HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-11-07, Page 4Th. ThattPAIN0010, 14...mhotr 7, 1957
Let's Talk
ISy DERRY /One -
Guest Sports Editor
00)10.114104411011)010100440nuinfli)10.11 inumi +104000e0m111Miennuolinutweitini
The simple act of allsweriq a telephone can brin
aster to a very simple man.
That small hello brought forth a flattering request
fer a very fine sport$ co1umist, DOD "Boom" Gravet
Art o's in bed with the flu. If his legion Of readers wish
!fel, u to the advertising sections their time. W01.11d, iodoub
'ties more profitably spent,
t In any case, to fill this space, we'll pass on som
itl,Ittights and observations on the local and district spor
;.cre. The first thought that conies to mind is what kind o
ilsu port is hornebrew. hockey to receive?
„so Hockey in this area gradually built Up to the poin
,olere the various teams priced themselves out of the garn
Fo. interest dropped off to the extent that only the dyed
iiinsthe-weol hockey people were enthusiastic about the so
cared better brand of hockey. COnsequently, it fell to thes
:Pe6Ple to pay the higher costs and this •can only go 0
so non.
The answer to the small crowds of latter years ha
hekir "T don't know the players — if our own boys would b
Oo'ithe team, I'd come out." This situation applied to all th
teams in our area,
So now we have our wish. And we feel that people ar
.gong to be very pleasantly surprised at what is to b
of erred in our rinks this winter.
Whether your team is 11clertore Lucan, Zurich, Henson
Fore4 or Exeter, here's your chance to become
latsebrew booster. None of these teams will have higi
prfced help; they'll be using boys coming out of their miuo
hotkey setups. Now is the time for all good hockey fan
t4Show they practice what they preach,
Our own Mohawks will be showing a number of forme
dget players, who will surprise local fans who haven'
owed their progress, Our minor hockey program is jus
strting to pay off.
We all know Oberle, Boom, Heidy, Red and Gar, who
hvikbeeoree pretty solid citizens of our town. These boys,
'once imPorts, are practicing with as much pep and
enthusiasm as if they were playing shinny on the old dam.
To go with them, we have Cy Blomrnaert, Jim Russell
•Vr. Gorclie Howe), Bill Pincombe, son of that well-known
U-sborne gentleman farmer, Verne; Garfield Johnston, Jim
'MacDonald, Irvine Ford, Kevin Delbridge, Richard McFalls,
1)on Cowan, and others.
So let's be boosters. Buy tickets today from any player
and spend an interesting evening a week cheering your
Curling is in the air. The season's first get-together and
Organization meeting took place- in the form of a dinner
meeting at e local eatery. Big things are planned by the
club. Come on out, you curlers, and join the fun,
* • *
Figure skating started last Saturday with a good regis-
#Otion considering the flu. Mary Dianne Campbell is the
— she did a fine job the first year we had our club.
arents can give their sons or daughters a chance to develop
.-Siealth, grace and poise through this club.
The winter season is swinging into stride with the
anen's: and.women's bowling leagues kicking up a lot of
:noise And excitement at the local alleys. Just drop in some
tight and listen.
* *
s Badminton at the public school is blooming with the
birds humming through the Air . .. good recreation.
* * *
s The euchre club is hotly contested daily at the city
all, headed by the old pro, Anios.
* *
DOWN MEMORY LANE Remember the 'winter when
100 hockey fans shovelled the road from Exeter to Hensall
'Me afternoon to follow the junior team to Seafortli in order
to witness the third game of the playOff with Mitchell? And
afterwards, on the way home, how 'SA. J. Traquair and
biddies becarne stuck in a snowbank up -to the windshield?
Did the CNR ever learn of the one Exeter car that
arrived batk home via the tracks from Hensall?
Or the year Crediton upset Exeter in the Cyclone
Lague. play? Srnitty was hot that night.
Theft there was the night all Zurich stayed for half an
Our cheering themselves hoarse after defeating Exeter.
rhe next day a salesman thought the mayor was dead in
Urich — everyone was talking in whispers.
Who will forget those great teams of Lucan which H. B.
angford came up with, . •ihowen, the Paul Bros,, Cluff
arid so on?
Memories are precious things which keep old men
oung. And sporting memories are cherished and relived
any times when old friends meet.
See you, at the rink,
Harold Ribson, Lucan arena manager, tells us the
girth Middlesex Hockey League will start its schedule
goriday, November 11, in Lucan. First game will begin
7 PA-
1-0011iion0 ii i lll l nominuniinnoligni llll 1111011111111611111 lll 1111111 tttttttt 1661116 ttttt ttttt tttt 111111111110
Chaffe AncI Sons
Station Will Open From
7:00 a.m. to MOO p.m,
Tractors For Sale
'46 MASSEY 102 JUNIOR with 4 -row stuffier Arid
belt piney,
49 MINI-4VIOLINE STANDARD, belt pulley acid
power take off,
49 cocxstityrr 30 -ROW CROP with belt ptility.
)40 sonr4 nartE A,1. STANDARD, belt pulley,
power take tiff and hydraulic.
47 MASSEY-la/IRIS 30 -STANDARD with belt
E. L Chaffe '4SiL Sons
zcyron friendly Reliance Dealer and headquarters
**N for Cockshutt farm pard and equipment,
Exefor Our, No 4 Hwy. it Crediton
4t *UH*IjP 4414144444444444141.4 ss tttt•tt
. ,
REVIVE BADMINTON—Exeter Badminton Club has • been reorganized this year and
members play regularly in the Exeter Public School auditorium, Four of the partici-
pants, above, are Ross Tuckey, Mrs. R. W. 'Read Mrs. Ralph Sw,eltzerTsertAdPhotoIvsn
Hunter-Duvar, president of the club, _
Start New Curling Season
With Overflow Banquet
A second season of curling
was launched enthusiastically
Tuesday night when the banquet
sponsored by the Exeter club
drew an overflow crowd to Arm.
strong's restaurant.
Expecting about SO prospec-
Live members to attend, the club
tial to arrange for two sittings
when 85 showed up.
If this in an indication of in-
terest in the new local sport,
whieh got of to a slow start last
year, club officials feel this
year's club will be a rousing
Henderson King of RCAF Sta-
tion Centralia explained the
rules and, regulations of the
Membership — Art Cann, Ken soh vs. C. Cann; R. Beavers vs,
McLaughlin, Carman Cann., K. MacLaughlin; W. McKenzie
Property—I3ruce Tuckey, Wil- vs. R. Armstrong.
ream Cann, Cliff Ersman,
Milt 'Robbins is the retiring
secretary -treasurer.
In a draw for turkeys, Mrs.
Learn, Bill McLean and Claude
Farrow were 'the winners.
Competition will begin !rues -
day night, November 12, in the
draw being sponsored by Jones, ,
MacNaughton Seeds Ltd..
Schedule is: 7 to 9 p.m. —• A,
Snelgrove vs. H. King; C. Mlle -
son vs, A. Cann; K. Hockey vs.
R. Ayley; R. Snell vs. C, Mat -
Naughton; 9 to 11 — R. Roelof -
Lee Learn was elected presi. •
dent of the club to succeed Reg Girls' Team
Armstrong, who presided for the
D. R, F. Roelofson is the
new vice-president and William
Allison is secretary -treasurer,
Committees elected were:
Draw—Claude Farrow, Robert
Dinney, Ernest Cerson.
Mighty ice
Widen Lead
Mighty Mice atfengthened
their lead in the "B7 group of
the Exeter Ladies Bo w lin g
League last week by blanking
the Jolly Six 7-0.
The Mice are now four points
ahead of the Jolly Jills 'who took
five points from the fourth -place
Ups & Downs. Hot Dogs, who
defeated Buttercups 5-2, are in
third position.
Other five -point winners in
B group Were the Merry
Maids, Frisky Six, and Busy
Free bowling award for hid-
den score went to Lois Webb of
the leaders. _.
Happy Gals, perennial champs
Of the league, moved into second
piece in the "A" grouping by
trouncing the Blowettes 7-0.
Pin Poppettes held onto their
lead in the division with a 5.2
win over the Hi -Lights,
Lollipops stayed in third Spot
with a 5-2 victory over the What
Nots, who fell from second to
Alley Cats and Pills, scored
five -paint wins while the Goofers
picked up four points.
Amy Davies of the What Nets
won the free bowling award.
"iv rOut)
Mighty ,tioe (B. Wilsbn 695) - 7
Solly Six (Dean Prayne 461) _ 0
rou Jill(A. Lawson 570) -- 5
Ups it: Downs (E. Datare '600) 2
Hot Dogs (P. Mrintnell 598)
Butterouns (L, Elliott CIS)
Merry Maids (1). Hendrick 603) 5
Bollettee (D. Marks 534)2
PrieltY Six (W. Smith 456) ' 5
Green Horns (B. Sitnmons 457) 2
Busy tees (G. Webster 560) -- 5
Wee Hopes (11. Ce/dwell 604) 2
"A,/ Gredp
MaPOY Gala (D, Munroe 647) 7
BloWettes (51, 66k)
Alley Cats (M. Westlake 538) - 5
Trandicappera (S, Wright 547) -. 2
Lellipopit (L. Brook 663) -_—_ 5
What rilsbte (A. 75avis 542) 2
Poppettes (I's. Haugh 575) 5
Likhte (B. Durand 579) 2
Pills (Audrey Moore 522)
Be Bone (TA tioomeert 503) -- 2
Gooters (E. Pinder 592)4
Hite Hg
ewitt (B. Sanster136) 3
:o4tPd Gr°i1P ittindin*
Piri Porpstiet t SS
Manny Gals — ttt 92
What Netts ---------------30
Alley Cat*t t 27
Hi tights 25
Be BOPSttt
Nue Hawks 15
Blot/luso t 14
MinilliOatiners .. .. g
Gooters •6
"*" (5T61511 stattaint
itfgty Mice 25
,Tiny J1119 81
Het Dogs 29
trim 41. DOWnti
Buity tbast ... . '20
merry 1%19.1dis. 29
leriaky SIX .. ------19-.
;sue 16
Ptallettee 14
Green trorts .. 13
'Wee II6Pee 11
Seeks. Title
SHDHS senior girls' Volleyball
team has high hopes of winning
the district WOSSA "A" tourna-
ment which will be held at the
local school Thursday.
The team, coached by Miss'L.
Seigner, 'has Scored two litotes -
sive , victories . in exhibition
matches this fall and has been
practicing diligently for this
iveek' S round robin.
The seniors recently defeated
St. Marys 36-34 in an exhibition
game in the local gym. Although
only a "B" sehool, St. Marys
previously defeated Stratford, a
strong "A" contender, by 10
SHDHS' also defeated a fav-
ored team from Clarke Sideroad
School, London, in another eiThb
bitiOn contest. •
Listowel and Stratford. of the
Perthex • Conference, will com-
pete with South Huron in the
tournament and the ,Winner will
Meet Winghatil seniors, cham-
pions of the northern group. The
victor will eater the WOSSA
finals at LoridOn.
"We'd like to think we have a
good chance of whining," Coach
Seigner said Wednesday, "At
least, we'll be trying 'our best to
gain the WOSSA finals."
South Huron junior girls have
suffered two defeats in their
exhibition matehes. They lost to
St. Marys bv two points.
When WOSSA finals are over.
the 4.`!;" champions and the "A"
champions nf P'erthex. erbun,
will meet for the conference
Recreation Body
Plans Activities
New recreation activities may
be introduced to Hensall this
winter, it was indicated this
week by Frank Ellwood, chair-
man of the recreation council.
Mr. Ellwood said the council
will ,consider organizing bad-
minton ad shufflebbard clubs
which will play in the new
tOrium of the arena..
A clast in, metal , craft is also
being considered.
District Gridders
Tie Playoff Gaiiie
Mitchell and St Marys High
Sada football teams "battled to
a 74 tie Tuesday in a sudden -
death play-off on the SHDflS
gridiron to determine the Perth -
ex Conference champion,
Another play-eff has been
Scheduled for Friday. The Win,
ner Will meet Clinton for the
right to compete ie the Purple
Th RoWl.
Tile;clay's • gate, both
teeing had several Opportunities
to kick single points but turned
them down in faVer of TD bids
1* Vilisialinur Stefsessoli,
botn in Manitobe of Icelandic
stock, is one Of the few native
Canadians te$ rank with the
greet Artie solorers, t
A At * 1
extil� inatitesteittritI one
of the few illajer Caliadian in.
dUStrieS that iS alrriort wholly
4,0ittio44410.604440siiientiniiiiii440041,0(041n000 '
Case Bowls
High Single
' DonCase of the Big Six
rolled .a new high for a single
game in the Exeter Men's Bowl -
mg League this past week.
• Case trundled a 354 which
topped any previous line this
Red's' Billiards' stretched
their lead in first place to seven
points with a 5.2 win. The Pin -
poppers managed to hang onto.
second spot although they gained
only -two points in Their contest.
• -Pepsiesmade the,, ;biggest
jump of the week, moving from
thirteenth to .sixth. spot by win-
ning seven points.
mEirs no-viamszo- IMAGUE
Bed's Milliards 40
I4,poupers -....-...-...e...t-n--,-....gi
bigtrg -,. ..-
utchert 95
,Spa res _,. —27
popsies ...... 26
Spare Parte-:.----------, 28
Big SIX a 23
Ro.okets •_.:____ ... _ . _ .... 21
Tradestnen- ' ' • 21
Milkmen _,________— 21
Tfp •TOPPere ' • 19
IMperials 15
Cannel's ' , • 12
WildeatS 11
Hesse To„Coach
ZuriChrs Flyers
Zurich has definitely entered
a homebrevi; club in the district
grouping, Manager Herb Turk -
helm announced this week,
Don Hesse, stellar forward
with the Flyers for a number of
years, has been appointed coach.
Like a number of district
clubS, Zurich will build its team
around ,five or six players from
its former intermediate squad
of former years and use yoting
minor talent to complete the ros-
"We have a number of mid-
gets from last year's champion-
shipclub which we think will
fit in well with, the. intermel
diates," Manager Turkhem said.
Among the intermediates who
will be back are Don and Doug
O'Brien, Benny Gignac, 'Bob
McKinley and Bill Yungblut,
Ivan Kalkfleisch 15 president
of ,the club,
Hunting Season
Set Back Day
the,-Qpening day.for the deer
season in Huron, Perth, Bruce
and Grey Counties has been set
back to Tuesday, November 19,
Due to the fact that Monday,
November 11, is Remembrance
Day, the Opening deer Season
date has been ,set back 0116 day,
The season this year will riin
froth November 12 to November
15 in Huron, Perth Bruce and
Grey counties,
Targets won't be plentiful for
hunters in this area,. according
to genie overseer Henry Green,
tseter. "1 don't think Allot are
too Many deer aretind," said
Hank. "I haven't Seen Many in
reported that the
pheasant bag wasn't very heavy,
either. Dalt Finkbeirier,,Extter,
got three the first day bUt few
marksmen Were as fortunate.
Orange lodge will. Spenser a
turkey shoot on Dalt Pinkbei-
tees property, No. 88, highway
on lVfonday. Targets will be Used
end top marksinet will win fowl.
eeSe,,,,,,seeeneseseseisees, . 1111111111iiiimi&
. a
Friday Night 9 To 11
Mixed Bowling
. Join ••th. Pun, this Priday Night •
Exeter Bowling Lanes
Surprii-e Fons,'
Says Braves' Loador
.0.,:coach Rei Leader, sell, Jim McDonald, Bill Musser, though the association. held
Murrey and Effie 13tsne11, Don other meeting last week. At the
Cowan, and Gib Henderson. moment it looks like A Seven,
Russel!, McDonald. and Blom- team league with boniebrew en,
inaert„ threefast-developing . tries -from -Zurich, It -
midgets. bave _impressed • by-• derion. Forest and Dxeter; "C".
standers including officials from clubs from Heosall, and LUcan.
mit-of-ton clubs,. Ws reported and a "B" squad from Clinton,
Goderich Junior B's and Mitch- Doug Thorndyite. -Clinton, has
ell would .consider signing them been .named Convener.
up. The boys have ha& several The group should be perma,
workouts with -Goderich, nently formed et another WOAA
Loader, a .stickler .on condi gathering .next week and play
tieu, has been concentrating on may start around the middle of
Skating and shooting drills so November. Dither a double
far; He'll start an plays next or triple — schedule is expeeted,
week when he gets the club Mohawks and Forest have
trimmed to size, still not received their releases
There's still nothing definite: from the .011A but both clubs
an the WOAA groupings „yet ale are expecting word soon,
who put his charges through
their fourth workout, Tuesday
teems his beinehrew
team this year is going to be a
think the fans are going to
be surprised with what we come
up with," Loader predicted with
more than Al lltUeenthusiasm,
'We .have a lot of good local
hockey players who have one
up through the minor progrant.
figure we're ping to have a
real bustling lub."
Loader declined to pick his
favoritesfrom -among the new-
comers skating for a position on
the hemebrew team because he
is determined to- make them
.fight for their berths mita the
final cut is made. "We meant it
when we :said ,every position on
Usis..elub is open and we're stick-.
ins ,to that policy.," the redhead
stated. "Nobody's clinched a
spot yet as far as _I'm eon-
-Loader has,been trimming
the squad during practices the
past week. He started out with
30 aspirants, Now the field has
narrowed to:
Goal — Gar Baker and Dick
Defence -- Bob Coates; Bill
Waghorn, Kevin Delbridge, Bill
Batten and Red himself:.
„ Forwards —.Larry Heidenian,
Dill Oberle, Don Gravett, Bill
Pincombe, Gar Johnston, Iry
Ford, Cy Blemmaert, Jim Rua-
Hensall Team
Still. Uncertain
Now that Zurich has become
a definite starter in the inter-
mediate .groupingl Hensall may
not enter a club, it was reported
this week,
Hensall had planned to use a
number of players from Zurich
to make up a' teain. They won't
be available now,
Not having' had an interme-
diate team for a number of
years, Hensall doesn't have a
nucleus of players around which
to build .a club.
Hensall Kinsmen club is con-
sidering sponsorship of two mi-
nor clubs, bantam and juvenile.
Phone 102
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