HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-07, Page 5-
t A
8.45 Pairs To.Clear •
At Big Reduction!
Save Up To
On Boys'
And Men's
BOYS' 1276
BOYS11y 9
BOYS' 113yx 9
BOYS' 1131* 3, 4
BOYS' 179 , 11, 12, 13; 1, 2
BOIS'. 169 5
MN'S 119 ' • 9
MEN'S 113 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
MEN'S 116 6, 61/2, 7, 71/2, 8, 8W,
9,91/2, 10, 101/2,11
MEN'S 1.351 10
MEN'S 118 9.
Rear. KALE
$ 8,95 $ 3:95
11.95 4.95
11,95 • 4.95
10.95 7.45
7,95 6.25
9.95 7.75
22.95 14.95
13.50 10,95
16.95 13.95
8.95 3.95
22.00 17.00
209'o *Off Hockey
Pants Gloves, Shoulder
Pads And Shin Guards
Save Up To
On Ladies_
Figure Skates
No. !Hie
LADIES' 172 41/2, 6, 7, 8, 9
LADIES' 141 " 5,, 7
LADIES' 172y, • 9, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3
FIGURE 276 5
FIGURE 1542 6
FIGURE 2278 41/2, 5, 51/2, 6, 61/2
7, Ph, 9, 9
FIGURE 278 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, .2, 3
FIGURE 578 4
$10.95 $ 8.45
12.75 8.95
9.95 - 6.75
14.95 7.95
1.4.95 7.95
14.95 11.95
12.95 9.95
Our huge TOYLAND has all
the variety and excitement
of a BIG CIRCUS. You can
See the best of toys in every
grOup . .4. froin educational
to "just-for•fun" . . at lw,
loW prices!
teak Models
Wheel Toys
Comnienta About
Iv MRS. K. Megett.AR
Mr. and Mrs. Axno14, Storey,
Pecheste, visited on "Wdnes
day with W. arid Mrs. J. E.
M. and Mrs. T. Laing visited
last weekend with Dr. and Mrs.
Lance ,Norrs and Mr. William
Patrick at Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin,
Belmore, visited on Sunday With
Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton.
M, and Mrs. Nee aMcLachlan,
Egmonclville, visited on Suuday
with M. and Mrs. Andrew Me
Mames Howe, Jr., and
Miss Alice Howe, Statford, spent
the weekend at the homes of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert ItileY and Mr, and
Mrs. Jack iloggarth,
Mrs. Harry Norris is Ora
valescipg at the home of her
idieeteslalitie,r, Mrs. Harvey Jaeebi,
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forest,
Flillsgreen, visited on Sunday
witheMrs. M. Houghton.
Mr. William Patrick, Wyoming,
spent the weekend among rela-
tives and friends here.
M. and Mrs." Gordon Laing
and Lorraine, visited recently
with Mr, and Mrs. filbert Deich-
ert, Zurich,
Mrs. 'Sarah Scott visited re-
cently with Mr, and Mrs. Elmer
Colquhoun, Clinton.
The annual Thankoffering
service of the Womn's Dilision-
ary Society will be held on Sun-
day with Mrs. Arthur Hamilton,
of Atwood, as guest speaker,
Mr, and Mrs. Doug Gale,
Mitchell, visited on Sunday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs, T. Gillespie,
Margaret and Anne and Mr.
Grant,Komoka, visited on Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. T, Laing
and Mr. and Mrs. T, L. Scott.
F/D Roger Neill and Mrs.
Neill and F/O Bud Rud and
Mrs. Rud and son, Barry, all of
Trenton, were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Allen.
The opening meeting of the
Farm 'Forum was held in the
school on Monday night,
School Rally
The teacher, Miss Campbell,
and pupils of S.S. No. 6, enter-
tained the parents and pre-chool
children at a Hallowe'en
masquerade party on Thursday
Prizes were won by Brian
Dow, for best pre-school cos-
tume; Mrs. T. L. Scott, best for
girls; John Snott; best for comic
Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs.
Calder IVIcKaig acted as judges.
Margaret Wallace and Marlene
Dow were the proramcommit-
tee, and Billy Ramsey, DaVid
Scott and Karen Scott convened
the games and contest.
This Week In
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates
and Wilma, Exeter, were Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Atkinson.
Mrs. W. J. •Davis is a patient
at the nursing home, Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and boys, 'Miss Margaret Burt -
rum, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford' Abbott and Rowena and
Mr. Allan Tindall, Exeter, at-
tended a birthday getheeing for
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins,
Luean, on Saturday evening.
Owing to the flu Mr. and •Mrs.
Arthur Abbott and Muriel were
not able to attend.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael were guests
at a family dinner at the home
of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Mc -
On Monday afternoon several
ladies met in the parish hall to
Mrs. Harry Carroll and, Mrs.
Heber Davis attended the bazaar
and tea held in the basement
of Centralia United Church qn
Comments About
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie •Vodden
Attended the anniversary service
at Kirtkon and visited with Mr,
and Mrs. Alex Crago ion Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Bev Lindenfield
of Exeter were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blom -
ma ert.
Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd. Jacques
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Manarin at Windsor,
Mr. and Mrs. Les Kinn and
daughter, Mrs. Lenore Pollock,
of Sudbury, spent a ottple of
days with Mrs. W. L, Switzer.
They left on Wednesday for
Florida for two weeks,
Mr, and Mrs, Glen Copeland,
Mrs, M. Copeland and Jean, Mr.
Norris Webb and girls, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Rundle, Mrs, T. Doupe
and Russell attended the Kirk -
ton anniversary aid visited
Mrs. F. Haggarty
Dies In New York
Prances Hagerty, 644 died
ftoosevelt Hospitl, New York •If
City, on Gabber 27,
She Was a native of Woodham,
daughter of the late • Mr, and
Mrs; Edwin Colgen. She had
Spent most of her life in the
United States except that she
end her husbnd, the late Bert
Hagerty, C.NR. civil enineer,
spent m thedludsdn Day distict.
She is Survived by three sis
left tied twe brothers: Mrs.
/antes Howe (Viola), London;
Mts, Chester Hazelwood
vette), Dtroit; Mrs, W, L. Me-
CtleclY(Henrietta), of Detroit;
Lloyd COlgan, Bad Axe, Mich.,
and Jetta P., Ceigan, Elkton,
Mich. Her Mother, Mrs. Geotge
Upton, predeteased her Stine
Pt Of this year,
,,runtri Was held ThtitSdY,
oeteber 21, with interthent
Bad Mte cemeter.
MP Reports
Seeks Proper Storage
In Cash d PI
By W. H. A. 'THOMS, M.P.
While this is being written,
we are finishing the third' week
of the sitting. The Throne Speech,
debate was interrupted to ex-
pedite the passage .of legislation
Providieg ,for cash advances on
farm stored grain on the Prai
ries. Nearly everyone in West
Middlesex has relatives,. • ,or
friends, in the prairie provinces
and through them, knows some-
thing of the difficulties -caused
by the surplus wheat there.
Because the elevators,. both lo-
cal and terrhinal, 'are full to the
roof, they can buy no more grain
from the farmers until some of
what they now have is moved out
Into expert channels, The far-
mers in, many areas are badly
in need of cash to carry on.
The debate on this act began
on Friday afternon, October
25 and continued until early sup-
pertime on Thursday afternoon,
October 31. The House finally
passed the legislation unanimous -
Yottrs truly questioned the ad-
visability of granting advances
on grain which is not protected
from the weather, and suggested
an amendment to provide that
grain on which advances are
made should be stored in rea-
sonably weatherproof storage.
Under the act, as it stands, ad-
vances real be Jnade on grain
piled on the ground, or stored
in roofless bins.
The minister of agriculture
took the stand that storage is
the responsibility of the indivit
dual farmer; he was supported
in this stand by the ec-minister
of agriculture and the member
from Assiniboia, so my sugges-
tion did no good other than to
make sure that .this point was
Sows 4sarlgot From
Crediton last
By talk$. W. WM
with the
Mr. Sam SIMS, who has been
fli flu ba South 'Owen
vonce an .spitaii has returned home.
riot overlooked.
It might be worthwhile to
those who are not aware of the
Aet, that daily copies of Han
said are being sent to the M.
lowing Librartes:
Public LibarY, Strathroyl
Pubtio Lbrary, LUean; Pubnc
Library, Parkhill; Pubhc Libra -
Glencoe; The Library, Beck
Memorial Sanatorium, and the
Middlesex County Boolcinebile,
with a request that they be held
there for the use of anyone who
might be interested some spe-
cial item of parliamentary de-
As soon as the grain.advances
legislation was finished, the
house immediately turned to the
rest of the emergency legisla-
tion, which includes;
(a) Ameednents to the Old
ge Security At, providing for
increasing the peneion to WA
pc r month; decreasing the resi-
dence requirements frem 20 to 10
.yeare, and extending the period
when a pensioner might be ab-
sent from Canada, from three to
six months in any year.
•(b) Amendments to the Old
Age Assistance A& (those from
65 to 70 years of age) PreViding
for increased payments to $55,00,
and decreasing the residence re-
quirernentsi and inereasieg the
allowable income, in line with
the old/ age security.
(e) Amendments to increase
the allowances to disabled per-
sons and blind persons; to also
bring them In line with the Old
Age Security' Act,
(d) Amendments to War Vet-
erans Allowance Act and the
Pension. Act, to provide for in-
creases in certain allowances
and extension of benefits to cer-
tain dependents.
Tho Thsoo-AavooW PieltisOker sto PR •
Mr. .and Mrs, Wm., ;Heatherly
and Mr. And Mrs. Harold Gil-
les end son, jail, o Lonciert •;
visited with Mr. .and Wm. •
Motz And Mrs, R. Metz And
Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. Harney e.
Exeter spent Sunday With Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Matz.
Mrs. John Nedza visited her,
friend, Mrs. Mike Kaye, n5t. ,
.3(40phIS Hospital on Sunday.
Ths Week In
Mr. Fred Delbridge of Ridge
town, Agricultural School and
Miss Kathleen Horne of London
spent the weekend at their re.
Spective homes.
• Mrs. Haus Horne of 1oronto
visited on Wednesday last at
the home of Mr. and UM Free-
man Herne.
Mrs, Bert I3ox is a patient in ,
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
having undergone an operation
for appendicitis on Saturday.
Mrs. Howard Dayman and
• ;
children visited on Friday with
liani Walters.
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon prance
and Mary Ellen have returned
borne from a pleasant motor
trip as far as Saskathewan.
The throne speech debate will
not be resumed until this emer-
gency legislation is cempletecl
and if Progress is not consider-
ably faster than it was in dealing
with grain advances, it may be
several weeks before the throne
speech is continued.
WHEREAS the GovernMeOt of Canada lite
statute 'designated Monday, November nt 0",
Remembronce. Da*
AND WHEREAS it is desirable, in .veIvi
the trying times through which we are pos*g
the need for remembering those whO fought,
sacrificed in World Weis 1 and 11, that we sh0
observe Remembrance Day on Monday, Nqve
THEREFORE by the authority vested in.
by the Council of the Town of Eeter, Lhereby
upou all the citizens of Exeter to duly °beim
Remembrance Day as a
Public Holiday,
AND that this da Y be dedicated to those .n�'
and women who so nobly paid the supreme socrifico:
that we might be free.
R. E. POOLEY, Mayor
• ' f
Intorno ,,,, , ,,, • , sasepoussWitroWesi
c • ,
... THUM NEW WOW OF' 001INICI 110011.41:\CES1 l TI -411E IROCKEET ^OISE
400442;wir,4te ,ss,„„
44,:reW• •
NEW FOUR•111EAM HEADLAMPS increase driving
safety, reduce glate. Weide beams)
give 50 feet more visibility; (all tour
beams) give mor light In an improved pattern.
VOIR anima -rasa A NEW cs..ikeasit OF CAIFils 1 4 *
Introducing NewMatIc Ride* Ca true alr egiepenelen) and a host of exclusive new featured for uour consfOrt. Safety and convenient!**
404* r 45:***1'.. 4.0'0 410:*r4LV
ktsarsti;i=kl::a: ue•N
With Neve.Matie ride, youleo really riding on airl Four rugged rubber -nylon air cushions replote
steel sprbinsl You always rlde on The level, too t aellustment Jo rMad and lead h outoniatlel
In the 1958 Oldsmobile yu'll find ntost everything
you've ever wanted in a motorcar—outstaning styl.
ing; smart, tasteful design; delightful new features;
alert new Hoeket Engine performance; inpreme
eonifOrt; daring new colors and lahis. And most
important of all, you'll find real down•ito.eath oper-
ating economy! As never befor, Oldsmobile for 58 .
gives yen. true hikcar size, Camitort and handling, big -
ear smartnees----couthined with image -I -rat thrift, Once
you4pRcktlest the '58 Old, yotell know for sure4
that from ft S tOphisticattd Ileadlatiips
to its sparkling Twin.Elatle rearlender styling—it's
the biggest value in Oldsmobile's 60 historpmaking
ears! *Capflual at extra cad.
With NewsMalie Ride
eath Wheel ft cushioned
In ai, keeping' tear Oh a
level talons, Nagordleil
of load rar meal
New, more efficient iteiket
NP& gives yeu &Mending
performance. iternarkabla IM.
provenienti it, cerburellon offer
you a Marked advance in fuel
edOnony4 feel Try it todayl
New Safety -Vee Steering Wheel
'‘---offors new, deep -recessed,
twin -spoke design, Horn 'buttr%
are handily located on wheel
• spokes. Standard on Ninety -
Eight, Super -88 series.
Nwtotely SentIna seif btitny
desired speed, left you know
*ah Hole and beizer when
you've reached thot speed limit.
If minds yOur speed while yeti
mind the reaheli
Dual-amie fewer Header* de -
evert fhe existt amount df heat
Or ventilatien enrictly where and
when you want i. O1ds4
pioneered push -Marten contrels
Ore 0 mirotle �ftenvenlenCel
MONS 100
Snell tires Limtte
Cheveolah Oldsmobile Choy trucki
New Trans-Perabh Is
serve* as yaw tiguier egv red**
but can eke be Unlocked east
used as a lightweight, 160:
hour battery-powered,treinsistrr
• SUPER 88
te Cheater "rott
Oldithebile or 58 intros
auten a psneraniseimbile
pastel fmithes, Shifting
heW febnieli and in**
trims...new end esontes, •
gppeintinefftg deli*
the eye.