HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-31, Page 8I "; i •-:. -- , , ..,.. --71'.7/- „ TiOno4-Advocols, OcfoWar 31, I-517 1100retlerkiliireeekekerouneenunielen.,,,senerwiliunteeneetwereetteelerneeroureetenetee THIS 'N THAT y MRS. 4. M. S. Canada's climate is especially fresh. •canned, frozen and dried. /Mated to the ;relying of apples- It behooves us to use apples Isobel Wats their natienat fruit. For genuine we eau, and to Canadians the apple is as often and M as inanY ways as Nam s )iate Wed in fiensaf 'N FAN CIES Friends Shower 0.5. Chapter Margaret 'EYre Mrs. Tom Smith and Mrs. e a e White mums, Pink carnations Some recipes for apples which at the fernier's home last Wed. Mr. And Mrs. William Belt, ferns and lighted candelabra Wing pleasure no Veit can Mrs. ton Harris has given ue Gerald Maas were t iclual the aPtile. )1. Through constant study and eeientific development g r e a t 4 4 atricles have been made in the Y. , . . . Tr. an Mrs. , apple industry. New Varieties 1 !Vert or 4 cups Reeled and hits Ge'rald Glenn read in ad. .yre, ChUpter 0 E S Is d lvn Margaret Elizabeth E only -dam hter of Mr and M•s son and Linda Edwards present- thanked ed. the guest et honor with gifts. hers for their co-operation during the officers and mem. altiPholl BYre, Ktypen, and Norman Roy Lee, Galt, son of the past year, Mrs. Berton Muir, Seaforth. About 43 friends and relatives were present. . Other officers lecluded: Assoc, it". 0. D, Daniel performed we are passing on to you. lb:used:1,3,1s setivi)ewoTrg fgrueo4bereweat Kipper, were elected worthy farmed' the setting Ileosall leaked Apple Pudding son brid 1 t rpeacternont inanedet'riloyf MtallinriE -at a tUotlietreci86aflogrrethheCINftveladtinlirgclartIVICArP- have been develeped, neW sgraYs a.,PPlea' Place in 'baking elreas after which Th/ets,n wat, Garnet Patterson presided and . tor controlling Insects perfected u•sa ane add: and storage inethods have been -aup brown sugar 1411)1'01,w:1 extending the apple 1 eup water I season by inanY months. Topping i Apples have a wider variety of 1 1 01 Monday evening friends matren, /vers.. sten jeleyciraey. the double ring cerentoeY anti usee than any other fruit, TheY cup Drown sugarpatron, Mr. Elgin McKin. Miss Greta Larnmie provided • Can be served with any course, raw or cooked hot or cold. and,' 4 Mix these together -until 7 ibl. melted butter eruni- home of Miss Amy Fisher and di t. M. and co.workers gathered at the faa”" ley; secretary, Mrs. Wm Mid_ wedding muA e andaccoMPan ed e on; ieasurer, rs. R. —0,4; the soloist, Miss Mary Goodwin, cup flour are available in many forms — b pinriessceenlitaendeotulise bride -elect withguis a SOC. conductress, 1VIrs. Howard conductress, Mrs. Earl Burr as. who sang,the "Wedding Prayer' ly. Spread over apples form- e spent con. and I 11 Walk Beside You. Ethers Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND BEND FOR LATEST STYLING Ethel Desjardine Proprietress "THE SHORTEST WAY TO DO MANY THINGS IS TO DO ONE THING AT A TIME" ......*(Authoes Name Below) mum Prescription $ cannot be mass produced on. assem- bly lines. Each one must be compounded individu- ally because it is specific- • ally written for one per- son. For that reason *it usually shortens sickness time. Invariably the medi- • cines in a prescription give. relief much more •quickly than patent medicines or home treat- ments. Your physician's skilled diagnosis usually prevents serious sickness —if you consult him at the first sign of trouble. The shortest way to Con- tinued better health is to do this one thing first —consult your physician Wheni sick. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping rear us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we com- pound yours? Andrew Johnston Drugs • Main St., Exeter PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ,,t4tietatiOn by Ale/lard Cell (1748-1117) CbpyrIght 1SS7 (9W2) Mg a thin coating. Bake until The bride chose for her wed• Tie ev ning was see 1, tests, Music and dancing, -Trumner; trustees: Mr. Stanley apples are tender and the top is Love, Mr. Allan Fraser and Mrs. ding a floor -length gown of Chan - to golden brown. R takes about 30 Garnet Patterson; auditors, M. Tilly lace and net over duchess Z.5 min. in 375 degree even. Stanley Love, Mrs. Marie zer. satin fashioned with strapless brigg, Mrs, W. 1 -ern. lace bodice dotted with rhine- Quarter apples and place in D Reports of the year were my_ stones over :which was worn a uncooked pie shell, till filled. Receives Gifts en. the benevolent -committee, bolero with sabrina neckline and Miss 3/,re hon. Perted raising $193,94 aria sever. fent skirt of nylon chiffon had a Sour Cream Pie Popular Bride Add: beaded by Mrs. P. Dobbs, re. lily -point sleeves. The full bout - 1 cup sour cream MarlYn was 1 cup brown sugar ored at several pre.nuptial al gine were presented to South front panel of thee over satin. 1 tbl. flour . events prior to her marriage on Huronliospital, • Her headdress was a crown of Cinnamon to taste Saturday, seed pearls and opalescent se- t Pour over apples A number of friends met at the • quins which held her fingertip • Bake in hot oven 400 degrees home of Mrs. Cecil Pullman and veil of silk illusion. She carried d for 10 mire then lower tbe tem- presented her with a iniscellan- MCGitlliVraY WI a bouquet of pink roses and eous shower.iA social evening white baby. 'mums, perature to 330 degrees and bake until apples are tender, about 40 was spoit n contests and games, Tr the evening. (Mrs. Don Harris) The staff of the Bank of Mont- served by the maGiaivray we. and Mrs. Jack Boyd as brides- s Society At INoodha.m' . Host To Pretbylery . . The WoodhaM Evening had arrangecLa :display of pro- lary 'was host for 'the annual jeca that the Baby 13and could fall rally of -the South Section,achleve successfully. of Perth Presbyterial held it Mrs. alsonlas Read of Gran - Woodham United Church on Fri- ton, literature e r AA a r y for Perth, -commented on the new books and at the dinner hoer was available at the literature :display she had arranged. MA - Arthur Robinson of Mitchell,. Presbyterial treasurer, gave her reportment preanyeeir: 717 :Mrs, Fred Doupe of Weedhain Afternoon Auxiliary offered. the adjmirri- Rev.' J. 1L Slade of Woodbani Ivelcemed all to the .church during the (Winer hoer. Mrs. Pipe') Turn, to Page 7 day. The theme of the meeting was "This is Our Father's World," and Mrs. George Wil- son, president, commented brief- ly on the theme after opening the xneeting. rahig wars up service was presented by Zion West Auxiliary with Mrs. Gerald Hern and Mrs, Warren Brock taking part. Mrs. Verna Towle sang a solo, accempanied by Mrs, Nor- man B • .1e, An, c1- eome was extended by Mrs. Leonard Thacker of Woodhain Evening Auxiliary, and a rely given by Miss Jennie Hotson of St Marys, The president conducted a brief busine so session after which Mrs. H. L. Griffith of Stratford, candidate secretary of Perth Presbyterial, urged that each of her listeners become a "candidate secretary" to en- ceurage others to engage in church work. Mrs, Thomas Head and Mrs. Robert' Hardie of Granton Auxiliary sang a duet accompanied by Mra. T. Gun- ning. Mrs., Rea Stephen and Mrs. Fred Bertrand gave a report of he week they had spent at Alma College, St. Thomas, as elegates from Anderson Auxil- ary to the School for Leaders. n 1958, leirkton and St. Marys' fternoon Auxiliaries will send elegates. Mrs. Ewart Crago, Baby Band ecretary of Perth Presbyterial, poke for a few minutes on the work of the Baby Baud, She Mrs. Jack Boyd was in charge of eats Grandmas tended as maid of honor and Miss d Miss Maja RoobOl, London, at- Open Apple Pie Grandmother's Day was ob. Greta Pfaff, Miss Diane Bolton real in Hensall of which the inen's Institute at their October maids wore similar waltz.lenith Fill =baked pie shell 'with quartered apple - bride has been a member pre- meeting held at West McGilli- gowns of nylon chiffon over taf- w s. Add cup gra- sented h nulated sugar. Bak.e until ten-, er with an electric tea- vrayHa. feta with full bouffant skirts and kettle prior to Miss Eyre being Prizes were given to Mrs. cape shoulders falling into ties der. Meanwhile beat two egg transferred to the Bank. of Mont- Alex Reid, • the oldest whites until stiff, add 1 tbl.grand- down the back to the hemline. white sugar and nutmeg to "real' Galt. mother; to. Mrs. Karl Pickering, The gowns were in colors of blue, taste. Spread over baked apples At Chiselhurst United Church the youngest grandmother; to pink, turquoise, and yellow re- in pie and return to oven until Mrs. Russell Brock, Mrs. Robert Mrs, Les Shaddick, the grand- spectively, They wore matching slightly brown. ,feather headdresses with thine - Bell and Mrs. Richard Taylor mother with the most grand - This pie like other leeringue were hostesses for a miscellan- children and the youngest grand - stones 4arid carried bouquets of ' pies should be eaten the same eous shower in her honor. child. pink and white baby mums. day as baked. A program including sing- The motto "Be kind to the Miss Cheryl Muir,Seaforth, In a release from the tonsum. aged for they have come a long sister of the groomas junior songs, readings by Mrs. Verne bridesmaid, wore powder blue er section of the Canada Depart. Alderclice and Mrs. Robert Bell way; help the young ler they 'have a- long way to go $ P wee nylon ehiffon and net over taf- men aAgriculture there is a and a mock wedding was staged. recipe for Candy Apples which Mrs. Jack Brintnell played the part of bride; Mrs, Wilmer Ad - kin, mom; Mrs. D. Taylor, best man; - Mrs. Harvey Jacobi, brideSmaid; Mrs,' Alvin Coles, mother; Mrs. Ken McKay, bride's father; Mrs. T, Brintnell, soloist; Mrs. Bob Kinsman, pi- anist, and Mrs. James Drum, mond, minister. Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving Hair Styling and Shaping Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling ETelEL DESJARDINE Proprietress DMA? TAM MY INVEN TION TO COOL MILK BEFORE THE CONS ARE mILKECjiuela-E, MAYBE CAN INTEREST 1116i1LANDR/LLDAIRY /NI IT" AZ THEY ALWAYS HAvE THE VERY LATEST DEVICES FOR. MARKET, NG MI LK . 41 E THE AAHTTEEDA.14 SYNDICATE. -•EXETER, Marlyn was escorted to a dec- orated chair and presented with many gifts. She invited all to her home that evening to see her trousseau. comes at the last moment for Hallowe'en but we hope. you me use it. • Candy Apples 9 medium. red apples .9 wooden skewers 3 cups. granulated sugar 1/4 tp. cream of tartar ter tp. salt 1 cup water . Serviteuts for the wedding din- . A sewing contest conducted by" red food eoloring din- ner were: Alma Fpwler, Joan Mrs. Pickering was won by Mrs. Wash and polish' apples. Re. Parry Thompson, Wilson, Lois, Vera and June Tin- - nay. During the dinner a tele - move sterns and stick wooden gram of best wishes was re- discussed by Mrs. Fraser Dixon. feta. She carried pink and white Scripture was read by Mrs. baby 'mums and wore a flower Bert Sholdice. and net headdress, Jean Cole, cousin of the bride, was flower Readfngs were given by 1111:s.- girl wearing pink nylon chiffon Earl Morley and Mrs. Karl and carried a nosegay of white Pickering. A linen apron over 70 Years old edged with hand- and pink baby 'inurns. knitted lace was displayed, by Paul Muir, Seaforth, brother of the groom, was ring bearer and Mrs, Sholdice. The roll call was answered by "A Saying of Your carried the ring on a white satin Grandmother's". heart -shaped cushion. Ian Muir, Reports of the area conven- Seaforth, was groomsman. Ken.' Lion were giVen by Mrs. Fraser neth Willis, Seaforth, and Mer - Laurence and Douglas Dixon and Mrs. Karl Pickering vYn' ushers. Eyre, brothers of the bride, were and of the county rally held in Byron United Church by Mrs. Albert Armstrong and Mrs. La- 'A reception was held at Arm - Verne Allison. strong's , Restaurant, Exeter, It was decided to hold card where'the - bride's mother re.• parties to raise funds the. last ceived in an afternoon dress in Wednesday e v e n i n g of each titrilio tone crepe and Chantilly month from October to March lace with dusty rose accessories., omitting December — the lunch The groom's mother chose -a tur- committee of each month to ar.4 The dress with matching ac - range for that month's card cessoriee and' both wore cor- party. , sages of pink roses. • ' skewers well down into stern end of apples. Legion Auxiliary For travelling the bride chose • • ceived from Holland. Combine sugar, cream of tar- • navy dress and coat with dusty* tar, salt and water in deep a saucepan, Add red coloring until Marks Birthday'• rose' accessories and a corsage of pink roses. syrup is desired color. Mrs. Luella Hall, 13lyth, zone, On their return Mr. and Mrs . . . Place saucepan over direct commander, paid her annual Lee will reside in Galt. heat and stir until sugar is dis- visit to the ,Ladies' Legion Auxil- • Ninety guests attended from solved. Then cook rapidly with- lary meeting in the Legien Hall 'Galt, Niagara Falls, St. Mires, out stirring to "medium erack" Monday evening. Exeter and Seaforth. 'Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. 'Hair Treatments, Tinting Ir"divideei Verautnents Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 IF A COLD MAKES BREATHING' DIFFICULT HERE'S AN ANSWER • MOP • When. you suffer from all the annoying discomforts of clogged nostrils, running eyes, catarrh dis- charge due to a cold—rnmember Catarrh -O -Zone. The soothing vapour releasedfrom Catarrh -O -Zone quickly helps clear' the nasal tract— 4 brings fast relief. Just sprinkle a few drops of Catarrh -O -Zone on your handkerchief or in the handy plastic container. A few drops of Catarrh -0 - Zone on the pillow at night helps you rest comfortably. Get Catarrh -Q -Zone today—et your druggist P5.58 04104...•404444w • Modern Beauty Salon 314 Main 0. Phone $t HIGH- :STYLINC PEIMAIIVNTS IMB.•TRZATNINNTS Poor! flondorion. 'Prop. hone.102 • for HARVEY'S TAXI 2,44101* SERVICE Phone 81 The SUIT BUY OF THE YEAR! FREE Extra Skirt with every famous W. R. JOHNSTON made-to-rneasure suit Get Parisian -Inspired A styles in this unusual money -saving offer, - Choose from Johnston's complete range of Brit. ish-made cloths. PRICES REDUCED ON LADIES' ToPcoArs, 2 -PC, SUITS AND , SLACKS, TOM Offer -Expires Nov. 9 WALPER'S Exeter MEATS stage (290°) or until syrup when A birthday cake was a feature • Devon Rindless Sliced a rather brittle thread which sixth anniversary of the Auxil- Saturday Bride Bacon eceives s ea g mine ovember dropped into cold water forms of the lunch celebrating the piles cup in zigzag fashion. feu.. As soon as syrup reaches this Arrangements were.made fir R • • stage remove from b t k the Le ion ba t N G ft warm and immedi‘tely begin dip. and a donation was voted to ping apples, one at a time. Beck Sanatorium. Miss Joan Batten was hostess Twirl about and place, stick up, An levitation was received at bet' borne in the Jarvis Apart - on waxed paper to cool and London, last Wednesday from the Clinton Auxiliary to at- ment5' harden. , tend their twenty-fifth anniver- evening - "for a miscellaneous sgry on November 19. ° shower for Miss Eileen Fraser, Have you a favprite apple re- cipe that- you would share with The mystery prize Was wori by 'hr 1 ide.e ect of this Saturday. our readers? Comrade PearI Henderson. Friends of Mist Fraser show - president Mrs Et/ B e ere4 her with gins and the eve - To. presided. ning was spent infornially. be appointed to the Sen- ate`a Canadian must be at least 30 year old,' must be a British London Church Sweet Smoked . 1 LI3. 6.910 'render Smelted Cryovac Cottage Ro Ills HI -LINE 2 - 3 LIS AVI 69c Subjett, be worth at least $4,000, # and be a resident of the pro- vinee he represents. Scene Of Vows Barbara Anise Dodd, daughter of Archie Dodd and the late Mrs. Dodd became the bride of Charles Henry Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Neilson, R.R. 2, Crediton, in 'a ceremony performed by Rev. Joseph V-. Clarke in Trinity United Church, London, on Saturday, October 26. The bride chose for her wed. ding a formal taffeta -lined gown of crystal charm fashioned with a terse bodite, lily point sleeve and round neckline etched with lace rosettes A bouffant Real Economy With Service Most refrigerators hold from 30 to 60'lbs, in freezer compartment, • A Locker Costs $10 Per Year Tho Combination h Real Economy. The Interest of a $200 bond will pay your locker rent with NO DEPRECIATION, , NO FINANCE CHARGES, NO SERVICE COSTS and you still have the $200, Perhaps this is the time to practice real teonomy. Exeter Frozen Foods „ • 10hona . Mon St. Y • an skirt extended into a brief train. A tnatehing pillbox headdress sprinkled with seed pearls held her fingertip veil of silk illu- sion. She tarried a whit Bible crested wth red roses, stephan- otie and ivy. The bridet attendant was Miss Phyllis Walker, London, gowned in French blue crystal charm. / Clare Wright was groomsman and Ivan Lloyd and Douglas son were ushers, A wedding reception was held In the church following the cve. many, Pot' a wedding trip to points in Eastern Ontario along the $t. Lawrence the bride changed tty a chareoal grey suit with tura ettleise and black accessories and corsage of yellow roses, Mr. and .of Wilson Will r ide e. sat Centralia. A SHOP IN YOUR HOME COMMUNITY Beauty Salon sk Located. Cook's Nolo!, Centralia. TENDER -GROWN • Frying Chickens • 84611. AVE. 0 LA, 37 • Frozen Foods ' Old South Froien ORANGE - AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS SPECIAL THIS MONTH Fre Reveler' Lipstick With' Every $to Pert -anent letave PHONE 750.W -I EXETER Mary Coward, Prop. voWerianlovreowissowsolisvonolowia.WoWinitis 11101 PUISIIES • TENSE, NeRvouS, DURING CHANGE/ "STRIKING RELIEF" Ma , te: Yowl With PINKKAM FORMULA fli mejArify ef Evonufli 141,110 tort in ettent Alif4tat wint los? ((my get “striking Relief" ftoni New yortitilit Teirlito or cetera/4mi. so eo mike Yeti thie °Koff YOU *1St it Hitittrii kilIFUNDED toe* AAe you Alta i'dal rad Pere Oleo sin e h64 ooriot414$ TI9441�i4-44MHIE 11/4_64,n,g4 lik,ifynsell boy NM,/ Porninft Meath/Oil 141.4000t delft *Viet Sotto, And tiiitt waitig It now weir yisst yoe hAck ynne Monty iirlOSS &stet tat gnind ttanhlt. (lett meet • ht *Mist, entten 6 PielkhAre'a,Cohersts, iftei.)Wt ttiiet Pi ekli iseA eme lido' you Asaftiabefoettoe ferny women. • a OZ, TINS 33c 2 12 oz. T..tss 59c Protest FRENCH PRIED JUICE Potatoes 2 ivory 370 Serving Voti Bitter Free • Delivery CUSTOMER PARKING AT REAR OP STORE Maple Leaf Fancy Sockeye Salmon • Aylmer10 or. tins 7% oz, tins ) 45c Tomato Soup 2- FOR 21c Salada Tea' Bags' 73c SO'S 4 AII.Pereose Grind, Made by Nabob Rurnba Coffee Quaker,' 30- off 12 oz. pkg. , Corn Flakes • • . LE: 69c '11, • 21c ,Betty Crocker, 7 Varieties Cake Mixes 3 PkG8 $1 Garden Patch, Choice Peas 15 OZ. TINS Fresh Roasted Fieanuts • 3 FOR 39c Liquid, 7¢ off 64 oz. jug Glide Starch. 0 0 Club House, 40 off 16 oz, ice box 'sr Peanut 'Butter 1 .1133. cella bao • s3 7c 39t • 35c Mac Apples LEL POLY EsAel 49c .1 Crisp, Fresh, 20 oz. bg CELLO CARROTS 10c 'BRUSSELS SPROU1S 19c LOUISIANA YAMS 2. 23; A H___,.....,___,_,__,_.,..„---•--------„------T----------------------._._.....__._.,___,...,...,,.....,, „..„,,,,„......,......„ -7.7,..7.........emmomoom..4., .7.0..µ..........6.......odo =ft...I...a ' • • Saving You More Phone 532 OPEN PIK Th 9 SAT, tit, 10. 1. 1, 4 4 k