HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-10-03, Page 6Were b ,Scout nE eouplee gctiviUe; us quit had fou this sea held au due Id regional svhielt` en ,1t{,! evening holdingR, bo s. the CO ceivQ,�I,. equips 6. The rnis AdvocNt., :October 19 ' I1ihSli.. And DistrictNews CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone S Mrs. Archie McGregor,Phone 682-r-31 Legion Auxiliiary Host l� s Groups The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary meeting Tuesday evening out- lined plans to entertain the four Legion Auxiliaries for the zone on October 23, and to hold a ba- zaar and bake sale and tea on Saturday, November 2. The members made arrange- ments to provide evening enter- tainment for the Red Cross Old Soldiers' Home, London, a Hal- lowe'en party for November 4 from Exeter Auxiliary' and the 25th birthday party of Clinton Auxiliary, November 9; Mrs. Cecil Kipper was instal• led asa new member.. It was disclosed that Ted Normington, a local boy, had won»the Legion and Legion Auxiliary scholar- ship of $400. President Mrs. E. R. Davis conducted the meeting, Mrs. Rotiald Mock won the mystery prize. Bingo was played. Students Assist In Rally Service Rally Day service was held at Hensall United Church Sunday morning. Scholars of the Sun- day School assisted with the ser- vice. Robert. McNaughton read the responsve psalms and David Noakes read t h e scripture. Charles Mickle and Jane Hor- ton gave two stories and Sam Ranriie led the junior choir in two numbers, Rev. Daniel spoke on the gen- eral Sunday School situation. Preparatory service and re- ception of new members will be held in the United Church, Fri- day, October 4. World Commu- nion.. observance will be held this Sunday. Personal Items Mr. Duncan Stewart is visiting with his sister, Mrs. William Elder, in Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Zuefle, of Toronto, visited last week with the former's aunt, Mrs, Elizabeth Buchanan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown, of Oxford, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corbett and Wayne. They were .acconi- banied here by Mrs. Edna Cor- ett who has spent the past three alecks in Oxford and Fen - tote Mich. Mrs. Len Noakes, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal, London, for the past three weeks is convalescing at the home ,of her sister, Mrs. J. Peebles, in London. ' Miss Aline. Bell, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. William R. Bell, and visited with her mother, Mrs, William R. Bell, 'who is ill in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Herr, of Exeter, were recent visitors with friends here last week. .Ifr. and Mrs. Douglas. Sang- ster and family, of London. were recent visitors with the former's mother. Mrs. Minnie Sangster.' Mr. Fred Bonthron has been confined to his home, owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, of Toronto,spent the weekend with the tatter's mother, Mrs, J. Fisher. 1fr. Walter Spencer is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. In 1957 government transfer payments. — that is, money col- lected by taxation and then paid out to the public in the form, of family allowances, old age pen- sions, welfare payments, etc.-- , to t a i l e d" ^11'1110,000 at all levels of government. . News. Budget. Lost In Mails EDITOR'S NOTE Hensall news is limited this week be- cause the r mail ofcorrespondent r onde nt p. Mrs, Maude Hedden went as- tray, A number of items contributed by readers to Mrs, Iledden do not appear for that reason: The Times -Advocate will .attempt to print them next week. Kinsmen To Equip PS Safety Patrol Hensall Kinsmen voted to equip a public school safety pa- trol at its second meeting of the season Thursday night. The club also voted $25 to a needy family .in the district. Paul Soles, of CFPL-TV, des- cribed his experiences when he was connected with Radio Free Europe last year, Robert Raeburn won a raffle. President Jack Drysdale con- ducted the meeting. Anniversary Chiselhurst United Church's sixtieth annversary was held last Sunday with large congre- gations. Guest minister was Rev. Arthur McKim, B.A,, of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, Soloist in the afternoon was Sam Ronnie, accompanied. by Miss Greta Rammie, and in the evening, Miss Faye Ross, Mrs. Alf Ross was the pianist. Bingo Winners Winners at the Legion bingo Saturday night were: Mrs. Carlyle Wilkinson, Lloyd Elliott, Mrs. Wilbur Doupe (two), Bob Baker, Sr., Ed Cor- bett (three), Mrs. Austin, and William Webster, of Exeter, Roy Kenny, and Mrs. Garfield Bro- derick, Mrs. Norman Long, Jim Smale, Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. Barney Hildebrandt. The door prize was won by Mrs. Sam Ronnie. Mrs. William Wilson, of St. Catharines, has returned after visiting with her Sister, Miss Phyllis Case, and her aunt, Mrs. Catharine Hedslen, Combine Pulley injures Fingers Lloyd Bell, who lives on No. 4 highway south of .Hensall, re- ceived severe injuries to his Band when it became caught in the pulley of a combine Monday. His index finger was almost completely severedbut it was sewn back together by Dr. J. C. Goddard, Hensall, at South He- ron Hospital. Bone of another finger was crushed. Bell's sleeve caught in a belt of the combine and his hand was pulled into the pulley. He was able to stop the motor him- self. The victim is now'at home. Home From .Hospital Laverne Hamilton, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, of Hensall, who underwent an emergency appendectomy three weeks ago, is expected to re- turn home this week. Choose Officers For S.ector Plan The United Church, by appro- val of the official board, has been committed to the South Huron Sector Flan. The sector plan is the practice of Christian stewardship, giving freely of time and material possession to church work. Officers are: general chair- man, Donald Joynt; assistant, Walter Spencer; program chair- man, Ross Forrest; resource, Elgin Rowcliffe; assistant, Wil- liam Roweliffe; material, Robert Drysdale; assistants, Raye Pa- terson and P. L. MeNaughton, Howard Scone; . assistant, Ken Elder. Personal Mems Mr. and Mrs. William ()blan- der, . of Huntsville, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Harvey Hyde, Sani . Dougall and Stewart McLean attended the cattle sale at Thessalon, Mrs. Leonard Noakes, who un- derwent an operation in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, has re- turned home. Kippen Comments By MRS. NORMAN LONG Miscellaneous Shower A' miscellaneous shower was he by Mrs. John Moore at her ho ie to honour her friend, Miss Merle Dickert, bride of Satur- day. Contests w e r e enjoyed in charge of Mrs. J. Moore and. Mrs. Ray Consitt. The address was read by Mrs. Ray Consitt, the guest of honor receiving, some lovely gifts. Miss Dickert invited the girls and the hostess, to her trousseau tea. Celebrates 85th Birthday " On Sunday the family of Mr. Sam Cudmore met at his home to honor him on his 85th birth- day, a turkey dinner •being served. Those present included. a brother, Mr. Edgar Cudmore of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Pinkney and daughter, Brenda, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cudmore . and Barbara of Kitchener, e Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wren spent Sunday in Hanover visit - mg their son and • daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren.' Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stokes onuiupniauiL,im,ui,m„,unmU,uinuit$nnuurnulllll niuuimll 111 nu,uuinmhiuunuuuum� z rrection Tlie advertisement concerning "New Hours" in last week's Times -Advocate was inserted in error. The E correct, hours are as follows: Open 9 am, Closed 9 p.m. INCLUDING MONDAYS with the exceptions of • Saturdays Open .9 a.m. 11 p.rn. These hours do not apply to 13ali4uets, Receptions, b1" Parties. Make Reservations early for your Fall Parties. Armstrong's RESTAURANT URAN` 'ilamt,us' For 'PMMlt*P oodsr' PHONE 533 EXETER YffrtY�19NHirlirYrrYYYi7YrMuir�YrffYrrnlYii'nnrYlrrniriPb,r'iY9ilYYYiirrBrrrrtiYY'i'YtYVrYrYlYli1'li"i'tfiYYYlirPri� � Iand Larry of I ondon visited on Sunday with the latter's' father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr, and Mrs. Netzki of Sea - forth are now residing in •Mr. Alex McBeath's House. Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and her daughter, Marilyn, spent a few days last week in Port Huron. Miss Jessie Reid and her brother, Mr. Harold 'Reid, of Ottawa visited recently with their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Reid, Mr. Reid returning to Ottawa for a week's vacation: Several of the teachers in the district attended the teachers' convention in London on Friday, The children. of S.S. 14 Stanley marched at the Bayfield Fair on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mundell of Bluevale were Sundays guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mclieath. Miss Louise Hyde, who has spent two weeks with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hyde, returned to London where she is attending the Bible Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thompson returned to their home on Wed- nesday having been on a trip to Vancouver for a month.. Miss Marilyn Mousseau of London has been having some holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mousseau. Miss Eleanore Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley is confined to War Memorial. Children's Hospital, London. Mrs. Robert Gemmell is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. The ' ladies of St. ' Andrew's United church catered for dinner and lunch at the sugar beet equipment .demonstration on the farm. of Lloyd Lovell. Next Sunday is world wide Communion Sunday and corn ni'unien service will be held in St.. Andrew's church at 11 .a.m. Misses Mary, Anne end Mar• forii; Charters who are attending Wells Academy, London, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Pearson Charters. Mr. and Mrs. Ilex Thompson of Battiecreek, Mich, returned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs Pearson Chatters and Mrs. William Char- ters, Mr. John C. Doig, son of Mrs., Lydia J. Dolg left Grand Rapids by air orf the Trans -World air- lines on Sunday for Washington, I.C. and will. "leave there on Monday for, London, England on a trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Nati Mullett and family, Goderieh, were Sunday, ueats of Mr, and ,Mrs. 1Villiani cCregor.. , . , Of Carladeg IS leading Manu- factoring industries, four are based ort agricultural production — meat packing, butter and cheese, bread and bakery prow ducts; miscellaneous foods. b&. vending primarily ori domestic demand, their post-war growth has been at a slower rate than most other manufacturing. Unveil War Memorial At Crctharty Sch,.:.c.J Sy MRS. K. McKELLAR A capacity audience was pre- sent at No. S School Hibbert on Sunday afternoon to take part in the special service of the un• veiling of a memorial ,plaque oftteosepilss ory$obyfrom ttih f who ;gave their lives in World Wars 1 and 2. The parade to and fromm the school was led by the Rrodhagen. Rand followed by members of the Canadian Legion from Mit- chell. 11rs. Ed. Hocking former teacher, was chairwoman for the service and Padre Rev. J. Rohe. Watt of Mitchell was the spe- cial speaker, Addresseswere also given by Mr. Ross McKay, a teacher former x and now c ow of Hillsburg, Mr. Paul Lockhart, Mitchell; and Mr, Hugh. Butson, Mitchell. • Several appropriate h y rn Ti s.. were sung, accompanied by -lbe band, and Miss June McKay of Ottawa contributed a solo. The unveiling ,ceremony was performed by Mr. Mervin Dow, Cromarty, and Mr, Jack Nor. ris4 London, both veterans of World War 2. Wreaths were placed by Floyd Dow and Alice Walker. Rev. pert D'aynard of :Staffa led in the prayer of dedi- cation. The names on the plaque were. Everett Rivers, Sidney Howe, Neil Park, Wilfred Scott and Thomas Cooper. Personal items Mrs,. John Hocking .entertained, at a post nuptial tea on Saturday afternoon in honor of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Arthur Smale, who was married recently. . Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Harburn were Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Harburn and family,, Thorndale, and Mr, and, +N��e��1�1��i�NMll��������►1.!�#uRui���R!•N11���eAi�!iu���NAa�r���p���iN�l_lEUA�nli�inru��e��x�n������aeu�.��ulsL��n���A�FR ` Damage •i In Accident Extensive damage was high to both cars involved iai an, ac- cident .on. Wednesday, October 2 at the intersection of Queen and Nelson streets, Hensall, in front of Queen's Way Nursing Home. Mr. Norman Cook was travelling north and Mr. Earl Neeb of Zurich was .proceeding west. In the impact the lieeb car landed on the lawn of the nursing home. Mr. •Cook received first aid for shock at the nursing home and wasattended by Dr, J. C. God- darId. nvestigating were Constables E. R. Davis of Hensall and O.P.P. Gibbons of Exeter, • Mrs. Earl Tripinsee of Sand- born, Michigan. Mrs, Tripinsee is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Harburn. Messrs. Miller Adams land Sam Pethick, i h ck, Winthrop, and Jr,VI and Mrs. E. Brooks, and George, Staffa, visited on Sunday with • Mr, r, and Mrs, George :Wallace. Please Turn to Page 14 Selling Beans? Check Our Prices Before Se:!ling. STORAGE .AVAILABLE WE CAN HANDLE YOUR WET `r'EANS • E. L. Mickl. & Son HENSALL PHONE 103 emit ,,,i„mi,w,m.t$i,immuuu,Ut$,ml, Wl,t$imut$,i]im,mt$iit$mi,m,nt$it$nnnmt$nmyii,it$!i,lt$mmi�lpiil.u• Came Visit Us at Super Save This.Week ovi FRESH CUT-UP CUSTOMER LE SUPER SAVE FROZEN FOODS FEATURE! Libby's PiesTChickenurkey - Beef 3 Customers are our favorite people. Ws love them—and do everything we can to please them with quality foods, low prices, • courteous service a market that's a real pleasure to shop. We're so crazy about customers that we want more of them — and so we invite YOU to give us a trial this week. IIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII0111f1l11IIIlI IIIIIIIIIIIIII {u111111IIIIIIIiIiIIIHlOJIIIiI IlIIII111101111 IIIIUIIIII icken Legs & 33c V'1O�n�s LE1, Beef & Pork Sausage 3 POUNDS $1 Hamburg 3 POUNbs $1 • a - 111111111111011111111113131111111111111111111111110111111111011101111111 IIIIII1113I111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111110f111111111111111131111011IIII111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111 '111211MMEWEE111111112llnuompullohmanimatall 11 is FRESH FRUITS.— VEGETABLES BLUE CONCORD JUICY HEAPED BASKETS rcipes 57c Florida Grapefruit 9GS HOLLAND MARSH -VACUUM, PACK Stalk Celery DRY—SMALL LARGE SIZE Yellow Onions CALIFORNIA 5 LS. POLY BAG Sunkist Oranges LARGE IMPORTED—CRISP Head Lettuce WASHED—WHITE • Marsh Potatoes 113'S 1 1 1111111 1111 111111111111 11 11 11111 BUSHEL' HAMPERS 5 FOR FOR FOR 27c 25c 19c 49c 19c $1.85 11111111111111111111100111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111111101131111111111111111111111131111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N011111111111111111111111111111 11131111111111111111111111111111111111111111113 1111 131 4UPER SAVE BONUS BARGAIN! • 5 -piece uncheon Seg Made by European Craftsmen! Regular 5.95 value . ,only • $.99 with' $5.00 , purchase PKGS. 89 c SUPER SAVE FEATUREI Save 40 MONARCH. Brand WHITE. CAKE M iX 16 oz. pkg. 31 MANNING'S 'COCONUT Mallow WHILE THEY, LAST 204iscuit pkg. 25c SUPER SAVE FEATURE! Heinz Baby Foods Save 50 FOR 3 7c SUPER SAVE • IflSt. Coffee SUPER SAVE 'FEATURE! Save 110 .Blue 'Bonnet Yellow Quik Margine • LOS. J 5•oz. jar 99c • 30 Off Pack WONDER BRAND M1k 2FOR .i. 1 • tall tins 29c • SUPER SAVE COMB. FEATURE! LIBBY'S FANCY ill•oz. �ciuer� F&auf Fr�nks 33c 3LE9. esr 46 SUPER SAVE FEATURE! DROMEDARY PITTED Dates Daintk. 1 c Z L. i'K6, MARKET HENSALL- ONTARIO c