HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-19, Page 6NMI The "TIMES AIIVO SeRtet>Ii Itr it 1457 Henson An.. Dist:ri;ct News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude HRdden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682-r-31 Celebrate Decade, Area Official On FrThjday September 20 Mr. ` Installs K i n In SCountry and Tirs. Sint Roobol will cele -1 Les Parker, Exeter, deputy brate ten years of residence in governor for Zone D, installed Canada, a country which they ; the officers of the Kinsmen and think is wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. ' I{innettes at a joint dinner meet-, Roobol arrived in Canada 10 ing at Lee's restaurant Thurs- years ago in Quebec where they day evening, resided for 8 months, then to The 1957.58 slate installed the Hensall area and from there were, president, Jack Drysdale; to Hensall. vice president, Harold ;Knight;. Mrs. Roobol is active in church registrar, Robert Reaburn; sec- organizations, choir, and Womens retary, Frank Pearce; treasu- Institute. Mr. Roobol is elft rer, George Sawyer; bulletin ployed at, the RCAF Station Cen- editor, Conrad McRoberts, durec-. tialia. They have a daughter, tors, Bob Baker jr, Jim Clark Maja, nurse -in -training at Victo- and Frank Ellwood. ria Hospital, London. Kinettes president is Mrs. John Heal; vice president, Mrs. Frank Ellwood; secretary, Mrs. Jack Drysdale; treasurer, Mrs, Geo. Sawyer; registrar Mrs. William Mickle; bulletin editor, • Mrs. Conrad McRoberts. Seaort h Woman Addresses WMS The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church met For the meeting presided over 7:hursday evening in the church by president Jack Drysdale ti f- schoolroom for their autumn ferent service projects were dis- rally which took the form of a cussed, Treasurer George Saw - dinner meeting, with forty mem- yer presented the report of the bers and guests attending. Mrs. Ontario Bean Festival and ds- N.E. Cook and her group were closed that the project was a in charge of the devotional, pro- financial success. The Kinettes ram and lunch. Mrs. W. B. Cross presented a service project: two presided for the meeting, Sac- red 'passages were read by Mrs. Norman Jones and prayer offer- ed by Mrs, Alekonder.. Guest speaker, Mrs. W. L` Whyte of Seaforth, addressed the group choosing for her theme Moffatt, from Freston Kinsmen "How to live withourselves." She Club, The affair concluded with .said "We should aim to esta- blish peace of mind in our lives a dance. in every day living by being close to God, to live unhurried Trip To Coast lives, one day at a time bring- ing happiness to ourselves and Instl all we ca a in • 25.00 scholarships to the girl and boy with the highest stand- ing average in grade 8 in Hen- sall school this year. Frank Ellwood won the draw, Out of town guests included Mrs. Les Parker, Exeter, and Dave speaker was introduced by Mrs. Ty . Cross and thanked by ifrs. E. Mrs. A, W, r trips gahe a eel- . Rowe, � vel talk on her trip to the Paci- fie coast through Canada and the Delegates -to the Sectional' United States this summer a.t b Meeting to be held in the United the first 'fall meeting of Hensel' Church, Hensall. Tuesday, Oc- Women's Institute held on Wed- tober 8 are Mrs. Win. Henry and Mrs. H. McMurtrie, President Mrs, G. Armstrong presided for the business period. Mr, Jarvis FIor"ton rendered a violin solo, accompanied at the piano by his , per. Mrs. Garnet Whitttaker and sister, Mrs, • Grace Harpole, Joyce ".contributed two vocal duets to the. program which was Leukaemia Victim convened by Mrs. W. Carlisle in contact with. The tote plc School Section Fetes. Children ?unlit and teachers of S,S. 3 Hay Township held a farewell party for Laird, Patsy and Les- lie, Ducharme on Friday after- noon at 3.30 p.m. The children. were called to the platform and presented with a desk lamp by Ronald Schroeder, Robert Erb read the address on behalf of his fellow school mates. Laird Ducharme replied with words of appreciation, Light refreshments were served by the Misses Marlene Dignan, Anne Hummel and teacher, Mrs. Victoria Soldan. The Urban Ducharme family are moving to the farm they re- cently purchased near Brussels, Chiselhurst WMS Packs Large Bale The fall meeting of the Wo - mens Missionary Society of Chi- selhurst United Church was held in the church schoolroom Mon- day evening presided over by the president,' Mrs. Earl Kins- men. A brief silence was ob- served and prayer by Rev, C. D;. Daniel in memory of the late Mrs. Earl Treffry who passed away since the last meeting. The worship "Joy of Christian Friendship" was taken by Mrs. Percy Harris. Mrs. Roy Mc- Donald was appointed missionary monthly secretary to replace the late Mrs. Treffry. Mrs. Harold Parker reported that the bale for overseas relief weighing 10,,5 lbs. had been forwarded to head- quarters in July. Mrs. T. Brint- nell and Mrs. H. Parker pre- sented the study on Japan. Mrs, J. Brintnell took the chair for a brief' meeting of the Wo - mens Association. Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre and Mrs: H. Parker were appointed a committee to decorate the church for anni- versary services September 29, Mrs. A. Ross was pianist for the meeting. nesday evening in the Legion Hall. President Mrs, Carl Payne presided for the meeting which was preceded by a pot -luck sup - Year -Old Baby Funeral services for John Wit. and Mrs. W. Richardson. Mrs. S, Roobol, convener of the travel committee, reported that the bus trip to London is Ilam -Vanderworp, year and a to be taken on Monday,. Septem- half old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. ber 23 when the group will tour Vanderworp of the Hensall Dis- the post office, Free Press, Mc- tict, who died on Thursday with Cormicks, Kelloggs, Tweedsmuir leukaemia following a six weeks 1 Hall and CFPL-TV. They will be illness was held from the Bon- I met at the post office by Mrs. thron funeral chapel on Satur- I E Geiger of London, formerly day, September 14 at 2:00 of Hensall, who will p.m, go on the conducted by Rev. Van -Farrow. tour with them. Surviving are his parents who A gift of $25 was donated as a name to Canada from Holland gift to the new public school. In April 1951, two brothers and A short course on salads will be four sisters. Mr. Vanderworp and. held in the Legion Hall, Decem- his son are employed with Bill ber 2 under the extension de - his i Illickle n the poultry business, partment of the Horne Economics Porle Itemshebranch.' It will be open to the ladies of Hensall and district. Mr. Sam Rennie and daughter, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm gave Mary Ann, rendered a duet at highlights of Achievement day the United Church service Sun. held at Zurich' recently and the day morning formation of a• 4-H Homemak- ing club was discussed but final decision was Ieft to the October meeting. Mrs. W. B. Cross, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs, C. Cook and Mrs. R M. Peck were named a com- mittee to look after on apron and bake sale to be held in No- vember. Kippen East W.I,, will be guests at the -October meet- ing. Hostesses were Mrs. E. Norminton and Mrs. V. Horton, Personal Items Mrs. A. Mcllveen, Oshawa, Mrs. Norman Peppier; Hanover, are guests with Mrs. James Bon- thron. ,i/111,111YfIb111t111 MUhltllrlllfl111It1111br411fli M W tiliu1H111Ii11f11YIVH1111r Hllllll lllllltl M ttlllll tt11Pt1/, Baca -To -School . z 1 VALU ES 'Boys' Lined Corduroy JEANS Blue and Brown with MATCHING SHIRTS 4.6X $5,95 Set 6.12 $6.95 Set BOYS' WASH 'N WEAR SHIRTS In checked and Wiped cottons, Mutton Down collar's $3,49 isoY3' COTTON' FLANNEL SHIRTS Omens fe pick from. • $1.49 to $2.95. NEW SCHOOL SHIRTS With double elbows. BOYS' JEANS :....... Black, heavy end faded 'blue denim: MEN'S WASH "N WEAR WORK MINTS 13,9 ;fun# wash how dry and wear again. tl SOS 'PHONE 1'A' • ?tll:NSALL• J iY't11YYy1MlYt1,'IUV'I1tt11rgv1Tli'ftvtrl,illflrrl'VYrelirryllnriir,t+YiurrfrPtrlrfr,rill-rt,rr7lrrrfriiirfYr+Yfiflrrirlri1Y1�+; � Holds Wedding On Anniversary Ann Lewarton Collyer, .• only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Robert Collyer, London, former- ly of Hensall, chose her parents' wedding anniversary, September 14, for her marriage to John Arthur Hitchins, Kingston, son of Wing Cmdr. and Mrs. Fred Harvey Hitchins, Ottawa. The ceremony took place at the Church of St. John the Evan- gelist. The Ven. C. W. Foreman, D,D.,. Archdeacon of Middlesex and rector of the church, and the Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, D.D.; Bishop of Huron, officiated at the mar- riage ceremony, which was followed by the service of Holy Communion.' The bride wore a long sleeved traditional gown of white de- lustered satin over pink taffeta, styled with a princess front panel and soft pleats arching hack to a princess panel which extended in a chapel train. Heir- loom Duchess lace from the wedding gown of the bride's grandmother and mother formed a deep V neckline on the front and back of the gown and was used again on the skirt. A cap of Duchess lace held her three- quarter length veil of blush veil- ing, and she carried a cascade' of white orchids and stephanotis. The bride was attended by Miss Marion Henderson, London, as maid of honor, and as brides- maids by' Mrs. Robert Collyer, Toronto, and Mrs. James Coll - yet., Vancouver; Miss Heather Inman, London; Miss Constance Kinnear and Miss Catherine TOry, Toronto, and the groom's sisters, Miss Margaret Hitchins and Miss Mary Hitchins, junior bridesmaids, of Ottawa. Miss Tory was also soloist, The atten- dants were gowned alike in Waltz -length dresses of coral crystal charm. Theycarried hand bouquets of coral carna- tions, Sweetheart roses and deep blue delphinium. Thomas Foulkes, Ottawa, at- tended the groom as beat man. Ushers were the bride's brothers, Dr, Robert Collyer, Dr. James Collyer and Gerald Collyer, and Graham Hitchins,David Au- chanad, Toronto, and F10 George Skinner, :Ottawa. For travelling to Cape Cod the, bride wore a suit and hat of. grey -blue cashmere with corsage. of red roses The couple will live in Kingston. Bride and groom are both graduates of the University of Western Ontario, Baby and The Baby Band and Mission. Band of Chiselhurst Church en, tertained the %Miens Missionary Society of the church. at 'a gra- duation ceremony when Alyce Ferguson, Robert Kinsmen, bon• old Colel Allan Sararas and Brian Chapple, graduated front the baby band into the inissi.on. band. Mrs. John Glenn prCsented certificates, Patricia „.3f ar r is played at plana solo, Ml's. Ro- bert. Kinsmen Was pianist for the it toting, Personal Tema Ma Harty Faber has return. ad Home from. St, ;'loseph's Hos- pita, London, having boom ad- mitted following a heart seizure at Western Fair last Wednesday night, Mi" and Mil, A. W, Korslake and 30a0f, of Lbnd0n, .'Mita en frig ds here en Saturday, Meaar, tut 'to, Page' R,ln#a•W nnttre 'Winners #t tele 11egian bingo Saturday -last were Charles ker. Seaforth 4)4 Wilfred Dojpe, Exeter; '•Piny Bedard; Mrs. N, Baird (24Leroy Felkar, •Sea. forth, Mrs. Bruce Walker; Paul Boa, Mrs W.. Doupe; Mrs. Bo.1),. Raker Sr. (2)1. Mrs, Btiet; Mrs. 'yin. Clement (2); Mrs. C Wil- kinson (2); Mr$. A. Foster Sr,; Mrs. Norman Lang, -Kippen. t'he door prize was• won `by Leroy .Felker of Seaforth, Jackpot this. coming .Saturday will be worth 51.10.08 in S? •calls, Personal, Items Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson and Arlene, Stratford, were week- end visitors with Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray. Mrs, Pauline Scrabuik who has.' spoilt the past four months in. Regina, Sask, has returned to' the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Sehwalm and faintly. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harseh of San Mateo,' California, were guests last week of Dr. and Mrs.. James W. Bell, Mr. horse'', is a nephew of Mrs. Bell, and it was .a surprisse visit, TOPS f)1GA'if—Leslie Biles, 14, ear•old son of Bert Riley, R.R. 1 Craanarty, again was one of the ' to exhibitors at Hensall School .Fair., He's •won the prize for the, most points at -the fair for tht past five years. • *MX X a[ E.rmel Church Mrs. Donald Mae»onald was hostess: at the manse on 'Aura. day for the September meeting of Missionary oscetyo Woman's a nel Churc, 14r. Len Purdy presided: for the meet- ing. Ilona were made for the Thank -offering meeting to be held Thursday, October 10 to be an evening meeting with a speaker to he secured later. Mrs. MacDonald gave a paper on Mrs. Dickens work in Forum - se, prepared by Mrs, A. Hog- garth, The devotional period was taken by Mrs, John Love -land Mrs. Robert Madge. Personal Items -• Miss Amy Laramie was inter- viewed on the M"adv program. at. •CI�NX-TV Winghant, Monday. afternoon by Miss Margaret Brophey, • Mr. and Mrs, Shaw and= fain. i1y, St. Thanias, were' weekend guests with Mr., and Mrs, John Higgins. Mrs, Mac Greer, London, visit- ed with her mother, Mrs, J. 'W, Benthron, over the weekend. y,,111111111f1111A184,11111i9101111111111111111111111tIStW UAU1MM..g1l1i111t111.111WWIMp:11 MMI,,111Q1f114WW1k.1111f�'1 a 1 • Nc.TICE The Law Offices of W. G. Cochrane at Hensall will be op'1 Every Wednesday from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. commencing October 2, 19x7 For appointments for other days, please phone: J'ensall--16 Exeter -14 1'0P !ttttit1111111t 111r1t11111111111.11t11111111t 11011111111111111fif 11111111.111, lllllillllll 111111111111111111/IIINIItlllllt111i111111 SUPER •SAVE SETS THE PACE! -LIBBY'S FRUIT JUICES ORANGE BLENDED GRAPEFRUIT • . LARGE 4133 SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! • Quick Cooking Nibiefs. Brand ' Con SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! . Luncheon Meat Swifts Prem SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! . In Tomato Sauce Heinz.'Spcighettj R OZ. T'I N 2 12 OZ: 'TIRI SUPER SAVE SETS THE PAcEI Instantuak r�. � e Oats _J111511111111111111111111111111111111E11 SUPER SAVE'MEATS SET THE PACE! 'III illlllllllllllltlllll Ill�lllllllillllllllml�llllllllllllinllllllll n IIIIIImQI►IIIliliillh'IIIA$1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIl11111111111111111111111ntl111111111111111111111011 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIItIII IIIIIIIIIIII 11 fir i HAMBURG 3 lbs. $1.00 COTTAGE ROLL —W—ET PICKLED -SLICED SIDE BACON 14 -oz. tins FO'R 33c 45c 15•o1. tins 29c 44 -oz. pkg. 36c FOR 1111111111111101111111111111111111111111110 WIENERS • 43c Ib. CRYO -YAG.. L@. 63c 79c. MllUfiMIME SUPER SAVE 'BONUS' BARGAIN!! 4 5 -piece Y Luncheon See Made by European Craftsmen! Regular 5.95 value only.4 $ I 99'- with $5,00 purchase IUtIINIIIIIIIIIIIiilillllllllllllll flIIIIIUIIIItill 1111111 INJ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfII u, _ i .Ip I illIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIII11111111111111111101111111Ilillllliilll1111111(Iiihkflllllillllllltlnlllllllllllilllllllllllilli I I -- 1111111 1 i Birds Eye Combination Featurrl Whole Kernel Corn Green Peas Leaf Spinach' 15 for $ Buy Birds Eye ,., The Best In Frozen Foods Dairy Food Feature! KRAFT. CHEESE Velveeta • Vx-Ib. pkg. Baked Goods Feature! SUPER' SAVE ,BRAND SLICED i Bread full 24, oz, loaf sC OF'F' ''ACK MOTHEB. JACKSON/a nkg; JIFFY PIE CRUST 27c se ()VP' P tic: 91IOIITENING EASIFIRST 2 LEIS. 49c KLsG's CHOICE ICED PITTED CHERRIES 1S 0Z, TINS " 2 39c E. D. M,1'Ili'ai APPLE PIE FILLING &'noun FIVE ROSES 5 LS. BAG 39c WAGSTAFFE'S CUT MIXED PEEL 8 oz. 2 for 390 WAGSTAFFE'S CUT MIXED FRUITS' 8 oz. 23¢ CANADA .CORN STARCH pkg. 18¢. FOR 2O -oz, tip 29c tttttism ItttItttt111r11111/NIr1/lttllual,trllr„Hrtl ltt,lull tl titbit t l 11l11111,11111{111111ulfilllrlfnllllllltlr111llliltti10,•. L • ONLY TOP QUALITY PRODUCE AT SUPER SAVE! STINIiIS:C---JUICY F. 3 LE. P.KG° 2 5 cl 3 CELLO x WRAPPED x • ORANGES SIZE 113"5 DOL, 49c I OCEAN' SI'RA Y—it 'EYED CRANBERRIES LATim—i'):nrm CELERY STALKS 2 tr CELLO RADISH 2EKG, FCIa 19c IriatISH—Cnls.P LETTUCE 23c 'llYlit111i LARGE HCADS, POTATOES 19c o LEIS. BAG'S 35c 3 t r • (till Y i flit / 1 flllll t.11� 1 ,Y' 1 b Nor f1Ulf 111i1,1Y1111111,41K 1 MARKET HENSALL - ONTARIO A 1 M1 PI