HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-03, Page 13,A 5. • j4k .4 IOW •Cup in Show 41caukauna Aldebaran,'" the POherMan Pinseher owned Mrs- P91141 England,. Orediton. won est plippy in show award at Odkvjile lastw04. ,e• ' •( TUESDAY $L WEDNESDAY October 8 and 9 "THE BATTLE OF THE RIVER PLATE" (Colour, VistaVision) * John Gregson • * Peter Finch (One Cartoon) Starlite Drive-loTheatre 5 Miles Eat of Grand Bend 54 Miles Nest .of No, 4' HighWeY 4n Crediton Road FAIDAY L p,TUitt$AY: October 4 and 5 "SQUARE JUNGLE" * Tony Curie * Pat Crowley Brownie's Drive-in , Clinton FEATURING THE LARGEST WIDE SCREEN IN HURON °COUNTY THURSDAY St. FRIDAY October 3 tnd 4 "THE BRAVE ONE" (Colour, Cinelnascope) * Michel Wolf * Joi Lansing (One Cartoon) • SATURDAY & MONDAY • October 5 and 7 "THE TREASURE OF PANCHO VILLA" (Colour, Supersoope) * Rory Calhoun i * Shelley Winters- (One Cartoon) NOW Industry For Seaforth. Theestablishment :of a pow, chick hatchery in, Seaforth Logsdon U. ao Hatcheries iS announced by Mid4estern On-. tang. Development ,Assomation, Owner of Ui new enterprise, Mr, wade Logsdon} reports.. that. a considerablemarket has aly ready been established for igigs., 40.4 H 1!.p N "Nick tticka," the • brand name. origiaally duped by the LogsdonBreeder latehery„ Millersimrg„ Ohio. Equipment ef the most modern type, capable of • hatching 25,000 chicks Per week is being in- stalled at the plant in Seafortil, Mr, Logsdon spent ectsider- able timestudying market con- diti.pns and, consulted with seve- ral Department of Agriculture 'officials. Werereaching a de- cision to establish a new opera- tion in Seaforth. He states that I.., is very liptitnistie as to the success, of •the new Seaforth chick Hatchery and announces the appointment of Mr, Carmen. Philp as manager, • I FIRST SHOWING IN THIS AREA / World Championship Fight • SUGAR RAY' ROBINSON , V54. CARMEN BASILIO WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY.' .1. - October 9 and 10 ; As Weil As Regular Show listed\ • Above • In 1867 only the four provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, united to fOrrn the Dominion of Canada. r Friday and Saturday Everting Shows Only On •Ortober 18 and 19 October 25 and 26 Reception And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. HOMER CAMPBELL Hensall Arena Friday, Oct. 4 Hank Norris and his • 'Ranch Boys. 50 Lades airing Lunch • Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Coming Attractions Previews Ds THURS., FRI. & SAT. October 3, 4 and 5 "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST"- * Dean Martin & Jerry ,Lewis News Cartoon • -MON., TUES. &.WED, *October 7, 8 and 9. "VALUE FOR MONEY" IF John Grayson * Susan Stephen • Comedy Cartoon " COMING, "ROCK ROCK ROCK" .* Allan Freed. * Frankht Lymon MATINEE STARTING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 2:00 p.m, llll 04111 Ili llllll l ll llll ll "i llll ll " l " ""1 Great Youth Rally presented /by TRI -COUNTY YOUTH „F9R CHRIST with Doug Routledge, Dynamic Youth Leader Stan Walker, Song Leader; Gras trio,"and Ed Lawson, Accordionist South Huron District High School and Mitchell High School in Bible Quiz Saturday, October 5 CLINTON LEGION HALL , SAO p.m. (Standard Time) ll ll fit llll 011.111101Iiittitttrititlir# llll tt lllllllll tilttliiitiltlitilltitt lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll ttttttttttt 4 111.1 omtng To. Luton . • • Oct. 5 and -6 p. Dr. Thurnace York formr president of a University in California and f". just back front a world-wide tour of $3 countries, 1 including the Holy Land, will deliver to you a 'breath- taking speech., ' I And Mrs. York will accompany her husband .each day as she 'is an accomplished vocalist and pianist. Don't Miss This Star Attraction LUCAN ARONA • I 1; • * 4""%oleAg'-ei., ye' 1 . •I'v • •.••10• 44: • SHDHS PAPER STAFF—Students' responsible for the publicatfon of SIWIIS Ink Spot this 'year are: front row, left to right, Donna Oescla, literary editor; Paul Wilson, editor; Allisen Clarke, assistant editor; back row, Peer luzmiek, circulation; Pat Cann, prod,uctiop; Nelson McClinchey and Heather McNaughton, reporters, Doug Wein,, sports editor; Eleanor Hodgins, social editor. —T -A, Photo ATHLETIC SOCIETY—This group of students at SHDHS is responsible for raising money to pay for transportation of school teams in WOSSA competitions .ancl, other sports expenses. Bill Etherington•Jea.-ted, is president; other members are Barb Tuc- key, treasurer; 'Keith Hodgins, .publicity; Helen Down, vice-president and Jane Horton, secretary, —T -A. Photo • ' • Lucan And District Nevvs W.A. Rally at Lucan Lucan United Church is to be the hestess church for the W.A. sectional presbytery Meeting for the's churches of the district on Tuesday, October 15. Mrs. G. W. Moore, of London, will be guest speaker. • Mrs. A. E. 1VIenzies, of Ailsa Craig, and Mrs, Cecil Robb, of Lucan, attended the sectional W.A. Presbytery meeting held‘at Byron on Thursday last. Mrs. Menzies was guest speaker. Sidewalks Repaired Residents 'of Alice, St. can again walk with raised heads; for sections of sidewalks heaved up by roots of trees, have 'been repaired. Evening Auxiliary ,The Evening, Auxiliary of the 'United4Churth, met in the church parlors last Thursday night, The president, Mrs. George Paul, presided, and Mrs. Warren B. Flannigan's group was in charge of the program and refreshments. Mrs., Flinnigan led in the devo- tional, assisted by Mrs. 'Howard Kevv. • During the business session, plans were discussed for the new cook book, And the joint thahk offeringvnteeting with the W.M.S. in. October, • Mrs. Alex Young, president ef, the afternoon WAS., 'gave a brief talk on the new study book • janari. Marline Butler, small (laugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Harold But- ler Jr.,'celebrated her fifth birth- day with 15 little guests, Games, cake and ice cream were the Main attractions Of the party. Among those who attended the induction service of the Rev. Edward 0. Attwell at Fprdwich last Monday evening were Rev. and Mrs. J. P. ?rest, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ashworth; and Mr. and Mrs. Rostoe Mrs. Ernest McTavish, nee Verland Elaine Dauticey who died at Victoria Hospital Sep- tember 22 was born at Liman Crossing. She was the daughter of Pearl Hodgins, granddaughter of Mr: Sam Hodgins, con, 2 Bid- dulph, and niece of Mr. James Hodgins, Lucan. She was private secretary for her uncle, Mr. Pred, Luker of London, father of Mr. Sam Luker, former teacher on the Lucari Public School staff. Mrs. Eldon 'Hodgson has re- turned, home from" a few days visit with her sister, Mrs, Lela Beadle. of Stratford, Mrs. 'Frank Booth who • has been living in her Mime here for some niontlig,.was called back to Hamilton. again'. Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Ashworth spent last .weekend Gorrie, the guests of' Rev, and Mrs. E. C. Attwell, Mrs. Ashworth re. Maine(' ever for a' week's Visit. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Nagle, Market St., are -happy to an. neunce the birth of a son, Mich - Explorer "Cook -Out" ad Basil, in St. joseph,s Hos- The Explorer "Cook - out," pita!, Septeniber 23; a brother scheduled to be held at the home for Barbara, Jean,, Jim, Janet of Counsellor Rose RevingtOn, and Patsy. to be a "Cook -in" at the arena, and Cheryl Spent last weekend owing to itteletheilt weather had Mr, and Mrs, Beit Thompson last Monday night but that did- in St. Therriat, the guests of Mr. n't damper the spirit of the 28 and Mrs. F. M. Brown. ' members and 4 leaders present. Mrs. Will Haskett who has The games were in charge of been visiting her sister, Mrs. O. Counsellor Revington and had to C. Lillie, in Birmingham, arrived be of a quiet nature owing to home on Sunday only to be call, the number of "shots" received al back to Waldorf, Maryland at school that day. Ildnorary for the ftinerai of het sister -its Counsellor IVa Hodgins ledln the law, Mrs, Clarence Rowe, sing -song and Counsellor Itae South Middlesex Midget Hoek. Hasite,tt lcd in the worship say. ey League have decided all feet games will be played at the Lu. tali Arena. Five tearus are al - Personal items ready lined up. Mr. and Mrs. P. King, of Mrs. trokenshire and Mrs. Oakville spent a feW.,ttaYg, Stone visited the fornitr's dough - Week with Mr. and Mts. W. ter, Mrs, Charles George, in Sniith and family. London last Saturday. Miss Eva Carter of Toronto, Ten days after the. Adv. mikold formerly of Lucan, fell in her Dickins returned home to Itoelies- home last week breaking two ter, after attending Mr. and Mrs, bones her wrist and also the Bob Celetnan's golden wedding third finger of her left hand, celebration, he took a heart Miss Carter, who has lost her sate& and Is now a patient in eyesight, fell last year and broke tile Strong Memorial Hospital, her Wog. Roehester. • Mr. Maurice Monis of the Lu- Nancy Weller who underwent tan Hydro ik taking a four-week an appendix OPeratiOti in St. Jet. etnirae in forestry at Niagara, eph's Hospital., London is able to be home. sassnyaikoilawalteitee.,,,a:,,,,,,,:atinatelisseasoariatnsagesinarmasaantawnimninamoot hoghliniiii lest, Week. \ I •I, 41' Local Youth A ¥P R it Padres Father "4"'s AW(Ile•WW0 Mr. Maurice Love attended the • 33rd annual London COnferenCe. Young People's convention in St. •• Paul's United -Church in Ayinier aver the .weekend. About 400 young. people were present from the nine presby- teries of Algoma, Elgin, Huron, Kent, •:1,4ambton, Middle- sex, Oxford anet. Perth. Friday evening was get' acquainted time with registra- tion, singing and recreation. On Saturday morning, the young people were divided. into discussion groups where they discussed "Worship. How, When, Why?" In the afternoon they went on tours of Canadian Can- ners, Pinecroft 'Potteries, Carrie - lien •CoMnenv. or Recite ...Station CH140, St, Thomas. A communion service was held on Sunday morning followed by the regular church service. "Rev. J. T. P. Mehois, . • lama, , said Maurice, "It. was a wonder- ful%Yea an •outatanding speaker." weekend." Mr. Jelin Johnston; Of Daytona, Florida, and Mr, Bill Johnston, Attledona, IViasS., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Holmes, Louise and Ruth Anne. spent last weekend with Windsor rel- atiVes. Mr. William Avery of Lucan spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham and fam- ily of VVindsor. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tab, of Mitchell, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins and family, Most of Canada's 9,500 Eski- mos live north of the tree -line on the coasts of the mainland or the islands of the Arctic Archipelago. ° • The hotter the fire,. the cooler your head should be, COMING EVENTS PRENATAL -CLASSES A series sponsored by Huron Coun- ty Health tTnit will begin Wed- tiesday .afternoon, Oct. 9, 2-4 p.m, at James Street United Church, Exeter. These will ne held at weekly intervals for 8 weeks, Those interested, are in vited to attend on the above date or phone the Public Health Nurse, gxeter, 78).W, between. 4 and 5 p,m.. CKNX.TV GUEST — Mrs, ItoY MOrenz,. Dashwood, will be a guest on "M'Lady",', CKNX-TV, and will demonstrate a favourite recipe in the kitchen dn ,Tues- day, October 8. REGULAR MEETING of the Ladies' Auxiliary toeSouth Huron Hospital, Tuesday, Oct. 8, .2,30 p.m.,•Auxiliary room. Miss Clay - pole will speak on "Facts About Hospital Costs". Tea. will be served by the Centralia Airport W.A. All ladies of the district are welcome. BARN DANOt —At Jim Griffin's new barn, every Friday night, 5 miles north of St: Marys. on East. River Rd., IA mile front Metherwell. South Western Ramblers, Friday, Oct. 4, 9-1 a.m. Door prize. f REGULAR metithly° meeting of the Exeter Home and School Association will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 8:15 p.m. Speaker, Mr. - Laurier B: Hyde, of London Teachers' College. Everyone wel- tem, PARENTS! The monthly Child Health Conference and Immuni- zation Clinic will commence again at the Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital; (entrance off Anne Street) from 2:00-4:00 On Monday, October 7th. In November the clinic will be 'held November 4th and there- after on the second Monday of the month. TURKEY SUPPER — Caven Presbyterian, Wed., October 23. CAVEN XMAS FAIR —. Satur- day, Dec. 7. , 0- tENEFIT DANC:E Fnday, Oct. 4 • Zurich Community Centre FOR MR. AND MRS. D014 HULBERT Desjardines Orchestra Lunch will be served Dies Guelph At_ minister of the Presbyte- rian Church in Canada for ever fifty• Rev. M Young Forest died in his eighty third year at the home of.'bis• son, Padre W. At Young, of the, Ontario Agricultural College,. Guelph, on Saturday. *A native of Belmont, Ontario, he graduated from Knox Col- lege, Toronto; in 1902, and was a missionary in the Canadian' west in the pioneer days. Ile served congregations in Lorne - Kemble, London, Chippe- wa, Toronto, Ancester„ , South Kinloss} Thorndale, and Cromar- ty. In recent years, he resided at Forest, DAL He is survived by his wife, the former Elena Attwood of lider- Jan, witern. be married in 1903: .two sons, Padre W. A. Young, of the ,O.A..C., Guelph Rev M. C. Young of .Gananoque; • two daughters Mrs. .0. F. Gibson (Helen) of Burlington, Mrs, C. E. Wilson (Ruth) of Kingston, thirteen grandchildren, and two .great igrandehildren, The fune- ral was held in .the Logan fune- ral home, Dorchester, Ontario., on .Tuesday, October 4,6 ,S0/011, MORON Het -4.1411v Rummage 5.aie OF WINTER -CLOTHING Sat., Oct. 5 low 407 Main St. S. (Formerly Snelgrovs's) t - Acceptable articles include adults' and childrefl's coats suits, dresses, gloves, -mit: tens, shoes and goloshes. Clothing which r e q v i r et cleaning may be taken to Brady or Mid -Town Cleaners where it will be cleaned fres of charge and delivered to the sale. HELPYOUR HOSPITAL, 1.1411t1tWilf11111 Mil (tilt ttttt It ittailtliilititillettittimmi Roller Skating EXETER. ARENA Friday, October 4 8:00 p.m. Bring Your Own Skates 0.111/41111“ tttttt IlinninlIJOHAPIliallrliiHM11,11111111flr”infill ttttt 110411111111101111111141$111,110111111111111M10.10*: BADMINTON Starts Mon., Oct. 7 In Exeter public School MEMBERSHIP: 45.00 Single, 48 Couple • EVERYONE WELCOME Anyone Interested Phone 261 or 475.W, Exeter . tttt llll l llllllll lll t l OlipturAimM4n1Hinfulflifitli1utninInInInlitin4floinrialtripilIntilliffnitills4 llll i l 1414i1111111111111111111111111411ft01111)1111111111141111101111111 lllll lififsiiT1MWHIN • FUN!: FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN 1 FUN! FUN! FUN' More Fun. Than, Ever! Exeter Kinsmen Present Their Third Annual HARVEST JA maoREE Cabaret.Dancing 'Featuring JULIETTE with MART KENNY and his - Western Gentlemen, Friday, Oct. 4, — 9 p.m. Seaforth Arena ° Admission $1,50 each — Children under 12, 500 Tables reserved for advance ticketholders only. Secure Advance Tickets at BALDWlN HARDWARE — Phone or SEAFORTH MOTORS — Phone 541 Sponsored by Seaforth Athletic Association ..m."4.0. num Ps mr FUNI FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! Fri.„Oct. 11 Exeter Arena Six and One Half Hours of Merriment — 9:30 to 4 DESJARDINE'S no* TWO BANDS THE SERENADERS SEE THE CHOOSING AND CROWNING OF EXETER. KINSMEN'S THIRD HARVEST , QUEEN AdittligiOnit Men $hOO,. Loki 130 New and Oki Time Dancing DRESS FORA GOOD 'TIME! Jeans, Skirts and .Plaid Shirts PUNI FUNI FUNI 'FUN! •FUNI FUN! Compete For EXETER KINSMEN SQUARE DANCE TROPHY Organize a set and enter this new competition for square dancers. Contest is restritAtl toamateur groups from knirori, Middlesex And Perth °purities. Handsome lint* tr011y denoted by •Kies - Man for tong competition. MI FUN, Fur* mit 5. v.,