HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-06-13, Page 3ass. otos w►w 1110ort 3 ..iM WM> r lfr• W• f4 ii +., ( fik'pillt lases Canso a1 -Taigas Cep11s.-.eutherlses them ►a levy ase ts9M1r.sti.g school booms. ►s►0Mdsg Iifreey, Its., u libel I N desire/ by Trustee'; le selabltai s Tosomelp Model School, of wi eb the Conned shall be Tresses., may poops wort Gammas Osbsote talo ' se ta►Ileh. slim awl wills 'retool e31• toms- c,bo$gos to to Into operation at the begonia, Pith* Dolt Iglu. Sec. 19. Authorises Trustees, if they Dunk 11, t• establish separate schools for ProteetOats. Catholics, and colored people. Sac. 20. enables a majority of resident householders in the several 'thou! sections. lo a Township, to unite all their schools vedsr one Booed of Trusted. *Caa11.1 *0. TSWTass or crime, TOWN' .no iscoaroa*Tm0 vILLAeas. Soc. it. Greats to such the same power' es to T..wo•htp Municipalities. Bee. 22. *tables the resident taxable Isboitta°ts" of eacb Ward to elect two Tontines who shall coatis.• in office two years : ail• tNw Trustees, to be a Board of Edecatioe. fur the Town or City, whose douse. by tb• eat►. aro elm lar to those of Township Trustees. They shall decide how many.cbools are necessary may unite all all act t0 harmony with Trustees of Groomer School. -may appoint • Com- 1.itteo of (brae to superietesd each .chuol ; Asti decide wren lis amount of money ac- cessary fey all Ike s•Aools which aworat "it .hbH is the defy a( the Council of such City oe Tows. to protide in such manner a1 .1111 be desired by the said Board of Trustees." They may levy rate bill' which shall be paid into the heads of the Treeo- rar ; gees orders for payment of Teachers ; other dutles,eimilar to those of 'Township Tresteee. See. 25 empowers Township Couoeils to e.tablieh Schools, and impose School Tax, lot. in "locorporated Villages" whose tax- able inhabitants shall elect at first six Trus- tees, and two each succeedug years, two to retire annually. One. 96 ran to these Trustees ►11 the pow•ro of Trustees of Towne ur Cities. .0T1Y or CO01TV w°IICIrAL oorimaLI. To rase by aseesimeot within the Coun• ty a slim equal to or greater than the Legis- lative Grant, the Exe.q' to be given in aid o f Poor School Sections ; such tax to be paid to County Treasurer by the 14th day of Bee.; and io the ease of nowpeyntewt, e tiU arch Treasurer mast pay she order of 'neat Supsnstsadest in favor of Teachers ; Ceetny Comsetb to make the necessary provision to .sable Treasurer to do so. - To rates moray to procure County Libraries; to appoint one or mon local Superinten- de.ts, so owe Supenet.ndent havisg charge of mon than 100 schools; may appoint a Sub- tis.ie r for each Towaslup ; and Auditors for sedating the executes., when Report 'hall be transmitted by the first of -March to the Chief Snperietendent. OOVITI BOAIDe or r00LIC IN$T0tcT101. Thu body is composed of the Trustees of the County Grammar Schools and the total Superintendents -three of whom, in. eluding local 8operintendeot, shall form a quorum for examining Teacher, ; the let- ter to be arranged into three classes sernr- 'ding to atWomentti'and abilities, and all to be .objects of Her Majesty. LOCAL 'UPa•IfTt DR Te . In Clint,. incorporated Towns, and Coun- ties, these are appointed by the respeetive Couscile• la Townships, they apportion the Leg:entite Grant to each School Section areerdiwg to the average attendance of Pa- rrs al lock Schools. as coapored with whale average is as Township ; givo cheques to gaa:ised Teachers upon Coun• ty Tressuror ; volt each School to ire a Isar, deliver a lecture in each, and perform varices other dories, beside/ reporting very folly to Ci ef8upertoteodeot by the 1st of March of each year. IC100L risrTO0a. All clergymen, J otiose, M.P.P.s, Magi'. trate•, Reeve' and Aldermen, are Visitors of Common Schools ; .who may devise, at • Getout Metu.g called for that purpose, some general plan for &lttetent• systetiatic Visitation continuously. CMS/ sorasl.re. pRcr . This officer is to be appointed by the Gevemsor Geweral (on mention made of hie Council ; but as Mr. llincks fathers the Bill, the word " Governor" probably means Governor in Council) is to have two Clerks; to apportion Mossy. prepare forms, bits , as heretofore. To appoint one of his Clerks his Deputy, is his absence ; have general superintendence of Normal Schools ; sub- mit to Connell of Public 'instruction for their eanc'ton, all general Regulations for common Scboole ; spportton Public Money for Libraries wherever the people raise an equal sum ; appoint persons 10 conduct County Teachers' institutes, under his directions ; to prepare Forms for and pre- sent Annus% Reports no the stale sod ex- penditure of all the Grammar Schools and Colleges receiving any of the public funds. and even of the Primula! Uni.ereity itself ! and, of course, of the Model and Normal Schools. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INITIICTIOY. This body is appointed by the Governor, and is to be composed of aloe person', to- olodisg the Chief Superintendent. They are to Gems all Rules aid Regulations for the m•oag•maot of the Normal and Model Schools mak. Riles for the" organization, RRovenasest, and discipline of Common BehmL,'!. classification of Teachers, ir.c. ; r•comt et. disapprove books (no o- wy a bio ids toe School twig • oondem • 11011,11,104 !N report annoedly to (dotrer- tenet euesonR. moo/moos. Ste. XXX(x. ?Mlq Wsvide that £l500 Atilt be gives abeuel y, out of Behoul Geyls 16 isfrsy expssom of Normal 8ebool, tl000 0.1 of saws grant in ofd of nowhere &t(1mifig /bid School. Ste. XL School road cempogd of L.gisbtivCGreet sod as oast earn ,,memo folwr if oil ehargsa) by hovel wassmossot. See. XL1. Governor in Commit moy do Mit itsttuallt from Lagisl.th. Genial for IArerisw, 111 for plus flit 8sborl Arebl .store, sod £15 from share Of a Q p ty fat ssppwrtisg a Teeehsr'a iwwti- Mk► p bit l6N oxpsodilure to lee pounded IMby mime addttiosal aseusta awarded to Upper Cambia, is et the is moms mf Peptone. a emm(ptlM Itith tow ..abet. ,yp.. Sem.- YL1i. Sokati3G mmt 8l. .gm/mhi. wOmIota.' M, ,ZUNI. A.y iab..I limmlw eMbm• Adis of ows t a i %ft td11mR. bp Illislarg: Js, M Mho eve/ ' r Sec. X l.1V. Ge reeemseenielien e('ro- /taMi., much,' ie toe weep ume--er 151 Amore .< NeelCNeS der Itemise i ti %miens *newels, er /. ores - indent may give to stag Toael) o!i:ea• ode 0(a primer ee .eiawrswieg anthem VON. ' 8'A° 8obee1e4 *1. .. at t.°`j r4.e..l seas wooer es lb Aliso Helie la obis Mii. School one Saaeti t.,a Certificate et Aral+• nu Lessees OBI west twated, saMMr e ilii lcartos for the whole Province. Sec. XLV. 8siuie. of Chief or Lo.sl rrt ' S.p.n.eeade.ts shall sot bo takes from School Fond. Lo Os the evsulegs of bloodily Lad Tae.dsy Sec. XLVI. imposes a Intl of £5 to £ 10 the t01►aod 11th !sec., Mr. Hied. .4 the Nottent for di.lurbisg any legal School Meeting t0 School, teetered a the Hall d t►. Horse Howl the Secdis. XL a of its First Elect/ oat the subject of Agricultural Chemistry. The Bee, XLVII. First Election of Trustee. subject ie of the first im vases to the whole for Cities sad Towne to be bell on the Bret Tuesday in July. 1850 • Teachers may be "o,w ' 0•d 10 0o eos0ty is 11 of pest?,, impor- male or female, itstame that it is to Colloids, where agriceltare most Its the chic, eooree of prosperity, and is at = the sota< time, pe little understood. Mr. Hied le r.destly • yoosg moo .1 superior Native tales' undid much promise. He seems eegaaist- ed with his subject, and although it le was of gnat •atter, sod u.olviog a Vaal moody of HURON SIGNAL detaib, yet by 111. happy malaer el illeatrstios, the simplicity of his style, awl bis •boedeamest of the mummeries and technicalities of mese., etre Hied, even io two leetures of ordinary length, emceed. is co•.eyiog a tolerable idea of the nature and importance of Agricelnnl Chemistry. We were much gratifird with the iotere•t which our towos-pe.pk, and eves many Pram a eous:derabte distaste, manifested ao the .evasion. The Hall was well 611ed. sad the utmost attention and gad conduct were maie- taiatd throughout. Mr. Hied bed • merits( is the Common School on Tue.dry which was tolerably attended by Teacher* from various parts e( the (baited Counties, and a number of specta- tors. Hie remarks and explanations, •e tile occasion were confined to the best methods of teaehiog the more popular breaches of Commits School *decatio°. We bope nor local Trochees have profited by his remarks and that matey d - them hen resolved on • nine month's visit to the Normal school, for, verily, it is ■ pailful, bet an asgaestioaable feet, that tks Tmshers seal re if sieges. THURSDAY. JUNE 13. 1850. HOW WE PAT FOR FIN Two week. ago we made a few remarks its the experts to the public, of the teUrag exaaim in the House of Aa.embty ; and expressed a hope that the *demotes of Retrenchment and econo- my, would endeavor to devise some means for p►eveating the poblic money from twits wasted o a the epseshifying propose tire of thew pestle - ram. who Mem to think that the whole Damm'm and ietemis of the eoutry are ineladed is •pawl -waking. We had no data to guide ss in referents to the aetaal daily uproots of Parliament. but we ae..med that the cost would be at least ase ►calfs! ,.eels. It impious. however, that oar asssmpties had bees he- nry far soder the mark, as it Sip he tae' by a paragraph which we have vet from the Globe that riot a.epatb P00rw reel oar is eatiteagd u the actual express d oar Pro.inci.l Parlia- ment 1 Twenty -ors lawful days hen sow clamed since the meeting of Parlame.t, sod de• ducting the play -days and hollidaye, the esantry most is that time Ino lammed a responsibility ..f over is rAouseal peaads for " Iegialsoiee," if the Globe's estimate be correct ! Verily, this some kgtaktiou may be a very asaei05 tart-. cite, but it iseeriaisly a very ettpeou.e commo- dity to the dreary. And if the psodeee of the past four weeks is to be tearer". • fur specimen e( the ariiele, we would at owe deems Wet u b a commodity is Which the century has really as Mewue. It to tree, the put.lic have been edified with Joh■ Prince's motious of Loyalty tad pauiai.m-with {niece Papioeso'a hatred of political unions aid soros tyre°cies-with Sir Allan McNab'. growling 'boat the Immo( the Speaker's Chair -with H. J. Boulton's mor- 0fealiou at 'metals disappeietoesto•-with eery body's amities about 'be propriety of the -people sieving aasther swan Assembly to watch over sad retard the •etioe of the present "c..eeatnwd wisdom" -with the iaterestiog 'tad important eoueiet betimes Maleolm.Gmeroa sad the Maistry, in which both partial carne off victori- ous at the public expense; and, last Sat sot least, with three or foci bandied pounds worth of very superior dieeaosi.n ea the remarkable menu eahibited, sad dm semedted tojenea en- dured by Thomas C. Diana. Coq.. Ex -Mayer of the tows of Leaden ! These, we soy, must ba.. bee. very edifying "Parliamentary pro- ceedings." Edifyieg-yea, tory, to the " great public" who pay at the rate of sheet jlftyltw poade pet hoar for such edi&eati.a ! What an edified,.alighuoed. wisdom -loaded, economical retrenching. wealthy wbaasti.e this '• greet public " mast shortly beeonw, which can sail- iagly sad ewteatsdly pay fifty -fire permits per 0..r for such edifying diem:orion' Bat to be more winos. We think the tints bas fray arrived when such systematic Aatraieg el,ould ' cease -the age of shams is certainly wearies to ▪ close, and if the Press is in reality the guar- dian of the public rights as it preteeds to be, its power should at once be exerted to break down this aha, to expose this system .( Parliameo• tory Aaabnm. SVe are great'idvoutes for fne- dem of Dismission, bat will may mu tell es that the priseiple of free dioosoion requires the - public to pay fifty-five pounds per beur for the discussion of Oxalate trilling a.esenee7 Does the principle of free diminution require that ie one month the people shall pay upwards e( ten IA:woad pends for a public diseasiou of the whim. and cratehets of Prices Papinean, ton end end -MrNab 7 Certainly sot -this is flee were opposite coffees diseuesio., it coos tat thou- sand pounds, and i., therefore, not free. We have so objections that ibe warlike knight of D.nd.rn, or the gun -powder Ilero of Emote shall disco es the respective merits of all the great warriors who have flourished, fought and fell from the rune of the siege of Jericho doves to the abortive siege or Cuba the other day -we hays no objection that L. J. Papinean, who loves everything English• Ball deliver • lecture oe English Poetry, commencing with the Knight's Teles of Jeffry Chaucer, and concluding with the homilies' l.e.bratioao of blit Sob. Smith, L. L. D., Poet, [merest, &e., die., of Toronto. Hut we do insist as Si iadigroible towli- nes of this freedom .f dieensoo., that Sir Allan McNsb sod John Prises shall discuss. end Louis Joseph Peptone shall Lechers, respective- ly en their we expenses. W. sae so rinses why the pvbli• shoal be made to payfi,iFyfes psaa& pal haw ter such discussions. The de- bates -ma ab<dmmieesl of Mr. Dixon. sad the di.- !•riisti4:wbet tis Ikon• Meloolm Carouse said M the Him. James H. Pried, and what the Hes. Jemsu 11. Price mid to the Hos. Malcolm Genions, see kr lees difying awe lees looks, Met M the Coaadias p.Mle, tea even a dteenn- atiem in warlike glory, or a hetes on English . Poetry : yet fee the diaesesi•s of these paltry asbjr.a Ceoadise pahile are mods to pay Jar p.rkgrl. . . Ae Y114141* i We' M mews and Is- peraefls awl► t.IMb"i.rtld se weepy abs teas •f aha wftttl 14 Emory tea ba44E1, V= reel& et iawrK. be •eMewkli N t awl al the oseotry. And we erpwt that N the Prow M rm11y the gsa.Nas ef the WW1, viable. is idoses, should be ssiai sift deo elms et lbw leer isdiyt/ttil .steels tris ba.o as pies Worm* at MIRE mil d roll' til,,. aM Sobsa (4tYl Alin wpm loom at die ga s the by CT Ws hen the pleasure of a00000ciog that Hie Exwgesty the Governor General has been gratioasly pleased to eomaiute Ib* sestesee of George Cary, the .nfortsaate man tow lying la Goderleb Geol. We believe oar Sheriff takes him off to the Penitentiary to -day. Leone Napoleon entered the 43rd year of his age to the tweety-first of April. SVe are happy to be able to state, for the information of tbe numerous fiieods of Mr. Perry, that his health is so far improved as to allow of his taking a daily drive. W. hope soon to have the .atirdacrion of an- nnnnesg his attendance in Parliament. - Wk Wry Reporter - Tim RRsRLLloN Louse Br LL. -Orr readrrs w:1l observe that Sir Allan Me- N•b'• firebrand motion on the Indemnity Bill was thrown out oa Thursday night . without debate, We sincerely believe that there was scarce one man in the house, betides the mover, who did not rejoice when he saw the thing thus strangled. Not so,.Sir Allan -be was primed for a great debate and seethed horror-struck when be found it wee all over without a word. When the speaker has put the ques- tion from the chair, there is no possibility of opening diecussion. Sir. Allan had de- termined to keep up his speech for the close of the debate; he accordingly moved his resolution in a few words, sed sitting down, looked over to the Treasury Benches for one of the ministers to rise in opens • /tion. No minister moved. The Speaker began to repeat the words used in putting the question, but no one rose. One by one its words -kill deliberately, but still so one rose. Sir AIIan seemed paralzed. The last word was pronounced by the Speaker - the die was cast -there was to be no row. Poor Sir Allan -no row! Mr. Lonis Joreph Paninesu voted with bis friend Sir Alan McNab in this divi- .ion! We were happy to see Col. Gugy rang- ing himself on the right side in theft ques- non. Although Mr. Gugy earnestly cos - tended against the passage of the indem- nity Bill last Session, he has patriotism and good sense enough to see the impropriety and folly of renewing excitement in the country at a moment when prosperous days seem setting in on us. -Globe. Wa.Ti o/Tlwe If PARLIAwxfT.-An accurate account of the time during which ilio Hon. Henry John Boulton and Mr. Papineau hews occupied the attention of the House during the present session, has been carefully kept, and the fnllnwiag is the result:- The [louse met on the i4th, and from that time till the 48th, Mr. Bolton spoke erectly 10 hoary, 5 minutes. The expenses of Parliament are said to be £500 per diem ; and calculating • Parlia- mentary day at nine hours, we find that Mr. Bolton's talking during that time cost the country the rum of£8171St .! During the time which the Moon has set since the 28th, we think he has even ereeeded he former average. Will anybody venture to assert thattbe country has been benefit- ted by him to the exteet of£817 12..1 Mr. Papitseau, up to the 28th, had spoken nine hears and eleven minutes • sed we helicon that Mr. Prince has out-Boultooed ' Mr. Boulton! -Globe. WtesrwAae IIo!•rOn Monday last our streets were the rcene of as animating little spectacle, from the cireawn•unce of a good n umber of our tows..•n been, assemble) to witness tbedepan.rr of ee horst adventu- rer, for Celifer°ii from this pilaw sod from Goderieh. Tb• names of (hoes from Chat- ham aro Meow*. Richard Brown and Henry Smith, and from Goderich ars Mee.rl. Tb, Dark, 'ohs Lancaster, Alex. Wilktuon, D• R McDonald, T. i. W oodlrlr Tbomas Watkins, and A. Ns.styth. The party started is three light wagiwm, week drawn by rose hardy looking Canadian Ponies, and asthey drove Wife* air land .f Gold, they were greeted with three hearty Plaudits of their acquaintance aid friends. They seem to he ere11 anAated, and then can Ise no devil bat theN Owl may perform the jeer - ▪ ie •sf.ty,....jeag .41.. rifiliW44411•14. +tor m let. woske ut wtlatb.RbN.1 and waprm. ty, amd torr. whk r►.eggalmld Si b.ektsreAo. alt les Nifti ere yin asset sill NEQlatltl se yea, YIN se M11Rf . ss refs fella ••K M as br Ne prem/ tt.a ei14 gif ted. qyi stater• t>m et Nat e Ilia yid 111 mp••Kf War they bei m bre rig f'TIIE CAUt"ORIII* '11** Basnassate . 60Jilerndg, • Spell elk 11160. To Mr. sad Mn. Walktwt aed.rish poaterit and beet of ?rissole --I take the ibon' of spin wrrusg to you, hoping tbst this letter wdl Sod you and Mrs. Watki.e in good health sod bappluess, for believe sus, I have your happiness ssmueb at heart as i(I was your .on On try arrival here 1 wrote to you, and I hope that you Move re- ceived my lettere. William and i ore in very good health, for which we thank God. W• are perfectly satisfied with how we made out this winter, as we have done tole- rable well. We cleared noir One Thous- and Dollen, and we worvery little, on aceouot of the rainy season, which to now over. Eerythiog sells extraordinary high In this country, particularly in the Mines. Common store boots sell at $30 per pair - tor good pack Mules we have to pay $300 ; we ■n after purchasing some, se we are on a journey of 300 miles from this city; - we are going on the Tnoity River, which lakes oto rise In the coast range of mouataiss and runs oto the Pacific Donn. We expect to remail there until next winter, unless me make our fortunes before that tome. We expect to hod some very good diggings, but the main object in gong there is, its cot going to bo a quarter so crowded as any of the other manes ; the Yuba Mines aro very riob; men make from $50 to $100 pet day, and the general rush at present is for that place, for it is concenica for emtgraste to go there. We start on our mountain jour- ney to -morrow, if God i• willing. We ex- pect to find plenty of gams on our way to- ward• the mountaios ; elk is raid to be very plenty ; deer is very plenty in this country; there has been a great many killed by the miners; 1 have seen Gilmour once since my arrival io California; he bas bad bard times Coming over the mountaios; be intend' to fellow mining for to make • fortune, but it requires tori, sweat •°d exposure to .Hake anything, even in this country; during the summer we lead a kind of Arabian life, as we have to sleep among the mountains with nothing but the eanopy.o( !leaven for a co- vering. 141 keep good health for this sum- mer i shall quit the mines and go into bu.t- nese of some kind. Sacramento City has bees under water last winter, but that has not deterred enterprising mea from building -it is really astonishieg hew this city is going aheadaaf it dors not stop before man y years it will outstrip any city in the world. Williem and I send our respects to Mr. balm* AMOY . aborti elms ime-' .lt to Sandi. Tb....p..el. of ills regia rte(, bevies steed to saresta abs mato..►,, a corporal was e.ansosed from uetirisa ash sod petting abs woteere iota asesutto., rut be 644 t.Lct.d .sly f few Move mime the so►l.man wok down in • Bt of amplest; h es• misses% all the battalion rushed epos the Copulas and put him to death, and this same imolai the sotire troop was dt.banded. (C1.8.CU LA R .) AmnrTANT Gausaoi o Oytnca, Torcasio, rigad May, '50. tato-Flodbg that some Officers com- msodw( Battabosa of Militia in Canada West, do not consider it imperative on them to assemble their Battalions fur Monter no the 49th Jose, in compliance with the Mt- bW Law, without an order to that effect, I beg leave to inform you that it is the deity of Ofcers to command of Batt.lione, *Ob- oist any eueb order, t• cause the Militiante• of both elaest■ as defined and directed by the Ind sod 8th Sections of the Militia Act, to be manually '°rolled, end las eider the Militiamen of the 1st clad to be assembled for Murrey and discipline for one day in reek you, as dtrected by the 28th Section of raid Act. 1 beg Isere also to inform you, that by an amendment to the Militia Act, passed dor. ing the last Seesino of the Legislator, the dsy for the Annu.I Miler has been Aso - god from the twenty -troth to the twenty- eighth day of June in tech year, unless the latter day be a Snnday or holy -lay, in which case the next following day, not be- ing • Sunday or Holy -day, ellen be the day for a..embling for Muster and Discipline. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, • D. MACDONELL, Lt. Col. D.A.G.M. Two Hon. MALCOLte CAwntof :-t' Kick him again, he has oo friends," appears to Le the order of the day in reference to this gentleman. But after all has been said we cannot see that in his case the fine gold has altogether become dim. He does •not seem disposed to offer a factious opposition to the ministry, and in general we think b+■ speeches are about right. The stand which he takes in reference to the Clergy Reserves is proof that he is no traitor backslider, and the people of Upper Canada, tf we are not greatly mistaken, will uphold him. - He voted in favor of Prince's ledepen- dence petition being received by the House, but that is no reuoo why 6e should Donel.on and McIntyre, and to our old shop be ao Independent or an A tioni.t eitb. mates. I hope that you have your business er. He voted on principle, and in defence ,settled and all your old debts collected; my or the right of petition, distinctly stating dearest Watkins, I rend you a sample of that he was opposed to both Independence Gold which we get here; this is the finest and Annexation. The tories construe this kiod; it Is generally got in pieces of from vote into annexation predeiiction., bot we five coots to one hundred dollare; William do not look on it in tbat light, if we thought sends you and Mrs. Watkins his beat res- him in the least degree tainted, we should pacts; accept the same Mr. and Mrs. Wat- be silent. Perhaps from (6e way things kin., from your friend and humble . seem to be going, the Clergy Reserve pe- JOf(N NEILON• titlons will next be thrown out. We.trere P.B.-The value of the gold enclosed is very glad that Prince's monomania received two dollars. no encouragement, but we cannot bold thinking that Cameron's speech on the occasion evinced an honourable Iodepen- ARRiVAL OF THE AMERICA ! dente, far more creditable than bread and butter loyalty. Let him, tbat in the House By tie Montreal sad Troy Lias. is withoutsin, east the ant slope at him.- Yiagara Mail. Moro:, June Ord -9 P.M. Hay is eeIIio to Cincinnati for &ytwo dol. The steamer America has just arrived. Ian per the. A big pries fir it. ENGLAND. The sodden withdrawal of the French Ambassador produced a sensible effect A'i"t" MMI NT. nor i1N reit QDizwa BUNCH. UN/TCD CUNI1 Hina 8I't By st1/• //area, Perk egad Brace- S. l of a Writ of Attaebm..t tweed oat of loo M a jsety'. Coon of QJwes's work at e ronto, on the TWENTY-EJUHTM DAY of MARCH, in the yeas of ear lard Olio Thousand Eight Hundred sod Fd , ted to - me directed, aseisat the £STAT &SAL as well as PERSONAL, of Ro Coes. ao absconding or concealed Debtor, at the Sett of Hauer DOTY and Tuorae F. Astaire for the sum of Eighty -Threw Vetoed., dine Shilling and Four Pence, f have seised all the Estate, Real sad Personal of tint raid Rob.►t•Cuuk, and oiling the rood Robert Cook return alibis theiu nnliatoon of the said Court ad put in DWI to the Action, or dune the claim of Ilio said Henry Doty and Thomas F. Abbot le lea di.ebarged within Three C•Itadar JYM'ts from the first day of the puhlteation of tilt. Notice in tb• Canada Oa:efte, all 0t41E0, tate. Real or Peritonea, of the said Rodsort Cook, or se mnrh thereof as may be seoew- rary, will he held liable for the Pay moot. B.oegt and Nat iefartinn of t1..• elem. JOHN S1eDUNAI.p ker . Qaiairr's OrmeR. Goderich, 6th April, 1850. 3v -a10 NOTICE. -The armleraigsed by power Of Attersey dated the 91th dsy of May, 1530, given biro by Thomas B. Woodlil, to eott.et all ..Maadrag debts else the ere Firm of Mile. sad woody(/ and hlineelipermits np-noose Me immediate settlement of the same Of they will be given t. the Clerk of the i.ieiw Cort for collection. BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, Jane 199th, 1850. .3.19 upon . L i r t t), the funds, but they soon rallied, and it is Is this tows a tis troth lament, Mrs. James generally believed that the movement on Bisset, of a son. the part of France was a mete ruse to ena- ble the Ministry to pass their election law. Circulation has been given loon insulting note from Russia addreased to Lord Pal- merston. condemning in strong terms the policy of the English Governnsent. The concluding sentence of the note is as fol- lows :-" As the manner in which Lord Pal- merston understands the protection due td English subjects in foreign conntrtes carries with it such serious inconvenience, Russia and Austria will not hencefortb grant the liberty of residence to British subjects ex- cept on condition of their renouneieg the proteetion to their Government." The Landon Times in allusion to the difficulty with England says, that Lord Palmenton's offer of compromise bas been rejected by the French Government. and, at a Cabinet r (ST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Council, the. President of the Republic de• RA Stratford Poet Office up to 7!h of Juoe clued, that the acceptanee of any other con- 1850. ditioo than the plain end 'simplb execution Akmyer Mr. of the Convention of London was not con- sistent with the dignity of France, end to n ose other would he coosont. The Minis- ters ananimouvly approved of tho conditions to adhere and to adopt them. An attempt to assassinate the King of Prussia has created a great sensation thro'- out Europe. Tho attempt was made at Potsdam by a Sergeant of Artillery, who fired a pistol at bis Majesty and wounded him in the neck. in Parliament nothing of impnrtaoc. has odcrirred. Several ioterpellations aro put to fiord Palmerston relatire to the Greek difficulty, to which he replied substantially as that week. The weather continues extremely favora- ble EtTaurica, In Goderieh on the tnersing of Thursday the thtreeeth inat.,,at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Alexooder Me -kid, Tmo.As Rossano*, Erg., of the down of Dandle, to Ftaacj. Loom, yoaageetdeughter of Theodore Reed, Esq. . TAKE HEED! - All peruses are hereby eaudosed avocet pirchasing or otherwise reeeiviog, as .alae -a promissory Note of forty peende made by Matthew Black ad James McMahan, and payable to Thome Brady or order, the 3r1 day of May last, as tate said Note has already been paid. THOMAS BRADY. Gederieb, Jose 13th, 1830. v3a19 Armstrong Geo Arrol Thee Baker Dr J 0 Brimacomhe G O Cal well Miss^A Chowen Thos 2 Carroll Jon Clemens Henry Carron John Cone Min Elen Carroll Palk Curly Jno Carey James Conner Jno Cooly Peter Danzer Peter Dick Jon 2 as Rowse mod the kalina $late.. -The Pop. DDouarcegly Ms tcThhlo. io accused of endeavoring to mower from F.wart Robt Rome again, rod of a-wieh to place 'ritual' Edgar Robl under the protection of .metria, bot is too Prewar Ands closely watched by the French. Unless Flanagan Micht the Pope yields liberal +netituttons there ts Frazer Wm reason to apprehend that the papal Govern- Gibb Geo men( is near its end. Gott. W Kiely Richard Lupton yeas Leitch Peter Mitchell Jno Stephen Moylet Jno May Mich( Morrison Patk Martin David Martin Anne Marin Jno McDermot Torrence McWilliams James McGregor Daniel McDermot Andrew MacLean Jno Niel Wm Nowise Jude O'Donnell Widow Parker Joseph Powell James Pinder Wm 2 Parker Jno Rodger Wm Ryan John Rosch Jno Russell Leonard Spry Betsy Her Britannic Majesty'. steamer Spiteful Hamm, Jnn Switzer Geo 1 has beet seat to Naples by Sir W. Parker, Harrison W 0 Schuster Margaret a stew, it is said, of demanding repent-Heannest Wm Stoekoff Mtehl 5 tion for 16e losses sustained by the English Hamilton /lieu] Strathdee Jno io 184$. Hudgert Archibald Smith Geo Greece. -The Greeks are aware of what Harrison Alex Sykes Jame* had passed between England and France Hayes j„ Sykes Fredk IQ had honorably reCnred Mr. Wyse, and Kean Jm) 4 ' Terry Richd mildly resumed their relations with hint.- tenon Ro6t Taylor Wm Admiral Parker Aad wiled for Malta. H.IIy Jame. Wafah Jno Dramack ..d Ike. D.chies.--Adviees A. F. MICKLE, P. M. from Haabis h state, teat 16e work of the paet8eation of Denmark, is now carried on in Loaders, aid that Ragland sad Frew* DIVISION COURTS. have amented to the prop 'ala n( Promos, to tole matters to a albmary decision on frHE sear Masora Coasts for the Uteiied Cevenies of Home Perth and Bryce, will be the Dam.h grrpttea, dosfria sod Nrvfar'I -Thus J'evite had 1st. Dfirww.-Coati tame at (ioden•eb,- held to the times and places lollowin :- hoes sdwstt.d Into Vienna eget., despite ?rd Aub.„ ie.O more.. tag.. cloth. the appMaties of the le Roteia.tIead selbort• . Diwwen-[Jyiskis•e Tann Huron Rind fJl tis bio Wow d.lMt.1y pieced wader Nib of*Jel1 --: hm GTavers, Smoked, 18th h, who is new chief of Creel*, Jsly. George Williams, Coo, Clem. *tad i elmatbie. • 4.11. Disaataw--Q.t.hdTomes Leaden Rod. Yeseetb'a ehildrei bays meso alfotlid to Ieth Jdy. U's.q.=C„atsar♦, ge t. rim. B•a'e same has hoes heated to 6th A.iw1a.. a Its. Brseti.M 13th the inkhorn by the poklis exeewtfo..r; and Jdy. onion peed". S e fled• i ".Di.i.j.A• -afhwl Y}w et.maws vim h es property devisees' ford/ted ha the tate. Jew jimi„ Gai---_ CMsk A Qempat.b emowsoa.s doomof neap• The Siuteg.r the Gita wi i tom- ty fah**. of H.sq.ry. easm p ommelI yg et 11 .•'leek, A. M. Mae garrets of the bawl, nerntl.d - - - ARTg8R SCI.A'ID, J D C. S..veddd4eeestty, a yawn Haegsriu se- ibdevibt, 3..e I1th, 'd8 ty-5-alt ATEST News from Huron ! -The subscribers be lean to edema the Farmers of Huron, and all others i.tr►ested, that they have commenced the maaafett.re of POT- ASH KETTLES, which they wi11 warrsst mead, and are deteraised to 8e11 se Cheap se Cheaper than any baronet Amy Keil/bead defective from sand, or air boles, wilt kr to re back within two months from date of perdue. GEORC E MILLER & C.. Goderieh, June 13th, 'S0. 3v -sat BAYFIELD TANNERY, ONE mile Norte of Bayfield ea the Lake shore. The fuboe►tbere wl6 pay sash or leather for hider, sad will faith on shares ill hides so entrusted to them. And from having a thorough knowledge of the best - nese, they can coofideatly promo• the rib. tic a good article. BENJAMIN ROS Eji.. WILLIAM HAI. Goderieh, April 19, 1860. ,3a1 . A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! THE ssbeeriber offers for 8AL8 hie 01118T and SAW MILL, situated its lbs Township of MCGillivray, on theMY Sable, within three miles of Flanigan1 Corner. The Mille are now in opentioseasd newly built. The Privilege is the beet on the River, and situated in alis best Town- ship t► thus County of Huron --well settled, and Roads opened in all directions to favour it. The Machinery and materials aro. of the very best quality, and pot up by the ys- ry best Machinists. For Particulate no. quire ofJames Crumble, Esq., Galt. or ap- ply to the .nbeerllwr. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, 15th January. 1850. le SOtf 07 -The Galt Reporter will hisett tbe' above until forbid. NOTICE. PERSONS desirous of settling on the Durham Road in the Townships of Glenelg, Bentinck, Brant, Greenoek, 1. - loss and Kincardine, must apply peresislly at the Office of the undersigned, and no lo- cations will be confirmed except such as are made in accordance with this requitement. All assignments of interest in locations without the knowledge and approval of the Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of ail right in the locatee or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent - Cao*, LARD O►ron, Bentinck, Couety of Waterloo. March 14th, 1850. ,3a7 cAUTION... iVb Margret Roebe, my wife, has absented herself from toy bed and board without any just came. - This ie to forbid the public giving her any- thing on my aWount. THOS. ROCiHE. Wawanneh, May 16th, 1850. stet. CASH for WHEAT AT the p.derieh Mill. aed Cesb for Cher.,, Sam Lop at G.derieb tad Hayfield Mills. 67 WILLIAM PiPER, (3oderieh Mills, 5th December, 1849. 44-tf NOTE OF HAND 6O8T, gliN or threat the 1116 of May lost., given by John Hllloch in favor of &fward Colwell or bearer, the faro of £17 5s ey. This is to forbid any person from purchas- ing the fame ; and any palms rettitning the same to the Snbecriber WMbe rewarded for 16eir trouble in oo dmng. EDWARD COLWELL. Grderieh May 29th. 1850 v± -n17 LAND- FOR SALE. TIIAT excellent Let of land No. 29, u. the Idtb eoneesoie. n( Fotlgrton, esntainfe• about 74 'ern, with 40 scree elmtsd, well w•• wed, • Shanty and Log Mtn on the premiere, sad witMa two mike ,,f• Saw Mill. Ila1( of the perehaae money to he m(1,-01* sties half is inetalmroa. For farthorpsrtiealire apply is H. M. liven. the proprietden the eremites, or to kyr. Alae. McGregor. Stratfori. Stratford, Stith May, 1150. v3•11 NO ICE. BEG to Intimate the inhabitants of the Toweebip. of , Rual•, gad Cal. horn.. that seder a power of Attorney from be BARON DE ThYLE. elated the 45th April. 1149. 1 ern •siherisd metope,' of hie LAit t in thew Townrh,p., mei to gnat Tette used ler the .ams-.ndslnn te eetleet .11 Mantes die born. end to grant G charges lir the tae -.amid hereby request .II preemie irdiehied w eh. stilet Phnom de TIDO* forthwith 'e aelu3 gap sheet WO, parties debt.. THOS MF.RCCR JONES. (bodoriet, 8th May, ma. 3.-et3tf FAR4£R'8 IIOTEi,-M ITCH ELI. FRANCIS FiIHLEIGH begs it taorw he. friwds, std the piece g.eerslly, that he bee riah15Md himself it the .bier Village. sad hopes by strict •Iteatiou to the onwthwi and w• ,,.knee sf Tm..11er , to morin • slow et t heli parefte r. peat Stasitap sea a..tend•e Gm= um attordee. Mitetell. Hey 111h. Illy! 3,101