HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-24, Page 11Y ) r A ) 4 r J You Don't Keed Any , Comments About Kirk.ton Ey MRS. HAROLD DAVIS. Mr, .and Mrs. Fred 'Switzer Vent `.t'hanksgiving. weekend in the Welland vicinity,, spending Tuesday :at tile- plowing xnatch o11 their return trip. Sunday visitors with Mr. and . Dave .S1ambIaWwere Mr. and n Mrs. 1 , ,Tack Neil and ;girls of 'atfordi Mrs. W. J. Shanblaw 11X1 Mrs. L: Smit, Herwood. Mr. and -Mrs. Alf Paul of .St, Marys visited Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ma :hardy.. A baptismal service was held in 'Si, Paul's Anglican Church Sunday evening when Mark Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Roundell, was 'baptized. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wright of Fenwick spent the weekend with Mr. and 11Zrs:� Fred Switzer, also Mr. and Mrs. Switzer. visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry . Simpson of London. Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbert Pitman and' Ross of T'otOnto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Rounded and family. Mr. and Mrs, Burns Blackler •1. and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stacey of Rannoch and attended Zion church anniversary. • .GINGERICH'GX ,1H.PA1xING 'hIG!NIER IN THEIR NEW HOME. SEE THEM GRN -- WE WE PUT THE BATHROOM UNITS 94 cleat.up1 41,1 I. GINGERICI3S RATING -LIGHTING -PLUMBING• 'OIL BURNING -MR CONDITIONING EQU I PMEN 1`S, SUPPLE ES dELECTRICAL REPAiRIN6 3 �'M mitt). RWi1�biN�a• ZURIC .t 1 . CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words ,or Iesa 1.0c . 1. � More Than 25 Words -. 2 P.er Word 20'' OF, �F if ad paid with order or bR Saturday following. vtne the last insertion :SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 400 More Than '25 Words 1 0W. er Word rd Semi -Display classifieds •(Restricted, to one coluinfl) First Insertion 980 Per l.nch Subsequent Insertions 840 Per Inch Classified 'ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon..' FOR SMLE , DRAIN.T.ILE 4 inch k 55 per 111 Del'd 5 inch 85 per M De1'd 6 inch lie per M 'Del'd 7 inch 141 pet• M Iae1'd 8 inch ...'- ''' 171 -per M Del'd ' T s, Y'sa'ndFlibows in Stock Prices for 1n", 12" and 14" RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elgknfield Phone 193 Lucan lltfn C ARE Y SAFE — $50.00. Apply at Times-Advoeate. tfc* TOYS; TOYS! Beavers Basement Toytown is open all year round, Gifts for children's parties. birth- days etc, for all ages. Beavers Hardware. 3tfn MIANI'T1E—$5,00 per ]earl spread on your garden. CI, J. Dow.'pbone 83 Exeter. 10:1 f ;24:3lc SPECIAL OFFER—To November 5 only, 60 issues of Saturday Eve* Mtn' Post for only $4.79. Exeter 'rimes - Advocate, subscription agent'tor all magazines. 17:24:31 WRECKING HOUSE --Brick, lum- ber, interior trim, etc.(',. A, Mc - Dowel 1, Con tr'act'or, Centralia, phone •8$1-W Exeter. 24' MITCHELL CIDER MILL will operate every day except Mon- day starting October 8 until Noe vember22, by appointment. Fred Hennick & Son. 17;24:31c Family • Allowances are paid on behalf of Canadian children up to age 3.6' unless they fail to attend school or marry. The Allowances now cost more than $400,000,000 a year, equal 1.o about $i in $4 of all money col- lected in personal income taxes. Whatever you're saving for—better save at The .BANK of 'NOVA SCOTIA! HOW MUCH WILL THE. REPAIR BILL BE? PAYugo for telephone Aervicing anddrepairs is olid house, hold 'expense that isn't ever likely to worry you. You'll appreciate our 'quick attention to any inter, ru tions inyour service a repairs don't p , and the fact that repairs alter your usual monthly bill. Add to this 'our constant work on the entire system, and you Jaye a new and nterestlljg picture of the value of your telephone. . 'i'HI HLL4 TILgt4iDwk COMPANY OP c AN/EA FOR SALE Itl,k`1tltli:PA.T011, 0 ru. ft. I+e1 vitiator, in real good sha:p0, at reasonable price, Van be seen in the evenings at the 1lorne of L. 14. Johnson, 31 Mein $t„ phone 103 :Exeter. 10:241in 120 PULLETS, 7 months odd, W- ill layers No. 310, laying 8071,, $2.011 each. Apply Harold Maw. son, I;.it, $ Parkhill, phone 62n. r-' 24c i',ITTJ4U CARRam 7'.I.tAl,K, 130, fret, used, half peke* APPlY Wall YWctl, 1)ashss•pod, phone 54. 17:21e CA'.t",LIE MINERALS — See your Co-op for the best buy in balanc- ed minerals. 53,10 cwt, Why• pay more? ,Exeter District 4'e - 00, phen - e 07. 17:24:31c TIME -. Special offer, 78 weeks for $6.87. Limited time only. SO). seripiions to all magazines. Ex- eter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 10:17.11:21 SE13AG0 POTATOES and celeiy. by4 theft hunchDwooor crate. Piro �e 44- BOYS' .SUIT, medium blue, .size 10-12, 2 pale trousers; hays sub- urban coat, charcoal, size 10-12; both in Dew condition. May be seen at .Brady Cleaners. 24* CIJILS' WINTER. COAT, biege, size 12; gept's grey wool suit, size 38, 1n nely condition; boys' sport coat. age 12-14, in very good eandition, items: tray be seen at 511(1 -Town Cleaners, Phare 33 for Pariieu.lars. 21e '54 CIi16V, In good condition, like new slip covers, Phone ;41-r-8 Dashwood, 34e W.1NDi11Ii,L, oil bath; 75 ft. of pipe, in good shape, Apply Elmer Dena reline, phone 38-r.-11 Grand 4• LADLES' 'WINTER COAT. wine, size 13, in excellent condition. Mlay be seen at Brady Cleaners. 2q. TBABY CARRIAGE, LIoyd, sliver grey, used 1 year, in good con- dition, Phone 303 -Mf, 224• COOK STOVE, white enamelled, with reservoir and w a rmain g oven; wilt burn coal or wood. .Apply to Oscar Brine, after 5 p.m, phone fth'kton 82-14. 34* 1'033, OIL TANK TRUCKS or used construction machinery, contact Gillen Truck Equipment Limited, 5461 Tongs Street, Willowdale, Ont, 24c LADIES HOME JOUI:N A•L—Spec- Ja] offer; 23 months only $4.47. Applies to new subscriptions, re- newals and Christmas gift. orders. See us for any subscription. Ex- eter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 10:24-11:91 16 HEIFERS, Hereford, average ing 600 1be, Wally Wein, Dash- wood, phone 5•{, 24:ale SPRAYED APPLES; Spy, Green- ing, Baldwin, Tatman Sweets, Pee.walkee, etc. and cider apples. Fred McClymont, one mile south of Varna. 24:31c 300 PULLETS, R,I,I3. - L.S., 5 months old. Apply Bruce Shap - ton, R,R. 1 Exeter, phone 599- '7M-1 xxeter, 240 STORE FIXTURES, in upper and lower sections; 78 ft. birch, in good condition. Easily dismantled. Apply Campbell's Drug Store, Goderieb. • • 24* PICT'. -IIT} TRUCI(, '54 Dodge, in good shape. Apply Mrs, Silas Stanlake, 357 Carling St., Exeter. 240 COOK STOVE, Findlay - Verga, requires new brick. 1V111 sell cheap. Cali 32-J Credllon, after 5 o'clock, 24' PEARS, Keener, Ideal for can- ning. G. 3, Dow, phone 83 Ex- eter. ' 24:31c FOR RENT CLOWN COSTUMES for Hallow- e'en. Phone 689 Exeter. 24c APARTMENT. above Gould & .Tory store. Apply T. O. Sauthcott. lltfc APARTMENT, upstairs, 3 bright rooms and hath„ 556 monthly, un- furnished, for bachelor or. busi- ness couple. No children please, because of office below. Apply Jein, phone 7 days,356 evenings.4 9tfc APARTMENT, furnished, steam heated; ay a i l a b l e now; lots of heat and hot water, clean, cosy, cheerful, right in the middle of town, reasonable rent. Elliot Apartments, 442 Main St„ phone 476, 111:10tfc BRICK COTTAGE, .2 -bedroom, 2 - piece bath, oil furnace Phone 435 or write W. C. Pearce, Ex- eter. 10:10tfc STORE on Mlain Stret, opposite the Post Office. Available Oct. 1. Apply at Times -Advocate. 9:19tfc UPPER APARTMENT, on. Wil- liam St,,, near downtown, heated, unfurnished, 4 rooms and bath, range wiring and separate hot water tank. All conveniences and entirely private. Phone 232-M. 10:17tfc 3 - ROOM APARTME'NT, upt:aie front, with private bath and entrance, available Nov. 1, All utilities Paid New floor cover- ings tend fteshiy decorated, at 315 Andrew St., Exeter, Apply at Pord's lien's Wear, Exeter, of phones 611-r-5' Henson (collect), • 10:?tin 2 MODERN APARTMENTS heat- ed. Attfield's Goner a 1 Store, Crediton, 10:24tfc APARTMENT, choice lower, very attractive, with all modertr cone Venienees. complete privacy in- cluding bathroom, laundry and garage. Available Immediately. \Mllliam Oestrioher, phone 12-J Crediton,10:24tfe 4 -norm APARTMENT, 3' -Piece it at 11, completely ledepenclent, ground floor, furnished. Phone 20. Exeter. o • 24e LA;RGE HOME. comfortable, at 534 Main St, Available immediate- ly, 575 monthly, 4 rooms and bath downstairs 4 bedi•oonls 111)- r , p.l1 hewed, suitable for large family, boarding house, hair dressing, etc., spacious lawn and garden, Phone 7 says, 056 evening's. 'l4tfe 3 - ROOM TITMIe NT, down, Males, in o d e r n, se 1f•canta.itted. !tented, partly furnished, private eaitrance, suit tree or two adults; Appiy 145 Victoria St W. or phoneTiirktoti 84-i14...._ , 24• 11 S T 0 REY IIO13SE inmate, kitchen cupboards, running water, 314'0 miles west of Hensall, just (qf. highway 84, Anply Clifford Welde, p'hotie 88•,.02 Zurich. 17:24:21 e r' PARA1:27'llitiNTS, furnished, 1 llpsts.irs, 1 'down, fleeted, ,tot and cold water, bb.th find toilet, Ap- ply 'WVillie:re Abbott, ` 170' "trlet'ori4. Si, W., pltOue 249-W efter 6 p.m. 17:24+' REAL ESTATE 4 t1i'Olb11OOld ROUX, nearly to*,full pored beselleettt, ori furriaee, hardledod t1o011; Met side.. of. '14 0ttr; close ft) schools. R. E, 130.1k. Will, 47 John, St, East, Exeter, el360090.1.„,.._ 1ttro 100 ACTT I t tmr, +eeritent lfil}t•Ta heillee With hydro, barn; rlrive- shed, heti leen; never raillint Wetter itu 131x', ,hhely Wiitterd r»- Ja'rdirls, ,it, 27301111111rood, 17;24+' REAL ESTATE 2”-1J33)110Q3( liODtE, pearly new, In Ilene ll; modern kitchen and With, livita(: room, utility 1.Oott), 0,11 heated, New permanent Awn- 10gs and garage. A11 landscaped with hedge and :shrubs, Reason ;for selling-.. other .interests.. AD Ply to. Bort "S", Titnes- Adioeate. 1:7;2'4* 30 ACRES on.osS LAND, one of best in Stanley 'L wp, Windt/111i with plenty of water. fence In good d ra L udi tan. 411/1113' 1 do1 n7 i Carr ik'eali i;. phone I; Z r u Ith P ne 99 t•-1, Zurich. 17:24:31e HOMES S FARMS MS C. V.Pickard Exeter 54,000 QASI•I will ;give you pos- session of modern one -storey 3 - bedroom home. Attached garage, Beautifully finished kitchen and bathroom, .011 heated. Balance of purchase price .pn liberal terms. #',000 CASH—possession of 4-bed- 1'oom brick. Good kitchen and bathroom. Nice basement with good .furnace. Garage. Easy terms on balance of moderate purchase Price, APARTMENT HOUSE — centrally located, 4 completely furnished self-contained apartments. This an oil heated brick with ever thing In the best of repa tlu•oughout. Will provide . con fortaple home and income. APARTMENT 110ITSE—good lcce orlon, 5 apartments, oil beated Offered at a very low price. CENTRALIA -- 3 -bedroom house. Approximately 1;i acre of land and barn, Hydro. Price $2,300.00 Terms, 11'AOLMM 100 ACRES Centralia district close to highway and school Good barn and comfortable house Hydro, Productive clay loam Price 516,500,00, Liberal terms. 100 ACRES—I(ippen. district, level clay loam. Hydro in house and barn, Good water supply, Price 512,000.00. 100 ACRES—Exeter, large brick house and large barn on wall. Best of land. Hydro. Moderately priced, To buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor & General Insurance, 394 Main St., Exeter, Phones 165 and 628. 9:12tfc er... z HELP 'WANTED :fi0't Si 1(161:PI;I1 for full or part Stipe, to live in .or out ,V)tone or063 :Exeter. 240 LAD:." OR .GIRL 1p help with care of children on a full-time bests. .t'holte 860 .or :'163 Exeter. 24e 1:01:S1.1f:F:I6i'1::P,. Capable wo- man to taire full charge. Tjiu'ee rooms a va 1 la hie for reli'ahle couple if acoonunodation requir- ed' 11t one :I:IS .,4 MATURE LA1)Y without previous htlainesa experience but willing to work and learn can earn $2.00 to $3.00 per hour servicing ill her own neighborhood. 165tablislted Avon territories Baser available in Exeter. Write: Dirs. 1, a u r e en Green, Hanover, Avon Manager, Bax 281, Iiarlorer. Opportunity We require a man. who can de- vote 8, portion of his time each day in securing information per. taining to the construction Act- ivity in Exeter district, Please state your qualifications by let ter to Box "ME",Exeter Times- Advoeate, 24c 6 'WAITRESSES, full time, ex- perience preferred, Apply Buckley Restaurant. 'Exeter, ngc SINGLE, MEAN or boy to worlc on farm. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter. 24c SERVICES WANTED The T1mes.Adyoc..t,,. 00! t Results riolt134t13 -Will buy,any kind of 1loreee, heavy 0r light. Bu3'. sell '00 .ex01141We. Call 138, ,#rank '1 aylor•', Exeter, Stare Wanted To Rent Bedroom Nouse In Exeter APTLY 'BOX 43 :EXETER 24c WAT4NCT TREES for logs, 7' and up in length, free .of limbs, 16" and up in diameter, 16" from ground. Good prices paid. .Apply I•'. T h o in p s a n, phone 21, .1111. Ilrydges, Ont. 24:31:.7c 30 STEERS and d.bout 10 stork rows,'from 600 to 900 1bs Wally Wein. phone 54 Dashwood 24:31e USE D PIANO; medium-sized; boys' snow suit, size 4. Phone 791-R, Exeter, 340 AUCTION SALES Extensive As rnG cL>aANIaG_ AUCTION SALE Ir Arralrgemt t t- Of High Quality Holsteins �� Otto Beef Cattle Combine, Farm Machinery Valuable Tractors, Truck Poultry, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises Lot 17, Con. 4. and 5 STEPHEN TOWNSHIl; 111 Miles East of Crediton and 2 Miles North or 91e Mlles West of Exeter on Huron St. and 44 Mile South Tile undersigned auctioneer is. instructed to sell by public auc- tion on 'i'QF.SD.4y, OCTOBER 2e, 195: Commencing at 32 O'Clock Sharp HOLSTEINS: Holstein cow with second calf at foot, fresh 8 weeks; cow with second calf at foot, fresh two weeks: blue roan cow, fresh 3 weeks; Holstein lt0ifer with calf at foot, fresh 2 • weeks;ldcalf, cow,milking, due Nov'.y21 , Holstein cow, milking, carrying second calf, due Jan, 9; cow, milking, carrying second calf, due Jan, 18; Holstein cow, milk - b. 16: cow,yi carrying third calf, second ca f, milking, due Feb. 20; cow, carry- ing third calf, milking, due Feb. 28; cow, milking, carrying third assets E f the said Estate i11 d date the -carrying fourth 10: calf, epw, t ell Mar. distributed among the persons 14; cow, milking, carrying third, entitled thereto, having regard calf, due Mar. 19; cow, milking, only to claims of which the carrying fifth calf, due. Mar. 19; undersigned shall then have no- blue cow, milking, carrying Hee. fourth calf, due Mar. 22; Holstein cow, milking, carrying fourth calf, due Mar. 28; cow, milking, carrying third calf, due, April 12• cow, milking, carrying third call, due .Tune 5; cow, milking, carrying second calf, due .Tune 8; purebred Jersey' cow, carrying third calf, due Nov. 14; purebred Jersey cow mincing, carrying third calf, due Dee. 6; Hereford cow, milking, carrying' fourth calf, due June 9; Hereford cow, milking, carrying fourth calf• due Jan. 3• Hereford cow, calf at foot, due Dec, 3. This is an exceptional good herd of cows, htgb producers, all vaccinated and T.R. tested. 12 Hereford and Polled Angus steers, rising 2 years old; 15 Polled Angus yearlings; purebred Polled Angus bull, Lea Bandolier, sired by Bandolier of Anoka, born October 10, 19-04. TRUCIt. TRACTORS & COM- BINE; 19556 International "R"-110 ?.4 ton pick-up truck, 20,000 miles, in now condition; Oliver Stand - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 and '77" tractor. complete with live power take -off, in new con- dition;, Allis Chalmers "B" stand- ard tractor, in A-1 condition; Oliver Model 18 grain combine with 7 -ft. table, completely equipped, used one season, in brand, new condition. is WHITEWASHING `Watson, Dashwood, be phone 15-r- 19. p n J5 -1' - DEAD STOCK: Picked up prompt- • ly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for a'nimais under 000 lbs, total. Phone° collect: Ex- eter 287; William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingerso 11. 9:5-11:25 CARPENTRY WORK,- roofing and siding, repairs and additions. Ap- :, ply Arthur Day, 46 Gidley St. .9:6-10:24 NOW IS THE TIME to have your septic tanks pumped out, Picone Butler Bros., 130-'W or 108 Lucan. 9:12-11:21• NEW HOUSE nearing completion, Forced air oil. heating. Nice loca- tion. Reasonable price. Apply to Tom Walker, Nelson St., phone 563. • Stfd BRICK COTTAGE, 2 -bedroom, in- sulated ceilings; furnace, 3 -piece bath, attached garage, garden, immediate possession. 10:10tfc 1 FLOOR, .instil brie, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kitchen, full cellar, furnace, hot water, tank, central location. FRAME HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, hy- dro. bath, oil heat. APARTMENT HOUSE, oil furnace heat, separate entrances and bath- rooms. Good investment. Good dwelling; 3 bedrooms, bathroom u p s t a Fr s; living room, dining room, den, Kitchen, main floor, furnace. 25tfc HIGHWAY 100 ACRES, brick house, large barns, silo, drive - shed; 516,000. STEPHEN 100 ACRES, brick house, has conveniences, large L - shape barns with good stabling, litter carrier. FRAME HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, in good condition, less than half cash, balance by month like rent. Why rent? , 9:12tfc Write, phone or come. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parsons, 'phone 507. Fred Cole,. phone 536-W, Sales- men. 11 tfc FARM containing 147 acres, 20 acres of good bush, bank barn, 40x60; barn, 34,x56, not up; pig pen, new , colony house, shed, geed house, good land, well drained; good reekwell. Lot 3, Con, 21, Stephen Township, sec- ond farm north of Greenway. Estate of the late Henry Hartle. 24c 160 ACRES of good clay loam, two large barns witit good water supply. Large"modern seven -room brick house. This farm moderate- ly priced to sell quickly. • All inquiries should be addressed to Mr. Harold. .Teffery, R.R, No. 3, Exeter, Ontario, This advertisement published free by THE ALLIED FARM SERVICES OF CANADA, 1629 D N, DOAS STREET, LONDON, ON- * 24c FARMS _ 11IOUSES BT;S1NESS PROPERTIES Exeter 6 - ROOM :LOUSE, 3 bedrooms, living room; kitchen, complete bath, partially finished basement, patio, garage, furnace, 58,750.00, 5-1100M HOUSE, on large lot, 3 bedrooms, living room, large kite ellen, 3' -place bath, basement, oil furnace. garage, 6,500,00 6 -ROOM: HOUSE, Johns Manville exterior, completely modern, liv indroom. , dinette, kitchen,. 3 bed rooms, garage, oil furnace, 54,000 owng CREDITON=7-room, modern brick home,. living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, complete bath, oil furnace, small barn, 20x40, well located, 57,000.00, 5 -ROOM MODERN HOME, •2 bed- )'ooms, dining room, living room. kitchen, complete bath, full base- ment, oil heated, V.L,A, approv- ed. 100 ACRES, near Parkhill, new htproof barn, foundation in for house, 2 fie Wing 'Svelte, fenced, $7,850:00, ]ow down payment, CHRISTMAS TREE :FARM — 100 acres, 30,000 Christmas trees planted 54,500,00, 1IARDWA RF." STORE L a r g e brick bnitding, oil heated, Ioeat- ed in Western Ontario on Main highway, - gift store and other guaranteed ineonte, 'stock at in. voice, low down pay)nent. We have a number of 50.350 Atte farfl)5, lown hotrSes and busi'nOss properties rot your pet'- neel, We invite .your inquiries and listings, 1►, all, JACIeSO1', herd Estate Phone 83 Grand Bend HETI ,T, RAISER,- Agent Ii ioi[e 30er4 faslkretiod (Shipkn) -424e, 3..rn:r nooitt HOME, nearly riele', hand :10 M fleMe m east aide dr' 1 x- eter; Close. to s0ttoois. I2., E, Balk. Will. 47 Tenn St. Sleet, Exeter, phoneS9 T, _._. .L11tfo loo A:CfI;S On No. 4 hlghvl'ay, ire= tween ;Clinton and Brueefleld", 9 room frame 'muse with bath and base)ttMit, bsa'n, 54x66 and 24x32. Plotighing dope, Thirt farm 1s tiled and ail under cultleatielt eXeopt 3 aoees, Will Mie11 100 Or 160. See 1T511 I,, treedetson, 'L"x• titer, or II', Ii. Atoold, pretzel', 1cip'pen, piano! irensall OPALi1 ; FRAME 1.1613SO4J, 7 T00171,10:17 3 be3dW4,x' roams tit, With 11.01e:b bath; t 'etlronnt Pe deli arid 2.pleed batii dow1i hlcrilWeed floors riotvn; 611 :teat` itdjltCent 16116 t+ .kllpl'y 256 iftdr.w il{l:,l li:lo:2tltl NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Alice Lavine Hackney, late 'of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against: the Estate of the late Alice Lavina Hackney, who died on the 6114 day or October. 1957, ere• hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 8114 day of November, 1957. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 19th day of October, 1957. • W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Executors. 24:31:7c TENDERS WANTED OPEN DITCH WORK TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for 4,360 cu. yds, of open (Stch work. Tenders, accompanied by 10% de- posit cheque, must be in the hands of the clerk not later than October 33, 1957, Plan, profile and specifications may be seen at the office of the clerk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted.• F. W. MOR.LOCK, Clerk 10:17:24c APPLICATIONS Will he received for service station attendant to operate station in Exeter, Apply H, O. Free, Seaforth. 10:17tfc TAXI BUSINESS - Thriving taxi business for sale, due to ill health; operating for 10 years; located in the heart of town, Clinton Cab, phone Hunter 2- 9012. 24c WANTED: Reliable man as Deal- er in Huron County, Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable busi- ness where Rawleigh products have been sold for years. Btg profits, Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. T-202.163, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real, Que, 24c MISCELLANEOUS NOTE: Terms can be arranged on combine before sale date. FARM MIACHINERY: New Hol- land hay baler, used 2 seasons; McDeering binder, 7 ft. cut, like pew; McDeering mower, 6 ft. cut; 11•IcDeering 15 -run double disc grain and fertilizer drill, used 2 seasons; International 8 -plate one-way disc; International 32 - plate double disc, like new: John Deere 8 -ft, spring tooth cultivat- or; Cobey heavy duty rubber, tire wagon; 16 -ft. hay and grain rack; rubber tire wagon, 16 ft. rack; international 10 ft. dump rake; Ceckshutt 4 -bar side rake, like new; 3 -drum steel roller: 4 - section diamond harrows; Mc - Deering horse - drawn m a n u r e EVENTIDE 'VILLA spreader; power take -off grass sEventide Villa, a home for elder- scuffle 0 ; Internal Chalmers yhorse ly citizens, is now open at 30 drawn 2 -row .scuffles and bean Sanders St., Exeter. The Villa is puller; Henderson manure loader under the management of Mfrs. for Allis Chalmers tractor; Inter- L. Desjardine, phone 150 ?Exeter, national 3 -furrow plow, on rub- 9:12:tfc ber, like new; 15 -unit 'Univer'sal milker (complete); Ebersol grain blower; Fairbanks -Morse hammer mill; 100 ft. drive belt; 2,000-1b. platform scales: walking plow; ensilage cart; wire stretcher; block and tackle; 2 electric fenc- ers; milk cans and strainer; In- ternational 750 cap, power wash- er; Model 3.G cream separator, In brand clew condition; electric brooder; sling ropes; root pulper; milk cart; forks shovels; chains, etc., ate. POULTRY: SO Rock and Leg- ' horn pullets, 5 months old. HAY, GRAIN & PEED -•- 500 bales red clover hay; 4,000 bales of mixed hay; 800 bales straw; 35 ft. ensilage; 1,200 bushels of mixed grain, Beaver oats and Montealm barley. Yorkshire soli carrying third t it 1er clue Nov. 17, Quantity of Household Efheets, Plan. 00 attend this outstanding sale, Selling to start sharp at 12 o'rWork, L uneh booth on grounds. TERMS. Cash. HENRY PIN11557N] R, Prop. 'GNETALVIN SVALPER, AKS,uctioneer 17:246 NOTICES COURT OF REVISION • The first Sitting of the Court or Revision of the town of Exeter to hear appeais against the municipal assessments of 1957 will be held in the Council Chambers of the. Town Hall at 7 p.m. on ,the 4th day of No'- ve)nbor, 1957, Dated Octoberi32, 1957. (Signed) C. V. PI('!I(AR1, Town Clerk, BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY CHICKS. Pullets, Wide choice. Special meat broilers; dual purpose cockerels. Ames In. Cross pullets, Ask for fall list. Some started. Comp let e ISst, agent; Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W, or Bray Hatchery. 120 John N., Hanitlt4)n, 24e EQUIP.MENT FOR RENT SEWING MtACHINES 'Ritchie pOrtables, by the week. /.Topper- 6loekey 1'11rrtiture, phone 09, Ex- eter. tura Floor Sanders 1!'ieier Edget's, ] Noor Polishers Vacuum gleaners', Tools, Etc, A1dAkV,g1jt J4ARDWA'1 m, >S:teler EMPLOYMENT WANTED 11:.4.011IEb WOMAN, stenograph- er, desires pobition in office 01, istote. Phone- S4t.,i. le* i•EOtt410WORA, by the day..Apply by phoning 692-r-41 Hcneali. 24* PERSONAL You Near Better The Sonotone Way tear tree bbelelht Send :thin 'ars. Iteetleenteht to: Dept, TA1, Jae* Tiib4 '1 Imat' Mi6 6;21frrifit. At Public AUCTION Farm Stock Ili( 'Implements Household Effects On the Prelnises n( T,Et, AND DIOSJATIDTN'C On lilghtvay 21, 2 Mlles North of GRANT) BEND Oppeslte Supertost Garage 10111b,tY, OCTOBER 25 Commencing at 1100 pan, the: following; LIVESTOCK: 23 head of cattle, all under six years, itelnding: black e.ow;' Heisted)) nose; Ilei e- ford cow; black T3etOtord heifer; black Hereford NSW (all with calves by side) black Hereford heifer, due Nov.3; lyperk lee heifer, due New. 20 black Iiere• ford heifer, 3. Seats; 3 yea111;1g. heifers; yearlitng Het'eferil steer; 6 04 4'ing eel's -01i 3 rows and 20 1t'eanery 125 Naw llsrnp x Sus- sex pullets, laying; geese and duels. MIACIT/NVIA1r: 1924 l~`orcl tree. tot, 'in _good ci)ndit1011; Ferguson i*ped0; st, lilteh ui vvator; t'' bee tiro ?fagot a.nd . rook; nl'.I4 ptilper, /tete plates, Ford ?;tine,': rt'ee,n1 Seperetor; Immo )eek, bit birth• electro' rnefeier 11r41ratl0' hrtlbYt9er ritiWo; 25 gals. 1 ietur'o'a' lipuld fsrtliieo . i'Elabz 1,500 *quire Delle* 11140; • b000 bushels. Rodney oats: 121 eels 'buckwheat; -quantity tlf molasses. in dl'ut 1. li0['SIOIjQLl? i3i"3i'1 t'T'.5:.3-piece elfest.erfielct Saito, good +:ondl- alOn; vale dining' room suite, tattle, buffet and 6 chair's; cream red breakfast suite; ('1)ita :cabinet, studio couch; propane stove, table - top model; white porcelain anntY: vale bed and dresser;; 2 spying- fibred ntalt- resses, eyrie gs; ' a•hesterfleId chairs: 2 ironing Boards; child's crib: high 11)0(1'; 11n.aleutos: guilts: ts drapes; irons: toaster; gas teat rrosley matte t o fo, numer- ous otherarticles. No reserve as propt'lator is giv- Ing tip farming, TERMS: ('ash day of sale. LEL4AN1i 171.5TAJIDINl7, P1•.op, HECTOR AIeNEIL, .Auntioneer 1'hone Alvinston 613-r-6 7' 24e .AUCTION SALE Clearing Of Valuable Real Estate Tractors, Combine Farm .implements, .Feed and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises Lot 23. coif. 9 IIAY '1'0WN1II]P 1 Mile East of Zurich •and 1 ;Salle North The undersigned auctioneer Is instructed to sell by public auc- tion on T.I;111$1) Y, T)OVitlaiBt'let 5, 39.11 at 34:00 pan. Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 100 acres of land, Lot e5, ton e, Hay Township, on which is situ- ated a well-built 2 -storey brick dwelling t1`itlt all modern c•on- v.enleneea, Large bank barn; new tsdola.ubteleof garage, repair. drive shed, hon stable and pig pen. A11'In good Farm well drained; good clay loam; 5 acres of mixed bush; re- mainder all under cultivation. VEAL ESTATE; Consisting of 31 acres, North Boundary. 42uarter, Lot 18. All under, il tiraoa and e11o4e may loam, Terms of Ileal Estate: 'l0 day of sale; hatanee in 30 12.31; Sold 611b1ect tee a l'e3wun:lble Via• servo bid 0311A•c'Turs r f,'OMB1Nel: Ages ha.imers x'•' "A" row crop treat•• torr. completely egpippcd, 114 ,414.1 rendition; 11eDeering rvw cr�le tractor, on steel, in ,gent, :coedit• tion, equipped with beats obit cont nuttier: 141rl)(print; 6 yr'4 rut No. 16 eonditu0- templet0Tt equipped, in 1, l. rd 14) e', 111d »dtd n PARISI 511 lIl'+I,Il:1: aiclled+r. Ing 4 -bar side rate. 111:e melee; M -I1 11 -run fertilizer .41'1111 51-1.1 ritltifato1'; Mc•I)erl'bvg cuittvator; Nrilcrring horse-rll'ann manu)?ll n p r e u d r r: hydraulic 2 -furrow 3)10a; „-section diamond 1arrows3. M eDeering 5 ft. 4tut mower; 41 'ft, cut hinder, for swathing' Mos Deering 'S -plate, tractor' disc, 115:o nen-: 31 ft, gt'atn Auger: A1•.I; cream 80 p a rate r; rubber tire wagon, 16 G. rack; rluaaitlty C. lumber'; cedar poste; root pulper; dump rake: 2 cleetric fenvecs;. fanning trill: block and tackle; fence stretcher; quantity of new all; air compressor: literal vise; work: bench; rubber licit; pull1111 equipnment; metal streeack: -carpenter t in i'aetl* .etc. is r C•1. 1'IEIED: 54)0 hales mixed bay; .110 1)124,8 st0,41ty, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 33EJ1 piano; Sparton electric radio: es wooden beds, springs and Matte reser steel bed, springs and matt- ress; baby crib; !:atonia electric washing machine: elc(lary elec. Incistove; oil heater; kitchen cupboard; 11811 mirror; .chest of drawer s; dressers: .eotnitlodee; ironing board; meat saw; sealers; large table: centre tables; stand; quantity of dishes; many articles foo numerous to mention, TERMS: Cash. Casit. No Reserve—everythinb Will be. sold. IIEP.BERT CORM" QRTII, 1'roix. R. F. ST ADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer+ ,ln11/1/111n11111 lllll Intilll,11111n/11111111111U1 IIn1181n 1111111111111111f I1 ,lull newilitliO111111111111$118818181Inft,. 4 For 1 "The Pick Of Them All" CALL WHITE ROSE Seldon Fuels Distributors Of White Rose Products • STOVE OIL • FURNACE OIL also • DIESEL OIL • GASOLINE The Best Black Anthracite See What You Buy! Disco Coke Now In Stock Pocahontas and Various Stoker Coals Always Available Seldon Fuels Phone 90,W or 2 . Exeter , r. 1l illllllllll111111I1 wilts llllll 111111mini111um f1,11111111it1 mifrifriti 1n111111 n:11111111111111/,,turtle , IDA Fall SaIe Oct. 28 - Nov. 2 All Next Week SDA Halibut IDA Liver Oil Capsules Oil 500's *3,49 250's 40 oz. 870 $1.69 100's .89 16 O. 430 Utility Hot Water Bottle Reg. $1.98 fr $1.49 Heating Pads' 'leg. $4.9u #3.98 ,leg. $4.95 53.98 3•Piece Dresser Set lar ttsh, Coinb & Mirror $4.98 Special! Toilet Soap 10 Bars 490 CHRISTMAS CARDS Special Giant Value 50 fel^ 98. •