HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-17, Page 114 $ You Don't Need An o• * A 11 t • ' • 4 s, G e 1 FOR :SALE DRAIN TILE 4. inch ,,,,,, ; a5 Per Af Dea'd- 6 inch 81 per let Dead 6 Inch tio per MQetd 7 inch 141. per M Del'd ineb, " 17a per M Delal and ElbOwas In Stock Priees• toe 12". omit 14" on Reetiest RYDA1-1,, BRICK AND u)gintielct lebooe 103 lemettl 11 tett cal= sAree, e50.00. Apply at Times-Aevocate. t re* APPLES. — We are rola picking Spies And Delicious aPPles alai it you call At the orchard you may secen'e yam supple. Andrew Dle.• on. Exact% 10:17* TOYS! TOYS! Beavers Basement „ToYtown is oreea ail Year round. Mitts or children's Aerates, birth daye de. or all Nem Beavere Hardware. Atfro FOR.QVICIE SALE —'30 afaseeYe• Haa•rts tractor, in new tractor condition, MO; -Case manure, spreader, $300; Case packer, $125; Massey - Harris 4.section ,Spring tooth,' $50:. McC.D. No, 62 coin - bine with ell attaehments, all new canvases, runs like a iop, me; e wax, 13 -'up fertIlizert grain drill, in good shape, 8175; Handy Man jack, $l1, -.etc. to, 'Reason for selling—farM Is sold. - Apply Stanley Saucier, 11,11, 1 Zurieh. 10:17c MANURE—$5.00 per load spread on your garden. CI, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, 10;170 SPECIAL OFFE11.—To November 5 only, 60 issues of Saturday Eve- ning Post for onlyeee4.79, Exeter 'Times- Advocate, .subscription agent for all magatinee•174:31 TIME — Special offer, 78 weeks Thr $64'7.'Llittited time only. Sub- scriptions. to all magazines, Ex- eter pimes-advocate, phone 770. 10:17-11:21 MINED DRY HA.RDWOOD—Gor- don 'Rale. Phone, 161-r-3 Dash- wood. •17c SPAC16 IlidaTER—W.111 heat two rotne„ in A-1 conditiop, with name; Dodge motor, will fit all Chrysler prodlicts. 14PIAY 'Wel days only to S. Dykstra, 105 Sanders St.,• phone 454. 17c SEBAGO POTATOES and celery by the bunch or crate, Phone. 44- . r-4 Da.sliwooa. 17:24* BOYS' SNOV1rSII1T, brown, size a. Phone 632-3 Exeter. • 170, CHOICE•APPLES, Northern Wee, Red Spiel; stod Russets. Please bring contelners. ApplY Victor Jeffery, phone 652-r-12. , 17e YOL'NG HOLSTEIN COW acid calf, good milker, Russell 33aYn- bam, Slilpka. 17c 'WRECKING HOUSE—Brick, lum- ber, interior trim, etc. (3. .A. Me- ') o w e 1.1. Centimeter, 4Centra1ia, phone 3365-W Exeter, 17* 150 PULLETS, Sky -111, starting • to lay. Apply Mrs. Earl Shad - dick, Parkhill; phone 601-r-13, .37c FOR SALE CAllaAGE -,- bald head& AWAY William 14. NsserY, 1.0t 7, Con. 13, Ueborne, pbooe Kira ton. 17 500 PILLETS, started to lay, Hybrids. rta.y Pepper, ilrucefiela (Int., plume ClIntoP, 2-• 7463, ' 17* ' . FOR :RENT APAlleealENT. above Gould 4 dory *tore, ,Apply T. 0. Soatacott. 11tfe APAIITAIENT, private entrance. utiliticit paid, Available, October 1, phone 00.W Exeter or apply D3 Huron St. E. APAR'I'MENT, upstaire, 3 bright rooms .and bath, $e5 monthly, un. furnishea, Mr bachelor or heel - news coapie. No ehrldren please. because of °trice below. .Apply 3. W. Vela, phone 7 days, 356 evening. 29tfc .11.PAIlTeeENT, furnished, steam heated;" av a 11 a.b 1 e now; lots of heat and hot water, clean, cosy, cheerful, right in the 2nidd1e of town, reasonable rent. :Elliot Apartments, 443 Main Ste phone 476. • 10:10tro 3 APARTMENTS -,- One, street floor, living i•ootne kitchen, bed- room and bathroom, unfurniehecl, hot and cold. water, email gara den, One on front -of Main 51„ beatedi hot and cold water, tine furnished, Apply Mayfair Bakery, phone 52 Exeter. 10:10tre ,.A.PARTI1LONT, 3- or 4400m, on MaIn Street, mein floor, private entrance.* possession November S. Phone 16.al 'Exeter, 17* ELECTRIC S'IOVE, 4 -burner;' floor cover in g s; spring -filled mattress and springs; 2' ward- roaes, one with double dders with ',full length mirrors, one with alogia door with mirror. .All in geed condition, Also 40 feet of Se-Lneli water keine, $5.00. Gerald Chapman, phone 364-W Exeter, 17c STOVE, white. enamel, Findlay - Connor. cheap; 100 feet of corn crib wire, Phone 426-W-1 Exeter, • 17e C013 CO:RN, well matured, avail- able teem picker. Order now. Apply Earl Soldan, It en eal I, abene 601-r-13. .. 17c, CAR, '56 Custom Fara, actual 'mileage 12,000 miles, excellent condftioe, relebnable, Apply aean Armstrong, Hedeali, phone 89. 17* 211ITCHELTe .CIDDR MILL will operate every day except Mon- day starting October 5 until No- vember 22,, by appointment. Fred •" Hennick & Son. • 17:24:2,1c LITTER, CARRIER. TRACE 160 feet, used, bait price. Appy Waily Wain, Daeliwood, phone 54. 17:24c CATTL10 MINERA.LS Ste Your Co-op for the best buy 131 balanc- ed ininerale. $5,10 cwt. Wby par more? Exeter District Co- op. phone 287, 17:e4e31c IT'S A DATE! Exeter Lions' Frolic October 1311.16E COTTAGE, 2-hedrooin. S- elma bath, oil eurnace, Phone 435 or write W. C. Pearce, Ex- eter. 10:10tfe STORE on Male. Stret, opphsite tbeePost Office. .AVailable Oct. 1. Apply at Times -Advocate, 9:191,fe 2 -ROOM APARTMENT, for light housekeeping, unfurnished. •Phone 17c 152# El:eater. UPPER APARTMENT, on '0,711 - been St., near downtown, heated, unfurnished, 4 rooms a.nd bath, range wiring and separate hot water tank. Ail conveniences and entirely private, Phone 2312,011:itle 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, uptalr front, with • private bath and entrance, available Nov. 1. All utilities paid. New floor cover- ings and freshly decorated, at 315 Andrew St., Exeter. Apply at Ford's Men's Wear, Exeter, or phone:, 69.1-r-6 liensall (collect). e' 10:17tfn APARTMENT, gTotind floor, un- furnishee, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, use of aain dr y for Needling, private enttance. Blatchford Apts, APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, ;self- contained, unheated, unturnished, 3-plece bath, avalle. bl e now, Store, Main Si:., 11x40, lekated, bot, water Supplied, Available November 1. John Ward Apts., apply • to Mrs. Gladys Henry, phone 341, 17e 9 MODERN APARTMENTS, heal- ed, Attfield's General. Store, Cored gore 17 APARTMENT, choice lower, very attractive, with all modern pone veniences, complete privacy In- cluding bathroom, laundry a.nd garage. .Avalleble immediately, William Oestricher, phone 12-3' Crediton. 17e 114 STOREY HOUSE, furnace, kitchen cupboards, running water, 1t miles west of Henson, just off Highway 84. .Apply Clifford .Weido, phone SS -r-22 17:34:31e 2 APAPARTMENTS, furnished, 1 upstairs, 1 down, heated, hot and cold water, bath and toilet. .AP - 1711, William Abbott, 170 Victoria St. W., phone 249-W after 6 p.m. 17:24* REAL.. ESTATE PROPERTY -- Approximately 21e acres of Jana in village of Zur- ich. on which is located an ineul brick 3 -bedroom house with 3 - piece bath and 011 beating, a re - meet block building, 26ar68', pre- eently 11 0 u -sing enemy factu el ng plant al $30.00 per inont11 rent, and an aluminum covered frame shed, 20'x30'. VOI• quick sale at very retteouable price as owner ham other Ina:Tests, Contact rhea. liay, Zurielt„ 1 te The Throes441vocate, October 17, 1,57 Influenz To 'Get Results HereP . HELA wANTEO LADY M. Mole after 9 .children • while mother is -working, No heavy work required. hilt must he capable of looking after Children. PhOne 652-J Exeter. 3110:170 wArraliSs for Dominate. Hotel, Zurich. Phone 70 Zurich. 3:141:17c 1 SlY17111t1NTEN33EN",11 and. 1 Working Foreman to take ebetrge of hydro end waterworita in the • • • • „ • • elate salery, age, qualificatione. experience and references. Duties to commence aennary lst., 11158. Apply to the Public Utilities Cortunies lo 0, Exeter, 0 11 ; a r 1.o. Lowest tender not peceeettrily accepted. 10:17e 'J'Own o f xe tet. • .App lic•ante to. HOMES FARMS C. V. Pickard fester $4,000 CASE will give you pa! - session' of modern one -storey 0 - bedroom home, Attached garage. Beautifully finished kitcben and bathroom. Oil healed. Balance of parchaee price on liberal tame. $2,000 CAS}e-posseesion of 4 -bed - 10001 brick. (aped Kitchen and batbroeni. Nice basement with good furnace. Garage. Easy terms op balance of moderate purohese price. , .A PA 11 TMEN'T HOUSE — cent Val] Y located, 4 completely turvislied, self-contained apartments. Title is an oil heated Meek with every» thing in the beet of repair ahroughout, Will provide come loTtabie home and ineome, APARTMENT HOUSE—good loca. Lion, 5 apartments, oil heated. Offered at a very low price. CENTRALIA — 3 -bedroom house. Approximately la . acre of land and barn, Hydro. Price $2,300.00. Terms. FARMS 100 ACRES — Centralia, district, close to highway and school. Good barn and comfortable house. Hydro. Productive clay loam. Price t16,50e.00. Liberal terme. 100 ACIIES—lelppeit district, level clay lolun. ,Hydro in house and barn. Good water supply. Price $12,000.00. 100 ACRES—Exeter, large brick house and large barn . on wall. )lest at land. Hydro, Moderately Deiced, To buy or sell seeC. V. Pickard, Realtor & General Insurance, 394 Main St„ Exeter. Phones 163 a.nd 628. 5:12tfe NEW ROUSE nearing completion. Forced air oll heating. Nice loca- tion, Reasonable price. ,Apply to Tom Walker, Nelson St.. phOne 563. 8tfe • REAL ESTATE 3 -BEDROOM HOME, nearly new, fullpored basement. oil furnace, hardwood floors; east side .of Ex- eter; close to schools. IL E. Balk-, will, 47. John St. Ease Exeter, Phone 89-3. latfe 100 ACRE FARM, near Exeter. good building with hydro and best of land. Fall plowing done. Apply to .T. 'Willis, 395 Williatn St„ Exeter. 17* 2 -BEDROOM HOME, nearly new. in Melte:1.11; modern kitchen and. bath, living room, utility' room, oil heated. New permanent awn. frogs and garage. All la,ndscaped with hedge and shrubs, Reason for selling—'ether interests, AP ply to Box "S", Times- Advocate. 17;24* 120 ACRE FARM, cement block bousee with hydro, barn, drive - shed, hen pen; toyer failing water supply. Apply Wilfred Des - %Hine, R.R. 2 Deethwood. 17:24* 30 ACRES GRASS. LAND, ore 'Of beet in Stanley Twp. Windmill -with plenty of water, tence int good renditioe. Apply Rudolph CorrIveau. R.R, Zurich, phone 99-r-1, Zurich, 11124:31 4, teletelemtimeinetettelemettete ,,, e , t ttt emu t e tt e ttttt it ttttt Illat ttttt i? ll li llllll I lll i lllll I l I ll 1 ll taalIMIIIIIII lllll Iwo, t' I 1,NOW1 . I I P; I 3 ' 3 3 i.••• el 3. g ' g t t, 8 • 3 la' GHW A It 100 ACRES, brick 8 3 .. z heuse, large baeruis, silo, drive- !: shed;- $15,0004 • -Guaranty. Trust • HENSALL 3 -Bedroom frame home, immacu- late, modern kitchea and hath, new oil heating unit. Well worth your inspeetion. • IIENSALL Ono of, Hensall's fittest , homes, modern 3 -bedroom brick !mute, exceptionally well decorated — a, real opportunity to acquire a fine borne, HENSALL ?-Bedroom brick house, modern kitchen, good state of repair, new furnace. • HENSA.LL 8 -Bedroom brick house, new' hot water oil heating unit, hardwood floors up and down, good state of repair with 2 -car garage, Priced for immediate gale. EIPPEN ' 3-Beciroorri 'home on higirway, In- stil Brick, hath and converted oil furnace. Good sized lot, low taxes. Ideal for retired couple — priced to sell with terms. HENSALL Unusual opportunity to acquire a 2 -storey brick comniercial proper- ty; oholea central location for office or store, containing large vault with space for living quar- ters above, Present, tenant Bank of Montreal. Priced for quick sale. 9:26tfc We have additional listings of town and farm properties avail- able for you/. consideration, • - Guaranty Trust Realtor 114 PATERSON Phone 51, Hensel" 22tfc RESIDENTIAL LOT (60 (t. front- age, more or less) and barn, on- hard-suefaced street. For appoint- ment write Mrs, M. S. Yaeger, liense.11. ' 10:17c BRIC7C COTTAGE, 2-bedrooni. in- sulated ceilings, furnace, 3 -piece bath, attached. garage, garden, immediate possession. 1.0110tfc ,FLO011, instil brie, living reoin fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kitchen. foil cellar, furhace, hot water tank, central iodation, FRAME HOUSE, 2 -bedroom, hy- dro. bittb, oil heat. APARTMENT HOUSE. oil furnade heat, separate entrances and bath- er:alms. Good Investment, Good dwelling3 bedrooms, bathroom U p at a.tr 53 living foorn, room, den, Kitchell, Main floor, Menace, * .251fc Y. 1 t 4 1 0 8 1 •, Best Gasoline • LET U 1'FILL 'ER E UP" WITH, Velvet 98 Ever Soleil WATCH FOR OUR GALA OPENING Middleton fit :Gen*tner's NrtharEad Betide Ontario Department Of Highways PHONE 40 - ExetER t lineentientelettineatMlieitititteinfeefeadifientleitailitatatiniatitinenitettillitentinemonotil YOUNG 'WOMAN to •aesist wieh. Extensive housework, 4 children, part-time. lIve-in If desired. Apply itt1:410, ',Blames Si. AUCTION SALE - WANTED TIORSISS-e•Wili buy any kind of ;homes. heavy or HOC Bata. selt or excitange. Call 135, Frank Taylor. Exeter.. . Ufa' WANTED To XiiY---A late 3048 to 101e ettev or #1140 li 04, '3j, 1071. opulitip tritek. Wrote eeetieg coo- dition and price let Vox :LIZ, St. alarye. 17e , . , . RANGETTE — Gerald Cbaporian, plume 364-W Exeter. . 37c . „..„ . PONY --About 7 or 3 bandit high. :mare preferred. Apply „Mittel/ Dietrich, phone 24-r-3 Credlton. 17c AUCTION SALES Of High Quality Holsteins SERVICES Beef Cattle Combine, Farm Machinery Valuable Tractors, Truck Poultry, Hay, Grain WHITEWASHING & CLEANING-- and Mrscelleneous Items Arrangemtnts can bp made. Bill e, Watson. Dasbwood. Pheoe 31.r. On the Prernlees 9tfc 19. Lot U. Cert. 4 .and 5 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP DEAD STOCK: Pieked up prompt. 14 Attlee Ieasi of Precilton ly in sanitary trucks. Small er, 21:71des1711146511100.Fil:telE,t, charge made for animals under ' 500 lbs, total. Plaine coiled: Ex,- on Huron Stand le Mile South eter 357; William Sto»e seas, The undersigned auctioneer is Instructed to,,ell by public , s Limited, 'tigers° 1). 9:5-11;28 auc- tion on CUSTOAt BEAN COMBINING—An- Ply Norm WhitIng, phone 655-W evenings. 119tre STEP I -It 100 ACRES, brick bootie, het conveniences, large le - shape berm: weth good, stabling, litter taerier. FRAME HOUSE, it -bedroom, In good coticlitioa, less than half cash; belante bet Meath like rent. 'Why tent? 9:12tfc phnee, or eatee. W. e. Pear, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl Pa.rserte, 17hone 507, Fred Cele, Phone 516-W, ,Saletle Merl, Info 3-2JEDRO01t HOME, nearly tieW, pbred basetnera, oil furtace, hardwood floors: cast tilde of Ex" etein oinee tn tehools. 13.. E. Balk - will, 47 John St, Seat, Exeter, pbrirm t9.T. ,, 1 ttee CstAtuRnPgENr eTplaaYi rsWaOnditIaa,adriotoifoinnsg OnriO4D0S.1,11i,i0Se14.), slbSa5r7,_ 4..oII,.11391c111g p ply .Arthur Day, 46 Gidley St, 1401,STE13S: Holstein cow with 0:1-10124 secon4 calf at foot, fresh 3 weeks; cow with second calf at fool, fresb two weeks; blue roan cow, fresh 3 weeks; :Holstein heifer path cal( at foot, fresh 2 weeks; Holstein cow, carrying that calf, milking. due Nov. '21; Holstein cow, milking, carrying Beeped calf, due Jan. 9; (sow, milking, carrying second calf, due Jam le; Holstein cow, milit- ing, carrying third ca)l', due Feb, le: cow, carrying second rail, inliking, due Feb. 20; cow, carry- ing third calf, milking, due Feb. 25; cow, milking, carrying third calf, due March 10; cow, milking, carrying fourth calf, due Mar. 14; cow, malting.. carrying third calf. due Mar. 191 cow, milking, carrying fifth calf, clue. Mar. 10; hlue cow, milking, coming fourth calf. due Mar. 23; Holstein cow, milking, caerying fourth calf, due Mar. AS; cowe milking. carrying third mile, due Aril 12: cow, milking, carrying third calf, due Aire e; cow, milkieg, carrying second calf, due- June 8; purebred Jersey cow, carrying third calf, due Nov. 143 purebred Jersey enw, milking, carrying third calf. due Dec, 5; Hereford cow, milking, cari•ying fourth calf, due June 9; :Hereford cow, milking, carrying fourth calf, due Jan, 3; Hereford cow, calf at Met. due Dec- 3. This is an exceptional good herd of cows, high prodUcers, all vaccinated and T.'S, tested. 12 Hereford and Polled Angus steers, rising 2 years old: 13 Polled Angus yearlixigs: purebred Polled Angus hull, Lea. Bandolier, sired -by , Bandoiler of Anoka, born October 10, 1934. TRUCE. TRACTORS • & COM- BINE; 1956 International "R"-110 ton pick-up truck, 20,000 miles, In new condition; Oliver Stand- ard "77" traetor. complete with live power take -off, in new con- dition: Allis Chalmers "B" stand- ard tractor, in A-1 cbtiditiopl Oliver Model 18 grain combine with 7 -ft. table, 0 o ni eletely equipped, used one eeason, in brand new condition. NOTE: Terms can be arranged on combine before sale date. . FARM MACHINERY; New Hol- land hay baler, used 2 seasons; McDeering binder, 7 ft. cut, like new; McDeerIng mower, 6 ft. cut; McDeering 15 -run double disc grain and fertilizer drill, used 2 seasons; internatinnel 1 -plate one-way disc: International 32 - date double disc, like n'ear: :Mien Deere 8 -ft. spring tooth oultivat- or: Cpbey bea,vy, duty rubber tire wagoet; 16 -ft. •bay and gra in rack; rubber tire wagon, .16 ft. rack; International 10 ft. dump rake; Cockshutt 4 -bar sIde rake, like. new; 3 -drum steel roller; 4 e section diamond barrows; Mc- eering horse-drawn mann r e spreader; power take -off g rasa seeder; Allis Chalmers 2 -row scuffle r; International horse- drawn 2 -row scuffler and ' bean Puller; Henderson manure loader for A s Chalmers tractor; Inter - iv, nat,.•, 3 -furrow plow, on rub- ber, 1 ke new; 3 -unit Universal milker (complete); Ebersol grain blower; Fairbanks -Morse hammer mill: 100 ft. drive belt; 2,000 -lb. platform sc•ales: walking plow; ensilage mit: wire stretcher; blade and tackle; 2 electric ferm- ent milk earls and strainer; In -a ternational 730 cap. power wash-• er; Model ZI.G cream eepatater, in brand new condition: electric brooder; sling ropes; root pithier; milk cart; forks sitovels; chains, de.. ete. POULTRY; 80 'Reck and Leg- horn 'pullets, 5 meths old. HAY. GRA/aT & FEED — 300 bales red clover hal'; 4,004 bales of mixed hay; 500 bales Straw: 35 ft, ensilage; 1,300 bushels of mixed grain. Beaver oats and Mentealm barley. 'Yorkshire. sow - carrying- third litter, due Nov. 17. ' Quantity of Household Effects. Plan to attend this outstanding sale. Selling to start sharp at 12 o chock. 'Gullet booth on grounds. TERMS: Cal*. HENRY FTNEBEINER. Prop. GARNET IMES, Clerk ALVTE WALPER; Auctioneer 17:24c NOW IS THE TIME to have your septic, tanks pumped out. Pholle Butler Eros., 130-\V or 108 Lucan, 0:12-11;21* CUSTOM BEAN COMBINING—AD ply Norm Whiting, phone 655-W eveaings. 2911e WHITEWASHING & ,CLEANING --Arrangemente can be piade. 11.111 Watson, Dashwood, oboes 33-r- # etre • 150 ACRES bit No. 4 highway, be+ tween Clinton and letoucefteltl, room frame house with bath and batoetrieht; bare, 54x6$ and 24x32. Ploughing donee This feria it tiled and all Under' cultivation except 3 arras. 'Will sl1 100 or 130. See aelitt L. Vendersoil. Ex* eter, or 71. It. Arnold, ttroicer, 1Clppen, phone 1481181112 672-1e. 10:17:14* TiN"Pli.t,Pft-1.1.1'-atorojF White freine Mune: ort 68%140 Mot let, 2 bloeke frote Inteineee section in the 134'1061 dititelet, 2 bedrerome and 4 nieSce bath up. 141126 livlege Melt* rebel. With I 1 eel, I ate. l'Uernialtieti den they be timed' as 111114 bedrobrri. Largo Itifeber with Ilia Moe, hardwood floors illtnlIgnollt. tiui heat /tin halm-, Meet, laundry rebel, intetiallY etitiplettel 1'ereat:16n teem, fruit atelinte. That lions Must be lleett to be iteProcitttetl. Ateray V. A. Ileyeitoed, phone 542.W •after 5 176 1011A1,ti,111ti20, .roo111,' bed* teetrie UP With' 2-P1tee -bath; 1. bedteenri 83' doll anti 2.01e68 bath /lewd.; lielatIveoti thiere deWil, beite adjil.cerit te &heel*. .A1913130- 236 Andreae' St. •12111:26t14 •NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate a. William Samuel Johnston, eleccased. All persons baying claims against the estate of William Samuel Johnston, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron,. Gentleman, who died on or obout the Sth day of Sep- tember 1917, are required to file Particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of Oe- tober next after which date the estate will be distributed having tegard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Solicitors for the Executrix,. Bell & 'Laughton,. Exeter - Ontario, 3:10:17c TENDERS WANTED OPEN DITCH iNiorix. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephep 'for 4,160 Cll. yds, of open ditch work. Tenders, accompanied by 1066 dee posit checitie, must be in the hands of the clerk not later than October 31, 1957, Plan, profile and specifications may be seen at the office of the clerk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. F, W. MORLOCK; Clerk 10:17:34a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APPLICATIONS will he received for service station attendant to operate station in Exeter. Apply 11. O. Free, Seaforth. 10:17tfc MAN W.ANTED. aexpected change causes vacancy itt Huron County. Splendid opportunity for year-rodnd income. For details-. write RawleIgh's, Dept. 3-202-901, 4005 RichelieueeMorareal, Que. 17c A. RURAL /CB CREAM delivery service and manufacturing Plant in. thriving commurity. This is a well established business and can be purchasedas sk: compietit estab- lishment with living quarters or In parcel. 11 iaterested in getting into business for yourself con- tact owner linmecilately ate he has other interests, Phone 225 Zurich or apply in person to Chas. D. Jay or Francis Kiefer. 17e STRAYED PINTO PONY, bleak end white, onto Arnold Merner's farm, Zur- ich. Phone 81-r-10 'Zurich. 17e MISCELLANEOUS EVENTIDE VILLA Eventide Villa, a, home for elder- ly eitieens, is now open ale 30 Sanders St., Exeter. The Villa Is Under the management of Mrs. L. Desjardlne, phone 150 Beater. 9;12:tfc NOTICES NOTICE TO Property Holders e a ite de not plaee tree brandies, cuttings and garden rens.: out With regular garbage, A epeeial piek-tip of all. such re - Mee will be Made en Tiatreday, October 24111. • (Signed) C, V. PICKARD, 'VI:Iwo Clerk. Dated betober.8, 1957. 10:17c EQUIPMENT FUR RENT SEWING, Electric poetablete by the Week, Hopper- Itoekeet P4urn1ture. 1711006 99, ellx4 tre,eter, 111.tel crindl tioh ; Me•• der. DedrirtaeaSitail theeshieg Machihe, nn v.iovrstraitre;kritacteturemieelnett: walittldt crt.taeirTt, blower, in brand flew eolitiltioe; vie ft. tubhee delve belt; Netv Fled' Edgere, Flora' Polishers Tdea eorn pieleer, titled tete eta+ Vitttlutd Clea"". 126818, 81c. *8318.lik8 '11(1 417o;# 'can be arranead 'BEAVERS itAitOW, AltVo Lteier#11•172tbeVe itateitheery et 6 Mon -he •,.—#.4••-,--ae-e-a-e—e---"---•••—a— &edit ein EMPLOYMENT WANTED 6 apPreated joint 40(4511,1 643/..i)ti,A.11.1111i.lierlr`feilititzA•ectilidex.rnarti ArAntztilt, WOMAN, Ste"gta111101: 110.1sr.d .7-tfirt.row'1i1r* new bintdieortp, or. domorook Poilltinn in otrie6 t,••• MI) 3 f attire. Plitelie carritege;'eorn Abelian be Wide: 119 ft. endless belt; wagon box: pig ra.clt: 2 'gravel loatetii, quan- tity .of new itin;ber 2 electric (enters; 4. eletario steel poste; 1)10401Mo/17; logging ebeine; crags- ettot salvo; 15 gal, drum; copper kettle; electric drill and stand; 2 electric. motors; wheelbarrow: vino; ae14-all jaca; anvil; elec- tric ea.ve; large assortment of carpenter tools; oaten crates; liars° aiippere: 1110 ego palls: bi- cycle; 1.309 ceder 'rails; beet) wire; audit pails; lawn mower, sledges; pig .race; ding ropes:. ehieteen :Welters: pig seeles: 4 .oaic eider barrele: grain bags, etc., ete. Cattle: Part Hereford and Due - ham cow, with rale at foot: part Duthaat ein4 Jersey cow' Tuning; roan farrow *'ow; redDurham /arrow cow; roan cow, milking, carrying third ealf, due in Dec.; Ted Deirham cow, nlilking, t•arry- Ing third calf, duo latter pare nf liov.;, 2 Durham /lettere, slue in Dee.; 3 Durham heifers, due in Nov. This is an extra choice bard of rattle GRAIN: 70 boa Cenese wheat: 750 bus, mixed grain, chalce quality. HOUSEHOLD EFFECt T 3, - piece eliesterrield; al utile coueli; large wardrobes; dining room extenelon table: rook Ing ehairs; centre tables; complete bedroom suite; dressern romp -lodes; bath tub; kitchen clock; ehest of drawers; phonograph; gaa lamp and lantern; ice cream freezer; large cabbage MI 051'; 3 -burner electric range: crooks; sealers; kitchen eupboaral apple peeler; many articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve az4 the farm is soli]. Hut to extra, large sale, sen- t= will Mart sharp on "time. Lunch booth on grounds. TERMS: cash, MRS. THERESA HARTMAN, Proprietress GLEN WEBB, Clerk IvAi.rx.rt., Auctioneer tottirc Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Faitn Machinery, Thresher, Livestock, Grain and Household Effects On the Pedaloes 1.0T 4, CON. 11, HAY 'MP. 114. Mile* Last of I/agave:Sod and 1 Mile North or 4 Miles South of Zurith. 1 The 'Under:fleeted Auctioneer is instructed to *ell by Publie Aut- tbott on AVEONEsitLet., our, 23, 105/ et 12130 P.M. %bort+ irnActo TI 5 &THRESH/NG MACHINE: af, at. 'Waterloo type standard tracter, used tWo Seasoftn,,14 guaeartteed 0011111tiort; Allis Clialtnees "CA" standard Floor Sanders I AUCTION SALE Of Household Articles, Implements, Clothing, Etc. HENSALL ARENA SATURDAY, oVroulat 10 1640 pan, E,S.T. This eale will serve a double Purpose. The undersigned will. sell anything, including household articles, furniture, clothing, farm machinery, on commission. 1 Anyone wishing to donate any rubber: A.111* Cliiitleleee teuttler and puller; 71.131. Iflatleate treater MAI1.11,1tD WOMAN tieeiree eerie also; New plea Areie ho*d. tate ter full 011110 job in atort. !pedal.: Non? 'flee 4 -bar Nide. take; 13091 "5" Titivee*Aditoeete. e eat eteeeetaoli .41151.1,051,0/ hart,mc IT* 11.1). Ale ft. *tiff 148t16 ettltivate ors n.drioni ototi Toltor: 14.33, fi-tt. 6110 meteor; 131.71. Wallthig litry. atingle ecutflotT 71.11. elnetie ecuilier; riding Wow: fl.seettort 'harrow tielee Flt9367' blotto]) ritb- ber, tr5g84iO 2 3.84t,118.1 ramseo 6(451 ttris wageort; M.D. 10. ft. duitib otot ot bob Ototghtt; trdalt OOtjatitt.tir; 37o5e4t path getftclor. likh 11(1061 (7e111 10. polo bittbillbr 111t44 ,#.00(141tO. Vittratta stealitet fella fling MIR; 6163/61' totdielitokt tarot' 711806441 tutting bo%; turnip .stot« P6; *tato 8.334 43438, WW1" *10,46 t8I14rk 6801 pulport 134311463 Mrgo I1, ,", • •. .1 , 1.- PERSONAL You Hear Better The Sonotone Way Vol, free bOoklet wend" 01118 o entitilitut to belst. flit*Ml tog Ste. 1 to540ii of the .above Items can 40 zo, all the proceed' donated will go to local. Cancer. Pella and Tuber- culosis fund ar the neet34)1 .1.0.0.F. Lodge. 70 Oliver tractor, on rubber., with starter and lights; dining roo111 suites; etoffee tables: end lablee; eatension tables; 'MUM.; bedroom :mites: 2-pleee chester— field suite: ebesterfield: reclining chair aud 'attempt dreesers: me- tal utinto vebinet; upholstered elutire: raeto; itabY buggy; area - Sure cooker: 1•47 elf. ing dav e np r t suite, nearly oleo,: meat grinder; copper boiler: odd canin: 2 band vacuum gleaners. Anyone lumina antbing to sell eontact P. 1.. MeNangliton, Bert Horton ror Eri Corbett. ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 17c clearing. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Miscellaneous Items 031 the Premises Let 20, ('011. 11, HAY Tera7NS1-11P 214 Miles Weet of Zurich on Highway SI -The underaigned apatlotmer is. instructed to sell by public Auc- tion on WRONOSDAY,' 0("r. AO:, 1 917 Vonionencing at 1i30 pan, Sharp Fell line Of Household Effects in next week's iseue. AIRS. JOSEPHINE BRISSON, • Proprietress -ALVIN WALPE11, Auctioneer Ile Clearing AUCTION SALE , Of:Valuable ,Farms, Tractors Combine, Farm Machinery Feed & Misc. Items On the Premises Lot. 23, Cnn. a HAY TOWNSHIP 1 Mite East. etif Zurich and 1 Mile North The undersigned auctlopeer is instructed to sell by public auc- tion op TIESDAY, ZVOVEMBED, 5, 2907' Pull -deecription of tams and complete list of sale in next week's issue. HERBERT CORNFORTH, ALVIN WALPElt, Auetioneen 17e • Clearing AUCT1ON ,SALE Of Household Effect' in the VILLAGE OF HIPP= 5.431,1104.Vi OCTOMAIII. ON it Sunshine 4 -burner heavy fluter electric stoae: •#311son refrigerate or; drop leaf leitchea ehairs: dining room Ault*: table, 6 chairs: oval glaato china cattle net; china cabinet and *leek came 2)11104: 3-pieee cheeiterfleld JIke tiew; What -Pat: numbar or tiondl tables: rocitere: pedeetals; occasienal chairs; trllight tnnip lable 1501115l ball *eat: cliest a dra.ivere: modern 4-plece bad• room suite: folorings and matte, rem': bean: dressers; -quilt boxes; library table; brown Iron bed, springe and mattrese; A/animater rug: aeon head Singer sewing machine; mirrors; Pletureal 145h ing machine: clothes bored tubs; seaters: dishes: kitchen uteepols, and other articles too numerous 10 mentiou. TBRAIS: Caste SAMUEL CrOMOR.E. Prop. ..rAcxsiw. Auctioneer X. P. atiEsNlo.r. Cleric" 1.7p At Public AUCTION Farm Stock & itimilements- 'Household Effects, On the Premises of LELAND DESJARDINE.1 on, Highway 21, 11 Miles North ot Grt,A;s;D . BEND Opposite Superteet -Garage: ,OCTOttral# Co eneing at 11.00 1.0.01. Puri list in nex't weeks. iesua, Txrais: Cash day 0r sale, LELAND 1)ES3ARDINE, Prop.. aleNEIL. Auctioneer • Phone Alvinston 013-re6 470 AUCTION SALE WHALEN ciit:Reir slixn• MONDAY, ocroorm, 111 at a pan. items include 1806 church shed with cottage reef; 28" coal tur. nace with squaro jacket: air ennditioner, lilawer. 001111)10 t with motor, coal and wood, sew- ing machlue, cistern pump, pore retain basins and miscellaneotla arthol es, AV, E. NAIP.N, Auctioneer CLEARANCE SPECIALS '53 Buick 2 -poor Sedan' RAD i 1:1 ETC. $995 , '51 Ford 2. -Door . . • . • $29;5 ' ' '51 Meteor 2. -Door . . . . $295 We Must. Move 'Em! MAKE US AN OFFER ON ANY OF THE FQLLOWING:, '56 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN, radio '55 BUICK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP, auto •4) 54 BUICK SPiCIAL SEDAN ,auto '53 DODGE SUBURBAN '56 PLYMOUTH 8-CYL. SEDAN '54 BUICK SUPER SEDAN, all extra '54 METEOR NIAGAR.s., 4 -door Goodwill Used Car Buys '57 VOLKSWAGON '55 DODGE HARDTOP, radia etc. '54 MERCURY MONTEREY, SEDAN All extras, '53 DODGE HARDTOP . '52 CHEV COACH, radio '51 BUICK 4 -DOOR SEDAN', auto, radio '66 VOLKSWAGON, radio '55 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio etc '53 FORD 4.00OR SEDAN, auto, recite '53 DODGE SEDAN, radio etc, '42 WILLYS AERO COACH Oldrive, radio, '51 DODGE SEDAN A Number .Of Older Units To Be Sold By Auction If Not Gone In 10 Days. Phone 7$ Zurich .1 SON MOTOR .SALES. 34 Phone 608 ;Ex0er •