P. . . -., •,. „... .71 ""''''' •"' - ghillie turel . Ndi othes ,ohalitissi., ',itle- AMP --74.--- , -. tar '.' , , IOW ela1 meisilltambe•iik 8 mgrilarb ' IOW t 1 11.114' ilk„ %Of 0011411r46.411 MI las t ea:t4liteltet .01 vofe 16" thldi Ilreer resplwi that delt Awl., emmterrottort of *V ISM. 4.&leads it sport from Fermat 114 74.1(7 t 7 "P"11 10. VI, • bor tneosno tn, nennoo„,4 ontt ethows • The reeinole s. n ado.. be ere, oteett to ,ow that which be Douse of Reponmetstivot of at mote .. ...= of their inw . Caulk ewer dol-winee, les. a redner• ein..- r 00 so ob *dab reernata 805 #••opped nod weer 44085 totes op MO ##IPM bettor reviewed se mere fell, imereemv *N.: le glair/01160dr end plerhys the.. e•teee g dSsir tis% dtedw' nslywghealA"ss 1 s4ightLe'nog 64the4°'beslp1im1n"emr•t•re• .144 h. (Me C ." " dm' . a,' 11. to the weetoreit*, not oly Af Ois a.lMleans e eaAll ...." 44. b.,. "Orted "Iralent"0, bet othe re-Heisei demkoowierm pleirsrl4eodsteimdroe4roe meol g i s e SMsttw•etthtitrhetes ev4vretetoAglowth• 47.1foin theIofIta0 reo e • 1a0,1i011.ti111.ii0 1Ep1,m p m d r OW- -*1.5*8.. m *8. .1 he wmat aWN twlemteed the spare,' Gee. amount o tal•inf MOP*: $44y eaed def - r •AIZA allisrePA00 cwbgeatiessdev...1..a.,,,s‘,.helleztenduerle.....obs «.1W. enstr.1:411..res Ithweetevithshished 4440 , ,the ciegemb itieeeft.. What 61,1" 44",,;Z: W c ar•for satresheiroisasisf vishir 18.1pefiefridittr, dald tie p4t44 ef the memo .14910e. gq list might grabolitkit, • wee Ow Age goo • 04140. #00014111. WW • pony *swum I What II, Ovate to prettier vested tolerate aw ow oder gemathe werited the wide dienrimethe eut, the booth .1/481*u". foyrrt 484 (*410.0. frithilibat arrftift 604 the element ef tortimbeet bodthe otters 1441T *VI 4$1* the ere.* of ell Ile ((Wee- rehttede4 of two .4.47 hy a:shopd • ▪ • 00 •