HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-26, Page 7' Ft-DtttST . 'Mrs. Luther Rey golds, Exeter, was one of the top. :prizewinners in flowers at the local fair. She and. Mrs. A. E. Whiting, I.R.18 Parkhill, won 10 firsts each, ---T-A„ Photo .,r •1 Ethel's Beauty Salon • PHONE 1.8, GRANO BEND FORT LATEST,STYLING Ethel besjardtne Proprirtres • IIOa1MJn1a .11i 1 1 ,100aNA 41400 a O Md,OO Mn1.WrMNltraN,e1110001.M,ulrrtrutIMNll,tr,trrlrltrul1 #1,i THIS THAT :$ Mitt. it, M., SA Tile Suspense is over. We know .now that Mrs. Miner Passmore has won the champion cook eonipetiton again ,and retains. the Tithes -Advocate trophy the r'osebowi -- for another year. More than that site wan the ddonestic number epartmenf t at the fade We offer congratulations and are glad she will not miss the rose. bowl in her .home. s „ a Before the autumn frvits .are gone we would like to give some recipes for our diabetic readers. These were givrwri. us by Mrs, Erma Lowery of town who in turn received them from a friend, This friend said she used pint ,iar;s for storing the Janis to be sure they are airtight, These Jams are not as thick as those Made with sugar. Poach Jam Jam 4 cups well packed peaetics chopped fine p i0 sucaryl•tablets ►rel flielCl Church 4 oz. glycerin Sim er peaches over low heat Setting For Rtes for 30 minutes. Then- add sucaryl and glycerine 'and simmer 10, Baskets of white and. pink minutes longer, Stir often, to pre- gladioli formed an attractive vent sticking, : floral background at. Brucefield United Church when Gladys 1 Phil ,hear Sis cups Lombard or Brune plums, c.ut un and palet Ertel.' boil over low heat 35 minutes, Md rr� tbs g1y.Ferin and -36 suraryl. tablets, Boa gently tai minutes longer and seal. Grape Jam 3 chips pulp' from grapes to sucaryl tablets. 13 tbsp, :glycerin Put the 3 ,cups pulp over .low heat and simmer 0 or 8 minutes until seeds separate from pulp and float on top. Put• through strainer; add skins to strained Add •s pulp and ucaryt boil tablets gently .ant5 d minutesglycer- . in; simmer gently until .thick- ened, Jam should cook slowly for 35 minutes stirring Often. ,Seal • We also have the recipes for strawberry, raspberry, cherry and 'black .currant jams and will he glad to give thein to any one. HOO E CIec,nerHC�rnival ' ;OMMENCES FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER'27 'buy A Hoover Constellation FOR ONLY , 8230 See this incredible new Hoover that walks on air. Try it in your home. Exurnine the many deluxe features. Limited quantity priced way below list for Hoover Week. Order now and enjoy big savings. The cleaner that ' floats on air Come in now! RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE PEALEF FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 Irene Chapman and William Roy, Talbot exchanged marriage vows before the Rev, S. Davison. The. bride: is the 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Boss Chapman, R•IL 3 ,Kipperi and the groom's parents • are Mr. and Mrs. William Tal- bot of Bayfield, Miss Margery. Webster of Var- na played traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo- ists, ,Miss Marion Triebner and Mrs; Don Jolly, E eter. Given in marriage by her fath• er the bride was lovely in a formal gown of white nylon and lace fashioned with a Peter Tan collar, *lily point sleeves, fitted. bodice ,and tiered floor length skirt. A Juliette headdress of ny- lon sprinkled with pearls and irrideseent sequins held her ap- pliqued finger tip veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of red Better Time roses showered with French carnations. Her attendants were . Mrs. Tames Chapman, of Brampton, as bridesmaid, and Miss Julie Telford of Simeoe, niece of the groom, as flower girl. Mrs. Chapman those a waltz length gown of corhh flowerr bloe'crystal- ette with. matching; Xnittens, pie- -tare hat, and carried a colonial bouquet of pink Delight roses with white baby -mums. Miss Tel- ford was (rocked in pink nylon with '-accessories in -white and carrieda nosegay of blue and white baby mums, Dewar Talbot 'of Bayfield at- tended his brother as grooms- man and Clifford Greer of Hay- field ayfield and. James Chapman of Brampton ushered. —Please Turn to Page 13 1 HELPIN HOUSE It \ CLEANING! ♦.rw,nM ♦IeR "All x11' curtains, drapes and slip Covers go to Brady CLEANERS for S titone t t7` eanI igt t lay net let tis help you c ear house this fall?You'll be . delighted because Sanitone , •gets • .out II the alert . r , restores the original b auty of colors, patterns arid textures . , makes fabrics ,look and .feel like itew a affil, •No cleaning odor.”' :Eve1`ythaltg s aped to hang and fit perfectly. 'Call us t day: Bra4 'Cleatters 'Y GO ,BYr Beauty Bar Myr{and Smith, Prtp, flak 'Trentmenr,,, 't'r„ t11R Individual Stating, Permanent,, nra.nieures, P'aeinb 469 Main St, , • Phone 522 xchsrn • Vows .� Chord !Marilyn Scan Andersen of lfoti- • & f HOME DEPARTMENT• PRIZEWINNERS—Two district ladies who captured a number of prizes in women's work competition are shown with Mrs. Samuel Aquilina, left, a newcomer to Exeter whose display of Maltese lace Caused considerable comment. Mrs. Delmer Skinner, R.R. 1 Centralia, centre, and Mrs.. Hugh Love, R.R. 3 Exeter, display some of their award: -winning entries. —T -A Photo Champ Proves She's Tops, Wins T -A Rose Bowl Again 14Irs. Almer'P assmore, R.R. 1 ing how to put them together to Woodham, has proven again get top quality resoles., she's the best cook in the dis- Although it's nbt amotlg the tract. items in the rose bowl eompeti- "3.`he Iiurondale farm wife won tions, angel cake is her special- for the second time Gram's Tro• ll . h item n i ve rid ribbon ib on en - for r fry,theechampion deookte award at Exe; tered it in local fairs, ter Fall Fair: She captured the silver rose bowl last.ye4hen Chep Cook r, w it was first put up for comped k . "WHAT A MAN KNOWS SHOULD FIND ITS EXPRESSION IN WHAT HE DOES" ..w+(Author"s Name Below)"' The sale of medicines takes special training and knowledge. That is why, a pharmacist is re- quired by law to study in a college of pharmacy and to prove his know- ledge by •passing a,- tate examination. Any medicine can be• harmful if improperly taken. Please do not ,hesi- tate to ask us any ques- tions about them that we can ethically answer. A five grain aspirin tablet may be a .poisonous dose for an infant. Cert a.iri: cautions must be observ- ed even when taking simple laxatives. That is why you, are safer when you get any medicines from a pharmacist: i YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 WHEN YU NEED A MEDICINE e Pick. uta your preatrip- tion if shopping near" us, or let us de1ivar prompt- ly without extra charge, A great ixaarty people en- trust us with the respons- abflity of filling their pre, scriptions. May we' Coin- pound yours? 0 Andrew Johnston Drugs . , , mon At,, Exofer PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS N41uot tleti(tfiwhwlAtlI1 Mkt 11We eft Copytitht 1 5's' , clattri) ', s:'iur4 t"a"i -14 K I.W .'Xi I lea""'' ti oar. Winner Mrs. Roy Morenz, Aashwood, Top . who placed third in the tom - r petition last year, was runner- Besides winning The *Times - up for the award..Mrs. Pass Advocate's champion cook com- more's sister, Mrs, Lloyd Jones, petition forl the second year in- a Centralia, placed 'third. row, Mrs. Almer Passrore of Poliowing Mrs. Passmore's R.R. 3 Exeter also captured the repeat ,win, .The Times -Advocate greatest number of prises in the announced it would donate the domestic department 0f the fir. rose bowl trophy to any per • She received 15 firsts and nine son who captures it three years seconds to lead the district home - in succession. If Mrs. Passmore wins again in 1958, she'll get ggiinkeh•s by a ,comfortable mar” permanent possession of the Mrs. Il. A. .Fuss, Zurich, placed bowl and another will be pro second with sight firsts and four vided foe the competition. , seconds. Tn ace came The 'Hurondale winner has Mrs, it, Morenzthird, place with seven bee.i a top competitor in the firsts and 10 seconds, followed cooking contests at Exeter Fair closely by Mrs, Wiliian� McKen- •for tthe. past four years! Besides zie, 'Exeter, With eight firsts' and winning the trophy, she cap- four seconds. . stall, 444 04040 Percival Korner r Canapb I., of Exeter exchanged marria:gavows before the Pi.ev. A. A' MacMillan Of 'Louden, in a eeremony in St. Andrtsw's Uni- fer Churc' 1Cippen1 on .Saturday. September 2t at Z p.m. The bride is'the ,daughter of Mr, and Mrs Emerson Anderson, of I1.R..3 Renee% and, the .groom's parents ;axe Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Campbell, Exeter. Standards et pink and white gladioli formed a.n attractive setting for the ce- reniany The bride wore a ballerina length gown of white iChautillY lace And *net over taffeta, with matching bolero.. A beaded hews? dress held her finger- tip veil and her bridal baupuet 'was of red and white roses. Mrs. Larry Cronyn of,Centra• lea, sister of the groom, was Matron ,of honor gowned in. tor- (uoise lace and net; ballerina length, with matching ,heads dress and. carried pipk carna- tions and white roses, Ron .Anderson of Ilensail, bro. th " of the bride, was grooms- man. For the reception held at the home "ot the bride's parents, Mrs. Anderson received wear- ing a dress of dove blue, with corsage of pink rosebuds, Mrs. .Campbell chose a gown in shades of brown with which she wore a .corsage of yellow- rosebuds, 111,,,,,1,111,,,11111111,/II/�1,Ir1/,11t1{n/,l„1„A 1,0,1111111,11 chid notate The yaulpg near Rutter. Marjorie Dificsit YOUR $AIS:C4014R°R Permanent Wm Hair Styling triad Tinting mod Cold 'NW 11o11a, Mrs. Pa.ssrnore, Airs, Itoy Ivlorenz, 3 Dashwoott, Buns, Mrs. 1'assmor a :Mrs. Voss. Short bread, Mrs, Wm. Me1Cew- zee, Exeter, Mrs. Morenz, Cup cakes, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Mavens, Date squares, Mrs. Morens, Mrs, Passmore, Johnny calve, Mrs, A1vin' M1sir, Heiman, Mus. Morenz. Raisin bread, Mrs louse. Doughnuts, mars Puss, mfrs. Passmore, 11a.nan4 layer cake, Mrs. Morenz, Mrs. Passmore. Oatalest roc))rtes, Sirs, ?ass - more, Met. NtciaenzII. Anbor site, Mr9, 1'as$more, Mrs. Morena. Chocolate cake, Mrs, Passmore, Mrs, Tioren%. J3irthdav cake, Mrs. Morcnz, Mrs. J'ass'more. Whole w he a.t nrutfins, 14Trr3, SonesMrs. Paaamor'e. Raisin pie, Mrs. McKenzie, Airs. More nz,' Raspberry pie, Mrs, T. Arrn- strong, Exeter; Mrs. McKenzie. Cherry pie, Mrs. Passmore, Mrs. I.enrurr pie, bfrs.. T, Armstron%', chtrro'n cake, Dlrs. z'alismore. Mrs. Moren%." Single -layer cake (Magic), Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Morena. Domestic akes, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Morenz. Domestic pies, , Mr's, Tones, Mrs. Mckenzie, Mrs. Passmore. H the hoses rakes, bars. Morenz, Mrs, Passmore. Five Roses pies, Mrs. Morenz. —Please Turn to ?"'age 13 tared the largest number of Mrs Lloyd ' Jones Centralia rithe division this year d, Mrs Irvine Armstrong Exe- p The rose bowl is awarded for ter, both won five first prizes. the best group of five articles Mrs. Jones captured five seconds including rolls, chocolate cake, while Mrs. , Armstrong' received zes in an r , r , cherry pie, oatmeal cookie:;, and three, • whole wheat muffins. The :num Dread. si•1r1re, Arr 1, S.inyd .To,iew, ber of articles is limited to C'entr'dlia, 1tra, lnier J;'assuror'e. stress quality -rather than quan- i «'uolah.rnr. tity. Mrs. Passmore's win was a welcome, one for ladies in the Ilurondale' district who have found the rose bowl convenient for table decoration at commu- nity banquets and dinners. Hu- rondale has used it on a number of such occasions. Mrs. • Pasfrnore, mother of three young children, credits the training of her .mother, Mrs, Wellington • Haist, Crediton, and her mother-in-law Mrs. Percy Passmore, Exeter, for her spe cial talent in the kitchen. Both 'ladies are kx.eelient • cooks, too. Her 'main theory" .for good cooking, is: "Never skimp on the ingredients," She always buys the,best baking products 'and she has the special knack- of know WI Sponsors F-Iowet Show The September meeting of the McGillivray Women's Institute including the Flower Show was held at West McGillivray Hall on Wednesday afternoon, Sep. tember 38, with about fel ladies attending: Members from Riverview. and Cloverdale Institutes were en- tertained by the local ladies. During the business period, a contribution was voted for the C.N.f.ti. and delegates to the area convention appointed Were Mts, Thos. Kooy, Mrs. Earl :Pickering and Mrs. Albert ATM. strong. The motto, "those who garden. must' have faith, hope anti vi• siert" was explained by Mtas, Thos, 1Cooy, The scripture lesson 'vas read by Mrs, Fraser 1'iixort. The roll call "A flower I would like to grow that isn't in trey garden" ryas answered by 23 members. Headings were given by Mrs, L. Hindmarsh of Itiverview W. L; Mrs. C, Woodburn ofCloy. erdale W, I. and Mrs. Parry 1hompsottr A sing -song was eon• ducted by Mrs,. The. Xeoy and a contest by Mrs. Xarl Picker- log,was won by Mrs, Geo, Glen- denning, Judges for the flowers were appointed: Mrs. ,toy Morton, Mrs. Herold Ilrophey and 'Mrs,. D. G. Wadsworth, Winners were: best basket of gladioli, 1►'lrs. 1V1'iel• vin Allison; 3 spikes, Mrs. Thos, ICaoy; best house plant, Mrs. A,. Steeper; atrium violet, Mrs. A. Shildlce, petunias, Mt s Parry Thompson: dining room bouquet, Mrs. Geo. Glendenning; wild Rowers, Mrs. Clari`nee Neil; sisters, Mrs. Hart Piekering; zinnias, Mrs. Karl Pickering; any other varieties, Mrs.. La. vette Allison .jdahllss) Btttfht 1tlnt h•enn was served at the• erose of the meeting And lsdtia!t1 time was ettjoyed, Stage Convention In Hensall Church The WW.M.S. Sectional Conven- tion for the south section of Flurot Presbyterial of the 'United "I Church of Canada will be held :'. in Hensell. United Church on i Tuesday, .October 8 with morn- ing sessions commencing at 9.30 a:m. and afternoon at 1.30. Guest speaker will be Mrs. ° Jack 'Thomson of Trinidad, Mrs. W. IL Love, Grand Bend, sobth section vice president, will pre- side and Mrs, W. aittit of Blyth, presbyterial president, will ' bring a message. Dinner will be served by ,the Hensel' Auxiliary. RETAINS TITLE — Mrs. Almer Passmore, It.H. 1 Woodham, captured The Tunes-Advoeate's champion cook trophy for the second year at Exeter Fair on Thursday. She also won the most mires in the home baking competition. •15--T'A Photo CHANGE OF LIFE f- ;H�yOY FLUSHES \VIry' *Utter from hot ltustitlt* Ilei. void tension, irritability, weak. neaa, 1otsn of rappetitet• Sebes toil peahen. Mimr1E enenetk• doting change of nig Remember, itt. C:linieal 'Teets, the r'naliorit•y of women enjoyed Striking relief with ,1Vew i'orrt,lrt Pipkltem 'i ahh!ta e' Compound.. Mort likely. •volt will lie lie�liteit, too, :;3o we ogee-- Do DAYS -teat littA'TMBN't 11 you aero not lobed hist gel.1'inkltant'shorn, youe Deng Store. Take for 30 da' an riitenteii to getet the errusenfyour contpfn%rrt, If you do not trtper:itnite a'triking teller, send tet t e. empty clown1or.cheerfuleciiina f'sorermorin.y'1 We hove tltounrenlln ot tettiOloti. Idler on file trent ti8itslira Nero., Jain them techs. Try out haft. wn•thek ytttttt Get our rhkp.to•iine New 1'neMuLi I. affix Il Xinkbntrt Ttthletli with Added tbflie tenter. eye Conrponnd with yitlttnia Irl. titNK$A{altl.. t+0tt00.MO•'ONTARIO hs n t 'i4b Modern Beauty Salon. 314 Main St. Phone 30 lllGt STYLING PERMANENTS NAIR TREATMENTS Pearl Nondorson,: Prop. honel0 for. HARVEY'S TAXI 24•HOUR SERVICE At 11,1u,nn11111,n111n,nml,n,inn,llt OMOIOMOSMMI Famous Montag Stationery Individually Designed ! Supports For Abdomen,. Back and Breasts Your Spirella will relieve tired, aching back and exhaustion F.- caused caused by weakened muscles and wrong posture. ' Phone 125 . 'The Spirella Figure Stylist Mrs. Armstrong 89 Ann St., Exeter Reduced One -Third "THANK YOU" NOTES. "YOU ARE INVITED" "FOREST TONES" "LADY MARY" '"FRENCH POODLE" "PUSSY WILLOW" "SHORTIES" "LYRIC" "SHEERLITE'r "SHADOW STRIPE- "UREEY" Reg. $1.50 for 99� . Reg. $1.25 for 85¢ Reg. $1.00 for brag Reg. 80¢ for 49¢' .44 This finest quality stationery, including rag content papers., decorated with exquisite designs, is offered at a substantial reduction in order to make room for Christmas stock. Some of the boxes are -slightly soiled but the contents are in excellent condition, An out- standing buy for the early Christmas shopper. �••�/t1{I1111!l511111, 1„ 11, 111,1'0111111I11,11Y, 1,11,111,1 a do 1111, l I,. Yl nl1,4,111.. Nr, a n, r,I n iin,b,n0,1111111n1,1,',•1„'1• Prices Have Dropp�d Fast Frozen oxen EXETER BEEF is cheaper. Try a roast this week. end. Our Minced Beef Patties seasoned are very popular. 1''ront quarters — sides — are at lowest prices in 195z, Phone Vit} FOR A REAL BARGAIN' IN FAST i 1 O2EN EXETER BM, Phan C NE ER's PICNIC HAMS -_- COTTAGE ROLLS 79c 59t) If Prizes Drop Wo Drop Outs liehy Setif LIVER HEART TONGUE $9¢ Exe r Frpz n Fo