HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-14, Page 4•
' 'hrt'e'a-.111Ib't vehte .N,vombsr 14, ITIS •
pirival Lfe11Ais:son
Attracts Lat CrOwds
e . Spiiritual . Life ltiis$ian.
sewed d
e by the
'� the' Church,ht a
'matt Sunday, November 3,
'Iyatjaand. up' .Sunday everting fol-
1owlttlg I. very successful Cant-
piJames St« united
e contmissioner was the
*ay. lar. ft. V. Farris. direct. r
�yf bvaiRngelism of the latethodrst
fltttrt;ltin. the United States.
1 Farris delivered his mess -
s in a simple, straightfor•
skard was, without anY
drnotipn awlistit but. in a manner
W1'11ic1rdernanded the attention of
his hearers. '
In bit first' sermon, Dr. Farris
told; in a running;. comment the
life of Jesus Christ from his
birth to the resurrection. One
Minister afterwards said: "I'
have often read that story and
have: told its but I could have
listened to it dor another half
hour," •
A" Simple Faith
In his second sermon, Dr.
Pirtle spoke .on faith from the
parable of the mustard seed. The
fiaSt,steg Of a Christian believer
simple faith. If a person has
tiniest bit of faith he is on
the right track to becoming a
phone 10
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this' Sunday, . Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
- week,
Motor Sales
Mfrs.. las. Horne
Born In l sbornfs:
.Airs. James Hornet 83, •died
in the Heywood Nursing ,-some
FAxetcr on Thursday* November
1 C'olieland1 of +ottdo:tt, 111•raa, Glitn is with i►frs. W.. L S>��l~ti . 4
W, Coptsland:, Rase Line; :hits. ilius.: Mr. Antis Des► �. .tit a rnt#•t� a
o o d a Co fent r sell Mills, Woodham: t Mr, « kott rns. fi Suuda „httliit v►')db.
taxed r
t Wo h i -cachet s ., u e x
tiT at , od n .Air, and hits H g� y
lin the village', Miss .Donna Mills, I Air, .,and hits.., $ Stilltllt'.
teacher at Sailitsbury, at her Dianne and Dougta • > ore Net, •.
' WARS and WA Meeting
The November meeting of the
WMS. was held it the cin tach
basement on Thursday wit h 12
members, present. airs. Fred
Pattison, ,group leader, presided
for the worship service assisted
by Airs. A, Butters.
Airs. Pattison had :charge of
the study book on Japan sires
sing the loyalty the Japanese
People have for their church
Following the business Rev. J.
Slade presided for the election
of of leers, l'resitlent far 1958 is
Mrs. I McCurdy; vice-presidents,
Mrs. F. Doupe ant( Hits. Geo,
Wilson; secretary, 'Mrs. F. Pat-
tison, asst. Mrs. F, Thompson;
treasurer, Miss A. Shier, ass't„
Ada, Hopkins; temperance secre^
tary, Mrs. G, Down.; missionary
monthly, Mrs. B. Wilson; .ear-
responding secretary, Mrs, M,.
Community friendship 'secre-
tary, Mrs. Arthur Rundle; as-
sistants, tillage, Miss Ada Hop.
kins, Mrs M. Copeland; Base
Line, bars Wilfred Wilson, Mrs.
A. Rundle; 8th line, Mrs, Fred
Thompson,Mrs. F. Pattison;
Sunshine line, Mrs, 'Cecil Camm,
Mrs. Albert Scott;' associate
members secretary, Mrs, Patti-
Supply secretary, Mrs. E. Vod-
den; pianist, Mrs. Slade and
Airs. Camm; Christian steward-
ship secretary, Mrs, Wilfred Wil-
oni group leaders, Mrs, -M. Cope-
land, Mrs. Cecil Camm, Mrs. A.
Dewar and Mrs, F. F'attison;
auditors, Miss B. Mills and Mrs.
E. Vodden.
Officers, for WA: President is
Mrs. A. Dewar; vice-president,
Ada H
Mrs. A, Rundle;opkinssecretary, Mrs,
M, Copeland; treasurer, Miss
]Airs. A. Bundle favored with le
Treading and Rev, J. Slade closed:
i with a rededication of. the offs-
, tiers for .1958.
Holiday Visitors
I Barrie Slade of Belle Rivers
was at home withhis parents, •
Rev. and Mrs. J. Slade for the
Dieke•, Ged,
o. P. Aforphy and Mrs,
Morphy, Jolla and Nelson of
Toronto at his home with Don—
ald for the weekend.
Miss Norma Hern, nurse,in-
training at St, Joseph's Hospital,'
London, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Arnold Hern,
Miss Grace Doupe and Miss
Marie Levy of Teacher's C91 -
torn and raised in ilsborne
Township she Was the former
Elizabeth L. Pyr. lit 18.9a she
.Christian and through faith and Church, led a sing song from married dames -Horne and they
prayer tiere are tremendous 7.45
to 8 pan.Members wereresided an afarmsouth of 1
possibilities for accomplishing selected' from the various neigh- Chelsea until Air, Herne's death
great things in the Master's• boring churches. to act as greet- in may 1952,
.name. j ers, ushers and collectors, • firs, Horne was a member of
On another occasion, Dr. Far- Air. Horace Pelbridge, of Elimville lanited Church.
tis 'spoke on the parable of the Elilnvilie, was in charge of the Surviving is one son, Freeman
prodigal son. After solving anis collections each evening, and be ..af Winchelsea and three grand.
wild oats ,the prodigal son be- was assisted by Miss May Jones, ; ehfldrena
came repentant and decided to Although no great ••emphasis was . The funeral service was held
return to his halite. The father placed upon the financial obit- on Monday from the kiopper-
received him with open acnes gationn, it .was learned from Mr. Hockey funeral home with inter -
and bestowed upon Hint. great Delbridge that there would be nient in Exeter cemetery,
gifts ,,iueh'to the disappointment plenty• to meet the expenses of l :Pallbearers were Alvin
of the older brother, the mission and any money left 'Ernie Pyne. Harold Pyin (Wings
"When we realizewe are Ala: over will 'be d4liated to the hank), Hubert Dickenson (St.
Hers and are ready to retake con- Huron Presbytery summer camp Marys), George Davis and Ten -
mason Johns.
fessioit, our Heavenly Father is at Gadei'ich.
ever ready to forgive, receive us
into the folcl and bestow rich
blessings upon us," said the
speaker. "Once our sins. have
been forgiven we are new mem-
bers in Jesus Christ, and, al-
though we may and do .commit
freshsins each day, we continue
in the fold of Christ," he said,
Pardon For Sin
To be forgiven ourselves we
must forgive others was illus-
trated by the parable of the rich
ruler who called his servant to
give an account of his Steward-
ship and on being found guilty
of appropriating funds, on a plea
for mercy, was pardoned. 'The
same servant went out and de-
, mended payment from others to
whom he had loaned money and
when they could not pay, he had
them cast into prison.
I "Each time we repeat the
t Lard's Prayer, we. pray that the
Lord will forgive us our tres-
passes as we forgive those who
trespass against us. The condi-
tion of our forgiveness is depen-
dent upon our willingness to
forgive others."
Christianity Is Service •
RI Christianity is service, as illus -
aid `, J CREAM OFF 'THE'
lay tviE.
816 BOY.
rf tt % •
_ J
Crated by Dr. Farris by the par-
able of the Good Samaritan.
Blessings come by sharing with
others. "It is not enough that we
share with our friends but our
sympathies and our substance
should be shared with those less
fortunate than ourselves." Con-
tributions to missions should be
considered along with gifts to
local churches. . •
Personal Visitation the Answer
Dr, Farris stressed personal
visitation- as the greatest means
of bringing people into • the
church and stimulating their in-
terest in the church. He referred
to Cbrist• meeting with his
disciples and :chargingthem to
go out and preach the gospel,
,1[111111„11.11111,Mt,,,1•,,,,pll,lll«IIINII„,,, ,lN1.i.$111.111111iii 1,11,ItttttHtttttltlll
Looking In (/ithsliz
Even Top p Stairs
Get The •.Jitters
11111,11111UIIItpHn11,1111111/111$1,1,11/hitt 1111t1111,11N1111ttt I tit 1111p1$11",ut Mttttl
1 stand on the sidelines with
Roy Roberts during a recent
Juliette show • and tried to con-
vince him that he wasn't going
to cough, Between a cold and
the usual nerves that all per-
formers have during a show lie
was sure that he'd start cough-
ing as soon as the cameras
I'turned his way.
"Take a deep breath", I sug-
gested in a whisper,
"That makes it worse" he
whispered back.
"Then stop breathing.” He did
a double take then and was still
grinning a few seconds later
when be went on camera. He
did not cough.
• The Juliette show is a hap-
pily harmonious one. Frances
Defoe, who is designing the
costumes this year, with Ju]i-
ette's t terrific new shape in
mind, .is a fine artist. Her name
Clay ring a memory bell with
. you. Just a few years ago
Frances was a leading Canadian
skater, copping world titles with
her partner. Remember Frances
Dafoe and Norris.' Bowden?
Carol Starkman isn't idle this
winter even thouah' he doesn't
have a regular show. "I just
finished one of the Tugboat
Annie films," . she told me last
Week. "It will probably be about
eighteenth in the series. And
I'm studying drama with my
original teacher who just return-
ed. from England." When • I
talked to Carol her four-year-
old daughter Debby ,was in bed
with the :flu and she was hoping
that the two-year-old wouldn't
catch it too.
Ane Gable was feeling pretty
Where surveys have been made
and organized visitation had
been tried out in various cities
of the United States, wonderful
results had been achieved. Dr.
Farris referred to the. splendid
results from such a plan -that
had been carried out in Brooklyn
following the Billy' Grahaih sera
ices, in which he had a part. In
some cities in the States, two
services are being required . in
the morning to accommodate
the crowds of worshippers and
this is also true of the Sunday
On one eharge, where a. survey
was made, it was -.found that 85
per cent of the church members
had comein by way. .of .the
' Sunday School.
the 'final service Was held
Sunday evening and concluded
with a communion service in
which nearly 409 participated.
The pastor of the church, Rev.
Harold Snell, wa sin charge.
The congregation was asked to
surround the altar in groups,
and the clergymen present
assisted with the service.
Special Music
Special musical numbers were
sung each evening by Rev, and
Mrs, .Ostrum, of Wingham. A
massed choir of members from
different churches, was led in
song with Lawrence Wein at the
_ piano. Each evening, the Rev.
C_ D. Daniel,. of Hensall United
aint t1,111$1n tnlutll,lt,t$1 nQt,111n,1$1}111n11uel ttI tt111 11k,••.
W 1 I we i'11p'iti
When They Buy
"TOP QuaIity".,
Wed Cars With. Whose
FREE Extras
Given with every' used' car sold over 500
that is purchased up to December 1,
1057 PLYMOUTH t 1,1: Radio, ,atttoriaatle.
10,6 •STUD>JSA1i Mt COMMANDER—Pour-door.
1054 PL?NMOt1TH ITY-DRIVEFour.door.
1055' STUDEBAI<EIt CHAMPION—Four,door.
1051 S 'UIEPA11EFt CHAMPIONS (2) -Four}door.
Visit the Id. See car at Sivo,away prices!
Graham Arthur
'VFW, • tett triafids meat and hays tif'tii toms way"'
St* 'Mair[ St, EXETER
ash. rW MorlNnrta tillii0A100.14 1100$ ,urkulittt,tiiiiiI tt,i,tutialttiltitirt01rrr
bleary-eyed and flu-ish when 1
saw her. "I'm going to stay in
bed until next week's show and
just hope I can make it," she
Gloria Lambert of Showtime is
not sharing Anne's apartment
as was originally planned. She
is staying with TV dancer Babs
Christie when she is in Toron-
to'. She still has to do some
commuting to New York,
Lorraine'1'orem an, in addition
has signed for 26 weeks of TV
to her Country Hoedown duties,
commercials for a cosmetic
company and will be doingg some
travelling to• fashion shows and
beauty clinics for the organize-
tion, By the way, did you know
that Lorraine was chosen as
Miss Cellophane at arecent
packaging convention?
Some big news about Tommy
Common soon, I can't tell you
just yet. • -
Joan Fairfax fans are all. ex-
cited about, her new look. as
1 seen on the Wayne and Shuster
show. Joan is taking flying les-
sons, now that her TV schedule,
is not so tight.
'Shirley Harmer Might be a
guest on Showtime this month,
She has come ,back to Toronto
for her winter' clothes .and to
see that all their belongings .are
properly stored and if 'the CBC
can • arrange 'it they will have
her appear.
Although Blanche Lund won't
be dancing this •season, she's
expecting: her second child, she
is still assisting • her husband
Alan as . choreographer on Hit
Parade. She works her., ideas
out on paper.
Joy Dunning,a dancer on.
Holiday Ranch, took leave of.
absence to tour with My Fur
Lady but she'll be back to TV'
in a few .weeks.. The televising -
of Fur Lady is still in the
rumour . stage but it wouldn't:
surprise me to see. it •on Folio
before the season is through,
Since I like variety shows, • it's
only natural that I find this
-year's programming schedule on.
CBC -TV far below past season's.
1'd like to find our your opinion.
Would you let me know??
1 •
MAKE WAY FOR THE MAN FROM MAAS! A thrill -ride on th16
new senbatio;n •—• the Flying Saucer, le like travelling in Outer,
Space, More fun thane barrel of Monkeys, It's the "big deal"
lor•this winter; they tell us the kide are 'really going for a new
ride In a big way. Biq 27" diem. rust -proof aluminum. Sturdy,
lightweight — easy to carry, easily pulled. Rolled safety edge,
Fitted with two waterproof extra strong web hand loops and �w
pull -rope holes. Sparkling Alb White
1111.11.1111111111.11111111011411111111116 k.
lege,. Stratford, at their ponies, bonne.
Base Line, 1 Mr.' Jelin Tomlinson is busy and hirs, -tarry JeffetIOP e% '
Miss Helen Webber a.Lon thispast few o sha
-having a
visitors$ With
dWoebbwerMr, and Urs,liarry new house replace the old one, Mr, and Mrs, Reg tiQd ert,
in other words giving the Bald Thames Road. •
Air• .an MIs. Vic a'ensen. -and Imine a real face-lifting. Air. and Airs. Milxray j►zay of
d , Byron were Monday visitors
s « d Go •da
ir. M A n
. h and r , am r ,
hu. � 't ri
ve 1. r s
Art r re tG twhf ed
a . a n,
w e w1
fol* the weekend, F Da"-
3:ase Line, 1Air, and Airs. Bert with Mr. and Airs. 1Ga r n1t
Mrs, N Copeland and Jean Gordon, St, Marys,, were ,Sun• Copeland:
day visitors with Mrs, ''x, Doube Air. :and NL'L Joe.:Bionunat~rt
holidayed in. London w%th the
..fornier's. sister-ln•law, M. Ad=' and Russell. and family were guests at • A
Tian Prin le and Adrian, 11irs, 1V. ]t sync and..Jim visit^ 'birthday dinner .on Sunday its
g '-ed with the. foxmer's daughter., honor 'of the latter s mother:,
Personal shins Airs. Robs, 'Rundle .and Robert• Mrs, Biram Hanna, :at irktoit
Teachers who. holidayed at' Mr. and stirs. Met Louch of at the Manna home.. .
their !homes were: Miss Donna i Hamilton, were Saturday visit- I -,-Lease. Turn to rage 17
urday evening vIsitcU s With hlr
Watch For.Th.e Big
In Next Week's Paper
by ..
others Bros..
PHONE . 3214
Your North End Shell Dealer
Mestercraft "Pro -Style" S •
•-- 4xebptienel''value et this bergein
prise. Fitted with Tendon .Guards to.
Pretest the. ankles; r sewn -in web
reinforcement for extra support. Boats
feature sturdy black pebble grain
seedier, felt padded tongue. Excellent
ituetiItty tube skates riveflad fe,
poet rubber rubber 6else, •
Bays' Mum 11 fa 2.
Youths' end Men's
Mete 3 to 12. Fair ____7.98
1 -151.11 -PRO HOCKEY OUTFIT —
Smeeth, top grain leather; Black with
handsome .tan tee cepa and trim.
Cross-stitched full leather lining; felt
padded tongues; Waterproof teles;
Built -le Tendon Guards, High 0ede
satin finish Tubs Skates have hard-
ened • blades. Werthup to $16.30.
9.. 75
Men's sixes 3 to 12
HOCKEY OUTFIT. With. ell the fhke
features •.of this top-rated .makes
Slack grain leather boot wink eons:
stitched leather lining; Suitt. le
Tendon Guards; Leather sales; Larne
lbddpd. tongue,, - Centrgstlne„ rad
eather trim. Rivetted to Ixefl1611
Tube Skcfet. •
Mens Stasi .'
b to 1E.
CCM. - HICKEY OUTFITS -22.95 TO 57 5O`
For More Snow fun
"IsALr.itb9b" Tompoo t1 Popular Queheo
stpta'r .lnooth.graleitt riaturel Iil,ieh ,Hardwood.
4 it. Ole • 4. , t $3.29
BLLfcT gMnwbthb TOISo GAur 4 ileiiil�le,
rpotta; -- clear.ptainbd Hardwood; netttret ail
befell; w'eathetprool ropee; roped hood eensiruo-.
' tion adds 'ittentit1,
,.ill► ;;=tt; .... jean,
a*tt. . ,%i.�tl •t.It, It�.fi5
OgiddIAS Cls iftOHB- [Nall padded, Murat
d,tclk eeviir; piped edail Otdat ea6htbn ani (obi
.hotter ibex foboggart.
.Y , i ' ter r, 044:04 -.ft✓ aa.Yll
•" ., . tato. >t .4$
ToboggaiiFulle;,et 8•a.......Y.««
STf 1 ntllf3 SLEtOtIS Siieeth.endii,+j, 'sissy.
stesnila .sleighs. Iteenedlt 'bunt far andetlira
leder, end Jutliet. Dutehti notate, busked RAR)
MAFIA with pellava t, oaoai tle.ittee hat. lterdened .
itee1 tuitnere with islet# t,unid ands, Isitiehed its
hdght reit eriarnai.
aeaaah 43.164 47:inek
$4445 • $5.29
Cbileterilite lOttf et,eitatt *month, oritdrttf
hardwood; weifthete,rorl varnished ' finish. might .
1o•5iret olttM1Menl lubinq''httett•resl. ttigb tdtHon'
0ee1 runkere• OA e6,,ne11ed, llerrleintile hdedle
end babktest irevide a speedy, Modiste itaarthg'
elillgh. tinsel ditty' let yeate 6I setabe.r �«
d3Inches lone .,Y...,,,.:.,..,,
PLEASUR& OUTFIT -'Floe •rein whlt6 leather,
With ankle suMPe►te! W6ferptoef rubber teles,
• Needaerea tube akhfee. ,
"FANCY WHITE" OUTFIT•+-,Sbn5i:ht•kuf style)
ttlieoth white (either with hewn -hi ankle sup.
parts. Excellent tube l ikatee _ 1, 95
Wernen's sleet r to fr _
All -White beet* have eelid leather heels, *flee end
Inner.6ele6, ''p6ngo° 06fdel et Ankle end tongue, Lined
with 'Smooth WAWA kid, NIkely •shaped end eaebinetiee
?Arrow heat list. dhrens6-phated tItstt 9„98
Nitta Skills, Wemen'. eine. J e
Handssml well•fitNng White itr.fh6r 66ets, "suede -line
11661 With Shaped reps.. -In tM style: •
preferred by Fflf6:sie6el' fibre
eketers; Nether 6alei. Chrome• *Jetta
Ileum skates templet, thio mbiieritaty
•prktd euttit far these, whit Went
'figure eketes lar ordinary rink skeHny. , . .
Wises' sixes -11 to 1_ a, www,;,;, •r •• PAIR•.
t1t1M'1 '.5a6e---3' to !' uYy + f.,95
' 4 6 Mciin stn Ext.,
Pholse 4S1 Milfintl 'R;, *bbbi iia