HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-26, Page 4• • 4 "The Ti:nrlwA.dvoaatta, Septambar 26e 1931 ,ren Sanders CE. , Golfers CNR -,t �� AA } Cera ;�,. CNR �n #'fie A .:� tent ani eu d tl ' • ek. ihslt'' • Eirteet s n, Exeter. CNR c ti ;nee. . s 'S:fe . - B, Wen Sattders. who: h.as foaftnet the. -cartage. delivery entice -a for :the Chit in Exeterrx nearly 10 ;ve.ars. has resigned to accept a new position with J. Weber late. 'kiooper; at 'present neer- 4 store delivery service', is suc'ressflli applicant for trig t; a t, He assumes his new ties bctpller 1.. lend, and a 77 by George lilac- • It was .a battle right dpwn toJ„ [ ' a ' Al 'i' B , Donald, the Centralia club swing- the wire in the girls' senior class, ° pine distance t11ro'�x .Heim. R.C.A.F, Centralia g o 1 L e is ma c 1 s aga ns ' le School students prepped for the t followil; Exeter 'Golf 'Club over the week*- Perthex Conference Track 'Meet! end at .one each when the air- to be 'held in Stratford this Fri -1 aflame xtitalsio' Pert crew stroked out a 1.7 -,point day afternoon by holding their , tih,slnr Rar,llttt F difference in totals. annual field day on the high' al78 vi Yd Sdash r--- Mary •Geiger, Sparked by the steady play of sehoot grounds last .friday" i l+tantlletg »r'n dsiumn'M.• 'Winnie , !'►omeo Guenette, who roared in Champions in the acuity, in-' egr•va .�la,r> aret Sanders,, 7'3,2, , •with three birdies and ,an even terinediate and junior classes aa unuin$'Kettilytnnu shat:, IN Mara dozen pars for a 70 which Is par were declared in ,each • of the tlelger, 12,'10", tI.1::�a�t11@S� Tl'AcC%�IIi1,�s,'Kippen Team Prcp...res- Isar Area Mee�F South Huron District Hight. tiesillts of .the inert are as .colt's ntlllsio::' :for the Oakwood Course at Grand boys and girls events. t High jump �-- Kenly nn Shaw, nit e. :.'e 't'yn itr tin al] , G. Hooke. . 1 • (vein'Group's AirsYAKenneth Ho key, former ticlaaar"' °teacher and an active ▪ ztteiniier 'irchirch and commun- aty'Qli`ianizations, Bled Sunday in Virtu* Hospital, London, fql- f• btvilirg a short illness. 114g,;x1fockey was the former !lixabteth Louise Kinney, Baugh- iter el :the late Mr. and Mrs. tGeor, e. Kinney, of London. where rhe; s ent her early life and re - iv -;tier education. She taught in : - •4`r'editon and Exeter public. 'ghee 's. She leas married, to. Kenneth G. Hockey, Exeter, 1& years ago. A member of James Street Unit- ed Church, she was a past pr•esi- elent;";of,the Women's Federation, Mlrs, hockey was an executive officer of the Exeter Figure t Skating Club and a member of " the Home and School Associa- tion aTld ol;:the Ladies' Bowling Association, Besides' her husband, she is • survived by t w o daughters, Utilise -and Anne, bothat home, and one sister; Mrs. John Kemp, Toronto. ` A private funeral service ,was held,.. from the Hopper -Hockey 'funeral, home, Tuesday, conduct- ed b the Rev, H, J. Sne11, assist- ed by -the Rev, R. E. Southcott, of Oil City. internment was in Exeter- Cemetery. • • Pnllbeare}•s- .were Dr. H. Ii. Cowen, R. L. Beavers, E. D, Howey, W. G. Seldon, John Pryde and H. L. Snider. ' ers gained a split In the teams' T enlyn h two meetings, n Sha managed to edge ''!i'eator. Ia.enlynn Shaw, Rosemary Basketball distance throw -- out runner-up Winnie Negryn in I:iobsnn 131'e - Exeter ,1 4Exeter won an earlier match a point total of 10.9. '.Nenivlt Shays .Mary Ann hail Morley Alis°1i Clarke and 11 I za Gu - • oftball ;Peet' t uou last a Ann f rleJ S d d l l d M St. Marys by 15 strokes. Sanders made the In the intermediate girls class, d 31'Sinlila Ne^•ryni 64u' best ' i. .. i'.11an a`ld .ala •l n "aa11, 117 r 's; showing for the Exeter club lens tied for first place with laarroti Dana k;rls kiay. v q:eight points each. • o 't Al a r o r i eal-tram an r, i with 3 26 nine hole totals fora .. p s a , Alma I3 d ns ; j a a Shi lea 79, placed .a close second with seven, ' ainllily. • I 13aslcetbal! speed .tha�oa" .-n- ,lane Donald, - paints, grabbed off the junior.1'711111v/aa:[•larnr, as re:.; ao'Pmatr na d, t. entralia players in. the i tourney included Bill Franklin, girls championship. Her closest t fohson, Mary..S],i0ner and ,Hare Mat lyes Norma Geiger with iiia Ttleke, . :Burl: Ann McBride, lliike Haider, John lsIcGarrpll + i" peaJardine, and ,Sally Ache - and Joe Ross who played against six' the boys' meet, Barry Glp-; iotcrnaearnte Bill McKenzie, ilei z n e, ed cot,' R S Don Southcott, Hal Hooke, John Go- ver with 12 and. Doug li!ein with'75 ward dash -.-. Allison • Clarke, man, Claude 1?,ar•row a d Bruce 10 looked after the first, two l Aline tiad>altta, Heather McLeod, places in the senior while ROss' io. sec. Biggart of Exeter. • Wein edged William Sytsma in . Standing broad Jump --- Allison Centralia scores turned in were the intermediate class on a close is leas' ohms llad>atns, Mirdze. Guenette 70, MacDonald 77, 11x10 decision,•{ llunuing', »road Jump - Alma Franklin 99, Haider 99`, Leach Ted Sanders a lanky all-round; od>;ins, ,utrdza Gulens, Allison al i J' :High jump --. Mirdza Gulens, Exeter scores were Sanders junior ivision crown. He scored ' :lassie KoOpmans, Donna oescl,, ., Biggait 92, Farrow $5. Gn- 11. points for a six -porn' margins y •4 Softball distance .throw= -Matte lean �5, Hooke 96, Southcott 95, over his closest rival, David Du , salmon, Patsy A.larshall, Ann For- Scott 88, and McKenzie 95, charme, • rest 13; -" Besides Guenette and Mac hristlne Caicos, with eight Pnset1i 1- Hobson ane 90, McCarroll 92, and Ross. 86. athelete,walked awe • with theI Cl 1 14 mt,umt„mmitimmt tmmunnummmnmmnWtttnttnmtmtmm,tmtttttntit, Looking In With Liz Cor_nmon Sorry He Missed Show Basketball distance throw: -Ann Forrest, Patsy Marshall, DRnna Desch, 70'5 Softball speed throw a Carolyn Oke. and Judy Alison :Heather SIc'Leod and Dorothy Heywood, Allison Clarke and Marie Salmon, 40 revs. Basketball speed throw, Jane Horton. Marlon !ri,rkiteiiin, Mary Lou 'Witmer: Patsy 51arshall, Eleanor TIOdgins, Alildza. t;ulepa; Doreen Frock, Doris Brook, Bar - bare I%ernick, ;S% revs, By ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE duntor Glria 75 yard dash-Kriatlne Gulens, • iuutuumugmunumnn'nmmnmumum„iii iii mongol, umunu,u,mme Ann Alexander, Arargaret •1Steb- ber, 10 Dec, Lorraine Foreman is an ideal subject for an interview. She has interesting opinions, expres- ses herself well and has a back- log of. showbusiness experience to draw on, She spent two years in Frig- land and -loved it. "If money cover of .a large Canadian week- ly seen. Had the pleasure of talking to Kaye Ballard again when she was in Toronto for Ziefgield Fol- lies, A top-rated comedienne Kaye plays 'one of the wicked stepsisters in the spectacular 'Isn't of major importance that's Cinderella .last year and guested. +rr -• — - ta'tw•a the place to'start,” she says, Lor- on Festival from Toronto. She ilt_:_C_nJ_ 1 Ill__:__i raine did ,club work, toured in has just completed a movie "Oklahoma” made movies and with Jane Powell called "The Get Pep,. Vim; Feel Younger worked in Rome during her so- 2housa d I up1 are weak, worn-out, back ; to Canada she won the gtlhausted because Indy lacks Iron. For new +, .riser feeling after AO,* try Oozes Tonic grand award on Pick the Stars. relaxed and composed even -while Amblers, contain iron for neo, pep, ui,r,; 8p1116 Last March she won Arthur God- cameras roll and arc lights p.,1 ... at dose 'Vitamin B Inas t d tree supplies as much Iron as I6 oz—raw Oysters, 4lba, o liver, ]61 s. beef. "cat- size costs little—milk 60c. Or get , ,burn overseas. When she tante a S n e0 e5 Girl Most Likely,"' Rally 'O'Connor' is every inch the poised professional. He is • Br. 1n a ay, frey"$ Talent .Scouts, blaze. e f e , b of She was over for coffee and I Met Don Garrard for the first time recently. Don, the hand- some baritone who used to ap- Economy size and save 750. All druggists, mentl0ned Penthouse the T\ SERVICE STATION For. Lease Immediate Possession TOWN OF EXETER Low Rental Apply H„0. FREE SEAFORTH Phone 366 Monetfa Menards Tavern Grand Bond Sti!! Serving LiGH' LUNCHES FULL COURSE MEALS pfll @pen from 12' ,. to 12 a.m. Daily Exeapt Sunday Sunday from 5:30 p, .,. to "11130 p.m. DA1/ Y/' 1.4111) GOSHATTi-EAN.".17415TCAt17 Peons MYSELF 1O THBR -r OR`YOU N THE PUSS AFTER WKIN6 'THAT ,a0OT1.11N4 MILK FROM Hl HLANPN/LLMIR'Y .A. • efeiaeati play in ttwhich she starred an which was so thoroughly panne by the critics, She laughed. ."A they say if yousre going to hay a failure it might as well be colossal failure, and this wa the biggest flop of the year." Lorraine played in one well received drama, Time Lock, B Arthur Halley. - Tommy Common is 'another member of Country Hoedown who has won both Pick the Stars and Talent Scouts. He has been called back to New York seve- ral times to appear on Godffey's show" "I'm sorry I couldn't get to Exeter when our show played there," he said not long ago, "but it was on a Wednesday and Cross -Canada Hit Parade needed , me that night. They had been so good with guest spots all season that I couldn't refuse," During Club O'Connor rehear- sals last week a stagehand called Sylvia Murphy to tell.. her that her brother was at 'the door. "He just got back from Germany today afterfour months and. I haven't seen him," Sylvia said as she excused herself. Five minutes later she came ,back beaming, "It was another bro- ther," she said, "he just' drove in from Edmonton and stopped off here before going home: We'll have a real reunion tonight." Everyone was congratulating Laurie Bower of the Playboys during that rehearsal. He just received word that he has earned his Bachelor.of Music degree at University, Jimmy Van Evera the Playboy's tenor had such a sore throat during rehearsals that except when the group was singing he went around close- mouthed and nodding, The big Roek and 'Roll show at the Gardens in Toronto was terrific. I eat with Paul Asnka's dad and it was wonderful watch- ing his reaction when the fans applauded and cheered his young son. Earlier 2 accompanied Paul to a disc -jockey show, on a shop- ping trip and for a portrait sit- ting and not once did the sixteen year old singer lose his affable Mae and good manners. By the way, the portrait he sat for will be appearing in colour on the d d pear on Showtime with Joyce s Sullivan is back in Toronto a - e while and it appearing at Hart a House in a wonderful revue s "Collector's Item", before he goes back to Europe for fur- - thcr-voiee studies, y The Story In Elimville. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER M. B. on Birthday The September meeting of the Elimville Mission Band was held on Saturday at the home of Her- bie Heywood. Miss Janet Skinner had -charge of the program. Miss Margaret Johns gave a recitation and Joanne Miners favoured with 'a piano-instrtimental, 11Irs.. HoWard' Pynm, gave the story from the study book fol- lowed by a solo by Sandra Wal- ters, Worship period was taken by.- Janet Skinner assisted by Anne Johns and Larry Skinner. After a , few games Mrs. Hey- wood served lunch in celebra- ting-Herbies eingth birthday. Rally Day • • • The Rally Day service was held on Sunday with Mr. Philip Johns, Sunday School superinteli- dent taking Charge assisted by Rev. Hugh Wilson. The junior choir sang two numbers and Miss Frances Skin- ner read 'the 'scripture. The two stories were given by Mrs. •Ross Skinner and Mrs. Philip Hern. Persona' Items r Bobby Lam:mie of Centralia speht the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley, Report On Blbnshartl 6y MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mr. and Mrs; Morley .Waugh' of London spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr: and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Berman Paynter of. Kirkton spent the weekend at Owen Sountl, Barrie and Coiling. wood. John Langford of Centralia and ,Timmy Hodgins of. Granton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Thomsen and family attended- Zion anni- 'veraary and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker. Mr. Wni. Thefilsort returned 1 home on Monday after spending the past week With relatives at Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Kenneth Facey .of Wellborn'. Me. and Mrs. Wm, Jones and Cannily spent Sunday at Port Pranks. Mr, Herb Langford of arable/1 anent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Mr. and irs.' 1•farveq "Welts of Wadtott' spent 'Thursday with ziii', and MI's. /I'M hon on. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Routly . at- tended the Thornilale Fair on Saturday where Mrs, Routly was judge for the Homemaking De- partment, Mr. .'Keith - Heywood of North Bay,Miss Joanne Robertson of Kippen speht the weekend with Mr„ and Mrs. Hubert Heywood. MI;. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol Ann'' and Mrs. Philip Murch visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Murch, and Mr, and Mrs. G. Ronson of Parkhill. , Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Larry visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns ofSarnia. Misses Linda, Carol. and Brett - da Bibby of Kirkton visited on Saturday with their cousin, Her - bin Heywood. . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Skelton visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Itoutly and renewed old acquaintance With friends it1 the commuttity. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Alderson of Kitchener 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs', Lloyd Web-. her. Mrs. A. Robinson Of Xirktol' visited on Sunday with Mrs. Phos Bell. Mr. Elgin Skinner, 3toss'T.ake- ing of Milton, Mrs. Minims of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Only existing railway ' in the northern territories is the 1.1.1) li lie line. eontieeting Me port of Skagway in the Alaskan Part« handle to Whitehorse ilt the Yukon territory. JO 41 *' i sttteinber, you too, »t eddstriat nart of the time. RIV SA,<E tY Stantling broad' Junto - Norma. Geiger; Fristine Gulens, Doreen Tenney, 7'1014", gunning )'road jump--Tiriatine Gulens, Barbara Hodgson, Ann Alexander, 14', High jump-•llza, Gulens, Krik- tine Gittens, Mary Realer, 4"1". Softball distance throw -Norma, Delgel, Jacqueline nrintnel), Mary Ttegter, 136'10". Basketball distance throw - ['at)1orine Hodgins, Barbara Sweanor, Carole Raider, 57'$"-•. Softball speed throw—Marjorie Hodgert and Sharon Desjardine; Ann Alexander and 'Marilyn Hart-" Ilton; Kristine Gulens and Mar- garet Brock, 35 revs.' Basketball speed throw - Mar- jorie . Hodgert, Lenore Trott, Sharon Pesjardine, 27% r.ev,', Mar- tens,. stone, Carol McCurdy, Bar- bara Uodie on.; Carol Hoga.rt.h, Sadie Van Der Latin, Catherine Hodgins, • H & S Conference In Aylrner School. The twentieth annual Home and > School Conference for this area is: being held iti East Elgin High . Sehool, Aylmer, , on the afternoon and evening. of Wed nesday, October 2. Workshops will be the plain feature of the afternoon session; one, is on. the Relationship of Home and School Associations to Council and Federation and the other on "Procedures. for Rural and Urban Herne and School ,As- sociations." Dinner will be served in the school cafeteria and: in, the eve- ning a ,panel discussion on the "Relati'onship •6 f Home and School Associations to. 'School Boards will be a part of the pro- gram.' • Mrs, Kent • Griffin, area vice- president, 'will' preside. aeolor 11074t 100 Yard dash-•7'qd Sniith, 13111 l'ol len. r loop: , 11.8. 220 yard: dash Ted Smith, 23111 Pollen. Time: 20.3 440 yard dash -- Barry Glover, Pon Hendrick, time: 65:6." ['la[f mile - flarry Clover, Ted novelle. tl'inle: 11.47. 1 Mile -Peter EtiUn lclt,. Ted lta.- velle. Time: 3,541e, ,Broad Jump - Tel Smith, 13111 Pollen, :Doug 'rain, 15', Hop, step and Jump -- Barry Clover•. 'High jump --Tions' T1":eln, Jack l,LIller, Bill Pollen, 4'5". Pnle vault -Barry 'Clover, 8'4" Shot put -.- irking Wein. P.alplt Jim), 1)ot:mall, 34'1 FInkbeiner, Ji". 'Discus -•-- Doug Wein, Harry Towle, Fred Hunter, .0416", intermed laIle alol'M inn yard dash Toss Peter Bave.11e, 11.1113xm Sytsnta, 12.4. 220 'yard dash, --- Toss Wein, Peter l:avelle, Anthony Durand, 27.4. 440 yard dash--:t<eith Rndgins, Fills Stewart, Anthony Durand, 1:9.6. Half mile - 'Wllllatn ,.Sytsma, TuisStewart, Anthony Durand, -,47 M Broad Jump --noes Wein, Gerald Houlahan Peter Plant infra, 16'18'1. Hon. step and Jump 1Plliiant S3tana. Ross Wein, Anthony Du- rand, 34'84". High jump --•- 3Ipt Tomlinson, Gerald Houlahann, lioWilson, 4's". Pole vault - RAO ltodgins, Melvin Finkbeiner, Simon Nagel, 8'2". Shot put -Gerald Tloulahanc Art Hader, Bob Skinner, 27'6", Discus- William Sy144ma, 11re)vin Finkbeiner, Keith. klodxins, 64'9". Jnukir Boys 100 yard Clash --- Ted Sanders, Terry Cosgrove, :Sob Johnson, 2.1,6, 22n yard dash .-- 'red Sanders, David Ducharnte, Bob . Johnson, 28.7, Broad jump -Frank Boyle, John Btheringtnn, :David Tlueharme, 15'. .fl'op, step and jump --Bev Sims, Tel Sanders, Frank Boyle 33'2", High jump -Ted Sanders David Ducliarme, '';len Towle, 4 Pole fault - 'Fred. :Desjardine, icon ,l a.rshall, 6'2'", Shot VW -Boiled joiner, Wayne' Willert, :Dean McKnight, 35'11", Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DY1KE'MAN Personal Items "w ' Mr, James Earl is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,'l.ondon, having undergone surgery last Saturday. Zion 'West anniversary was held last Sunday ant Rev: White of Londesboro was guest speaker. • Rev. and Mrs. White were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ephriani Hern or Sunday, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hern and. Linda of Jarvis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. Mrs, Louisa •Kyle, Exeter, vis- iied Sunday with" Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hern. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Lynn of I Ciandeboye spent. Sunday. with =I r- and Mrs. ktarry i.,liern and 'txr. and Mrs. Toni 'Brock. ' Mr. and Mrs. •Jadk •Thompson were Sunday . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker. • Mr.; and Mrs.. Cecil Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Waghorn of Kirkton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and - family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin hillier and boys of Thames Road visit- ed With Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brdek on Sunday. Mr. Joe Bailey was. an anni- vers'ary• visitor with . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock. . ..Michael Cushman spent the weekend with , Brilce. - and Leslie Dykeman. ins Shoot TIT Kiilpen 10 Man team out shot the .Goderich and •Cliilton team byte the margin of 1 t, tar- gets at the Hippen Gun Club Challenge Shoot on Sunday. The' .shooters on the local .team were Wes Venner, Hensall; Chester Lee, Parkhill; Bill Kyle,. Bill Cooper, Ki»pen; Lloyd V.enner, Sam Dougall, Tom Shcrritt, John Anderson, Hensen; Barry Math. ars, Exeter; Norman Harburn, Staffs. The coriillined team •of Clinton and Goderic.h were Pari Doucette, Charles Blandon. non Epps, Joe Steep, Dick Steep, Clinton; Hedley l'rouse, Godc- rieii; Dr. G. Jarrett. Stratford;' Bill Lumbv,.Jack Gilbert .and ;Ashley (filbert, Goderich, The contest called for 25 tarn gets front 16. yards and 25 from handicap distance. There were fife shooters tied for individual high school with 46-50, They 'were. Earl Doucette, Charles Brandon, Medley Prouse, Lloyd Veliner and Don Epps. John n An er d 1 , sot of Hensel', wo.1 t the special international' handicap event with 25.25,. Tied. for second place was Harry Mathers, Tom Sherritt, Earl Doucette, o u to Bill Cooper oo » and Charles Brandon, 21-25. Ashley Gilbert, of Godcrich, won the doubles with 22.24 targets. John Anderson was second. with 20-24. Raising Funds nd Lions' Topic Exeter Lions club opened the fall season with a -supper meet - Mg At Armstrong's Restaurant, The newly -elected. president, Lar- ry Snider, was in the chair. One of the questions under dis- cussion was Ways an& means of raising sufficient funds to pay the indebtedness on the Exeter Boy , Scout house. Past District Governor A. J. Sweitzer in giv- ing his,report of the -year's acti• vities stressed the excellent work that is being accomplished by the local Scouts. . Past president R. C. Dinney was presented with his past president's. pin by Lion. A, J. Sweitzer and a Lions' key was presented, to Reg •Beavers for attaining, new members. Tile names, of 40 entitled to perfect attendance .pins for the year were rear: by the secretary, An- dy Snelgrove, and the pres nta- t;ion of 'the pins was'mad ' by A. 3, Traquair. . RCAF 'Centralia -POSTINGS • TO CENTRALIA Fit, Lt. D. A. H. King, Irdni Lachine. . F/0 M. E. Keeler; from. Lon- don.. LAC. R. G. Gordon, from Ot- tawa. CpI. • 3. E.' It. 'Bonnier, from St. Johns. Cpl. W. M. MacKinnon, Camp Borden. LAC •D, L. Vanderbeer, Goose Bay. F/0 E, D. Southall, Fort Nel- son. ; • FROM CENTRALIA F/0 R. S. McQuade, to Toron; to. F/0 J. T. Chandler, release. LAC A. G. Leckie, release, LAC 3. R. G. "Souchereau, to Ginili. , LAC D. Butler, to Camp Bor- den. n Now I � The'Tin..e' To�n� ..r" `o - � Your .Car,in F�i,r�, ti • Fast Efficient Service IsAMustAt athers Bros. PHONE 321. EXETER Premium Grsolini •.O/the balance. 6,270 is held In the (5 (including 4.2% by American Telephone and Tele- . graph C.ornppny); / 7 ; h,! Ole Viatted Kmaduni and clsouh¢re, Canadians own this share of The Bell Telephone .� p -Company 0V ever;: hundred Bell cerium* shareholders, 98 are Canadians. And following the recent sale of additional common shares, thcynow own 92%,of Bell stock! No other company has so many Canadians sharing in its owner- ship. Belt shareholders in Canadatoday total 150,000: Of these, 12,000 are our own em- ployees and pensioners. And,nof Course, 'I ma11y, 'many more ate Bell customers. So Bell Telephone•. -owned, controlled and operated by Ca- nadians to serve Canadians -is a distinctly Canadian enterprise. 'Pili BELL TLLcrHttr COMPANY Or CANADA a u • is a a 1 EY ,/</ �' P r • / a .A /"''`S fl( GOOD `7''Q YOUR BANK ACCOUNT! ,` ..GET 1N o1'�+I :!°IEVY' LINnEA � w TABLE BUYS! •WHY PAY MARE SAVE' THE' DIFFERENCE! A FAMILIAR'SIGN' THESE PAY , 'minding you thatxight now yourrChevrolet dealer Cart offer ytiu atl tittbeat ole buy oh the best seller. He'll show You that • ineornpar .hie quality and style needn't put a big dant: in youu•bank account. . You'll Gina that, Chevrolet offers the moat features, the /host pride, the most CAP for your money. NO firtu lf: about it, `When Money Folies It Says Chevrolet!'. Vbtrr'Citeve,.IM dourer is eager to prove how. you can save with $135 I. • � * l* rte... A GfxsiUL Morditts 1►Attit this great ear. ,See him today' 8 '�.. (CC TiEttiCtatiS THE, WORLD Ig M(St AMMAN EFFICIENTno MA isrr„s •r w.Er.rirrr•a,r..r,r.,,,iiirere,el.,.,is "i..sinee,eseesir.:a..,.i.•wwa;.:.r,wim ir',s y,sWs,' *eiww.:,':au.•wtww rHOPl! .JIM. SneIi Bros. Limiter ChomPrblet W Chris t obiltt. Chey "rucks ON a.r«w:+.s:iw.wrWrFir' w C.415**Ai. ' ItOttft A.