HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-24, Page 15J 4 .... r , 1 { A , Hiensall ., Continued Prom Page S KAY Bell of l^iensail. Res.: council: ;Plant 'HOMO Recreation Council held ant open meeting in the TWA T.w BaliTu Tuesday evening to organize and jtwent1 re.. creation. Flans were glade dor oil ,paint. ing and v eat craft classes, shut, fleboar'd and badinihnten. Reception & Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. KEN Mci.ELLAN (nee'Merle Did;kert) • Of i ippen TOWN HALL, HENSALL We . d,, Oct. 30 NORRIS ORCHESTRA Lildle Please Provide Lunch ' . 1 MIDDLESEX YORKSHIRE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION ' First Annual FALL SALE Sat., Oct. 26 1:30 p,m. DST Melbourne • SALES ARENA Offering 40 Head. of Top Quality Middlesex York- shires, 20 Open, Gilts,, 12 Bred: Sows, 10 Boars, includ- ing top .prize winners from lxnany'' local fairs',and 4-H clubs. LUNCH SERVED Catalogues Available At The . Sale D:isn isles; Action ; Over ;Bike Crash After' deliberating: two hours Ina ;civil case, a Supreme .Court' jury at God.erich absolved +Ser• a1d Wilhelm, of Stephen town- ship), in .a claim for unstated daanages arising nut of a car - bicycle accident. The action Was dismissed without costs. wiihelin +t vas driving on Exe* ter's nnain street about .0 p.m. en March 16, 1956, when his car'. was in Collision with a. bicycle ridden by Robert David Hall, then 9 years ,old, of Exeter. Suit was filed on.. behalf -of the.; boy by :his father, Charles W. Hall. The boy :suffered, leg in- juries necessitating several months in hospital and two sung - teal operations. Wilhelm .argued that he was driving on bis own .Side of the road and that the.boy crossed over from the other side in front of him. The driver said he did see the boy until he struck him,. and had no chance to stop, .The Halls claimed street lights! were working' n and that if Wit - helm helm ' had been watching the road he 'could not help but see the youth on the bicycle. • Elmer D. Bell, QC, acted for the plaintiffs. Attend Hospital Convention Miss Alice Claypole and Miss Maxine Reeder of the staff of South Huron Hospital and Mrs, B, S. McNaughton and Mrs, Fired Dobbs of the Ladies Aux- iliary to the Hospital plan to attend the 33rd annual conven- tion of the Ontario Hospital As- sociation being held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto next Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. AIdOn Theatre Grand Bend FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 25 and 26 "PORT AFRIQUE" (Technicolor) * Pier Angell •* Phil Carey• PLUS SHORTS & COMIC ' • One Show Each Nite '8 O'Clock (Standard Time) en,""1111111111110411 .,iU01114t1u111111111111111111110n111 Iluuu1Lninulq1,linusulliuuilfuu1161u,uulili111110 Special Meetings CHURCH .OF GOD, GRAND BEND Oct'. 27 to Nov. '8 Every. Nite at 8:00 p.m. Except Saturday Sunday 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. EVANGELIST:, REV. J. R. •TACKETT Oak Grove, Louisianna All Welcome. ,• Pastor: E. Wattam 1 ' a 'J nuup,inuu111nnuulitiu11utuLylinnn ttIuupmuu111111unuuuuuulI uuu11nuuunnunu1111i11111111116` 'Report ,CSI Baseline Aly MRS. ARCH:IE :.DBW.AR Mrs.'It. N. McLellan, , 10na Station, provincial .board dniect• of Federated W. I. visited on Tuesday with Mrs. George Wil. son. Mr. and Mrs.. lieward Switzer •weregueon. Sunday with hr .daughter. Mrs. Albert Her- nandez and Mr. Hernandez, SL 'Them as. A number of the ladies of the Cooper's W.M.S. attended the sectional rally held in the Wood; ham church on .Friday of last week. 111r.• and Mrs. Robe. Elston and • family and Mr. Jesse Elston attended the United •Church an- niversary on Sunday and visited Mrs. Elston's sister, Mrs, Nei- son Knox and Joyce. Murray .and Barrie Thompson of 8th Line were .Sunday visitors with their grandfather, , Mn, John Rim. . A number exf families are laid h n ,up With Sv .. the flu, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand Rend, Mr, and Mrs, Win. Whyte and family, Toronto,. Were Tuesday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norris Webb, Mr, Wm. Rion left for the West on Thursdaj' evening on business,. His destination is mad - thine Hat but he will visit his unole, Mr. Fred Rinti, who is very 111 in University Hospital, Edmo •a ton, Mr. Rini is Base Line old boy, - Messrs, Howard and William Rion shipped 100 head of cattle to Buffalo on Monday of this week. Miss- Myrtle Brine of Detroit is visiting her brother, Lloyd Brine, this week, A number of farmers attended the plowing match at Simcoe this week, ' The niost recently released in- come tax figures show engineers and, architects ,as Canada's high- est earners, with an . annual average income of $12,509, Other leading groups: lawyers, $11,295; doctors, • $11,891; accountants, $8,672; dentists, $7,$96; invest- ors, $6,009; business proprietors, $4,971, ' Middlesex Cream Producers Plan To Attend The ANNUAL MEETING Of Your Organization Fri., Oct..25 8:30 p.m Town Hall Parkhill SoMnNG CRE�R T "ONE FEJOTIPI: HEAVEN' IS HERE!!.: r A PICTURE TO EMBRACE EVERY HEART! Erucan Personal Items dire Wi' Mrs. H. E. liodgins Sr. was hostess for :the 'October fineet- ing of the .Birr WL Roil call was answered by, `"A Duty of a Good Citizen.'' Mrs. Ernest O'Neil discussed the motto, "No one IS rich enough to he without a neighbour." Speaking on "Civil Defence" Stanley anley Lacey of Dorchester was the guest .speaker. He outlined ways and means women's or- eanlzations could help out •in times of emergency. A donation to U.N,F.S.C.0, :was. approved. Harvest Nome Service A perfect autumn day brought out a good congregation ,.to the llytited Church's Harvest Home service last Sunday morning. Rev. J, Cooke, of Arkona, was the guest speaker, having ex changed pulpits with •R v. Ed ar Rouistop, Large ,baskets gof flowers, in memory of the late Mrs. Myron Culbert, formed d partof the church. setting, Members of the Luca Y.P.U. were responsible for other dec- (orations of fruit, vegetables and leaves. After the service the , fruit :and vegetable'si were donat- ed to a local needY faintly. Alasem ent ,Flower An Alice St, resident, when planting lus dahlias,last spring n missed one bulb on hid basement floor. Recently fine went down to the furnace room; ,(which he hadn't been using all summer). To his surprise he found the dahlia out -in bloom. The bulb ,had grown and bloomed without water or sunlight. library Bridge In spite ,of flu and a wet night there r were three tables fend one player ,extra) at the Library Next Wednesday will be. Euchre. PersonalBridge last Item:Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hussey and family spent the holiday h3 Bothwell, • the guests of Mrs, Bessie Caldwell, Mr.n a d Mrs. Arnold Morley andfamily m 1 t it y e the 1 li spent to da weekend in Owen Sound, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wil- cox. • Miss 1ss E m a m 'McDougall and Miss Asha Hodgins have return- ed to Bowmanville after a week's visit with .Mrs, Annie Fairies. 141r. r. and Mrs, Howard Kew JAMES. ES• M STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.CY M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a,m,—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "They Went Forth" Anthems by the Junior Choir Sacrament of Baptism will be observed, A Warm Welcbine *` Is Extended To All NOTE: The evening service will be withdrawn in favor of Caven Church annig:esary. Remember these Spiritual Life Missions: Clinton •.Ontario St., Oct. 27 to Nov. 1; James St. United, Nov, 3 to Nov; 10. CHRISTIAN REFORMED ' CHURCH 9:45 a.ni,--Dutch Service., ' 2:15 p.in,—'Rev. Wynia of the Netherlands will preach TAAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION. •EXETER Sunday School 10:30 td,11:30 a.m.• "Teach Me Thy 'truth, 0 Lord" *Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich ZION CHURCH Evangelical Ueiited•Brethr`en ' CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship "People Who . Hate H e God 11;15 a.m,-Church School 7:30 pan, -Evening Service Monday —, District youth Rally -Wednesday -- Congregational, . Dinner Meeting. at 6:30 pan. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. 'W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, October 27 10:00 a.m.--."My Stewardship" 11:05 a.m.—Snnclay School •No Evening Service ANNIVERSARY SERVICES in CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, EXETER Sunday,' October 27 Anniversary Preacher: Rev. Wallace McClean, Lticknow 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Our Heritage" 7;00 p.m. --Evening' Worship "The Challenge of the Cross" Special music at both services, Nursery for children up to six years in the morning. , ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K. L, Zorn, Phone 6S 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School '11:00 a.m.—Reformation Service • THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rester Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Robert 'Cameron, Organist 8:30 a,m,—Holy Communion 7;00 p.m.—Evening' Service Everybody Welcome THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN -MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Worship English Lapguage 310 p.m.—Sunday School Everybody Welcome MAIN STREET • The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10;00 a.m.—Thea Church School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Service Nursery Class up to three years in the Primary. Department. Beginners, ages 4-6, will t(>ith- draw during the second hymn. Christ Calls -•- Answer Him Go To Church. and, limo nt the 'haltdesrThe T 1 weekend. as orontg. with Mr; and Mrs. E. 4, .Kew. Mrs. Irene Oursey, Miss Del- rene course/ and Mr. Pon Down spent Thanksgiving in .Retrofit, guests .o# Mr. and •Mrs. Fred Vord end faintly* Mr and Mrs. J. S. Ready and family were guests of Mrs. Ready's mother, Mrs.. Allan Bell, of Durbalil for the holiday :week• +end, M.rs. Erie Young, Mrs. .Robert Coughlirn and ,1►tr, and Mrs. George Young, spent Thanks- giving in Toronto, guests .01 Mr. and Mrs, Ken Jones,• Mrs. Perry Charsley and Mr. d itl o g of. • R Sm ubr e Sduy we. Thanksgiving guests of l�zr. aid Mrs, M, 0. Smith and Mrs, Ices Franey,. Mr. and Mrs. Neil hackie and 117r, George Leckie wer i Teesday guests. Rev, and Mrs. Paul 'Thomson and family .spent Thanksgiving at a family gathering at the home .of Mr. andlMrs.Roy Mc- Gregor, Richmond Hill. i Ms s Battle Hodgins of " the Green _Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill, attended the sliver .weddings of her brothers at Pe n- fneld and is spending a few daYs with- her sister, Mrs, Alvin Mc- Leof 1 i ' Lean .. E g infield. Miss Margaret Wald and Mrs• St, Marys of Saginaw were Sun- day callers on Miss ;Kate Bow- yer. 'Mrs, Ii. S. Stanley, Mr, and Mrs. Clare Stanley and Mr. Andy Chisholm attended the Chisholm - Barry wedding in Stouffville October 11 and re- mained over the weekend with Toronto relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin and fannily, of Hickson, were holiday t i r i goes s with Mrs. l w n s parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Mathers. Mrs. Ira Carling, and Miss COMING EVENTS . HOME BAKING and Produce Sale in IOOF . Hall, Hensall, on Saturday, October 26 at 3 pan. Sponsored by 'Amber Rebekah Lodge, 24c BAZAAR & TEA—Sponsored by Crediton United W.A., Com- munity Centre, Saturday, Nov, 2, 2;30 p.m. (Standard Time). 24c MRS. ROY MORENZ, of Dash- wood, will be a guest on "M'Lady" - CKNX-TV on Tues- day, October 29, to make a Prize-winning Golden Glow Lay- er Cake. Programme time 3:15- 4:00 P.M. 24c ANNUAL MEETING — This is your invitation to attend the annual meeting of the Huron County Music Festival Associa- tion, to be held on Monday, October 28, at 8 P.M. in the G'oderich Public School Audit- orium, 24c MASQUERADE DANCE -- Mt, Carmel Hall, Thursday, • October 31, Desjardine's 0rche5rta, lunch, good prizes for costumes. 24c RESERVE November 4, Town Hall, 8 p.m.,' for organizational meeting bf• Exeter Citizens' Band under the direction of Mr. James Ford. ,Watch for further announcement. Telephone in- quiries 375-J. 24c HOT TURKEY SUPPER, Grand Bend United Church, • Friday, November 15, sponsored by the Women's Association. 24:31:7c ,l ltlltlll11111'1 llu illi lllll11111111111IIn1a 11111111t1111tttt Malum Il li'mammal 1'1,11'*maim lllllllllllllllllllll mit1,t • Hog Producers Information • Meeting Wed., October 30 8 P.M. SHDHS Auditorium . Speakers: Charles 'McInnis & Jim Boynton llllullltlillllllllllutllllll111111111111111I11111111111i111111t11t111111n mo; ll 11111111111111111111t111M ONLY THE HEART • : CAN DESCRIBE iTS CLOW! 1*qt-it* .„(23,1 ERE iS the fulfillhient of all that could be desired in a Motion Picture ... the sweetness of life ... the sorrow of depth . c . down-to-earth humor and the joy of love' and tender romance. Here is family prayer at •eventide ... The singing of "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Abide With Me" in the Church• of your faith.... Here, to fill your cup of happiness ten times ten, Is the 1leartwarriming adven- tures of a Parson in the hills where God was only a name ... a picture for every mon who has a dream , .. for every, woman who . believes In'enc mon ... A picture to shore with someone you love very, vary much ' `.,o/ 4 r THE PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE • Main Street Pastor: ' Evang.' L.. Winn -Butler Organist: Miss Marion Treibner Pianist: Mrs. Don Jolty - 9:45 a,m,--Sunday School 11:00 a nn. -Morning Worship • 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 pat.—Bible. Study and Prayar. - ' Friday, 8: pan.,—Christ •Ambas- sador's We ' Extend A Hearty Welcome To All "For ever, 0 Lord, Thy word is settled in Heaven." —Psalms 119:89 PICTURE THAT SAYS... ..XiodBlesshialbodyi L Y R 1 C etetrili9 JOHN BEAL THEATRE EXETER Thtrsday,Friday $t.:• Saturday. . October 24, 25 and. 26 • Mon., Tue.. and Vied.. October 28, 29 and 30 "MR. COR`" Elaimv Ile ' AUTUMN Annhhersary. Sunday, Oct. 27 11 a.m.. EST *REV. HUGH WILSON In Charge Special Music By Choir Everyone Welcome PENNY NICHOLS Acrobatic Tap Dancer 444 After le We.akef to St. Joseph's'; 'hospital, fallowing his fall from a ladder, Mr. Harvey Haskett, eek' London, was able to visit ?dr. .awl Mrs. MitchellHooke* a m►w rt day. Muriel Carling spent last Sunday in Kincardine,. the guests- of Mr. and Mrs. Eisner Walpole., Mrs. Waiter Gibson, at Hamel - ton, are spending a ,week, with 1 Ltcan frionds, imaking heed- quarterS'with Mr. Jr. P. Orme. Mers. 'William iWelsh and Don were Sundayvisitors with M Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sainting, Mr. A. Williamson, of Watford, IS .convalescing in the Lucan I`.Pines Haven ,Nursing: Yonne, Mr. ,and Mrs. Ted Morrow and C.11liss Maxine Loney, :of ,Cass City, Mich., were Sunday guests of Mr. end Mrs. Charles Wind- sor Mrs. Windsor returned with them for a week's visit, Mrs, C. W. Iiawkshaw was. a week -end guest of Mrs. Lelaa Ward, of Guelph. Sunday and week -end visitors with Mrs. Irene Coursey includ- ed Mr, And Mrs.FredFord and Robert, of Detroit; Mrs. A, C. • Calder and Mr. and Mrs, Merrill: Edwards, of London, and Mrs. P. N. Harding, of Niagara.` Men's Club Meeting The United Church I en's Club opened,, its winter activities last Wednesday .ev.ening .with Mr, Aldan Walker's group in charge of the program and refresh- ments. The highlight of the meet- ing was a tour through The Lon- don Free Press building, which was followed by a business Meet- ing i t e•• I g tt c lurch parlors later, Lucky Draw Just how.lucky can the Reving tons get? Glen Revington. won the $2,500 hockey draw at St. Marys last week. Ham & Bean Supper er Tues., Oct. 29 TRIVITT MEMOPIAL PARISH HALL Supper Served from 5:30 on Admission 800 Sponsored by Trivitt WA un1,nl,Ilu ung Munn ul l u m, Munn U nnial estin KlRKT)I C•OMMUNIT '', ASSOCIATION Tuesday.. 'Oct, 2 0:15 pm. ABIERDEI:N HALL KIRKTON Everyone •Welcome w.. Bazaar and • Tea Centralia United Church Ved 2.30 p.m. Aprons, Home Cooking ng ester. Bazaar And Tea Main Street United Church Sat., October 26 2:30 p.m. • Several interesting booths including aprons, homy cooking, supper dishes etc., BETA SIGMA PHI Annual Sorority Ball Wednesday, November 6 Legion Hall, Exeter Bill Stuart's Orchestra Dancing 9:30 to 1 Admission $3.00 A Couple, Dress Optional FIRST ANNUAL Fowl Shoot 1-2 Miler West Of Exeter on 83 Highway October 30 at 1:00 o'clock .Oven -Ready Turkeys Chickens And Ducks Events For All Shotguns, 22's and Hi -Power Rifles REFRESHMENTS ON THE GROUNDS Sponsored by Exeter ,L.O.L; Building Committee ,n, lululnulllt11mn11ulllll tuumuutu11tu1u111Hsu u1 inial '111 eat 1al llllann,uu111i111umll lmusimitollllA xeter Lions Club FROL1 Proceeds For Exeter Scout And Guide House FRIDAY, Exeter Free Draws FIVE, $10 PRIZES FQR SCHOOL PUPILS Cash prises $300!: FREE Admission OCTOBER 25- Community Arena Vaudeville SHOW JACK BATEMAN Coinediah, Magician, MC PENNY NICHOLS Tap 13abcer & Acrobat WACKY WIZARD Cbille41411 JIMMY GARR ►TT Musical Virtuoso 10 EXCITING Garner B1NGO Dance ONTIRTAlNMtN? PON ALL AGO •