HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-10, Page 12Josp1h 'Kennedy Si#u`I,ph 'Farmer 4.110141 Kennedy, OA passed. ( away .if! St. Joseph's Hospital, 1.:`uesdee, Det Ober 1. He lay at �t in the C. Haskett and Son noral untie, Lucan, until 9,30 St. Friday, s Chnrch,rBiddaitkl1)h for re>xuiem high mass at 10 it dev. easfi Interment A. wM the 'Opining cemetery. Eldest son of the late Mr. and ha Kennedy be lived on smon 10 Liddulph Town- ship where be farmed all his We, lie was unmarried. His only 4urvivor As. , one brother, Jetties Kennedy of Biddulph Township, -Pallbearers w e r e Vincent O'Shea. Charlie Jones, Lawrence McCarthy, Bennie Kelly, Pete Bryan end Toni Casey. ! 0 Marsha Ribson Chief Explorer At the 18th Expedition of the Lucan =' Clandeboye Ea;plerers, held in the: United. Church par- lors tact Monday night Counsel- lor Kae Haskett cooducted..the election of officers. Chief Explorer is Marsha. Rib: sent Keeper of the Log, Barbara Park; Keeper of the Treasure, Barbara Ready. Two new members. Susan. Hyde and. Linda Currie, were enrolled, making a total enrol• Anent el 33 of whom 30- were present, The Expedition began with games on the church lawn, fol- •lowed by coloring of leaves :and later stamping them onto colour- ed paper• with a hot iron. Coon- seller Entine Langford and Rose Itevington led in the sing song. OLD plD T'Aell)ace outmoded, law capac-• :Lily pumps with a modern Extra- - capacity, Multi -stags Jet pump mode: by Why put up with old-fashioned, troublesome pumps, with their belts wind pulleys that demand constant ' service? Now is the time to in - #tall big -capacity, constant pressure Multi -stage jet pumps. Not one, but twin—even three—impellers to pump more Water at less cost from • _ deeper wells, Down to 230 feet! i Sta-Rite pumps proved better every . day in more than a million homes and farms! Don't wait any longer. ..Call today and we'll estimate, free! • W. L. HODGE phone 7 —• Crediton Plumbing — Heating & Electrical ' Visit .Our Office In Crediton on Main Street and "TRY. OUR PRICES — THEY'RE RIGHT" Lucan And District News. Phone 109 Lucan James: Turner Dies Suddenly The many Lucan friends .of, Mr.. James Turner were Shocked t. hear of his sudden death last Sunday evening. On Saturday, he and Mrs. Turner drove to Lucan,'where they left their car and went by bus to London where they were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Bannister. On Sunday, together with Mrs. Franklin Hodgins, the five of them motored M Paris, where they Fere guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Corbett dad Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott. On returning to London they listened to the 11 o'clock news and retired. Mr. Turner com- mentedon the trip they had had, collapsed and was gone, He lay at rest in the C. Has- kett . and Son funeral home where the Rev. Peter Dyrnrnd conducted funeral services on Wednesday, with interment at James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Son of the late Mr. ana Mrs. William Turner, Concession 4, Biddulph, he was a farmer all his life. He is survived by 'his wife, the former Emma Ryan, of Lucan; one daughter, Mrs. Clarence Davis, and two grandchildren, of Saintsbury;. also one sister, Mrs. Henry Hamilton, of Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, of Drayton, were Sunday guests. of Mr. and Mrs. ' J. W. Smith. Mrs, M. 0. Smith is slowly re- covering from her recent ill- ness but still is confined to her home. lifrs. John Park had a severe attack of flu, but is able to be up again. United Church W. A. The members of the United Church Woman's Association held their October meeting in the church parlors last Wednes- day evening with the president, Mrs. Cecil Robb, in the chair and Mrs. Don McGuire's group in charge "of program and re- freshments. Mrs. R. R. Crosier who was to have been the guest speaker was unfortunately called out of town owing- to illness. During the business session it was decided to hold the annual • bazaar and tea November 16. A discussion on the pros and cons of a turkey dinner this fall, resulted in favour of • the cons. It was decided to make a collection in lieu of a dinner. The purchasing of garment bags for choir gowns, and shelves for mortar boards was approved, Plans were discussed for the District W.A. Presbyterial, which will be held in the Lucan church October 15 from 2 to 4 p.m., to which all district church W. A. members and friends are in- vited. Ilene Donaldson entertained with two solos. In The Sky? You'll be ponvinced there really are two moons in the sky when you see the used car values we offer. Ask us about .these sharp automobiles: • 56, Sassy Chep .!-Hardtop Whitewalls, 2 -tone, radio, back-seat speaker. 4. 54 Pontiac Laurentian Coach 24,000 miles, new car guarantee for 30 days. 53 Pontiac 5 -Passenger Cleat .s a pin. vin SPEttAL! 53 Olds Super 88 Hardtop Super Hydramat c, radio, new tires, spotless, 't hev Coach 1e> w, *kip covers, real sharp. r, i ►ntiac Sedan I�TBIL '.new tires, absolutely no rust. ' kk. t6 4'alue tsar, • D„ Chev Coach X 1 condition. `41' Pontiac Coach ' oigi . ..hloxi?.. Wlr�ltr�r Spacial, so buy'it now r ;teal cheap price Lo�BaIiey r,,;l?La�1•$I 409 i Give Vegetables To SH Hospital. In spite of Jack Frost, Holy Trinity Church never looked more resplendent than it did last Sunday for p its' Harvest Thanksgiving services, Coloured leaves and branches helped to fill in for the shortage of flowers,' together with a dona- tion of vegetables which will be given to South Huron Hospital. The Venerable Archdeacon Al- bert Jones, Warden of Seager Hall, London, was the guest speaker at 11 a.m. and Rev. E. C. Attwell of Gorrie at the 7.30 p.m. service. Both choirs were out in large numbers and provided special music, the junior choir in the morning and the, senior in the evening. The flowers on the altar were in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hodgins, a donation from their daughter, Mrs. Jack. Murdy. Flu A Targe percentage of the Lu - can Medway students have de- veloped flu and in many cases passel it on to their families. Principal Wesley Clow. of the public school, repports that the flu is •now hitting the public school. One teacher, Mrs. Alli- son,had it over the weekend but was able to attend school on Monday. Personal Items While visiting their daughter Mrs. W. J. Smith and family recently, Mr. and: Mrs. P. O. King of Oakville celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. The Lucan Public School staff • last Friday attended the Teach, erg' Convention which met at the Beat Technical and the Cen- tral Collegiate,. Londbn. They found the address of Mr. "tut.. ledge, superintendent of elernen tary schools, helpful and inter. esting. Rev. end airs. E. C. Attwell, of Gorrie, were Sunday over. for night guests of Mr. and Mrs D. A. Ashworth, the latter who had been, spending a week in Cor- rie returned home with there. Mrs fierb Stretton, Who had been a patient in 'Victoria Respi- te' for over month, Is able to be hoose, Mr, and Mrs',. Sheridan Rev-� ington have returned liotne after neatly a week _ in Lexington, 1 entucky. While there they Sew their horse "Itosecroft" again tome in first in x:591.5 minutes. Ml's. 1"lotr itevingtoit. is teaeh- irl at Medway' High School. Mr and Mrs, George �Gatfield, n.alph and. Kaaren of Peterboro Wee weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Black,, lifts. Alvin McLean spent last weekend in. Dublin, the guest' of Mtg.., Anti Leabyy, EXETER e Plan D�rve For Church 'Tanen C. J. Queen of. Lond ws theguestspeaker at. Stewardship .. Visitation organ' tion meeting in the Anglic Parish Hall last Tuesday .e ning, It was unfortunate th every member of the congre ton was not present to see the film, "Through the Looking Glass" and to hear the Canon's enlightening address, for all those present went home with a new conception of the pessibil- lties of such a visitation, which is not an appeal for money. The main objective is , not only to secure new members but to create a greater interest in church activities among 'the present members. The Canon said he preferred the name "Stewardship. Visita- tion" to the former name, "Every member Visitation." He said "To secure the best results there must be certain requisite (1) a committee (2) at least month's training hnd prepara- tion (3) regular mailing of ABC literature (Attend, Believe and Contribute) (4) sufficient helpers (to go in pairs) so each pair will have only 5 to 8 calls to make." The rector, the Rev, J. P. Prest, then took over for the election of chairman, Clare Stanley; secretarS, Mrs. Erwin Scott; publicity, Roscoe Hod- gins. The next meeting will be at the rectory, Tuesday, October 8. Flames Dama9e ,Denfield Ho . e qMr. Joseph Gliszcxynski, Con. on 14, London Township, R.It. 1 a Denfield nearly lost his home by za fire last Wednesday night. The en. blaze started front an overheat - ,f stove pipe which set fire to aa- a wall and ceiling, The' Ilderton Fire Dept, was called but the family had the fire nearly extinguished before its arrival. The damage was esti- mated at $500. ' Area Teachers Elect Officers' Miss June Donaldson of S.S, No. 26. London W,as hostess for the October meeting of the Bid- dulph and.North London Teach- ers' Association last Tuesday afternoon, During the business session officers were elected: President s' is Mrs. Ross McRoberts of S.S. a No. 1 Biddulph vice president, M. Wesley Clow of i.he Lucan Public School; secretary, Miss Elaine Grainger of Clandeboye Public School and pianist, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh of.the''Lucan Public School. • • The guest speaker was the1, new inspector, Mr. H. G. Schlotz- hauer. The former inspector, Mr. R. J. McNaughton, who're- cently was made assistant sup- ervisor of education, has suffer- ed a heart attack, W. G. McDonald Member Of LOL Mr, William George McDon- ald, 94, yvho had been a patient in the Egerton.Private Hospital, London for the past, five years passed away Sunday, September. 29. He lay at rest in the George E. Logan and Sons funeral chapel, London, till Wednesday when the Rev. Peter Millen of Cronyn Memorial Church con: ducted funeral services. Inter- ment was in Birr Anglica Church cemetery. Pallbearers w e r e Maitland McMillan, Cyril Hodgins, Neil McDonald, Jim' McAlpine, Harold Hodgins and ,Frank Stanley. Son of the late James and An- nie McDonald he was born in Brooke Township. He lived for .12 years in Mooresville, 25 years on Concession 16 London and 11' years in London. Be was a member of Cronyn Anglican Church and the Orange Lodge No. 156 Southgate. His' wife, the former Julia Ann O'Neil, pre- deceased him 60 years ago. 'He was the last member of. fam- ily of14. He is survived by one son, Gordon, and two daughters, Mrs. Richard Bugler, (Annie) and Mrs. William McMillan (Florence), all of London. Lucan Dogs Win Again Bride -Elect Feted Prior to'her marriage to Mr. Robert Gregory in the Lucan United Church next Saturday, Miss Joan McLean was guest of honor in the church parlors last Thursday night when 100 of her Lucan friends presented her with bedding, kitchen -ware and linens. Hostesses included Mrs, Mur- ray Hodgins, Mrs. Harold But- ler, Jr„ Mrs. William Cochrane, Mrs, Clarence Young. Mrs. Murray Hodgins was in charge of contests with Mrs. H. B, Langford at the piano. nlMission Director Speaks To Rally Dr. Thurnace •York, a former president of a California univer- sity, was 'the guest speaker at a union church meeting at the Lucan Community Centre last Saturday and Sunday nights and at ' the Pentecostal Holiness Church Sunday morning. Dr. and Mrs. York have just returned from a world-w,ide tour of 33. countries including the ! ol., Land. Besides being an elo- quent' speaker and vocalist, Dr. York is ' a talented • artist. The audience sat spellbound as each nigl.t he colored a beautiful pic- ture, one .of which he later pre, seated to Mrs. Harold Ribson,- whb also is a talented artist: The other he presented to. the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Mrs. York,.who accompanied Dr. York on .his world tour, as- sisted on the program with solos and duets. Miss June Graham, of Toronto, daughter of the Rev. aho;: Mrs. J. A. Graham, former- ly of• Lucan, was the guest pi- anist. On Saturday night Lucan's three ministers assisted in the service. The Gospel Trumpet Trio of London was an added at- traction for that meeting. Dr. and Mrs. York are ,friends of the Rev. and Mrs. F. P. Thomson, who were 'instrument- al in getting them to come to a small community like Lucan. prizes. Add New Porch Mrs. Eileen Currie of •the BrI• alio Kennel, showed two female Samoyeds, at .the London Can- ine Association Show last Satur- day. Vaska won first in junior puppy , female and first in bred by exhibitor. Ziska Katanza won first in Canadian bred female and reserve winners' female, Library Bridge The Lucan Library « Board Was pleased to have. five tables of bridge at theip'opening night last Wednesday. •They intend holding, a Bridge'or Euchre every Wednesday night. Next Wednesday it will be euchre. All scores will be held until the end of the season when the play- ers with the highest average will be given Personal Items Mr. Brethwaite Johnson and To Scout House daughter, Miss Phyllis Johnson of London, Mr. John Johnson of Florida and Mr. Bill Johnson of Mass. were Wednesday guests of Mr, and 11Mtf. Ira Carling and fare ily. Mr, and Mrs, E. R. Pitt have returned from a two week motor trip through the Canadian and American West. Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Mullins and family of London were Sat- urday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, the occasion be- ing MrS. Hodgins' birthday, Mrs. Hodgins also celebrated Friday night with another daughter; Mrs. Harry Carroll of Saints. Miss Hattie Hedging of the Green Gables Nursing Home, bury, Parkhill is:Spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Alvin Me•1 Lean, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Erle Young and family spent Sunday in Clinton,' guests of Mr. and'Mrs, George Young. Mr. Young who was hos- pitalized for a month recently ha* made * splendid recovery, The Lucan Public School pus pits are selling 'Christians cards to raise ninny to purchase a slide projector and have done very Well, to date, • Mr. and Mrs,' Calvin` Hackett end fanwily Were weekend guests et Mr. arid.* Mrs, Jim Turiks of idgetoWei Mrs. Tunkt, the rmer Shirley Taylor, was a ene.tirrie member of the Lucan .Public School staff. Mrs. >vileee Currie was host - ens for a social evening at her horse lest Saturday evening fol- lowing Dr, T. York's meeting at the Community Centre, When some thirty guests .had the op- Yartunity to meet Dr. end Mrs. ork personally., Mr, and Mrs, Jaines McCorniF ick and Carol of London Were weekend Willett of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coughlin, Mrs. lTrold' RcF'alte, clerk at the Mel Culbert'e' 'starve, is haw ing a week's vacation, Last Saturday a •new porch was erected at the front of the Scout House and the boys gave tries interior ,a real fall Cleaning. Scout Apple Day was set for October 19: To avoid running into each other's time, in future the Cubs will meet on Monday nights and the Scouts on Thursday. At a Cub meeting last Monday evening two new chums, Stanley Whitehead and Nelson Knight, were enrolled. A number of Cubs Were absent due to the flu. " 'It was decided to have a bas, ket collection on October 26 and again. ask the co=operation of 'all housewives to save baskets. Holy Trinity WA Assists institute The Woman's Auaillary of Holy Trinity Chureh held itis October meeting at the borne .of .theres, ident, Mrs. T. C, McFarlane, Wednesday .afternoon with 1'f members present. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Wilson Hodand lire L, linty was led by Mginsrs, J. Bentson, Mrs. T. A, Hodgins, Dorcas secretary, reported two more sweaters had been sent to the Mohawk Institute, Rev. J. P. Prest spoke. briefly on the. Stewardship Visitation Organization meeting Tuesday night and urged all members to e„tend .toe welcome hand ,es- kecially to new comers, The Little Helpers' party this ychurarchewillservictakee the Youtform h Su114- of on .+day, October 30 followed by plc- tures and a treat, in the. Parish H all. The president announced the W.A. semi-annual will be held in St. James Church, Stratford Q ctober 23 and asked .all to re- port to her, if going,. Mrs. Harold Hodgins, who has charge of the Study •Book, was unavoidably absent so' Mrs. Er- win Scott read an article "on the new Japan Study Book which the branch voted to purchase. Mrs, Jack Murdy, the treas- urer, reported that Miss Minnie Ryland of the McCormick Home had patched two more crib quilts: for the breech. Mrs. Frank Hovey offered her home for the November meet- ing with Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. James Hodgins 'and Mrs, Roy Stanley as hostesses. Personal Items Prior to returning' to work after her recent appendix opera- tion, Miss Vivian Fairies took a trip to Toronto, Huntsville, North Bay and Sudbury,. Mr.' and Mrs. Joe Hay Sr. of Trail 'returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay and will re- main in Lucan with them for the winter. • Mrs. V. M. Prest of London id spending a few days at the rec- tory. . Mr. James- Hanley and Miss Katherine. Bawden of :Toronto were Saturday guests with Miss. Ida, Porte . and 'Mrs, Helen Wat- son. Mr. Keith. Frost of Toronto spent last weekend with. his par- ents, Mr. and - Mrs. W. J. Frost. Mrs. Jack Steacy, who under- went an operation in St. Jos- eph's Hospital last Friday, is making satisfactory recovery. • Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Luptor and son of Kerwood were Sun- day visitors with Rev, and/Mrs, J. P. Prest following the Harvest Home services at St,' James Church, Clandeboye last Sun- day. KIDN EYACIDS Rob your Rest.. • Many people new seem tel get a good night's rest They tum and tow—blame it on'nerres'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood: If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rent well get and use Dodo's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so that you can rent better—and feel better. 136 Doddrs Kidney Pies Are You WARM; SAFE and INSURED? Use Champion Fuel Oil R. D. Jermyn: Phone ,508, Exeter aN.♦,111,11n111111QllAll11t1ultlltll,4�ll1111l,11,1111,lUi1111111!!4l).16141g4tlllrul!lellM!lId,11111141..6111e1�InnIMMf�11AM1,}111 ee P�• alym AND HATCHERY ;L,TD. 1 Exatar, Ontario . wish to announce the acceptance of the following new shareholders: LLOYD M', CUSHMAN, EXETER JUD DYKEi4IAN,: R,R, 1:, CENTRALIA i ORLEN D. SCHWARTZENTRUBER,- R.R. 3, ZURICH BILL TUCKEY, #.11. 3, EXETER. I. The Company is now headed by Mrs. Jean W. Wein, President and Managing Director l Loyd M. Cushman, Vice -President ,. �'11111011,Nlltlltlllll1tt1111i11UP1lIItR1111ptYlltlllitlllllll111111111U11ti1111gYg1/,Rt1411P11111141111,H11,g1111111gllilC. ' measured in minutes gasoline costs you less - If you work at a job—and most of us do—how many minutes does it take to earn enough to buy a gallon of gasoline?, 33 minutes? Well, that was true for the average Canadian back in 1939. 29 minutes? You're :right ifyou're thin' irg about prices in 1946. • 16 minutes? Correct. According to government figures, that's how long intakes an average Canadian today to earn the price of a' gallon of gasoline. On the score of performance, you're getting, an even bigger bargain. For today;s regular gasolines are far superior tO the premium grades,sold only ten years ago. • tMrt=RIAL• OIL 1L11MIT*,D EZSOD i,4 .1 1 Lucan Dry fiest Great F�II October 10 X0 19 t Super Values For8 Days