HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-06-20, Page 3Weediest • ee bin ereelesnte N ell is A# mal $chsevi. Mr. Mewl. spy Mise drafted Nm ill, bet we twta>re IMt Y be dad, he was hamand 'Adis -4eivg" ks 11411 VIS Wok jg leilseelf *tab f% seem le nobs It i' li1i „ m(krge HURON SIGNAL, ssRpsdtlwn p.Ws tt.esgh and N maty to - W ets twitted for • Nbery-•leetreg sad Is. "HAP" ileigidg mope se are the inhabit's', 01Coad•, It %tro.I4 Je for such countries LOYALTY t •• Ppsariaatiiamb.1 the German States; bat the mNAN,tUell° too .trosgly of de Tin immerse! Poet_ athed " What is is • e podes faoaansjs, ire ling w. may Aad D allis?" Mad spot calm reSestees, ow mold be di•pnmd ts answer ",here is eery dale." - Names do set cbaage the aaturo at thief° -do sot alter k.ta-dir ant modify car weave• the esoestial qualities d the object to which they ars apple/. Bight sad wrong, vice and virtu jam r0°mia irriuisally the @sow by wbat.rrr an they .nay lie called. Ths same, is most isotas.e•, is only the show -the shadow -the ahem, tad may agree to serer., bet ca.•ot de- stroy the reality. Bat we most, nevertheless, askaswledm that s••withetsadisg their insub- stantial, unimportant eb•r.eter, sse.a. bare ruled the world ! M•akisd have bees mere frequently guided and iadseseed, is their cos - duct, by wows than they ha.. been by facts and principles. Poor, frail Msskiad ! There ors two words -two aa*Y, is Ike Eegliah language which have produced a grea- ter must •f •cries, and envied • greater "a- flame* os the coadoet sad deathly of the Hu- mas family thus all the facts of the physical e victors and x11 the priaeiple@ of ethical philoos- phy! Them names u. "Orrhsdosy" Mad "Loyalty," and so mas pommies peeper re- spect for the character of his species, sad Ile - vitiated with the history of the past, eau beer these names, or either of them, prenoaced without feeling • diapositien to be•11 • sigh ever the errors and frailties of hums. eturE -- of the Uaion Act, aai could met be esteem. They eeeTey all those gloomy ideas which we .d by the Hose*. Mr. Boulton appealed here been .ce°.nsed to nuoeiete with spv- from 1h• decision, bat the Hewes supported syetoma, Lgsisitisw. Magmas and chains, and Mr. Speaker is his opinion. carry with them the earl recollection of those The (louse then adjouned at 1 o'clock.- dark trrreeherin, aad revalti@g •trocitie• tau 1' Lha Male diem witotatoolsou•sAmmoasiegiAggigegag T-irmogg Mere. -1 M LI&QRC JUALDLWQ SOCIETY. Aad. at peseml, whet a MOO toile roe Them 1* is leeky devil -4W alibm t ia.f» Idea •d ATTACHMENT. - ' .' • "Loretto." y.. at sum saauhpd@ that M °°►p, aN elfuytbi.g i & M i.ed, Mol TSEtrrs' Ilretilats/ebe e etiatllnssltbie 111 THE QUEEN'S BENCH. mass twMt4as Lpewr . @.d w eaippw 'M- um fire j 8etirry wlr M boY •t the ttJ Hotel w i1NJ7'i., COUJn Bra Ot' By . bias, Mai 11 we t.tt'deretaad • w•rrut has Mused for Ars • preh•n.il.a, :M1°MMT vwslw •lens >N 11emmee. hr the re- , Ami and Brace. # tee of "1° dehorr,so "'um' ►r leyhy i ""I' ss we shell out try a projadico u caul by Wife of ° mk ~ rem" • Writ of A 'miasmal mooed wt of Her ealiib.t Itself by ir.mplisg *Pee all Law ed ay (urtbe, reference to it at present. W. 1e ' y' • RIC,rr. Mpj.ty's Court of 's Te- • nier -6y Mashies and spntug epee the dial, however, be necessitated to bring his Queer's Emelt at AY Quotes Re reae.tauve-b b nrie the Pulls- conduct more full before the Ito Mad t\. Oede.te4' op* jaw, 1814 3v-.90 nate, p1 the TAhe year TWENTY-Munn* DAY v ) 6 7 P°b of M A fT t;' , ip ib* year of r eord Ott mut Buddies, or by amnesias the Ameriee• Ciutra.,•at next work. llOt erit!I1, Canada Went, Tbouwnd Fight iluadred aN Fifty, to psedo •f Her Mojesty s Dotnieiuse to the Val- 19B 1,1., 1D me duecfedi •`•tae(l the ESTATE, EAL tee Bt°tes ! g YOR SALD ST THE BUBBCRfatRS, as well oro PEIi&)J1AL,'oe Reetius one, AQuantity of Potash Kettle'sas ab.condug roweamled Deblgr, et ileo ".f the eeleDntd M.ariex, Tbrve Rn. 8uit u( Hassan Tr one Tuor.• F. Adoor' ors Inca W.ets,"-AMS doily I.rkd fir Iran for the sum of nighty: •'bre° ro°tldir ON Liverpool, to btwireal Shilling ani Four Peace, r BALL Bleached and Ural. sb.d C.lieees. 1 lave noised •(1 the .lata, f.4 ped Personal of I le amd Hobert ((coil, aid u elea. the rani Robert Cork return wi(her) tb1 ri ris.liction of the said Court Mad ptil,4 find to the Action, orcaou the claim of the paid Henry Duly and Thoma. F. Ahbot, to he dtscharg.d within Tb,.. Calendar Mon he fent the first der of the puhhcatiun of this feoffee ,n Ms /x`"Med" CuzeIl', all it, fa. tele: Best or Pereunat; f the aged RAhsrt Cook, or so meth fb'erbof as may be n. res - O w, wifl ho held liable for the Payment, Benefit and Sitie('rttnn of the claim. JOHN McDONALy1, Sherif Rwgurr'e O,nce, Gn'lersch,nthApril, 1850.c 3v'nIA NOTICE -The •nd.r.ipeed by power 4 , Anormer dated the 97th du 4 May. 11158, ✓ iven him by Thoena4 R. Woodtiff, to f.h.lt all o.'tnunding debt. ,fdf the Me PAW of Mee and Wondhg. fid liTnwltpersetaTyy=regiieel an immedine &itfeaed% of the mot a then .ill be given to 11414 Clerk of tea Divisors coon for arolke,io•. BENJ. PARSONS. Ooderieh, Jere (•Jrh, 1d50. alai" THURSDAY. JUNE lt, tS5& u W dIsMa•t more lolly epos this Immil tr4 br►afel. PArlARY PROCEEDINGS. is the Roast loot sight a loaf discussion took place os Mr. Robtwu's resolution as to the printing of the House, and the gen- t1Man aflame', withdrew be motion. Colonel Gugy moved that Mr. F. C. Capitol M remoser.ted for expellees incur- red is arresting the murderers of Mr. Kin- near some years ago. ler. Sherwood opposed the motion, but he el Rae test the rules of the Hoose (or ani Ind' oat member to introduce a reso- lution for ibe psymeat of money, Cul. Gugy withdrew his motion. The Foreign Seamans' Bill passed through Committee of the whole without amend 81r Allam McNab's Sill is allow Corpo. rstime ta take stock is the Great Westerns Railroad, was eo altered' u to give the peiviledge to sol) Corporation to tae stock to toy railroad tereogb.ut the Province. M►. Smith's (Durham) Lew Reform Bili was referred to a committee of seven, 'p- rorated by the House. Mr. Henry John Bohltoa moved the se toad reading of hie hill to fit the time 01 the mettle' of Parliament. After a long discouiou it was dw:ided by the Speaker that the bill was contrary to the peovieioaa OIs6. • give • dismal aspect to the records of a ruder nate ef society. They re, in awl, names which have bees steeped is blood. FINANCIAL REFORM COMMITTEE. The financial reform committee met on 8aturd•y morales last. On • motion for taking up the civil list before any other branch of the rov.ette, tome diaeus.io. areae. Mears. }hocks, Morrison, and Merritt opposed the motion, and threaten- ed to tears if tb° motion should carry. On the q'esstios being put, the motiu was carried by • majority of oro,. Ulmer.. Haack* sad Morrison ibea west away. The irritation of the Gover*or Genera's salary was then tidies op, and after about t wo hours dioeueeiea, • mellow was crrisd formfitting it to ES, 500 a year. . The sommittee 1411d previously agreed on reducing the pay) .f members of Assembly to $J a day.-Eramiwer. PARTIES AS TIIEY ARE. Soloesos has said that r there is a time fee every purpose wader heaven," •Itbongh ha doss sot particularly •lied. to am duty n( row Editor, who may, is the exercise of his calling, feel it necessary occsston•Ily to throw out sundry bine for the benefit of " the powers that 14e." But if Mere be as the wise as ►u said "a time to rend tad • time to sow," we think that the present modest is one 'rgrinng • healing stitch, se the read has hum allowed to become long enough iso all eonsetetice. The pre- test ministry are set iwm.eulate. Thi. is ,sack social issutati*as of a county, a • w a cad cmisderatio., but, for the present we ,d already psblicly sa°etioaed or iadteed hie .es so help for it. That they do, however, fellew.eiuseo to wppoer b• eosaeieatioesly up. approach a little nigher to perfection Zhao I tay eel of mow who could be found to 1.- :proved. Every an a morally Mad ...too, plies them, is, w• t►f.k, ineo.tronrtibly . hosed to obey :he laws of his eouairy whether proved bp tics experience of the Pre.eet , they be good or bad, but if they are had he lomat Roeehl• of P.rliameat. The pelmet de• bowed to revere.ee or call them good It is his • trmetives a the L.gielativ° Aesewbly, we duty s call than by their proper names -to my in common with all right *huskies wren, , ;hey aro bad, sad to prise by every species of think too mischievous for pity, and too 10- 1 .....t argument, aad by every constitutional significant for eost°mpt. 'rhea west to . mode of sgit•tion, to eop.iaee his fellow-eous- tryme■ that they really rare bad, ad that the peace sad prosperity .f the colotry require the immediate repeal or •Itmtio of these bed laws and iestiroti@se. Thii%oeld be patriotism -it would be Iyelfy. Bet it has been • aeel@tcholy fact for the world, that loyalty Ass tees mode to Mistily • blindfold attatchme. t to the laws and Mediations of • eoutry, whether good or had- • kid of reckless, estimate/tie determinatio t• fight and die is defeats .f the rants polities' Emetics tad the esttbli.bed ender of Goverment. And by this peevenw of pnaupls-thio u- thiski°g infatuation, i psfty, rimmed of beim • virts. has Men • positive amid a deb°uag evil : .d by ve.eratieg ad •ttempti.g to perpetuity aaeio.t errors, is sppmitiw to the spirit of pm- gtes@ive t, has beea the fruitful sumo d Iltsedtive nvol°tioas and wariest 1115. Then is, however, some coasol.tioa is k°ow- iog that these convertible watchwords of intole- rance and oppression iae among the calamities that may be said to caro them.el►ea. Whet pereee•ti°o, for opiniot's sake. was mars the order of the day this it u •t pretest, it frequent- ly happened that the ruling or ovWdes t.wimi- ootios was, by some gauge revotatiot of public opinion, thrown bene the pedestal of power tied &objected to the same tortures and iodigeities which it had, a few moths before, fafiictal o the very de.omivatioa which sow assumed the full title aid practised the fall cruelties of the orthodox party. Aid tilts by boning and be- ing bused is tan, the term orthodoxy became positively ridiculous sad bas bog aims tees sepereded by_.the less harsh and lens iarler•.t term " ceewg.Lir.L." The word Loyalty i• still partially retained is u., but if it ever had any definite and iotelligible messing (which, by the by,. very dubtfel)it is ewer loot,ad the use aid appropriation of the wad is confined exclusively to certain political b.nkrtpts whose tams re- quire thaw bolster of support. The mil ration - sl eneasisg that amid he watched to the weed Loyalty, or, at hast, the oily °awwg whish would imply a virtue, Medd be 0 fault"! whs. reset to tech a eesstittttea .d laws. sad r agree smug tbem.&ve os o0• point poly, sad tlmt is, fiercely and watigustty to op- poss Mad retard the business of the House irrespective of ibe cher-actor of the measures introduced, or what the .o.stry requires, merely to gratify their malevolent feelings sod envoy the ministry. While it is our deterarimation to extend to no ministry a servile support, it is equally our intention never to eoumteaaaee those, who, from tel - 14.h and improper motives are always ready to stet • factious oppoitioa. It casual be expected that the co°stry will much longer 'adore the kind of eppowti.n *aired now. The meter of i1 is for the most part Ine.tirsbly silly, amid the expellees it has (retailed on the c000try is fearful. We have differed with the present ministry os e ms polite, sow do, ser shall we, refrei. from .zpressiag car opinion' fearlessly whoa w. feel *tilled is dtff.rimg ; but. es the Neer basil N shsdd consider ..rselee culpable, were we sot to giv* them •bear- Trees the Rene lame they Loyalty of the ty impport whirs we believe their masmres to be is anima with Ow requirem..ts of Scotch tstlo• atutched itself so dev.tedly le the IT W. are sorry to perceive from the Casa - da Lamle. Timis. that oar eery Wetted sod refitted extemporary, of that venerable Journal, bis tabes tangible offence at oar late remarks. am what we f eitioasly termed 114• " Martyr's Dinner" in Goderieh. We have certainly w pretessioos to sub tuning .d,fi.eoestu • aiformly adorn the editorial colemas .f the Tiaw, but we bare the perceptive .f a alight d,auoetioa betwre• troth sad falsrbocd. The Time" chancterimeostr remarks with the charit- able epithets " • itger sad H.rigrsrd," tad perhaps they were entitled to this character, or. at all stunts, we are better pleased with each • character from the roam the• if be ea called u boost or clever. A eomplimeat i. .i cos - pitmen' inlets the person who pays it is teeny • jodp of the subject. We hays ..rely oro 'malice or 111. will toward. bfr. Dixon. We re- gard hi. eamd.ct, ...be time.( bis Excelle.ey's visit to L..do+, u tat ouly reprehensible ed a°wartby d a Bnu Magistrate, bat as posi- tively criminal -but we art willing to believe that he acted merely u the iaktostd sol of worse tits than himself. Aad, while we rugr.t that web • ems u Mr. Disco ,hold our be brought before the public is ewoeetioa with say other sabjeet than that of hie bassi - seas, we, at tb( same time feel no computerise' ofeas.eie.e. for any this( we have wdue• simian him; as we candidly believe that obould he become a subject of history, these same tamer's which the Time calls " volgy sod blackguard" will form the most favorable passage is his Biography. Oar iee.tios however, is policies the compliment of the Thew, is pot to find fault with what the Editor has mid about the vulgarity and blackg*ardism of our remain the public are mach better judges of this mater than the Editor of the Timor, Mad with them we ars willing to leave it. But the Tuan has beet guilty of • foul libel on the inhabitants of Godarich, and to this we re tot e=a.0y iscimd to stoop. And &though wo cannot be expected t. .ply to the J'inci, the polished and refined epithets of ".npnscipled" ''Liar"&c., which he lavishly bestows o0 his eotemponry of the Fre. Press, yet in car ossa Simple " vulgar" mother -tongue we wren lowly taught .W call Mims by their proper tames r a.d when the Times says that Mt.' Dixon " had the house of beim( Merited",'. large,•repeetabk tad iael- lige- t .umber of the i.eabitaas of Ooderich, to • public dieser " then, we (eel,calld apo to tell the Titers that, either lea is guilty .1.t esg a solar*. sad pernicious fs(a h.d, a, M.. De - ea has tsilfaffy miwsjersed hires, sod i. there- fore, • much worse ma. than we had "pooped. Became, the truth is, them was so " Ptfdl Diwtee" gives to Mr. Dieu i. Gederieb.- " The respectable ad iat,Otgest i.habitamu" kaew moths( afoot the tatter. Ekren penises did sat • Ned &aper in compaay with Mr. Die- m is the British Hotel, Mad "(them elevea,twe, at knit, viz. Mr. Beweber•d Mr. Robert Casa, did set belmg t. G.derieh. Aid es fir from be - lag • ': public diaper" to Mr. Dixon, i• ap- proval of his culpable e°.4.ct, the Li1g. if it was Seep worthy to be Stilled • thing, woo so truly despicable that the iadividuk who got it Mt were ashamed of it, sod actually wished it to be believed that it was merely • sort d social party guess y Mr. Dia.,' fa xis prwotefrisade. OUR MEMBER. WE thank the Hoo. Malcolm Cameron for a copy of Mr. Lafontaia'. New Repro saotation Bill. We have not hod time to peru.e it, hut we thigh it i. the measure of the Session. We certainly require a more extended Representation, not ottly is regard to numbers, but also io regard to energy aad faithfutseas. Foriwtance, Huron with upwards .f twenty thousand oubliette', re- turns ova member to the Home of Assem- bly, and is w.mi°*fly repprrosented by the Hon. William Cayley. Wilsey weadtally, (T7 Our 8°bscnbere will he enoroos *sough to pardon us fur the late lacus of the Signalthis week. The delay wt. oc- tesiooed by a disapporattwoot is 08, paper arrangements, which is, however, not like- ly to occur again. a5:-. The communications hem the New County of Bruce carne too Int* for filmse- tters, but will @ppear in our nest. 07- II anybody will mod us any mosey, a large share of upright gratitude may safe- ly be calculated on ! ! Coueatee, 18th June, :Salt t o Two dni?o. or nix imam •1010*.. 8ir,-Peinut me the use of a stall space is your tattoos, to call public aitastios to • moi sagrast trespass which has o(I.e been (rMteet- ly iewimittad on what may he called the "Com- mas Burial ground," by certain patties (whom I shall enwe if the practice is c°otia•ed) taking Iowa the fetel sad putting 1hdir Horses, Cows. &e., Milo it at Right, is order that they may be the men easily fund in tai mortis'. While on this wbjxt, 1 would also call this atteattos of passim he1hlg trie.& or relations eerier] is this Q.u.d, to the dilapidated esitifftioa of she fuer, and the uasigkdy appearance of the place is goo - end, is the hope that a.m•rhisg may be due before .•other winter, to improve it. Link would be Deeded from each, dell atm williag. Tears, Warcaes.- Iltt, SaTtran.T Monir.s, 224 Jui.`. W Gel sorry is •nauaming the sudden and sseapectd death of the aasiable wok of taw Sheriff, Jost McDo.a*n, Foo. The rao.rfal occurred Iasi night about eleven o'clock, and is re•dered sddi'ioally p•td•1 earl alieoting by the fMet that n►• Sherif is at Lisgnea. LOST between the British Hotel Mad the Post Office. about 6 o'clock as the eveaieg of Teeoday this clevestl last., • Brows Morocco Pocket Book, large size mod nearly new, eutai.is( the undermeetio•ed pa- pers, and any penes finding, the same sed re- inniag it to the owner will confer a .particular favor, mad wiil also be reasw.Sly rewarded for ilteir trouble. And the •obeeriber does hereby caution say of the .ederme.tio•ed partiesmak- ing any payments o them, as he will set hold himself responsible for the am• escepthlg thrugb his owe receipt. August, 1848, drawn by J. R. Gooding, two years after date, payable to Brewster turd Smart, endorsed by Isaac Rattenbury and William Robertson, amount, £50. August, 1848, drawn by J. K. Gooding ono year after date, payable to Brewster Mad Smart, endorsed by Isaac Ratteubory, and William Robertson, amount £50. February, 1850, drawn by Isaac Rotten - bury, payable to Brewster and Smut, paid 24th April £3 10s., amooat £9. Fob., 1850, draws by William Matthe- son and Alex. Morrison, payable to J. K. Gooding, pad £1, amount L1 85 ad. P.b., 1.50, draws by James,Gentles and Robert Russell, payable to J. K. Gooding, .moeet £ 1 11. ed. Feb., 1ee°, drawn by Alex. Nasmyth, payable to John McDonald, amount £25 Nod. It aloe ee.tai.ed • number .(other notes, ac - mutts •d , which are of not the kart .till to any perms but the owner -the payment.( which has been "topped. JOHN Mc DON ALD, Light House Street. Gederich, June 17th 1850. ♦3090 TO BE SOLD. -An Excel - kat PARM, being LOT No. 12, MAiT- LAND CO N C ES 8 ION, Township of Goderieb, containing 100 acres -80 of which is cleared. The land la of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. it ie vitiated exact- ly nine mile from the town of Goderieh on the Huron Road, and at the junction of six dtffevent roads; sodas it is in the center of a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex- cellently .depted for a Tavern stand or a Store. This farm it well, entitled to the 1850. attention of persons desirous of a eligible Akin,'" Mr. Kiel Richard .ituatioo for business, sod will be sold on Ak. Kiel, Chu very reuowable terms. For partitvlar. L W apply to' D. H. LIZARB, Land Agent, Arrol Thos l, ireh Peter • Godsriell June 90, 1850. iv -1220 Baker Dr J O Mitchell iso i3tephta because, so far as we are aware, Mr. Cay- Brimacombe G 0 Moyle• loo ley has not during the present and two put NOTICE., Colwell Nus A May Miehl session@ of Parliament, made, one single ir REG to hltimete 1..11 that it ma Martin David eeesn, Cbowen Thu 2 Morrison Pani allu ion to the of tint I have utter a - Carroll Joo t 1@@very rare to diseorer that lir. Caylry ed t• WILLIAM STORY, auof thorised 14,mstto °mens henry Merlin Mule has a met is the House. It i2 frac that be ultra al misers du me either by Nae of Curon'John Mario Ino oceasioo•Ily waken very bitter attacta epos hand or °tk.rwi••, aad mut disehrges car the Criu Mess Elso McDermnt Terrine. the ls@p°etor1 Gewnl, and displayyss aay say°'. Ad 1 hereby refuse• all p•rsoesiedabud Carroll Palk McWilliams fame. 10 m' forthwith to settle the same and sore Curly Jao McGregor Daniel amount of wappiih*tas on the daunted affairs of the Province, but this do only be . cam' Carey lame. McDermot Andrew regarded as the ill-natured barkis a of JOHN LANCASTER Coneer Joo Mac Lean Ino L G•derich, 9btb day May, &i0. .3.17 Coal Peter Note Wm so 8sbneen about las Geese of ol8ce. And 7 is so far as the well-being-tb• prosperity IMPORTANT TO THIS PUBLII!, Danser Peter jowlse dud . the eoeatry,.aad with the well oedoretood infatuated and Impracticable Hum of Stewart, --the improvemeet or Huron is cooc.roed, [hole loo 2 O'Donnell idow wishes of them people. Wo could without the Mose here Dees gradually wo t►• docile tie Honorable Gentleman is mate and T _ZRA HOPKiNS, •f West Flamb•rnogb, Douglass Thou Parker Joseph otmeh think show that rouek i@ sow ibe mats for ever and mi let et u s o- L harass for • few month" pun hem aeneg se Darcy Miehl Powell Jams@ y throughout Europe; said kw events whisk `` In pP' Tn,ellin Aeemt for Ike WASIHNO'PON Ewart Robt Pi.der Wm 2 ow but i• car eelam... to -day wi11 be heat Second 10 ktor time ..ch u die New. pistol* beam doignated lh. 'c Member for the `` f d a measure which @peaks more for ti Mona, be ca11.i tbe n Member for MUT[fA[, INSURANCE CO., takes the pre• Edgar Rohl Parker Jno mien @f Amrieae 1 -the Fatah w ore• oppor ttos of 14tinkor o die e•b•►ire"p of Fremer Ands and rr W m Mirror. •has any thing others cadet wy. Revolutiw Ibe " tyy-Mya.sen d O•wktva kwon. Ws believe the electors of Huron the WelIlegiot Ohmic' (or ileo mei liberal pat• pleas to MIel1 R ta)o(hn gbreawareof this foci` -we thigh they arsmeots•dencoengrmestwhirl' heh••received FnurgWm Ro•ehJno and the pasatag of the British Refire Billy late aware • istt Mr. Csyley ia is readily so Re- •t their holds ; ad leu now the Oeuvre of ie - TmTomGoo Rusarll i.eoaara Game Tapas.-The very hvorsbe tended meteeisily le east noises wapisoos ea, pree.atative of thew waste, writhes ver fsTmisg :maths* be is fitly atthenzed to Met elaegn which the weather ►ta o the iatenwte-*er .1 the soul wishes and alwfa t►e GCACBCE MUT1IAL, the firae@r G°►ta Win Spry Beim °i lhisia meek :las hog eowajjaode*sble p►/62.w d i.oyeltlr Marl ~ » Itstit•tern bei. e ywane ]so Switzer Gro a I vera sbsei@u is mom" sad interests of any body eke than Mr. Cayley a zelueiasl de.std a rhe 1..ta Lha Lw of the Vele •redo; him.elf. Wo dare rosy they feel inethted ta sorste• of Tare 8toek and Naldugs, the Isu., Harrison W t7 Seboeter Margaret a .all laa.i►o p moi isutligmt Sinaloa L Casella, however, the , taking risks is Te.ser- rad bet14 et v Mods- Heartiness W m tit ff Mich! 1 ., j Snag• to apsei@Mr*saI@ssftispis@►d uba oak' " Whet °seaseree has .Mr, Ceyley is- tide IertM Hamilton Riehtt l+trsthdee loo }meas alerhhog. la. NINea re.atios ` 5 ni1, %rodeeed wed oarMd 11 Aw4 wk feel par- nes epa@wreerou CowraT oases 1 Hu ort Archlilld tl»ith eo kw •them elm Tao eases Of the sod W lgts d m't sker growth that is est medal that so saaewst .1 b maw MI- unifies adtorts op - jam , M7_simplF blarney m t•gr• It I.1 0. Pivlt°n. 4.isg , le et or- y 1 Wi y rwspoa ether a bawssa rl• isdse@ttltat N dariwaa vas Woos them to rt#gwt that Mr. Bleary rials at est• per ids* , ttiiwg ee istw ••e Harriet; Alex Sykes Mmes Mltrg etitar4ltmd t- ka*p ti *see, •pemt•d es I. Sheer Cyky iae 1s troth. the mast of h. umsfel •••moue• at 14wisese, 4.14.g a wry krgles.h Horse se ittmhervroh Prank I 14ems ta wrier n Ioag til ea feed, •ad tl settling sit theism ta° J u 2 Torre tti hd sane a eeatian_ Maes prmpeiies 1 ibe ppwlartou Ikea it 2,,,.. naMasnM / As/ lbuarAw, the! ere Mapae• cista ordial p.amp s g 4 u Ibe gre rhe°• )It wNlt1geidell !mole/ Iowa, hejds@s is odea smeY bet, a very gill d16MMt ed to regret taflftldaf it temperatat tho Now e vee Y.e M.mbrss. Rf am* rho igS6rras4deilpwg. t Dt •ylor W m siaA free =it say jlattemase est ilea.. se gmpegnes M sd Tarn VaiwaCowesty m1*seded Me issue d A. F. MICK LP, P. A. fssstsi wt 1 seriai ei law ysM, Reit' mawd wM ss6 velkviy dvevdaw. ea ea vvivi"e i°bwaaM el the . Coolness osow' °S'ir'e Piss i° Ze.aad.. tillagaal. wi 14. irNgt►.tlail Mas ow Aga *huh et Wil etsttilolooi.g. had tbs wag "leper ratitetissue that vetoes this I t rotso.» ae,q,msy iso.. ... l@a tli ibe D/%T%'S% L %KT. tion reseed from the weet et vide, Irmo Vr°M algid tldmMp 11 .•nada0 to lit"...." lige beam•, dew, linkmen boa when. boo. FriIIE salt Ohltiisw eti'RBtM •till tilted weather Ms at MI oms era M Mbiitieigsity. BsttMeMshwW ... et by d s from tie Rejiied if Osieis Led 1 ` Aa NOW 1s `S rel Os testartw- Igairud eel IM fLa unmet Ow dsri•g rhe L' diwtiM •f Mine ltd rwd woe*. N we g NW rm ` +M jam tbirt@rs lwsrtl t @ N beet only 14 1 at eve name end plssew'IwNewiwsr total r tb. •@groat the the lbw yams aPwlikilod lAM X Gla- ghee , eworsgd tete par / tNh..i4. *Meg that pr. tot. tliei.is+ -C•asa boom •r tTnd.riR4,- ' + g sea tri lei tmllw w .ok• wi 1. "mid that WNW e rs •i 4 iwda 4f than mssadi r@rl.s►flue leer blues Iled dm free- T. Msem°, Eat, Clerk- tataer rtiost nbwt the dues alp ptdreed lenity is dein "°sing m°° °M&i°S Seem Ado a el" O.ii/• ItN. btalhlwi: Mt,196. K Reship •e Tames Huss Red tktmi .b ilwt Aedsigw -ei ah. ad badapt.ries .1.,.d 'dna* sipemi m WO... *••• sal hire ! ; 1 -*i+► . ASoks for the -17th lt. . Ntmq IDM@Aes.: id Dwi.ism- .... nw.wr jdrre +, NMI / M sssssA IM %ww.N'ag@s, psi ,"t„ L@a t Clerb masts, ha.e tltltlmad R adwieaay to `koMtN .m.Tt a seeeiagnwlity of I.M►a ae.eRbg .w ibit"k ffid tlhafrt / MY tai aparatlas, sad the imeilrstlau M les sod w ~ ' itrBs' a •tans ►M wwasistf tlSAi MrRl y .sa4si ibe paapl• m pp Iso K Aad t C.Mas soba, • o eit .f MM:.. .r., iiiM is+/►ssd I Ai J• rCarter, Teems i tid..' A.ad. y" -110.1m er..*° ♦wild lad.Nip 1 hap the . apyoieso '.loom ligungaow, Mair thank sod s14Ng* L 11. by laked SA dMZ [t'°ek. Xer."R tle11i JAM t+p_sag *SsM in hobo dot the. %y.lty g adore 4, semi 544..1 tad Arms.: h1 e w at• • awd ►lass esid...o or,sItbw tt J11^ 011.0“:".001.244 RIC . ugt • rssussi 0 Nets.. I4sa r ti, r lest* the e.sdwet 1 Ow by . M 1tt eworbSg IS tidalig all@e@a r Ilia 4ii.els- skwsl Ss. Stlt@yeu Oh WM •tees d ftstM,>!he- ell EAU tinea w Sir AIM* Melt•►. C.l.u@I *ow roiislM Is., A•..rowwa, ilt sidlt 4 Blass Clad. 'VW* w 1 !h sod • foss @►w, aims{ the Mel - " Bei p lentil M. Nsnwr Ravi 'T4s Wises of the. !Comfit wAia'w.- aaM teen 1"1"111' eal g " ' M sew M 'tlwmrfbawM, 12e1'ia 'Mi. tl .•el,ltr A. M. ,!e t h• Iso •N ht e*ssimerd "Pei" ta a ylg *sews to f eetR R,,,a.e.R, ttf awtr.R, AgtteN M titd/tb/ A`1'If[fR ACIAND, J D C. W° h end 24rg1Ateriw* T.trsships >H -e 13 Qeljd.e ►Tse Isr4. '!g_ 9v-e'ats r - «s • . ''! 1 d •e .btu::. - - do Getout Tor., assaetd casters. • do. Fancy Prieto, Ads " Hsunroy'.' Firm quail, Pale Brandy.Qr. Cukor paringI(r-.wa berry Witte. do. Port du Aod /n udltine in the ahn,., ON osmtinr.t of HARDWIRE. /le. Ae. which the eobeeri- bor .elks. ver. Isw, 090ere perp•et R. PEYMOUR & Cs. 011'1Uts.---the Partnership hererefner ezielro■ betw.et Atei..ows Bttauwro. Ona sod Cw.aLes J.wns WILSON. .f Rimmed. **Iron 1'0e.dy rw, carr fuss W4j the ttapte,'otyle ltd 5,tn ofthr & Wl.oe. Tr. •hie ds d,syl,.d by mutual e.0 eos. A1144 . d..*' th. said *el. will be pdfd hr the nsid;Al- 'sander B."iogtam Orr, to whon, all debts doe to t id6tmarerobe peidforthwith. mese, A. 8.ORR, D.D. 1850. H. Ltxawa. C. J. N'1L80N. Dated et Slntford, this 181h dayof Jame, A STRATFORD InoN FOUNDRY. -Th subscriber haves purchased the rater est of Mr. C. J. Wilms 10 the shove Er- tabh.bment, rs abort to continue the Baot- ou' on his own reeponnbilitr. In return's, thanks to the public fur the veru liberal so conrsgeront received by ()ea .& Wuan,*, he begs to intimate that he will coostnntly keep on band so assortment of 8up.riar Can,*.., consisting of COO 1( J N G , Parlour, and Boa Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the moot improved Moulds,-.6E4f.T ROLLERS, Tvrniag Loans, Nsdth's Rollers, ¢r, THRASHING MACHINES of a superior description to any hitherto introduced, and better adapted to the coos - try from their lighlnees of draught, sad strength of construction. A cell from to- teadtog purchasers is requested before per chasing elsewhere. The above will be sold at how Rates for Cuss or Trade, or at cor- responding rates ns approved credit, A. B. ORR. Stratford, 20th June, 1850. 2e -n20 TO SPECULATORS AND OTHERS. -The subscriber hating hid PARK Lots Nal. 435, 434, 433. 432. 431, and part of 429. sear the ventre of the Tuwo of STRATFORD surveyed and laid set into one-fo•rib ter* Lou, moll respectfully call the @mutton of Parties wishing to become perebuers to thexege.- Fres mud ami.cunbeted Deeds will be gnetd to these prcb•.hlg, or bond for Deed will be given to those who mato pay for Lou cub dews, at ..eh • I..gth of time as may be agreed spas. For partleelars as to Price, &e..pply u Mt. D. H. Lizan, Solicitor, Stratford, with whom the plan of the Property lied. W. F. McCULLOC*. Stratford, TEM J.a, 1850. 3v -a99 DANCING AND CALESTHENICS. MESSRS. ROBERT aad THOMAS MACINDOE ROBERTSON, beg re- spectfully to intimate to the Ladies sad PA?RICIL FLANAGAN, Proprietor: Gentlemen of titoderich, that they have "_,Poli iNF Jasuer pmt opened Closes for inatroction i. MT. Goa-' v►Myi yi tt50. 9.561• . •les' Hall, Huron Hotel, where, by a strict 't TF° Gtt1t Reportar .141 eaasrfttea attention to the pupils intrusted to their above rata, forbid.. care, they hope to afford the penmen sock . satisfaction es will insure tbeir patronage NOT (C E i hereafter. "IP ERSONB desirous of setJimg on the Hours of attend/met from 11 A. M. to a Durham Road jo the • Townships of 6 P. M. Gentlemen's Claw in 1146...- Qlenelg, Bentinck, Brant, Gr It, 11*e- ning from 7t to 9+ o'clock: loss end,Ktacardip°, toilet applyy perpodally Goderich, 2014 April 1850. at tine Office of flee •sdersigned, acid AG lo- TAKE HEED ! - All persona are hereby oattoas stili be confirmed except such ie era canfoeedsg.iut pronrehasing r otherwise made is accordance with this requjrment, reetiyiem, as vsl.e-a pmissory Note of lorry All assignments of irrteqgitin lueaiion• p•usds made by Matrhew Black and James without ibt koowledge ata pros l of the McMahan, and poyable to Thomas Brady or Ageat, will be cnba dered a• a forteiture of order, the 3rd 4.y of WY lost, se ilei said all right in the located or awl rfoe. Nota has Mindy Wen paid. GEORGE JACKSON, ,Ag.nu. THOMAS BRADY. Caowr Lane Orme, Bentinck, (,ounty pr, Watarloo iA'I'> :ST News fia117 litufol ! /-z71R dpb*rib?r4 big Rem 'o leaded tins Parsers of 1ff•Mb', and all others :'.'mused, that they hew. eo°ame.eed the mamfectur. of POT- ASH LETTLEB, which they will wort", stead, and ore determi•d to 8e11 ts Cheap ee Cheaper that .ay Imported. Aay Kyle hoed defective from seed, or air bole", win be t434 bock witbls two roughs (tom dim of p 4ba. GEO*(.lC MILLER & Co. Gederi.14, Feed 191\, '50. 3v -.4t HAYFIELD TANNERY, 0fJ7 mile North of ihyAlld ere' (be take shore. The edbeeriber. vein pay east or leather for hick., and Will trate* Aims aft hider so entreted to Ahem. /led front haring a thorough kno'wledg4 of the beef - sees, they can eonllUestly pretties the pulp- it. a good article. WILLIAM HALL, BENJAMIN RO8ZE1.: (rode r is h, April 19, rtJ0'. .3141! A VALUABLE PROPERTY POR SALE ! TETE subscriber offers for .SATE' hie i GRIST and SAW MILL,..ttutda is the Towahip of McGillivray, oro OM Sig Sable, within three miles of Flan.pb'a k, Coveter. The Mills aro now ia;operetidtlhed• .• n ewly built. The Privilege is the bit e& « the River, mid attested' in the gleet Tea& • ship in tin County of Huron-wellsett'led, • Mad Roads opened in all directions to trotter' r. it. The Maebtoery tad Material' ire of His eery !teat quality, slid pot ep by the 45- ry bast achtsi.ts, For Partieilird ra- vine of Jame. Crumbtbi Esq., Gaft, Of rop- y to the subesriber: Cs•derieb, J.o. 1,7.4. 1855• 13.19 : LLIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the !!*.area 14th, 1830. yln'y Stratford Peet Office up to 7th of loos CAUTION. -Whereas Margret Roche, l my wife, has absented herself from my bed and board without any bit cause. - Thin it to forbid the public ghteg tldr tey- tbiseoo m j *edoat& risks bolsi mamas t bet Mellmegneeam or the Tii t. keit. Ifawe,noeb, Mar 18th, 1850. la CASH' CASH' for WHEAT JIT the Gedee1b Milts -said Nr. C.•Cherry Sailings at (:*doeieh sad Bayfield Mills, by WILMAM411'EL Goderieb Milia, 5th December, 1849. 46-tf NOTE OP HAND LOUT, (IN ov @bout the If di of Ray Nit., ewes v by John 111110th in fair of Edward Colwell or bearer, the •ttoT J't7 5@ cy, Phu ea to forbid any person from purchas- ing the .Mme ; and any, penop returning t►o - sarve to the Subacriher will be retre •ted 764 their (fo6'ble in to dnfni. EDWARD COLII'RLL. dod4rich May 99fth. 1850 Y3-aM LAND FOR SALE. MllA'T ezieneer Lot of find No. 21, is ill. 1 IRtb ee•eesein. of Follower, eutaiehg skew 74 *mei, &crib' M *erre Arend, wag wa- tered': • Sh•ny .td Leg Ram 05 dire jMreti*Rs, . d wlt4u two mites eft flaw Milt. IteN M the p@.lease sonny to be paid,-- Ihe •rhe, his* 1e t rf•eslmes r s. For f.rthef pe►ticplen *poly to 11. M. flyers. proprietorne *14.premees, or fa kr. Ales. itel.'gw. SIratf.rqy'/r. Niru rd. 1591. .3.17 N 0 1' ! C I?. Ike isha l El`7 re Rrtiti,irr lar hirwte of the i Toww.4ip• a (!nidi, Mule? •d CO - or., tot oohs aMow(' of Artane.. (peen t. ONION UC VIM*, deed 'h• 95th April, 1849, 1 am wuhnnsed t• isp•se 0* I io LANDS it 'wisp Tss.sbi/rhised I• goat Tule Dud fee t$e same-sdoi.n to collect d1 Mnwv dm him. slid to mutt IB-ehsgge. far ,he sarn..-od i hereby r .eat m1( parses indebted re the 'd Rams ds Torii forthwith to souk up then ree- p•sN4* &Nie. THOS. MERCER JONES. t7odar,els, Sao M.p; IM& 3r -.Ilio( FARMLR'S MOT K11.e.-MITCH ELL. t'R ANCIs r1a'1.LiOft hep Ie t0Lw., hu• 'nude, as/ Ihe (oldie m/s.-ally. that to h.. ratahlwhed him -If in the .b•. V Ibt•, end h.pes by Oriel @,earls° rA 'h. enmfnw tad r..t- .en,e•ce .f Travellers, or merit ..hare •I their ipetrt.afr. flood $'Miam ad as .ureses O.essn is to I..psoe. Michell, %l., 15•h 1140 .1.-e,1