HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-17, Page 6Tar+. os Advocate, Qc • A.11 a. WA 4 ikir `17,, 1957 Hensall And District News CQRRESI,'QNDEN,TS. Mrs, Maude Hadden, Phone,S. Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682-r.3.1 FamilyReunion.il .,,. Marks Birthday st arm reon tis restaurant, Ex- eter, wasthe setting on Thanks- giv ng Pay for a celebration When, some twenty-six members of Mr. John Passmore's family met to honer him on Ws birth- day and to present him with IOU A turkey dinner was served including a birthday Cake. A toast to Mr. Passmore was 'DrOposed by his son, Lloyd, of elhi, to which Mr. Passmore replied.• Attending the affair were Mr. and Mrs, W. J. McLean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and family, Delhi, Mr. and Mrs. ri lig Barnes and family, Ay1- 31i:er, Mrs._ Pearl Passmore and Norma, Hensall, Miss Dora Alair, Hensall. Other members of the family who were to have attended were unable to be pres- ent rowing . to illness. Following the dinner, the party motored to the home of Mr. Passmore in Hensall, inhere they spent a social afternoon and. evening. Advertising Topic For Kinsmen Club annuli Kiwsnien observed Ad- vertising night at the dinner meeting on Thursday. Conrad McRoberts captured first prize for giving the best advertising talk, with William Clement in second place. Frank Pearce won the ,raffle draw. A special speaker has been se- cured for the next meeting Oc- tober 24, who will speak on "Sat- ellites." President Jack Drys- dale chaired the meeting, Personal Items Mr; and Mrs. Harry Cook and fattilly of Windsor were Thanks- giving visitors with Mrs. C. Cook. • Mr, and Mrs. Alen. Kerr, Lin- da "and Larry, of Montville, in Northern Ontario spent t h e 'Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr, of Hen- sall, Mrs. J. L. Kerr; and Mr. ani• Mrs. GrahamKerr of ;Sea - forth. Thanksgiving Wi Theme Hensall Women's Institute entertained as their guests mem- bers of Kippen Institute at their October meeting last Wednes- day. 11rs. James McNaughton of Kippers discussed the motto "Do not walk through this year in last year's rut," statim that our reach should exceed our grasp. Miss M. Elliss gave a Thanks- giving meditation and roll call was answered with "For this I give thanks." Mrs. R. Brode- rick entertained with two solos accompanied by Mrs. William Brown. Mrs. W. B. Cross presided for the program which was con- vened by Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Sim Roobol. President Mrs. Carl Payne extended a welcome and con- ducted the business. The group is presenting a picture of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edin- burgh to the new public school, A donation of $12 was given to the C.N.I,B. with a special col- lection to be taken at the De- cember meeting. Plans were outlined for a bazaar, bake sale and tea to be held Saturday, November 9 in, the Legion Hall. An afternoon course on salads will be held in the Legion Hall, December 2. Miss Isabel Wishart,. Toronto, of the Extension Branch, will be in charge, The group accepted an invita- tion from Elimville W.I. to be their guests November 13. As this is the night of the regular meeting, the November meeting will be cancelled. Members will leave the Legion Hall between 7:15 and 7:30 p.m. Mrs. T. C. Coates and Mrs. R. M. Peck attended the W.I. convention in Masonic Temple, London, Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week. Each member is asked for a cash donation for a needy fam- ily in the district. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale . is in .charge. At the December meeting a collection will be taken for the Children's War Memorial Hospital, London. Hostesses were Mrs. W. R.. Stephenson and Mrs. R. M. Peck. Mrs. Russell Brock ex- tended courtesy remarks on be- half of Kippen Institute. News Of Cromarty By MRS. K. MCKELLAR Thanksgiving visitors with Miss Olive Speare were Mr. Lloyd Tushingham, Mrs. Frank Speare and son, Barry, and Mr. and"1M4rs. R. G. Speare, Toronto; Mid =Mr. Clive McDonald and fabiily and Mrs. E. McDonald, Mitchell - Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry Elliott, Windsor, attended the Gale - Harper wedding on Saturday and visited over the week -end with `her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sohn. Wallace. Me. and Mrs. Arthur Guest and. family, Kincardine, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Storey. Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Abbiss, Georgetown, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. aiil Mrs. Harold Carey. Mrs. Wilmer Howitt, Londes- boro; visited fon a. few days with her brother, Mr. Alen Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and, . family, Lindsay, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott for Thanksgiving. lift's. David Gardiner is a patient in Seaforth hospital suf- feruig from an injury to her hip as .:'tie result ,of a fall in her Koine; Mas. L, Bennie, of Acton, visited on Sunday with her sis- ter `Mrs. T. Macintosh. 1; Frank Harburn returned home on Sunday from Seaforth Hospital, where he was confined for -several days last week. ME. and Mrs. J. Ramsey and b>!by' were in Georgetown for the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley, Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLach- lan. and Mrs. E. Campbell and daughter, Miss Belle Campbell, Sesferth, visited on Tuesday With Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- Lachlan, Mrs, A. Byrnell, of Cameron, ?courted honne on Monday after DONT :FORGET! Exeter Lions' Frolic October 25 VO Ail is meow Weal Midi iwiaida, book• Itio 10601 'le tr e DEPEND 01 as • a Week's visit with her sister, Mrs. E. Moore. The first meeting of Cromarty congregation in connection with the sector plan was held in the church on. Monday evening. After Scripture reading and prayer, a film strip was shown. This was followed by a study period and discussion. Rev. S. Kerr conducted the meeting. This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM FHODE Anniversary Visitors Quite a number from here at- tended Woodham, United Church anniversary on 'Sunday. Among some of those who attended and spent the day With relatives were: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom- son; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda with Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Webber, , Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pyne spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulrhaii of Embro, Quite a number of, ladies from here attended the Sectional meeting held in Hensall United Church. on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Cas- well, Miss Rosemary Passmore, Mr. Kenneth Brazier of Brant- ford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Passmore. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ballan- tyne and family were guests at the Gale -Harper wedding at Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Saturday.. Mr, and Mrs.Bert tarry of London, Mr. wind Mrs. William Passmore of Exeter were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin were guests On Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery. Mrs. T. I. Rowse of Aylmer is spending a week at the horrid Of her sister, Mrs. 11. C. Wilson and Rev. Wi1soY�, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 1'111r'r, Brian and arry were guests ifn Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Font .Diekettson of Wesley. Anniversary services wilt be held On Sunday morning, October R20ev at 3 Slade f Woodham tss guest speaker, CecoopMaihweil The Thames Road manse was tha Settle of aretty autumn wedding on Friday atterneoii, PS Fair Winner . Addresses s._ Group p The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church met Monday eve- ning, with the president, Mrs. J. Drysdale, presiding. The de- votional with . the theme "Thanksgiving," was given by Mrs. erne Chapman, assisted by Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs. A. Munn. An invitation to attend a meet- ing, of the Arnold Circle of Presbyterian Church. Monday, October 21, was accepted. The study book "Cross and Crisis in Japan" was ably introduced by Mrs. C. D. Daniel, assisted by Mrs. Robert Cook in Japanese costume, Rev. Daniel showed a film, "Through the Looking Glass," after which members filled out a questionnaire concerning the Sector Plan. Bobby Mickle gave his speech on "A trip around Lake Huron" which won him first prize at the School Fair in September; Hostesses were Mrs. B. Ferg and Mrs. J. Taylor, Bingo Winners Mrs, Norman Long, of Kippers, was the winner of the jackpot of $125.00 at the Legion Bingo here Satiirday. She won the jackpot in 57 calls. Other winners were Fred Kennings (2); Mrs: A. Fos- ter; Bill Harvey, Camp Borden; Mrs.. N. Baird (3); Mrs. Roy Smale; Miss Shirley Taylor, Exeter; Miss Carol Brown; Tom Kyle, Jr.; Tom Kyle, Sr.; Mrs. T. Brintnell (tied); Murray Bak- er; Mrs. G. Varley and Mrs. Bedard, (tied). Door prize was won by Isobel). Brintnell. School Closed S.S. 7 Hibbert has been closed all this week owing to the teach er, Mrs. Rena Caldwell, and the majority of the pupils all down with the flu. There are 24 pupils on the roll, Personal Items Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark, Sr., were Mrs. Erwin Bestard and two sons, Grand Bend, and Mrs. Mary Bu- chanan, London Thanksgiving visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nich- ol, Mrs. Pearl Nichol, Mr. Ira Moir, all of London, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest and Clark, of Hensall: Mr. and ,Mr's. Laird Mickle, Charles, BobAand Ann, spent Tuesday in Ridgetown visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, who celebrated her 94th birthday. Rally Day Services were held in Chiselhurst United Church Sunday last with the children of the Sunday school taking part. The Misses Dorothy and Gerald- ine Parker presented stories, and Scripture passages were read by B. Hamilton. Mrs. A. Ross con- ducted a junior choir and Rev. C D. Daniel spoke on "Thanks- giving and Rally Day." Sunday, October 20 will be ob- served as Laymen's Sunday. In the United Church the speaker will be Mr. Earl Burr, of Dash- wood. Mr. and Mrs. John Skea and their son, John, seven years old, and daughter, Dorothy, three, who arrived in Canada from Scotland six weeks ago to Blen- heim, have taken up residence in Hensall. ' Messrs. Alvin Cudmore and Richard Mcralls left last week for Blind River where they will spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raeburn and. family spent the holiday weekend with relatives in. Ches- ley. Mr. and Mrs, Carlisle Wilkin- son and family, were weekend visitors with relatives in Mar-, lette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and Donald, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs, T. Manns. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess mo- tored to Toronto and spent Thanksgiving with their son -m - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCloy and family. Mr. and Mrs. MacFarlane, of St, Thomas, were recent visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Miss Bernice Dining, of -Sar- nia, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Dining, Miss Sharon MacArthur visited. over the holiday with her grand- mother, Mrs; Ida, Willis, in Lon, don, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Drysdale and family were weekend visit- ory with relatives in Michigan. Mr. Jim taynham, of Guelph, spent a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Baynhari, Bob and Col- leen. Mrs., lt.oss Jacques 15 inn Vice. toria Hospital, London, Where she is undergoing treatinent, . . Mrs, T. Manns left on 'Monday for Toronto, Where she will spend the winter months with her soti and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Manns. Mi's. Robert Reid, of *leaf - dine, was a Thenksaiving visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family, Mrs. George (Glenn Was taken by tofltbron ambulance an 'rues day atffernobn to South Huron Rosnital suffering from a slight strnke, Mr. and Mrs, 1,tfc Mcitelliir of Pt. !'tanks visited on Wednes. clay- with tits, ]titter's parents,' Mr. and Mrs.Alf Smith Varna. Accompanying the bride October If,'when vows were exp and groom. 'Were Mist Patricia changed by Ronald Cooper of Murray of Varna end Mr,. Frank Clinton: /And Ilene Maxwell of Johnston of Clinton. ;a. This W In Sintsbury SY IMiI.S. H. DAMi,B Mr, find Mrs. EarlGreenlee and boys visited with iir. and Mrs,. J. Young. Lunen, on Sun- day. Mr. DOn:'Eeily, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs..James .Bark- or on Sltnday. Miss Malaret Bertram, Exe- ter, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Carrell and boys. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Guilfoyle spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. Greenlee ,and Mr, and lfrs. Earl Greenlee. lux,. and Mrs. Jaines Mugsford, Toronto, were holiday guests' with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Ab- bott and Monday ,evening .guests •*ith Mr. and Mrs. James Bark. er. Mrs, G. Weinestrauni was a. Sunday guest with Mr. and'Mrs,. , Heber Davis. Mr. Hugh Davis and Heather were guests with Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Glenn on Sunday. Kippen Comments , Sy MSS. NOR.MAN.,4,ONG Dipper Young People The first meeting of the 'i ! - he Sunday. Peoples room ofd•the church Sunday. afternoon, Oc- tober -6. •The scripture was taken by Pat Lovell. Last year's ,officers and exec- utive were voted back into of- fice. it was decided that •the meetings be held on. Sunday af- ternoon at 2 p.m. Rev. Merilil- lan suggested that the Y.P. take a service near the end of Nov- ember. The Y.P.'s banquet in James St. Church, Exeter, was announced. An exe,.utive meeting wase held Sunday •afternoon' m the church for drafting the programs for the remainder of the year. They will meet again. Sunday afternoon in regular session. Personal Items Mr. .and Mrs, Joe McLellan. and Mrs. Hugh McGregor are taking up residence in Hensall.. Mr. and Mrs. P.. Moore •and Bob of Toronto spent Thanksgiv- ing weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' Tom Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. Cudmore and Mr. Samuel Cudzuore visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mcf,arneqn, Mr. and Mrs, liielsoi Rood, and Joyce accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. N. Long were Sunday Pest; of 14r. and Mrs. Ed. Morton of near Seaforth.. Anniversary services will be held in St, Andrew's. United church Sunday, October 20 at 1.1 a.m, And 7.30 p.m„ Rev, Hr. J. Semple of .Egmondville bay - Ing charge of the .service, Mr. family, and Mrs. r . Richard, Cornish, and G rich, visited on the holiday with Mr. R. Thom. son, miss 'Hazel Slavin of Lively, Opt, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Slavin, • Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family were Sunday Visit- ors of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson of Lai. can. Mr. and Mrs. Elston DOW01011• visited a day last week at the honkie of Mr, and Mrs. W. Good of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Eenneth Natl.! lan have returned from their. honeymoon trip to Florida, and are settling in their new home, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell announce the gift of a sans born, October 9 in Clinton Hos- pital pr. C. Bryant and. Mrs. Bry-. ant of Toronto and Mr, Wm.' Cudm ore of. Seaforth visited oil Saturday afternoon' with Mr,.. Samuel Cudmore. Miss. Gladys Harrison of Park- hill visited a day last week with Mrs, Robert Dinsdale .and Miss Whiteman. and other rela- tives. . Mr. and 'IMfrs. Clarence 1fut- chinson of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Cudmore of Van. eouver are guests of Mr.• ,and Mrs. W. Mellis, Mr, Robert Cpoper and his daughter, Mr's, Eddie McBride, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love in Caro, Mich.. Funeral lservices for the late R1, H`, McLean: 'Xlppen, wars, conducted on 'ridgy by Rev. Donald' MacDonald of H'ensali, at the Bonthron Funeral Heine.. The pallbearers were Messrs. c r or Joe t 'McLellan, Bob. M G eS , Ropald McGregor, Ross Mc., Nichol. Morley Cooper .and Wil- liam Caldwell, 1 1 Garage Sunday And - Evening :Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day .afternoon, and during the .evening -throughout the Week. Grahan,Arthur Motors SUPER SAVE for QUALITY MEATS Blade Roasts ...39� Pot 'Roasts .= 33c Head Cheese L. 29c Hamburg 3 L. 89c SUPER SAVE for FRESH PRODUCE Sunkist 113's ORANGES Palm Garden Celle TOMATOES SPINACH CARROTS LEMONS ON1ON5 CIZ. PKG., MARSH • a DOZ. 53c • 19e Z FOR 29e 31.9.17c DOZ. 39c 5 LBB. 19c aw` Low Prices On Super Save i.COFFEESt. Red L�bel LE. 89; Green Label ._. $3< Yellow Label ...73 GIANT 27" PANDA BEAR Pro -Christmas Bonus Bargain! Various Colors, Tap Quality Plush ONLY Regular. $5.95 649 with $5.00 Order Twos .Threes ... and Fives-of•a,kind. — they're the big features at. SUPER SAVE this \weekend. Just leek at the sale -prized Twins, Triplets and Quints!'. Take home a carload of these COMBINATION CUTiES. They prove that low prices are. born .here and raised else- where! TWiN SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Allen's Vitaminfzed 48=oz. Ap le Juice 2 FoR:55c TWIN SUPER SAVE . FEATURE!, Choice Halves—Aylmer FOR eaches TWIN SUPER SAVE FEATURE! 15 -oz. tins 35, Birds Eye Frozen Mixed 11 -oz. pkgs. Vegetabi�s , FOR 47c TRIPLET SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Heini , 10 -oz tins u p Tomcito Q FOR • TRIPLET SUPER SAVE FEATURE!' Betty Crocker Choeato.Goiden-Yellow-White Cake Mixes 3 TRIPLET SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Swift's Pard ogFood QUINT SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Puddings and Powder Jell-O QUINT .SUPER SAVE FEATURE! leenex FOR 95< 15 -oz. tins 3F35c 5 5 QUINT SUPER SAVE FEATURE! . Toilet Tissue—Eddy's hiteSwah'5 F6.R PKGS. FOR MAKE 46c pkgs. of 200 79, 59c caramel Apples 'AT HOME! KB:APT CARAMELS s-• z,. Cello 14.os. eel° 25 , 45c 11i1aerNTO i,i APPLES 3 L09, 29c 1.1CiP1 Melt 14 on Krait Caramels In top of double bolter. Add 2 tbsps Water, bapples, smooth,iit eribnel syrup ersunt l completely coated. Set do wax paper and piece is refrigerator till firm. r L.MARK E T__. HENSALL- ONTARIO a 4 A r.