HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-31, Page 6Timea,Advosats, Odobir –1.10,57 Hensall And District News , CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maud, Seddon, Phone ,Mre. Archie, McGregor, Phone. 482-01 TV Announcer Speaks To WI sSpea er for Kippen East COnnity Night held in lien- ' 0411 town hall last Friday eve- , zing was Bob Corbett of CKNX- ' TV, Winghatu, who gave an bi- teresting talla on his recent trip to Venezuela •and showed pie - tures also. He was introduced by Vrs. J. Drummond and thanked by Mrs. J, McNaoghton. • Mrs, Russell Brock• chaired' dance numbers by Margery Turn - the program consisting of tap • er and Nancy Consitt; readings by Mrs, Harry Caldwell and Mrs. Keri McKay; maw) selec- tion by Mrs. Ross Broadfopt. Members, their husbands and families numbering 175 were in Attendance, Dancing followed the program and refreshments. oach Works Dance The sports committee of Gene - rat Coach Works of Canada, sponsored a donee n the Goni- munity Arena an Friday eve- ning which was wet attended. Desjarcline orchestra provided mem. 1 The committee who sponsored bah team this summer and are sponsoring 4 hockey teain from the factory held the dance to raise funds /or this project. Personal Items Mrs. Ross Jacques returned home from St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, Louden, where she has been receiving treatment for the past two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and Joan of London called on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brenderharst moved to the farm of Mr, Bruce Tuckey one and one quarter miles east qf Hensel]. this week. • Veterinary •• Baby Needs Wilson's Rexoll Drugs PHONE 20 • HENSALL ,0111**141111 lllll I l 101 llllll *III ttttt tt lllll III ll I llll tottltittlIttelititittiststitlk • .I.SMFT 1 '57 FOD FAIRLANE 500 TUDOR •• $2,995 Has everything except inside plumbing. I '56 CHEVROLET RANCHWAGON, a beaut 4$2,295 I '57 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN $1,995 i• Radio; overdrive, 0,K. I. '56 FORD CUSTOM V8 TUDOR, a steal $1,995 '55 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V8 SEDAN $1,595 1 Low mileage, '55 FORD COACH $1,595 •if Brought up in the ministry. ' a '55 DODGE SEDAN, it runs • $1,595, $new, 1 '54 DODGE SUBURBAN, like I think $1,495 J-., 1 '54 METEOR "NIAGARA" SEDAN, radio $1,350 • .1 '53 FORD COACK'yum, yurn! $1,095 • 1 '53 PONTIAC COACH $1,095 •I Educated bya high school teacher. • ., 4 ' '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 995 I '53 PLYMOUTH SEX WAGON $ 995 '52 FORD COACH $ 750 • '51 FORD SEDAN, automatic, a .beauty $ 750 TRUCKS • .1 I '57 FORD 1 TON PARCEL DELIVERY $3,950 Low mileage. 1 '54 MERCURY TRACTOR $2,500 Five ton motor, fifth wheel, saddle tanks 1 '56 FORD PICKUP, 8 foot box • $1,500 £ 53 FORD 3 TON 7' x 14' RACK STAKE DUMP $1,300 '53 Form 3 TON 1' x 14' RACK STAKE llll $1,295 New :motor, • '48 MERCURY a TON C & C, good tires 350 z SPECIALS The following beautiful cars and trucks will be reduced $10 each day until gold: Thurs. Price '52 RIO TANDUM DUMP $ 505 •'51 CHEVROLET SEDAN, above average $e 560 '51DODat COAC1t, ski -jump back ... $ 505 • '50 DODO, COAC1t, abovc avevage lll $ 460 • '51 STUD ICER SEDAN', overdrive $1 460 '50 DODGE SEDAN, nice $ 360, • '50 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio $ 360 '51 HUDSON "PACEMAKER" SEDAN, radio $ 360 '49 CHEVROLET "CLUE' COUPE $ 215 'TRACTORS dt• IMPLEMENTS '86 FORD WITH SHERMAN RACK -HOE AND FORD INDUSTRIAL PRONT-MD LOAD. •M. -Get into b.siness for yourself At a decided saving. Work available! . lllll $5,200 : '54 WOODS CORN PICKER . $ 666 The best on the market, 'Se DOVIDADItit RAU TRACKS $ 225 Oet into those soft places. 'Mrs. W. R. Bell Active In Church 1 11r.s. William R. Bell, 57 former. Gertrude Zuefle of sail, cited in, St. Joseph's II tal,, London, on Thursday, tober 24, having been a pa for five weeks, A resident of Hensall all life, she was an active me of Carmel Presbyterian ch having been a president, tre rer and group leader in the dies AM arid at the time •of death Was secretary of the men's Missionary Society. SheAmber Rebekah Lodge, Hensel), hav- ing served as treasurer and re• cording Secretary of that group. Surviving, besides her husband are five sons; Harold and Don- ald, Toronto; Ronald, Windsor; John, Chatham; Robert, Hen- sall; three daughters, Ellen, Mrs. Clarence ICnight, Exeter; Mar- garet and Alma, Toronto; one brother, Lorne Zuefle, Windsor; one sister, Mrs. Peter Buchanan, Hensall and six grandchildren. Public funeral services were held from Carmel Presbyterian church on Saturday conducted by Rev. Samuel Kerr of Exe- tet, in the absence of Rev Don- ald MacDonald who was ill. In- terment was in Baird's ceme- tery, Honorary pall bearers w members of the session of church and the bearers w the Coourtonto About romarty By MKS. K. McKELLA* Homo *wood The home of Mr. anal rs John Tempiernan„ Let 12,• CM -- session Hiblaert, was -complete ly destroyed by tiro ealtsed from overheated stove pipes, around noon on Seturday. Mitchell and Seafcelli fire brig- ades were called, but failed te save the house. The loss Is partly .eevereel by insurance, laIr. and Mrs. -Templeman have a family er seven -Children who are being cared for by relative$ :onctiolisouitable living quarters are to rebuild immediately, secured. Ur. Templemae plans moved by ambulance to Seaforth rk Mrs. Harry Norris was re- 7:57- Hospital on Monday, ii„,,a; Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace • 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and , Mrs, l:)onald Wallace, Carling- aler ford. nitlybil their daughter, Isabel, with her M. and. Mrs. Neil Lamont and a.,"„. friend, of London, were Sunday 4'4- visitors with M. and Mrs. Lloyd her aa,„ Sorsdahl and family, "a'Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Joyce, Brenda and Craig, and M. and Mrs, Andrew McLach- lan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis, Wood- stock. Mr. and Mre. W. Rputley, visited on Wednesday evening with M. and .Mre. K. McKellar, •••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••• Letter From Kippen By MRS, NORMAN I.,ONG Mr, Joe Lostell is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sed - forth. Mr. Samuel Cuchnore had a ere successful sale Saturday and left the Saturday evening to live in Lon- don with his •son' and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs, Perkins and two ,thildren of Centralia will move in to Mr. Cudmore's house next Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Jack - 'son and Dorothy visited a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Everett. Harper of Unionville. Mrs. Arthur Anderson is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert included Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClinchey and Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLellan end Lois and Mrs, Hugh McGregor all of Hensell, Mr, and Mrs. C. Scarffe, Mr, and Mrs. J. Dickert, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hubbard and Kenneth of Harriaton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cudmore of Vancouver who have visited for several weeks with, Mrs. *CO- more's brother and, sister-in- law, Mr.. and Mrs. Wilfred Mel - lis and relatives, left for their home on Monday. Mrs. Phillip plcKenzie Is con- fined to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. in the interest of her.health. Miss Dorothy Reinke of Ham - her five sons and a nephew, M. Zuefle, Windsor, Silver Wedding Anniversary On the occasion of their 25th; wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr entertained to a turkey supper at Carmel Pres- byterian Church on Saturday. James Orr, brother of Mr. Orr, proposed a toast to the happy couple and several gentlemen present gave speeches. Those attending were Mrs. Louise Gilbert; Miss Donna Gil- bert, Mr. John .Proudlove, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gilbert, all of , London; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Gloria and Cheryl, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs, Basil Fuller, Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Wm. ,Mc,Eachen and Allan, Jean and Joyce McEachen, Sarnia; Mr, 1 and Mra. James Orr and Anna, Parlthill; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr and Marvin, Hanover; Mr. ' and Mrs. Fred Glover, Arkona; Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDon- ald, Ailsa Craig, and Jim, Orr of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Orr were mar- ried in Strathroy 25 years ago at the Presbyterian mane by the late Rev. H. D. Cameron; Their .family is composed pf two sons, Jim at home, and Cpl. Don Orr of the RCAF now staa honed in Germany. • During a Social time at their home Mr. and Mrs. Orr received many ging. Music was. supplied by James Orr of Parkhill on the violin, his daughter, Anna, on the piano and Mr. A. 11, Orr on saxophone. Personal Items - • Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol and Maja entertained Miss Marilyn Eyre and members of her bridal party at their home following rehearsal- on Friday evening. Twenty-two were present. A so- cial hour was enjoyed, Mrs. B. Cross is visiting with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Robin- son, of London. The bake sale scheduled for Saturday last sponsored by Am- ber Rebekah Lodge was post- poned until further notice owing to the death of one of their val- ned members, Mrs. W. R, Bell. Hensalr and Chiselhurst Young Peoples' Union attended services at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Sunday evening last and heard Rev, ,-Dr. Ernest Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown Of Oxford, Mich., spent the week- end with Mrs, Edna Corbett and Mr, end Mrs. Ed. Corbett and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Parker, Mrs. Harold Parker and Mr, and Mrs, John Baker visited this week with Mr. Floyd Lee, an Trenton,. Mich. Mr. Bill Lavender of Univera Say of Western Ontario spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Lavender. Mr. and Mrs? Rue, McEwen Jr, spent the weekend holiday- ing in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Ellis of Clinton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman. Mrs, Luis Sittipson was a recent visite'. with Mr. and Mrs. H. 0, Dayrnan in London, ' Rev. Donald MacDonald who has been confined tri his home with the flu as improVing nietly, • LAC Victor Stan, .of the RCAF', Who has been stationed at Ayl- mer, has been posted to Red Deer, Alta, His wife, the former Laura Sangster of Iletsall, and little son, JiinznY, accoMPanied hiin be the trip and Will take up residence there. Mrs, Archie Noakes is visiting with .her daughter Mid son-lin- • low, Mr. awl Mrs. Ken Mad - lar. ac1 familv in Chatham. Mr. and Mit hick Adkins have taken up teeldelice in Wing. hani, and have rented their re. silence here te W. and VIM Arthur Perkar. Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Stephen. son spent the 'weekend Visiting with the latter's -brother, Dr, IL, E. Single and Mts. Sinale, in , Midland. Mr. .6 °itiVT111 and Arndt' las, ad of Sudbury, fire tpend. everal week '1t their par. Mr. and Urs. Ione ilk- lit°PtlieaSe Tete te Peg* VI Tx: arry Snider Motors 1?,0 624 Salo and Sorvio ENEMA! ck t • a fielliattegettertetieftelitlitiattenthettitittittitatatelliteettiMeNaglealatiegitilieetiennetergeueete. . .Kin Saucerg-E.:..yed Over Teacher's Tale "Flyieg saucers exist. and I sands of people beading in. th to x s .1 d 291 •CIL.INDAS ST. Plat 24651 .LONDON, -ONt e- • a liave authentic -documents to direction Of Fort Knox. The eta PrTohvees t." etwere the words -or Major Earle C. Sheila', a teacher of modern language at Ingersoll Collegiate and a representative of Flying Saucers Internatiapal and the World Interplanetary Assembly at Lausanne, Switzer- land, as he spoke to members and guests of the diensall Kips- ? "") • Cpmish, Mitchell & Co, I s s CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS s 1 e 11. K. .4. Cornish la, P. cernieh D. Mitchell E 3 K. W. Sleds W. E. Suchard s Police were alerted as well a the air force. who alespatche three :planes to intercept the y. ported At first,, the objec were not travelling too fast a the three planes gave obese, Bu they mon planes their spec and two of the planes gave u the ,ahase. Mantell reported aye his radio that he was going t s e a • 8 S o 4 r tS i'f011; t !,10111010141110,1111/801000140)Mi14010110000AIMItittlifkitlitIOMMUMMIUMWHIMMI141111111.1111$11110-4 • aaageekeemeeteeelematemaemememeneemeameeemeeememelelemeemeeeineeeenea ct P i Them°:f "The -Pick For • nen c'iub nilirspdearyeeneleglilyt.a dinner meeting try to 44atnetlelltbsP'4bnieptereCaanndi have not seen a down, shattered into thousand flying saucer/ However, there 01 pieces. has been 1,800 instances Of flying "Our friends from Venus e saucers being sighted -on this pressed their regret that Man continent since June of 1247. tell's plane Was destroyed in thi Thousands of *people have seen fashion, stated Shelly. He e them with their naked eyes and plalned 11 t.t • xuagneti they all can't be wrong. -Some of field of force around the saner the finest scientists, radar men, and when an object hits thi and pilots of passenger air craft field, it is like hitting a solid wal ha'v'Oenseejlantlulaemry. 7, 1047, Capt. Europe. fursetpeeel stretching from here t Thomas Mantel]. a the air !areal "These people frona the tithe at Fort Knox, Kentucky, was in-, planets do not deliberately de formed of a bilge disc, 1,000 feet ; stray. They believe in the same in diameter, and seen by thou-; God as we do and have 12 laws I•on Venus and Mars that would compare With our ten command Hen$all PerSOnalS. ments. On these planets there is 1 no hatred, lust or crime. They Cook Messrs.andDlleoew jaerydet,Siceapt eS, Sundaythey fish sdnocla.t hunthayjeu s at aslt t hewe hell butwe for Ricigetowe on a hunting ex- • have here on earth" pedMiss Emma Palethorpe, re- turned missionary from Korea, was guest speaker at the Thank - Offering of the Women's Mission- ary Society of the United Church pn Sunday morning last. A ladies choir rendered two selections, and Rev, C. D. Daniel took the speaker,aervieeand introduced the Miss Betty Miekle, of Toronto, spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mrs. Howard Scene, teacher of the kindergarten of the public school, is home this week with the flu, so 28 pupils in her room are enjoying a few xnore days' holidays. Mrs. Donald MacDonald took the service in Carmel Church Sunday morning last for her hus- band, Rev. D. MaeDonald, who is ill with the flu. Mrs. MacDon- ald, a returned missionary from India, spoke of mission work, Miss Betty Mickle spent the weekend in Ottawa visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jean MacMurchy, and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons. ilton was a recent guest' of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Jackson and family, Sunday service at St. Andrew's United Church was well attend- ed. Rev, McMillan was in charge pf the service, He, chose for tip sermon subject "Horne and the corning generation." Baptismal rites were given the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. johp Moore, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love, and the in- fant daughter 'Of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Dalton, Supper Cancelled • The fowl supper has been cancelled at Carmel. Presbyter- ian Church in Hensel, due to flu. (adv't) ttt lllll t lll ttotttftt lllll IIIIIIIIII1 llllll * lllllllll IIIIIIII lll Are You Ready? Visit Joynt's In Hensel]. For The Best In, Warm Winter Clothing For Men & Boys. Look At These, Men! FLANNEL WORK SHIRTS •• from $1.98 to $3.95 WASH AND WEAR FLANNEL SHIRTS „.,. $3.95 WOOL WORK SWEATERS $3,85 LINED SMOCKS llllllllllllll ll ll lllllll •$6.95 • BUTI1ONED & ZIPPER OVERAL,LS $6,95 to $7,05 WORK COATS AND PARKAS. , 49,95, to $14.95 Something For The Boys Too! LINED JEANS — In corduroy, drill and denim, with matching shirts. SizeS 4 to 6 l , ll l $5,95 Sizes 6 to 12 ,,,„,„.•01*oplYPio*EO4 • $6.95 FLANNEL SIMS $1.49 to $2,95 SPECIAL VALUE — Extra large cut boys' flannel. Shirt with double elbows and expando seams, priced at only $2.95, ALSO GOOD. VALUES M boys' Mitts, gloves, under- wear, work sox mut flannel pyjamas. FOOTWEAR — You must SO our complete line Of footwear for children, boys and mem .FIJOHT ROOTS, 4 at 5 kItICKLE GALOSHES WORX PULL.ONS, black with strap. . ZIPM OALOSHES Over end Yos Rubbers SHOP AND SAVE At T. C. Joynt 6, Son Pion. 62 - • The reason saucers will not lead in any great numbers on earth, Major Shelley said, is be-. cause earth is not ready to re- ceive them, "We. can't even live among our oven races in friendli- ness, let alone live with people from another planet," If the ge people from outer space gave earth the secret to their flying saucers, earth would Wen around and build ships to destroy its enemies, he said. •I The speaker read several quo- tations from the works of well- known writers of the early ages which led him to believe that 1 saucers existed even in those times. "There is nothing new in this world," the teacher said. "We are merely redistovering. things which. God created during the first six days. "These facts deem hard to be- lieve, However, can you BM any- thing in history that clarifies the belief that flying saucers don't exist?" 6 4 CALL Seldon Fuels • Distributors Of ' White Rose Products • STOVE OK, • FURNACE Coli; also • DIESEL OIL • GASOLINE The Best Black Anthrciicite See What You Buy( • Disco Coke Now In Stock Pocahontas and Various Stoker Coals Always Available Beldon Fuels Phone 90-W or 2 • Exeter I ) ll ll lll ttletttifttittsfmttittsitutititkittit tittlitteltig llllllllll iftwattttio4 Best Looking For '58 • • YALTY LINE The PORT-O-RAMA 5 -WAY PORTABLE In one lightweight cabinet, Einem= Port -O -Rama offers you 14" or 17" • TV, radio with phonojack, optional car -and -boat plug-in, and under pillow speaker for hospital use and personal listening -- truly an Emerson • "best -looking" value for 1958 Eldorado and Imperial Series Beautifully -styled pace -setters for '58, the new tIdorado.and Imperial sere bring you new styling, new wide -range Screen, new stepped-up performance ... "best -looking" TV for '58. Choose from 24", 21" and 17" Console and Table Models — plus • 210TV-Phono-Radio Combination. • • 4 A A A 4 A 0' p' Best Listening For '58 Zmerson 11111141 , • ' Model 03 DAM° OF CANADA LIMItED trent6ii Aver Uteri et Am. Rayed, -diet, 1, \edam...lama SEE INE NEW ROYALTY LINE At YOUR EMERSON DEALER NOW tett'lli find every high-fidelity feature you have ever wanted hi the four great Ernerson 11i4i Models for 'U. Each set brings you .` top engineering, with advanced styling and oreitanianship that make an Emerson cabinet the showpiece of any liVing-rborn, Erne/S0// RADIOS Radio's vvide world a entertainment is at your fingertips with this and the nine ether Royalty Lino H..1 mote BEAVERS. HARDWARE 66 e EXETER •