HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-24, Page 6'iPeg• • The Times,Adwocate, October 24, 19$7 Hensall And District News CQRRESPQNDENTS Mrs. Maude !-,edden, Phone 5 Mrs,. Archie McQregor, Phone 482..r-:31 Lloyd Mousseau Arena Manager Lloyd Alousseau was appointed Caretaker and manager of Hen- . salt Community Memorial Arena At a meeting of the Pant Board on Wednesday of last week. A representation was present from the local curling club. Mrs. E. R. Davis, president of kiensall Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary, and .Airs. L. Baynham, secretary,presented, the board with portraits of Queen Eliza - be t ate itnce Philip from the Auxiliary for the new auditor- ium in the arena. President J a nr e s Sangster chaired the meeting Addresses Fall Deanery Mrs. John Mirehouse, of Lon- don, educational secretary for Huron Diocese, addressed the 'Fall Deanery of .Huron held at SL Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, Wednesday afternoon, October 16. Mrs. Mirehouse gave interesting highlights of the four-day Dominion W.A. at. Cal- gary, Mrs. Hunt, of Goderich, presi- dent, was in the chair. Carmel Auxiliary Entertains Guests Mrs. Percy Campbell presid- ed for the October meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church held Tuesday evening of last week in the church school- room. Mrs. R. Madge conducted the devotional period fo: Mrs. John Soldan's group in the .ab- sence of Mrs. Soldan. She was assisted by Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. E. Campbell. The topic was taken!. by Mrs, John Love. Mrs. L. Baynham was appointed treasurer for the remainder of this year. Mrs. P• .. Campbell submitted the trea- surer's report. Plans- were outlined for a a bazaar to be held later, and hot turkey supper scheduled for Fri- b day, November 8. Mrs. C. Reid, s assistant secretary, acted in p that capacity in the absence of p the secretary, Mrs. John Sol- f dan. .1 t Amber Rebekah Lodge Noble Grand Mrs. William Caldwell presided for the regu- • lar meeting- of Amber Rebekah a Lodge Wednesday e v e n i n g. • C Plans were finalized for a bake ' t sale to be held in the lodge club rooms . Saturday, October t 26. s The group will assist the 1.0.0.?. with the'children's Hal- g lowe'en party, and dance the p following evening of Novembler 1. A social hour of cards was 10 enjoyed and the winners were ' Mrs. Inez McEwan and Mrs. Eva Carlisle. Personal Items ;Woman Fall 'At Opening While attending the opening of Hensall's new public stitrool Fri- day night Miss Clarissa Mitchell fell and tripped over a six inch cement step at the east en- trance of the school. She• was found by Jim Clark, hydro superintendent, who said it was lucky he came out when he did owing to the fact that the attendance • was so great th space was limited otherwise she would have lain there an hour or iso longer, 1 He and Fire Chief Byran Kyle ;took her to the South Huron hos- ; Exeter, where x-rays re - 1 waled a fractured left arm and facial abraisons. Hospital offi- cials state that her condition is good, Dr. J. C. Goddard at- tended. Miss Mitchell will be 78 in Novemi Chiselhurst W.A. & W.M.S. David A. Reid Native Of Area. • i�avrd A. l�.erd urea on Sunday, October 13 in Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, where he bad been con- nected with Union Hardware and. Metal Wholesales for the past thirty-two years. Ills intentions were to leave for Canada on Oc- tober 2 but was too ill to make the journey. Ile was ;i son of the late Mr. and Mrs. •Hector Reid and was at born in Stanley. The W.M.S. and W.A, of Chiselhurst United Church met on Tuesday afternoon, President Mrs. J. Brintnell took the chair for the meeting of the W.A. when plans were discussed for bazaar and bake al held Saturday, November 30 in Hensall United Church. The Woman's Missionary So- theb sale to b He is survived by one brother, John D. Reid, and one sister, Miss Minnie, both of London. One nephew, D. Ray Reid of Owen Sound, and one niece, Mrs. David Hall of Toronto. Funeral services were held from .the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hen- sel', Oct. 17 conducted by Rev, Donald MacDonald minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Burial was in Baird's cemetery. Bearers were Waltep AleBeath, Alex McBeath, John C. Coch- rane, Stanley Love, Tom Baird and Lloyd McKenzie. Japan Missionary e Speaks To WMS For the W.M.S. meeting, Mrs Earl Kinsman, president, chair ed the meeting, Mrs. Edwi Taylor conducted the worship service. Mrs. T. Brintnell gav highlights of the south section convention of Huron Presbyter ial W.M.S. held at Hensall: Mrs Russell Brock presented the study book on Japanassisted by Mrs. R. Taylor, Jr,' School Closed Hensall Public School has been closed from Monday until rsday of this week owing to he fact that 104 pupils out of 184 re ill with the fl. School Principal Robert Rea - urn stated today that the chool will reopen on Thursday roviding too many more of the upils are not stricken with the lu. If such is the case the school tyi11 remain closed the rest of his week. ciety of Carmel Presbyterian of - eh on sts old ' Church observed their thank- ' fering meeting in the chur schoolroom Thursday afterno and entertained as their gue e the Home Helpers and Arn Circle of the Church. • Personal Items Mr. and Mrs,•,Lorne Chapman ccompanied Mr, and Mrs. harles Westaway of Hamilton o Bloomington, Indianna, this week where they visited with he former's brother-in-law and ister, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Price. Mr. Don Bell and Miss Mar- aret Bell of Toronto spent the ast week with their' father, Tr. Wm. Bell owing to the ser - us illness of their mother, Irs. Wm. R. Bell, in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. Mr. Louis Bates of Tillson- burg called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyde Thursday of last week. LAC George Lefebvre and Roy Kerr left on Friday to spent a few days in Ottawa and Monet- ville. Miss Marie Miller of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. William Shupe and infant daughter, Sarann, of Milwaukee, Wis., are spending -'two weeks with the latter's .parents, Mr. and Mrs, Manley ,Jinks. Mrs. Pearl Case of London ewas a recent visitor with. Mrs. ;Elsie Case. '41111111111111111/1111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111V Be Prepared For Winter!' See Don 4 style in �. winter! Joynt for the 'up-to-date clothes for , the coming Men's Car Coats In Winter White, Winter Grey w ! and Winter Red colours. Regular and Shawl Colours in Tweed, Uleltons and Gaber- dines. $16 95 To $27.50 *01-m00*illtrtHIU .11WI nSNttamnit,l Clicker Coats In light tan and gabardine with cord or shawl collar. Shorty Car Coat with heavy duty zipper. Wool shawl collar and cuffs, $16.9si .To $22.50 • MEN'S WASHABLE BROWN ANC BLUE SUEDE JACKETS; HYDRO PARKAS OR. 'REVERSIBLE HUNTING COATS On Display From $12.95 to $19,95 I Boys' Coats For Winter Tool BAR AS with zipper hood, , tan and blue $9.45 CAS, COATS in light blue, charcoal, black, multi- colour, red and oyster $12.95 to $14.95 Bays' Gab Car Coats with fur Collar in* dark brown. navy and charcoal $10.50 to $13,50 SHOP AND SAVE .AT Joynt & Son mom of HENSALL Mrs. Harold Bell, who pre d:d, welcomed the membe p p sag .,,pen Comments by MRS, :NORMAN LONG •W,M,$. Plans birthday .Party The ladies of the W..M S, met at the church on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilmer Jones as hostess and Mr's, Bert Faber, co -hostess, The president, Mrs. Emrner- Son Anderson, opened the meet- ing. The devotional was taken. by Mrs. Emmerson Kyle. Mrs, Allen Johnson. and Mrs. Alex 11icA'lurtrie gave their reports from the South Huron sectional meeting held at Hensall. Mrs.' Bert Faber and Mrs. Allan. Johnson will be the visitors for shut-ins during November. Plans were made for the :an- nual birthday Party in Novem- ber when the guest speaker will be Mrs. J. E. Whiting, wife of Dr. J. E. Whiting, home on six months leave from the hospital. at Hazelton h Northern British Columbia. Dr. Whiting is ap- pointed by the Home Mission Board ofthe United Church. Mrs. Alex McMurtrie ,gave a. short talk on Christian citizen- ship. A1rs. Robin 1lfeAltister intro.- duaed the new study hook on Japan. The date for the annual bazaar was set for Saturday, November 1.6, . Anniversary Services Anniversary services on :Sun - .day at St. Andrew's United Church were conducted by Rev. Dr, Semple of Egrnorrdv. idle with a well attended eougregation morning and evening. Mr. Gra- ham elf Clinton Radar School was guest soloist and was ac- companied at . the organ console by Mrs. Gralrani. Personal Items Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle Sunday included. ' Mr. and Mrs, Bob Baker, Jr., Mr, and Airs. Tom Kyle and daughter, Karen, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caldwell, all of Hensall, The occasion .was Mrs. Caldwell's • birthday.. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Cud - 1 snore of Kitchener. spent the ,,,,,, U7AABnieu111)ALr1.lelAtoirIA(r14r1mothrAtAI(IA,mitt.EIrA111A1}uI�A�IIIl1,}IfAld�Awitem'onnelinIALl.WIIIgmo weekend with J. Samuel Cud, more. ,Several eases of influenza aro •reported in the district. Mr. and Mrs. ;Jud. Ireland visited Friday and Saturday with the. latter's brother and sister-in-law, Ur. and Airs. Wil- lner Jones, On Saturday morning two fawns were seen heading for Mr. Clarence Srnillle's bush. Hensall Personals Mr. and Mrs. K: K. Christian have returned after a three week vacation spent. with relatives in New Brunswick and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Kudr'iakow of Clinton have purchased. the property of Mr, and Mrs. Chris- topher Elson. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Venner have purchased the property of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan. Both properties were sold through Rae Paterson of the Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada. Mrs. Guy Bedard and son Ricky, :3, are ill in Scott Memo- rial Hospital, Seaforth with the flu. Mrs. Bedard was the former' — Please Turn to Page 15 A Canada's s e finest F.eating _l' SOLAR `. HEAT DISTRIBUTED PY.YOUK ' FRIENDLY B -A AGENT e M� dol t �n eo & Genttner Phone 40 Exeter 1111111111r1p111r111111111 II Qttlt111r11111,11t11 OlIlt1t1111l lull,IBI(/1t11111111,11I11u U1111, 1111111Q111t11ilttin,ll(11U • • Take your pencil and connect the dots to spell ' out three words that will be good news to Mommy. Show her your answer and ask her to bring you and the finished puzzle to SUPER SAVE to claim your prize. We've plenty of prizes hr Mommy, X11 • • o • • • • • • • • • 0. • • • 0 A • • o 0 0 • • si- too -plenty of prize buys in fine foods .. top quality products rs j at low, low prices that solve her budget puzzle in one quick and and guests, Scripture as es' pleasant shopping visit through our value•packed market. were read by Mrs, Basil Ed y wards. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall a favoured with a piano solo. The guest speaker, Miss Sybil SU• PER SAVE FEATURE! Hereford • Courtice of Clinton, a retired missionary gave an interesting and informative talk of her work while in Japan: She was intro- duced 6y Mrs. • Y, McLaren, and thanked by 'Airs. Inez Mc - Ewan. United Church Notes Sunday last was observed •as Laymen's Sunday at the United Church. Guest speaker was Mr. Earl Burr, of Dashwood. Rev.. C. D. Daniel conducted anniver- sary services at Palmerston,. a former charge, Emma Palethorpe of Korea. and guest speaker will be Miss Tn mitoSou� 2- ornea Beef SUPER SAVE FEATURE! E. D. Smith's Pure Tomato etchup SUPER SAVE FEATURE!; Ayli!titer Condensed 3 FOR Next 'Sunday morning. the Woman's Missionary Society will observe their anniversary, 1 The Sector congregational SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Stuart's .Black October 30. A special showing of supper will. be held Wednesday, the picture "Looking through We LookingGlass" was showneerry ,am 4. OZ. �Ar, Wednesday evening for mhi- hers of the congregation who had not seen it. The work book for the Church's future was gone SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Sunbiest Brand over as well. Community Sale Many fine pieces of furniture, dishes, etc., were donated to the auction sale held last Saturday in the local community arena, with proceeds to go to the 1.0.0.F. C.P. and T. fund. The auctioneer, Ed. Corbett, and clerks, P. L. McNaughton and Bert Horton, were pleased with the fine response of the people of Hensall and community,, Arnold Circle Entertains Guests TIN Auxiliary of Carmel Church held their thankoffering meeting on Monday evening when the mem- bers of the Evening' Auxiliary of the United Church and the W.AM.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church were entertained. The president, Mrs, A. Orr, presided, and welcomed the guests. Miss Carol Brown fav- i ored with piano solos and Mrs. Russell Broderick contributed vocalsolos accompanied by Mrs. William Brown at, the piano. Mrs. Donald MacDonald presided over the devotionaL Mrs. Beverley Beaton intro- duced the guest speaker,. Mrs. 0. Winter of Zurich, who de - 'livered an interesting address. A social hour was enjoyed at the t close. Personal Items Mires, J. Mousseau, of Grand Bend, visited last week with he son-in-law and daughter, Mr, •Mid Mrs.Richard Taylor, Jr. Mrs. Tetreau, of Zurich, was, a weekend visitor with Mr, and Mts. .Matt. England, The annual birthday party of the Hensall Legion Ladies Aux- Hilary ux- iliiary'scheduled for Wed., Oc- tober 23 for which five zone auxiliaries were to have been cancelled owing to the flu epi- cicada, hi demia, Mr, and • Mrs. T'ark of, Wood- stock wore visitors with Mr. and Mrs,' Hyde last week. Halloween dance will be held. in the town hall Friday, Noveni- `bet' I, with Desjardine Orches- tra providing the nius'ie, X.0.0,1~'. and Atnber Rebekah lodges are sponsors. ii'rce children's party' will be held in" town hall, Thurs- day, Octohet' 31. Mr, and Mrs. •Georgie mess spent, Thanksgiving with their daughter and sbn•in•law,. Mr. and Mrs. J. L, McCloy and fatty- = ily, Toronto. rift harry Smith has put - 11 chased the farm owned by bred Tilley on No. 4 highway south of fthe village. Mr. E. Shaddiek has purchased the Smith resin' 1 The Palls at Niagara are 176 - 1 feet in height. At British Cblurn• hia's Daly fall tlie. water ream �rn 10 SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Johnson's Super Hard Gloss - Save 140 ' I�Coat, • o • • • • •,• • • 01 • 12 -oz. tins FOR 1+t• 11 -oz, btls. 5< 521c 15 OL. C TINS • pt. tin . Super Save Quality Meats Pork Chops S54 Sliced Side Bacon LB 59c Beef Liver �H. 25c Bologna 25c LE. IT'S PANCAKE TIME Al'i1'.r' JE11Ir11A Snrc 7 Flour PANCAKE 2 FDR 39c r COMA AT BRAND Corn Syrup 2 L. YIN 3lc ' bineriO2•ALDI rafonoririrrrtwor inot�rrrftloirrrrrftivrmrrneenorrerreite urrrrlrrrartrtrruimairtvnrltnwiltn v lig5 it clean fall of 1,0010 het. moble Syrup SUPER, SAVE nstant C�ffee IM -oz. jula 29 5-0,1, 1811. 10.e • • • • 0 • • to • • • • • • • • a • • • • •••..•r • • • HALLOWE'EN VALUES GOLDEN noun Kisses HUGE 2B OZ. BAG ' Jelly Reams - Opera Gums - Jelly Rings Golden Hour "I.iitACK1NGF GOOD', 1N SHELL—ROASTED Peanuts SMELL -01'1' SI'Edese: HALLOWE'EN Suckers Wrigleys Gum PKG, • G°LOLA 1YOL11 ASSORTED Chocolates GOLDEN HOUR POi'pING Corn SVrnlsilJE SALTED $CANDIED Peanuts L. 59c Candy Corn BAG 2,9c 16 oz. E3 AG 33c pkg, :bt 50 ' 49c OF S 25c Box 89c LB.CELLO • 17c t SUPER SAVE FRESH PRODUCE Fresh Picked By the Snow Apples Pete,` Pan Ontario Potatoes Fresh, Crisp Celery Hearts Palm Garden Cello Tomatoes Sunkist Oranges McIntosh Red • Apples iuREZ SIZE: 113 Bushel $2.49 35c 99c 2FCIR31c 21c PRE -CHRISTMAS BONUS BARGAIN! PANDA BEAR Giant 27" Various Colors Top Quality Plush ONLY Regular $5,95 re .49 with $5.00 order HEN5ALL - ONTARIO