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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-31, Page 7
A ,t. ,. A A. 4• S i k 4 r. A A A Y 4 A A , 4 A 4 4 4 4 A A A A A A 4 i. K N A a ,' A 1' 9 a c:07,11 4. The Times -Advocate Building Page 11 `� l *" ■•• 1 t . � 01967, lUN4 IMMURES 61'NAICATE. Ino, WORLD 1101175 Rr.6GRVCD. .1 "You folks go in and look around ... I'll wait here.'; • • • - la), STANDARD i'11,1 MILLWORK HERE eat �"' • FOR YOU, �� � /S MADE 11/1 TO ORDER, �`` 1�-- tal—\TOO © LQCAL TRADEMARKS Inc. Don't Delay! See Us Today! FRED C.:��tEOCNe.�.,w GOOERICH ZURICH `rwLUMBER&. BUILDERS 1� 388 69 SUPPLIES • 'I11111111111111111111! 1111111111111111111111111 1111111I llllllll 1111111111111111111!en 11111nun ll1111!111II, . Insulate Now! Don't Wait for the Snow flurries See Us For The Best In Prices A. Spencer & Son Phone 102-W • Hensall 7111unn 11I11ann1n1n1 II1luil nlinnaunuunninignn1111111lnlllnlpltulmllnnummtunuutmuuw+ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111111 nllllllll 111111111111111111111W We offer standard sizes or will snake special orders to your Measurements. You'll like aur low prices, quality workmanship, PHONE 90 DASHWOOD • :�A1iu1lbuil+liimeullrrrrtrriil➢YnifrRilurYn'rlralTlrrrrnlrlrinralirrlrllulrllln'rill'rmnnlrllllrll+mrRnrrnnrull n our Houle & Garden SETS TONE- en ovationof R front hall sets the tone for the whole house. It was originally tiny, ill -lit and presented a limited view of a chopped -up plan. With the walls re- moved, the view was expanded so you can see the whole length of the house to the backyard. This imaginative renovation design, described in Canadian Homes and Gardens, created a ' wide-open appearance, Soft color scheme adds to illusion of space, SpiII Water, Drop Eggs During Initiation At HS By BILL INGRAM The paper staff at SHDHS staged a Frosh Hop in the school auditorium Thursday night to in- itiate grade nine .students. First event on the program was a game of musical chairs. Next, the staff suggested a water race. A cupful of water was placed on the student's head and he had to walk the length of the auditorium and back without spilling the water. A few made it but more did not. In the egg race, each volunteer was warned that if the fresh egg was dropped he or she would have to clean up the mess. The egg was carried on a spoon held between the teeth. Luckily, the eggs were ,hard-boiled because many were dropped. Volunteers were called to par- ticipate in a balloon blowing con- test. The object was to blow up and break two balloons. A fake trial was held and the three accused were sentenced to repeat "Mary had a little lamb" as a drunk, minister, and as if it was a tragedy. , At nine o'clock pop and dough- nuts were served tothe grade nine students in the.cafeteria. Charades were played by the selected members of each form. There" were . eight topics to act out.. An inflated balloon was smeared with shaving cream and held between' a boy's teeth. Then a girl had .to shave off the cream without breaking the balloon. Relay teams were fornied and they had to turn a wiener end over end to the end of the audi- torium. The students had to count . the number of times the wiener was flipped. Paul . Boulianne had to walk a plank suspended five •feet above the floor. When he was Woodham — Continued From Page 8 Theodore Elliott, Mrs. K. B. Clysdale, Mrs. Jeff Robinson and Mrs. Stuart Shier spoke briefly. The afternoon worship service was in charge of Cooper's Aux- iliary. Mrs. Alfred Baker led the service and was assisted by Miss Florence Jamieson and Mrs. Nelson Baker. The afternoon address was given by Mrs. Whiting of Hazel- ton, B.C., who is the wife of J. .E. Whiting, M.D., resident doc- tor of the United Church hos- pital a t Hazelton, B.C. Mrs. Whiting, who had also served at Bella Coola and Port Simp- son, ,told of the work at this 60 - bed hospital which. is staffed by 40 or more, and is located 200 miles north-east of Prince Ru- pert. The address showed just what missionary givings can do. The offering was received by Mrs. Leonard Thacker and, Mrs. Fred Parkinson of Woodham Evening Auxiliary and the dedi- cation prayer given by Mrs. Stuart Shier of - Kirkton Auxil- iary. Mrs. Frances Saward of Wesley Auxiliary played a violin solo, accompanied by Mrs. M. Dann. Zion East presented a panel discussion on "Facing the Fu- ture in Women's Work." The chairman, 4r1rs.. Jeff Robinson, explained that "women's work" included such a vast area that they would confine the discus Sion to women's work in the church. Mrs. Raymond Crago, Mrs. John Barnett and Mrs. Harvey Spearin were the . panel and the work of the W.M,S., the W.A. and the proposed aural- gan'tation of the two Societies were discussed. The panel left the impression that the slogan "Never underestimate the power of a woman" iS ()hist too true. Registration was in charge of Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Copeland. wife Preserver Apat woithing it erinelleS pout - Coat, spread It evenly over en;open umbrella lend it w31 dry full end ptetty, blindfolded the plank was moved' -onto the stage. He walked the plank thinking that it was five feet but it was just five inches above the stage, Dancing followed with' music by the Blue Mountain. Boys. This lasted until 12 o'clock. het House You Want Through Renovation .All too .often the °idea of a house tailored t,, its family's exact measurements is bypassed because of cost. Though too few people realize it there's another way to get the house you want, a house that fits your needs, yet doesn't cost a fortune, 'i'his..is by renovation. Older homes with their tiny rooms and oddly angled walls may give the appearance of being cramped and small, But an imaginative renovation de- sign can create 'the illusion of extra space while utilizing the actual space to better advan- tage. The result of ozle such reno- vating scheme, described in Canadian Homes 'and Gardens, is a wide open floor plan that would do credit to the newest custom.designed home. Kitchen, living room, dining room and hall were opened into one, flow- ing area . , walls were re- moved, and space divider of slim woad slats now differen- tiates hall from the living room without ou t shuttingit visually. o s Kitchen and di.It vuaing room appear as one large room with only snack bar separating them. In some large old residences you can save more valuable space by removing a new use- less servant's staircase. The ad- ditional floor space mcan usually be added to the kitchen and the space gained upstairs used for extra closet space or even a small bathroom. A high, out -of - proportion fire place can do as much to ruin the appearance of a living room as almost any other thing. Lowering ower ng and slim- ming it down is simple yet does much to add a contemporary look to your living room. One home renovator removed the ornate, molding -trimmed man- tel, knocked off three courses of brick and fitted a new pine plank to get a longer, lower fireplace, Another renovation job that Design C-294 Circulation between rooms is excellent in thisplan and all rooms can bereached, from the front entrance. All three bed- rooms have twin wardrobe clo- sets; the one in the front bed- room has trays built in. Kitchen cabinets' are arranged to leave a large dining space un- der the rear double windows. The living room has a double glazed picture window, fireplace and plentiful wall space. Exterior finish includes shin- gle siding, vertical redwood sid- ing, asphalt shingles, covered front entrance and high win- dows in front bedroom and bath. Floor area is 1139 sq, ft. and cubage is 21,565 cubic feet. Order Plans Here Small House Planning Bureau of Canada P.O. Box 942, SAINT JOHN, New Brunswick Please send me more information, without obligation, about the plan features and the type of construction used in the Times•Advocate. house as pictured in The NAME • ADDRESS CITY .. PROV. • uulluuuu1iuum 11111111111111, I,l11l,,,l l l,llnlmm1luln.un 11111111 ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER - PHONE 719 ,Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work -- Oil Burners -- I GAS Best For ,Cooking. You'll have fewer baking failures with steady -flame GAS. And you'll enjoy the way it burns clean, It's the ;up-to-date Cooking fuel, Gratton 61. Hotsoon Gas Appliances Salo; and Servicc P ZONE 156 W GRAND BEND makes a big difference in a: room is removing the small, useless "piano" windows that cba'racterize ninny older homes,. , The windowscan be bricked in from the outside but that is .expensive. There's a much simpler and less . expensive l thud. Simply close such windows in from the inside with plywood, weatherstripping, insulation end plasterboard, 'The plywood is painted black on the surface facing out; the inside area smoothed with plaster to surface of former wall. Result is a solid 1 wall .suitable for hanging plc- tures. Unsightly radiators can be covered with attractive and use-- , ful built-ins. A. dining room radiator in one Canadian home was built in to serve as a buffet and finished to match the din- ing room table. Sometimes simple renovation lobs make a big difference. An- other family found that .cutting down over -long horizontal' fram- ing on windows and doors to fit flush with the vertical framing cleaned up their appearance. Buying an older house to re- model has one advantage none of the other methods offer you: for less money you get more house space arranged In the way you want it than by any other method. Hensall -- Continued From Page 6 Miss Joyce Peters, of London, was a recent visitor' with her • parents, Mr,and Mrs. Fred Peters, e Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and family spent the weekend with relatives in Marlette, Michigan. • Baptized Sunday The rites of baptism were ad- ministered by Rev H. J. Snell at the Sunday morning service in James St. United church to Richard John Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack F'arsons;'Da- vid Lindsay Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan; Crystal Joan Cowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowen, and Richard Allan Phillips, On of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips. GINGERICH'Sca° HEATING ENGINEER FOR YOUR. NEW HOME MAY WE INSTALL - A WAY OF HEATING, TOPPING ALL i • 0 LOCAL TRAD=MARI:Y, Ink. GINGERICIIS HEATING -LIGHTING -PLUMBING OIL BURNING -AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTS, SUPPLIES 4'4° ELECTRICAL REPAIRING 34MOTOR REWINDING ZURIC ; 1 The Th A 14000 4 OsitokoI" 1957 44{I44444449990444411111111441444110 40 4 411711M111t44404144140j40444Ml.94144444.409lM41RLlIAI44A90104404004 FloO.rt Tile . STANDARD AND "A" GAUGE Priced To Clear •Yarioty Of Colours To Choose From; SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM ' govrittMeti rr .r rr 1 "Build Th. Huron Way" Huron Lumber Co. 1 'f PHONE 48 Limited EXETER I %I14In11111111n1t11n11111111Q11111111I,1111111114111111111111114IIIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIllp11111t1g1glDlllllllllll In P411111111 tiv• 2l llllll lll Hamm llll I14ulll!inn!11111Ig1111111111111111111111111n 11Uulnu UUllltinny 11tlunut 1111 lnum, ll11 t71 Illi llt�'I 3 1. >4M.Pmemiare BEFORE "COLD WEATHER" STRIKES! • INSURE DEPENDABLE WARMTH WITH CLARE HECLA 'OIL — GAS —COAL FURNACES SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY! W. L. HODGE i 3 ..a • Y PHONE 7 CREDITON Tradesmen Directory Consult this Directory for expert work. in .construction er repair. Your local tradesmen are qualified to give prompt, efficient service at reasonable prices. Plumbers Quality Oil Heating INSTALLATIONS HOT WATER and WARM AIR • PLUMBING Is A°Specialty Lorne Kleinstiver PHONE 145 DASHWOOD Electricians GARFIELD 1'HOMSON Commercial, Industrial and Domestic Installation PHONE 232,M EXETER Plastering Interior • Exterior New Work & Repairs There'll No Substitute For "Good Plastering ORNAMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY Guaranteed Workmanship Al Pearce at Son tk.lt NO. 1 KIRKTON Phone,2i.r-S' • Repair DON JOLLY • TELEVISION SETS • ELECTRIC WIRING • SOUND SYSTEMS PHONE 187 Exeter • Television and Radio Repair "Prompt Service" RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter Suppliers L. H TURNBULL AND SON CONtASTE SOCK A TILE' SAND A GRAM. E`xca'vitln0 and Grading MONS 223-W MUNE!, Il$ND Contractors E LM•E R WEBB CONTRACTOR "Buildings A Specialty" Phone 70 GRAND BEND JOHN MINDERLEIN STEEPLE JACK ' Roof Building for.'Churchrs Remodelling and Building of Homes Phone 90•r.18 ZURICH Repair POWER y MOWER Sales Ql. Seri/ice , General Repair TO All We LAING'S SERVICE Phone f Eac+rt•N Your Local Omen i"s'