HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-17, Page 12•12 Th4k ilmos-Advocatio„. Octoker 17, 1957
Lucan Personal Items
daYing with Mr. and Mrs. Elden'
Caldwell 0 Shecidee. °
Mr. and Mrs, Dick Miers of
Trenton Visited friends x Cen-
trelia last weekend and called
on, Mr. Evan Hodgins, Mr. Chas.
Grose and Mr. Austin liodgins,
•Old neighbors 04 the Coursey
Sunday visitor a with Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. ParrY included Mr.
aud Mrs. R. Destebel and family
0 Centralia AirPort and Mr.
and Mrs. BU MacLean, �f Sar-
nia, forMerly of Glasgow, Seat -
• Mrs. Richard Tate of Dear.
born was a holiday guest of Mr,
and Mrs. George Strasser and
M. and Mrs. Cecil liodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westman
and Mrs. Warner McRoberts
were Thanksgiving Day guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold West
man of London.
Sunday pests with Mrs. El-
eanor Emerick and family were
Mrs. Reta McMaster of Both-
well and Mr. and Mrs. Murray
McMaster of Lohdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and
family of Kitchener were holiday
guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Will
Mr. David Sells and daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Melrose
and Mrs. Joe Flowers and
daughter, Sylvia, of London
were Tuesday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Carling and family.
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Reilly and
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Thompson
and Cheryl spent last weekend
at Pike Lake.
Mrs. Florence Cunningham of
London spent a few days last
week with her sister, Mrs. W.
J. McFalls.
Mrs. Gordon Kemp and two
children of Stratford spent a
few days last week with the
former's s itte r, Mrs. Roy
Schlueter, and family.
Mrs, Irving Gibson spent a
few days last week in Detroit
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard McNamee,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton.
spent the holiday weekend in
Detroit, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Dundas.
The county bookmobile visit-
ed the Lucan Library last Tues-
day and left a number of new
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden
spent the holiday weekend in
Buffalo, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Haas.
Mrs. Dalton Draper of Cooks-
town spent the holiday Weekend
with her sister, Mrs. A. R. Wil-
kinson, and family.
Mr. Will • Havekost of London
was a Saturday gugst of Mrs.
W. 3, McFalls. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Brock of
London and Mr. and Mrs. John
Knight and family were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. N. G. Stoner bf. Arkona
and 'Mrs. J. E. Orr of Parkhill
were Friday guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Corbett.
Mr. and Alm \T. A. Hodgins
were Monday guests of the lat-
ter's sister, Mss Holly Martin,
of London.
Mr. John Smibert who had a
severe attack of the flu had te
be taken to St. JOseph's Hos-
pital last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fox and
Mr. Beattie Fox of St, Thomas
were Tuesday guests of Mr. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins
and Joan were Sunday guests •of
1Vlrs. Lillian Maitland of London..
On Thanksgiving Day their son,
Sandy and family of Springfield
were their guests..
Mr. end Mrs: Victor Fletcher
and family who have all been
ill with the flu are on the mend
and. Mr. Fletcher expects to be
back to work 'this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter of
London and Miss Nora White of
Toronto were Sunday guests of
•Miss Ida .POrte and Mrs, Helen
Sunday guests with Mrs. War-
ner McRoberts included Mr. and
Mrs. Theron Creery and family
of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Lamond and family of Cr�m-
F arty, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Berry
ancL son of St. Marys and Mr,
and Mrs. Lionel Kendrick of
Exeter and overnight guests
were Mr. and Mrs. George„Mc-
Knight of .Cayuga,
Joseph and Mr. Eric
jh were Sunday guests of
i• /Leta • Chown and family
Utter Miss ',Chown. her :•sis.-
le,. and brOther,. Don, were
Meta of Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
RsiOugh of .St. Thomas. •
Mr. end Mrs. John ,Campbell
!gitiVerside were holiday gnests,
PI ,and Mrs. Sheridan Rev.
, and family.
ong those attending the,
rY-MeLean wedding. from
at iStance were Ur. and Mrs.
J.M. MeLean and family of
WOOdstock. Mr. Edwin Drake of
Kingston, Miss Dorothy Sparks
otleronto, Miss Dorothy Find.
li*of Menai-Olt, Mr. E. 0. Mac.
lean of Montreal (brother of
McLean), Mrs. Russell
G rey ' -of Listowel, Mrs. Douglas
Smith of Stratford, (Lwin Sister
At the groom) .ancl. a number of
Queen's •College Mend,
Mrs. Garfield Needham of
Ballymote spent a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
H odgins and Mr. and Mrs. Arth-
ur Abbott and family of Saints -
bury were Sunday guests.
Mrs,. Williom Dickins is holt.
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Arid District News
Correspondent; Miss Line Abbott
Mrs. M. Culbert
Active In Church
Mrs. Myron Culbert, 71, of
Lucan, died unexpectedly in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, on
Sunday. She had attended the
Gregory McLean wedding in
Lucan United Church on Satur-
day, afternoon, afterwards help-
! ing in her son, IVIers store. Dur-
ing that night she suffered a
stroke from which she never
regained consciousness.
She was the former Effie
Pearl Taylor, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. William Tay-
lor, of Zion. When her parents
retired to Exeter, she lived with
them on Albert St., and was
active in the choir and Y.P.S.
of James St. United Church.
Following her marriage to
Myron Culbert they lived on
Concession 2, Biddulph, until re-
tiring to Lucan five years ago.
She was a faithful member of
Lucan United Church and an
active member of the Woman's
Missionary Society. She was a
great lover of flowers.
Surviving besides her husband
are six sons: Clifford, Mel apd
Merton, Lucan; Kenneth, of
Granby, Que.•, Ivan, London, and
Earl, of Kitchener, and one
brother, Hector Taylor, of
The body rested at the Murdy
funeral home till Wednesday
when funeral service was held
in the Lucan United Church,
conducted by Rev. Edgar Raul-
ston, With interment in St.
James ce:netery, Clandeboye.
Pallbearers were Howard
Kerslake, Ross Hein, James
Sigsworth, Wilbert Stanley, John
Park and Earl Atkinson.
Y.P.U. Meeting
The Lucs-n-Clandeboye Y.P.U,
met in the Clandeboye Church
last Sunday evening. They first
attended the church service
w'aich was their Harvest Home
anniversary, before going down
stairs for a business meeting
and refreshments.
A committee composed of
Ruth Donaldson, Helen Hardee
Don Lankin, Doug Thompson
was named to peke arrange-
ments for a Hallowe'en party
for members and friends to be
held November 2.
The Lucan members were
asked to decorate their church
for its Harvest Home service
October 20.
The next 'meeting will be held
in the Lucan church October 27
with Marilyn Eaton and her
"Mission and World Outreach
Commission" in charge.
Personal Items
Mr; and gin. j. Tunics and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tribe of
Ridgetown and Mr. and Mrs.
H. Ritchie and baby son of Lon-
don were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Haskett and
.Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Orme of
Toronto were weekend guests Of
Mrs. T. D. Orme
- Mr. Ted Brown of Bervie was
a weekend rectory giest and
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Needham
of Kingarf Saturday callers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bigham
of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Patrick and Billy of
Sarnia were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culb rt.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerafll Atkin-
son and family of London were
holiday guests with Mrs, Wes
Mr. and Mrs. Will Abbott of
Exeter celebrated the former's
80th birthday at the home off
their daughter, Mrs. David
Kestle. Mrs. Abbott remained
over for a few days to recuperate
from a bad cold.
John Parry, small son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Parry celebrated
his seventh birthday on Satur-
(-Ay by entertaining seven of
his little friends.
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Lucan PS. • former Resident
Hit By .FILJ . Dies After Fall
Lucan Public School is still
hard hit with flu. In one room
one-third of the pupils were
home. Though Mrs, Allison came
back, last Monday she was out
again on Friday. Mr. Swick was
Out two days and a half. It is
hoped with the extra long week-
end the worst will be over.
The new flag pole has now a
rope so the flag flew on Friday
for the Queen's visit. •
On Friday, Lucan's new cop
spoke to the children in two
groups on Safety Rules,
A *publit Speaking contest for
Biddulph Scheel pupils is sched-
uled for Tuesday, October 29,
Principal Wesley Clow is plan-
ning to secure outside judges.
The Lucan C.G.I.T. met in the
United Church parlors last Mon-
day evening.
The meeting- began with crafts
with Mrs. G. E. Nicholson in
charge of the making of felt
collars. This was followed by
the devotional period in, charge
of Mrs. Charles Sovereign.
Lions Club Meeting
The dinner meeting of the Lu -
can Lions Club was held in the
Anglican church basement with
the new president, Mr. Les
Woodward, in the chair.Mrs.
Cliff Shipley's group of the
Ladies' Guild catered for the
dinner ,s
Heather Decor
At UC Nuptials
In a setting of large baskets
of white mums, white gladioli
and ferns and windows decorated
with heather '(flown from the
bride's aunt, Miss Margaret
McLean of the Isle of Islay)
the Lucan United Church was
the scene at 2 p.m. Saturday,
October 12 for the „autumn
double -ring wedding of Joan Mc-
Lean and Robert Gregory.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. McLean and the late John
McLean and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Gregory of Granton. The Rev.
Edgar Roulston of the Lucan
United Church officiated.
Given in marriage by her
brother, J. M. McLean of Wood-
stock, the bride was gowned in
a floor -length princess style brocadedivory taffeta gown
with heir -loom lace yoke and
long pointed sleeves. She wore
her mother's blush -pink tissue
tulle veil, which fell from a lace,
rhinestone crested headdress.
She carried a cascade of pink
Sweetheart roses, A Battenburg
lace handkerchief made by her
great - grandmother, completed
her ensemble.
The bride was attended by
two bridesmaids, Miss Barbara
Sparks, of Toronto, and Miss
Dorothy Findlay, of Manotick,
who wore princess -style dresses
of pale yellow and pale green
taffeta with ballerina • length
skirts. They carried crescent
shaped cascades of yellow and
white shasta daisies and wore
matching headdresses of
The „groom was attended by
his brother, Roy Gregory.
Howard Kew, church organist,
provided traditional wedding
music and accompanied the
soloist, Edwin Drake, of King-
Ross Gregory and Bruce
Lindsay were ushers.
At a reception in the bride's
home, the bride's mother re-
ceived in grey silk,with pink
accessories and white carnation
corsage. She was assisted by
the groom's mother, also in
grey silk with black accessories
and white carnation bouquet.
For a honeymoon trip to
Winnipeg and points west, the
bride changed to a light blue
wool suit with Persian lamb col-
lar. She -ore a pink silk beaver
hat and white carnations.
The bride and groom, who are
graduates of Queen's Univer-
sity, Kingston, will reside in
Second Line In
• Biddulph
Personal Items •
Mrs, Edna Langford is visit-
ing in Toronto with her (laugh-
ter, Mrs. Art Hern. •
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Harrison of
London Spent the holidays with,
the letter's mother, Mrs, Jessie
Mrs, John McAllisterand boys
accompanied by Mr. tnd Mrs.
Cecil Skinner visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mason,
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Mordtish of
London spent Thanksgiving day
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Fischer.
Visitors on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Langford Were
Mr. and Mrs.' Alex Dobson, and
Wayne of , Weston, also , Mrs,
Pried Pattistm, Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs, Orville Lang-
ford end Sohn attended Wood -
!ism anniversary on Sunday and
were guest! of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Thacker.
Mr. end Mra. Allen Elston,
Sheila rind Wendy attend-
ed the 25th wedding eriniverberY
Of their uncles and aunts, Mr.
and Mtg. Clarence Hodgins, 11-
defter! And,. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
HMO% Klerk* on Thanksgiv-
Funeral services for John Av.
ery, 53, of Sarnia, who died
when he fell from the Blue Water
bridge were held on Monday,
October 7 in Sarnia with inter-
ment in ;Blackwell cemetery,
Son of the late Mr. *and Mrs,
John Avery he was born at Lu -
can but has been livingfor a
number of years in Sarnia as a
painter, He was painting the
bridge when he accidentally fell,
He is survived by his wife,
one daughter, Miss Grace Mae
Avery of Oxnard, California,
one soil, Joseph. Lambert Avery,
of Port Huron, one sister, Mrs,
Kathleen Cunningham of Sarnia,
and two brothers, Arthur of
Sarnia, and William of Lucan,
Mr. and Mrs. William Avery,
Bernard, Kay and Kenneth of
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. James
Avery of Centralia attended the
funeral, Bernard acting as one
of the pallbearers for his uncle
and Kenneth driving one of the
Evening Auxiliary
Mrs, Charles Sovereign was
hostess for the October meeting
of the United Church. Evening
Auxiliary last Tuesday 'evening,
The president, Mrs. George
Paul, presided for the devotions.
During the meeting "Happy
Birthday" Was sung for Mrs.
Eldon Young.
It was decided to change the
date of meetings to Tuesday and
to again hold meetings in the
homes rather than in the church
to increase attendance, There
were 1$ out to this meeting.
It. was voted to again have a
travelling basket and to make
doll clothes for the bazaar.
The Evening Auxiliary will
unite with the W.M.S. memers
for a joint Thank -offering meet-
ing October 24.
Mrs. George Paul was assist-
ant hostess.
Paid Last Respects
One of Lucan's largest funer-
als was the one held. for Mr.
James Turner in the C. Haskett
and Son funeral home last Wed-
nesdae showing the high es-
teem in which Mr. Turner was
held as a neighbor, lodge mem-
ber and church attendant.
The pallbearers were Emer-
son -Hamilton, Murray Hamil-
ton, Cameron Davis, Clayton
Abbott, Maurice McDonald and
• Gote Winistrume.
Anglican Church News
October 20 being Children's
Day and Youth Sunday there
will be n®ular Sunday. School
service but children will meet
at 10:45 to have their attendance.
marked and then will attend
church service with their par-
As added attraction this year
will be the attendance of the
"Little Helpers" and their par-
ents who will leave for the Par-
ish Hall after the second hymn,
for pictures and refreshments.
The remainder of the children
will join them After the third
hymn. The junior choir will have
charge of the music.
The flowers from the Harvest
Home services were donated to
the Old Peoples' Wards and the
the fruit and vegetables to South
piron Hospital. .
Although 32 Lucanites prom-
ised to attend the euchre in the
Lucan Library only nine turned
up Wednesday evening, Appar-
ently adults,.. as well as children
have developed flu during the
past week. It iw,hoped the bridge
players have escaped and that
a good crowd will be out for the
Bridge on Wednesday evening.
•On Wednesday evening Miss
Rose Revington and Miss Mari-
lyn Brownlee were joint hostess-
es for a miscellaneous shower for
Miss Joan McLean ,prior to her
marriage on Saturday. The
shower, owing to flu, was held
at Miss Revington's home in-
stead of Miss Browrdee's as
originally planned. Prize win-
ners for the three contests werd:
eharacter study contest, Miss"
Marie Stanley; telegram con.
test, MiSS Joan Hodgins and
guessing cOntest, Miss Markin
Prior its leaving Toronto where
she had been working, the bride -
elect, was entertained by a num-
ber of her college friends with
one of her bridesmaids, Miss
Barbara Sparks, as hostess. •
Evening Auxiliary
Mrs. Clare Stanley was hostess
for the October meeting of the
Anglican W.A. last Wednesday
evening with a splendid attend-
ance. In the absence of the pres-
ident, Mrs. Clarence Haskett,
the vibe president, Mrs. Clare
Stanley, had charge of the meet-
ing. MC Gerald Lewis read
the seripture. The new W.A.
pins having arrived, were sold
to a number of the members.
An interesting letter from Mrs.
F. B. Elliott,. now of Barrie,
was 'read.
it was decided to have a table
at the bagaar and a handker-
chief tree. Each meMber, wit
asked to bring a handkerchief to
the next Meeting.
The study book on Thailand
was begun.
Mre. Gerald Lewis offered her
home for the next meeting and
Mrs. Arnold Lewis and Mrs. S.
W. Sfilith volunteered to assist
her, as hostesses.
TWO new members were.
loommat Hems
mt. rho* Hardy is on a
ness trip to Saskatoon Ind polnta
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