HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-10, Page 1' . •11 1 414 .44 iscuss PoIicing In Closed Sitting. , Aeerganization of Exeter Po -,!.A. •G. Hicks, Ushorne. lice D0;11/flea may be in %el Reeve McKenates reporting on offing following town counell's a recent community eentres first "in earnera" session Mon- hoard , Meeting,. said Plans had 40' night. lbeen completed for the winter Council went into a 30;nilie, Program at the arena. Every Me committee of the whole ses,, evening in the week has been skin and excluded the pi:vss to booked. RCAF Station Centralia discuss the police qu Uon t j wUt taitwo nights for its inter - is believed to imeethe -first time section NOM program; the in the lowh's bigory that the curling elub, hockey team and public has been excluded during OM hockey Program and slat regular meeting Of council, ing will each take another eve. Following the session, Coun- /wig Of the week. •eilors Ross Taylor Anr Murray I Councillor Pyin reported that Greene moved that the police the mutual aid program for fire committee study the pollee set- protection in Huron County had up and bring in a recommendabeen explained to representatives time •at the next eneetieg. from Stephen and Usborne town - Motion. to go into committee sides at meeting held last of the whole was made by Omin- week. Fire Chief Scott, of Sea - oilier Alvin Pyin, •chairman of forth; county eo-Ordinator, out - the police committee, and Reeve lined the plan a number of William McKenzie, a member. ) township ,cauneillors. Hay Town - Councillors Ralph. •Bailey and • ship was not represented. Glenn fisher are also members. Other than members of the don Free Press represeetative, Clear OPP - • press — Gordon Baynharn, Lon" I fa and Don Sontheott, ot The Times -Advocate — there- were , • • 4 no spectators at the meeting. Chairman Resigns Ed Brady, chairman. of the Community Centre 13seard for in charge of district Ontario six years, submitted his resig- Provincial Police .headquarters • nation Monday night and it •wee at Mount Forest, said this week accepted by council, who ex. ai. investigation by senior of - pressed .appreciation for his ficiais has absolved constables eeryices, of the local detachment of any eln his letter of resignation, negligence in complaints ,aired Mr. Brady said he could not de- at Hensel], council meeting last vete sufficient time to the board month, because of the pressure of his "We could find no basis for littisiness. He was elected chair- c r 1 t 1 s m of the constables' Zan when he was a member of actions M the, cases cited," Sgt. council and has served in that Harris said, "There was e0 - tenacity ever since. thing 'to it at AIL" Council's representatives on Hensel Reeve Norrrian Jones the board, Reeve McKenzie and , said he received a letter from • Conncillor Musser, were asked Op Lazio Provincial • Police in to recommend a replacement. lanswer to the complaints but he Vice-chairman of the hoard is 1 declined to comment on it. Jt ri. 'cis Staff Sergeant E. L. Harris, Righty-Socend Year EXOTER, ONTARIO, OCTORgit 10 1957 ontract eeeeeeereeeeeeereeee.ree-'eeeeee'ee'ee Satellite 'No $uprisp-, Says H&S Speaker , You're paying for it" challenged Mrs. William Huntley presided "You should be interested! fong. Mr. L. B. Hyde of the Loden and announced that the skate Teachers' College staff in dis- and beet sale or exchange' would cussing the educational trends of be held at the school on Wearies - today at .a meeting a the Home 'day, October 16. The sale of and School Association Tuesday candy at Exeter Fair realized evening. ' $103. "In the city of London in 1.955 Mrs. C. Jory's rooni won the elernentery education cost 34 attendance. award.' cents per family per day for every day the schools are open, is when ,it all comes at one& on the tax 'bill that it seems sel much" said the* speaker. In 1954 in Canada 42 per capita was spent on education; $88 per ca- pita was spent an alcoholic be. verages showing' the things you Want you are yang to pay for." '"The launching �f .the first atellite hy RuseireleAdeot come as,ka ,Stirprise Whee-Nye 'realiee that 'eight per cent of the =thin - al income of Russia is spent on education while only 3 per cent of 'United States income is so the radar station, told The used and the percentage is stillTulles-Advocate the signals came less in Canada," geld Mr. Hyde. 1° "atelyvery clearly" for approxi. m 30 seconds. "They had' the same wave pattern as the electrical waves from a power line," he said. The sputnick gays off 144 "beeps" .a minute. The l'beeps', he cottinued, were like Morse code dots but he doubted if the satellite was transmitting any code it the time. "I believe the only time it transmits code is when it is over Russia," the officer said. • F/0 Farr said the station Plans to set up equipment to track a second satellite the Russians are hoping to launch. "We hope to take a tape record- ing of the sound and take a picture of the wave pattern on the oscillograph. • Squadron Leader S. A. Bright- well, a guided missile expert on the station, - told The Times - Advocate he plans to write a report on the sputnick for use in classes at the radar training school. The report will appear in next .weck's T -A. Clinton Base Hears Signal 13,CAF Station Clinton officials said Wednesday they had picked up signals from Russia's earth satellite or sputnick for a four, .nainute period around noon Mon- day, * Plying Officer H. 'A. Farr, of the Officers' Training School at -' He stated he was' quite con- fident that the teachers could look .after the 'academic' side of education but the character building side presents a pro- blein.'"The" chief concern.of pa- rent and teacher alike should be A to enable a boy or girl to do a better job rather- than get •a better' job. Oyer -solicitous and over-genereies parents ,are a greater menace to the teacher and to the pupil than the delin- +pent parents, creatirtg •a grow- ing position to authority and a tendency to grow pp too quick - There • is no 'comparison be- tween the "Children's 'Hour" en TV and the "Children's Hour" of Wordivorth's poem', in Mr. Hyde's estimation. Mr. Hyde Was introduced by Mrs, Don Mousseau and thanked by Murray Greeee, Mrs. John Goman sang vocal numbers ac- companied by Mrs. Frank Wild- ' Blind Fund Still Down Campaign for the blind .is still far short of its objective in. the Exeter district, •according to the local Chairman, S. B. Taylor. Total eontribution to date is $382,15, Last year, over $800 was raised, Mr, Taylor urged citizens, to, 'forward their' .donations as soon as possible, "Quite a number of People, who are always generous to the CNIB,ftifid, have not made their contributions yet. We would appreciate it if we eetdd receive them soon.17 Contributions by communities are: Exeter $333.15 Creditoti 10,00 DaShwood 10,00 Centralia ....... . ...... 9,00 Granton „ .. . ... ......... 1.0o Woodham 18.00 •'Total • 382,15 • The C.N.til,'s Minuet operat- ing. fund campaign passed the half -way mark even bade the campaign ended, • Committee chairmen for the Canadian National Institute for the lined in Huron, Perth and Middlesex, anticipate a continit- thg flow of contributions even though the „ campaign ended September a& • TWo communities have passed their ebjective, Thorndele $6.00, over its $100 target, and Park- hill, $28.00 over its 050 target. •ty counties the Ptelimiriary • reports showed, Perth, $1,9904 tett of S5,806.00; MiddleatX, $2,172,44 Out Of 0,000,00, and liffroii, '$2,261.60 out of $5,006.00. n. It', Wheeler, distriet field secretary, said $S4,7041 milted to finance C.W.I.t.'s work in gin, 1-lutori, Middlesex and Perth ebutities this at. Of this amount $12,800 is being, sought * public Appee1 th leeiderits it) the minty Ow of llutorif ltliddleSex and Perth, • • No Epidemic In Area, Although 'Hu has hit a num- ber of schools in Western On- tario, there has been no sign of an, epidemic here, according to local authorities, Public School Inspector Sohn Gornan Said Wednesday he has received no reports of unusual absenteeism in area schools. •••2 kee. .. • Thanksgiving Enjoying the fruits of this season' S harvest are, leftlo right, Bryan and. Barry (seated) Miller, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller; Michael and Ave, Elford,' children. of Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Elford, and Robert Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bray,. all .of R.R. Eketer, Thanksgiving will be observed this weekend at church services. Contract for ;onstrectiOn the nersee residence for South Huron Hospital has been let to V. A. McDowell, Centralia, it was anneunced by. Ulric „snot, chairman of the building PPM - mince: this week, The residence will vost .ap. Proximately go,000 including furnishings, Mr, Snell said. Construetion is expected to start. next week with the target Clothing Sale Nets $335 Rummage sale of winter clothing sponsored by the La- dies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Satorday netted the group $3$5 according to the treasurer, Mra, R. E. Pooley, A t the October Meeting on Thesday afternoon. Some of the clothing .not sold will be kept for the spring rum- mage sale and the remainder will besent to the Salvation 4r - my. London 'tag day From.clay on the previous Saturday, the Auxiliary real- ized about $735. Surrounding -dis- tricts assisted at both projects which Were arranged by the ways and reeans--committee with Mrs. W, G. Cochrane and Mrs. E. R. Hopper as co -conveners, Miss Alio Claypole speaking to • the Auxiliary. members on hospital costs said, It takes aPprovimately $9,000, a month to maintain this building 24 hours a dayl 365 days in the year." Food is a big item as four or five thousand meals are prepared each month and some of these are special diets which are more x Sheensva e " i fuel bill's run an ave- rage of $350 a month during the colder weather and salaries average another $5,528 per moeth. In conclusion Miss Claypole said "If the Hospital tad .to be responsible for the linens (the project of the Ladies Auxiliary) we would have to make do with less and there would be a greater deficit," The ladies of the.V.A. of RC- AF Staten Centralia arranged the program, and the refresh- ments for the meeting with Mrs. Neeetnan Bray presiding: Mrs. A. cempanied by Mrs. R. S. Da- , Dodd entertained with a solo ac-. "• visPreildea, Naughton conducted the bu iness. apd gave a report of the region- al conference held in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, which was attended by nineladies of the Auxiliary • last Wednesday. Mrs. Gordon Koch presented the report of the Exeter branch of the Cancer Society. Lay Charges Over Theft Assessment Passes $2,500,000, Population Back To 2,700 Mar Tax assessment for the Town of Exeter passed the two and one-half „. million dollar mark this year, Assessor Erie Cars- cadden reported to council Mon- day night. The roll, on width 1958 taxes are based, totals $2,519,149, over $50,000 more thon last year. Eight new houses and two com- mercial buildings are still to be added, The assessor reported popula- tion at 2,699, second highest in the town's history. This is 131 more than -last year. Three years ago, the number of resi- dents exceeded. 2,700. Dogs also increased in num- ber. There are 164 in the Munici. pality this year, 12 more than the 1956, Grads Set New Record For Scholastic. Awards. South Huron District High Scheel graduates have wort a re- cord $3,200 in awards this year, largest amount received by a graduating class in the sehoel's history. This is $900 more than WaS Won by the 1956 class which held the record prior to this Year. Three more awards, all valued at $100, were announced this week by Principal H. L. StUr, gis. The student tallied scholar. ship, awarded to the student with the highest standing in the gta- dilating class, goat to Vehicular Gulens, Deehweed, now enrolled •••. •• • • •, • ••-•• • here To Find It Announcements 4 Church Netielle la Canting Events . • 12 Editatille 24 tritertitheitellit ..„,„........ ..... k 13 Patin 'NOWA 9 'Feminine Nets Itentell 6 Lookine hi With. Lie ,,,4' I . ,,,,,,. 0 ' ,,' ,_i. $.. 6 .1111 in, Mit ill I WWII .......... 01 ....... i I. . , at . the leniversitY Of. Toronto. The paper staff award, for. the student with the second, wow, standing, was won by Bev. Mc- teae, Exeter, who is also •eit- rolled At Toronto. ..The Canada .Packers seholer- ship, awarded for the first tune this year, went to pienald Peter- son, Dashwood, a tiWO 'Atoka. Heading the,list of award win- nets- is Bev _McLean who has re- etiVed over $1,000 in soholir- ships and burearies. Th addition to the. paPer staff prise of $100, he has received a $30 seholar. ship from t/ of T.,,a D601101011- 'Ptoviiicial scholarship of $250 and Atkitison Foutidation scho- 1arhip ot $400. Donald Peterson won awards veined at $700, including a 1.1WO • scholarship of $200, Previticial bow, ,of $560 And the. Canada .Peekers award. Edward iloritinton, Heestill and 3ob Clark; Crediton have re. ceived $500 ath, NorMintoo won a Legion scholarship valued et $400 and a tlWG grant of $ION Chi& received aDoniiiihni-?r0i vitielat Bursary -of $500, - Lettailie Tayier, Grand ten& was awarded a $356 DOirlintOit.; Provincial bursary. Wilefiere Of, the tarter Selielar,! • ships for litirmi Ctittfity gni AO be 'fintienticed. Of the total aseessment, $1,- 808,325 is classed as residential and $710,824 aS commercial. Business assessment rose from $217,899 in 1956 to $224,049, Applies For Pension Reeve William McKenzie indi- cated 50 'to 100. residents may apply. for the special municipal - provincial assistance grants to old age pensicaiers if council ale - proves the first application now under consideration. The .reeve revealed an, elderly mail' had made a request to hint for the special grant, which provides relief in 'addition to the federal..pensicei of $46 a month. The municipality pays• the full amotuit but is reimbursed for 60% bY the provincial govern. tient. "The point objeet to," the reeve' said, "is thee we will be taking taxes from •neeple who are as hard up. as' he is to pay him the rioney.a Mayor Pooley stated that 'council Was duty-bound to in- vestigate the tete. Council turned it over to' the 'relief of fieer, Bill leleLean. Sell Sy .Pirsonel Contact • Couheillor Murray Greene, re- porting on a meeting of the elitrori zone - of the • Mid -Western Ontario Development Associa. tion, confirmed. an earlier re- port from Reeve McKenzie that municipalities who, are attrecte. ing industries. are doiog so establishing personal coMact, with prospective eeineanite ra- ther than by dealing with them. through on:respondence,. Aseoeiatieri personnel at the Meeting indieated that officials of the more aggressive towns "Annie their cars and take off" ..as eeeitt as they learn, of ,an enquiry from a firm seeking a Print Thursday Despite Holiday The Times.Advocate will .be published Thursday met. ming as usual next week des- pite the Thanksgiving 'holt' day Monday. CO -operation of correspon. dents; contributors and a& vetlisers is requested in sub. • inittitig tom? as -early as • possible. Deadline for tiiiin143' atl•- • Whig is Tuesday loc a Lion, Reeve INICKenzie first brought out the point when the council Was replying to a United Statee firm which had sent, out a gen- eral inquiry for a manufactur- ing plarit. A firm which is selling freezer food plans in town will be re- quired to pay a peddler's fee of $50, it was indicated. Council debated the issue at a previous meeting and secured a ruling from an authority on mu- REV, OR. W, G, EtegR.y Mission Director Speaks To Rally Rev, Dr, W. G. Berry, T0. ronto, director 61 the Mission 10 the Nation United Church of Canada, will address a MASS meeting of laymen from this arta -at Thames goad United Church Thursday evening. His speech in the 'Osborne elturth will be ohe Of five he will give in turon PrcsbYterY over the weekeild. 'Friday afternoon and ,evening, 15r,Berry will bo at tlyth United Church; Satur' day, at Wingliain; Sunday, at Gerrie 'United Church. Rev.. If, J. Snell, Exeter, ilrbtitletlt Of the Lendeti Ceilfer. thee, and Dr. J. Semple, Sea - forth, director et, the Spitittall Life MiatiOna. *Ifuron Prosby. tory, VII asslst.Dr. Bet* dato for .toroplotlan March, 1956. The 14 -bed residence, whlrb ha1,1rp sil?egoatnrcovoontivilUrietik WUL be erected on the property merly owned by Dr. BSteinp • er, The Steiner residence witI be torn dowe. Mr. Snell said the letelDowell tender was chosen frOM—OMPng 11 bids for tbe job. .11-tbe sub -contractors are front the South Huron Area. The hospital board mot :Sall* day night to open the tenders:, Ontario Department of Health $14,000 towards the project. has already !approved a grant Of, The association .does not Plan to undertake a •canvass to pay for the project. Cost will be. met from funds Inthe capital Os Mint. Get Jackpots In Bali Popl-. Up toWednesday, ihirteen lucky people have capitalized on world series pools in the dis- trict, with a possibility etf two games to go. Fve have cashed in fin the Exeter Kinsman $100 ,pot per game and eight have received money from "Batch" Wolfe' ps pool. Wolfe has had two $25 pools going for three of the five. games played. Lucky winners of the Kins- men World Series ticket114-ve been Russ Hooper, Mike San- ders, Paul Dykeman, • -George Noseworthy and Harold Weber of Dashwood. Winners of Wolfe's 'jackpot prize have been Glen Robinson, Frank Taylor, Mrs. Earl Rnssell; Graham Arthur, Mr. Vhanbul, Don. Wells, Harry Holtzman and. Mrs. Ted Wright. /116W powers that it could as- sess the food plan firm. Town police have centacted the company's representative and he indicated a licence would be purchased. Council „delayed action on a request from the Georgian Bay District Funeral Service Asso- ciation asking that the allow- ance for funeral expenses for indigent patients be raised from $100 to $150, The association said undertakers were losing Money providing itlnerals at the $100 rartiilding permits were issued to Gerald Chapman, for a house on Anne St.; Cecil Wilson, Ed- ward St., a garage; Mrs. Martha Smith, Williamn St., renovation; :oseph C. Bailey, Marlboro St„ siding; Dr. „ ‘r. M. Gans, Main St og0 Police plan to lay charges against two men, not from this district, over the theft of wrenches from Thiel's service station, Hensel, early Monday morning. Value of the tools was about Dance Nets For Wilbert fund: Rev. N. D. Knox, Exeter; Said Wednesday he expected. the Hul- bert Fund would reach its $40e • objective before it waee closed Tuesday, October 15, theeday af- ter Thanksgiving. 'The campaingIs novewithin• a few dollars of its tar,get, thanks to a large boost front a bene- luzyrith gyktaSt: night. Which -netted hea.rly $2.00e•'" " • Another 3200 has been - raised by individual donations. Contributions will continue to be received. until Tuesday at The Times Advocate, Exeter; Goodwin's store, Hensel, and the Bank of .P4Ontreal, Zurich. Present Couple With Puree - Nearly $200 was ra se or e Don Hulbert fund at a 'benefit dance held in Zurich Community Centre Friday eVellireg. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hulbert, who suffered heavy losses in .a recent wind storm, were presented with a purse containing $180, pro- ceeds froni the dance attehded by friends and neighbors in the Zurich area. A teddy bear raffle, won by Mrs. Oeseh, Zurich, netted --$19 Desjardine's orchestra provid- ed the music free of Charge, and $12. The break-in occurred about the hall was also donated. 7.30 a.m. Thomas F. Sloan, 24, R.R. 5, Seaforth, "swam" uninjured frqm his car Sunday morning after it plunged down a 15 -foot bank and rolled over in three feet of water in a ditch, on the Zurich road, Sloan failed to see a road block protecting a culvert being con- structed under No. 84 Highway, which is being paved. Damage to the cat was $1,500. Police described the youth as a "lucky 'fellow," Had he been knocked unconscious by the crash, he would have drowned, they said. Samuel Vukovsea, was not injured when his car left No, 4 Highway, south of Exeter, and knocked down four guard rails. Damage to his car Was $200. OPP Constable George Mitehell investigated the accidents. Dance Featur�c Harvest Queen - Election of the third •"earintal• Harvest Queen will be the high- light of Exeter Kinsmeres Har- vest Jamboree in Exeter -Arena Friday night. • - This year, town and district' • merchants will sponsor candt. dates for the crown. Winner Will succeed Perla Item, \Needham, who won the title last year. The Kinsmen jamboree also features 4 square dancing -com- petition for the Kinsmen trophy. • As in other years, the dance will be a six -hour marathon evith two orchestras, Panthers Suffer Second Defeat. Lucky To Have House —Hibbert Fire Victim SIIDIIS panthers Cropped their second straight tentest this • • • • season on Wednesday afternoon when Listowel Hints blanked thorn 20-6. , Panthers got off to a bad tart Dia, Ribbed Township • started," the owner said, "alid start when they fumbled in councillor figures he's lucky he the worst part was over when I their own end and Listowel rt. dill has a house and driveshed got home. covered for a TD th tho first eft after the fire which de- I "A neighbor aim MeDougall, quarter, troyed his barn near Cromarty spotted the fire whet he was Jim Lawson, Don Tcstcll, Dee hursday afternoon. loading immure out behind his I Dennis and Paul 'Thompson were "It couldn't have been a Worse barn. MY wife and daughter,' the point -getters for Listowel. " lay for a fire," he said. "There Diane, Were ift the house -at the I Outstanding for South Huroti was a heavy wind from the north tile," I Were back Nick Fedotsow and liftemen Bill Etherhigton and Jim Catter. arid it was , i drivitig sparks toward Stiliav lt started. The crops Were all in the house." , I good condition when. 1 -put there. "The *roof of both the house in e barn,so I don't think it and the drivesliecl taught the fire .. , could have been sponta.nedus but neighbors ge itout' , eOltbUStieli." garden hose. I'm lucky I didn't! Partners at a `harvest bee near- blboeysie!r ayenvdoefroystiti:siiihg, " -SParkS also St tia,rrtwiledifbbfoirtretsA, in the on the house and driveshirett 1 by rushed in to put out the, 1 113caa!eiltliyitaleghlliblitTYS ahnet1111°4NedittiVii" :eintt'i tell weed by Lorne McNatighten, toms. , 200 yards away, riarnAge was 1 piremn fitill mitthen Ahtt light, however. 1 Sealer% fought Hit blaze 'until Mr Dick who is president of the Dick well Went dry, Members South lluton Agricultural Soeiety, ' of the Hensall department had to estimates his loss at between abandon their truck when a Osten Destroyed besides the X' X 1i6' btlrie°1{Seetwal.le thy were rushing to $8,000 And $9,000. barn, were a rubber.tired wagon, Part of the mi*ed grain in the 700 bates of hay, O00 bales of barn was owned by Arnold West. straw, 850 bushels of mixed lake, who lives near the ek grain and two years' s CrOpa of fatre, b°Ittitigadditien, Mr. tack lost al thTehofallegh rsalatIT'dft Tttitgand ttimbo, Of cement forms. homestead. .., "t was working at a. 'alined Part Il A the OsS Wee' covered Job 'near Mitchell when the fire by insitrinte, Oddfel ows Tcaw installs Executivs D.D.0.1q. George , r geotie amd team from Clinton: visite' the Plzteter lodge of Oddiellow Tuesday •evening and installet • tit novly,,eletted officers fo theeteniti,g term. • The officers are: N'. Ito; Iltuoter; Pest Grond, 1303 Bol ling; Gerald c,,othipb.0111 enapiew Allan Riehern e•• r ea secriitavy, A AWN sterols*, Glet ter, W.Aon ; RsN bet 3Com; LSKG, A hale; ItSVG, Rerold VG, Petty Iiithrebr; whiting; iSS, Rot tout IA. Tett *bAllaflFletlher,, '4 I'