HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-10, Page 1414 a ' 14 That TimetAdvacatsr Oetobsr 1.11; 1957 Diabetic Gro . or Lo.ndc.r 18V>f l *OT.HY EVAN GO.OWEN The firstmeeting of the Lin- n District Branch of the Can - Mian Diabetic Association was .kekl la the auditorium of the Pis biie Library .on Wednesday, dell bey 2. :140'. A, B. Collins, secretary, orated out that the London anal bad been existence for this 1Ulnll.er seems small. But there is great hope for omen. - sum in this organization, which is operated as a voluntary, non. profit group for the advancement of the interests of diabetics. Its aims are, encouragement, education, • research, and services for the diabetic, It offers free counselling on diet problems, peight months, and now has helps in obtaining and distribut-. that of 183. Consider- ing special diabetic foods, helps. R there are about 2,000 to provide summer camps for known diabetics • in the area, diabetic children who would find see It difficidt to adjust themselves ordinary amps. Education. at the •diabetic an important feature of orSan- zatiotl meetings. There are some diabetics,who may he •in want, and the branches of the :association have undertaken to. see, at these eases receive help. • plan, diabetics find it dif- '' 'fictilt to secure satisfactory" .ens- ployule_t. it is the project ri1 this organization to explore' every avenue to make the em- ployment for diabetics -lore aatisfactery to alt concerned. Diabetes Week in .Canada will be held frons November 14 to 21. On November: 14, 1921, pews al the discovery of insulin was first announced, . Next meeting of the _London Branch of the C.D.A. will be .held in London Library, Dec. 4, Via wi . TNROUoij md EiA5 OW • Tra anti reur \ � anti tnt 70/15 SNOW TRAVEL-Bg bargain in Winter driving safety with rear now -Travel Tires on you're safety -set au winterlong. PULL AWAY tom ice - rutted curbs quickly and eassilyy. CLIMB HILLS without slipping or sliding, Pto slush oxo d. ndreds in ilex ngs lugs grip and bite their way through heavy snow, slush or mud, Sturdy 4 -ply Super - Flex Rayon Cord with longer -lasting Jai Cold Rubber Treads. Super - Lastic SNOW TRAVEL .Is priced away below the market. 600/10. Reg. List 517.95 . 12.95 and your Class "A" trade-in • 670/15 Reg. hist S20.70 and your Class "A" trade-in. Price without 1.4 9 5 trade-in _Mak• .'.'. JiiA//tom ':►c :... ...... .. .. WRIASTJc INTER EXPRESS 670/15 xs �� WINTER EXPRESS irrratzitt 1745 end your. Class "A" trade-in Natural Rubber "Tread GET GOING -- when others. can't pull away. XEEP GOINGS— when °there elle AVIA slide. WINTER -EXPRESS "100-Leysl" Snow -Mild Tires with Identical quality construction features Its new car tires, at ate honest -to -goodness easings to you of it3,10 (with trade-in) on the 1170/IS sire. Enthusiastic motorists who switched to' WINTER -EXPRESS laic winter tell ue that they i,av never before sited a tire with more downright PULL. Thlt deeper- tboulder buttresses dig In to 'eke a bigger bite — yet you away Intl and easy in heavy snow 'or thud. antooth- riding centre treed cribs wipe slipper*,, treacherous Tian off ice and. Wet *vide for Imre "GO" and Isle MITOP" . w�tsri'xii- EXPRESti will i*ULL you throgyb uBr- where the' chains will. Ilan smoothly and quietly on dry or bate roads. Priced for Antra sseinii*l 610/15 With el+iss 00 trade-in _ 1e' blegt,lar List Pries emcee., 4110/5 With dae1 "A' 1 Irif trade -in Amebae List Pyle* $32.50 GUARANTEED and ROAD HAZARD INSURED %60/15 1AI'itlt tiAt.s „,A° trade -ort _.,.,...,,�9.95 Roseate Lisp Me* $*S.fll 436 Main Msec •E titer • 'Phone 451 Ito bine Frutures Shc.uicie- r in Ci....ntr.aiiaAcc den# Atr, George Hicks fractured W4. Cos1erenee at Five Oaks his shoulder when' he fell, while ' ,;.. Stuart Richardson helping to start the tr, a t , at •Belleville was a visitor at th bis son's farm on Wednesday.of home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ha last week, dock for a few days last we. The fracture was reduced in-. n , 1t. and • Mrs. _', VeI•coe South xuran Hospital with. Dr. "> •C. Fletcher in attendance. Mess ' ' aI~roJ; �y Frain Message Whalen Ay 'MRS. F. SQL HRE • Mr. and 1'4rs, Gordon Tonmp- f kine and Kenneth, also Mrs. e Gordan Morley and Joan, Str.at• d- ford visited on Sunday with Mr, wee and ford, Wn.. Morley Sr. of airs. Stewart Thompson: spent It`itnt, Michigan, AIr. and Mr At. Harlton and family of Lob were recent visitors with Mr A. Harlton. .cheirs Aid in 8sryic. The Anglican :church choirs front Centralia and Aliso. Craig Joined the Brinsley choir to pro.. - vide the special niusic for the confirmation service in the Brills. ley church •on Sunday _Horning. Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins was the organist for the service„ P.rseriel 'items MarinasBowdenhhav 2obboth been off duty from the London Life Wilk all attack of influenza, - Mrs. 3. T. Clarke accompanied 11Trs. Ken Greb- to Paris last :ek where they attended the Ra I y Servi At Cromarty Rally Day service was :o'b- served here .on. Sunday with , the Rev, S, Kerr as leader, The Sunday Scboo1'pupils with their teachers rldeupied the centre pews, and the junior choir pro- vided special music. Alt address was give n by Mr.Kerr using as his subject the theme suggested in the program `/Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." Those receiving diplomas for memory work were Connie Sors- dahl, Bonnie Miller, Bonnie Kerslake, Bobbie Templeman and Agnes Scott, Dorothy Scott. received :a completed certificate for regular attendance, Owing to the fowl supper which is being held in ' Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, OR October 23, the date for Cro- marty bazaar has been changed to November 6, Y.F.S. At theY.P.S, meeting on Sur - day evening, Rev. S, Kerr • pre- sided and gave the topic, Scrip- ture lesson was read. by Alex Meikle, A new slate of officers was appointed for the coming Season. President is Alen Meikle;. vice-president, Ruth Howe; sec,- treas., Alice Sorsdahl; pianist, Margaret Coleman; social com- mittee, George Vivian, Mildred Howe, Frank Elliott and . Ina Scott. Shower For Bride-BJect A miscellaneous shower, ar- ranged by Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mrs. Filmer • Chappel, was i held in the basement of the ehurcli on Thursday evening, in honor of ' Miss Shirley Harper whose marriage took place on Saturday. The program opened with community singing led by Mrs. G. Carey 'and Mrs. T, L, Scott with Mrs, L.,' Sorsdahl at the piano. Readings were given by Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. Carey and Miss Jean Campbell favored with a piano solo, and Mrs. T. L. Scott with a vocal solo. A contest followed. An address was read', by Wanda McLaren and Margaret Russell and „Margaret Wallace presented the gifts, Anita Sors- dahl assisted Shirley in opening parcels., In her reply Shirley in- vited those present to attend her trousseau tea. . Trousseau "Tea - Mrs. W. Harper entertained at a_ trousseau tea on Saturday afternoon and evening, honor- ing her daughter, Shirley, prior to her- marriage. The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and chrysanthemums in autumn shades. Receiving at the door in the afternoon were David Bettger, Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Gale and those pouring tea were Mrs. Wil- fred Smith, ¥onkton, and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Thames Road. Miss Wilma Harper showed the gifts and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Miss Anita •Sorsdaht and. Miss Beth. Cole displayed the trous- seau. Those serving were Mrs. Bettger, Seaforth, and Miss Wanda McLaren, In the evening, Richard Bin- ning was at the •door and Mrs.. John Hocking and Mrs, Gordon Thistle, Stratford, poured tea. Those • serving were Mrs. Arthur Smale and Mrs. Lloyd Hackney. Mrs. Gerald Bell Showell.' the gifts and the' trousseau was dis- played by Mrs. H. Morrison and Mrs. W. Binning, Mitchell, and Miss Margaret Russell, Personal Items The tatters have been fav ored with fine weather for work- ing at their beans andmost of the crop has been harvested. Many good yields have been re- potted. Mr, and Mrs. .Prank Routly, Kirkton, and their daughter, Mrs. George Ellatatt, and son, Brian, St, Marys, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. T,. L. Scott' and Mrs, E. Moore dor ing the weekend were Mrs. Ar- tllur Byrnell and sons, Morley and Arthur, and Mr, I'larold Worsley, all of Cameron, Ont, 1V Ir. and Mrs. Will Hocking, Toronto, and Mrs. Margaret Westbrook, of Brandon, Mani- toba, visited_ hast week Among their many relatives in this tont- moody, M Moere Saturdayaft ret spendingma on thbnth with her son, at ]:Lindsay, Speeker Stress!ta Bvarigeliltnrt The .honer meeting 'ot the W oman's Missionary. Society was held in the Sunday School room With the president, WI.T. Laing, presiding. Scripture .lesson, meditation 5011 player - wise- given by Mrs. Calder Me-' ftaig and Mr*, T. L. 'Stott .gave a review of the programa 'at the training'course At Belleville, Mra B,trssp11 Bellenty'i1e, of . AA/00ton, Wes the guest speak et and used several ,subjeett itt heMy the feet thatsall Chrstia s'. should be 'evangelists, S. the weekend in London with Mr. s and Airs, Murray .Johnson. Air. .and Mrs. Ronald Squire were in St. Marys Sunday visit- s ing Mr. and Mrs, Frank Huff, s Mrs. Fred Foster, St: Marys, d Aspen Thursday with Mrs. Frank In Parkinson. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cunning, Clandeboye, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil. Mr. and Mrs. George Hick visited, recently, for a few day with their daughter and son -in law, Flight Lieutenant J. L. an iters, Andrew and family Camp- Borden, Mrs. G. Hepburn, Mrs, E. Wil- son, Mrs.. F. Noels, Mrs, E. Powe, Mrs. G. Baynham, Mrs. J. CIarke, Mrs, •A, Meralls and Mrs, F. Bowden attended the W.M.S. Sectional rally in Hen - sail United Church on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mawson and family of'I'arkhill were Sun- day visitors with Mrs, A. Hari - ton. Mr. ad Mrs: Wm. Haddock visited •over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baynham in Windsor and Mr, end Mrs, Fred Baynhatn in. Detroit, (Crowded out last Week) Mr. and Mrs. George .Aikens of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mrs, P. Simpson. The Morgan family attended the Baptist anniversary services in Thamesville o. n Sunday a spent the day with relatives: Mr. and Mrs, LIoyd Morgan anct Marilyn with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and family at Highgate, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Morgan, Miss Blanche Morgan. and Mr. Hugh Rundle with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Mitten in. Thamesville, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Morgan and Cheryl Ann with, Mr, . and Mrs. E. Morgan and family in Thamesville. • Choose Officers For LOG Class Members of L,O,G, class of James St. Sunday School met for a barbecue party at the home of their teacher, Mrs. M, C. Fletcher on Friday evening, Forty-five enjoyed a barbe- cue and an evening of games, contests, skits and sing songs, On Sunday the class named Don Taylor as president, Heather MacNaughton, secretary and Iris Tomlinson, treasurer, Names of officers were presented by the nominating committee, P a t Cann, Bill Pollen and Bill Bat- ten, dr. and Mrs, Cecil Squire and family were in London Sunday, guests .of Mr.: and Mrs. Dick _.among. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLaugh-- lin, Sarnia, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson, This week Mr, and Mrs, Ken Javitz, Thedford, are visiting the Fer- gusons, Ars 1Fl oxen cehi ti C k c k visited Thursday with her sister, Miss Adelaide Parkinson, Granton, Mr, and. Mrs. Melville Gun- ning and Muriel also Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Morley, Exeter, me - tared to Elmira Sunday and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. Coleman. Bowman, Mrs, Geo. Campbell, Listo- wel, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, ,l. Finkbeiner, Mrs. Cliff lff H u bner , e Detroit, spent t a few days during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Morley Sr, Miss Elva Marley who spent two weeks at Tecum- seh with Mrs. Marion Moeller re- turned home with Mrs, Hueb- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Broezy and family will be moving from the community going to Varna to reside .where Mr, Broeze has purchased a mill. Mr. Broeze has been employed at Cann's Mill here for sometime. On an income of $10,000 a year a married Canadian with no de- pendents paid 3360 income tax. in 1017, $655 in 1939, $1,560 in 1956. REMEMBER! Exeter Lions Club Frolic October 25 1 A J11.I lull I,d 1 tt All IAA L . LIl1AAAA Ae1W41NAl1A111111•I:IAII!11411tIat1IA!4A11A.It1eA4!It11A11111A14A11;IdJAlAl11AAt44AA11A4!p114t14n!!:!1!7N ,. likeiliefiroilyoutror SPECIAIL SUNDAY AND MONDAY °OW Roast Turkey Southern Fried Chicken Grilled Virginia Ham $145. ArmSts" n g'. PHONE 538 FOR RESERVATIONS 41111.R1tf/11/tlllllel1111111111tllllf 111l1/111111It1111U11111t11111111It11P111111111,iP1U411111t11.111111,nn141) r111111,11,11t1111Q1 .atatruuttttttutnrunglnn130100mltlgnnllun11,111 utnntlu'1141111111nnmg hill Autunnttnlulunl11111A ,• It's Tirne Again For. A Compiete 'inter check -Up! • Generator and Starter Overhauled • Regulators ' Rechecked E Brakes Tested for Fast Stops • Anti.Freeie — Prestone Brand— Put In Try A Tankful Of Our New Velvet "98" Gasoline Bring Your Car In Today! South End Service Russ & Chuck Snell PHONE 328 • EXETER 'IurNlnitii111nlfoulrH11tf/l/t11tl/tni111111111,lnItlun111111111tnit11u11rr1111111111t111,t1u11111Hurn Ittell (dill111111,.% Milfair R, Chickens Fresh, Oven -Ready, 3 to 4 ib. average. EXTRA e SPECIAL 39c `b, We Have Larger Roasters at Lowest Prices LONG ISLAND DUCKS Fresh Frozen, 4.5 Lbs. • 57c Lb, Turkeys Leave us ' your order. We can supply you with any size at low. est prices. Swift's Br'kf'Jd Skinless Sausge 49c,. Maple Leaf Cooked. Ilam '8 5c l_n PRODUCE Cranberries Fresh, 1 -lb. Cello Pkg. • C 20 Oz. 'Celle Pkg. Ca'rots 2-19c Crisp, Fresh CeI'ry Hearts 10 a bench, 3 C 3 Hearts • NNew Waxed Inst. Coffeel Tea Bags CHASE. Si 2SC OFF SANBORN LG1:.6-OZ.41AR $129 63c LSE, 29-02, i +JY , 39c 2-39c -35c MOTHER PARKER'S 'S icJC OFF PKG. 6e1 Mince Meat 1NAGSTA,FFlr'ac' Ayl Her Pumpkin Niblets' Corn FANCY; FANCY 213-0Z. TIN 14•-ilZ. TIN." . Gold'n Dew Mar 'rine Dom's is Short'ning 1CC OFF` 3 LS, CAN Tomato • e Juice STOKELY.'SFANCY:2-200Z.TINS 2 t -L Ei, PKGS. Cr`nber'y Sauce Cheese Slices 1]CSAN SPRAY, WHOLE, 12-012, TIN MAPLE LEAF 3t ClFF' EJ-SLILE PKG. Choc. Mallowettes to Jsl:a RJKOIS Snyder's Potato Chips 9O ,a�. 9gJt 53c 87C 33c 25c 29c 35c 55c Frozen p pe Strawberries SUNS PK4NGY 37c Ice Ice Cream ALL: FLAVORS VA GALLONS 89c David's Favorite Cookies Mixed 21/a•Lb. Pk,g, With 1•1.b. Kisses PRE Turnip 404, Serving 50 -Lb. You I 99cP totoesr Better Snow Apples free Devery SUPERIOR) rite CMt'alltN .r.w'. wotr Je29c CUStOMER PARKING At PEAR Olr StoRR'. ° I Saving You More Phone 532 OPE?! PRI. r1. 90 -SAT, TIL 10 5 4 5 A i 54 4f"'t