HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-10, Page 114; ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER PHONE 719' Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work — Oil Burners -- 4.. 0 1. BABY CHICKS FO .TEAT r1tlrl. ! choice. Special meat 1roi): 13111.15085 eorkerele. Ant s Ala far 1 1 pullets. 1s is tt 1 t K ,e 1 r �t'.o rn plate started. p o Erie 4:wrscadden. reefer G V. (ims s3 Ilunnlll nuu lulltuuOtte mt then lteen„ueuletttt ,l„nlnttttttualitm411tmont� PRE -SEASON BATTERY SPECIAL! • BUV NOW ANUAV[! BIG rood 'YOUR C�ICf i0.TTES'Y iS 1.4.0017711 UP 70 014 A 11A tTEFY i et uS test your battery today 1 Larry Snid4 Phone 824 Ilio .' r Mot 4' ( Exeter This Thnii Ad ere* 'I04 T: r .Yankee .raves Bar } 4 FOR SALE': "DRAIN. TILE A, inch 55 per AG Dentd b inch S i tier Ai 11ei'd 6 inch i 11Q per Af Del'd 7' inch 145 per M• Del'd ;a 175 per At I)ei d '"s, '1' s 4iMd' Elbows la Stock. prices for 10", 1St end 14" on ilequeet RYQALL BRICK AND TiLE klig'iefield PIItooe 103 laulrati QUEBEC', HEATER; Findlay coal er woad :heater; 000 -capacity 'learner electric ch)c,k brooder, (with feeders. :Picone 400-W or apply 109 William St. 7tfc CAREY SAFE —;50,00, Apply, at Times-Adt'0eate. . fC P'011. OIL T .mc, TFUCKS, or used construction machinery.. contact Cliffen Truett Equipment Limited, 5461 Yenge Street, Willowdaie, Ont• 100 111,11)3, Black reruherott, Apply I3ldon ' 3arrott, Hens1)i, phone 075-2' Hensel), 100 •200 PULLETS, Red and Sussex. healthy, starting . to lay. Apply Harold 11fawson, 11„11.8 4Parkhrli, 100 FOR SALE TOYS! 'TOYS! Beaver!' elate t 1tt 'Joytown Is open all year round. Oifts for :children's parties. birth. days etc. for (U ages. $Prayers. Hardware. 3tfn. GIRLS' WINTER, ,COAT SET. 3- itleoe, size 5, ifa-vevy good condi- tion; also boys' brown snowsuit, in excellent condltipn, size 0. Phone 032-J Exeter. 1:10:17c FOTI Q111011. SALE ---0 30 14Taesey- liarris tractor. in neW tractor condition, 4800: Case manure spreader, 1300; Case packer, ;l15: Massey ',Barrie 4 -section spring teat'), 150: 1N:cC,E. No. 62 Qom. bine with All attaaitments, ali new .canvases, runs lika top, a $475; McC.D. 18 -run fertilizer grain drill, in good shape, .4175;. Handy Alan Jack, 415, etc. etc, )9eeson for selling ---farm is void: Apply Stanley .Sapler, R:'P,. 1 ,Zurieh, 10:1.7o BEAN COOKER, electric Id. and C, good as new: atsa male collie pun. one year old,' .Apply- .Was McBride, 16.TR, 1 Varna, phone llensall•'657-r-21, 10__ 2•PJEC.t1 CHESTERFIT',,LD, wine, In good condition; Phone 079-W- 3, Exeter, 103 PEARS, I eeter, ideal for can- ning, G. 3, Dow, Phone 83 Ex- eter: MANURE—$5.00 per load spread on^your garden, 0, 3. Dow, phone 53 Exeter, 10:170 BULL and heifer oalvee.-0. ,T. Done phone 83 Exeter, 100 IJAN'S OVERCOAT, "Slxe 9.0, blue velour; lady's suit, t r i.c a t 1 r14:. navy, aloe 18; lady " winter coat, trimmed with Persian lamb, size 18-r0, May be seen .at Brady Cleaners. • * SIJGATI. BEET LI1rTE1. in good condition. • Apply Chester Dunn; phone 620-W-4, Exeter, 10C APPLES -•••• We are now picking Spies and De110ious apples, and if you call at the orchard you may serine your supply, Andrew Dix- on, Exeter. 'a, 10;17'. GtRL'S 0031 BICYCLE, metallic green. like new :PJtane lienslail 6, 8n'-23. D'UCIC BOAT, 12`x4', 3 Years old. Phone 769-M, Exeter.. 10c k Oiti') PLOW', 2 -furrow. ' and 8' chunks, Apply Sack Dickins, Lu- .• can. lU• COB COISN, well matured. Avail- able from .pickert Order now. Apply Alvin Gingerich, 11.R. No, 1 Zurich,. phone 90-r-.6. J•p* STORM WINDOW, length 5'51'4", -width 2'11?x", cost .220,00, Witt sell for $0.00 Apply Bert Bocock. Crediton Siittth. • e 'USED -' B 'EDT LOADER.: in good trorking ,'condition. Apply Verne Alderdtce, lelpnen. 50e SLEEPER-'STROLLEt1 L 7 o• y d, grey Andyellow,. with , carrier: blue, diaper bag: blue bunting A bag, like new; blue pram suit, size one; baby's swing and com- mode. chair, Phone 364-3 Exeter. 70 PULLETS, Sussex K. Red, 51/e monthsold ready to lay. Phone 817=r'•14, 4ilsa Graig. 100 USED TRTICK 'J I7t•.LS, 81,x20. Apply Jack Iisser•y, Centralia, phone. Exeter 880-4-1. 10c CHROME WHEEL CBA11t, $70; ) hospital bed' Ann, mattress, $65. Phone 356. a 4 4 A , e A1.A 4 Teachers Pick FOR RENT APARTMENT. above Gould &glory store, Apply T. 0. Southcott. 11ttc APARTMENT, private Op trance, utilities. paid. Available October 11:. Phone 480-'W Exeter or apply 33 Huron St. E. Otto APARTMENT, upstairs, 3 bright rooms and bath, 455 monthly, tine furnished, for bachelor or bust - Pettis couple.; No children please, because of office below:' Apply J. W. ' Wein,, phone. 7 days, 356 evenings. 29 ter Mrs. R� Mrl Usborne.areitt teachers met the first Tilesdaj'' of , this month for a dinner meeting at Armstrong's restaurants Mrs. Alex Rapson, •past presi- dent, conducted the election of officers. President is Mrs. Rus- sell Mills, and secretary-treas-, user, Mrs. Warner McRoberts. The meetings are being held the „first. Tuesday of each month. About 60 per cent of; all post- war immigrants to Canada have been women and. children, APARTMENT, furnished, steam heated; a. v all ab 1 e now; lots of heat; and not water, clean, cosy,.cheerful, right in the middle of town, `reasonable 'rent, Elliot Apartments, 442 Main St., phone 4,76. 10:lotfc APARTMENTS One, street floor, living room," kitchen,trten, bed- room d- room and. bathroom, 'unfurnished, hQt and cold water, small gar- den, One on front ot Main 51.,' heated, 'tot and cold water, un- furnished. Abply Mayfair Bakery, phone 52 Exeter, 10:10tfc APARTMENT, 3- or 4, -room, on Main 'Street, main floor, -'private entrance, possession •October 1. phone 76-M Exeter. 10* 'READ: ESTATE � r • HOMES 4. FARMS Ca V Pickard $4,000 CASH will rive you pos- session of modern ons:•storey 3- 'bedroom home. Attached garage. I>eautituilY fitllslled' kitchen and: bathroom, Oil heated. Balance, of purchase price on ,liberal tetanal. ;2,000 CASH—possesslon of 4 -bed* room brick, • Good kitchen 'and bathroom, Nice basement with good furnace, Garage. Easy -terms. on balance Of moderate purchase price AP eliTM7 NT HOUSE-- — centr'al7Y located. 4 completely furnished. self-contained apartments. This is an oil heated Week with every- thing In the best of repair throughout. Wlll provide com- fortable home and Income. APA'B 1;FNT HOUSE --good loca- tion, b apartntettts,oil heated. Offered et a. very low price. CENTRALIA. —• 3 -bedroom house. Approximately ire acre of )and and barn, '8Ydro, Price $3,900.00. Terms. .•APA.RTMENT, 2 -bedroom, self- contained; 3 -piece bath, untur- nished, unheated, avat)a,ble now. 3 -room apartment, 3 -piece bath, unfurnished, unheated, available now, Store, Slain St., 11x40, heat- ed, available Nov. 11 John Ward Apartments, apply Mrs, `Gladys Henry, phone 348. . 7.0• BRICK .CQTTA.GE, a -bedroom, . 2 - piece bath, oil furnace. Phone 435 or write •W'.. C. Pearce, Ex- eter. 10:1.0tfc STORE do Main Stret, .opposite the "Post Office. Available Oct. •1. Apply at 'Times -Advocate 9:19ttc TENANTS. moved to R•.M.R.'s -- house ready • to be' occupied, A.p ekar 110 Main St„ phone 286 Epp - REAL, ESTATE. FARMS 100 ACISES Centralia district, close. to highway and school.' Good barn and.con1fortable house. Hydro. Productive clay loam. Price ;16,500.00. Llberai terms. 100 ACRES- Kippen district, level cla.Y loam. Hydro in house and barn, Good water supply, Price $12,000.00. 100 ACRES—Exeter, large brick. house and large barn an wall. Best of land: Hydro. Moderately priced. o To buy or sell see b. V. Pickard. Realtor & General Insurance, 394 Main St„ Exeter, Plumes 1115 and 628. 0:12tfc NEW HOUSE nearing completion, Forced air .oil heating. Nice lace- tion, Reasonable price. 4pply to Tont Walker, Nelson St., phot e 553. REAL• 'ESTATE EI,TILDING LOT, 77' x125', one block from Main St. Cement block buildtttg, SOx50 , at back ,end .ot lot. Best offer. Appiy Eric' Hey- wood, 1 f Exeter. Phone 643x p 3 -BEDROOM HOME, nearly new. full pored . basement, oil furnace, hardwood floors; east side of "Ex- eter; close to schools. R. E. Balk - will, 47 John St. East, Exeter, plume $9-J, iltfg, 100 • ACRE FARM, near Exeter, good building with hydro and best of land. Apply to T. Willis. 395 William St„ Exeter.' 100 411,In•tttuttllnlill/t110 Complete Dispersal Sale OF TWO HERDS 31 Registered e i t red 9 Herefor_ .s Thurs;, Octpber .17 — 1:30 p.m. 10' Cows with. Calves .at Side,2 Herd Sires including C,A; Larry• Domino 48th, Del Zento Portage Plus, 5 Bred Heifers and .5 'Young Bulls. • • • SA4EFARM ,AT FINLAYSON 1'.dfiiie'"north, 2 miles east of Kippen • • or 5 miles south of Seaforth. ' . r. HOWARD '•C. WRIGHT ' ' ART PINLAYSON Croniarty,,,Owner • . Kippen, Owner. i W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer, Denfield t • • .5 t 1 IP 1 ntinnlnlgnitN{ntninu n nun nil 11 u. ulil 411 1 iq Illilllllllllitlllitllllllllllnllll111111111111111,IIIIIIIn11 I 1 1 n4nuu _ ,t,,11,1111ut1111111m11mtlttlll .. ,11111tt ttttitttt atuiiltetetteilletet$tele tttttttt alto lhttttttltttiitl4atilieite{,j 1 1.7th AnnuaiSaIe ,REGISTERED • Guaranty Trust HENSALL •' 3 -Bedroom traine home, inunaott- late; modern kitchen and bath, new oil heating, unit. Well worth your inspection. i The undersigned will sell for TTT Bet' 2 Milli North -Fist of Forst c - . -'..i t l:Srt rnia eh EM= t X11 Mil.s< Nar a 4'Mils' rest of Highway Nd. 11 SATURDAYk, OCTOBER 12 32 HEAD . S 15 BULLS AROUND 1,YEAR OLD i1 teed waif�rts (all aro bred to *right A Mixir 12J) ,HERD FULLY ACCREDITED • BULLS BLOOD TESTED HEIFERS CALFHOOD VACCINATED All aria •lhible of Arnerican Reoisfratian Sale at MOO po ri a P5545110 HOUSE. 7-rooJ'N, 3 bed- roomsup with 5-plrce bath; 1 bedroom, or denn and --P to ke bath clown; hardwood floors .down; oil heat: adjacent to sc110015. Apply 206 ,Andrew St. 512;10;26e HELP WANTED LADY to leak after 2 children while 1110 titer is working. ;No heavy wort* required hut Mist be capable of looking atter .01111614n Phone 682-3 Exeter, 2:i•0117c WAITRESS for Dominion .1lotel. eh, 3:10:17e Guriclt. Pharle 70 ,Gori 1,A1)Y for general • itousewaelc, 16 mornings 'weekly. Pitoue 345-'1113 Exeter. , • HENSALL One , of Eensall.'s finest' homes, modern. `3 -bedroom brick butte, exceptionally well decorated — a real opportunity to acquire a tine home., ' HENSALL 2 -Bedroom. " brick`. 1tau5e, modern kitchen,. good (state of repair, new furnace. . WANTED IiORS$S—Wii1 buy any kind of horses. heavy or light. P,uy, sit or r41 xhai Lied al 1a8, Jr t Gtfc Taylor. 'Aver P1`•. t'.'NADIAN COINS, years 18118 to 1JOa• Premium, paid for coins in gond enu131110IL. 1'ltone Crediton. • -00 1VANU,11t1 'TO I;J NT—lied 5)J, S. to 4-bedrtiem.' in ;hurleb Exeter or .,Seaforth. l'''one 508 Exeter. MISCELLANEOUS 15V15i'r 1)E VILLA Eventide fill.. a honte for elder. ly citizens, IsI•now open a Sanders St., :'Exeter. The Villa. is tinder ardlneana o ee150 of ;Mrs. C 'Ii15I>S. CASHIERS' anti' carry. sJ r , 11:12:1fc., out boys. Apply' in person at Drury's Red and,\ White Market,: ANYONSO ttcsirin$ a ride t0 Agin, end. Exeter, 10c nioeg or Rivers, leaving On Ort. 16. Phone 114 Dasltwnocl, 1Oc YOUNG WOMAN to assist in a home with two small enildren.. Phone 355 or 213-W evenings. 10c 1 .'SUPERINTENDENT and. 1 Working Foreman to take clterg,ge of hydro and waterworks itt the Town of ••TExeter. Applicants to state .salary, age, qual'iftcatloes. experience and .references. Duties to commence January 1st, 1958. Apply to the Public Utilities Commission, • Exeter, On t a r 1 0. Lowest ' tender not nece s it accepted. - xE�ss:�Ll; 2-Bedr:'oonr brick house, new lio,t water oil heating unit, hardwood floors up and • down, good state of repair with. 2 -car garage, p%lced dor intinediata'sa•le. KLPPEN 0 -Bedroom home on highw.ay, In, sul Bric).... bath and converted ort furnace. Good sized lot, low taxes. Ideal tort retired • couple priced to sell with'c'£erms. HENSALL Unusual opportunity to acquire a 2 -storey brick; commercial proper- ty: choice ,central location for office or store, containing large vault with space for 'living guar- tern .above. Present tenant Bank of Montreal. Priced for quic9, :26te We stave - additional listings of town and farm properties avail- able for your consideration. , 1'ucfkey leeragesNTEED Ap100 MAN to work fa feed plant, Experience preferred . or wi g job,Z Apply Cann s available with SERVICES CUSTOM BEAN CO11M13INIAG--A5- ply Norni 'Whiting, phone 655 -W o evenings, WII1T13WASHING & CLEANINO- Arrangerittntp can •be made. Bill Watson. Dashwood, phone 05 19. Otte z CATALOGUE ON REQUEST , • Leo—Wr S 4 O'Niil, Auctioneer Hitiii'am at4niahniiatiowit inliiinetimanimilontwom YrrirVtY'irr4►WfiltiYrrriit'Irrireiirii i Guaranty Trust Realtor • 11 R. )e..PA.TESISoN Phone 51, Bensall 29tfc RESIDENTIAL' moorefiolr le a)�and b60 arn, on hard -'surfaced street. For appoint- ment write Mrs. At. S. Yaeger, Reesall. 10:17c DEAD STOOK; Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary tru0ks. Small charge made for animals under 500, ins. total. Phone collect Ex- eter 287; William Stone Sons, Limited, Timerso 11. 9:5-11:25 CARPENTRY WORK, . roofing and siding, repairs and additiond. Ap- ply Arthur Day, 46 Gilley "St. 9:5-10:24 :24 NOW IS THE TIME to )rave your septic tanks pumped out. Phone Butler Btos., 130-W or 30 2L1 can. CUSTOM BEAN CO1ITBINING—An- Ply' 'Nora Whiting, phone 666-V evenings. 291. e WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made. 13111 Watson, Dashwood, phone,. 35-)- 19. •Otto SKATE SHARPENING --Get 'ready now for the skating season. Wuerth's Shoe Store, phone 2] O. NOTICE$ NOTICE TO Property Holders Please do not place tree brannhes, cuttings atilt garden refuse out with r'eg'ular garbage. A special. bee made en 11 Thursday, October 3401,` '(Sig.ned) C. V. PICKARD, "Town Clerk. Dated October 5, 1057. 1.0:17e EQUIPMENT FUR RENT SEWING MACHINES Electric portables, -by the week. Hopper - Hockey Furniture, phone,, 99, lex-, tfc eter, NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Carl Oliver Bice, deceased. Ali persons having claims ictettof ivBie,la' o he Townshipoe McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Farmer, who died on or about the 9th day of August 1957... are •1equired to file par- ticulars df .same with Bell & Laughton. Solicitors of Exeter. Qntarlo, by the 1201 day ,pt Oc- tober next. after which date the. estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which- notice hat' been received. . Bell & Laughton, ) Solicitors for the Administrator, EXETER - Ontario.• 281:10 i3TtICK COTTAGE, 2 -bedroom, !a- dulated ceilings, furnace, 3 -piece bath, attached garage, • garden, immediate possession. 10:10tfc 1 FLOOR, insul brie, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath. nice kitchen, fti11 cellar, furnace, hot water tank, central lodatien. FRAME HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, hy- dro. bath, oil heat, • • APARTMENT HOUSE. • 011. i'cYrnace heat separate entrances and bath. rooms. Good investment. Good dwening; 3 bedrooms, ' bathroom u p s. t o i. r s; living, room: dining room, den, Kitchen, main"floor, furnace. k :HIGHWAY 100 large 'barn ,, drive- shed; *15,000. STF pErEN 104 ACRES, brick hoarse, hail cdni'eniences, large Id - shape barna With good stabling, litter carrier). FRAME HOUSE, , 3 -bedroom, in good condition, • lees than g half t like1 cash, balance by moHt rent. Why rent? 9:12tfc Write,hone or come. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parsons, phone 607, Fred, Cale, .phone.,Sales- nten.• llefo' $3,800—Neiv 2 -bedroom cottage, 1 acre, taxes 220.00, 2 miles 'past Ltican, fourth ltotrse off No, 4 highway, Ronite Line, Apply 1. Carruthers. .. ,, POP. SALE Olt 'RENT-.4touee on Huron St, tv. •6, rooms, 2 bed. 1'some. 3 -piece " hath.' avattable r 17, Wilfrid Shaptoni,Desire/Mad, *' eta'. 10 3tfe 3.13EDItel0St$01'1•(17 nearly tie*, full cored' beeement oil furnace, titer cloddeft& floors: e, II, E. of ally- Will, 47 tohn St. Sett, Exeter, litre phone 89 J. , . 150 ACRES do No. 4 higtrwaY ben tween C)littonand Ercicefield. 0 room treble blurs,, with bath a•nd basmilent; bath, 545 415 acid 24rta2. tiled' an'd done, it e etiie ltiVStiorit n 5xceilt 3 . keret. Will 'sell 100. or 150. See 3'ohn L, ReitrlerSAt *C- eder, or 11', lit. Arnold, Fsrolcer; Kippen, phone lteosali 67241 244 155 Aaitt #rats farm 'Will) two bared NO bailee. 140 three et grata, and 10 e.eret of bush. Gravel loam, *Ise• ltiti` A') .5 irravet iaarn tarn,, With SVA store sltlld brick 'house 1111tha 1 i000trn ennveltienets; 'WO* barn, snrilur tel). Tite4O.' farhlb lit eteelleilt altllte. All iii rit`h% iiAiluld 1,e. ddt i!ltll» a :r1 tri r, t. 0ntitr No, 1, uer4n, Ontario. ()'hie' a lditiitit8etiOnt. itu'blishrii bat, lw .'TIM A?,,T,11415 PA. 1vf $VII.Vh".'1115 O ' rCA.NAfAy LON* DONt 0N7'Alttitia, • In the' Estate of William Samuel Johnston, deceased.. All persons having claims' against the estate of William Sathuel Johnston, late of the Village of Zurich, -in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on ar. about the 8th day of Sep- tember 1957, are required to tile particular's of same with Bell & Laughton.' Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario. by the 190 day of Oc- tober next after which date the estate willbe distributed having regard only to those claims of which. notice Ilas been received:. Solicitors for the Executrix, `Bell & 'Laughton, • Exeter - Ontario. 3:10:17c ' TENDERS WANTED Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, 'Pools, Etc. ilEAVERS X'tAnovritUE, ]Exeter EMPLOYMENT WANTED S54153tI.E1a WOMAN, stenograph- er, desires position in office 10r store, Phone. 506=,T. • part,. e MARRIED 'WOMAN desires r p tinili or full time ,job.' in store Write Boar, "S" T)mesee.dvoealtte CAKETAfCER & OPERATOR, OF HENSALL ARENA. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary net later than Oc. tuber 15,' 1951. Duties to com- mence on or before November 1, 1957. Lowest or any tender not. necessarily accepted. E' L, 1lic1SAUG1iTON, Secretari Treasurer 26:3:1ec • C „ PERSONAL You ' Hear Better The So notone Way For free booklet send this ad- vertisement to: Dept. TAl, UIOVELL BEARING S,C111T10E Box 11o, 1 London 9;26:11:7 AUCTION SALES Grey -Bruce -Huron Aberdeen Angus Association are boiling their ANNUAL FALL SALE at the 'WALKERTON SALES ARENA 7.'HURSOE '1; OCTOBER 17 • at 2 Ian, Extensive .... AUCTION SALE Of 'Y Weble Tractors, 4 T h+er c .. lyres Itlfler I^,ar mM. , s tI X Livestock, farain .ani, Household Effects OA the Premises LOT 4, CON. 11, HAY '1"1'1 P. 11' Mlle 1':orolltt oil Dashwood Mile* So X111 of Zur)c11, The T`ndersfgned Atietinneer is instructed to self. by Public Alice tioon 1vn1aA•'145:41)Alr, -OCT. 23, 7,007' nt r;t0 P.iM Sttnrp '' T � f'',4:131(1.1 L' 0 T $ '& '1';lltt$SHINf;: MACHINE: A1. Al. Waterloo "I!" type standard tractor, used •tin o seasons, in guaranteed c nd1 n. Alit*: Chalmers 'f'A." standard tractor, in A-1 condition: Me - :Deering 2',x38 Elevating* machine, ort rubber, complete with cutler, ,clover attachments and grain blower, in brand new condition; 150 A. rubber .drive 'belt; New Idea sore tricker, &used two sea. sons. like new; NOTE: Terms .can he arranged on ,shove machinery at 6 months credit on approved joint nates at 4%, interest. FARM MACHINERY: M.D. B- roil fertilizer drill, like new John Deere 1 -ft. hinder, like new; M.D. 2 -furrow plow, on rubber; Allis Chalmers stuffier and puller; ALAE, 32.piale tractor disc: New Idea. drop head hay 9oader; New Idea 4 -bar side rake;. 2 set 3 -section diamond harrows; Rte ft. stiff tooth., en)tivat- or; 3 -drum steel roller; M.D. 2 -ft. cut mower; 111.7), walking plow: M.D. single scuttler; ALB. single snuffler; ridlnf* plow; 6-seetiott harrow pole; Fleury 'Bissell rub- ber tire wagon; 2 16 -ft, flat racks; steel tire Iva.^on; ALT). 10 - ft. dump rake; set Of bob stetg,hs; M.D. cream separator; Nesaot grain grinder, like new: Gehl 10 incl)haurmer mill, like new; 2.000-1b. • platform stales; fan- ning mill: clover puncher: straw blower; cutting box; turnip seed- er; grain and pea lifter; clover roller; root pulper . cutter;" borse carriage; corn shelter; hag truck; :i.0 ft, endless holt; wagon box: nig rack; 2 gravel boxes; all an- City of new lumber: 2 electric fencers; 4 elect -Ho steel posts; insulators; logging' chains; cross- cut saws; 15 gal. drum; copper kettle; electric drill and stand;. 2 electric motors; wheelbarrow; vise; jack -all jack; anvil; elec- tric saw; large assortment of carpenter tools; onion crates; horse clippers; 100 sap pails: hi• cycle, 1,300 cedar rails; barb wire; milk pails: lawn mower: sledges; nig, racksliparopes:es: chicken shelters; pig scales; 4 oak cider barrels; grain bags, etc.. etc. Cattle: Part Hereford and Dur- ham cow, with calf at foot: part Durham and Jersey cow, milking; roan farrow cow; red Durham farrow cow; roan cow, milking, carrying tblyd tail, due in Dec,: red Durham cow, inning, carry- ing third calf, due latter Dart or Nov.; 2 T)urham heifers, due in Tree.; o Durham heifers,due in Nov, This Is art extra choice lrevd •of cattle. GRAIN: 70 bus. Genese wheat; 750 bus. )nixed grain, choice quality. The cattle carry 'some of the most , nntiat• htohd lines and will be inspected day 0t Sale. Tire sites will be eligible. for' the' Premiums o1 20011, up to 26A I are •weloome. Catalogues • on request. THOMAS TODD. Lucknow President. RUSSELL B ARCLAY, Tara, Secretary. • tfcGILLIVRA.Y. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Sealed tenders, plainly marked, will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon on the; 19th day ot October 1957 for thefollowing: or I', thea.t4, of S.S , No. 1 School s of McGillivray Township consist.. ing of school buildings, the land, arti. rialto, fao, For the sate of S.S. NO. 13 School of McGillivray Township cenetst)ng of 8011001 building' arid land, Tenders for the e511051 buildieg and land. seperately 'will bo Aft- doted.ASY further "information may be received from members of the board or the SecreterY. Lew - est or any tender not necessarilY accepted, • Signed, DAV1I) N RENRY, Sec Tress. McGillivray Twp. School Area ,at1y. 10c AUCTION SALE Of Household Articles, 'Implements, Clothing, Etc. artTUXtDA•Y, OCToingR 19 1:00 HENSALL ARiSNA Full list In next week's issue. Anyone having anything to sell shduld contact Bert T -Forton, P. L. MacNaughton or Ed Corbett. Part proceeds- for local Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund. Sponsored by Hensall I.O.O.R. Lodge, Inc HOU'SEHOLT). 1FFEECITS1' 3 - niece chesterfield: studio couch; 9 large wardrobes; dining room extension table: rocking chairs; centre tables; complete bedroom suite; dressers;. commodes: bath tub; kitchen Block; chest of drawers; phonograph; gas lamp and 'lantern; ice cream freezer; large cabbage cutter; 7. -burner .electric range; crocks' sealers; 1rritchen cupboard; apple peeler; many articles too numerous to mention, ' No Reserve as the farm is sold. Dut to extra large sale, sell- ing wilt start sharp on time. Lunch booth on grounds. TEtt51S: cash, MISS. THERESA HAETS AN, . Proprietress GLEN WEEB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Ina m BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES IlAWLEIGH B1,ISINESS neer open in Huron. ,County, Trude tv411 t niC . n x x i to Iacelle t o t} t y sskabi ai d p telg s !en`rit 0 X53, 1t4'4 toElt', Richelieu pleatrcai t/ue. *Jae AUCTION SALE Of Holstein Cows and Heifers LOT 14, CON. 2, *STANLEY TWP. iia. Miles West of Brucef)eld TLE913AY, ocroBEn 15 at i:00 p.11. (Standard Time) 20 Holstein.cows, fresh and due to freshen; 20 choice Holstein heifers, fresh and clue to freshen in Nov.; 10 open Holstein heifers; number of young calves. All cattle are Calfhood Vaccin- ated, Sale will be held under cover. TERMS; Cash. D'AR.CY RATHWELL. Prop. Tri 1•ROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer OPEN 115TCIt WOIIK 'J'Oi1VNSEItP OF STENIEN Tenders Will be received by that Township of Stephen ' Air 4.3360 en. yds. Of. open t1)teh wort. Tenders aecotnpenien by 10't tie. �oait 51513ice, mot be in the liendea 'of tbtt tier') Trot later then October 31 _ 1951, flan, profile a•tctl - 14peeificatioi5d tinny btsaertal the officeof the clerk." Lowest or any tender not tteeestarily tented., 1`r 'W, MORLOCK, Cleric 10:17:24e, DRAINAGE TENDER. '. 1i WNSI116P OF' a leGI1,WV1"tA'i" 'teed -era twill be rsceivatt by' the sinxlerdikftet1, untft 1 l'.11t•, SaturditY. October35111, 10,: 7. for iiraln0lre Writ known ad the. Morley Robinsonltf.tt h i e l p al Thain tentlAting et 14,0.5 lineal toet Of epen*milt (13,600' eft. ydtt'.)r Tenders Ylt a 1055001' ,1)a1I15d by deposit et 10'`,04 Platt 2•11d Prefile ,may be sa'on at the theteEtterlfteef, 1SSrl4 nd.ioiCliibttlertr Imiio tlut ee Mang tender' hot t5555" tedW. 3.,%� AM#OS, "(lett 11.t.1454 ; .parkitt'lt 4 L MFT '57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 TUDOR, "loaded ..:$2,995 '56 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN, a beauty ..•••:., $2,395 '56 CHEVROLET WAGON, low mileage, nice :$2;395 '57 STUDEBAKER "CHAMPION" SEDAN ..., *19.95 Radio, overdrive.. '56 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, a nice one $7;995 '55 FORD COACH brought upin the ministry $1;695 } 15'5 5 STUDEBAKER "COMMANDER" � COMMANDER r! Imps 5 V8 SEDAN, only 15;000 miles 155 FORD SEDAN You're taking my last buck! '54 METEOR "NIAGARA" SEDAN, radio '53 FORD. "CUSTOM" SEDAN 'Driven by a retired business 'woman (Name on request.) '53 FORD COACH '53 PONTIAC COACH Choice of these doozers $1;095 '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN $:1.,050 '53 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE $„4"995 $-n995 • $1;695 (9.;.4.95 • $xV. ,,350 • X).;250 ;:.. ` • A real mate catcher. '52 FORD COACH, radio. '51 METEOR COACH • '51 FORD SEDAN '51 BUICK SEDAN '51 FORD COACH '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN Your choice '51 PONTIAC, SEDAN '51 DODGE COACH .4,.140, • • 695 Your -choice of these two at ... $ 5,95 '50 OLDSMOBILE 76 SEDAN '50 DODGE COACH '50 DODGE SEDAN '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '50 FORD COACH. . Your choice of these dillies $ 550; '50 DODGE SEDAN '50 PONTIAC SEDAN ' '50 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN '51 HUDSON "PACEMAKER" SEDAN • You should have one •or more of these , $ 495. '49 FORD COACH '49 CHEVROLET "CLUB" COUPE Choice of -these two at $ -595 :. '49 AUSTIN A-70 SEDAN w-195 TRUCKS '56 FORD T-700 TANDUM DUMP ...,,r...,,,,.,,.t $6,500 A good one, '57' PARCEL FORD DELIVERY—Save $1,000 $4,800 '54 MERCURY 700 TRACTOT3, WITH 5 TON' .»» MOTOR, fifth wheel, saddle "tanks and 'vacuum to trailer, ready to work ....... .$ 0 '56 FORD PICKUP, eight -foot box ..,..,,,,,,. w. ,,;' 00 '55 FORD 3 TON STAKE r,,,..r4,...t,,. $1105 • New 'motel., good 7'x14' rack. ' '48 CHEVROLET 1 TON DUMP %,rr,,..t•.1.r,... $-505' A handy farm. =truck. -.' SPECIALS 11, the iellowirig 0•day unlit wlil be reduced $10.O44sfdr day until solddt THURS. PIfiC'E •-. r A T'AND DUMP , �� RIO 5 TON Ulf � 645- You got ''my last buck PLUS some of the bank's. * .,,%,Am TRACTORS k."".. .4,44, ..... '53 FORD JUBILEE . ttttt SOp-up, step-down, transmission. '58 litRD COMBINE, motor driven 4f V50 '58 BOMBADIER IMP TRACKS S-21415 utta very little, t Larry Snider Motors Ford .Monerch Dee* 'PHONE 624 Wet and Service **EVER