HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-19, Page 7, N ANCIES Exchange Vows At• Parsonage The marriage of Olive Hath leen Vail, formerly of Charlotte!, town, P.E.I., and l roost G. j ar- vey was solemnised by Rev. 11. Z. Snell at the James :St. Uni- ted Church parsonage an Tues- day evening, September 17. Mr. and Mrs. Victor i(estle were attendants .at the care- ' many. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey will re- ' aide in Exeter:, a federation Group .,Mars tri'. Outdo Masa Margaret Sanders wait aatoe'atFdaoty t WmsFederation ine .Ja.ines Street United. Chttrelt an Monday .evening. Margaret told of her experiences at theA world .catnp for Girl G'iiides at 1)00 rake in August, . Mrs.. Williem ''Thomsen, .0f the -Gi tsDemonstrate SI> 'dden: Pastor Evening Atitxaliary introduced the study h; on japan til en frnt Making (f Salads WMS Speaker the hank "Crow yard 1/3 t fron �iapaa.'* Mrs, Douglas instey Misses Margaret Brock and Guest preacher at the W.M,S, conducted tha wt' Soothe* isted and .Ruth 1Viiller of the 4-H Garden anniversary servi a in morning by rs,s. nol.d rt Soottco lifts. Club -demonstrated; ""L is '.toss Street Church, Sunday g •WAS Ii.ev. Brie M Currey B.A., Gerald Godbolt presided for the a Salad" at the Citizenship and .B,}I,, of Shedden, program which she and; her group I!;duiat'on xneettng of the Ehmµ The theme of her discourse ;arranged.. vine Women's Institute held Inst was "Christian. Missions President Mrs. Carfrey Cann 'ship of tinder the eoivener- Why,,,, The missioi ry enter- presided for the business when, strip of Mrs. J -U ward Pym. prise is at the heart of the Chris- ;Plans were made to eater for two Mrs. liarold Taylor ,gave a iiia ehureh," she said. "If we weddings in the near. future .and talk on Ceylon, The xnatto' ""I.'he 'reel we have a Rood thing, we for the sector Plan men's,.aupper fate of the Empire depends ow shouidxl.'t wait to pass it., on, to on September 26y" the education .of its Youth .was others, Wltsat is spent on Chris- , discussed by Mrs, Jackson Woods. flan niissiont is rile merest Shirley Jaques favored with ttrickle compared to. what is 1 f t Auxiliary B,�gIIDS 1_ pleno'solos, Mrs, Pym an Mrs. spent on other things less pro i Mar K YOUR HAIRDRESSER. iorle t� e5 Harry Castes conducted a radio able -- seine evert harmful to and television program evalua- us?, Study Japan tion survey. 'Mrs. John Goman sang a solo. The study of Japan was intro» Permanent . Waving , President Mrs. Delmer 'Skin.- W,M.S; members , and C.G,I,T.duced at the September meet- hair Styling'and Shaping ner eonducted'the business. Mrs. attended in a body, ing of the Afternoon of James street United churc Tinting and Cold Wavin; Philip lliei'n and Mrs. 'William Rev. H. J. Smell took anniver church held Phone 144 Thomson were appointed dole- sary services at F.roxne for Rev. on Thur'g4ay taken by Mrs. Her' gates to the W. L convention 'n Currey. man Powe. Mrs, Bert . Andrew London in ,November, 'and Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Kenneth •Hem were named lead- Anglican Group nearly 90 million and she needs irl�tOn immigrants and more Opportunity Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. • The population of Japan is Eth eiPs- ars for the nest 4-11 Hoineanaroom in other countries for her mg Club project `"Working withNoxi A'. K Wool." lifts Ross Skinner Mrs. d BVI' , William e v e'n. in g, St. Paul's per month Is $35. She is strong .. named a comma . Routley were Anglican Church W.A, entertain- for peace, thinking the stout tee to look after a penny auction, ed their own congregation and bomb is the greatest datastrophy PHONE 113r GRAND BEND at the NOvember meeting, Mrs. members of the United Church that .could happen to away eaun- Beauty Salon dick Hera, an is friday for trade. The average income Kenneth Johns was appointed and W.M.S. and. their husbands, try, She is sending letters to fatldne'r :ache aiaa4l. S e 'ba4ke `t woo type of ;pie :with pear*, peaehela .„or • berries. Here is :a .different salad reeipe but "it is good" says Mrs, Glenn Jeffery. 1 cup •eoaked rice i, clzp chapped radishes 1 .hap. sli•t;+sd green Atilon 3 cup claop:pod green pepper 1l cups diced celery cup peanuts 4 filap i ayonn.aise Z tsp-. lemon juice fr tsp salt' • few grains pepper Combine rice, vegetables .and nuts- About one '.hour before serv- ing combine mayonnaise, lemon juice and seasonings and flu welt,. Add to vegetable anixture and serve Qn lettuce. RECOVERS AFTER NTHS COMA•- t7?lconsciotts for � N1Q six months, Shirley Cotham, of Pembroke, Ont., has made an almost miraculous recovery and now is, well enough to play with her .doll:s,. She is shown with.. W, J'- Montaigne, who helped a committee raise 54,000 from the people of Pembroke to help pay the little girl's hospital bilis. She- was hewas seriously injured in a car crash last March. ,,,1,a!UIu1PIN1,u4,nn1nPg1p0.•..i!1!11••1UW!!nvo,, n1!iU!"HiH!!t,!IM".1!44/!LAIquA!tglAl!!!1"u� a as •THIS N THAT 15y MRS. J, M. S. We have come to expect grapes spread over top -of the apples. at our grocer's on Exeter Bair Measure 1 eup brown sugar, day. They can be used an so 'loosely packed and completely cover the apples. It ix►ay.require a little more than the cupful to do this, Dat generously with but- ter. Add 1/2 cup of .cream so that all the brown sugar is moistened, This forms a crusty, gooy top whenbaked which. makes it So "yuniniy", Mrs, Morenz says, many Ways and .are so 'colorful T T STYLING representative tot the Exeter . Rev P h 1'111 p s of Milverton countries in North America ask. Grape stains are easily zemoved brill C ., _•.ereif soaked in __e FOR LA, ES ch of the anter Society, A donation of $10 w voted too IA some of his experiences as a ing'testa •.ot. bombs and nuclear as possible, . attonal Itistititte � a5 a irecaution to peo< - Bev. 1 's hues and health. .' a es re- 1vlrs, Kenneth Johns and her Phillips to forward to the mix. The worship service well a fres}ting drink when active y as vo a es the Canadian N nissionary there. A collection weaponsl • • Equal pairs of chilled grape. Ethel Des'ardine of the Blind. was taken.up and given to p e 1 i 1 Ith juice and ginger ale ink A. i 1 ken die Proprietress committee were hostesses, sign field. by Miss Pearl. Keyes .assisted by eoid• • h m nt of the ri ut d, a lino e a ed U. Si. church. The Ladies Quartette of solo.' Mrs, I•f, .Powe reported for Catharines when a 'monster par - the United Church favoured with the United States.. telling of the ode —one of the best in Canada r Black i t' and India e r t queen members .served lunch.. words when 14ashartis was sewed be featured everywhere. Personal Items • last February "We are not bound Hid you know that grapes Mr, Howard Ross of Cottain is by resolutions which are'against .grew wild in this country as far visiting this vti;eelc with his Sias ons country and interests," back as history records? Leif ter, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Doupe. President' Mrs- 0. E. Zurbrigg We Lucky, according to legend, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Smith conducted the business. She an was so impressed with the nuns- :attended a County Nome eon- nouneed the "Mission to.•The.Na- her of grapevines gwrowing where vention' in Hamilton' three days tion which is to be held in he was shill to have' touched that this past week. , James Street church November he. called the region,. Vineland. Mr, Dennis Leitchfield. of Vie- 3 to 10 when Dr. B. V. Farris,. Hundreds of years later—around visited Saturday New York, Director' of the'De- 1636, Jesuit Fathers were cult'• twith�Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Shier. partment of .Evangelism of the.vat'ng Canadian grapes and mak- Miss Marion Biackloek, Little National Connell • of ,the United iii; from thein a sacramental N MissM d i• Nations will be the guest wtae By igll a th.riving vineyard lockoc or r. r ac - vide and from then on Ontario. lock of Toronto were Saturday grape culture spread aeross the guests with Mr, and M.S. G. H, This . Week 1n' rich land of the Niagara Penin- Mrs. Hiram Hanna spent.the • sola arid,, its surroutrdm trank After the slides, everyone was ,by SpecialTwin. e' •r by MAX FACTOR AND GET.THIS a $1.,00 KI.FI LIPSTICK $32Q VALUE FOR $22 TWO TOGETHER FOR THE PRiCE OF ONE Max Factor's Hi-Fi Fluid Make -Up and lii-Fi Lipstick —the perfect beauty duet. And buying them together means big savings too ! Take this chance to get acquainted with their charms. The smooth way they go on, the way they stay put. The way they give you true-to:life Hi-Fi coloring. You'll love -them, " Jos Darman. Mrs. rank Next weekend the grape: les- invited tote basement Wildfong cont b e p t• wat will be cel ba two numbers. Mrs. Garth petition of Fak s an n w.ili be held. The grape ler sang, two solos and the W,A. quoting Prime Minister Nehru will be crowned and grapes will Shemogue, B., a e ane preacher. had been established at Cooks- TheRobert Burgin, r i weekend in Toronto with. with V1 inche sea tory. today, Ontario grapes Mr, and Mrs. Don Hewitt and among the finest for delicious* family. By MRS. HORNE flavor, quality and produbtive- Rev, a.. _ nd Mrs.' Phillips sof . F'cress. * a * 1VIil t n were Friday evening d M Cl renee Ford ver 0 guests with.rMr. and Mrs. Alex of Mr. itchener, Mr, and Mrs, Wil- Every,housewife seems .to have Irvine a a nd f milt' liam Armstrong an A t d Joyce of a favorite way of making Dutch ,No Fowl Supper This Year Exeter, Mr. Clarence .Armstrong Apple Pie. Mrs., Roy Morenz, of Mrs. Stuart Shier was hostess of Detroit,"Mrs. Carrie Cullen Dashwood, demonstrated her for the September • meeting of of Windsor. and Mr. and Mrs. method over M'Lady program on the W,A. and ..W.M.S. of the Leland Armstrong and Steven of CKNX Wingh,.last shares it. United Church: Tuesday Exeter were Sunday guests of and she g',a The worship service was con-, Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Ford. with you through this column. . ducted by Mrs. F. Switzer. Miss Wilma Walters' of Lon- • Dutch Apple Pie Twenty members answered the don spent Sunday at the home of (Mr's. ,toy Morenz) , 'roll call. Mrs. Bickell gave a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred bine a deep ,9 .inch pie plate Christian Stewardship reading. Walters. pie is baked at 450 degrees for the first 15 minutes and 375 degrees for 45 minutes longer. Serve with cheese or ice cream.. Mrs. Morenz says this pie will freeze well. She omits the butter •} ad re n n and cream when f ex g adds them when baking the pie and allows 20 minutes at 450 de - have ones e (in hand Istead of n the freezer. When we had the threshers they were always the first DiCS to be ' Between April, 1946, and April, 1957, agricultural employment declined from 1,190,000 to 712,000 while in the same period Manu- facturing employment increased from 970,000. to 1,2p0,000. with your best pastry. Fill with The study book for the coming Mr. and Mrs, Dale 'Armstrong, sliced apples generously. Mix year was introduced by Mrs. Deborah and Robin of Detroit Well 1/3 cup granulated Sugar, Gallop, are spending a few days with 1/3 cup (generous) all-purpose The president, Mrs.,, Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford. flour aild 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, and Switzer presidedfor the W.A. • - , Message From ' meeting.. It was deckled that there will not be a fowl supper this year. ` ,. Huntley's Drug Store• The Supreme Court' of Canada, • established by Parliament in HONE 50 EXETER1875, consists of a Chief Justice andight puisine judges. • • CHANGE OF LiFE HOT FLUSHES Why suffer from hot hushes, ser. von tension, irritability, weak- ness, loss of appetite, aches and pains, simple anemia during change of life? Rcmennber, in Clinical Teats, the majority of women enjoyed striking relief with plew 1 ormola Finkham Tablets or Compound. Most likely ,you will be helped, too: So. we O%1er 30, DAYS FRO TREATMENT 1£ you aro not h ip.d Just get Pinkham'rfromyvurDru Store. Take for 311 days as directed to get at the cause 0/ your complaint. I f you do not csperienee striking relief, send tis the empty carton for cheerfulrefund of your money. We have thonspnds of testimon-, arils on file from satisfied deers. , Join thein today. •Try our safe; no -risk plan. Get our ea__syy.to-use New Formula L• �'(dia E. "'inkhorn Tablets with added tonic irons m Quad with Vit min $1: or Co p itINKHAiNPi-001,0000, OMtUM° Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS Mr. "and Mrs, Joe Zavitz of Thedford called on John and Mrs, McGinnes on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs, Sam Williams of London visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Gibson, Mr, and Mrs, Chester.Stone of Blenheim called .on friends on their way, to North Bay where they are on vacation, Mr, Richard England and friend of Niagara Falls visited a few old friends last week. Miss- May. Hodgins returned to Toronto last week after spending the past two months at the- old homestead. Quite a number front this dist- rict took in London •J~'air • last week. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hodgins and Randy • were visitors' With Mr, and Mrs. Newt Ilayter. Mr.' and Mrs. Newt Ilayter tailed on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (stone spent Sunday in London. Letter Froth rY Barnsley -OF.COUPSE tis'MILK FROM K,INCAND!!#t MAIRY . ®7NM Ahiftl*PAld InAneNtit i'ly MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Mt. and Mts. dim George of Sarnia called on Mr, and Mrs. 'Penton on Monday whilevisiting Mrs, George's ,lather, Mr, Wes Dixon, of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Jim T'revethiek, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Dorman OfAilsa Craig spent Sunday inKitchener, Dr, and Mrs,Norman Amosand ehildrea of Kirkton were re- gent ,guests with :Mr. Lits. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Prest and Billy and Wits, Ida Prost spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Rose Atkinson of Lunn. Mrs, icarry 'less of 'urieh spent Sunday with Mrs. Hess Sr. who is staying, at ,the home= of her daughter, Mrs,' dim Trevi. thick. Mr. Anti Mrs, Rill Fenton and children, Mr. Milt Renting and Mr. 1 t dF .titbit visited in Sarnia on Sunday bringing burnt Mrs. Fred Fenton who spent the past week. With relatives. there. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph »arlitig and children who, have. been holi- daying the past three weeks with Mir. and Mrs. Witliarn Darling, left for~ their htrrne In. Toronto. Mr, and Mr;. Ceeil L wood spent Saturday Mrs, Linteat/ d' xtl xf'Ark ,ill. with PHONE 331,i DAILY bELtVERY "NATURE KNOWS NO PAUSE IN PROGRESS AND 'DEVELOPMENT" ,—.(Author's'Nante • Our fight' against sick- ness is'a•conti,nuous one. Research workers are al- ways seeking better drug s.' a nd new treat- ments. About one - third of the ingredients in last years prescriptions. were unknown the year before, We must keep well in- formed. A newly ,dis covered drug can almost overnight 'change a phys- ician's prescribing habits, so .that there is no fur- ther need- for the replac, ed drug. Every prescrip- tion• pharmacy regularly discards these drugs that are no longer used. Despite all this the cost- - per -illness of medicines grows less each year. You get better somuch more quickly. e YOUR PHYSICIAN ,,• CAN PHONE. Exa1er 447' ,« ' WHEN YOU NEED' A 'MED1CtNE Pick:' up• your preucrip- - tic i if shopping' near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without' - extra charge. A great many people tit - trust its with the respons, ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we comm pound yours? ' Andrew Johnston Drugs .. Man 3t!, I! Mi tttt PItEs'C1tiPTION" j tHEMItti tanttcliOh li).• .tonttrot riintitita • (1fi4s•t631) • 'apyrltkttt, lOrt (IaWil Ri y Beauty !Bar Myrl tet See* Hut TerPonliONAN 'a leutdatAt liatii,14ol a regtell Atewtuxirre* .Ate Main St. Modern Beauty Salon .314 Main. $t. nook' ' WWI STYLING PlS1IMANENTS HAIR T.RPATMlirnNTS Feed :Hander*Ott, .Prep. ist New Winter Coats. . Choose your eoat now from our just -arrived tweeds and plains. Froxu 129.9.5 • New Car Coats Quilted -lining makes thein warm and snug. New styles, from 13.95 IRWIN'S Phone 474 Exeter MAPLE LEAF SALMON SWIFT'S PREM . ;z t9Z. TiN • AYLMER KETCHUP FANCY RED 7%a r.) Z. 71 14=4 45c 45c 2i7 oz, g[1 3 C TTLE5 Two -Fruit Marmatade or Red Plum Jam BREAKFAST CLUB JAM 3 t4Raz. 1 IST PEAS CHoiCE G1UAt.11Y 4 TENS• 49c DESK AYLMER CREAM CORN .1 rt►►:tcisz . 2 5 c MAC APPLES Mother Porker's Coffee INSTANT, 20 00 Largo 4.Oz. Jar 791 REGULAR OR DRIP, 50 Off Lb. Can 900 ltttkreNt 4 for �� . TOILET TiSSUE, Large Rolls ,,,,,,,..... CRISCO, 1,Lh: Pkg. .....•.,,, ,.... 37¢ )itelr.'4 7'nNie FLOOR WAX, 1/3 Extra FREE, 1 -Lb. Tin ...... 49e LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE, 48 Oz. Tin 31� Tlofhe•r :int•{:$iwn'I4 JIFFY PIE CRUST, 5¢ Off Pkg CHEER, Giant Site, 106 Off Regular Size, 5¢ Off Frai......v o, )'„Phase` $curet rout FROZEN FISH 'N CHIPS, 24 -oz. Pkg. 630. PILLSBURY ICE BOX COO1IE.S Package Makes 4 dozen. They're cleliteius, Just slice and bake. Three kinds-,:Cruemby Peanut, Bufterteotch Hut, Cocoanut. 280 61,0 15 Serving Better You Free Delivery CI,fS' iVIER PARKING 43c Fresh -Picked' 5 -LB. POLY RAG OLFE RIVE APPLES 3 Pounds 25c 49c W R COOKING r:. reti‘loiionioompoOmmenumumumoil "M..* REAR OP STORE —OPENFR1. `Y tI Saving. You More Phone 532 SAt IX 10 4