HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-31, Page 13TA Want Ads "Shell Comments About Out" r ar f The TiIn1$e1e-Adal►lec,to, Oct' ains Ever' Crediton i o ay MRS. JOSEPH WOODALL The members of the United Church Mission Band met with l A Marilyn .Gallaway and Maxie Corey in charge .pf the worship service. Mrs. J.- Galloway gave a pimp 1p i I ter in the new study book and Judy Boulianne gave a recita- tion. Doreen Kenney was in charge of business when• articles were donated for a towel kit and a school kit. Hallowe'en treats were :enjoyed. Honored. On Departure Prior to leaving for their new home in Delhi last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuimzch were t a pleasantly surprised when neigh- bors and friends met at their borne and spent a sociai eve- ning ing with them. An appreciative. address was read by Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner and Mr. Robert, Reid, on behalf ( 4 { A , ? 1 1 1 f { A ( c • 11 C .4 4 4 YY • The Portrait K Only. You Con Give „• This portrait . must be a very special one ---because it's the girt :that you' alone can give! 'Because, it will mean so much, be slice of its lasting quality—Make your + appointment with us now... 1 • Ar/t/ PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 343 Exeter Ii CLASSIFIED RATES 2 5 words or less 70C, Moro 'T.han. 25' Words ..— . 20 Per Word. 20¢ OFF ifpaid i orderb ad with. or+ Saturday following ..he as. insertion SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 44¢ Mor.*Thant 2S Words 11¢ Per Word Semi.DisP pay: Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion 98¢' Per Inch Subsequent ,Insertions • 4 Per e � Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon.. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday' at [,loon, FOR. SALE DRAIN TILE 5 4 inch b 65 per M Del'd loch 85 per 111, nerd 6 inch 1111 per M Del'd 7 inch 145 per M Del'd 8 111411 _ 170 per M I)el'd T's, Y'a and Elbows In-Stoek Prices for 30"; 12" and 14" , on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Llglnfield Phone 193 Lucan • 11Lfn • CAR17Y .SAFE — $50,00, Apply at 2'tmes-Advocate. tic* TOYS! TOYS! heavers Basement '1'oytown is open all year round, Gifts for children's parties. birth- daysetc. for all ages. Beavers MANURE -•-25.00 per load spread on your garden, G. X. Dow. phone 83 Exeter, 10:17124:31e of all present, presented thein with a table and lamp. Personal . I,tems Many Crediton residents have been laid up with attacks of flu, but.' all seem to be improving. Mrs. Mabel Fwald and Mrs. Irvin Fahrnei; of Kitchener and Mr. and. Mrs: Chester Mawhin- ney of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner. Mrs.. Howard Renney and Morris of Detroit spent a few, days last° week with Mrs, J. Hirtzel and sons. Mr. Art Bailey of St. Cathe- rines,„spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. Radford. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Butler, who have spent several Months in Muskoka, are spending' some time at their home here and are leaving shortly for Mexico. Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Wein of Landon visited on Sunday' with Mr.. and Mrs. Sutler, Mrs. Emma Wing, Mrs. Elda Miller.,., Mrs. Idella Jackel and daughter, Geraldine, of Pigeon, Mich„' were weekend visitors with. Mr, and -Mrs. Clifford Hill. Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis Faist and .sons ""of St. Thomas. spent . Sun-. day with Mrs. M. Faint. ,Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs'. Wesley Wein were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wein, of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Wein and babe of Exeter. FOR SALE SPECIAL. Ok'.11'1111—'Po November' 5 only, 00. iesuee .of 'Saturday Eve- nin:; Post for only 14.79. Exeter Tunes: * Advocate. au b 13 r l p Lion ' agent for :all inaga'Fines. 17:24:31 AirreinEf.T., Cif)'EIt M1 t ,,vin operate ..everydayexcept 1 on- da starting October 3 until N0= Veber 22, by appointment. lied Iiennlck & 'Son. 17:24131e Illi.' RlG1.11ATOR, 9 ru. ft. Kul - vitiator, in real .goof shape. at reasonable, price, t.an be seen in the evening's at the home of L. 13Johnson, 31 Main St., phone 1r3, :Exeter. 10:24tfu CIATTLE MINERALS -- See your ("o -op for the best buy In belittle - ed minerals. $5.10 cwt. 'Why pay more? Exeter District Co -..Op, phone 287. 17:24:310' J'I1�1T. Special' offer, 78 weeks. for $6.87. Limited time only: Sub- eorLptions to all magazines. 13x- eler 2lmes-Advocate, phone. 770. 1,0:17-11:21 LADIES HOME TOT:ItN:\T,--Spec- lat. offer: 23 znonthe only $4.47. Applies to new suhscriptIons, F'e- newais and Christmas gift orders. See vs for any subscription. Ex- eter Timex -Advocate, phone 770. 10:24-11:21. 15 1JJ.II?ETTS, Hereford, averag- Ing 000 lbs. Wally Wein,' Eash- wood, phone 54. 24:31e' SPRAYED APPLES, Spy, Green- ing, Baldwie, Tallman Sweets, Peewalkee, etc, and eider apples. Fred McClymont, one mile south of Varna. 24:31e PICK. -TIP TRUCK, '54 "Dodge, in good shape. Apply Aire. Silas Stanlake, 357 Carling St., Exeter. 31' *. P1iARS, Keefer, ideal for can- ning. G. J. Dow, phone 83 Ex- eter. 29:31e BAP>Y. CARRIAG'E„ like new, $30.00. Phone 770 Exeter. 31i' BULL CALF—.Apply Sandy Elliot, 'Exeter, phone 476, 24c LADIES' 33E1016 'SUPT, size 16; never horn: Phone' 602-W. 31* GIRLS' WINTER OUTFIT, size 6, :1-pieee, Little Nue-get brand, new, condition; price 515. Apply Greenan Variety Store. 31* LADIES' MOUTON COAT, brown, size: 14: -.man's blue topcoat, size 40; child's • station wagon coat, size .0. May be seen at • Brady Cleaners, 31* CHIOICE APPLES; Northern Spies, Red Spies and. Russets. Please bring containers. Apply Victor Jeffrey, phone 692-r-12, 31:7e PULLETS, New IJ:atnpshire and 13arred Rock, laying ,good. Phone 716-.1 Exeter. •31*, PIANO, Evans, recently tuned, in good condition. Picone 077-J-5 Exeter, 31* HEREFORD BULLS, registered, accredited, serviceable age; also quantity of hand-picked winter apples. Apply Hirtzel Bros., Crediton, phone 72-R-3. • 31c, QUEBEC HEATER and quantity of good used stove pipes. Intone 103,. TARGE CABBAGE -Phone 6414 Exeter. 31.c 1955 BUICK Special,' 2 -door hard- top, power brakes, autofnatic, 2 - tone paint, $1,850' or take. over payments, T. Lawrence, Exeter. phone 308-R-12. •310 FOR RENT ' APARTMENT — 0 rooms down- stairs, private entrance, utilities paid. Available. now. Apply 33 Huron St. E. or phone 480-W. 10:31tfn Everyone's, Talking About The Magnificent 1958 METE .The Breath-takimg All-new Car Now on, Display at South ' End Service Seen 'Above Is The Ali -New 1958 Meteor 4,Door Hardtop In Rideau 500 Series. Longer .. Lower ; ,* More Powerful 18 Models In Five Great Series ' Terms To Suit Your ' Budget Buy Now & Get the Highest Trade -In' Allowance See ,These Used Car Bargains Today '50 Chevrolet Coach '54 Mercury Pickup SouEnd S�rvii'4:.:' �Russ rind 'Chuck Snell EXETER 'S1 Chevrolet Sedan, like. new '54 Ford Tudor, radio', futon ,.PHONE. 32R FOR RENT' I REAL ESTATE ' A1'Ait'I'111k1N'l.'. shove Gould J.ory store. Apply T. 0. SQUthcOtt, info A`f 1.1T1?1t116N''l', furnished, et emit heated; a, v all a b l e now; lots of beat and hot water. clean, cosy, cheerful, right in the middle of town, reasonable rent, 131110, , *Apartments,943 Main Rhone 4711, ill 1Otfc 1;1110'1 C'O1'TA(3I•• *-bellr0Ona, 2- pte00 bath. 011 furnace, ;.'hone 4:;5 or write W. C. :1'eal'ee. etet. 10:101(0 ST01113 on Alain Stret, opposite the Post Office. Available Oct. 1. Apply at Tlines-Adt'orate. 3:19tte 8113111 APARTMENT, .an Wil- liam Si,, near downtown, beaked, Unfurnished, 4 roomezancl bath. range wiring and separate hot water tank, All convenlenres anti entirely pr4vate. '']tone 232-M. • 10:171(0 3 -110041 APARTMENT, , uptalr front, with private bath and entrance, available . Nov. 1. All ut'ttIUes paid. New floor cover - Inge and freshly decorated, at 315, Andrew St., Exeter. Apply at, Ford's Men's 1\'ear, Exeter, or phone 691-r-5 Hesasail (colleen, 10:17tfn 2 MODERN APA'RTME'NTS, heat- ed. Attfleld's Gene General Store, Crediton. 10;34tfe 1't ST O 11 E Y )iOT'SE, furnace, kitchen cupboards, running water. 31z miles west of Ifensall, Just off Highway 84. Apply Clifford Weide, phone 88-r-22 Zurich. 17:244,31c APAItTAIENT, upstairs, 3 bright rooms and bath, $55 monthly, un- furnished, for bachelor or busi- ness couple, No children ;please, because of office below. Apply .T. W. Wein, phope 7 days. 355 evenings, . 29tfe APARTAIEtiT,- bedroom, living room, kitchen, heated, furnished, hot and cold water, 3 -piece bath. Phone 21.1-J or apply 126 Alain St„. Exeter, 24e HO'US'E 2- nr, 3 -bedroom, un 'furnished, modern, ell heated, on Edward Street, Apply Times - Advocate, al* 3-TtOQTf APARTMENT, freshly decorated, hot and cold water, separate bath, all utilities paid. Phone 102. • 31* 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, 'ground floor, front entrance, heated, utilities paid; available November 8, on Main St. Phone 76-41 J6 - *ter, 31* APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, self- contained, unheated, unfurnished, hot water, available now. Store, 429 Main St., 11x9.0, heated, avail- able November . 1: 'John Ward Apartments, phone 348. 31. APARTMENT, ground flod, tun - furnished, heated, 1 01 andcold water, built -la cupboards, use o,t laundry for washing, private entreneo. Blatchford -Apia. 5L* BRICK COTTAGE, end of Sand, ers St. I9ast. near schools, avail- able after November 4. .Apply 05 Gidley St. W. 31e SERVICES WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangemtnts can be made. 13111 Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r- 19. . info DEAD STOCK: 'Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made.e,• for .anlma.10. under 500 lbs. total:'Phone. colleen Bk•- eter 287; William Stone Solis, Limited, Ingerso 11. 0 5-11:2,8 blOW IS THE TIME to have your septic tanks pumped .out. Phone Butler Bros.; 130-'W or 108 Lucan. 9:12-11:21* REAL ESTATE 1"15A8181 U0L1SI0 .7.room, .3 bed- rooms, up With •$-pleee bath; 1 bedroom or den and 2 -piece bath dawn: hardwood. floors down; oil heat', adjacent to schools. Apply 236 Andrew 51. 12:19:200 HOMES - FAR•MS .0 'V. Pickard Exeter 54,000 CASH will give you pos session of modern one -storey 3 - bedroom home. Attached garage. .Beautifully finished kitchen and bathroom. 011 heated—Balance Balance of purchase price on liberal terms. $2.000 CASH—possession of 4 -bed- room brick. Good kitchen. and bathroom. Nice basement with good furnace. Garage. Easy terms on balance of moderate purchase, price. APARTMENT HOUSE — eentra.11y lobated, 4 completely furnished, self-contained apartments. This is an ,oil heated brick with every- thing in the best of repair throughout. Will provide corn- fortable home and income. APARTMENT HOUSE—good loca- tion, 6 apartments, oil heated. Offered at a very low price. FARMS 100 ACRES Centt'alia, district, close to highway and 8011001, Good barn and comfortable house. hydro. Productive Nay loans. Price 418,500.00. Liberal terns. 100 ACRES'-11ippen district, level clay loam.. Hydro in house and barn. Good. water ,supply. Price. $12,000.00. 100 ACRES—Exeter, large brick house and large barn on wall. Best of. land. Hydro. Moderately priced. To buy dr ate11 see C. V. Pickard, Realtor & deoerait InsUranco, 39.4 Main St., Exeter, Phones 165 and 628. 9:121E0 NEW HOUSE nearing completion. :Forced air oil heating. Nice leen. tion. Reasonable price, Apply to Tom Walker, Nelson St„ phone 553. Stag 50 ACRES bnAS$ LAND, One of best in Staniey Twit. Witldlnlil, with ,plenty of Water. tenet* in good condition, Apply Rudolph 1 orriveau. JM.15. Zurich, 3)11000 99-r-1, ZUricla, • 17:24:31.* HELP WANTED. MATURE LADY vitout previous business experience hut willing' to work and learn ran earn$2.00 to 53,00 per hour servicing in her ow.n neighlfot'hood. '1stablishe rl Avon territpries now available in Exeter. Write: Mrs. 140 u r e e n (trees.. Avon Manager, 130x 281, Hanover.24:31:7e WOMAN to .do eleaning; Sunday. mornings only. Will pay $1..25 per hour, .Apply Maitland ,CIuh, Ilensall, or phone 09. II, H,I b'ield, 31e 2 MEN for night work. Apply 77. L. Tickle and Son, Ilensall, 31e 'WINTER WORD. —Oregon. Ilius (.reel[ dam construction starting. Long job, Send, addressed enrol- ope and 30e for "lob News", \) O(70, Box 656, Bellevue, Wash„ USA. 31' Young Woman. With Some Office :Experience For Permanent Or 'Temporary OFFICE WOlIK Must 13e Able To Type ])ASH'WOOD PLANING .MILLS LTD. 310 NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Alice Laving Hackney, late of Lhe Town of. Exeter, In the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. ALT. • PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late Alice Laving klaekney, who died on the 6th day of October. 1957, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 8th day of November, 1957, ' ATTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall thee have no- tice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 19th day of October, 1957, W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Executors. 24.31,7e FOUND LOGGING CHAIN' -- Owner niay have same by proving property and , paying for advertisement. .Apply vlsher's Hardware. 31c TENDERS WANTED SNACK BAR Tenders will be received by the Underisgned up to 6 p.m:, November 7, 1957, for the opera- tion of the snack bar at Exeter Memorial Arena during the 1957- ,58 season. A. 7.. SN ELGR OVE,. Secretary -Treasurer Exeter Community' Centres Board RRICI{ COTTAGE, 2 -bedroom, in- sulated ceilings, furnace, 3 -plebe 'hath, attached garage, garden. intmediate possession. 1o:10tfo i 'I't.00Tt, instil brlc, living ro0tn fireplace, 2 'bedrooms, full bath, nice ltitcllbti, full cellar, furnace, 110t water tank, central lobatiotl, 'RAAtE HOUSE, 3 bedreoin, by drb bath, oil heat APARTMENT HOUSE, oil furnace heat, separate entrancett and bath* rooms. Good investment. Good dwelling; 3 itedrOoms, hathrootn t1 p a t n. i t 8; living room, dining room, den, , Kitchell, Main floor, turnaee, 26tfc II I Cx II W Art 100 A]11;5, helek house, ler3 a barna, • silo, drive* shed; 215,000. s °J' 1.I.' 11 >; At `.300 A1`1tt18, brick hobo*, .hat'correttlienet'S, large L. shape bathe With good Stabling, - litter carrier. '`RAMS:! 7101IS131, :1-bedrtorn, in gcoli eondltien, less than half r.tteb, Valance „by 131011111 like rent, Why rent, 9;13tte Write, phone or tome. W. el. Pearce Ilea1tnr, E;xeter, pllane 438; Ilarl Parsons, nitrite 507, Prod Cele, ;Shorne 630-W, Sales* 1.rf;rp TAMAN "maul w brink Cottage, ttelvlr l'enerrtted, large living' reefer tlining, room, kitchen, a bedrbbt1l8, he't 341000 bath, geed let, elosb tb' h I g h W5,;v and• ehltrehe$. 0110 0. for ea:sh tit 1101E caA1t end good terittA. Apply It,; OoUghlit r Phonb 230 Of 24 LUC2 101 Accidents don't just happen. They are caused.—DRIVE SAFE- LY. LOST MAN'S 'WRIST WATCH, yellow gold.' with expansion bracelet, s smith end. town. Please leave at Times-Ads°eale,. 310 NOTICES COURT OF ItE,VIS{O«1 The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the town of Exeter to hear appeals against the ntuntripe' Assessments of 1057 will be held in the Council Chambers of the Tow 11 Ball at 7 p.10. on- 111e 4111 day of 16u- vember, 3415,7. Dated October 22, 1057. (Signed C. V. 1'JtKARD, Town Cleric. IIIIRQN COUNTY. COUNCIL, The 'Huron ('ounty Council will meet at the Court House, Code'* rich, on Tuesday, November 12th, 1937,i at 2.011 p.ni. Ail accounts, notices of deputations, etre., 'should be In the hands of the t'ounty Clerk not later than Saturday, November 9111, 1957, A. 1t• IIaS1. INE. t Clerk, County oHuron. I 33:70 BABY CHICKS FO,R SALE SPJ CIA1, I111AY meat broilers; dual ifu pose ,ot 1beat, Rivet' •[foss. Pullets Attics In-Cross/.Ask for list of :started available. (Order Nov. ••.ilei'. • Jun. broilers Pow/. Bray Hatchery, 120 ,toitn N., Hamilton, or Erin Carsuadelen, Exeter, pli0ne 2 iG-AV. 31.c MISCELLANEOUS EVENTIDE VILLA Eventide Villa, ;a borne for ,sider- ly citizens, is now Open at 30 Sanders St., Exeter- The Villa is Under the manogemeit of Airs, 14, Desjardine, •phone 150 Exeter. 9:1tLfc 1UIPNME T FOR.RENT'. EQUIPMENT . _ SEWING MACFITNI.S -- Electric Portables, . by this week. 'Hopper - Hockey Furnitul•e, phone 99, Ex- eter. 81fc CLERK'S NOTICE OF •4OTEls' LIST FI'I:ST PO57.'JNG.01" Voters' Lists, 1957 Municipality of Town of Exeter County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I, have compiled with sectinn 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my .office at of eOcttober, 1957,olthe. 1101 28thday da l persons entitled. to vote In the said Afunicipality at municipal elections and 111at such list re- -mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all votersto take immediate pro- eeedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal be- ing the' 11th day of November, 1957. 'Dated this 28111 day of October, 1957, C. lr PICKARD, Town Clerk, 31:1c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE COURT OF REVISION ' on the assessment made in 1957 for taxation in 1958 will he held in the township hall, E11mville, on November 4, at 3 p,m. li, IL G. STRANG, Clerk 31c COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1958 assessment roll of the Town- ship of Stephen will be held in. the council rooms, Crediton, on Tuesday, November 5, 1957,. at the hour of .8:00 p.m. • (signed) F. W. MORLOCIC, Clerk 31c WANTED IIORSES—Will buy any kind of horses, heavy or light. Buy, sell or exchange. ,Call 138, Frank Taylor, Exeter: 5tfc WALNUT TREES for logs, 7' and up in length, free of limbs. 55" and ' up in diameter, 16” from ground. Good prices paid. Apply E. T1rotrip son, phone 21, Alt. Jlrydges, Ont. 24:37 :7c 30 STEERS "and about 10 stook 'cows, from 600 to 900 lbs. Wally Wein; :phone 54 Dasb'svood 24:31c SPT OF FRENCH DOORS, used. Phone Zurich 90-r-5. 31* .BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APPLICATIONS will be received for service station attendant to operate station in Exeter. Apoly 1!. 0. Free, Seaforth, 10:17tfc GET THE FACTS --Let us show you how we have helped others to become financially independ- ent selling Rawleigh Products. Good locality now . available in ,Huron County. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. J-202-911, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. 31e Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Sloor Pollsber3 Vacuum Cleaners. Tools, BEA VIGILS. .If RDWAR F, Exciter PERSONAL You Hear Better The Sonotone Way For free booklet send this ad- vertisement to: Dept. TAI, REVELL REARING SIRV1CF( Box No...1 London 9:26:11;7 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Clearing Of Valuable Real Estate Tractors, Combine Farm Implements, Feed: and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises Lot 25, (:on. 9 HAY TOWNSHIP 1 Mlle 'Cast of Zurich and 1 Mile North The undersigned auctioneer is instl•ueted to sell by public auc- tion on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1957 at 1100 pan. Sharp PEAL ESTATE.; Consisting of 100 acres of land. Lot 25, Con 95 Hay Township, on which is situ- ated awell-built 2 -storey brick dwelling with all modern con- veniences. Large bank barn; new double garage, drive shed, ben stable and pig pen, All• in good state of repair. • Farm well drained; good clay loam; 5 acres of mixed hush; re- mainder all under cultivation. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 25 acres, North Boundary', East Quarter, Lot 18, All under cut= tivation and choice clay loans. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale; balance In 30 days. Sold suhject'to a reasonable re- serve bid. TRACTORS & .COMBINE: Allis Chalmers "C" "A" row crop trac- tor, completely equipped, in A-1 condition; McDeering row crop tractor, on steel, in good condi- tion, equipped 'with bean and corn scuffler; McDeering 6 ft. crit No. 16 eambine,' 'Contpletely equipped, in errand new condition. FARM MACHINERY: McDeer- ing 4 -bar side rake, like new; M -5H 11 -run fertilizer drill: M -II cultivator; McDeering ,cultivator; McDearing horse-drawn manure s p reader; hydraulic 2 -furrow plow: 3 -section diamond harrows; MoDeering 5 ft, cut mower; 6 ft. cut binder, for swathing; Me - Deering 28 -plate tractor disc, like new; 21 ft. grain' auger; M -H cream s e p a r a t o r; rubber tire wagon, 16 ft.. rack; quantity of You don't buy safety, you build it. --DRIVE SAFELY lumber; cedar poste; root pull damp' rake: 2' •electric fella fanning quill; block and 010 fence stretcller;-auaaatit;' at me oil: air .compressor; *test 'gist work benell; rubber holt; 1>40 jack:, carpenter tools; aro equipment; metal sheeting', etc. F'LL.1): 'con bale* 1;I.lixsdl barn 150 bales: straw, 1 �< 3501'51:1'I0L() EFFECTS:5 Piano; Sparton .eleet.rlo radio; s. of wooden beds. springs and matt* retia; steel bed. .spt'ings and lura. K' resat baby •crib; Latonia electr :,' arn t., *Wing machine; Ate 1111.ty „ir.G_ tris stove; :nil heater; kitchen!'. c',upboard: 110(1 mirror; rhast or' • d rawer s: dressers: commotion ironing hoard; meat saw: Sealerillo large 'table; centre tables; stand'r- geantlty of dlslles; mutter articlele• ton numerous to mention. TERMS: Vasil. No Reserve—everl'ahittb will br» sold, HERBERT COE:NFOIITII, 'wp+, 5, F. STAI)E.Clerk • ALVIN WAI,l?EC., Auctioneer- .• .,4:51r Estate AUCTION SALE Of Property and Househol'r Effects in the TOWN OF IEKETEI'. plain Street, on $A`i'LGMAT, NOVEMBER 21 ,..,. at 1130 p.m, Two living room suite's, 2 live 3ng room tables: what -not; telen., vision set: Coffee table; door lamp: table lamp;. Axminster rug; 'upright pianoie antique chair; drapes; 2 mirrors; studio Crouch; book case; kitchen 'table, 4 chairs, , dining room suite; .electric stove; Frigidaire; 2 bedroom suites; electric washing machine;' single bed, mattress and .springs (like nets); bedding; wash tubs; spin - rang' wheel. and reel; fernery; 2 window boxes; chest: set of Gold Band Limoges (lislles: antique r114na; silverware:, kitchen' uteri Sill; sealers; oil lamp; step lad. der, -Air Way vacuum ,cleaner (like new) ; quantity of lumber; . other articles too numerous to mention, PROPERTY A 6 -room brlolc bnuse will be offered. for sale ' subject to reserve bid; 3-pieoe hath, oil furnace, garage, hydro. Doose in excellent condition; tm. mediate possession, • TERMS: Chattels cash. Proper. ty: 10% down, balanee in 30" days. Estate of the late 'Miss Alice Hackney 'HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk W. G, Cochrane, Solicitor 813• Automobile AUCTION SALE Consisting of 5 Good Used Cars On the Premises, litaln St., to the 'VILLAGE O$' ZU11.1;CkI at I)esjardine's Garage The 'Undersigned Auctioneer instructed to sell .by Public Ano - tion on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 at 2:00 p,m. Sharp 1,931 Pontiac 2 -Door Sedan, cam• pletely overhauled, with 43.000 actual mileage, in A-1 condition. 1.952 Cllev Hardtop, 2 -tone, custom radio. This t car is like new. 1977 Meteor 200 Series 4 -Door Sedan, tri -tone color, whitewalls, custom radio. like new. 19555 1'hev 4 -Door Sedan, 2 -tone, whitewalls, custom • radio, wind-" '*' shield washers and other extras. 'these ears will be sold under full guarantee. Inspection invited. PERMS: Cash, ELRO Y DJSSJARDINI:, Prop. Att the same time and place: 11151 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan,. rotor green, actual mileage 22 000: in all-arotind guaranteed condi Lion, This is a good clean car. JOB MILLER. HUBERT MILLER, Executors for' the Estate of the late Walter 81:i11er ,,, No reserve. TERMS: ' Cash, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer:,--'. 31:7:14C 1 "" hank You! ,.f For The Wonderful Reception You Gave Us On Our GRAND OPENING! In Appreciation We Are Featuring These Specials This Weekend, Fancy New Crop Mixed • t IV u is Walnuts, Pecans, Brazils Almonds, Filberts 39cLB. Wonderful Value! Just Received - Xmas Bells Or Stars LARGE 2.LB. BAGS OF CANDY 59c__ rur Regular or Instant Save 60. Robin Hood Oats LG. PKGS. Stock ,,Up . At This Low Price, Libby's OrangeJuiCe Ln13 4E3-C1Z. 'TINS English — These are regular 590 lb. Licorice Allsorts Supreme Pieces, Save 8¢ Pkg. Shelled Walnut's 1 LEI. PKG. 33c 29< 39' LLL 7 DZ. CELLO .1/ C FRESH PORK SHOULDER • • SHOULDER PORK STEAK PORK HOCKS SAVg At Rco, AND WHIT Large Stalks C!eiery is fAllit. .Market HOURS ' CLOSED MONDAYS; OPEN `PUBS.,, WED., THURS. '9'.'6; OPEN FRIDAY 'Boll SATURDAY I. 0 'Exeter's South End Supermarket * w LO. 37c • Lb. 49c (i L. 21c 3 POUNDS 29c McIntosh Apples