HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-10, Page 13DAtAY T4Lt Vett *10I/RE, COOSISDOICKY. ASO I NEVER 141,4EVII `IOU TO BE $O TINT tola St 1HE oritimptAgso rie BEEN IDRINKINcAPRoM HIEHLANDlilatkila Letter from RCAF Centralia Mr, and Mrs. Coultry, of Win- nipeg, spent a few daYs with the latter's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Chris Baumgarten, Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerold,. of /Oise Craig, visited on Sun, day with Mi:s. Baker. Mr. a...d Mrs. Art Geiser and family swat the weekend, • in Detroit at the Zoe. Afr, and Mrs. 'Harold rink, beiner and family visited on Sunday with N. and Mrs. C0111, Mr. and Mrs. Phitip o Dashvvood, are visiting with Mrs. Milton Rats. IVIrs. Wray Svveltzer visited with her parents, Mr„ and Mrs, Rundle, op 'Sunday. • Group One of the Shipka WA iield a successful tea at the heirie of Mrs. Arthur Fink- beiner, In the crop y• ear just complet, ed. Canada had a quota of 99,- 700t000 bushels under the leter- Pational Wheat Agreemerit, but sold only 58,000,000 bushels to IWA countries. c pi cc c 04 lll iiii01044 1.410000'1101000 illie001111;11411001110110111414111101,11014414{1101% SEE Dobbs For Docige! For Value Plus! • ° '58 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN V-8, red and white, only 19,000 mileg. '55 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN • tutone green, 29,000 miles: 1 '54 DODGE "ROYAL" SEDANS (2) . I V-8, automatic, radio, signal lights, etc. • '53 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN All black with whitewalls. • ;". • '53 PONTIAC SEDAN, tutone,,30,000 miles SPECIAL THIS WEEK • $1,095 '52 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN 995 '51 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN, with radio $ 595 JUST FOUR 1957 models left to choose from at BIG DISCOUNT PRICES! , Exeter MotorSales Fred Dobbs, Prop. PHONE 200 • NIGHTS 762,W or 769.M •PROM OlINTAAI,IA F/� T. Cr. Kings, to CPI. D. G, Preuer, Station Cold Lake. Cpl. N. F. Holmes, Camp or den, LAC A. T. Shannon,- P.S.V- 14ondon„ LAC T. IL 13411, Uplands. Cpl. R. Selkirk, Cpl. L. B. Kumpula, 11,14cDon. akt. CO; G. r. purington, Mac- Donald. A.W.1. D. C. Stewart, Portage La Prairie. A.W.1. J, I. Whiaey, release, L.A.W. 1, M. Atriett, GJmL FJO A. C, Reggie, Aylmer, F/O J. H. Lathy, Aylmer, F/14 E. C, Gleddie, MacDon- ald.. F/O C. A, Morrison, Aylmer. llll tttt 1111111.11101111101111111110111111110111011111,1011141thillilli; tttttt 11111 ttttttttt 41110 ttttt ll I ll 011010000141140. • serve lots of York Ice Cream TO .4IENTRALIA F/0 A. W. Xldworth, Repair Unit, Ottawa. F/O • J, A. Belanger, F.Z.S. Trenton. 4 A.W.1. B. Tr. Pascoe, Trenton, Cpl. E. H. Craig, 4 Fighter Wing. Cpl. A. Iverson, Portage La Prairie A.C.1 T., M. jainea, Camp Borden Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL. ELLWOOO rrwrrro.ororyArerA•Ar,...orr,esos.,•••••••••11. anut1Olito About Kirkton ly MAL IrIAROL,P DAVIS. Mr. and Mrs°. Joe Attios and laniily of Brinsley Visited Sun- dgy with Dr. and Mrs. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. -Bert Stacey And Leura, .of Rannoch and .Mr. and - Mrs. .John Carruthers of Strata ford visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Burns Mr. and hirs, ,Alf Pau! of St. Marys visited Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Charlie The K i r k t o n girls softball team won the South Huron league chanipleeship. Mr. and Mrs, .Len Johnson of St. Marys viSited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garth Blackler. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Paton • left last week on a trio out west. .They will visit with Mr, Confirmation Service • St, Mary's Church was filled. with parishioners •and friends Sunday when a confirmation class of 15 from Ailsa Craig, Centralia and Brinsley was pre -i sented to the Rt. Rev. Towns- hend, Suffragon Bishop of Hu- ron, by Rev. R. H. Anima. Special music, under the di- rection of Mrs. Springier, was rendered bY a joint choir from the three parishes all wearing vestments. Organist forthe ser- vice was Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins of Centralia. Ladies'. Guild . The•Ladies' Guild of St, Mary's Church held their monthly meet- ing last Wednesday in the base- ment of the church. Mrs. Wil- fred Dixon and Mrs. James Wright took the devotional period. • The business period was taken up in discussing plans for the coming tea and bazaar which will be held on Friday, October 25, at 230 p.m. A contest • conducted on the books of the Old Testament was won by Mrs. James Wright and Mrs. Murray Hamilton. Mrs. Gordon Scott and Mrs. Donald Scott were hostesses at the tea hour. • Personal Items Mr— and .Mrs. Lyle, SIM' pm and children of Exeter visited with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dixon on Friday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Les Shea and daughter, AudreY, of New York, were recent visitors • with Mr. and Mrs. James, Trevethick, Mr. and Mrs. George . Prest and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Paton's 'brother at Midale, SaSk.. on their trip, •Mrs. Gerald Paul and Terri aed Mrs. William Urquhart are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yules •and Bill Yules of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Dann of London Township, Mr. arld Mrs. Bed Gordon of St. Marys, Mr. Rus- sell Doube and Mrs, Tom Doube of Base Line were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, Mr. and Mrs, George Davis of Exeter visited Sundaywith Mr, and Mrs. Harold Davis. 4 Mr. and Mrs. jack Urquhart, and family visited Sunday with Mre and Mrs. Cecil Camm of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Biatch- ford of Detroit were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bladder. Rev. and Mrs, Hopldn of Bob - capon visited last week with IteV. and Mrs. Elliott and lam; ily. IVIr. Clayton Smith has return- ed home after being a patient in St, Mary's Memorial HoOPitaL Mrs. M. Gregory is visiting at Dorchester. Harvest service was held in St, Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday morning with Mr. Dy- mond in charge. The choir rendered two anthems. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Morrison and family of St. Marys visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pres- ton Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Pon :oravett t. tended the Whernsby,Boardnian wedding in Kitchener on. Senn, day .when Don was greernamen. Mrs. John Luxton, Mr. and • Mrs. .Robert Luxton„ Mrs. Ethel • r. .r . Mt Coates and. Betty attended the WAWA - Topping •wedding in LOndeit. on Sattirday. .Mrs, C. V. Pickard returned. Vedneaday from 'Victoria Hospi- tal. London, where she under- went surgery. ask. your YORK DEALER - for the October :special . • YORK BUTTERSCOTCH RIPPLE ICE CREAM Class That Counts The' Class That. Counts held their meeting in the basement of Kirkton United Church Thurs- day evening. The theme was Thanksgiving. Mrs.W. Paton conducted the worship service, Mr. Scott Whaley of St. Marys showed pictures of his trip to Europe. Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs. Ifar. ry Beaver, 111rs, Amid Willard, Mrs. JanteS Kirkland and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton of the Mt, kali Lodge attended a hour, tea And euchre at TillsonbUrg lodge oe Tuesday aSt, Mr, Irvin Arinstreng returned home from Victoria. •Hospital, London, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rya- man- and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Sey,mour, Pollock, South Dako- ta, are visiting with •Ur. and Mrs. Archie Itycknian and other relatives. ' Mrs. Harry Wood, Brantford, was a guest at the Luxton -Top - Ping wedding in Lenden on sa. turday and spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs, Luxton. and M. Lealle Richard is 1 pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Mr. And Mrs. Edgar Squire attended a dinner • and,reception for Mr. ad Mrs. Arthur Baker, Granton, on the occesion of their golden wedding anniversary on Wednesday evening'. They also attendedthe fortieth wedding celebratinn for Mr. and Mit, Will Redd of Granton at the home of iVir. and Mrs, .Tames Miller, Wopdhanir on Saturday evening. • Mr, and Mrs. Robert McLeod of Milan, Midhigan, spent the past week with Mrs. Samson Walls, Mrs, Bessie Taylor, of Nelson street, spent Tuesday in London, the guest of Mrs, Alex Reeder and Mrs. Chester, Tayler. Ellwood spent the weekend in St. Catharines. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S, of. Brinsley United Church met in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dor- man of Ailsa Craig and Mr. aild Mrs. James Trevethick called on friends :in Brantford and Woodstock on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan spent Sunday with Mr:. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and also attended the confirmation services in the Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess of Zurich called on .Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick on Thursday. Mrs. Albert Hess, Se., who now resides with her daughter, went home with them for a visit. Report On Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Moot On Blonoihard by MRS. 01AOWYtil NOOPOR Mrs, T., Waugh of London spent TuesdaY With Mr, and Mrs. T. Waugh. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang°, ford and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Langford of Dorchester. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dann and Lorna were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin 50,4, Mr. and Mrs. Jack °Thomson spent e few days with relatives and friends at Oshawa and To. root°. Mr. and Mrs. Sims of Exeter were Sunday evening guests of Mr; and Mrs. Cecil Mossey, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Young of St, Marys, Mrs. Wes Mossey and family were -Sunday after- noon. guests 01 Mrs. Jas. Mos spy. Mrs. W. B. Young, St. Marys spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas. Afossey, 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- tin of St. Marys spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Jas. Mosey, Mr, aed Mrs. Kenneth Facey and family of Wellburn spent Sunday with Mr. and•lVirs. Glad- wyn Hooper, Miss Hazel Harding of Petrol- ia was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Switzer Mrs. Thema Doube and Rus- sell visited with Mr, and Mrs. Will Scott of Kirkton and attend- ed the Anglican anniversary. Mr. John Rinn, William and Howard Rinn and Miss Noreen Walkom were Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Car- man Rinn and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Switzer of Stratford were Sunday visit- ors at the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Switzer. Mrs. Geo. Wilson was guest speaker at Seaforth on Monday evening under a United Church group at the home of one of the, Members. Her topic was "A. round the World." Miss Noreen Walkom accompanied her. Mr. Charlie Cottle and Mrs. Walkom of Russeldale were Sun- day visitors with Miss Noreen Walk= and the Rinn brothers. Mrs. Gordon Maynard, Union- ville, secretary treasurer of the Federoted • Women's Institutes wet' the guest of Mr e Geo. Wil- son on $'riday evenii., and Sat- urdat. no THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 1030 to 1130 adri. "Teach Me, Thy Truth, 0 Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich ZION CHURCH Zyangelical United Brethren C RE bITON Rey. Glen R. Strome, Minister 1000, a,M.—Worship Thanksgiving Service 1115 a.m.—Church School 7:30 p.ln.—Evening Service • MAIN STREET Tha United Church • of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—The Church WWI 11:15 ..m.—Worship Service Nursery Class op to three years in the Primary Departtneet. Beginners, ages 4,8, will with- drew during the stolid hymn. For •Pardon, Peat*, Purpose GO To Church. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev, W. F. Keats, Minister Mrs. Ken MOCrae, Organist 10:00 cm,—Thanksgiving 11:05 lern,---Senday School 7430 p.m.—"The Still Small tVOiet" CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH Rov, Samuol Karr,. CA., It.1); • Minister Mrs. .1. G. tocitratta, Organist -School 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Thanagiving Sermon Thanksgiving Music /100 p,m.—Preparittory Setylet SeSsitift will meet at ti:45 11.m. Thurs.; iet 1t 1 Meetlag, gurtery oa Sunday morning fent children up to sik Veers, CHRIST ANGLICAN CHURCH, 'CENTRALIA Rev. R. H, Anions, Rector Mrs. M. H. Elston, Organist HARVEST HOME SERVICE Suriday, October 13 '7:30 p.ni. (Standard Time) Guest Speaker: Rev. Brende-Vries Everyone Welcome • PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE main, Street Pastor: Evang. L.,Winn•Butler ergarliSk Miss Marion Treibner Pianist; Mrs. Don Jolly 9:45 "aan.--Stuiday School 11:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Service 7:30 p.mi—EvangeliStic Service Wed., p.m.—Prayer and Bible • Study on "The Revelation" Fri., 7:45 p.111;, --Christ Ambas- sador service at the Huron Comity Heine. "Honour the Lord with thy sub- stance, and with ...the first fruits 01 all thy ificrease; sO shall thy barria be filled with plenty, arid thy presses shall bent out with new wine: --Prot,. 3:9 & 10 JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Reo. H. .1. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Thanksgiving bay Services .. 10:00 a,m.—Suriday Sehool 11:00 a.tn.--Morning Worship Sermon sublect: "Row Shall We Thank flim?" Anthem by the choir, Duet: Patricia Cann and Mar- leet McBride, • 7:00' p.m.—Evening Service Rey. H. C. Wilson, of Thantes Road, will be the minister in charge, A Wants "Wetorne Is Extended To All NOM: There will be mens tor practite after the mow ing service. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD *ev K L. Zorn, Phalli 0 10:00 ,School 11:00 ti.m...Thanksgwing Servite With Cetranithieri •THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter , Robert Carnsion, Organist Harvest Festival 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.---,Serviee of Thanks- giving Everybody Welcome HOT TURKEY SUPPER Knox Presbyterian Church THEDFORD Friday, Oct. 11 Admission: Adults $145 Children 12 Years & Under 750 Supper. served from 5:30to 9 p,in. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 200 pat —Worship, Dutch Language 3:30 pat.—Sunday School Monday evening — Thanksgiving Service • Bazaar Women's Association Zion West 'United Church Friday, Oct. 11 8:30 p.m. D.S.T. Program Provided Adults 24- Children FREE Everyone Welcome The Thatiodkaboaeafiti 00411.0 lite . rrer•VraMmOr. Cfalak.roote lionnivoraary Mr. and Mrs, Maud tok!', pant entertained at their bale on mond, .Elmdalet Ave., Loudon, Sunday for the letter's parents.. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Squire, on the ,oceasloa of their fortieth" wedding anniversary. A hot tor - key dinner WAS. served. Members of the family pre- sent included ir. and hfris. Harold Chittick, Gordon, Cler&' and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Squire, Douglas :and Billie. of Granton. A geed look beats good luck in the job of safe 414 \dog. DRIVE SAFELY Aldon Theatre Grand Bend n••••...1.4•40*W•IWV../* FRIDAY & SATURDAY • October 18and 19. "DON'T KNOCK THE ROCK" The newest, biggest tock 'n roll movie of all. Also Three '10 -Minute Travelogue Features One Show Only Each Nite 8:00 O'Clock Sharp • COMING EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING — Exeter Figure Skating. Club, Thursday, October 17, 8.30 p.m„ Exeter Ateha. Publie is invited. int BARN DANCE — Midnight, Oct. 13 at Jim Griffin't new barn, 5 :Mica north Of St. MAW on East Rivet Road, ih mile from. MothetWell. Melody Ranch Boys. Deo prize, 18 ib, turkey. Daft- ing every Friday night from 10 to 1 crta_,,,,,& PROTESTANT i h al) el Guild, ECM' Centralia, are holding their annual Christmas bazaar, Sat:VW, November 30, in the J. D. McCurdy School, 2 to 5 p.m. , NAM A BEAN SUPPER—Tues. daYt Oct. 20, Trivitt Memorial Parish sponsored by the W.A. of Trivitt Chtitet, 29:10c A NIGHT OF FUNI Lidlit Club Frolic . October 25 Reception And Dance FOR MR, AND MRS, LEWIS TASK° Lucan Arena Dancing 9 to 1 Friday, Oct. 18 Ribsan's Orchestra Ladies Bring Lunch ANNIVERSARY TURKEY SUPPER CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wed., Oct. 23 5:30 and 6:45 pm. Adults $1.50, Under 12, 75g Anyone wishing to eat later than 6:45 may .N.; rchase tickets at the door. Orders for dinners to be sent out will be taken by phoning 996. • Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. October 10, 11 and 12 "ROCK, ROCK, ROCK" * Allan—Preed * Frankie Lyman NEWS CARTOON MON., TUES. 4 WED. October 14, 15 and 16 "THE COURT JESTER" 4- Danny Kay * Glynis Johns AND ADDED SHORTS 1 — COMING — "ZARAK" * Anita Ekberg * Victor Mature CL PU01,14 *OW FOR ONE -ACT NA At the, Hems of MR, JOHN GOMM* 231 William str4 Tuesday, Oct. 11;30 p.m* a Male and Female Roles ,Orain Anniverso Service Woodham United Church Sum, October 13 11 a.m. D.S.T. REV, T. ELLIOTT Of Kirkton, Guest Speak'''. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY at '2 p.m. • Hot,Turkey, SUPPER GRACE CHURCH PARISH -HALL GreeTnway • Wed.rOctober 16 Supper Served from 5:30 to 8 ADMISSION Adults $1.50 Children 75# • (under 12) Starlite Drive-in Theatre 5 Miles East of Grand. Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway en Crediton Road FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 11 and 12 'LET'S DO IT AGAIN1 * Jane Wyman * Ray Milland i3WEL woo Y110A ssaaa saNtaavrsaa WNW! OMI 16R '4`,D co 1 DUaly Jalaxg