Huron Signal, 1850-06-20, Page 2Tho members pommel laughed heartily. sad
s.*h,.`, but a friendly ►let he. Mr. Spee•
Yer prenssed the spectators from jeioter
it really time appear tint y'a
Iota Reform we would have a • °tem el
semi far acomplicated thea at
Mr. Henry Sherwood said he aloe hid •
Bill ee reform rhe taw, and limit the .meat
of nimble coots. By thus Bill It appears
that tee ;moist of costs rommer•dl• would
be about half of what they now are ; while
thesauri enol. would he this ams. For
example : If •creditor u Mliged to sue ht.
debtor, •yid t'.t he roen.., but debt and
e.•te,,M(r. ilhereinod'. Bill would make the
come payable by the debtor but shout nee -
hall of the actual cumin of the snit, and the.
the ersidrtor wnul,l loan the other tat it
wuuW sot prevent a lawyer from takug or
,ouch a. he r, n set : and if a creditor inn.,
si.e away half has right for the recn.ery 01
tin ether holt, we homy bearer soak. sums •
provision for three foerrba dour mercantile
enmmesity. After h,srisg of ell rho reme-
dies proposed for 1bis great evil, tbe Bill
'roomed by Mr. Smitb was referred to a
emends' i. ct.o.en by the whele Ilo.t•e,
ronv41nf of literate. Rmitb, of Nubbin.
Winton, Carneruu of Kent, Cameron of
Caswell, Beniton, of Norfolk, Sherwood.
of Brockville, and Lafontaiue.-T'.uos/e
From the Cowrie' deo Esr. Vale.
Tura wav00TLT 0LmcT.D octet LIST CANDI-
DATE P00 Paas.
Teo new repe.0entative of the depart.
men; of the Seine, Mr Eo1en. Rue, M.
been agate the hum, °. the I':ngh.b call it,
of the week. The talk of the town has
ron41,ned to tins* Ironed his name ; nor de
we feel ailed upon to refer to It, wo who
aro but the echo of such rumours.. With-
out booking into the event in *serious point
of view, we will only repeat Some of the
��a•ip, on naturally provoked hr a Net that •
n,1rr• atsell under s0 many difereet °.poet.. 5
Let the pe.•imista my what they may, M. •
Nue, the advocate for • reanl.b°ring, M. r
Nae the •nes/ of superfluities, M. esus, in t
rh'.rt, the Boeiukt, will be always • butt
1.4 the merriment of thaw of hie friends
end old awoeiatee, who have known him at h
heart, long end intimately, and • ho have
unt lost eight of Mtn has ears into 1
the world, down to our days. h
Several portraits of the newly sleeted 1
hare been got up on the spur of the inn. j
mens, and havebaen exposed in the win. e of the print -callers --not era of them a
pnrtra:to is • likeness. They aro wither It
the melt of pure invention, or they are 1
copied from the frontispiece of some Ravel,
middy with mutes sets anise them-
selves egoist it, after baying rse•ir d at
its Mats ell awns of rammed aad Setae -
The trismpb 1.. beet complete me the
pet of M. Seism Rom -bit siker hably
sheaf ly r,li.bsd Its Iat,Z,calIss, he ,lust
alt **gime' to taste its bit
1111111/11i u repnseetative compels hret
is come ad lime in Para; ad the t w ea-
ter annoy° hies more than its pomtble to
Itis no small affair, .or a very easy ase
to fill the •See of a gentleman Socialist -
A great deal of art is requisite, sod much
rk.:full precaution in order to carry on at
..aro thea two dewiest fueunn., and
prat -tire .ueceeefulfy This double existence
Oa the dawn o1 his mranidermatios, what
hie pwwtover to the Red• republican*, tb
morello! orrnpled a small tint charms
house in abs Roe de to P°piniere where b
competed in luxury with hie neighbor, ter
Counters Ramoiloff, the great Rudman Indy
.0 nngsal and so extrapagar.t. He bred
there agreeably enough ; but anon, aeeor
ding to he just workieg of affairs hire be
law, his new dm.rrre begs° invading hi
abode, for the purpose of congratulating
and exchaegmg with Min the fraternal obit
king of hands.
Every day the crowd grew greater. -
There was • dosire to •ocourafe the writer
to consult, to compel him. At eight oft
.plendor that reigned in his hotel, his vi
tors hada eel Rede (dcrenca r' trete) •
premed their surprise each ate. ►u hi
sslghMarief Aeneas sad then ialle is with
&hermitic east eiserseief armee 0( ib. .,i..
,ocfacy, t we •r•atersie. a •areblelat,, •
lord .d a Mid,, ems Weedy seam him
all Ms(sour.
Bull, in spite .i Wee elm wheelie fens -
lowly rare, the Mw rsprenataU,e ase
tor. Hee living pielMal 1, e•os fb es Ira elate
at Horde,. Now, how eea, he well he
•only put to it. to lead is Paris lie Amble
life of geotle... red.
All is sot roses is ouch paths u thaw ;
aid &whitlow tholes' satiated is sot with•
out iia dieeppol.tmesta and •osoyasce..
to , Hall, Burnt, Macdonald of Eie nos,
HOUND OF ASSEMBLY. Flint, Seymour. Richards, Bolietor-Geer-
Tvitaar,J.N 6. oa
alM°edesald, Wee8sad *be "never.
Mr. o:kiter.Geaeral MACDONALD
Opening el A•Condit.
• Mr. BALUWIN mOmicron that Mr. icron (Cornwall) • id
e ed, that who. tit* Mr. Merriao. N added.
e Hones adjourned, it shoold stand adjourned Mr. CAMERON (Kest) objected to .o
4111 Monday neat ; s motion made mammary may lawyers on the committee.
by ebe •aeersIOO which was to take place Mr. SCOTT thought that lawyers were
_ the following day, (Friday). A long turd mon i°loneted is the Nll,asd halter able to
somewhat amusing dlecussios leek piece judge e(,. preami10e tawasy other elect,
• opo° it. The four greatest Liam wasted is sod be would stove that Mr. Bathos of
the Ilnua•, Messrs. Papenea,, Prime H. J. Nerfeash be added.
_ Beeline and 8.r Alba McN.b, were quite Mr. MACDONALD (O1eegarry) was er
indignant that a whole day 01 parliamentary 4.orably diepoosd tow.uds law reform es
duty should by loot, ere* in edebstiog the any member of the Hoag, •.d he t► t
iiicompletion ora great national work, amid in that refer. toad may be effected by t`nn.°
drawing public attention t0 its not iespor- who oedema of our legal sy.ii ; Y mem-
.. tante to the welfare of Ibe previece. Mr: bon, were piaered mi the (oamittee who
x. Price charged the Govemm.ot with wish- •'sew nothing Mout the matter, they would
d. tag to make political capital est of it. Mr. injure the reform awn than they could
of 11. 1. Boulton said it was u.dignabd, sad possibly b.selt ft. He theegbt that as
y, Mr. Papineau talked of UNIwasu 0111as in then were several .0asares as the oub)ott
Vs 'jowled' to result el tin 1.11, N A. Go- before the House, the amber for Durham
verome,t. abort r.pli.o were wed. by ' would do well to withdraw his motion and
s, Messrs. Hinck. sad Drv.moad, aid the allow the House to appoint • Committee
M. (notion passed:without a division. to which all these hills might be nferr.d.
Provincial parliament
Carti r,, Chide'. Cateeeme, De.°•i�ata..s. D.Wies.
`e. . 1. Dmpier, a..hMFHb ..F Mala na
3.4.., le*. sou. Aram, Om*
LiTwrhi., Lase* Orbitae* Oa9 IM ie~Ij,.
...Iia y hRee��r oith d
posterior*~ Iler1p"p••irM,
Fera ti. Ohio
L.w •meow.
Mr BMITH'e(Dorbam) Biu le sawed
the law, •ie.p&p /M program and redoes
the *sperm of legal proceedings in Upper
Canada was read a °ceond time, aid Mr.
8.Ith moved Hist it he referred toe Balsa
Ctraesittee, to be composed of Measrs.
and some amongst than took the occasion
Friar s paver -blank ebot at them .uperfuit
e o little in accordance with the nevelt'
humanitarian dissertations.
To ••sips such emb ing remark
and tech • tex that became onorou.,
fl.e was compelled to take refuge in t
country. This resolution cost bis
mush the less regret, as the loon b
ceased to offer him any great attraction.,
freeing rooms were abut against' the d
steer of aristocrat. principles ; !Moll
Iegance showed him the cold shoulder
road was forming itself above bin.
ural solitude ho would no longer pereei
his (alhog away, and be could there,
well as in Paris, live the life of a Sybartt
whilst he kept his luxury concealed fro
is master. -the brothers and the (made.
The hotel in the Rue'de la Pregame w
herefore give• up, and M. Sue e.tahhehe
imeelf at his estate of Border, situated i
he neighborhood of (Mean.. There h
netalled, at once and together, hie artefact
y and his socialism, Ms Syb•r,tic luxur
nd his democratic plainness: the geotlem•
ed exhibited in his double charas
er ands as twin existences.
Borden male, which has externally moth
LAW OF LIPOL. Mr. FLINT ridiculed the idea of having
so Mr. CAMERON (Conwell), mead that hie se many lawyer" on the Committee. Bill awed the law of iiaedw mid LOW, .e ler. WILSON ware proceediag to die-
: rood a messed time. He said that be wished s. ease the gee.ral question of law reform
._ ietredeee the Eaglwb Law ef Label Oita Wi• when be was declared mit or order.
a C.4.•ay, as Ire tbeeebt 11 11 nn applicabh atter Mr. BOULTON (Norfolk) iheoght that
• ; riakung • 6"••1"7,He prepeaed "all*" the fanners were quite able to understand
in 11""""• 1"••••"•1••"1lia pfe.d a wwn'a all about the law as well as law era if it
epoloey. is mitigation of damages. He also
re 7
proposed u silos t4. .e plead the tn1 were t i° intelligible language, and then
as a tin libel, for it .pp•r.d 1. h.. M Ire a.... deeouoced the jargon, which was used Io
e, wee. this* tint a pence should M allowed to Isp1 proe.edinge.
m come before rhe sad premed ageism see- Mr. WILSON made a long( and amusing
- ib.,, bice..• the latter was await te plead the reply, duns` to course of which be read
•r•trwb, u baa dais* se might lead is a Meed .of over the bill totally i•trodueed b the mas-
J the Pelee. H. sad b• did est wish to meow her for Norfolk, full of the moat intricate t
a elf reanetiosa, aeJserali.0led .1.e,e.irb, legal jargon, which none but a lawyer t
e is that caw ge tato M eels hmijTy matters, aid could uederstsnd.
•' wash e whi h the sod expose
blit bed wo lik• aaam er ofeeee rne vim, e. Mr• MORRiSON and Mr. 9HER- r
7 His prepnei,ioe was merely that • *mud", WOOD (Brockville] supported the idea of r
° might be allowed to plead tic, peblie he.e4t, es one encomium on the whole subject. e
• s good sod seflkie.t r,tw. wetter majestic., Bir ALLAN MeNAB approved of Mr.
of what hes called libellous matter; .ad to e.Ip South,. wotioo and the &dieter Grneral's
•Iteratice that be proposed to make la the Eau- amendment. g
• the Particularity of the &reale taw, which nand* mere wens fit to act *tithe committee. ar 1
h meaner~bn,seemed 4•4•4 • peak. i• "baHe t Mr• SHEREWOOD (Toronto] road a v
° Propaaed that the maximum .1 pseish.e.t In portion of a Bill wbkb be intoe to ID-
e p.bliehi.g wilh a.u'. w e*iorl',mey, ahe.ld troduee , limiting the eats in the Supe...
be • fine of .C100 w two year. I • Court to Etll, sad a the Cour t of Chance- 1
rs, aid that is ether ewe .f libel to 6ee ebeetd 1'7 10 £ 1a• end ie • corn.poodieg degree c
be a.t exceed £50. is the inferior Court.; each he mad, be d
i• Aker a few words Ho Mr. BALDWIN, would lay before the Committee on Law
s who ngg.eted that so.. alth. detelle.l Oen Reforms, which it was then proposed to
I, Missed ods be re-c.014erwf, th. Bill wetland • appoint by the Horne.
tmam•aaveoR 7*1. It having been decided that ebe Commit- ea
atom, white ter ,oleos reme.e Yd Mee A1LIVAL Or Tb CANADA ►ROY
.4.,04, bet. may, that miry day. H. LIVRPOOI, AMD Tint rlCttOY
•►segbl .If the mem*, mall Mind 1►,EOY UACs Ayr,
e�of �rllui N the a -
M prep°MB. melddie
ejoice el W 0.►- a fla es!n Drflhr,
stllErs•ee be (Mr. L. j said � be ort she 1eftl _�ew�pa_lif� lrelaa4,
Oak11s". did of tree* le the The .i*M w'i ll heirs
� MwlM�i ad appeared to Hoak of her, him Liniment, with ere left ea
tier mese My gen to die I.S.
.dace • espy of it. Now the Goma- Flour was hater; a bed* Amus exist.;
meat sesame *hock had bees prepared •o adman.
some time age dined from the New Yerk What, dile.
State bill in essay particulars, and did set Corn, dull; en le le irate.
exactly resemble any bill hs (Mr. H.) had Beef, sale* at full prins,
ver aaad 11.
Porb, se 1 t.
Mr. BOULTON repented kis statement Lard, tarp' arrivals: cheep sale".
se We the Mahers hosts' called es W i.. Lord Jeba Lumen
specter General, and appeared to think the wadi was rejected last eMawoe `y Ile
Gower/matt pledged not to bring la any House of Lard., for the ad.iaien of Darea
mearore. Rotheebild as member (or Loadue.
Mr. HINCKS appealed to tbi hoose. Silence le observed by Mtaislero, as to
whether it was fair that "bat was said by foreign slf•u..
• member of the G'wasmeet casually, is The Russian Ambassador has been re -
the street or i• ►le oace. without prepare. Balled.
tion, should he considered to pledge the Nsgoueloee ars going em between to a particular worse. Al France aid Eo;land.
the time ibe eoeverwation alluded to, occur. Emtgratioa a dramatist is Ireland, aid
red, he had nue spoken to his colleagues on erope are looking welt.
the sobje.t. The Picsroy lad bed-eriada nearly the
Mr. S11ERWOOD (Toronto) said ,hat whole pa•as`e. Her coal was nearly r*.
be did sot consider So Ggero.ent to be humeri. 8be will require le rem* here
retrainable ler the casselly..aprsesed till late is the day t .
opluyoes of so i•diridal mw.bew, sad
thought that it was the duly of ate col-
lo/Igoe to withdraw hie bill, whoa the Gov. BILL.
An Act to •meed ate rapine the Acts
mintiest declared their iaustioe of intro.
dociag • similar aeeasere. therein emulated relative to pfomLsory
Bit ALLAN McNAB con.'41oted the Notes and Bills of Escheat*.
Go'ernmest pledged, by a declaration on ,Waasaas Iueooveotosw ase reeelied
°eek ° ashjaet, tlf the Iaepecar GOsaal, fres mane of the promisiose el lie Atte
ate to *eovsrsetaisdtrgped. bereioaf er mesuoaed, er from the Interpre-
tattoa put upon them: -Be it therefore ea-
That the aces to be allowed and recovered
PRANCE ender the AM milieu of the Art peered in
'rho &hats ea the electoral hill had takes the lwslfth year of Iler Majesty'• reign,
place. The hail ws. deu°ely seooedmt.� and minuted, "An Act r• rr its A. Kies
There was great After the .1dee.ate'. prwesterl Big .f il:rrk..Rp
preeentauon of an tsarina's number of pe- t. Upper Csaoda," for that expenses of
tition• from .11 parts of France spinet the 6o01g and protesting ally Bill, Malt or
bill, and after a preliminary contest os the Order, drawn by any permit is UpperCasa-
queetion of urgraey, it was carried ageism da or a°y pereoo 10 this Province. er on
the Mountain by 464 to fes meter. Promissory Note made or negotiated in
G... Carugae, whose Deme was fist Cpp.r Caoada, •batt is Do cue exceed hue
o° the lief of .peaks., •sanded "'thus tn. ek1ll1sg'e•0d vis pcscv; cornoe7, •ad the
bone. Ile rested his opposition to the nee- °mount actalty paid for postern; Dor
urs os the letter and.pint of tb. eoaati-' +hall ouch sum or any ether be or
utiol, whieb requarod a. ib ant pnse1ple, recoverable as aforesud, unless .■ actio u be
be right of universal euffiage, and the bill brought on such Bill, Draft, Order of Pro -
was sol to regulate, but to destroy, that WIsnory Note, sad the Protest Ire used
tight, Beaide., it was III -tinned Hud longe- evude.ce it tb• trial.
n.u. J11 -timed, because it wool,' he„ for 11 And for t1.e avoidance of doubts a to
fleet to row fug the seal two year.' the true intent and meaning .f the eare.tb
mountable difficulties in the way 01 the section of the Act peseeJ in the Twelfth
.,vornmoa...aad dangerous, at year of lien Majesty'. reign, sad iolitol.J
auk' serve 10 make a.4 cossplidate a be.- " As Act to amend the low regubuNJ
i1e party, comprised Well thosewbo should Inland Ball. *1 Exebaag. and Pro.tuery
dated twenty years ago. lust in the same i
wa on the day after the revolution of 1
February, were seen e° every aide exposed h
for sale portrsttiof M. d. Lamartioe, young s
►nlhast, with a piercing eye, aced luxuriant h
and curling lock.. This was the Larnarti.e
of the days of Elvire-aid the rano►s went o
into eeetaciee before this anachronism repro- ri
eentlsg the father of the Repeblic, as he o
flourished at the epoch when lie composed 1
Ihe.eronalion ode. •
ng imposing, was extremely well adapter
o the intention of its proprietor. M. Su
as caused two entrances to be made, wbic
fight each pas. fur ,the main ooe. Tb
ease is divided into two equal parts-tb
Seigsorali wing, and the demoearatie wing
0 one side are luxury beautiful furnitu
eh draperies, and gilded ceilings ; 0e t
tar ratio simplicity, walnut -wood furs
ure, straw -bottomed chair., and basting
t sixpence a roll.
Withi°side, a door of communicatie
able. the muter to pen from one to lh
tier compartment, according to the nalore
f the visitors who are signalised to him b
o intelligent porter. If they be person
latish air, the serraet bring. them is b
sir proper entry, the gentleman receives
em in splendid apartment., and they ad
ire bis magnificence. If, on the cootrary
ey be brother. and friend., •eve et St
cialut• of Orleans, of Beaueency,
ours, or even of Paris -and many bee
lately gone thither with reference to the
election -the are shown info. quiet -look
ing abode, and ems crack op the master's
democratic simplicity.
8o soon as tbe socialist is signalled to
him, the lord of the castle throws aside his
morning gown of satin or of velvet, hie
skoll cap of brocade, and his Turkish slip-
pers, and puts on hastily a smock frock or
a blouse, a red woolen cap, a ?air o/ tut
locks. But it is not all without an oath
that he goes through tb• metamorphosis. -
Sometimes the visitor comes at an unlucky
moment. The gentleman was just silting
down to dinner ; hi. table was covered with
porcelain from Saxony, glue from Bohemia,
asd glittering silver chiselled by OJiol ;
the steward of the household wa. about to
serve bite succulent viands. and pour him
out the most exquisite of wine*, for M.
Eugene Sue has gives up his struggle
against emkorpasf, eioee be has common•
c.d his battle with society., He has aban-
doned his regime, and he allows himself to
be preyed upon by the monster ; but be
is wrest. A politician bas no more Wai-
mea with nske.periu/ than has • favorite of
the sex. The latter should be alight of
figure that he may be able to glide through
a half open door. and conceal himself in a
wall -press, or, Rimed be, in the drawer of a
bureau : the politician should remain
tolerably spare, and lean ssoogb to be able,
under given eircumetaoeee, to .queer.•
through the frame work of a window. M.
So., wbo has studied history in composing
kis romances, ought to he well swam of
We left our lard pith* male at the mo-
ment when he le obliged to leave kis table,
so sumptuously •,reed, for the purpose of
recaiving • socialist visit. Skilled is dis-
simulate, his impressions, he pato OR a
cheerful sir, which encourages the visitors
to instal themselves for several hours be-
neath his hospitable roof. Besides there is
no ratline over the Oriting pesos• '.o dim
who come to see you in the country ;
though u°fu!tuestely the Sybarite cannot
revile the Democrats to hu sumptuous
feast ; ice must offer them the democratic
pot -luck and feather he must eat with them
while the choice and d•licste dinner grows
cold epos the deserted table the gMtrere-
.ia i• reduced to sharer with bre waists
the de.ocraie eat sod the .octal os..1M1y
wask•d dower with such this wise u is
drool at the Derriere du Maine on the
great Fraternal lot. -days.
;ler• we nee the miRI miens• of the
professore of a ggooeetleman Rd bet to hal-
sees it. the hrothom lake tsar departure
well satiated with 'beer hest. They have
sees of hl• behitat.oe and hie habits 101,
orae that metre them. They have •N
• bus gorge"•° tpetlastits. ser ha.
od*J .ode of Bring. They have !bead
a Sperm a the . yhente s •d Loon-
gine tine a Diwgeees' dj■
Another Mime miser, that has 6 weed
tie lord of bird., . where, is a Pete
d..eeratie eslft-bag smash apes hie back
slippers se hie feel, rd eap epee hie
sad • pipe a hie most►, re-cendee-
e the door, ares -.o -arts, Nps **rad
de -he atersoily receives the visit d
• disimegiebel acgoarstancee from a
d lush 1.. s that respect, was c W as regarded Air PISINCE did clot think that the (
feel that they had hoot usjostly dopa- Note., and to Protesting thereof, and
ed of privilege' that bad been cesl.rred forejgs Bill. is•esrtau caste," a it 4•°11r -
pm thea by the coastitstaoa, ed, that it is not and shall not be seesesorl
Ile was'G.tened to with a haorbiag at- Under tbe aid roetioa that Ibe nerds "..-
teslion-met with no ioterreptwa in the
ly, sod not otherwise or elsewhere," or
ou.w of • boor •peach --tad o• situs word. of Irk. I.p.rt, heinsert0d in to
nwa, wN foully cboor.rd by IM whole �7 of lbs Bill or mote, or le Ny •eeep-
eft. tams of a)bill or Note, in order to prevail
Tk+neri i.sporta.t orator was Vjotir la semi fro. being payabb generally or, wbo de4r.r•d a glewiag pas•grne Ib. aceopta.e. from being ((.e..eel; ►.t if
usimereal eeffrags. any Pill er Note, or is the 'empties
Ow lb. ffd alt„ the trot - thereo4 the a.. be ;nab payable at se
psaar mf imperte•eo wsa M. a M•au- stand place. it shall he ueder.tood to
lambert, who gave 111• legtua fists as tar- *she payabl..t seek plate oalre °ad °e
gemmed is fuer N the tell, otherwise or eleewhere, aed the Freesia. •
Em••met„ r,� fetid to hem
a t*.c. shall be held to be qu•bA.dM. to
lie Lid 11t, to el k Thereby. 111. Awl for the mama of doubt. "ode
Om W.4...da1, than tier, „via ►m•- tis tweetl-ate M*ttea of tb. Aet•
red .embers proses;, sad.aeew emir& t� •nom b* at deeiared one eseel.d, Iia
rowed the Iles of Assembly. A .r messes "NW he the i�meeuptio..1 el
y the prts.eststs.a d a pule- forms ie &cli.•e or ante rotunda aper Bill
I10 esey..dt•g .. appose'• the .01(10..... ee Net.., remorse shall he had u all tae
i of • mama( (,..dos p. Coons to the /awe of Eagle* In force a
tbe time elf the pude( et this As/," in tbw
said a.sli.•, alae 4.. treed as aani•g,
that is each iae..tigalion temente shall he
bed 10 the Lw° of- E. laud in fere* °t the
1im..1 the paged( .f the Opium* of the
Preview .( Q••bee, mode in the moray -
f't► oar .f the reign of Y�etatg Oesrp
Third. sad Mauled As Odhssw to re-
gulate the is tin Cents of
Clod 1•issa•--., and 'sashimi bale by
Jeri1s re artless .f • Co•r.a•i•I mire
aael permed mesa" to he 11.
f the ~•id Ordh•••ti, wawa .l the of
Melamine sf Me mid Aa L Ines h Leav-
er Cada with regard is the prod el lade
a•ar.i g Comintern matters.
A little later, and the truth came oat ;
sod with the help of the daguerreotype we en
were favored with likenesses of the treat o
man, exact and contemporaneous. In • o
single day M. de Lamarune found himself a
aged by thirty years. It was a strange of
metamorphosis ; and the public, looking at th
the two poftraits,-lie Lamartise of the Ih
Meditations," and the I.amartino of the •
Previ•ioral Government -could not avoid 1h
.a exclstrration-"Is it possible we change •'
in this way 1" T
hurt w will the troth also be manifest In
the ease of Eugene Sue : but whilst wait -
tag for this operation of the penal, the pert
may as well give a sketch of the new Se-
ers/WI representative. Tbr celebrated
political novelist is of middlingaize and
strongly hoop, With his bead slightly Bunk
between his shoulders, which are high,
broad, sad roved ; his blooming couote-
nasos is full of character and expressico ;
his now is short his mouth delicate ; hie
eye. large and round, appear starting from
the head, sad are shadowed by thick brown
eyebrow'. His forehead is broad but oat
hurls, and thickly covered with grey hair.-
Wkilat his heir was black, M. 8w wore it
Inag and curled ; now that it it grey, he
wears it short but always carefully dressed
sad arraeged with a certain degree of sol-
e ombry.
It is now • long time niece-aad it was
in fact in the bey•day of his dandy career
that -M Sue amt telt the attackf of that
.cearg*, •o cruel to the players of theatri-
cal juvenile parte,and to the beaux of the
gayworld-a tendency to toats's* !-
lake Byron, he struggled against it with all
his might. At the verfirst threats, trepn-
blipg (*Lilo o delicee'y of Me Angers, for the
�yy( 14. re, for Ile personal
wsRa as highly as bis
*,l4 for Mo misters with the fair,
de'W e• a much as glory itself,
reel he declared war to the, death
ties•. �I. •boggled with aha
m6Ymesm of the most violent 0x11•
c�0 ij 1e* sort sb.te.iou. 441. M.
defy 1•htated as Mosel as poesibl. his
0100rinu• foteinnr. A. he wrote
much, it wneld have bels diMeolt for bin
to give hie vataable alms to protracted eau -
ewe ; but t. wake amend., he tied himself
down to • very short allowamee of sleep,
and to rigornee reform in the matter of
ga•lrm.ersy, is which, elite that period, be
had dipped pretty deep.
Ilse ru'rt hd ordors to wake him at the
dawn of day, sad to teeniest bias by main
fere, to get op, if he Netnews incised biro
10 seep e*weam. Al to two eels mealr
of which he partook during t►. day. Isla
metre ♦hotel *My divvied him viands of the
l,rette•t hinds pbeanP• wig, game soup
with trM-'a, the bre•.; of • ebskes, o •
hit of f.h, replaced *with jelly daintily Ba-
.Ared, and peso n1 i 10;
the whole wagered by Jo►•st•arg. Bach
w°0 Me ordinary Are te which he
eid bf na.lf with the h.r.i•m 0f asses deter
*fedi mel re mere hie Ague.
lansike of ,Mee mmillemieee` all ' w-
ree.N igen ti..4 Bums, who lord brim mew-
i.i Mol M. t emery Ora has beet •,.nabs•
ereenn Ewa, snowily le seem of is
we., tae M 0m. d the semi .•adv.• d t►.
Mr. HIRCRB mooed tb.t the report of the toe rhould be se .pporue d. t60 .Hasa of
Cemmiu.e of the whole es refa.diag a *Mee 14*11044* was takes, aeb w•e.ber .oai- •
7 of the Enigma, Tax shseld be adapted. atisg a seamier of the C..aeus.. whoa
• Mr. BADGLEY wan opposed s tonne Is. it appeared the follow*" gentlemen had
y mientie.. the greatest nosker of votes, aid aecord-
Mr. SHERWOOD also emceed taus ea is- tarty cosetitute the Committee:-
. ea criminal loan swum which was met vela►. Mr. 8elith•et Du►ba., Mr, Wilms, Ilse. t
fished fee that p.rpe.e. H. wend ask 11,0 Mom', Mr. C..OTes e1 Kest, Hes. Mr. Beslto.,
"Ilof fnrmd •f blot s a.seiau w;tr porno of st Hoe. Mr. Cusses of Cermwsll, Mr. d
desert two. The Bberwtrei of Broekr,dd., aid Mr. Atwrw
v. P ge a 'sly p h imeharrie- G0Nral Cabo 7
Dr. Keyes MI edea the ore preeeutia whieb ' mairte.
was is their power -,bey had Medd hies ewer
or kis Meds, who they expected would here THURSDAY, Jena 13*. A
hem moiled frees -elms..! moral kora ate ea.•saL aaweue saw.
what lay owed Ube .0. 1.7. if is Mali•
eel 8.pertateedest bdMsa.ireakee, begin* Mr. MOULTON of Termite addles",
hke ta knew bow the gemmed way, ta WE. M introduce a hill te wathu s. the hem- f
toe tat; the neakee ger Tenni wend agree tion of Snaking. f
with him abet 1401 gesikmse walls way hest' M. HINCKB sad that the item mem- •
ad individual. The rem* of des Mead me.- bar for Lanais wipe was we taw n bas fo
her Ow Norfolk, tel* hie hating mimes* Mt place. vN obese to i•tredse, • 101 wjtb v
Dr. Yeses w i°.me, was WS ester t. Hie
loused ttemtfe.a. p.,_.I.4 is .shine sash eb. li. ame ebj°et t. prwerd, a gs•,r•1 tett t h
servati..•. M wend lea whet Weise" he hes ler to shat tin WWI% sm'MNsg tem
is lb. Hee.- The to
ge'ere.we Mr. P. end tied 'Image,* el �° ed New
rejected .omen.s partisan fro Or. 1.per York. lie wished that Its hes. member p
hbeestwn Masten a his Seeste gid dtawr; meld therefor, s1141N iia hell un the
ase it wee eels whom he o,.0L•lissd{Uses•. Qeeegamaat sesaaa W bona 4. 0.iestd- sea
th.t they evo.seseed be sand be fh•s.d. 1a. Mr. SOCLTON (T en.•.. said time be
wbee the Meilen 8 see situ ' bad se i.* .iew • bw with to
he emeined Dr. Lies hoe. M an" le "'al member mer L41..*s a Lea .
samara, ed .s that .'loin Ib. 'deject, ,•l .
used. He (Mr. P.) seed be W desired se. •"'"
trio tate hfse (Mr. 1 ) time tae Oe.-
pesiedly s fha.e.her ter Wsetwsrib, aha dse ,ramwat ialtadei *Wes, le aq hell es
ge*mmeet we.M net liberate him, beams Iby 1. •*31st, He Ned whoa • rhea deed d
were sedan of hie gait. The opiates whim {real, r him bd. he thoeght it
Dr. Osamu, had *twee w ands Mar • might to be rioted. sad be wo•Id prep M.
..dol mus wee be,sd to gems. question us • intim.
Mr. BADGLET .jd,. if 2 tow Mr. IUNCEB mid that N war ►w•welt
domed neem, ad three ws se pine• h wish sad prover u wait ..til 1h. r der
t emirs him is bet tin penfla.i ry, ice mew mese» was iate ad,ced and set basest Ent
he diseb.ed: rbe g wfm"M pase.seei a ./ their heads. 0.04 maser wised be
legal power to sed hi. seas °gtem. e d he
wly gseetise with biome whether eoeipsiee Cliaset ►esu .Hvedudsd be%re•
of the mediad diem w. uw/f.hmt. Hi was, M.. MOU LTON reitrewled tde sidembeet r
Leashes, then wss as teed t des •bent affair. 8,t tin . that Mr. Merritt hd sea 1.141 tem -ahmt a
qq,ieaies had bee. Int rips: the p*...., w.. - Cleversaest masers weld be inirsde sd
de•eriSed Hie,.1delwagd i.tatMet, it wield he this 8sgsies. H. had meatiest* that
mosesruia 11 tin ..pertstesden theme* hist - (Mr. 1I.) cabbed to mimeos. mete a man- -
lame ha Weald an se acted 11. seri, bet that he would sett he ab:e to is es.
Mr. H. BOULTO1I eiplal°ed tat is .her Mr. HINCI said that the hill had bene
ha mid be hed m refereeee s the gevers.see: was uM • but it had home
he mut that the Dieter had gime a dabafal i ted s•'.
oeniaeaa. proposal te potpoe its order te take p
Mr. LAFO1ITAIINE ani seem t'..,4. • ehs iwpeWt subtest et ti. evreaey it
which we did est beer dienealy. tin same time, •.d it had eely been deter.
Bir ALLAN M.IIAP sold. da wli•et had ex. mimed t• proceed with the **sties thus
tiled o reddest et enmities i. to Gera Dia. 8igg1� within the 1°.l de hours.
trier. where Dr. Keyes ad iaeewfy k.•° wind Tin natio, was pot aid loot, thirty.
iv mel-prsetiese, sal was te•'ieted d nems �- me to lwestjJ Uri a motion a abort
a asset aggravated •haaetw: end se te tint dy lose afl.t.tide b Mr. mock,.
ail t an berm a Yr. BOULTOA
goes •hetserer. He (sir
Alla.) ltd set trunk then bed been setfieuel (Toronto) maid that be
evid.see to pre,• issmiiy: tin "mousse „wore ead•'•t•ed that a Committee of Bankers of
testified to a disordered sae at Ispeneet, sad tb euty hrai 011104 taps the 1.°peelw
Wm the bodily heath e( the mom. was i.- Gem•nl to sok le if the Oevern.est 1 -
paired. As sew s he is dimeareed he .. beat tended is bear dCw • peers) Barad( Law.
praetieieg` hs pprrebdw. tit mkt, if he answered A the aMe t.e,
Mr. efINCI al said, Deem deerip•w had that 'bey aged fe eat sell their Mei le
mere s geed den 1 atomise . We elm, said the �t IM4tati.•e, aid list 01,11,6,.
dui est take ip he sin spine, *MI he had •Na W ,.l4 thee flat it win a•t lb. i .
elkd is two w dire* ether needled nus beim", said.. e►( Ihm Mi. to M M.
ill t0 Rlagetee. Itepseted °ppt••atw•• ellen
De. R.,•• liberated, . led Mem .toted. W lir. Hi$Cii sand wh, wept db saR
hem : sod It warmly whmm she sage ef lamas p..i.g *hie Cemeeittse t
hi. salad Was wandered sash el ee wawa it, 1b. l0 1. 1 saki Mr. lisrpae Lx.
Wm be was immerged. The ...bele M the Munke, sad ■r: Ceae e..41 . Beak kers
eeeem.est ad wee mesh swtdSol at frim' IIID. 01NCES. -DM the hoe, member
bi. pracaeieg kis p,ob.kee• fi "meld mew ra nee tint they were •• C.IsesiNee of lurk=
ossa drat tin Hawn reudvsd 1e. W Meek el a
I.d to to MI4./ tint *meld be seat a a Lima. as }
W ad.alty ram seam, wild is enured- neo
ly iawrpaeet of IM a hes rescind. 11.1 •1*
f iph.ssa mem 4rsd: esly
flee te god th•ss giej.••
M •s•syeese et eitmem ee lime
t•y ws
away, ad f as ran massed
s prwdttes M 0i.r. • ware ea►j•ta le
le them. We 01 lower meet is the world
ibitb lie teemed tied mese was *sot " tier
glebe f.d Melte Ne rovhfliretee sad is had,
Iplit wit* tme•Mee. sin .o.spel ie in he Mill sod t
�ypkd wii4 esr•e'ere' Thole moven dhow
eeme of them dieresis...0 being.. ',bon sow
per ay* :-
Them w he ae damlot whatever then the
sabeset s .sly .dem( as
a krw, sad p1.., Wr eeeatry
e dam the yoke d,11. airy. 'lye ebuew
✓ bear.Ne 0f the people hay ee fay depn-
.d to toenails' of the long .ought *e-
st fur declaring martial law. While all
u is gang es, the more important sego -
noes coecornjng the map of Europe en
at CI.emoat, Pane, 2141 8t.
etenbsrg. Th. two branches of France
raeo•eited. Henry V. is to merest tin
rose of Frame., extending to the Rise.
Amuria will be iadeced to give up as mach
of Lombardy as she cannot cou,r.wieatly
Beard, to form a kingdom for olio of the
ell% ?sanity. Proasm is to be tempted
with N may stn fragmests of " Paler
land" as the Remo -Gallic armies ern
wrench from the country, which matt be
Me ally of England.
Several armee manufactories of gpopow-
hamo Hees,erd.
Ta progr m *. of the °ppsitim press
gees 'aerated.
A e of the Loam Mein, of
ridgy. "tales that a conciliatoryde.-
teb hes hoes *emit ge tin Forsch Charge
sad the smartie§ had a beers- guar saleslady •1 than els mew*.
bhp erect se ib. Boehm. of the prevwow olds we leek epos N
Idti. ad Comms. -Fro. Mai the chid beteg deeiddly iai.I al to the beet lets -
rests of the ?revises. T. eentiseatle■
of the slice of Chs( $eperiattadest, who
is to have two clerks, ere cosier to be Ike
emiteatioa dee s.sesa.ary hurtle. epee
the country, as we taw of *deism that the
duties sew performed icy the Chid Bepa.
holmdeal apt he wry weft perforated by
ono or two et the not ever -worked clerks
in .eras of .he Gevernmeat departments,
•d a very ee/eidenble saving he thaws
effected. Saadi• bsllg to do the deities
beretefore ppaerttaalaieg to this efbee, the
Cksf B.p.vintoadg.t *111 bore the power
of appietiag • t, nod special *spec
IMgate,a) s/ ale
Normal Befool. the appppoeidntees% of prose
to conduct teethewr irtitete., sad prepare
rules end feetructiese few regelating their
ago, will form ems of the aim per-
wio ere te escapee the Ca
PIbha Tsetrectiea, sed have the le
ea the
WIN tbenien he mewed le hie triads, The N the prover time grip tin ate.etsma The
1s our last we ere.Ied 1. make a few
remarks epee the Scheel Mlle iatredused
y the Hee. F. Meeks. ft was ser is -
teatime to amasses ea•°t.Yy sad nor* th
ayes sera eaves. s. bat a air time mai space
am ranted, we will at the boas ire se far -
tier. thea merely to Not, shot with may
./ tee p'e".Mw a Iia Bell we are alts.
we is test sae Emperor Is dead sad tit
mother lidd suwaeedd him. The foreleg
Commas et Bbsethee ree.,ved sake, from
authority there, es the 20th March, that his
Majesty the Emperor W departed awn the
great pommy, aur/ bed cremated upward 0a
a drafan to be a guest se high.
H. M. screw -sloop Berard has seemed -
d in colourist mil d etrovieg a co.oiders-
Ne .ember eleMmae.•-Glsie.
Lanais, May 23th.
Coffee se change, R&gar in seedy de -
mead •1 fall price. Tallow a Inas lever.
Naval Stores -Ne mite reported in terpee-
tiwt or tar, Reeie-A to 900 ►bin, a( e•m-
. ss go•Ittaee hare base takes,** Ill N to
fa lei per *wt. mated etre
mors saleable. 600 to
rears ed mer part., »• N 4 e
rim pa• lewt. hes .qof elsf Mises
A ,.all let of Coronas er (•w ,*gid
at 17.. Preigbu.-F.Tgp Neel(s
sed mtbw better raise,* ' lii�
for sod sad
el his
le the Warm' 8Ae.1, M greeting to •
dewier wbo bin bows a empeiee et tie Mee -
"eel Scheel, • edifier. wile► .i.B he
g . wM is my pert of Uppet Caned.. TierLvs•l•1Ceatr w toaeMtr tee gnu e05wst of r to
The poeaooozettdbg be weatisr 4. pl.d Is 14. ►osis<sy.6. obs
Ivry Asa ;rode fee "ma at an de. sager, wit *teeny settees. the tetnlieie
wipe", rad • doottio of Id was. e, the Ftt'wleee to a 5.Mtiele Mede Wild
tie mum d Wdswaia w rust °Se M dl tlrtfe
wbo mow& el • r. tate slid AWE
et the • r
per guar* mai. haw emu. sllhe.�.� +-e/ ^:A-_
w •il7 a redid°,, was a bjr :tate UI a {d f*8 ,
i! par pester .yw tae set•. w 1 ? �gmilt hew epwt 41.01111111111111116 it �►
• wkt N.rMl
hate .ddae,b.. Ne tiennlsdeamti• lb, �11 116
wprsssd•etwl wwat•a tYr teeaw e/ M»
8.11 1 snwlp aiwa � d i
ease a se foe tf A.rrraepeet how t dt►,
semis f F "1lwetedlle alio IN cbio MtD11o1'
m• *rim.
Ile. 10I11TOlr.-Yea.
Illi. CHll�s17E rees"m i tb. mysw, eM Mt. U$NOEtasiilNnllhe eau 1.5.411.1 kO�
.x41, w►II. ►b1 .0.Y vele M tin sdiiese, ft 4114 aims• S of ossa to :ref*
set 4Mw Mint be Wnmw.d web e d 15
sew see !he gvw�.sed- °i5rey� •°r a.. w Cat•awelal did est web mi Na
a e e M ties a coded s MMwt i• seem* oe N.wnNy se the feeblest et 5p.
Indeed he W ever sem lar. Men% Ela
Tem- .ssrenry loan.. I NOP. Ilia
Ota, 8eeltes .f Terme. of 0....l Km *Ale.. The ether gestiesse, Kr.
Colby. retells, Mite. Sr A. 11M11i, Caaae °sl Mr. Barpa Ill alit some
Mulled, 14...•e, Pkwieees P1rina, Miles's, Wellea1y to hiss 10 1►. objet, bit ...L
IM tlrerw.d 1 far et'ItM. ail IMAM el k esus el, 1. flee esawre&*s lies t1.. tbe
F►••c-If• efq he W tee1hos the Oe tioneist•tW Ike
flue-Modeen Th
A. y�gAmmer Ge... pet luw/4Lt eines'.. hell We Bnsa
d, hadht Baldwin, sell, Beedifier, Comma d Kest, at wee Kip, tin isb.ti10 of tisM0000.11wilm- /
ewe 14 ie.. -
at. 1