HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-26, Page 12”t4 • 1u dr'40,, 1..2 The Times-Auivicate, SOtember 26, 1117 .Clondeboye Comments ey MRS,, PATON ClandillOY*. WI ''PreViOus that day they were. the Tlaa ClentiebeYe Woirien's In,- goats a Mr. and Mrs. Einereon :fititde held their Septeinber -.Paten a Kiritten. Meettrig. at the home :of Mrs. Ali'. J. W. Wiisen 11 as taken a X.'arl-O'Neil. . .. PeSition as COOk ttPerVisor at UM Albert Baser, eaavener the Reformatory in Guelph. • lef CitieellelliP. and Education :- IVIr. W. Melealle and Mrs. Elfl. laVe a paper on "Citizenship". fly Neale a Belmont visited. :eel 11trs. James Mahlon. and Mre. Tuesday with Mr. and Mre, Al- wr. s ego. * Jahle$ Kell -gave readings. A mer Hendrie. I tinloys .eenteet nOndueted by Mrs. AndY . Mr. Clarence Sholdice , and " -.• Thursday with Mr. Moore :Cuts- .:Dancers aka that had been. part Of their SOIL *.After .a two nionth vacation, Lucan And District News Phone. '109. teecen Correspondent; MISII Abbott . Carter 'Wee won ber Mrs. David Mre, :Sholdlee were guests on PS Renry. The 4.1I, club girls presented ningharn and Mrs. Fred SiMP- . Pregram at Acinevment day. The Ladies Guild of St. James 141.46 PliAls Lee gave an gc* Church have chosen November Count ef her trip to the O.A.C. 2 for their bazaar in the Sunday at Guelph which she had won. School room at 2.30 p.m. The taub girls presented their leaders, Mrs. Norman Hardy and Mr. Stanley Tomes, a -stud* ta at Mrs. David Kestle with gifts. Huron Cellege, 'Auden, re- , The lueleY ticket in the draw , fer the baby's layette was pur, ehased by Mrs, :Betty Coughlin. • turned on SaturdaY from Fort Severn, where he spent four months doing missionary work and teaching in the government Donabon was given to the C.N.,Cree Indian ,School there, Port L1L 'The" °ethber meeting will Severn is a small settlement at be, in the evening at the home the mouth of the Severn River of Mrs. Norman Hardy. on Hudson Bay, Porsonat Items Mr. and.Mrs. Bill Downing and Mrs, Cecil Carter visited with Karen and Joan of Chathnrn friends in North Bay lest week. Mr. and Mrs. W, L;Paton of Parkhill and Rev. and Mrs. Willis PatOi o Midale, Sask., were •guests on Thursday after- The afternoon service on Sun - Poon with the Paton family. day, Oct. 6 will be withdrawn, due to Harvest. Thanksgitring Re ort 0 at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan spent the weekend with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11,1- Hendrie and Mrs, Downing's un- cle, Mr. Moore Cunningham. • but a served of Holy Communion Baseline awtill:3e0 haelnid,in St, James Church • By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR Mt. and Mrs. Austin Timms . arid family and Mr. Harvey Parkinson, Kirkten, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkin. son and Brenda on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Dewar were gleasts of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Marriott on Sunday. Mit. Toni Doupe and Russell are spending a few days with relatives ie. °make. Mr. and Nis. Arthur Rundle attended Mitchell Fair on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shaddoelt of Parkhill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Westman and son, David, London, visited with ,Mrs. Westrean's parents, Mr. and Mrs: -David Holland on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker and family visited in Parkhill on Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson. • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baker were guests of Mrs. Baker's par- •ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beer of Munro, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dott of Al- bany, N.Y. were guests of her aunt, Mrs. Berl Wilson, Tuesday of last week. • Mr. Wm. and Howard Rin n and Miss Noreen. Walkom were gueste • of Mr.and Mrs. Bob McGregor •of Kipper' Monday evening, Mrs. Mervin Carter Was -hos- tess on Friday evening, when Mr. Carl WatsOn of London de- nionstrated the Seal -O -Matic stainless steel cooking ware. Seventeen guests enjoyed' the dinner, Rally Day services were held at the Clandeboye United church ort Sunday Yellen Miss Elaine Graihger and pupils of the Clan- deboye School presented a num- ber. Comments About Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS 'Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Wright spent a few days last week at a cottage near Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearson and family of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr: and Mrs. George Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis visited Sunday with Mr. Victor McCurdy and Mr. Scott of Chat- ham. Mr. and mrs. Wm. seat visit. ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dann of London Township, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter spent the .weekend at Coiling - wood. 0000 lllllllllllll lllllll llll 11110000110000 Special Events October 5 and 6 — 8 p.m. DR. THURNACE YORK, former president of s. Uni- t versity in California -and just back from a World-wide ,t• , tour of 33 countries, including the Holy Land, will deliver to. you a breath -taking petch. • • , MRS. YORK will accompany her husband each day • = a8 she iS an accomplished vocalist and pianist. DON'T MISS THIS STAR ATTRACTION ' I in the LUCAN ARENA: • .%1111111 llllll 011010001111111111111)1010000 llllllll 101110.1010000000011 lll I l II lllll lllllllll 06000 lll • l ll lllll • "Mir 'Life Insurance man did a grand job for me, Ed" All talk over the back fence isn't About sport, or polities, or Idle - *Wien programs. Vety often leg about sub vital things as looking after the fAmily ted having eaugh motley to retire on. Your life keuraece Mari is well equipped to solve these problerne, He is trained ft) analyse all the facts about a family'* future require - He eetves Canadian feniitiet by offeting practical ekes to iiket individual needs. Life Insurance repregentatives have exceptienal trainieg opportuni, !dee tatty, 'Their OWA cOmpaniet provide them with basic eefursea entering a wide variety a subjdtts, thtettigh the 'Life Underwthere Association, of Okada they have tkeeess le the experience of Many able tee 'who have helped td make • CAnedians the %Odd's best -insured people, Thie Aseoeiation hae. 1.yeAr training ptograin for its members, And, in addition, for those who desire to pursue inore advanced studies, there is a ,year university extension course leading te the Astociation'e designetion Of Chattered Life 'Underwriter (C.I.„U.) 'This thorough training plus ptaetial exeorieriee in helpirie noel* explains' tviii millions of Canadians have welanied the services elf the *O&M Life Underwriter, TO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA the Liman W beganIs Vin ter's activities with a Meeting in the COnlenunity Memorial Centre last Thureday evening, with the president, Mrs. Murray liodgins, in the chair and Mrs. Wes liodgms assisted by Mrs. Thos, Lee, Mrs. John Park, Mrs, Edgar McFalls, Mrs, Cecil Neil, Mrs. Jack Laekin And Mrs. j. Murray -R. as hostesses. The motto "For Horne and Country" was enlarged upon by the president, who quoted what many near -by Institutes were do- ing for their community, Roll call was answered by "A present day improvement from the way of living a hundred years ago." Mrs. C. IL George reported on the Tuesday meeting of the Community Club when plans for the Hallowe'en party and the Trade and Hobby Fair in May were discussed. A donation of $23 to the Community Club and $5 to CNIB was approved. MI members were urged to attend the rally at Byron United Church Wednesday, October 9. It was decided to postpone the tour of the Cancer Clinic tIll early in the netv year. As convener of Public Rela. dens and Comrnuniter Activities, • Mrs. Warner McRoberts then took over and presented a pro- gram, consisting of 'square danc. ing by her junior and senior pupils of 'Whalen School, a trio and the showing of the film, "The Eighth Sea" by Mr. Harold Whyte of the Lucan Hydro, The film gave the audience a little idea of the stupendous task of overcoming almost uesurmount- able difficulties, in the building of the St. Lavvrenee Seaway. Mr. Hamilton Hodgins did the calling for the square dancing ed ut in vt. it - and Mrs. Roy Hamilton provid the music. Onlookers could • b agree that. Square dancing '111 public schools is a big asset producing grace, good fello ship aed happiness for the eh dren. Through the kindness' and ti generosity bf the editor of T1 Exeter Times -Advocate, Mies s Lino. Abbott was Able to hand 1 in another $5 for new subscrip- tions making a total of $15. Any- one still wishing to bele the r branch in this warring 10e. Library Board pigeon Flies Plans Tourney From VVest The members of the Ltican LibtritrY met m the •library re tu plans for repleshmee the lihrarY funds. las Monday night to disc OM One of, LOW'S. Mat .01)thUsi- U8S astic man fanciers, Frank Harder, lat February sold four pigeons to Mr. Bili Millar of . :SetsleatcheWan. Since -then Mr, •liardy has built some new coops, One day last week, on looking out his window he saw a pigeon After lunch discussion it was decided to held a series of card games each Wednesday n1 htebe. ginning with progressIve bi4ge on October 2 followed by progres- sive euchre on •October 9, Playing will begin sharp at g pen, and close sharp At 10 with no refreshments and a fee ot 250, Scores will be kept till the end of the •season and those with the highest average will be given A prize at a SOcial eve, rung gathering of all those who have participated during the year. Cub News Mrs, Jens Andersen as -Akita and Mos Joan Hodgins as Ba heera were in charge of the C meeting in the Seder Hall la Thursday night, Library Hours With the return to Sathrday nights open shopping hare the library too has reverted t� Mon- day, Thursday •and Saturday •openings. Union .Service Another union service is eched. tiled for Saturday evening Octo- ber 5 at p.m., in the auditoriu of the Community Memori Centre, when the guest speak will be Rev. T. York, D.A., California, Mr. York is an artis musician, traveller and evange "The Big One" Got Caught "The big one" 'doesn't alma) get away as Dr. jack Dewey, Florida, Dr, T. A. Watson an Bob and Mr. Jack Lankin, 0 Lucan, can verify for la week among the 16 fish the got at Key Harbour, was on which weighed 17i pounds, an measured 3Se" leng. First Day At School It was Leslie Carling's firs day at school and what an ea. cited little girl she was. Sh game home just bubbling with ex eitement. When asked how she liked chool she replied: "It was love - y, I got the thing I wanted all my life." Bewildered, her Wilily asked her what she got and she eplied: "Recess flyieg around the new coob ps not going in: He went out to investigate. •On whistling to it, the bird flew Straight to his arms. On exam- ining its tag Mr. Hardy was sur- prised to find it was one of the far sent to Saskatchewan. How it escaped and how it found its way back to Lucan is veiled in mystery bet what a story of adventure that pigeon could tell, if it only could talk, Explorer News ut ge' The Lucan-Clandeboye Explor. un Ors began their Falk season's st activities and 16th Expedition hi the .United C'hurch parlors last Monday evening with 24 of the 31 members present. There were four new members, Audrey Hayter, Gayle Hickson, Cheryl Thompson and Patricia Cobleigh; also one new counsellor,Mrs.. B. Langford to be known asrn •Counsellor Erea, The Expedition opened with a sing -song with Counseilor Emma m at the piano. The c,all to wor- al •ship was taken by Barbara Park, or Counsellor Rose Revington read a the scripture and Counsellor Kae t, Haskett read the story and led 1-• in the worship service. A cook -out was planned for 5 p.m. September 23 at the home ,e of Counsellor Rose Revington. O f Games were tollovved by the d closing exercises. st Itlfeiner Roast y Over 50 members of the Lucan- e ClapdebOye Y,P.U. met at the d farm home of Mr. B. J. Roberts for a weiner roast and a happy get-telether last Saturday. f. Garnet were hi charge of Lyn- , nette Walpole, Fred Lewis, How- • ard Kew arid Mrs. Murray Hod- - gins. A sing -song was led by Howard Kew. The topic of the vesper service was "friendship." Meditation was taken by the Rev. Edgar Roulston, and the prayer by Alan Ready. Mrs, Murray Hodgins read the teenagers' ten am- mandinents." Mist Rae Revington was con- vener of the food defortment, to Which •all did justice. Pupils Officiate At Rally Service Last Sunday was Rally Sunday in the United Church and was in a charge of the new superintendent, Mr. Cliff Culbert. Merry Rob- erts lead in the responsive Psalm and Terry ,Culbert read the les- son. The ushers were: Bob Stan- ley, Wesley Stanley, Don Lankin, and Alan Ready. Personal 'terns Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earl and amity, of Woodstock, were Sun ay guests of „Mr. arid Mrs. Wes Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh, of London, were Sunday guests ,of fr. and Mrs. .T. W. Smith. Mrs. Mervin Elston, of Cen- tralia, was a Monday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. This Week In The junior choir led in the music. - • Ilene and Carolyn Donaldson sang for the "opening of the gates" a members of each Class Were promoted to their new classes. Graduates were: Intermediate to senior - Jim Drennan, Jerry Kehl, David .Whyte; junior to intermediate - Bonnie Drennan, Dona Culbert, Shirley Sherwood, Shirley •Emerick, Becky Park- inson, Artlnir 'Colbeigh, •Gordon Young, Randy Paul; primary to junior 0.—P Linda McIver, Evelyn Fraynes, Cheryl Thompson, 'Helen Sigsworth, ;Louise Coeh- rane, Patricia Cableigh, Wayne Hodgins, Terry Thornton, David Lippert; kindergarten to -prim- ary - Susan Roberts, Leslie Carling, Janice Grose, Judy Kehl, Marie Cochrane, Joyce Coursey, Denise Ribson and David Miller. Personal Items Among the 100 who attended Open House for Mr. and Mrs, Harry Carroll's 25th wedding an- niversary were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Mrs, Irene Cour- sey, Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Mrs, Irene Coursey, Mit. Edgar Mc - Falls, Mrs, Sheridan Itevington, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. George, Mrs. Harold McPalls, Mrs. Clarende Young, Mrs. Cliff Shipley, of • Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Caldwell, of Shedden, Who Attended Exeter Pair last Thursday, visited with Mrs. Will DiOkine oft their way horne, This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILUAM RHODE Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,...•,•,••••....,....,••••••••••••••••••••,,,Nuo• Thanksgiving Service Thanksgiving •service was ob- served on Sunday with Rev, P. Dymond in charge. Mrs. Tom Kooy was organist with Mrs. Ross McFalls, Centralia, soloist and Mrs, Hugh Davis, accent. panist. The church was decorated with fruits, vegetables and flow- ers. Guests.for the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Coleman, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett. Denfield, Mrs. Rd. Dickies and Mrs, Frank Coates, Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Scott and kills, Brinsley, with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Davis, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Greenlee, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDon- ald and Joyce and Mrs. W. Je Dickies, Lunn, with Mr: and Mrs. Tom KedY. Mr. and Mrs. Rebt. Latta and family, 'fiallymote, with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Latta. • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott and Muriel and Mr. and Mrs, Grafton Squire and family, Whal- en, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickies, Arr. Howard McDonald, Liman, Miss Sandra McLiechey, Park- hill, and Mr. and Mrs, Ras Me - Falls and David, Centralia, With Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mr. and Mtg. Charles 'rindali, London, and Mr. and Mr. Jas. Barker and fetidly with Mr, and Mrs. Heber pavis, Silver Wedding Celebration Mr e and Mil. Harry Carroll observed their twenty-fifth wed - ng anniversary att Saturday hen over 100 relatives and ends gathered at %their home effer angratulationt. The ening Was spent in playing chre and. dancing. Before the luncheon hour Mr. d Mrs, Carrell Were present, with several gifts. Mrs, Car- li's sisters Mrs. R. A, endon, bridesmaid of twenty - we years ago, Was present for the °ideation, Mr. Alvin .Carroll, brother of the MOM and best Man, Was tenable to attend, Mr. • and Mrg. Were eats at the borne Of Mr, and rt. Ceeil Meralls, London,' tett a ritlinber of friends got. ed on Sunday evening and pre- tited Ar. and Mtg. CArtoll th an electric 'fry pan, natter Items Mrs, W. Davis vent last ek at the teethe or her (laugh. r, Mrs, Murray Abbott, Ira, Ditkins, tueari, Is ending a few daya at the home Aft..and Mgt Reber DaVis, Peesonal Iten4 di Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilet and Aileron Hume IP attended the 25th wedding artni- to 'versary of their cousins, Mr, ev end Mrs. IlarrY Carroll of Saints- CU bury On Saturday' evening. Mr, and Mrs. Etnneth Luther, !,t2 Susan and Janke ef Sarnia visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Jef- 1° Tay on Saturday. . Mr. And Mr. Glenn Jeffery spent Saturday. evening with Mt, and Mrs. 'Raymond Heard of Eirkton. Mr. and Mrs. William Roney of Exeter visited MI SehtlaY With Mr. and Mrs. VVilliatri Perguson, Mr and Mrs rd " gu wl r et Brian and airs; were gttOet11 on 86 SuildaY With Me,. and WS. War- ,vvi ren Erotic of nee. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd )(night 0. and Linda \Vete guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde Mt MA- We da,' evening. te Sunday Sehool and aura Service Oh Sunday, September Sp S Will be eh Standard lime. Of Anglican Church Plans Visitation Owing to Harvest Home Ser- vice in St.1James Church, Clande- boye, 'on Sunday, there will be no church services in Holy Trin- ity Church, but there Will be Sunday School as usual at 10 a.m. and a family Communion service at 8.30 a.m., Following the communion ser- vice another meeting will be held in the basement to make ar- rangements for the "Every Mem, ber Visitation" and a 'breakfast will be served. Representatives from . all or- ganizations attended the luncheon and erhetgency vestry meeting in the church basement after the morning service last Sunday. The rector presided for the first part of the meeting, Mr. Jack SteacY taking over when Mr. Prest had to leave for service at St. James. An, every member visitation, rewiring of, the rectory and church finances were the main knits of discussion. Holy. Trinity's Harvest Home services have been Scheduled for Sunday, Oetober 6, when the guest speaker at 11 a.m. will be Archdeacon Albert Jones, B.A., who it also warden ef the new Seager Hall at Huron College for senior clerical students. The rector will be in charge of the evening service, Message From Greenway Personal Items Church service and Sunday Sehool in the United Church next Sunday morning will be oh standard time. Service in the Anglian ehtirch will be with. drawrt owing to anniversary service in St. James Church, ParkhP1 Miss Muriel Faille, Miss Fran- ces BropheY of Sarnia and Miss Jane Cawthorne of Port Huroti spent the weekend with Mr. and g Mrs. Lloyd Brephey. Mr. and Mts. Wm. Hicks tele- 5 brated their 40th weddingaO- niversary Mgt week. . Miss Marion Woodburn of Burketen spent the 'weekend with her Patents, Mr. and Mrs, Car - "nen Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. •Harold bailout of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs. Albert Pollock, Miss Betty Ann ntorti6r who is ehiployed in London spent the weekend* with her parents, Mr, and Mtg., The Horner. h nilpit drape/ and Bible mark. er were pregented to the United Chitral on Sunday morning by Mrs. .T, If. MeGregor and fan -illy lit memory of the late Mr. I. IL McGregor, who was an elder 10 the thuteh, Mrs. /Joy& Woolley anent # coutlit of days last week With Mr. and Mrs, Claude rallis and (*hilly ef Prount Forest. Mkt Jean Lagerveerf and friend Of London spent- the Week. end with her parenta, M. and Mr, tot Lagerwert and family, •:Lucan Personal Items Mr. R. A. -Crudge, of Ttlison- burg. lees a :Sunday' guest .0.1 Mr. and'aIrs. at .Crudge. and .faMilY- Mrs, Norman Hardy and Miss :Barbara Bon, soot last w.eek, end in Port Huron. Mr. .and Mrs, Leo Boyle, Qi Mooresville. were Saturday guests :of Mrs._ Rose Atkinsen. Mrs. Margaret Stewart, of Lon. don, was a weekend :guest -of Mrs.. J. R. Murray. Mr. J. E. Barragiell and Mrs, Jaelg Downing, were SunelaY .guests :of Mr.' and . Mrs. Frank :Hardy. Mrs. Warner McRoberts _spent last Saturday with her slater,. Mrs, Mae Larriond .and family of Cromarty and bad att Sunday cgtrleeeartay.,Alr. and Alm Theron Mr. and Mrs. W. W Garrett .and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman, .weee Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson, :of Saints - bury, and attended .anniversary services at St. Patrick's Church, .0ther Luc,a.nites attending the .serytee included Mrs. Will Dick- ens and Mr. And Mrs, Maurice McDonald and family, Twenty-five members of his family and friends celebrated Mr. Frank Hardy's birthday at his home last week, Arena Activities By HAROLD RIBSON It started something 'like this: Someone was buying Jack Ready a coffee -Jack had won the toss. During a lull in the conversation (hockey was the topic) Jack, tanning one of the many paperg supplied by Joe Hay for the "Coffee Club", no- ticed an excerpt- wherein Howie Meeker had suggested playing his Leafs in an exhibition game in the London arena. So right away johnnie boy called Ribson to Inquire if he had noticed it. He hadn't! He' e too busy to read papers). Heavever, it did start the wheels in motion, A hurried call was placed to Howie's To- ronto residence. Result?, Mr. Meeker has promised to bring the Maple Leafs to Lucan some time this Season! October 5 and 6 will bring two outstanding programs featuring Dr. Thurnace York, to Lucille Arena. Dr. York, former presi- dent of a university in the state of California, has just returned from a world-wide tour, -having preached in 33 countries includ- ing the Land. Heis a man of lightning speech, comparable to Billy Graham, with exception- al artistic and musical abilities Mr se York will accompanrher husband and being an accomp- lished vocalist and pianist, will provide unusual support while Dr. York spell -binds his audi- ence with hig unique chalk draw- ings. This it a must on your calen- dar. Don't mise it! It'seSaturdaY, October 5, with Pentecostal Holi- ness Church uniting with Holy Trinity Church at 8 pen, . Another added attraction on this same evening will be a trumpet irio, provided by the London Gospel Temple, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. A similar service will take place in the P'entecostal Holi- ,ness Church, 11 a.rn:, Sunday. Lean's Drama Club is off with a bang! An enrolment of 30 members and an excellent exec- utive assure you of the best in entertainment in November, with their initial big performance, an, other 3 -act musical comedy. • Mr. Deering, the artistic di- rector of London's Little Thea- tre, attended the last meeting and has offered his assistance. Letter From • Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Mr. Jim Jones of the West was a recent visitor with Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Allison. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Morley re turned home after a inonth's trip to the west coast. , Mr. and Mrs. ]'red Fenton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Banting of Lucan -.Tuesday evening, Confirmation will be held in St. Marys Church, October 6 at 11 o'clock with Bishop W. A. Townsend of Lonclori taking the service with special music by the choirs of the three churches, Mrs. Bertha Hodgins of Green- way is visiting with her daugh- tee, Mrs. Aaron Scott. A number of this commutity attended the re -opening Of the United Church in Ailsa Craig last Silnday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Trevethick of London spent a few days with Mrs. Ruth Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevethick, Mr. • and Mrs. Bob Coldtidge and children of London spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton, Mrs, Richard is spending some time With her granddaughter, Mrs. Edward Dixon,, at Sudbury! Quite a number frona the an- regation of Brinsley United Chureh a tt en d ed annivertary ervices at Crediton where Rev, Lawrence Turner, a former 'po- or of this community, was guest speaker. I Mr. and • Mrs. Bender and Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd Of London spent Sunday with Mr. •and Mr. Call Ell. Wood. 4 • Mrs, Warner McRoberts at -:- tended the .dinner and etaioless .steel demonstration at the :home of Mrs. Mervin Carter last Fri, day, Gnats with Mr, and Mrs. Lea , :Kennedy for the . weekend were Mr. and 14rs. Ligistone and Oil- dren from ..ce , . g „, Mr. and. Mrs. Alf Dicigins of London were weekend guests. _of mr. and mrs, Beh- Coleman and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson of :SaintaburY who have just return- ed from .t4 nitietWe meter tip to the West, were Sunday guests. : Loden pigeons won g nutnber -- of prizes at the Western Fair, Mr. Bob Kingwell of Columbus; Ohio, was guest ot Mr -and Mrs, Brownlee and Institute At Birr . Hears Girl Guide Mrs. Reuben Hall was hostess fort e hierr September r. Illut!teotilitale.0 d seu sed he motto: "There If no map of ,, the road to success Myoiuss InGursatceliLndeggyougraveowan travel °tette and showed pictUres and bsooureveenilarsEoTfigihaenrd.trip. as a Girl Guide)... to the Boy Scout Jun, Donatione were voted to the C.N.I.B. sand to the 4-H Club sPonsOrtid bY the institute for thp Perelecyt'431;s1,VHorakrioned HwoitdhginWsooJir,.; panedroMoral. Siteeymansottr White. family, •Dr. and MrsJack Dewey, of Florida, spent a few days last week with Mr. Wee, Itevington and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dupius spent last weekend in Oil Springs the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Moran, Mr, Harold Brooke, of London, is speeding a few do's with 1Vfrs. Thomas Brooke and Mrs. Ron. Aid Coleman, also of London, Was it weekend guest, Mr, and Mrs, C. F. Patrick and family, ef Sarnia, were week- end guests ef Mr. and Mrs, Mel Culbert, Corp. and Mrs. Frank Purling - ton and Mr, and Mrs, Bud Cooper were Saturday guests 0f Mrs. Jean Jimmo, prior to the former couple leaving for McDonald air- port. ManitOba. Mrk, Harry Atkinson, of Lon- don, is spendihg le few days with Mrs. Harold Corbett, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Haas and daughter, Mrs, Thomas maurin and granddaughter, Mary, of Buffalo, were Wednesday and Thursday guests of M. and Mrs. A. M, Redden, the letter accom- panying them to Exeter Fair on Thursday. Guests a Friday evening included Mr. and Mrs, Eher Hedden and daughter Carole, of London and Mrs. Ella Redder', of Exeter. Miss Heleo Hodgins, oe Lon- don, was a guest last Sundgy with Mr, and Mre..Tamee Hodgins and Mrs. Bernice Rude was A Wed- nesday guest. Mrs, Lewis Tebbutt of Seaferth was a Wednesday guest of Mr, and grebe Casey, Mi.se Rose Marie Robb of De- troit spent the weekend with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb, Elginfold. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Robb at- tended the ferterat of their cous- in's wife, Mrs. Ernest McTavish in London on Tite,sclay, Last week, bad luck hit the Les Woodward workship for Mr, Woodward ren an electric drill into his left hand and his em- ployee, Mr. Art Deer had , the miseortune to cut off the middle finger of his left hand. Mr, Earle Carling who has been working at Edgar, Ont., Was home on Friday and flew back to Quebec on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Joint Campbell, of Riverside, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Who held a family gathering last Saturday evening. Beginning last Friday after- noon and continuing through till Saturday. Mrs, Murray Hodgins attended a workshoP at First - St. Andrews' United Church, Lon- don, for Christian Education Workers from the London and Hamilton conference and stayed overnight with her sister, Miss Meryl Law, e Mr. George Strasser, Joey Hod- gins and Peggy Stream* were weekend guests of Mr. emi Mrs, Ralph Strassereat their attage at Port Franks. 1— - - 1111A-WIDENTIOR SMALL ErAmmo emmoso• 1 1 1 1 1 • YOU'RE COVERED EITHER WAY WITH "80-20' AUTO INSURANCE tinder this pblicy, you pay only 20¢ of each $1.00 011 the nest . $250 of each lost. Aboite that amount, State Farm pays every- thing. Call today Mr -full information. L Mit PAM lat2oyi to knov,yoor STATE FARM Agent," • C. E. ROBB INSURANCE f • Phone 254,22 • , Lucan 4000 llll lll 0 tttttt 000 llllll 000000 Dobbs . For Dodge! _ 'You have a choice of 6 new 1957 •cars at reduced = prices even though anticipation /is advance in 1958 I. prices, OR A fine choice of some good used cars wen worth the money! i 4 '55 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDANS (2), each,, $1,695' '54 DODGE SEDAN, fully automatic, radio—. $1,795 '53 •PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN llll , l $1,195 '53 DODGE 4 DOOR °SEDAN llllll l . llll $1,245 '52 DODGE 4 DOOR SEDAN ,,,--„.. llll ;.,:, I; 995 i '52 CHEVROLET 2 1:10OR COAC11 $ 945 '51 MONARCH 4 DOOR SEDAN, low mileage $ 845 The above cart will past our SAFETY CHECKUP! 1 Exeter Motor Sales Friel Dobbi, Prep. PKONE 200 .NIGHTS 7624, er 769-M ;N001110)4111 ll 001 l 010111 ttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttt ttt tt ttt tt tttttt III tt 0010010001110101000000 t 001010 tt 010014; lelleteLetelelOWILMMEieneetteeElgeoeSeleintelieleteLMM .0 GUARANTEED I INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 19 kkhenond Street West, Toronto Ntnpire 34043 44 Jones Street St, eatherinei Mutual Sol4i10 .42t Ikkirnand Strew, Loncloni Ontario, 44716 stletteteEstMeNeeMBIELIERBummustelLeterAanglueevmssammeeeaseeseesesmagteaftegge~agerketrotaramese,