HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-31, Page 12Rev. Xl. Watt$ili,• officiated. iter,
Barry Hoffnianrendered, two
numbers --"When
Gone 'The
Grand Be d d Gleanings
Stranger There."
The pallbearers were Gerald
Mileand "111 Not be a
Solder, Rufus Turnbull, Elmer
Tells of Mi ilon Work titian in Toronto. Used ;good
The T.W.S. Group of the /Jnl- clothing will be gratefully wet -
fed •Church, had. as. ,its guest come far this bate, not aneces
speaker at their October meet. wily dry-cleaned, but in good.
Ing Mrs, Wm, Whiting. Mrs, order..
411 Wng, wlfose husband is. sq.* Shower Bride -Elect
lsprtntendent of the llazelton Hospital, B.C., and for -A number of friends of Miss
J4 Sion1 R e n t .at ier
e�rly ,of Bella Coola, B.C., gave ' home on day evening ; in
tilt ;• impressive and interesting f her a chin marriage honorr
address on their wark particu- o pma g n g
laiiy among the Indian people. David Gibson, London.
Pr. and• Mrs. Whiting are at A miscellaneous shower of
Present home an furlough, and gifts. was given Marlene. Kenlyn
Whale home from the north-west, Shaw assisted in opening them.
Qr.. Whiting is taking a post -gra- GB, Gay Gals
duets .study in New York and Grand Rend 4-I.1 Homemaking
Chicago. Mrs, E. Mcilroy was Club held their first meeting for
convenerfor the evening, and. the fall project, "Working With
Wool," at the home of Mrs.
Willis Gill, on Monday evening.
A name for the elub was dis-
cussed and it was decided to .call
The Home and School Club. it "Grand Bend Gay Girls."
held" its monthly meeting last. Eleanor Taylor was elected
Thursday in the Public School, president, Paul Adams, secre-
Mrs. Lawrence. Mason presiding tary, and Marion Gill, press re-
in ,the absence of the president, porter.
1Vfrg, J. Waldron, who was con- lyirs. Willis Gill tested three
fined to her home through ill different kinds of wool and the
;cess. girls discussed the fibre of each
The rooms in the school were kind.
open from 7.30 to 8.30 pan. for Arrange For Birthday Dinner
parents to inspect•the rooms and
,meet with the teachers. The The Orpha Club held its reg -
School nurse, Mrs. Jas. Neale, alar monthly meeting on" Tues
gave a talk on immunization, day evening at the hone of Mrs.
Flans were made regarding Roy Flear, with Mrs. C. Ren -
sending a bale of used clothing ned;.r presiding, in the absence
to "Save The Children" organiz of the president, owing to ill -
Mrs. Wm. Sturdevant was op
pointed for the November meet.
Hen. And.:School
peas. Suggestions were given for
the tea and display of Christ.
Inasgifts for the Lainbton Coun-
ty Children's: Aid at Sarnia.
Arrangements were made for
the birthday dinner for the mem-
bers and those who helped with
donations, to be held on Novem-
ber 4 at 7.00 p.ni.
Ellaville Native
Dies At Resort
Mrs. Victoria Desjardine of
Stephen Township, passed away
at her Home on October 22 at
the age of 88. Her husband, the
late Marine Desjardine, prede-
ceased her eleven fears ago.
Iler maiden name was Victoria
The late Mrs. Desjardine spent
her girlhood days at Eliniville,
Ontario, and attended Winchel-
sea School. She was the young-
est daughter of the late Martin
Thompson and Elizabeth Cowan,
and the only survivor.
The deceased had been in fail-
ing Health for the past two years.
She leaves to mourn her loss,
one daughter, and three sons,
(Maurine) Mrs. Verne Ridley,
Thompson, Alex, and Robert, all
of Grand Bend, eight grandchil-
dren, atld three great grandchil-
The funeral service was held
from the Church of God, Grand
VI 111111111111111111111111111,11111111,111111111111,1111111s,1u1,I111111111111, 1111I11111111111111a1111111111111111111;1111111,11111ll Bendwhere she attended, on
Friday, October 25, Her pastor,
Obtain The
Highest Prices
For Your Poultry!
Sell. To The
Riverside Poultry
Company Limited
London 7-1230 Phone Collect Hensall 6804-2
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Abdo! with C ,.,,....................... .,.... 2.70, 4.95, 11.50
Allenburys Haliborange - 1.00,. 1.75, 3.25
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Ayerst Parimettes' 2.00, 3,50, 6.00
Oder 3.95
F.tesst' NCF Liquid 1.85, 3.9S, 6.85
uF�,-� asst NCF Capsules . 1.95, 3,45, 1.65
FlOrner's lnfantol' .....„.,.:.. 1.25, 2,25, 3.50, 6.25
$erner'I Meltlevel 2.50
itsrislet's Maltlevol Twelve 3.60
I.D.A. Cod. Liver Oil (High Tett) ". 90r, 1.50
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41.13ey Multiple. Vitamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95, 1.95
3eett'e Emulsion 1.00, 2.00
States Capsules . 1.65, 3.00
Ibb 100' Cod Liver Oil ..... 1,00, 2.25
i.Diet l , 30's' 1,95; 100's 4,50
ewpole't Cod Liver Extract' 1.50, 2,75
ere Pius ,,,, ,....... 2.95, 4.15, 6.45
+Crth.etM ....... 1,95, 4,95
Nuntieys Drug Store
*NOW s 'Surilcif Supporti, !Netfe Sfeelah0r
Kippen Team
-- Continued Frain Page 11
Bill Etherington, RR 1, Hensall,
placed 26th among 36 beef
teams. The Zurich team, com-
posed of Mary Geiger and Ron
Thiel, RR 2, Zurich, won 33rd
Arthur Bolton, assistant ag rep
who accompanied the teams to
Guelph, said "competition was
very keen in all sections and
members who took part are to be
congratulated on their showing."
Following the competitions,
the participants were guests of
the .Ontario Department of Ag-
riculture at .a banquet, Guest
speaker was the Hon, W. A.
Goodfellow Ontario minister of
and Ferdinand Desjardine, Louis
and Orville Farrell. Interment
was in Grand Bend cemetery.
Personal .Items.
Among those on the sick list
from this district are .Mrs. Met•
I vin Pearls° and children, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Holt, Mr. and.
Mrs. Mansell Mason, Mrs. Jas,
Grigg, Mrs. Emery Stebbins,
Mrs. Chas. Reeves and Bud Des-
Little S a n. d r a Desjardine,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecel
Desjardine, was released on Sat-
urday from St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, and Mr, E. Keown was
released on Friday from West-
minster Hospital.
Several carloads of members
of the local Women's Institute
attended the meeting of Clover-
dale Institute on Wednesday
evening and report a fine eve-
Miss Dorene Baker of Victor-
ia hospital staff spent a few
days last week at her home in
Mrs. Lennea Statton returned
last week after spending a va-
cation in Saskatoon, Sask., vis-
iting relatives. Mrs. Statton re-
ports that she travelled by bus
and arriving at her destination
the thermometer showed 82 de-
grees, but upon awaking the
next znorning she experienced
one of the • most terrible bliz-
zards she ever experienced.
Those who do not know West-
ern Canada weather are pleased
asked not to think this is usual,
in that part of fair Canada.
Mrs. Station resumed duties at
the local post office on her re-
Mrs. Jas. Love and daughter,
Ginger, accompanied Mrs. Love's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cann of Exeter to Ottawa where
they spent the weekend visiting
relatives. Little Debbie Webb.
visited with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Love, during
her mother's absence,
The W.A. of the United Church
held a successful tea and ba-
zaar on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Paul Zebe and daughter,
Susan, of Detroit and Mr. Al-
fred Hayter of Clandeboye spent
the weekend with their sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Whiteford.
Mr. Dennis Finan of Sarnia
is spendipg a, few days' holiday
witn ins parents,. iter. an mars.
Erie Eine?.
Mr.D. , G. Stanton spent the
weekend In Toronto. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Staniake
spent Sunday visiting with Mrs.
Stanlake'.s sister, Mrs. Russell
Knight and Mr. Knight at Eddy's
Mrs. Hate Ring at Detroit
silent last week visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Baker.
Mrs. Harold Walper, chair.
man of the London Area Con-
vention of the Women's Insti-
tute, and Mrs. Emery Des Jar-
dins, president far South Huron
District, are this week attend-
ing the first National Institute
Convention at Ottawa.
Mr. Henry Link is at present
confined to his home due to
The Rev. Archibald E. Dow-
ker, assistant curate at St.
Pauls Cathedral, London, has
been appointed to the parish of
St. Paul's, Thedford, and St.
John's-by-th-Lake, Grand Bend,
it was announced this week by
the. Rt. Rev. George Luxton,
Bishop of Huron.
lie succeeds the Rev. Morley
Invite Farmers
To Hear Results
Results of pre -emergence weed
spray experiments conducted by
members of South Huron 4-H
Corn Club, as well as similar
tests conducted at Guelph, will
be revealed by George E. Jones
of OAC at an open meeting of
the club this Friday night.
Mr. Jones, an expert in this
new field of weed control, has
been in charge of all pre -emer-
gence spray experiments con-
ducted at the agricultural col-
Because they feel many farm-
ers in the area will be interested
in the experiments, club leaders
are inviting the general public
to attend. The meeting will be
held in the high school auditori-
The 4-H members will meet in
the afternoon to select cobs of
corn for show purposes. They will
be assisted by H. E. Mason and
W. R. McCallum of the Pfister
Corn Co. Cobs will be on display
•with cards indicating yield, seed-
ing date, :fertilization and other
cultural practices. The corn will
be entered in competition at the
Royal Winter Fair and possibly.
at Chicago.
TILTA 1801
elnicneys who has been doing ! l 111Us1nt11llittlttnllt(ttl pio tilt,oaeoloeletttlt➢11en111tIIIIItl1111tIt11nIi111tItoloo:MItylUtont�AM
Post - gi aciitata work. in New BY authority of our appointment by Bank of Canada
York. as an •official sates agent for the - Twelfth :Series
of Canada Savings Bonds
Church Notes
The thirtiethanniversary of
the present Grand Bend United
Church building will be held on
Sunday, November 3 at 14.15
a.m. and 7.30 part. Rev. A. E.
Holley.,. B.A., B.D., the minister,
will conduct tile- morning service
and Rev. Chas. Daniel of Hen -
sail. the evening service. The
dedication of the new memorial
organ given, in memory of Mr.
Geo.�ge Eccleston by Mrs. Ec-
cleston and her daughter and
son•in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Mcllroy, will take' place during
the morning service.
Grand Bend and Greenway
congregations will be taking
part in the Spiritual Life Misr I
sion, to be held in J allies Street
United Church, Exeter, from
Sunday, November 3. to Sunday,
November 10. The Rev. Dr. D.
V. Farris, Director of Evangel-'
ism, U.S.A., will be the .speaker
every evening at 8.00 p.m. There
will, be a song service at 7,45..
Midland Securities Corp'n, Ltd.
has appointed
as on Official Sub -Agent for
The New Twelfth 'Series
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A Stand - Out
Value — Perfectly Matched
• - Fully Leather Lined
Leather Lined boots are equipped with finely
balanced, matched Tube Skates. A very popular
Outfit for rugged Defense, ,or fast footwork in
Forward position. HOCKEY BOOTS feature,
supple, black top -grain leather with contrasting
tan trim; Cross-stitched full leather lining; Rein-
forced toe. caps; Padded tongues; Reinforced box
toe; Combination last with narrow heel; Built-in
Tendon Guards; Moisture -proof soles. Riveted -
on high-grade Tube Skates have keen-'
edge hardened blades. An excep-
tional value!
, 3to12
— Shin and Knee .Pads, Gloves,
Pants, Stockings, Hockey Suetsue,.
—Savings Priced'.
1• i
with 1/3 h p.
Motor, Pulley,
Plus Vbeit and. Extensions
Exceptional value at this bargain price.
Pitted with Tendon Guards to protect the
ankles; 'sewn -in 4web reinforcement for
extra support. Boots feature stardy black
pebble grain leather, felt padded tongue.
Excellent quality tube skates riveted to
waterpyoot rubber soles.
Boys' Sizes• 6.98
OUTFIT -•-- Has all the'fine features of this
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with croee-stitched leather lining; Built-in
Tendon 'Guards; Leather 'soles; Large
padded tongues. Contrasting red leather
trim, Monied to chrome plated, tempered
tube skates of superior quality. Sturdily
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OUTFIT — Profesuonal-built boots with
flexible leather covered steel Tendon
Guards; Arch. support insole, steel shank,
spring heel. Smooth grain leather uppers,
cross-stitched leather lining'. Recker hon
toe with Cut-off, pro•type eo11 Riveted to
tempered tube skates deslgned,for speed
and strength.
Youths' and Men's sties— 3 to 12. Men's sixes,,
Petr..::....... ........... r 14.25 mew. 2s.tr..e.s. .......... 1 7445
htssu 5 1 13 1 510 .
Hookey Outfits—famous Teckebsrry fasf.:a:..29.9510 57.50
The Big 8 -inch Combination Blade Tilts-
Your %leek Stays Level for Safer,; More
Accurate Sawing!
Great News .for, "Oo-Itilfaurselfers"
How you con get this`entstanding Malterdihft'8"Tilt-Arbor Benoit saw Ontlt++tnoludtpyl V3 h.p..iter and equipment
all ready fo 06 tight, to Work.- eta terrific saVingel bo all the work you want —handle city kind 61 Cutting lob. HIPPING
-Selt•o11gn41g Rip Fencd with speedy tock, operates eSher Side of law blade; instantly tet fo'groduated scale. CROSS.
CUTTING —Handles tiny width or length Stook.'C'altbreited Littre Hauge for aceurofe mifretng; ANGLE CUTTING.'. New
6andwheel tilling't:onfrbl gives Instantaneous setting -- TIIIr B1ado and' Arbor to saw any an you Want up (o d5 degteos.
Table ie always Level. (OUTS 15ADOE5••-15utto and Moulding Cutting attachment and uopdiug Mice' ovaflo.ble). DEPT1t
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WA* it 25"'. ihnludtng Extensions. Machined hod 11'otietferf work sutfaoes. "fa" heavy butyARBOR equipped ovitli specie)
islets Seartilga-.• it Mo;ter to givd voila of comae. tf-inch Shoo type GOMRTNjtT1C)N tit:ASE, 'V.Self, Isidro', Motet Mount
end Brand: New /kb^ boleti MOTOR' included of flits aictin e0e6t6t price. Th.) tu11.tlooHng Motor haunt Troths the reotor
at proper tension, RIM! before Stave we teen or offered sr wetter "yaT5ei SAVE SAFELY/
,QCrolt +_
Ou lily. ff.
25 -Cycle gags
ou ftif. i s
awes plenty of protection, without slowing down Ihd
Rifle leder,. Set inoludes leathdtefe reinforced, felt
Shoulder and dhebt Chard with sturdy fibte baps;
Taft l'e'ather Hackly Mitts; baud ptoteoted Shin
"Small Fry
• Beginner's
Tube Skate
Outfits -- ter
3 to 7 yews •
GIRLS—White Boots
BOYS— Black Blot's
Approved •hookey style leather $tools',
with built-in ankle supporta, outside
strap and buckle. Deetgned to give
Sty ankles the liret support they need,
Boots are riveted to measfer-to-stand.
on" eemt.fubd skates. Slxee'1 to If.
ECB SKATES Double adjustable
runners. Tor tiny tots, i'dtt...98 4
436 Main St. Exeter
Mons 431' Milton it Robbing