HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-26, Page 8The Trn.sAyoc,t, Sips.rnbsr 26 11117
Dies in Hospital —
Mrs. E, McTavish Young Centralia Boy
Toughesf:Cortipetition. Erne$CNCTPIShi Clied Beeaks. Arm In- ail
Sunday in Victoria Ho pdal, — ' •
omes In Schoo ec ion
Ry fAr the toughest competi
lion at Exeter Fair lakes place
in the schwa section, in which
students from Usberne, Stephen,
Wit 884 Exeter participate,
Vegetables attracted the lar -
pt number of entries, In •one
,60 pumpkins with first
• ise ping to June Morenz, Nb.
1 Stephen,
Numerous other classes drew
over 30 entries.
Vidor Jeffery and Currey
Cann were in.charge of the su-
Legere—P.. 'eaten -up: S, Stephen;
ton; 13, Dashwood; all others,
Light colt Danny COWard, 21.7.
'Pony, Donald Vann,
Beef calf, born before Jan. 1.
;John Etherington. 11, Dien Lam-
-POrt 101, Doris C'ornish. 71-1, Don-
-aid Thompson W.,
_.Beef calf. born after Jan. 1,
'Fred BYtie 15.7. Muriel Cornish '71'.
• Dairy calf, horn before. Jan 1,
• 'Wayne Bern 7E",
Dairy •calf, horn after Jan. 1,
'Iris Alarshall 1113, Wayne Horn
Albert Belstar 7C, John Brea -
matt 1017.
.• Halter -broken calf. John Ether-
ington ill. Donald Thompson 41',
lris Marshall 11B, Wayne Hern
Baron hogs, over 12.'i lbs., Shar-
er; Paasmore 101", Dianne Stone
Sunday And
•Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes-
. day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
- week.
• And Sons Ltd.
101', Bobby Stone 101".
Pucci IVY
;Barred roek. COelterel, Bobby
gg s.
Leghorn 'coekerel, Jamas rink.
beiner 0.
iTuS,Se.l. cockerel, Douglaa Light-
foot 1'
Sus' u1Iet, Bobby Higgins.
Hybrids, Dianne titoite
Dale Lamport 7S.
Duelis. Douglas Lightfoot 0,
alarilyn tia,llowa.yWaYtte Mel -
lin 78, Bobby Stone 101',
Rant -bans, Billy Morena 118, John
Brook ', Douglas Lightfoot 18,
Marilyn Galloway 511.
Rabbits, Elsie, Lampert 58, 13111Y
Marena 11S. Dougias Lightfoot
Gordon Blat•Donalti. •
Pigeons. Judy Harz .8. Karen
Flithbeiner 0, Jitntn,Y Pfaff 0,
Most unusual pets, Joanne Ten-
ant. Joanne Whilamith, Kenneth
Bender 0, Panni"
Oats, Eat.bat•a. Bern 71', Frances
Skinner 61`.
e Wheat. Wayne peril
'Ensilage corn, Bobby Stone ler,
Dianne Stone 101". Frances Skin-
ner 60. Ditnean Etherington 101",
Barr,ara Stern 70.
noots nod, vea•entlilem
Mangles, red, Billy Jeffery 19C,
Larry kiallantyne 51', Avis Hod-
glna 121', Allen Hodgina 121I,
Ronald Alots, 1'.
Manglea, white, Billy Jeffery
IOC. Allan Hodgins 1•21". Aviei
Hot -Wins 121'.
Turnips, Lloyd Stewart 51', Law..
rpnve Devicer 1), Tommy ',rout .51.1,
Carol Hendrick 0, Garry Beavers
'Table beets, Shirley Genttner,
:Do u g 1 a,s Finkbeiner 28, Ruth.
Cud:neve 101', Margaret. Hyde 111,
Darlene Xing 5S. (32 entries)
Storage beets, Duncan lather-
ington 101". Dawson Hayter JOS,
Bobby 13ngland Frances Skin-
ner 61', Neil Hamilton,
Cabbage, Hank Gosar, Judith
Finkbeiner C, Carol Hendrick 0,
John 13roexe 120, Lawrente Bec-
ker D. ((33 entries)
.. Nantes carrots, Barbara Wells,
Lloyd Stewart 01', Bonita Greene,
Eric Schwartzentruber, Dian n e
Stone 101",
t'hantenay earrots, Ilene llooge-
manks 198, Sandra Jory, kliteridan
Penbal Eric Seltwartzentruber,
Douglas Finkbeiner C.
Cucumbers. table, John Godbolt,
Larry Ballanlyne 51', Ronald 04e
11', 'Merle Idle, Shirley Genttner.
Cuenntbers, plekling, Elsie. Go -
mar, Gerald Morley 5.'11, Shelia.
Hern 71', Co Zondag 11S.
Spanish onions, Stanley Love
16S, Shirley Ileynolda lIT, Douglas
Russell 7S, Bonita Greene, Jim
Sweltzer 78.
Hubbard squash, 'Ruth Cuilmore
1•017 (six entries not )iubbard).."
1.00.1101111111111111111plipli tttttttt ttttttt tttt 1114111111 ttttt I tttt I tttt MIMI;
E ,••
ur Stock's Full!
We have an exciting' aSsortnlent of playthings • for.
the children. 'They're all ndW—just. unpacked! Pretty
• . dolls, games;- mechanical toys, Dinky Toys, Construe-
tion- Sets — everything the kids like! Choose now —
we'll store them fOr you on a small deposit. ,
s - • •
LIIIIIII1101V111.1(III$1,11111[1111 tttttt 1111111WIM111111111113111111,711t111111,1111111111MIIIIIMMIMMAIM t I tttt 1111111111.0•
'Pumpkin, Pie. June Ziorenst 11S
Dennis Lamport 0, Patsy Adam
11S, Carol :Hendrick Margare
Cornish 711 (Si) entries).
Potatoes, early. Shirley, Dentt-
ner, • Hank Eosin*, Elsie flosar,
Marlyn Dunaway 58. Sandra jory.
Patatoes. late. Shirley Genttner,
Harry 147ingma, 51.. Sandra. Taut -
der (1, Margaret Salmon '11, Jim
Field beans. Faye Becker 31).
Orville 'Wein 0, ErB
ic rown 108.
Carol iiendrielt 0, Barbara Dun-
das 0,
MusIsMelon. Hank Gcsar, Elsie
Gosar. *Brenda. Bourlt 1'. Dawson
Hayter 10S. Lana, 'Keller.
Citron. Lawrence Brown leg,
Carol Brown 10.8, (Srace :Eagleson
,•108, 'Helen Brown ZOS, Jim .4Weit-
' aer 78.
Asters, Ruth -.Ann Salmon 1),
Margaret Salmon D, Do u g1O,
Stanlake. Marilyn Gardiner 31'.
00sluos, Stanley Lovle 108.
Anne Webb 1515, Ronald Biota 0,
Bobby Stone 1017.
Snapdragons, atary Ballantyne
511, Shirley Genttner, Helen An-
derson 101', Peter Knox.
Marigolds, Bonita Greene, Ruth
Ann Salmon A jimmy Darling.
Dianne Galser 7S.
Petun (as, (Herald Morley 5I",
Gerald Finitbeiner 0, (imaee Eagle-
son 10S, Shirley Genttner.
Zinnias, Marilyn Galloway 5S,
Jo y Seldom. Sheridan Pei-lb/tie,
Larry Ballantyne.
Display of cut flowers; Eliza, -
bath Knox, Dianne Knox, Gerald
Morley, Bela Knox.
Lent:Jon, after a week's illness.
Mrs„ McTavish was the wife of
Ernest McTavish, London South
Collegiate Athletic director, and
formerly ofxet,
er when his fa-
• tiler. the Rae. D. McTavish, was
Castor of James Street United
Northern spy apples, Billy ;ref-
fery 1011, Betty Dixon, Jim, Dix-
on, Gwen Finkbeiner C.
McIntosh apples, Betty Dixon,
.11m D iX On, B.411y Jeffery 1017,
Shirleal. Reynolds 1U, Karen Z'ink-
beiner 0.
. Snow apples, Billy ,TefferY 105'.
Erie Finkbeiner 0, Sharon Hodge
Courtland apples, 13111y Jeffery
Delicious apples„Thn Dixon,
Billy jeffery 10U, Shirley
nolds 11'.
Tillmansweets, Betty Dixon,
.T1m Dixon, Billy JefferY 1017,
Billy Morenz 11S, Eric Finkbelner
• Pears, Gerald Einkbelner, Jttne
Morena, 1S, Glen Finkbeiner C.
Grade 6 and under:
Darning, Jacqueline England 0,
Carol Brown 10S, Carol Taylor
1015, ?Margaret Hyde 11'.
Hand -dressed -doll, loan Eng-
land C, Elizabeth Knox.
P,ot • holder, Margaret Hyde 717,
Sheila Hera 7U, Barbara Bern
Grade 3 and under:
'Wearing apparel, Wendy Van-
deriaan 21', Lynda Westcott 41.7.
Crochet work, Shirley and Bev-
erly Phillips 517.
Embroidery work, Donna Ven -
tin 411, Lynda Westcott 417,• Jane
French 1211, Sadie Vanderlaan, 217,
Barbara :Horn 7U.
bl1.u,un 1 71" rid ;sing
Grade 6 and under: ^
Lawn ornasment, Dale McAllis-
ter 417,
Bird house, Bobby Higgina.
Grade 1( and under:
Bookends, Fred Hyde ITT, Brian
Bern 6U, Henry Koopmans • 617,
Wayne Prance 617.
Lawn. ornament, 'Wayne Pi.a,nce
117, Brian Bern 611, Henry Koop-
mans 61.7, Brian Montmorency 617.
,Metal article, G. Shipman, Al-
vin Guilford, George Lyons, Al-
vin Guilford.
Grades 7-3, Mary Jane Hoff-
man Marilyne Frayne, Grace
McKenzie, Judy Snelgrove.
Gr odes Llnda Wainer,
Douglas 1"enbale, Shirley ReY-
nolcis, Wently Van der Lean 211.
.Grade 4, Marlene 1 -farness,
da Kraft.. D,' Elizabeth Cochrane,
Mary Bakker,
Grade 3, Nancy Strang, 117,
Margaret Haist 0, Sharon Elet
cher 61.1, Marion tlarscadden.
Grade 2, Mary Cochrane, Eliza-
beth Snell, Dettef Fritz, Lynn
Otis 61',
Grade 1, Benn Moulton, ,Pandi"
Webber, Susan 33 ailey; Ann
Grades 7-8, Jim Hannah, Grace
McKenzie, Fred Hyde 11.7,'
Grades 5-6. 'Graham Glanville
L", Group .1 EPSS, Grote ; EPS5,
Grades 3-4, Larry 'Ballantyne
017, Peter Snell, Ricky Schroeder,
Shirley 'Heywood 511.
Grades 1-1, Anne Bell, Randy
Jones, Barbara Leitch, Detlef
Canadian scene, Maryanne Los -
tell - 5(7, Grace MeKenzie, Linda
Hayter10S, David Batz7S.
Serail books, grades 6-6, Joyce
Dickey 17; grades 3-5, EPSS (Mrs.
jory), EPS 34. Sharon Faulder C,
Margaret Haist i; grades 1-2,
Marlene Webber 211, -peter Law-
son, Gwen leinkbeiner C, Garble
Group Projects
Grades 7-1, Carol H n g art h,
grades 7 and Crediton, Grace
McKenzie, Katherine Page,
You Can See
• •.
But there are thousands who can't and ,they look to you for
assistance. Residents of Huron, Middlesex and Perth coun-
ties are being asked for $12,800 to. train, rehabilitate and
house the blind in this district, Send your donation today
.to the C.N,I.B. Tri -County Campaign. Mail your cheque to
the C.N.I.B. Chairman in your Community.
Exeter — S. B. Taylor
Henscill WilIam Smith
Zurich. E. Bannister
• HELP THE BLPND to. help thenue1voi
• iotilt tobatf Limit�d
' Ipotei Contributed , .
Htttntrancl:yly '• RYSTAL L. R
bora Diaidas C, Bandrs, Jon,.
She was the ,former 'Verland
Elaine Delancey, of Liman..
Besides her husband, she is
survived by one daughter, Kath-
ryn, and two sons, Edward and
Terrenet, and one sister, Mrs,
Adam. Allison, Thamesville.
The funeral was held on Tues-
day in the chapel of A. Millard
ileorge funeral. home, London,
with interment in Mt. Pleasant
CemetetY, London,
News Budget From.
rand Bend
Persona( !teas '
The Lanibton County Library
made their exchange with the
local folibrary on Monday, The
new; books will be available en
Tuesday evening.
Mr. •anci Mrs, J. Riddoch and
family of Safbia visited with
Mrs, Riddoch's aunt and uncle,
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson
and daughters over the week-
Mrs. James IVIotiSseau, who has
been visiting her daughter in
Stratford and relatives in Lon-
don, for the past few weeks, re-
turned home on Sunday'.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Baker
visited with Mr, and Mrs, How-
ard Lightfoot on Sunday, and at-
tended the anniversary services
in the United Church.
Rev. A. E. Holley baptized
Sally Anne, infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, lVfervin Webb, of
Dashwood and Kristy Sue, infant
daughter of Mr. and MrS, Mel-
vin Douglas, at the morning
service on Sunday when the an-
nual rally day service was held-,
with a record attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Lougheed of
Woodstock spent the weekend at
their cottage here.
• Miss Inez Desjardine spent the
weekend visiting friends in Ham.
Mrs. Violet Rumball and fam-
ily have taken up residence last
week, in Windsor.
Mrs. Emery Desjardine was
laid up last week with an at-
tack of the. old-fashioned influ-
Mr. and Mrs, Clark Kennedy
and family had as their guests
for a few days last week,Mr.
Kennedy's father and sisters,;
Mr, L. Kennedy, Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Playfoot of Lindsay, and
Mrs. Clifford Craw of Sauger-
ties N Y and his aunt, Mrs.
, •
Amy Morlock of Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. H. ?bile and
Allan visited in Detroit over the
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird spent
Friday evening with Mr, and
Mrs. Sid Morrison •at Atwood,
Wni. Patterson had as
guests on Friday, Mrs. Mary
Clarke and Mr. Preston McBride
of Iona Station, .Mr...Glenn De -
long of Windsor, and Mr: and
Mrs. Roy Scott of Sarnia. Mrs.
Sol Pollock of Green Acres also
visited with Mrs. Patterson last
week. •
The death of, Mrs. Lydia
Bender, widow of the late.
William Bender, a former real
estate broker in Grand Bend,
took place last week •in, Detroit.
On Sunday Mrs, Mae Holt held
a farewell dinner for her sister,
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
T. M. Dodds, who will be leaving,
shortly for their home in Flor-
ida. Among those present were
Mr. and Mrs: jack Holt of Bo-
sanquet, Miss Beulah Holt of
Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. L. John -
ton and daughters and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Riddoch and family of
Sarnia, and her mother, Mrs. L.
Mr. and• Mrs. Wm. Rendle
spent last week visiting with
their daughter,. Mrs. Ted Brooks,
Mr. Brooks, Nancy and Patti of
'Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rudy of,
Detroit, Mich., spent the week-
end with Mrs. Rudy's brother and
sister-in-law, OPP E. McFadgen
and Mrs. McFadgen.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Atkinson of
Stratford visited with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Keown on Saturday.
The T.W.S. group„of the United
Church held their opening meet.,
ing for the season on Friday
evening:Several items of busi-
ness were discussed, to be
brought up at a later date. The
report of the bazaar and tea
was given, which, proved to be
a success, with around $340.0'0
realized. Rev. .A. E. Holley was
guest speaker for the evening,
and took as his subject.'"Self",
which was an appropriate topic
for the opening -of the season for
the new group.
Niws Budget From
re iton East
Mr. and 'Mrs. Alec 1-lantilton
and son,- Bradley, of Grand Bend'
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Lewis.
Mr, Charles Anderson is holi-
daying with Mr. Mrs, Jack
Anderson and family at Amherst,'
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar S.- Itorlity
of Ridgway spent a touple of
days last week with his sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Suite a number front here toole
in the fair in Exeter last Thur*'
Mr. and Mrs, johit Nezda
spent Sunday hi Brantford.
Graileit 0-4, 211, /thorn 20, 48,
Grade 5 I3PR, •
alriltieSt 3.4, Linda,1l1inter4jii- r,
Mary 11111)?141";0t,"4117"1‘141"1"G " at.*
01'0400 etc it own
Biretta. 2 11,
'EPS. 51i.
ICIA66.tkitttoil ,A
grade 1,
Titan otiokftis,, Treiert 113triXert 111',
' litartlYn CiallOWaie (..11 }lend-
rlek C, Margaret, Plate 0, -
Brian bluff 11ArlfYik "Gaith.
.hy Mew GejHthr, Bare
Panty Shoebottom, six*ear.
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Shoebottom, suffered a double
fr,seture 'in his right arm whelk
he fell from his tricycle into the
pit in his father's garage last
week, Ile has been A patient In
South Huron Hospital since the
accident, •
Rally Pay Service
The theme of the Rall Day
service in the United Church on
Sunday morning was "Sing, Ye
Islands of the Sea, Jesus _Saves!"
Mr. Reg liodgs.on led the -service
with the Rev. Clarke assisting,
Mr, Lloyd Morgan, as .guest
speaker, delivered the address.
The choir sang two anthems
and a duet was rendered by Jean
and Joan Essery, Eleanor Mae
Hodgins was the pianist.
Autumn flowers made a color --
fel setting for the service..
Personal Items
Larry Cronyn recently frac.
tured a bone, n his foot when a
large can of iuice fell an it while
he was working in the Robinson
District executive meeting of
the OCCE was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson on
'Friday evening. It was decided
to bold the Sunday School con-
vention in the J. D, McCurdy
schoolACentralia air station, on
Wednesaray, November 13, after-
noon and evenings
Miss Tessie Neil, of London,
was a Sunday guest with Mrs. P.
Mr. and Mrs, Neii Wilson and
family, of Brighton, were visi-
tors last wek with Mr. and Mrs,
Glenn Robinson.
Mrs. V. Overholt and Marlene
spent Sunday with Mrs. Theresa
Maloney in Seaforth,
Flt. Lt. J, T, and Mrs. Gates
and Tommy, of Camp Borden,
were weekend visitors with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Gates, •
Mr. and Mrs. "Harold Tripp
have returned following an en-
joyable motor trip to North Bay
and 'New Liskeard where they
visited with relatives. They
drove home by way of Sudbury,
Espanola, Manitoulin Island and
Tobermory end visited with the
McCutcheon fancily at Eliot
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hicks vis-
ited over the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. B. Walden in Kincar-
dine. The ladies are sisters.
The following names should
have been added to those of the
Topics From
Personal Items
'Mrs. Nelda Rutlege, of London,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Fassold. '
•Eugene Becker, son of Mr. and
Mrs. ,Emil Becker, fell and frac-
tured hiS ankle during the week -
Mrs. Harold Kraft and Diane,
Mrs. Melvin Restemayer and
Jane and Miss Bertha Becker, of
London, spent Saturday at Port
Carolyn Patricia, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Wilhelm,of
Crediton, was baptized in Zion
Lutheran Church,, by Rev. K.
Urn. Sponsors were the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Pfile,
spent sev.eral days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Art Koessel and
family at Lansing, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Vernqn
and the former's mother, Mrs.
Annie Vernon, of Atroit, visited
with Mrs. Lucinda McIsaac dur-
ing the week.
Mr. 'and Mrs. -Reinhold Miller
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
and children spent Sunday. at
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Maine and family.
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Bruce, of
Windsor and Mr. Jack Gilmartin,
of Hamilton, spent the weekend
with Mrs, Robert Hayter, Sr.
'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed, of
Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fritzley, Goderich, • spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James
Hayter and family.
The death of Mr: Reinhardt
RieSenthal, 72, occurred at Wind-
thorst, Sask., on Saturday. He
and his wife visited here several
weeks this summer. Mrs. Jacob
Schroeder, is a sister and two of
his daughters, Mrs. Rudolph Mil-
ler and Mrs, Melvin Stade also
reside here. Mrs. Rudolph Miller
and her brother Walter, of Cape-
town, loft to attend the funeral
which took place Wednesday.
IVIr, and Mrs. George IViartin,
of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs.
Glen MtLean, of New Hamburg,
Spent Sunday with Mrs. Duncan
Dashwood changes to Standard
Time Saturday night, SePtember
38; Sunday services will be on
Standird Time.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown, of
Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr,
William Wein.
. Mr, Robert Wein, of Sudbury,
spent the weekend' at his home
here. •
Mr. Joe Zbniter, of Lender),
spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Harry Ziminer..•
Mr. Peter Irwin, of London,
spent 'the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs. Clair Irwin
Mr, Voldemar Gulens, of To;
rent°, spent the weekend with
Dr. and Mrs. V, Gulens,
Wilbur J, Hunter
Usborne Native
Wilbur .T. Hunter, of Salvador,
SaSk,, 73, A former resident of
Osborne Township, died Thurs.
day of last week MCP being
111 ilOspitail for abut ten days.
Heis survived by his widow, the
forma May IlawkinS, Also of
Usborne • Township, and twe
daughtert, hOth. residents of Vat-
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter visited
with relatives in thio een'imtthity
two years ego, .10. f -tarry
of Stratford, and Mrs.Lewis
ThhbuU 0± Seaforth, attended the
Sunday #11.0St.Sn (snentioned In
last weeks paper) at the home.:
of Mr. and Mrs. William. Hssery:
tIr.and Mrs. Harold: ?enwarden,
'Mr. and Mrs. Erect Penwarden,
and Mrs, Maaillop, of Sarnia,
Miss BeaX1S017Y, of Ridgetown,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted 'Roberts :.and
:family,. of Chiselburst.
Mr. and Mrs. John Talb.ot, of
Grand Valley, .and Miss. Joanne
Talbot, R.N., of Montreal, were
Sunday guests with Mr, .and Mrs.
Harris West.
Mr, and Mrs, George 'Thonip.-
son and' Mr„ and Mrs, 'William
Skelton, of London, were Sunday
callers at the home of Mr, , and
Mrs, Lloyd Hodgson,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Osborne
spent the weekend with relatives
in Toronto. Their son, Bobby, re-
turned home with them.
Mr. And Mrs, Sherman Eaton
of London were Sunday visitors'
with Mr, and Mrs, J. Thompson,
The service in the 'United.
Church on Sunday morning will
be at . 10;30 o'clock, standard.
pit 10
Foam hydemi oAtiode
/5 misior
0 LOCM. TaAPEtiotlysql, ;•!,
gtitc. Areot
I it
The All -New - All -Speed
011* POWER
.is scientifically designed and engineered to _
sive an EXTRA LIFT . . . with a new power
surge that will restore instant -action response -
to the touch of your toe on the becelerator
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passing or pulling under lead. Replace old
worn-out plugs NOW with MOR -POWER
"TURBO-FIRE"—for a- difference you can
actually feel!
* • Jet -Propelled Get -Away
• Extra Fire -Power Under Load
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guaranteed EQUAL OR 'BETTER than original
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more than 30%. Engineered to exact specifica-
tions to ensure the correct. type and heat range
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set of Mor.Power "Turbo -Fire" Spork Plugs today
-- for extra power at greater savings. ea
.65 & .69
Spark Plug Gap
Gaels with twiny
set of 6 OF lOOFO
Mer-Powor Spark
Phial. •
We will loan you the'
wrench and wire-
type atm - setting
gouge,- on refund-
able deposit.
Have You Checked,
Your Plugs Lately? •,
Spark Plugs should be replaced it
least every 10,000 miles fe Oa. •
yOur engine parkhi Ips tep condi-
non, and to asses maximum
miles from .your gasoline dollar,
Save aafely—with MOR -POWER.
Factory rebuilt and test run to.
guaranteed "now' performance"
standards. Not just overhauled
but completely rebuilt. All parts
showing the slightest Wear are
expertly Ina- „inn,
edited or re.
chango pries 50
• Engineer Approved—Save Up. to 40%
Met all specificationset up by the KIT—Get better perforniance by re
engineers who designed your car. placing ALL worn .distribute, P11143.
Scientific batons, of windings %suites Kits include rote, eandonsir end set
maximum effikiency at all speeds. �f points.
To Fit • , Price
G.M. prod., 1947-54 4.40
Chrysler prod., 1946-55. _4.60
Ford producti, 1949-56, - -4.43
Others 3.63 to 12.25
SETS—Duplicate anginal equiPmant.
Everything Is included: approved hi -
tension wires, terminals clips and
distributor rainguard n PPler.
To Fit
Chevrolet, '1929-56
Dodge, 6 cyl., 1935-56
Plymouth, 1933-56 ."
Ferd pelmets, 1949-14
Whirs 1.20 to 2.15
. To Fit
Chevrolet, 1929.52 1.85
Chevrolet, 1933-56, 6-cyL 1.70
Dodge, 1939-50 1.03
Dodge, 6-cyl., 1951-56 1.77
Forel -prod., 1949-56 1.87
Plymouth, 1935-501.63
Plymouth, 1951-16, 6.:cyl. __.. 1.77
Others 1.20 to 2.10
TORS:— A faulty voltage regulator
may easily ruin your battery or gem.
Orator, Protect against "ovarcharge,".:
"undercharge" fir "burn -out" .
Replace with smooth-actIng Solenoid
type Moto -Master voltage reindeer.
Original equipment quality—at et.
most half the price 5.88
Car Recidy'foi Winter?
We. Ha A,Godd Supply Of;
so Prepared Nowt Visit Your CTC Assoilqo Store- At Eitiefor
. • ,
r 9: •
436 Main Ste Exeter
Phone. 451 Milton FL *eb