HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-26, Page 1101. J 1 (11 airs Are 1ntegr FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE ..,FOR :RENT TOYS? 'TOYS! Beaverel Barlement ToYtowit Is opea all year round.. Gate for children.* partiee. birth- - etc. for -.all .ages. • Reavera rd are. litta tfetaltORN IMILLV;TS, with niee egg elze. A 1.011.1 buy at' 33.00 each. A tut rewe PP It I try ?AIM, 11.11. • ..ea.forth, phone 647-r-3 Sea. (malt, 212:1 9:2(i V.TL11:.1-11 (domestic.), Fairbanktt- Ziorse, eontplele„WItit oil eoul•rois and hat. meter, .ApnlY Guenther la eldlPg,„ Woke. :26 :6 DRAIN TILE inch ; 55 per Al Deed Inch — . 85 per At r)ei'd thee. 110 per 10, Del'd men 11" liel'd inch 175 per Al nerd Y's and Elbows to Stock -Prices for 10 12" and 14" on Retreat ,RYDA14.1 BRICK AND TILE Elgintield Phone ,193 Lticall tfn 13OYS 1liT, blue, lo fit 10-12 Years:/ beowit ,hoys' snit, size 8; ladies' all -weal her, beige, nize 13; boys' fawn gaha.raine coat and hat, size 6; boys' navy blue reefer ' coat and cap, size 2; ladles' grey 'n• pie atilt, size is ladles' mauve Prove dress, size ID, uever been worn, May be leen at BrarlY Cleaners. HANDWORK — Quantity of new 14 hatch quilt thee, creehet work, knitted socks amt. 'needle work of all. kinds: pillow cases made to order. 111es. George Lawrence, 17 Main it., :Exeter, 1012fic 11.111PRIGERATOR, .AdmIral, only 4 caroc1, APPlY B, Taylor, Exeter, phone 426-11, „. 211:3n 'fa GIRLS' WINTER 01:TE7T, "Tattle Nug.gol.", 1-p1ece, eize 8, wine all - wool, grey fur trim, lined. Mack - type leggings, excellent condition, May he seen at Brady Cleanere. BOYS' STATION COAT, winter, brown mereerized gabardine, size 111 to 12, gold quilted lining', escellent •conditIon. lIlay bc seen Al Brady Cleattere. la;26c (311, SP.ACPI HEATER, large SNP, 1)116 T1l01`.11l, With otrettlating fan. Jud Pyisentan, 11,T1., 1. Centralia. Plinne Eirktoo ae-r-11, 2finc 54 OVIEV SEDAN, In. reol good condition. Phone 41-1-1 Pashwonel. 26* SPACE HEATER, large, eomplete with fart, 5 gal, oil lents anti • Pilife, In allnoStnew condition. Phone 14-9 EirItton, Airs. .Garnet Miners, WInehelsea, Opt. eft*. Gl AVIN',VE OUTFIT, w 3-Tilece. with ea•ey far trim, size , ON. May be seep at :Brady Clean. I ere. •1`.....*••••• PCB:NIPS —Maurice Spettytle, No, 1 4 Highway, vouth of Exeter. near ' Catholic Cherch, phone 7211-.1.2 I :Exeter. 26", CI -1 EST ERS'l EILD 01. r 6 -i1e.u,i In gbod Condition. Phone 14 ; 26o ; 142814""' MARIO, quiet, sound, reliable. .Ap. Ply Gordon Hamilton, phone 6.73- 1 2 Hensel!. 26:3* •, , ' 6 HOLSTIGiN HEIFERS, 2 years old, lii kali' 5 to 8 months, vac- I .eipated. Gordon Erb, 11./1. 7,10- I 1011, Box 142, phone 70-r-7. aft* t 17' laratlY, "Reliable", grer; an be eoltverted into stroller, in excellent condition, Privet 810,00. APPIY to Aire. C. Flrord, Phone I 26 Ifensall. 26e., . . . 111L'S 1V.INT le R. COAT, . win e, grey imitation fur 'trim, ;dee 9- 10; grey bat to match, Apply Airs, .1-larvey Ilytie, phone Exeter 43:1-r. at, 2 '* 11114,E; Marlin 32.40 repeater.. guaranteed; also 20 rounds or aim-tit/ninon, Pbone' 670-r-13 :Ran- i sail, Catmpbett IGYre, .2.6* LADY'S WINTE3 COAT, glee 18, teal blue, worn ooe season.. May be seen' at Brady Cleaners. 26r* T6Ort OIL TANK trucks or used eonstrnetion Iliacbinery, contact Giffen Truck Equipment Limited, .7.00se street, Willowdale, 26c MON CUTTING BON with hay and straw attachments, in A-1 condition. Apply Reg'. Hodgson, Centralia. 2fic, SCGAR 'Br8r8T T.IFTER„ Pear - born, 3 -point hitch. afac atae- Neughton, Clandeboye, :Lot 38, Cone, 1 Biddulph, phone liderion 76.r-1 2, • ; " • Vic. STO VT4, Mo rat with oven, 6 .years °lel, 'Mope 200 Ex-, 26* A PAII.T1111(IN'T, private entrance. utilitiee paid, Available October 1. Illone 480.W liseteb PI' apply 33 Huron St. S. 5tft: a WOODS 7011JEFIRS, single unit, APPly 1,a,vernet Rodd, Woodlutm phone. Firieton, 22-r-14. 26c ttlXVD 111t WQ0.1) Gnrcion• Ratz,. phone 1.01.r-3 laamhwood. 260 GARDEN' T R A C. T 0 R, 5 -horse, It.alking, with all the implements. Apply A•rathie Noalree, 'Hensel], after 5 P.M 260 , GIRL'S WWTER COAT, grey, with red. trim, FO.7•R 12: girl's wool dress, light check, 'wine 'Velvet trim, size 111 or 12; both in real good • conditioe. -Call' be soil) at Cleanera, Stephen, 'Exeter 16.11, :240 GOOD HE'EUEFORD STOCKERS. It Steers and 1 heifer. Apply Earl Oatz, phone 165-r-5 DashWood. 26c 50 PULLETS, 'Tied and Thick, 5 months old, ready, to lay, 31.75 each, Phone 214-I Dashwood. 2,6c 'cooF STOVE, in good condition. Apply Donald Davey, phone .626- W-4 Exeter, 28* Save $250!! ,PAR alLia , Ad/Stairs. a bright rooms and bath. $.4 monthly, un- furnished, for bnettelot, or bust. noes couple. No Children please. because of .office below. Alint5' 7. W. 'Wein, phone 7 days, .36 ,even 291,fe, garter The TitlieS-AtiVotate, 1SptSrnb et In The ace MPLOYMENT REAP, ESTATE record plaYer and radio combines.. STRAYED EQUIPMENT FUR RENT , chairtil roeleing chairs: odd citerre; WAA n HOMES 40: o SENVIN1E MACHINES Electric; '0011; 4,Ahif.t; xpw., portallea, by Ole week, Harper.. Ing trititelline: sewing Cabinet: end p1:0),„'W 2-Y 16-OIT0'H.E1/,11117 L— BOY. age 14, leettlid 1 01414el'eU4Y /*CHI"' clatlf1P15e.. tea.1.11.reo; nabgfile Mt:11tP1:: %flit itartn111;ze..: tkatit)(;eltetrnirri,Istle:(.01 19)40127„10bY0,3f0T0v0.10n;g' 4-1;intli),PidrtYleatotr!, Ad"rate* • ..„ FOUND rAarivexexy 11e14t pakt.teaTtli. risbrep Hardware. . PERSONAL - FAS Floor Sanders wall lainPl 2 chest or drawere; 1,„.1).,,I,1,.,',,R;Tg.1',. 1,-,1“eLer" '911"c Patil" 14 1 1 rock -, ..$000i tvitatnnt; ,book •"""'" ""'"*'' 11;10:26c , rase.: C... It Pkard tiara( Edgers, Flo' or Poll010re abbedasA. is.t Tri ign:gsSAeaend-mMaatrst- : tISCOLANEOLS-' . icVarmns CleaneraTO010, Vac. dishea: or»aments: eltrie fan: . kitchen ulensils; Clare Jewel cook .014,431.111tS Ilalt011a11.10, le4e.ter EVEN',VIDE. 'VILLA, , PI% OCA COAIIIINVPION rftEESIO, elk 111.1PRIOSI.11A.TOO. Regtilar 3549,05 • We've slashed the pelc to lear 11 out • before we roo've to our new qua.rters. ' • ONLY 111300.00: Snelgrove's Phone 18 • lase! er .2 6c APARTMENT, on front or alain St., and *mall house, street floor.. 'Mayfair Bakery, Itlx et e r, phone 52. littfo APATV.PMENT, eompletely tnrnisit-; ed, glean, bright, 6 rooms, oil heated, hot este cold w.aaen on tap, mepar.ate entranee; no pets. ; Phone 400-'W evenings Or aPOlY 169 Witilant St., Exeter. 10*ter , 4 el1.00At APARTMENT, vestal'', I beared, with bath, all. entities Paid, with stove, frig' and wash - ing machine supplied. APPLY at :Ford's Ai e It Wear. Exeter, or pitopal 691-r-5 liensall, Collect, I :tette; 1.14 ST 0 1662 Y HOUSE,' furnace, I kitehen euoboartio, running -water. 1V miles weat ot 11 11, IOSt off IlIghway 8.4, Apply Clifford Wel- do, phone 88.r-22 Zurieh. 11:26;3004 STORE on ltThfin Stret, opposite the Poat Offiee. Available Oct. 1. Apply at Times -A elvoeate, 9:10tre , HOTISE—In the Village of Grand Bend, on lake shore road. Avail- able November 3. Apply to Darold Jackson, 'Seaforth, phone 474, 1912fic HOLSTEIN MI:FiR CALVES—G, 9 a. noiv, Phone 83 1186te1'. 206 . „ APARTMENT. above Goalte& jory LADIES' WINTER COAT, 1,08.e store. Apply T. 0, Southoott. Iltfc Owe 16-18. '114ay •he seen at Brady. Cleaners. , 26e, A:PAM:OW:ENT. ground floor, on- , foinishe.d. heated, hot 'and cold 400, PULLETS, ' laying 511%. 6 teeter, built -In cupboards, use of Months old, APP13' bfra Howell, 1 an n d r y for washing, private Penfield. 36* entrance, Blateliford Ante. 26* 'al 1111111111111111/1111,111111111Millilitil 00000000 i 000000000 I o II 0000000000 ill 000000000000000000000 1ommosmi tttttttt 0 ttttttt 4 ttt ter. 1 • - . ,i . i , g FOR RENT OPPORTl.INITY. . THIS AREA , Canadian Company operiiting 011 nrutionni nchie lilts hunted - 'site Opening% for aintsitious men or women in manag'e local husitiehrs dealing' with Monte of Canada's iltrirest chain 8t05e61 ean he handled In spare hours n.t start Ag desi,reds honesty 71/1111 de1ea4ahili1y 'more Iniportant than MLitt tXrertenee• Our 'Thera' flannel/0 ansIstance eharilem%rnpid expansion. Thia 141 a horsiness on a high plane. for Malt type men or woMen of Character only. . APPLICAN7L'S MUST MAVE APpItOX. 11.700.00 • (Which is.seesseed). and good .riferencers. These oPeltingn will pay you (11.4'ept60n8ll2' high monthly temente immediately, and rapidly inerease Rs business expands. Prefer applicants 'as- piring eirrnin gm iroin $10,000 io $90,000 yearly. Nn, Alit* pressure loos wanted nos NO S'F11.1.ING. required. jt ton ran nustlifY tatitt %sore necessary mush, w.eltp iodai wiring Phone number. Am, particulars for local. inteerieW. Writes Manager, 0, Ilex, No. 1211. Steam(' 13. Montreal. Quebec., fer tt 1.1111111 tt ttt APARTMENT, 2 -itedroom, self- contained, unptrnishert, unheated; 3 -room apart rn 0 0 1, fureisbed, beater], a v a, liable now; etore, 218.111 St., 1.1,x40., hated. available November 1. ;John Ward Apts., ttenly We. Gladys Henry, phone 348, 26* 2 APARTMENTS, first'tloar, fur-, nisherl, freshly decorated, steam heated, suitable for tAVQ, people. available October 1, Phone 135 Exeter; • . 26e 5-1100M 16083523, In Centralia. Ask or apply at 136 William. St, 1.01141On, 01` I/11088 7-2772. Mk; APARTMENT, 3- or 4 -room part- . •ly furnished, 'upstairs, 3eoleee bath, sink and •cupboards, in kit- chen, hot and cold water. Phone 257-W or apply 59 'Huron St. W. 20* HOUSE ready to he oc,cunied 'get. 1. Amity 110 Main St, • or phone 286 Exeter. 20c 4-160011.8 .APATITMENT, In farm home in Exeter district, reason- able. rent. Apply .Ren Eider, 3)11011e 883-r-14 Hensall. 20c 'REAL ESTATE $4.000 .C.A811 will give ;roar p06 - Session of modern one-StoreY bedroom hemp. Attacited 418.041.8.0. Beautifully finished leltelien and bal.hromn. Oil beated. Rata nee ,of purchase price on liberal terms. 13,000 CASH—possession of 4-bea- r0om brielt. Good ltiteben zne bethrooin. Nice toteement with 4100d furnaee, (2a1'41410 Easy terma on balance of moderate porehase price. APARTMENT It0I'SE — centrally located, 4 cOmPletely turoislied, self-contained apartments. This no 011 heated loacie with every- thing In the best of repair throughout, Will provide com- fortable borne and inCOrne. APARTMENT 1101"S86—ge04 loca- tion, 5 apartments, oil heated, Offered at a TerY low ,price. CieVrIlAI TA 3 bedroom house. Approximately aere or land and barn. Hydro. Place 32,300,00. mom. 100 ACRES —VAC110.3ntralia' district, close, to- highway and school. Goo(1 barn and eomfortable Hydro. Productive ela,y loam. Pricer 3,10,500.00, Liberal terms. 200 ACRES—EIPPen district, level clay loam. Hydro in house arid barn. Good water suPPIY. Price 312,00010. 100 ACRES—Exeter, large brink house and large barn on natl. :iRneittacl. Besto8land, ,alydro, Moderately To buy nr sell see C. V, Pickard, Realtor & General Toeurance, 3114 Main St., Exeter, Pliones 105 and 628, arl et to FARM, in Hay Township, on, 84 Highway, of 125 acree of eholee land, • consisting of a 9-roorn frame borne, with modern icitehen with bullt-In cupboards. Has rock well with both bot and cold water 'on tap. Has two pressui eystems -with both hard ama sort water in tap throughout -buildings. Has double garage. hen house and Pig pen. Ninety-five acres under eultivation, 0838.1100 In bush and pasture. Apply 'Urban Du- el -tame, 3 miles west of Hensel). ;tette 3-BEOR4009,1 HOME, 'ne'a.rly new, full cereal 'basement, oil, furnace, hardwood floors; east side of Ea.- etem. clone to schools, R. E. Balk - will, 47 John St. East. Exeter, !phone 69-7. lltfe NEW HOUSE nearing completion. leorcea air oil heating.. Nice loca- tion. Reasonable price'. APplY 10 Tom Walker, Nelson St., phone 553. Stfc 1 FLOOR, instil brie, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kitchen, full cellar, furnace, hot water tank, central. lotion, • FRAME 130175E, 3 -bedroom, hytini, bath, oil heat. 1 -STOREY HOUSE, new fuenaee, 3 - Pleats bath. new roof, garage. RUG PRICK HOUSE, 6 -room, in very convenient shippingoetttre, bath, hot and •cold water, eash deal, quo* Pesaession. lStfc APARTMENT HOUSE, MI furnace heat. separate entrances and bath- room*. Good invest ro ont. Good dwelling; 3 bedrooms, bathroom 120 - stairs; living room, 'dining room, den, kitchen, main floor; furnace,. 25tfc HIC.HWAY 100 AertF,S, brick house, large barns. silo. drive - shed; 315,000. S T PH Ell 1 0 0 ACRES, brick house, has conveniences, large 1- 8128.618 barns with good stabling, litter carrier, FRAME HOUSE, 3-betiroe01, (11 good condition,less than bait e.ash, balance by month like rent. 'Why rent? 9112tIc IWrite, phone or come. W.• C. Pearce, Realtor. • Exeter, phone 4354 E8.11 Pareons. phone 507, Fred Cole, Phone.536-w. Salesmen. • 11tfe FIRAall; HOUSE, 7 -room, 3 bed- rooms up with 3-611e0e bath; 1 'bedroom or den and 2-plece bath down; hardwood floors down; oil heat; adjacent to schools. Apply 234 Andrew St, 12:191260 100 ACRE PiA11111%/riear Exeter. good,. bonding with hydro and beat or Iarid, Apply to S. Willis, 895 ;William St., Exeter. 26c 3 -BEDROOM H.OME Large living room, kitchen; corn- plete bath, partly furnished heats- 1 ment, oil furnace, well insulated, I situated on large lot. .A.n excellent buy at 310,500, 1:00 ACRES Steel barn, 40%45; ela,y loam, .plentiful sttpply ot water; $,7,00-- - $2,000 down, We have a fine selection of 2- 8*11(1 3 -bedroom homes and 50-250 acre farms. For appointment to view any of these properties con- tact. ' 1). M. JAcicsoN Real Entatc Phone 35 Grand Bend, KM, GAISER, Phone 164-r-14 AGENT Dashwood • 26e Floor Covering SALE! GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM BY THE YARD 2 Yds Wide, Reg. $1.90 SALE $1.39 Running Yd. $ Yds. Wide; Reg. $2.$5 SALE $2,00 Running Yd, 4 Yds Wide, Reg. $4.50 SALE $2.95. Running Yd.. 27" Hall Runners, Reg. 79¢ SALE 350- Running Yd, 16" Hall Runners, Reg. 950 SALE 65r, Running Yd. 2 ONLY GOLD' SEAL CONGOLEUM RUGS 9x7½ -Ft. Regular $0,25 ON SALE AT $5.05 Congoleun, Remnents et Greatly Reduced Prices. DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM — Marbalisect Design 1 Yds Wide, Reg. $3.70 SALE.$2.7S Running Yd. KURLY.. TWIST MATS 24x45" Reg. $6.75 SALE PRICE $4.95 3O"x6O' R,g, 59.95, SALE PRICE 035 ALL4WOOL 'BROADLOOM MATS 23x45 Reg. 54,95 SALE PRICE $3.95 SPECIAL — 100 PERCENT ALL VISCOSE MATS Plain had, latex backS, Completely Washable 24c45$398 36x60 $6.95 ••. ENGLISH ,WOOL AXMiNSTER MATS .„..„— tttttt 2'x51 tt tt I t Vi Is $6.95 See Our Compleft Stock of Fall Arid Winter Ladies' Wear, Children's Weir, Menlit Weer and Dry Goods A4, 0 .PHONE'190 ' • May &Son Ex.,. 1 Guaranty Trust BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .1., A IICIIAL 1011 CREAM deliveey nerviee and, mantifaeturing plant In thriving enmmunity. This is a • well establIalied business and e110 be perchased as a complete petal). Mshment with quarters or (11 pareel. ir intereated in getting Into business for YOttrOelt 4.011tA1t. LOWI1Pr illirlierltatPly as he. has other intereets. Phone 2213 zurleh or apply in person to Charles P. ilay or :Francis lelpfer.t , 811...1.11T YOUR CAREER. in the exciting eostnetle hus netts a v n representative, • I s an opportunities for arhaneetnent 31 x el ti sloe territorles open 111 South Recoil rural eeetione. Pleaee svelte Mrs. L. Green, Hanover, (mt. orie . HE NS ALL • 3-23edroom frame home, immacu- late, modern kitchen and bath, new oll beating unit, 'Well 'worth Yotir inspection, HENSALL. One of Hensall'a firkest homes, modern 3 -bedroom brick house, exoeptionally well decorated — a real opportunity to acquire a line home. 4 • HE:OSA:LTA 2 -Bedroom brick house, modern kitchen, good state of repair, new furnace. • HENSALL 2 -Bedroom brick 'hoes% netv hot water oil heating unit, hardwood Deers up, and down. good state: of repair with 9 -bar garage, priced for immediate sale. 3 -bedroom home on hIghway, In- sul Brick. bath•ami•converted nil furnace. Good sized lot, loW taxes, Ideal for retired couple — priced to sell with terms. HEN:SALL Untolual onnortunity te acquire a, 2 -storey brick commercial proper- ty; choice eentral loention for office or store, containing large vault with. space for living mar- te.re above, Present tenant -Bank of Montreal. Priced for quiets sale. 9126tre We have additional 08 town And farm properties avail- able for your consideratioft. Ontario, by the 1201 da.y et Oc- TENDER$ WANTED Stove: high cite baby stralter: ' children'e roeiting rimier; belly bYeetide a 110111r far elder- , . ly .ettiZerte, l61011' 11J80.11 a SALE AND IthIMOVAL $>C81001., Tentlers will be received by the undersigned uotil Saturday, 'Oc- tober 12, 1957, for sale and re- movel of a brick 601)001 house. ( foundatioir and stepe from school ' 01 S.S. No. 1 ,118Y, *situated on . the Blue Witter Highway No. 21, 5 miles north of Grand Rood. Cash or oheque for Madding to aecompany tender, Also a marked ehenue for 3126 to ageompao.v tender as guarantee tha,1 eontract will be earried out to the Board's satiefaetion, (Memo w111 be re- turnea then. Time limit for remoVal will be June 1, 1958. For further information con- tact the Secretary. 18. W. 11110EIGNSHIRE, • Secretary -Treasurer • Hay Township Sehool Area, Zurich, Ont. letatic CART:TAN Telt & OPERATOR OF HENSALL AIRIeNA Tenders tn ;pp in the- bande nf the Secretary"not latee- than Oe. - totter 15, 1957. Dunes to (em- inence on or before November 1, teal'. Lowest nr .any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. MoNAIIGHTON. Secretary -Treasurer '26:3:100 SaR*VICE(4 . • CUSTOM BP.IAN COAIBINING—AP- Ply Norm 'Whiting, phone 653-1V evenings. 20tfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangemtote can be ma,de. Bill Watson, Dashwood, Phone 35-r- , Otte DEAD STOCK: Picked. up proMpt- ly in sanitary trucks. Small eharge made for animals muter 400 lbs. total. Thone cellect; *ler 287. -Williant Stone Sons, binitted, 'Ingerso 11, 0:5-11:2S 'CARPENTRY 1VORK,.roofing and siding. repairs and additions. Ap- ply Arthur :Day, :46 GidleY St, 9•1-10"?:$ NOW IS THE TIME to have your aeptio tanks pumped out. Phone Butler Bros., 130-W or 108 Lucan. 9:12-11:21* NOTICES TO CREDITORS r)1,1,8iTif Wall eland; baby letteg9: guitar mut eame: lawn table; 2 tawn 411411(61 antlemete,a ,, wl •other entities. NOTII: This is it large sale and will start silarll 011 illne• The p01111141oclUturnent and nds. eellaneous 11012)6 will be amid at 13:30 at the barns. 2 b °cot 60 22(0 of the post orrice. The eemaituler of the sale will be held at the house. TT233%2124:canh. ALVIN 'W. ElartS14elcia, Prop, • L. 0:1.(N.A.1.1614T0N and nr,fl'r HO irras, ,rterlt lar) .0011.111M, Attatalletn, In the Estate of Harry August Trick, also known as - Henry August Trick, deceased. All p e r So n s • liaving claims against the estate of .alarry M1- 411151 Trick, late of the Township of Bosanquet in the Comity of Lainbton, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 17th day of July 1957, are required to file Partienlars of same with Bell & gliton. Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 28111 day of Sep- tember. 1157, after which date the estate will be distributed ha.v 1 ng regard only to those clahns of which notice hae been received, Bell & Laughttin, Scateitors for the"Executrix, Exeter, • Ontario. In the Estate of 'Carl Oliver Bicei, d'eceased. • All persons hay g cleims against the estate of Carl Oliver Btce., late of the Township of afateelllivray, in the County of Middlesex, Farmer who died Oil or about ' the 010 'day of August 1 95 7, are t•equIred to file par- , tiettlars of same witit„. & Iatughton, Solicit ora (Yr Exeter, Clearing AUCTION SALE , Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the. PrPITVISPS, 11 S161064 St., 1 Block East of Graham A.rthur's -Garage, 10 the TO WS EXETE The Undersigned .Auetioneer Is Iftstructea to sell by Ptiblic Atte- tion on • Frten.t 'V, OCTOBle0 4, 1057 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. 3apie0e chesteefield suite; 501111 walnut: (lining room table with , mateaing eimire and beffet, in pew condition; 3 oak eentrP taMes, varines sizes; eombination writing desk and book came; chime. clork; 2 large mirrors; runall 'entre, tablee: elect r ic lamps; Tata", exia; Dominion Piano, aparttnent. size, Illte 'low; hook raek; round top nite, 0000) table, 6 chairel 'wardrobe: an- tique furniture; settee and ((hairs; electric heater: 3 oak. complete bedroom /mites; 2 fancy toilet sets; 2 wicker chairs': fern Mend; eongeleunt tome; 2-0110ner heavY duty (electeic range; steel bed, eprine,'s and mat treee: kitehen eupboard; earpet sweeper; VANIUM elPaner: nOgerS •eabInet: electric radio; alcCiary medium. atze re- f ri,gerator, rte w dee ; kitchen table and chairs; electrie washer; large assort m 0 t of Taney and antique dishe,s; glass- ware; c I n a lv e: ellverwa r e ; quilts; comrortees; linens; 'meta: nen 1 e ra, creeks and Ititelten uten- sils; tubs and stane: lawn inoweri garden, tools; ladders; anarditY 08 hard wood; many artioles too nut/teems tn mention. No 'Reserve. TIMM S Cash, lina A r„. f31101111Threr.C. Prop, GARNET IIICES, Clerk AININ WALOkIllta Auctioneer tag:Ile Guaranty Trust Realtor , 11.. pA.Tuirt5tON Phone 51, :Hensel' afittc :BUILDING- LOT, 71>x128', one block from Nein St. Cement block building, 30 60' at bark end 08 lot. Best otter, 'Apply Eric Hee- wood, pltbhe 649 Exeter. 15tte PROPERTY — Approximately ali acres of land hi village of Zurieh, nit which Is loCated ' an insul briefs 3-bed000to house with 3 - Piece bath and oil Itteting, 0*' 1110)11 biotic building, 26'x68, pre- Sently hout ing inamiteeturing plaet at 330.00 per 11101011 rent, and 1111 allanlottin eovered frame abed, 2.0':e.30`, Icor (inlets Sale at very reksonable pr)ee ewner has other interests. Contort Chas. D. Hay, &Well. 9.01tte HELPWANTED wm,rrtE8sts_Aopy utiriciey stands; 12 ft. section of neste; - Poste; steel poete; circular aatV; tober next, after, which Mite the estate wal ,be distributed having regard only le •those claims (if which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Sollettore for the Achninisthator, EXETER - Ontario. 26130,0 , AUCTION 'SALES ...,•••••••••••••omm. AUCTION SALE Household Effects, Farm Machinery, Poultry Equipment and Miscellaneous items IN' THE VILLAGE' OE HIGNSALL SATtennAl", rt I 1. 2130 p.m, Sharp Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects arid Miscellaneous Items On the Peemisee, tot 54, Main St. io the VILLAGE OF DASFIWOOD Secona,l4oese 'Etaet of lavan egl feel Church • The Undersigned Auetioneer in .Instructed to sell by Publie AAM - tion ' sxrunn.tv, ocronnn 3,, 1057 at 1 p.m. Sharp TtE.71'.. ESTATE,: Consteling of Lot 54, Main Street, 90x1 1413 Plan 33, on wittch is sltaated well-built 2 -storey white brick dwelling. Main floor consists of 'living and tliniog room, hethroom, bedroom, large kitchen and utility room. Small woodsiTed. Secood floor, 3 bedrooms, large elothes clostet and storage , room. basement, part of which could be used for recreation room. Nen-ly Metalled oil furnace and water pressure eystem. This Is an ideal home. beautiful lawns 'With atimie garden land. If Interested, ,convInce yourself bv inspecting this property be- fore day or pale. Terme of Peat Estate: 104'6 on day of sale, lia.litnee in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable rP. 501(0* not previously sold. HOUSEI.101,I1 EFFECTS; 3-plece chesterfield, 'like new• rolled top extension table; 6 Xining room chairs to Tnateh; buffet; various oak centre tables; t e 11 061 e table; 3 oak rockerat :Marconi electric radio; electric lamps; Slanders St , le:Teter. The Villa. is, 11 1111 00 the management of Mrs. le 1 Pets1areline, phone 350 flatter. I 9:12,itC1 The Sonotone.Way WANTED • i For free lbotakirt send Vila; WI* foll,ls jitls_ win :buy any 1, in,d ot 1 acoritoi‘seizi,nt. 041,0:4 /10/1elpot. TsAml.vxmc or elt elia age. ila11 11:4S, Frank ; . , boraes. heavy or light. 1311t3-. sell i We Pox Tto. I London Taylor. Bxet e r. •fx:$6.111•7 !iirixTrore:).18:7.10,..A.1p1001;8ED0xf q r exa,,,(4 U !et Z:00611.1,1 BABY °1!CKS I.C/R, .]5A',E.`6, 26. "14,17,01LERS? Should ,be., 'ordered ' now for twinkler or ra.ter ineloti. 1,11.0"rANser'lleit/11'nrfiv 11.1;,,,Y0. -de; oari snow egg:10s '.1i%11.1g4pinprliilaritteeft:0;rnift'eriose,stv. 1,04E1;7.4" boaer 1.,,,,,gp.ialcogononend uarrna.rtignttgoln0(01)1?;.:zr.-ii.litaetillit,tro,beee:r8 griaivIldf.1011liirsgtieeibolaerlitz. nAF.r7,:acavraz1.1 ;16. ; cadden, Exeter, phone 246-1y. 26o POI`r,T11.1” letalTIPMENT & IS- VELLANEOTIS 111elhoprne egg grading Mechlne; big Dutch- riten autoniatie. feeder; 225 fr. or 160(1111g trough; 000 ft. angle iron trougli n gt range 'feeder with :nerd attran . $:115.0:201, tamale.; rain ehriterm cedar SS 10 bonrh; 20 in, belting; ine. SALES as 81111a171010 'MAN to reP- 00120 b0h0. 200 lb, b00 reseot Singer sowlht4 Mc -011N' („0.4 two 17 hi, wheels anti Wee; Inttil hi tills elletriet, etaill,111'.;" box; egg' beekets, Me. etc, alb% pensi00 04 AtAtIFILNT(111.1' and other articles: 11611.. •A`DPIY Singer Sewing Ata - Of iV1011. "0-rege• evett tritetor, 011 10,0b0. OMV2416 I 2,0., rttbber vit'it Matter hell lights; T.,,k7)}1S:g .11101 10 (lemon. °h'ec sneeederi 7 ft, d(sc; ntrate Ntenley Iforne Products. 2 -furrow, 01011101; 24011MT' Sob letsr intotnialloll write 'Mrs. Carrie Aol/er 1)(01:g11; 3- seetion spring K irk wood, .03 14,AA /0011 81., h0.0. teeth harrowe; 3 -Steelton drag don, ta:5t, harroWS; a-sectiot Oliver Weeder; 'large round oaeg rombination hail 'rack with -mit.- rot.; tapestry rug, 9x10; 2 Small matching rugs; 2 new ceonevieum regs, ax1(11./..; oat go 1 euTTI 1115', 9x12; couch; ebinie *look: Z cedar chests; 3 clothes hampers; kit- chen table; 6 .kiteben chairs; In- ternational Harvester 10 cu. It. refrigertator, used 2. yeare; 2- berner 'heavy dety .1101 plate; kit- chen range; Goblin vacuum cleau. er With all attachments; card. table; Gladi electric ironer; Davis eetling machine; Coffield waeb- ing maehine; 2 toilet sent; 3 com- plete oak hetiroom suttee; steel /tingle bea with springs and Matt- rese: teunkt eltilllog frames: extrtaitts: tlrepeet quilts romfort- eret mats; linens; glaaerrare; sil- verware dishes; electric toaster; full tine of kitchen titensile; croltInole board; flower stande and, •plants: sealers; eroelts; ene- pee boiler; laundry nibs ane stands; Sa.1.18Rge grinder; 'lawn 1110CNter.1 g'arder 1041151 1110)1 rmantity of 'white brleks; 31e2 entels dry hardwood Mahe; kind- ling.; lard can; trimly artieles too nernereme to metttion. ; TE,RMS: Cash, . No reseere, everything' Will be MRS. T1' 1LLTA*M NAT/1111411, Prop. OLEN Olerk ALVIN NVALPEA, Attetinneer 26:3 TTOVAVITCTIalrErt--Ltve 7i1la 14xetar. 14 ft. bobin weed eliraYer . WW1 mom, 1410 ft. Mph preaattre lioae; forage 260 blowee fend pliyer4; bean puller /Menke; garden trector, plough, 111)w0' lawo WANTTIT1—Women I Work Spare l'„1.,/„,"„1,1„11..,imil. 21,1Y1, 1$•";; 11011 1 innantenting bflAnd hours' A 810l10411112 en, eveolligtoittlt-1 '1•11',1;;;;-.' e'01‘6•Pic'd '1;101441;4; 54118.41 rubber fleoritiots, Maity work. food 1"- 1 Yi t ellter.c: wheel 1110101`; Pattie-118MM Vtat Box 10, Sea- 100(8i 'tvA)TR houoTt; bolta; P.0 ft And 2S ft. e•stansion laditor; .)60 block and (arida; lack-A.11-jacic; wA•rommsg may 1.008041, To„, tittlit ladder; rinfilitity buluor: 26t 12 so, fort or oak flooring; hrleldri 1•11"' -°/.1f.,.f.4 811,15,0' forket and altd other an. pops•mtmo,1411, otonfistatit. for. "M". /Walla allel ohs ehlId, W1V F14141-intir• •t•IPPPICTA: 3-plook kgri, modertt eorivaniericoa, sloop 'rho -start told •sutis; 7 • lifers risk • IP The eity StratroM, iVtue dining.rheft Suite; rhifta. IRA "II" Titned.irivocata. 26c 6 throb% chairs; 1tI118.11101141 *.• ou Hear Better ,„,,,rserrer, ttttt tutu. wetturromomarere eumiterierlill I il iiiiill1661001111 iMliilllitillitlillil6 I iiill406,101110% • 1 /fr 414 ../. • *I fa of it 1 dr, i if ,d,‘, ; 0 ,. 'I, :CA. , *,,, ili,if• it - ' ' I • I 7. ' it ii i I *--=- Estate - • AUCTION SALE Of Furniture ant; Residential Property rt.rLsr ortiOnam, 5 • ni 1400 p,m, Vor 11ie Pdate Of 111e lato Mrs, 141158.botli,e1)10115 N011.; 00 Val 'North of Luean, 211121 \Cest r No 4 ITighwar. 64*11(1141 the Sharlork- Manning organ; aludio rourh; odd eltairS; tablert; lampa; green flow. arm! rug; odd rnekrral hood drop Tear table; highboA; hook ease and secretary; dining tal(to amyl chalet; oak library table' odd WAS and dressers; enal and wood entIlt atoVe; enrke hottotn ehatrs; Ditla PlIPAis; \tome 4l11211'6. 11(111111141 and cooking uten- sils. 'Many other ueetill (toms. Pi•operit ro Ive (4410 rot.:1130 van. We will offer subJeet to 1.080000 blil end A-m11i1111m15 or a ale, Ill storey (nant brick hntros hill) Itedrn011la 1111 and 2 ilna'n, lirlag 000111 and dining room. -part bnaement, irentre halt plan, 111,1110 and water. 11.1 la 1161110 Avnitill Make sla I41081 front for retired eouole or someone xvitli a lankily as It la cloaa In aelinol. Verms: i0t:4 tinwn day of Salt ; Intisneo In ail tia.'ye. of:TAV11..3,5: 1*01' rurtber itiTormatiOrt coil - tact: 711(1. 842417084 W. 7,21'I'VIT14I,8, LIT 1.4i:14tb0 Si , Loridort litolleifor for the Saint* ITEL,TON 14. TAY:Clef; tte, $ONS, Atielioceere TiOnden209 :400.0 for cleaner corn—and more ..1••••••• • 2 -Row Mounts quickly d easily on Ford Tricycle ! Trar 4ro • . .171.1714Z44 picks large acreages; 'They're loaded with features for getting' more of the ears, cleaner husking -and less shelling. 1 -ROW Only a few minutes arerequired to mount this picker on Ford tz' Tricycle or 4 -Wheel 48 Tractors, •••• .; 11 ..0, 0',. • lj 1 '1.hrve4:‘J /111- 4 1... iv 0 (1/ Come in and sse how Ford's exclusive 1 i • "Corn Saver" design can help you profit rotor- t-rz. Larry Snider,-; Motors LSMFT '57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 2 -DOOR tt .„.. $2,995 Completely equipped, a beaut. '56 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, a beauty . tt . tt - $2,700 '56 FORD CUSTOM RANCH WAGON ,,...,., $2,350 Automatic. '56 FORD CUSTOM 2 -DOOR $1,950 255 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR1 radio—I think $1,795 I '55 FORD SEDAN, you're robbing me $1,550 '54 FORD SEDAN, above average / $1,400 I '54 METEOR COACH • $1,150 i YOU:re taking money right out of the tills i '51 BUICK SEDAN, a good one $ 695 I s :. I 1 I i 1 I '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 695* '51 FORD COACH $ 695 '51 PONTIAC SEDAN $ 595 '51 DODGE COACH '52 FORD COACH, needs paint job tttt $--`5.95 '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, overdrive $ -.550 '50 OLDSMOBILE .SEDAN, a clean car t . tttt $ '50 DODGE COACH $-"55o '50 'PONTIAC SEDAN '4/50 PONTIAC SEDAN, l'adio $ 495 '50 DODGE SEDANS—Choice of two, each $ 495 '51 HUDSON "PACEMAKER" SEDAN $ 495 '50 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN' ............... $ 495 149 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 395 '50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN ..... ..... $ 195 TRUCKS I '56 FORD T-700 TANDUM DUMP . $6,500 i 155 FORD TANDUM DUMP , $4,995 . I The above trucks can be purchilsed with a job to go tot 457 FORD 1 TON PARCEL DELIVERY V-8 $41000 1 : : , 52 FORD 3 TON DUMP t 550' 1 I . SPECIALS 1 i Tint following 14 -day onit4 win be reduced 140.00_0i -oh 1 I day Until said: THURS. ritIct '52 RIO TANDUM DUMP, bas a job to go to $1,805 1 I : Walk-in body, used very little., TRACTORS '50 ron JURILtt TRACTORsum i I I Step-up, step-dowu transmissioA. i I '51 FORD COMBINt, motor driver), . " .. .,.....,„15G 1 '50 BOMM011ilt llAIX TRACKS Used very little. ' Larry Snider Motors' ford.Monech. PHONE 624 Sales and Service UETER ' 1/41160116111116116610116616MMIMMIM116111616M1166111M11111111111161011611111111011111110611111111ilitat