HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-10, Page 34
Mr. Robert Carter, who has.
been On the staff •0/. the Bank of
Moetreel, has left the bank and
taken a position in Toronto, He
left Exeter on Friday.
* *
Crediten WI is chart giga
bus to the Royal 'Winter Fair,
Toronto,. 'November 16. im
Wetter -Weber,. who is in .charge•
of the •propect, Said. seats are
being offered to. noo-inembers
Of the Instittite., •
HERE'S AN ANSWER. you.soffer from all the
annoying discomforts of clogged
nostrils, erutudlog eyes, catarrh dis-
charge due to a cold --remember
Catarrh -CI -Zone, The soothing
yepourreleased from Catarrh -Q -Zone
quickly helps clear the nasal tract—
twinge fag relief. Just sprinkle a few
drops of Catarrh,G-Zone on your
handkerchief or in the handy plastic
container, A few drops of Catarrh -0 -
Zone 'on the pillow at night helps you
rest comfortably. Get Catarrh-0-7,mo
today—at your druggiet.
For Lease
Immediate Possession
. .Low Rental •
H.0, FREE •
Phone 366
Exeter Lions Club
r ,411111111.1111 000000 000 111 00000 000000000 1 o 1 ttttt 000 1 tttt ttttt
Present Award's •i
AtHuron iPark
umn parrsatiminer pro-
gram Wound UP its .activities on
UCtOber with the presentation
.of 104 awerde for swunming,
baseball and tennis,.
The A. D, McCurdy .School's
*tidal:WM .echoed with the apt.
pletise and cheers of both par-
eets •end etUdents as Mr. John.
McCarroll introduced each of
the boys and girls persooelV,
Speciel trophies Were aWaTd.-
ed to .the followingJuntor
swmnilng trOPhY, .Melanie Da-
• kin, presented by ,Sgt. MOunt.
- senior- swimming trophy,
Petricia Tinline, by F/O Hay.ter,
of . Clinton; .girls' track and field,.
Ann Greyer, by $/L Sweanor;
boys track and field, David
13;itirstrorn,• by W/C • Bray; pee
wee baseball award' for .411 -
mod player, Keith Morley, who
received baseball autographed
by Detroit Tigers..
A 4411k • was • given to the -boys
and girl's by the Red Cross
examiner from Clinton, F/0
Hayter, He expressed the itn-
Fortaece •ot. learning to swim
Well. HIS slogan was, "The life
saved may be. your own." •
In thanking the summer pro-
gram staff headed by Mr. John
McCarroll, Mr. Barney•Bailey
expressed the view ,o4 the_par-
ents of Huron•Park that, bedause.
of Mr. McCarroll's interest
sports and teen-age activity
there is a healthy atmosphere.
amongst the youth. Besides the
summer program, Mr, McCar-
roll had a very ,successful hoc-
key program which -included• all
ages and took itt Veil . over 100
boys who played hockey .in. Ex-
eter 'arena every Saturday
Letter From
• a Kippen
Mr. Newton Shaver, of Min-
den, is visiting this week with
his nide% Mrs. Alex Hyde and
Mr. Hyde. '
Mr, and Mrs.. Chlrence Priesi
tap and family, of near Mitchell,
were. Sunday , visitors. of 'Mr,
Robert Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morton, of
near Seaforth, called on Mr,
and Mrs. Long on Wednesday of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rickert
Visited relatives in Clifford on
Sunday ttfernoon.
4 . ;0111111 00000 11111.11 o 000 00000000 M11111111 000000000000000
Cornish, Mitchell & Co.
H. J. Cornish'L.. F. Cornish D. Mitchell
K. W..Slide W. E, Suchard
291 DUNDAS ST. Dial 24651 LONliON, ONT.
tttt 11111111111111111111111111111111 ttttt 11111111111 t 1 tttttt 1 ttttttt 1 t 1 ttt ttttt t 111 tttttttttt tttt ttt ttttttt 1110111 ttttt 1 ttttttttt
ttttt tttttt 11111/1111F
* eft'Rank Of 'binada'. • •
as an official sales agent for the Twelfth Series
of Canada Savings Bonds
Midland Securities' Corp n. Ltd.
• ••'1".
has appointed •,4
' • • as an Official Sub -Agent fer .
The New Twelfth Series
Canada Savings Bonds'
Yielding 4.46% to Maturity — Highest Yield Ever
We recommend exchanging all Canada Savings
Bonds to new issue with average yield of 4.46%
Topic From
Zion -
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques
and Ray were Sunday • visit
with: Mr. and Mrs. Nornian
Jaques and family.
.Mr. and Mrs, .JaMes Earl re-
turned home on Thursday from
St, Joseph's Hospital, London.,
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Brock and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bern at-
tended the Lynn -Tomes wedding
at St. Jarneal Anglican Church
itt ClandeboYe on Saturday. Mrs.
Tore Breck was one 4o4 the
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker at-
tended the golden wedding an-
niversary on Wednesday of Mr..
Baker's parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Arthur Baker, of •Granton,
Mr. and Mrs, Ephriant Hern,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern and
Mr. and, Mrs, 'Ross Bern attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs.
Jenny of . Arkona,
Mrs. Ross Bern • of Detroit
spent the weekend at her home. •
mr, and Mrs, Warren Brock
visited Saturday With. Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Alguire of Lambton.
Mr. Alguire is principal of the
new 8 -room Walsingham school..
Mr, and Mrs, Jed 'Dykeman
and family attended the Dyke-
man- Bissett wedding at .James
Street ,Church, Exeter, Saturday.
Visitors with the family on Sat-
urday were Mrs, Miller Me.
Dowell and Susan of Galt, Mr.
Ronald Dykeman of Waterdown,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Lawson and
Mrs, Bob McLean of Ayr.
A number of the ladies of the
community. were guests of
Crediton W.I. on•
Friday evening
when Mrs. George Wilson of St..
Marys gave an account • ot her
‚trip to Ceylon,
Mission CircleZion West Mission Circle held
their first meeting of the fall
term at Doreen Brock's -home
on. Sunday night. Business 'was
"discussed and the 4 next meeting
will be at Greta. Stephen's home
with Alma Hern itt. charge of.
the program.
Margaret Brock took over the
meeting .with a. ' story, "D-7",
given'isy Greta Stephens, a duet -
by Doris and Doreen Brock, and
chapter two of the study hook
ready by Margaret Brock.
Message From
Ladies Study Japan
' The October meeting of the
W.M.S. and W.A. of the United
Church was held at the home
of ivirs:'.Jim Eagleson with Mrs.
Elton Curts in charge of the
worship and study book on Ja-
p,an. Mrs. H. Isaac read the
The president asked for re-
ports to be ready for all organ-
izations for the South Section
W,M.S. Presbyterial to be held
in Hensel!,. October 8. Mrs, J.
Geromette read a poem,
"Thanksgivingand 'closed the
W.M,S. meeting.
At the W.A. meeting it was
repqrted 'that tvvo dozen hymn
books had been purchased for
the church and a new electric
stove for tht manse. Thank Of-
fering envelopes, instead of a
fowl supper, were given out, to
be returned Thanksgiving Sun-
. :An ,in.vitation • was read :from
Brinsley Anglican Chtirch. to
their bazaar and tea, October
25,and one from. Grand Bend
United Church for October 26.
Personal Items
Mrs. Albert Pollock is visiting
this week with relatives in De-
The Berean Bible Class of the
United Churchwill hold their
meeting on Friday evening at
the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Law-
rence Curts,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horner
spent a 'couple of days lastweek
with relatives in Toronto. *
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown
and family attended the funeral
of Mrs. Brown's stepmother,
To Cafeteria, Staff
Inereitees were granted to
:Members of the cafeteria ;staff
at ;SHIMS by the board Tuesday
-Weges of tht two senior ,meni-
hers, Mrs, Bert ;Ostland and
Mrs. Elmer .Recrier, were raised
$10 a month to ,$1.30, and $1,00 re-
spectively. Weekly salary of •Airs.
George Tanney Was inereased
from RO to 44.54 .and the Hourly
rate for Jennie Berend.s, was
raised. tram -8S- to• 70 cents.
oTrhoentob"Lfir "tPhr c mt VelrPtoC
lass • which will visit financial
institntes,. in the provincial capi-
tal on. November 11.
. remission was given the
teachers to attend an. ,education
conference in Kitchener on Oe -
Liber 25,
Five members •of the board will
attend a trustees' workshop in•
St. Marys on October 23 where
fring� benefits forll
. teachers will
be •discussed. ,
Purchases approved included
a ..$200 Surveying instrument for'
the agricultural. department.
Fees for non-residents of any
established . high school district
were set at 412,50 a "month. •
Chairman Larry Snider con-
ducted the- meeting at -which
set, the.Ig members were
Ascend Line In
This With In
Thames Road
ly MRS. W01.1.1AM RHerDIE
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery„
Mr. and Mrs. ,Glenn Jeffery
were guests at the Dyhernan.
Bissett wedding in James St.
United, Church on Saturday.
Mrs. Lloyd Eallentyne, and
Mrs. Donald Bray attended the
trousseau tea 'on Saturday -at the
home of Mrs. William Ifarper
of Cromarty in honor of aer
daughter, Shirley, brido-clect of
this Saturday -
Mr, and Mrs. William Thdm
son of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn. JefferY, Al.r. and Mrs.
WUljant Rehde, Douglas, Glenn
and Calvin called en:relatives in
Londesboro on Sunday,
Mrs, Chester Rowe of EXe-
ler visited last week With Mr.
and. Mrs. Harold Rowe.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross liodgeit
visited with 'needs at Thedford
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'red Meintrve,
Peggy tied 5eorge of London
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne.
Mrs, Leonard Harris fell and
broke her aekle,
Miss Beverley Ann Passmore
spent the weekend with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs,
Oscar Tuckey et Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Brian and Barry were guests ori
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Blackwell of Hensel'.
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Jeffery
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Blair entertained
several little girl friends of Judy
who was celebrating her ninth
birthday on Saturday afternoon,
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald McFalis
spent Friday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Ross McFalls.
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Denham
and family, of Kirkten; visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jno McAllister.
11. H. and Mrs. Elston, and ,
grandson, David, attended the `
special convocation exercises :
held in the Convocation Hall of
Western University Monday' eve-
ning, October 7,
Mr, and Mrs, George AliFalls
and Joyce were guests on Friday
evening of .Mr, and Mrs, Nelson
Squires, Farquhar.• "
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Blair were Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Blair and family, of
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, 'Chris Fischer •were Miss
Lorraine Black, Mr. BW. Fischer,
Lloyd Stanlake, Mr. ^ Jared
Lyons, Miss Joyce Fischer, Mr.
and l%/irs'. Roy Fischer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomp-
son and family, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake ad -family.
New Stamp
Marks Visit
A new black and white five -
cent stamp, showing Queen
Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in
profile, is being issued by the
post office department to com-
memorate the October visit of
the royal couple.
The department announced that
the stamp will go en sale Octo-
ber 10, The black and white
hall -tone stamp is the combined
product, of the post office Ottawa'
photographer., Yousuf Karsh. and
engravers of the Canadian Bank
Note Company, of • Ottawa.
Mrs. David Wilson, of Arkona,
last week.
Mr. Fred Hicks returned home
last week from a hospital in
Toronto where he had undergone
A new asphalt roof has been
pdt on the United Church re-
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ritchie of
Sarnia spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Curts.
The Story In
• Mr. Harry Armstrong and
Janice, Mr. Alf Brooks of near'
Hensel spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, John Batten.
Afrl and Mrs. Lewis Johns
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Neil McGill of Prospect
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coward of
New Westminster; B.C. is visit-
ing a few days with the former's
sister, Mrs. Chas, Stephen and
Mr. Chas: Stephen..
Mr., Keith Heywood of North
Bay and Miss Joanne Robinson
of Kippen spent the weekend
'with Mr. and ItIrs, Hubert Hey-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pyili
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Lobb of Holmesville.
Sunday :visitors with Alt. and
Mrs. Chas. Stephen were Mr.
Laurie Stephen and Gerry of
London", Mr. and Mrs, Chae.
Coward of Thames Road.
Mt. and Mrs. Wnt. 3. ItOntlY
visited on Sunday wth Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Crag() of Krkton.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Boyd
and Mary Men of London vsit-
ed. oaSunday with Mrs. Philip
Mr, and Mrs, W. Retitle visit-
ed 011, Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs Frank Routly of Kirk -
Mr. Bobby • Laminie of Co-
tralia spent the weekend With
Mr. and. Mrs, Jelin tidley.
A number of ladies were
guests of the fireditott Womens
Institute on Eriday evening and
heard Mrs, Gordon Maynard ti"
Unionville and Mrs. C.'eci. Wilson
of St Marys describe their trip
to Alit A.C.W,W. in Colombo,
Ceylon and their trip aroUnd
the Weld.
Mt. and Mrs. John Ridley
visited nit Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Willis of Exeter.
The ladies of the WJLS. at-
tended the. W.M.S. sectional Mi.
vaittion 10 South 'Huron at Hart -
sill United Chilttli �n
Mrs. Walter Bentley of Ottawa.
Mr, Barry Jeffery visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dou-
glas Cook of Hensel.
Mrs. Alvin Passmore spent the
weekend in London.
The monthly rneethig of the
3AI club will be held on Wednes-
day evening, Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m.
in the basement of the church.
Rev. H. and Mrs. Wilson en-
tertained some thirty members
of Wesley -Willis United Church
choir of Clinton on Friday eve-
W.A. And W.M.S. Meeting
The monthly meeting of the
W.A. and W.M.S. was held in
the basement of the church on
Wednesday evening with Mrs.
Glen Stewart and Mrs. Jack
Stewart as hostesses. Mrs. Mel-
vin Gardiner; vice-president of
the W.M.S., was in charge for
This Week In
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green- •
lee visited relatives at Niagara
I Falls for several days recently.
! Mr. and Mrs. Earl ,Atkihson
were Sunday guests with Mrs.
Ed. Dickins, Exeter, and attend-
ed service at Trivitt Memorial
Church '
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and • Mrs. Clayton Abbott, Paris.
Mr.• and Airs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael were
Thursday evening guests with
. and Mrs. Nelsen Squire,
Alr.' and Mrs. Harvey Latta
spent the weekend at Port Hu-
ron and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Antis, Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ings, Lon-
don, were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber
Davis and. on Sunday Mr, and
Mrs. Davis spent the day with
Mrs. Ada Walker, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
family 'and Mr. and Mrs. James
Young spent Sunday with their
grandmother, Mrs. Fred Davis,
the meetingwhJ1 °Paned dthI
tit* 4evlossa4 ¥ri 0,ardieer
wao ismtott 107 Mrs,
topic on Japan WU *Oen;
b, Mrs.- Mae Hodgert and Mrs.
Archie MOV$4p.,
it was decided at the meeting
todonate nittneY for Mr. and
Mrs. Donaid, ' Mayo (nee Winni-i
fred Hodge:di of London .who;:
lost everything 'in a fire.
Fall Sale
Colisown, Fair Grounds
Friday, Oct. 18
1;30 p.m.
15 Males and 10 Females
The males have been in.
spectecl and are eligible for
government grant.
Huron Holstein Club
Bred Heifer
Clinton Fair Barns
1 p.m.
A choice let of heifers, A large
percentage are from and bred
to unit sires, Quite a number
will be fresh and balance due
shortly after saie.
Bob Shore, Auctioneer
Gordon Bell, Pedigrees
For catalogues, write: W. H.
Clutton, R.R. 5 Gederich, or S.
C. Galbraith, Ejyth.
- • •
Ths TiPbsoAci000
.••• • te-0
Whether your family lives on tendaloin
kidneys my depend on how well your altat4
is handled.
Experienced Estate' Officers, like tlione44-
Sterling Trusts, can help yon plan your estite-
properly, so that ultimately 'there will 1A0,...*
inizumun of delay, confusion and tax loeS.
Why not talk to a Sterling Trust Estate Officer- -
soon ... or write for our free booklet "Blueprint
For Your Family". ' • ..
Heed Office:
372 Bay Stu, Toronto
.er • *
A T I 0 fillz"..7
Branch Office.:
1-3 Dunlop Sf., Barry; •
Quick change of scene—This can happen overnight. By the time you hear of approatifig
snow storms on the late evening news it's too late to do anything about itl Wise motorists -
will plan well in advance this year by seeing their Goodyear Dealer now for New astern
Suburbanite winter tires. You'll save lost hours and inconvenience when the snow. 'flies
if you do. Be sure you get genuine New Custom Suburbanite winter tires by Goody-6,45:—
(For your truck,askfor Goodyear Grip )eds.) • •
The Goodyear The and Rubber Company of Canadaalulted.
An-nou-ncrig the new 12th Series
On October 1 th thousands of Cahadians will again
hate the opportunity to join in this "easier way to save.
Many thousands will take advantage of it--aS they have
each year for a round dozen years. They'll
have a special reason this time because the 12th
series offers the highest interest tate in Canada
Savitigs Bond history—making this islue
stand out frOni them all.
Arrange for your bonds without delay—sae
then; to speed wordily/lilt plans toward .
relity. If an emergency should arise, they can
be tedeetned quickly and easily for h—face
value plus earried interest.
Canada Savings Bonds Can be ordered •
through banks, itivestMent dealers and tpist
or loan hilt% or through the convenient
Payroll Savings Plan where you work.
thane honed* c tin ERR lid eiStir utur
*rterest: First 2 Years 31/4%, Aetnaining 11 Years 434.
nenominitiotti: tot), $500, $11;6013060 (And id full, registered rcJ.rns $1t1, 1000, $5600)s
Not more than 11,000 of this Serie& in any
. . .
• . . .
. . • .
. ,
• •
. .
. .
, . .
. ,
. ,
• WHEN new federal buildings, or new highways with
elaborate . cloverleafs, , or new: city halls' are con•.
StrUcted, They . must' be built with 'the taxpayers' '
'volley. .
, Very often such expenditures are enthusiastically.
approitad, because each of us seems to think it is
some other .person's tax money which is being spent
Or latrishly. - ' . .
. • .
• • Canadians can help themselves, and the inen and
. women they have elected to office, only if they .
rernember that governments have no funds.. except
the taxes • they take from • each of uS.
. .
. ' .
. .
. ,
. .
. ,
To Cafeteria, Staff
Inereitees were granted to
:Members of the cafeteria ;staff
at ;SHIMS by the board Tuesday
-Weges of tht two senior ,meni-
hers, Mrs, Bert ;Ostland and
Mrs. Elmer .Recrier, were raised
$10 a month to ,$1.30, and $1,00 re-
spectively. Weekly salary of •Airs.
George Tanney Was inereased
from RO to 44.54 .and the Hourly
rate for Jennie Berend.s, was
raised. tram -8S- to• 70 cents.
oTrhoentob"Lfir "tPhr c mt VelrPtoC
lass • which will visit financial
institntes,. in the provincial capi-
tal on. November 11.
. remission was given the
teachers to attend an. ,education
conference in Kitchener on Oe -
Liber 25,
Five members •of the board will
attend a trustees' workshop in•
St. Marys on October 23 where
fring� benefits forll
. teachers will
be •discussed. ,
Purchases approved included
a ..$200 Surveying instrument for'
the agricultural. department.
Fees for non-residents of any
established . high school district
were set at 412,50 a "month. •
Chairman Larry Snider con-
ducted the- meeting at -which
set, the.Ig members were
Ascend Line In
This With In
Thames Road
ly MRS. W01.1.1AM RHerDIE
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery„
Mr. and Mrs. ,Glenn Jeffery
were guests at the Dyhernan.
Bissett wedding in James St.
United, Church on Saturday.
Mrs. Lloyd Eallentyne, and
Mrs. Donald Bray attended the
trousseau tea 'on Saturday -at the
home of Mrs. William Ifarper
of Cromarty in honor of aer
daughter, Shirley, brido-clect of
this Saturday -
Mr, and Mrs. William Thdm
son of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn. JefferY, Al.r. and Mrs.
WUljant Rehde, Douglas, Glenn
and Calvin called en:relatives in
Londesboro on Sunday,
Mrs, Chester Rowe of EXe-
ler visited last week With Mr.
and. Mrs. Harold Rowe.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross liodgeit
visited with 'needs at Thedford
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'red Meintrve,
Peggy tied 5eorge of London
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne.
Mrs, Leonard Harris fell and
broke her aekle,
Miss Beverley Ann Passmore
spent the weekend with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs,
Oscar Tuckey et Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Brian and Barry were guests ori
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Blackwell of Hensel'.
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Jeffery
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Blair entertained
several little girl friends of Judy
who was celebrating her ninth
birthday on Saturday afternoon,
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald McFalis
spent Friday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Ross McFalls.
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Denham
and family, of Kirkten; visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jno McAllister.
11. H. and Mrs. Elston, and ,
grandson, David, attended the `
special convocation exercises :
held in the Convocation Hall of
Western University Monday' eve-
ning, October 7,
Mr, and Mrs, George AliFalls
and Joyce were guests on Friday
evening of .Mr, and Mrs, Nelson
Squires, Farquhar.• "
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Blair were Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Blair and family, of
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, 'Chris Fischer •were Miss
Lorraine Black, Mr. BW. Fischer,
Lloyd Stanlake, Mr. ^ Jared
Lyons, Miss Joyce Fischer, Mr.
and l%/irs'. Roy Fischer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomp-
son and family, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake ad -family.
New Stamp
Marks Visit
A new black and white five -
cent stamp, showing Queen
Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in
profile, is being issued by the
post office department to com-
memorate the October visit of
the royal couple.
The department announced that
the stamp will go en sale Octo-
ber 10, The black and white
hall -tone stamp is the combined
product, of the post office Ottawa'
photographer., Yousuf Karsh. and
engravers of the Canadian Bank
Note Company, of • Ottawa.
Mrs. David Wilson, of Arkona,
last week.
Mr. Fred Hicks returned home
last week from a hospital in
Toronto where he had undergone
A new asphalt roof has been
pdt on the United Church re-
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ritchie of
Sarnia spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Curts.
The Story In
• Mr. Harry Armstrong and
Janice, Mr. Alf Brooks of near'
Hensel spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, John Batten.
Afrl and Mrs. Lewis Johns
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Neil McGill of Prospect
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coward of
New Westminster; B.C. is visit-
ing a few days with the former's
sister, Mrs. Chas, Stephen and
Mr. Chas: Stephen..
Mr., Keith Heywood of North
Bay and Miss Joanne Robinson
of Kippen spent the weekend
'with Mr. and ItIrs, Hubert Hey-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pyili
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Lobb of Holmesville.
Sunday :visitors with Alt. and
Mrs. Chas. Stephen were Mr.
Laurie Stephen and Gerry of
London", Mr. and Mrs, Chae.
Coward of Thames Road.
Mt. and Mrs. Wnt. 3. ItOntlY
visited on Sunday wth Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Crag() of Krkton.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Boyd
and Mary Men of London vsit-
ed. oaSunday with Mrs. Philip
Mr, and Mrs, W. Retitle visit-
ed 011, Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs Frank Routly of Kirk -
Mr. Bobby • Laminie of Co-
tralia spent the weekend With
Mr. and. Mrs, Jelin tidley.
A number of ladies were
guests of the fireditott Womens
Institute on Eriday evening and
heard Mrs, Gordon Maynard ti"
Unionville and Mrs. C.'eci. Wilson
of St Marys describe their trip
to Alit A.C.W,W. in Colombo,
Ceylon and their trip aroUnd
the Weld.
Mt. and Mrs. John Ridley
visited nit Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Willis of Exeter.
The ladies of the WJLS. at-
tended the. W.M.S. sectional Mi.
vaittion 10 South 'Huron at Hart -
sill United Chilttli �n
Mrs. Walter Bentley of Ottawa.
Mr, Barry Jeffery visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dou-
glas Cook of Hensel.
Mrs. Alvin Passmore spent the
weekend in London.
The monthly rneethig of the
3AI club will be held on Wednes-
day evening, Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m.
in the basement of the church.
Rev. H. and Mrs. Wilson en-
tertained some thirty members
of Wesley -Willis United Church
choir of Clinton on Friday eve-
W.A. And W.M.S. Meeting
The monthly meeting of the
W.A. and W.M.S. was held in
the basement of the church on
Wednesday evening with Mrs.
Glen Stewart and Mrs. Jack
Stewart as hostesses. Mrs. Mel-
vin Gardiner; vice-president of
the W.M.S., was in charge for
This Week In
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green- •
lee visited relatives at Niagara
I Falls for several days recently.
! Mr. and Mrs. Earl ,Atkihson
were Sunday guests with Mrs.
Ed. Dickins, Exeter, and attend-
ed service at Trivitt Memorial
Church '
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and • Mrs. Clayton Abbott, Paris.
Mr.• and Airs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael were
Thursday evening guests with
. and Mrs. Nelsen Squire,
Alr.' and Mrs. Harvey Latta
spent the weekend at Port Hu-
ron and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Antis, Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ings, Lon-
don, were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber
Davis and. on Sunday Mr, and
Mrs. Davis spent the day with
Mrs. Ada Walker, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
family 'and Mr. and Mrs. James
Young spent Sunday with their
grandmother, Mrs. Fred Davis,
the meetingwhJ1 °Paned dthI
tit* 4evlossa4 ¥ri 0,ardieer
wao ismtott 107 Mrs,
topic on Japan WU *Oen;
b, Mrs.- Mae Hodgert and Mrs.
Archie MOV$4p.,
it was decided at the meeting
todonate nittneY for Mr. and
Mrs. Donaid, ' Mayo (nee Winni-i
fred Hodge:di of London .who;:
lost everything 'in a fire.
Fall Sale
Colisown, Fair Grounds
Friday, Oct. 18
1;30 p.m.
15 Males and 10 Females
The males have been in.
spectecl and are eligible for
government grant.
Huron Holstein Club
Bred Heifer
Clinton Fair Barns
1 p.m.
A choice let of heifers, A large
percentage are from and bred
to unit sires, Quite a number
will be fresh and balance due
shortly after saie.
Bob Shore, Auctioneer
Gordon Bell, Pedigrees
For catalogues, write: W. H.
Clutton, R.R. 5 Gederich, or S.
C. Galbraith, Ejyth.
- • •
Ths TiPbsoAci000
.••• • te-0
Whether your family lives on tendaloin
kidneys my depend on how well your altat4
is handled.
Experienced Estate' Officers, like tlione44-
Sterling Trusts, can help yon plan your estite-
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Quick change of scene—This can happen overnight. By the time you hear of approatifig
snow storms on the late evening news it's too late to do anything about itl Wise motorists -
will plan well in advance this year by seeing their Goodyear Dealer now for New astern
Suburbanite winter tires. You'll save lost hours and inconvenience when the snow. 'flies
if you do. Be sure you get genuine New Custom Suburbanite winter tires by Goody-6,45:—
(For your truck,askfor Goodyear Grip )eds.) • •
The Goodyear The and Rubber Company of Canadaalulted.
An-nou-ncrig the new 12th Series
On October 1 th thousands of Cahadians will again
hate the opportunity to join in this "easier way to save.
Many thousands will take advantage of it--aS they have
each year for a round dozen years. They'll
have a special reason this time because the 12th
series offers the highest interest tate in Canada
Savitigs Bond history—making this islue
stand out frOni them all.
Arrange for your bonds without delay—sae
then; to speed wordily/lilt plans toward .
relity. If an emergency should arise, they can
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Canada Savings Bonds Can be ordered •
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or loan hilt% or through the convenient
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thane honed* c tin ERR lid eiStir utur
*rterest: First 2 Years 31/4%, Aetnaining 11 Years 434.
nenominitiotti: tot), $500, $11;6013060 (And id full, registered rcJ.rns $1t1, 1000, $5600)s
Not more than 11,000 of this Serie& in any