HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-19, Page 4"rho Tinitte•Advocete, September 19, 1957
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Let's Talk
Booster Club • Defending Championsl.BOwling l;ealgue-
Plans Dinner .
. !tarts M.onday
-warn Len McKnight,. ,proprietor of el
At a special meeting _Monday $
the Exeter Bowling -ane
Ilight et the teWil hall, the elect-
• •
ler Booster 'Club: of leg year's After a weeks layoff, Zurich .a Peefeet nve'f°1!'fix.0 'Plght Bi! !Ilten.uinbeeerd2.3th',Iwt;d111.111enE'..M1-oeelPt:
GILA ,Senior "11" Mohawke- cLunper Kings* defending '0.11.A. the plate.
ed to stage a final dinner to try "D" -champions, and Walsing.; The fleet -footed I oft c lele long .ile thL541:.;rssero,011.4 League.
to pull the club -out -of lebt end ham. Senators, hooked up in the ecracked out 'solid sin•gles in
the league .and there's a good
meut to Ile leeal "homebrew" „seven series Wednesday night eeighth innings, beat ,o -tit e. slow
Sports, Iditor
•B DON "BOOM BOOK" GRAVITY turn over all of lest year's equip- second game of their. hest.of- eh of the first, fourth and To date, 18 teems have entered
hockey .club which will operate in the .Southern Counties team's. roller to first in the fifth and °hall" 111°1: one or two /119re Wilt
climaxed a lam:feet day with 4 1Nallt to gain admittance within
eelleoloullemoolowleseeeolololooloweeneemolool0000seoloome; this. winter. home park.
Coehraile, president of the . w.aisioghom, who took a sound 3.50.foot blast over the right- the we°1S'
•-;0.1.1.A. Senior "B" hockey in this town has had
it! At least for •this winter anyway as.Booster Club
officials decided that expenses were rnueh ton high
for ,.the riumber of faithful fans that 2ollpwed the
tribe right down to the wire. But not all has been
loit!, Although thereis nothing definite regarding
plaArs or who will be riding in the executive seats
as Os colunin is written, a plan is being put for-
ward, by BILL MUSSER to ice a "homebrew" hockey
No doubt a lot of fans who witnessed last year's
brand of hockey and a number who never set foot
inside the arena door will he chuckling to themselves
about dropping from Senior "B" to Intermediate
f'13," or "homebrew" but we all must admit it is the
only way local talent can be given a fah' chance
to show their stuff.
The town, of Exeter seems divided in its 'opin-
ions about the importing of players and the using
of the locals. Numerous people claim they want high
class hockey while others repeatedly claim they'd
back up the locals in action,
This winter will •mark the first time that A
strictly homebrew club will be operating out of
Exeter since 1 have been here and the. results to
ine will prove very interestirg. Many people have
told me that they would go to games if they could
cheer for players from the .district they knew. This
winter everyone will have the chance.
71/Vhert you look at the situation closely, Exeter
could have a pretty fair homebrew club. If the play-
ers from last year's edition of the Mohawks would
participate and a number. of local boys like Eugene
Third,. Bill. Fincombe, Don Wells and Iry Ford
Wourd came out, things could look pretty bright in
thejockey field once again. Of course, the only way
11,41tOnt could, operate like this would be on the
s,"r}litzbasis which -to our way of thinking is the best
ezround for players aid the fans as the team
Mims it must keep winning to make any profit on
tliehare-the-wealth plan.
A couple of the biggest problems which arise in
small communities for hometown teams is that either
local players must be coaxed to come out and play
because things come too easy or they move away to
tbe. city or some other town to work because of the
14k of industry in their own town.
As the cold season draws nearer, a couple of
the towns that we have approached about clubs are
ver2 enthusiastic about getting back into what was
onto known as the old Cyclone League,
Don't be surprised- to see the towns of Lucan,
.Ilderton, Mitchell, Zurich,. Hensall, Seaforth, Clinton
-ancl. Exeter combined in an eight -team schedule. The
2to'KV.n. of Zurich was talking about combining with
Hititall to ice a team, while unconfirmed reports
bad Ilderton and Lucan going together to bolster
their teams.
Last year's hockey, executive will be making a
final drive to raise money to pay off a debt of
fl.,700 before this winter's hockey season rolls
•ar5nd. As time is getting close, •a dinner at $10.00
*_plate will be held -on OctolSer 15 or 29 at the
Brenner House in Grand Bend with Every person
ttending getting a 'chance to win up to $1,700. The
'encutive feels that with the debt hanging fire, the
Town has a bad name and in future years when
senior hockey may return, it would be twice as hard
to ice a suitable team. So your supp,ort would be
greatly appreciated when members o'f the Booster
Club arrive with .fickets to, the affair.
' elled a very hump road in our prediction list last
• week as only five of the nine came true with one
game ending in -a tie, Anyway, we still hold a 12-7
with the bookies so here we go again for the
r,;e2it seven days, BIG FOUR ACTION—Ottawa fill
relt Argos on Saturday even thougli a number of re-
: placements are arriving thick and fast for the•
doUble blue from the U.S. On the same day the big
game in Montreal with the Ti -Cats will have Ham-
ilton squeaking but a close one. The fl'p of the coin
decided it! SENIOR. O.R.F.U. — September 25 will
see Bob Celeri's Dutchies defeat the Beaches even
though, for some unknown reason, the Toronto
squad always gives the defending champs a lot of
trouble. W.I.F.U. OUT WEST Sept, 21, Normio
Ewong will pace Edmonton over Frank Filchock's
• .up -and -corning Roughriders. Winnipeg will lengthen
. Calgary's losing streak to four straight. On the. 25th
- of the =nth, -we look for .Calgary to pull out of
their dive and top B.C. •
T1 b 1 d
plate dinner will be held at the - Zurich, postponed their bonewi
in field fenre with a mate award: ! le men wiltOW Monday aa
lining pitcher Arnie Meyers ' Wednesday nights -of -each week.
booster club, said that a $10 beating in the I rst game
Brenner Hotel in Grand: Bend on game ou Sunday beegese of wet helped his own cause by knock- Schedule for the week of Sep -
either October 15 or 29 in order - grounds. lug in five runs with a single tenlber 23 IS as fOltOWS;
to- raise funds to- pull the dub i The Lumber Kings will to , Mandan September ga
Play in the fourth and a deuble
01it ;of its $1,700 indebtedness. ;their second home game of the :deep left field in the seventh, ..Hig Six vs. Tradesmen
On the hignight, $1,500 will be' series on .Saturday with. starting -CentrefieldrWayne Rowe also
in; pInnappers vs. Ringers
given away prizes - with thee time slated for 4,30 p.m. !sharp. :came through with a long double 111111imen vs. Butchers
hope of 200 tickets being told for ! Playing Coach Tom Rawlings -to centre :and a single in the 9-11-(‘3"""s vs' :41.P. PartE4:
the banquet. 1 has a choice of four starting third for two hits, while Bill 1 i snares vb. ftt*IFA rinueree
Yunehlut, Don - O'Brien TomWild Pats vs. TIO Toppera
The Main draw of the evening • pitchers to use in the home
, Wrdnesditt, .SrPirother 24
will be on a $1,000 bill with firth.; pine but will not make any de- Rawlings and Don . H •m '
e eae1 74 — I 1•0 .
er dra1111
.ws en 1011111$ of $250, ! eision until _after the game in
$1.00 $50 and four S25 draws. TheWalsinghem, Included in Zuriehs -
grabbed off a pair of singles. .1
• I ! .Mks la 0 1SPepales
Imperials vs. G.M.'s
, ; :
outing will be held in MLitt the Pitching roster are Arnie . Dean fttt'elli.son, aWindmills vs. Jets
Ab- 1
Wayne bott and Don and Earl' Bovd -e------e-e--ee-ee-------e!--^eeew
seine Manner as last year's din- ' Meyers, Don „O'Brien,
ner except that the price will Rowe and, Mary Lacy.
be $5 cheaper, Sunday. September 22, Zurich
Equipment from last year's , will travel back to the Senators'
team has been turned over Jo a park for the fourth game of the
"hoinebrew" club which will op. series.
orate this winter.
It is reported that most of last O
Doug 'Brien
year's Senior "B" players have • •
collected the Our singles for the e. Comments About
losers while Glen Ross, Don
Boyd and Arnie Hanson shared
the mound duties.
Firstbaseman Bob Garvey . of I
the Senators turned in a fine ;ByMRS. JOSEPH WOODA1-4
defensive game as he handled . •
13 plays withoutm
comitting. an ' L.rri
adies Study epa
indicated they wilt play home- cI the
brew hockey and 'with the help ...Iparks Victory
error Miss Mary Chambers led
i.eil 14ATI Tt en 1:: devotional period when the Wom•
of' other local talent, the town DefendingDham- Ontario "" h '
e noug O'Brien, 211. ..,....„ 5 4 " en's Association and Missionary
should ice .a fair team. pions, ZuriclieLumber Kings, lost nen n'llrlen. th „ .,..... 4 2 3 a SOCKY of the United Church met
-----*------7"---- little time in taking the first A,111.1,0 meeees. r — 5 0 2 n im Thursday,
News Budget From . step to maintain their prestige as *11: eic?,°‘..iVe'len: •- — 4 4 5 Mrs. Sam King was assisted
. e .e.....e... 5 o 1 n
they ripped Mee three Walsing. weene 11nwe. ef . ...,. 4 2 2 1 by Mrs. Robt, Reid in portray -
rand Bend a lopsided 14-1 victory over the 1-). Tiles ndr,r, 68 . '. ,,, ...__: 8 1 ,1 n On Japan.
ham. pitchers.lot 18 hits to post ' nee eie.tnae,-ir•.,_„., 4 n n n ing a chapter in the study book
Ontario finals played in Zerieli
wet i,si :e u A et 1 48 14 li' 1 •Mrs, G. Hill .peesided for
_ e _ ; W,M.S, business and arrange -
Senators in'the first game of the TOTAl.s
on Wednesday afternoon. -'"4"11 eI ' ments were made for thank offer -
Arnie Meyers, a chunky right- .3.. JAil*,,,tzs..31; 6 _: :77: ,..- ',I. *.?•, (.1 ing meeting* to be held ie Oetob-
Ladies To Pack Bales
The regular monthly meetings hander with plenty .04 stuff, was marl Pnrd, 81 4 a .(1) fl er when a guest,spea ser Willbe
Of the Woman's Missionary -So- only in trouble once througbout 3. Pnrgliner, llr , ... - 2 n t, An interesting letter
f ciety and Women's Association the game as he rang up four eta-cler"ren floss, -re - *---7- 44 g r.,n 1 present, An Buckle,- missionary in
lof the United Church was held serikeouts in a crafty four -hitter, .bi-....°:,,r‘iiiiir";‘4;PiY.'et!'" ,.-7.`„;", 4 0 -1 0 1,11,,,, , ,1,,vas read by Mrs. Ed.
y r. !Inson, ss _ 3 n 0 2 amPoi.,. ,. e
on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. The Senators pushed their eo I
Willis Gill opened the W.A. meet- run of the ball game over only
e-fion .ni d. rr ......,. 1 0 1 n W
,j,(yrALs 3., ., „ ,A . business was led by Mrs.
ing. It was decided to pack a plate in the eighth when Bert ." Earl ,Neil. Several reports were
box for .Rev. and Mrs. Irwin in Abbott scampered )1111
0o on a ie.- eerie to 51) In int.
b. --PItehrd tnr 110rd In 81 h' !given and date 'of coining bazaar
. Korea, Mrs. E. DesJardins and passed • ball, charged' to catcher. c—Pltehrd for Boas In 3rd. ! was set for Saturday, November
Mrs. H. Nile were appoirted to Tom Rawlings.
• - br loolog
:n. H V 2. Afternoon hostesses were.
look after the box. Doug O'Brien, guard. of, the w.tomnroin.rn non nen ol0111- 1 4 3
' Neorr S•so
Mrs. Neil, Mrs. E. Chanibers
zage tea and bake sale on ?nirelt 0 11 322Ia5--14 18 1 and Mrs, G. Bill,
It was decided to hold a ba -
urday, October 26.
Mrs. Emery DesJardins then
took the study book on Japan, in-
troducing the study for the year
and displaying several Japanese
A letter was read by the see-
retary inviting the W.A. mem:
hers to a bazaar and tea at Grace
Anglican Church, Greenway, on
Saturday, September 28,
Mrs. Raymond leading took
the chair for the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society, Mrs, Henry De-
vine asked the members to re-
new their Missionary Monthly
, subscriptions next month.
A bale of used clothing was
• announced to be sent. before
Christmas, . close in tournaments over the
The sectional meeting of the
Church W.M.S. wil
United. will he past two years, finally bit the
held M Hensall, October 8-Mre. jackpot. as he fired 'eight pars
over the 18 -hole layout to come
Taveher and Mrs. Pfile were ap- in with an 82 to capture the Jack
pointed to report on the meet- Smith Trophy -for low gross, 'hog-
ing, and Mrs. Mansell Mason, . ors .. •
Mrs. E. DesJardins and :Mrs. . , . , .
Holley to sing in the choir. . . The school. teacher.had a '42 .en
the front.nine and an even 40 en
Mrs. Herbert Pfile then gave '
keystone sack for the Rings,
once again established himself
as the hitting sensation on the
club, since it entered the play-
offs as he paced his team with
idnfinnunninintninninnonaininninntnottinthinontininnoninnoon ttttt ionni ttt t WwWwwWwwWW111111Wo
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Arnie :Meyers nd Tom 'Raw- Rally For Church School
Glen Times, Pop floyd (31,
rn I e Hanson' (S) and riesn' A combined service was held
11 ttl ell IS611. W 1 n IL 1 ng Pitcher — jn. Lite 'United Cluirch on Sunday
eleyers; 1.nmer---Irtetss. morning when the church school
; rally day was belt! in connection
• ; with • the church service, Rev,
A. Rapson and school superip.
tendent were in eharge. The jun-
ior choir sang a selection and a
Sanders And Scott
Shar.e Golf Awards and Marlene
; trio was sung by Doreen Kenney,
I Paula Boulianne
King. Rev.- Rapson gave a . talk
and Mrs. E. Lamport conducted
Morley Sanders and "Red" members of the Exeter Golf Club,
won. promotions.
Scott cleaned up on the prizes in and playing in his first year,
the windup tournament held at the consolation round of the Exe- Church News
thp Oakwood course, Grand Bend, ter Club championship. Anniversary services will b
over. the weekend by •the Exeter The all-round 'athlefe, who held in the Mi. ited Church on
Golf Club. ' . played with Dashwood Tigers for Sunday, September 22. The Rev.
Sanders, who has been coming a number of years in the Huron- L. H. Turnere) a former pastor,
Perth Intermediate Baseball . will be in charge of both sere -
League, "took on two opponents • ices. Music will. be furnished by
at once to cop the title and a the church choir and gueit' solo -
dozen golf balls as his prize. ist for the day will be Mr. Terry
Kleinstiver defeated Don Grav- ' Wade, a former member of the
three played 18. Judea 'together', London. • ' ' • • '
*Evangelical con:gregation, now of
ett and Bqb Dinney. When the
Rev. C. W, ' Down of Exeter
this weekend. The shotmaker has ; was in charge of service:in the
a handicap of 32 but ,he carded a
. Evangelical Church on. Sundae;
b' .1 the tough 1311 d
her repnrt on the School for the backAA 1C11 includeda big
A beautiful basket of
Leaders at Alma College, St. double bogie on the 18th hole. on the second, lath, 'llth, and : n1"1"g•
Thomas. with the 'low net honors, as he games of the yeae. ,
`'Red" Scott literally ran away 17th holes in one of his best
in lovine memory! of F/O Charles
: mums placed in the 'chancel was
Farewell To Pinkneys , !carded an incredible e8 with a 25 Sixteen club members were on . E. Ness and Mr. G. Ezra Fillet.
The regular monthly meeting handicap. . hand for the closing tournament. 1 Personal Items •
of the Women's Auxiliary ,of St. The -red head seoredfive pars To meet This Weekend 1 Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Fahrner
Johns - by - the - Lake Anglican and a birdie o'n the teeth in his
Church was held at the home of round fer an 83 gross. His hanch-
Mrs. Wm. needle on Monday cap !Put him 12 under par net.
evening with a good attendarice.1eKed" ecollected a dozen golf
Mrs. Harry Bossenherry presid-.*
balls as his prize'.
ed. It was arranged to send a I Other low gross prizes were
bale to the Indian Mission School : awarded to Clapde Farrow, 85;
in the Northwest Territoriee later - Bruce Biggart and Emerson Des -
in the fall. 1jardine, 87, and Don Gravett, 88.
Mrs. Bostenberry spoke a few!. Other low net prizes won by
words of farewell to Rev, and 1 club members included Stan
Mrs. M. Pinkney, which were Frayne, 63; Lorne Kleinstiver
replied in short farewells by both
Mr. and Mrs. Finkney. • . and Bill Meleenzie„ 64, Dick Jer.
The next meeting of the WA, nevi. and Lloyd Stewart, 68.
will be held at the home of Mrs. Kleinstiver Champ
of Sudbury spent a few days re-
andGolfers frOin RCAF Centralia
eently with Mr. and Mrs. -Lorne
Exeter will meet this week-
end at Grand Bend in a return
1- Mrs. 0. N. Braun returned td
rn etch.
Exeter holds the. edge, having.
Caseville, Mich, after spending
a, several weeks with. her brother,
woe' the St. Marys outing by
Albert Morlock, and other
mere 15 strokes. Central players °Mr.
hope 'to turn the tables' on the
Mr. Louis Ilirtzel of Detreit
Exeter linksmen this weekend as
in. fen force., visited with 'Mrs.' J. Hirteel arid
they plan, to be out
• sons and other relatieee.
eixeereen 003,5' (1 'LB SCO ES 1 Mx, and Mrs Schleuback of De.
•x • .•
. Low . Low! troit spent the weekend with Mr.
Groom Hdp. and Mrs. Wm. Smith.
• es hg 1 Mrs. Martin .Morlockf Gtielph
"nod" Sent!.
'it'Z " and Mrs. Henry quell], - of Kit
Hoperoft, Dashwood, the date to 1 Lorne "; -
P'ee " v
'Wee" Kleinstiver, 8traYlle -- 1$)? -.'"IgP
,”tehener spent .a' few days last
be arranged later. . ' one of the most • enthusiastic. irei.4"Airajir.7.. -- A :I
TIS N et --titt - 9. ! week with Mr.and ' Mrs. Her -
Legion Auxiliary Meet- , ' eillemeerenele. ...... 04 - an 04 1
Bruce BIggart _ 87 .i 22 RN . best Young. ,
The regular monthly meeting !Mr. and Mrs. T. Romeny of Kit- -
Noe riesiereine _ 87 . .20 67 i Miss Gertrude Beaver of De -
of the Wornen's Auxiliary to the chener, . and Mr. Wm. Cole and worioy Sanders — 82 - 18 6,.7 ' troll; and Howard Beaver of
Canadian, Legion '. was held on his bride of Stratford., Mr. Cole Lloyd ._eSI,trieli%art _::. 1114 ..... nn
2.8 6G;, Hamilton spent the weekend with
Monday evening. The report of ' was one of the leading players .1),Oi,,; ii.,,,,,.„ _ ""
161 - at :en their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
the draw on the blankets was in the Shakespearean' Festival- -
now seutetott- _ 31 - 24 73 C. Beaver.
given. Little Peter Gen, son of , and be and his bride are spend- non nreeett ..-_ se• . 11 74'Mr. and Mrs. Itichaed Vaughan
UPI( '°Iliellee -'7•-• IV' : ;,...,49 • 7.,86 of California are visiting with
Comrade 'Esther Gill wae report- eing the week here,
I. The Women's institute will Pill l'"Ile'l - ----- 1
All other buSiness was left 1 hold its regular monthly meet- - , • •
Prod S'anders ....._ 11 - 29 85 Mrs; Valfgh 'mother,
Samuel Lamport.
cd in the bospital. . an s - Mrs.
ing on Thursday, September 26, Miss Agnes Lamport of De-
onOver for the November meeting
account of several members in the Town Hall. Please :note Second Line In • . trolt spent the weekend with her
being on holiday. the change of date, on account
of Exeter. Fair dey.
Locaf Items
* Mr. and Mrs, Harold Noonan
Due to an error the report of of Windsor are visiting Mrs,
the burning Of the mortgage of ; Noonan's parents and sister,
the Anglican rectory at Tiled- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gill and
ford, of which the congregation Miss Ireneand other relatives
of St. johns -by -the -Lake, Grand in town, this week,
Bend, are also interested was Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird spent
omitted on the report of the Thursday withtheir daughter
farewell to Rev, and Mrs. Pink- and son•in-laev, Mr. and Mrs.
my, last week. Mr. Wm. Randle Carl Weber in London, and Fri -
was master of peremonies. This day evening with Mr. and Mrs,
rectory was only purehased by Jas. Stubbs in Thedford.
the two congregations when Rev. Mrs. Nelson Baker has re -
Pinkney started his pastorate turned from !visiting her brother
here three years ago. • in 1.1shorrie Township.
The local school opened its Mr. and Mit. Donald Mar
. fall • term and has now on, its and son and Mr. and Mrs, Jack
gaff Mr. David Stanton of Lon- Eagleson and baby spent a .few
din, formerly of New 'Zbalarid, days last week on a fishing trip
es the principal, Mrs. Arnold to Northern Ontario.
Desjardine, Mrs. Lawrenee Ma Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finch are
• son, Mrs. Newman R. Sharon visiting with Mr. and Mrs, jack
land Mr. Robert Brandon of Bay- Witherspoen in Montreal this
field as" teachers. ' week ' •
Rev. W. C. Parrott et Med- Mr, and Mts., E. Keown spent
ford was much enjoyed When he a couple of days in London last and Mrs. Elston. °
preached the morning service in week. • Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford
'the 11.nited Church on Sueday, Miss Lennea Statton spent the and Sohn spent Sunday' with the
• s
Personal Items .
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Inez
Dickey and family were Mrs,
John Ridley, Ellinvilie, and Mrs,
Chester Dunn, Mrs. John Willis
and Mrs. Ashley Smith, Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MoFalls
and son, David, spent Sunday in
London with Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Mrs. Karl Weiberg, aceompah.
jed by Mr. and Mrs. John Kuz-
mick RAW son Karl, visited on
Thursday evening of last week
with Cation. and Mrs. It. W.
James of Port Burwell,
Mrs. Perey McClean, Mary,
Beverley and Leah of Centralia
Air Station were visitors on Wed.,
nesday Afternoon With 14. 14.
Next Sunday a baptismal sere weekend at Glendale Beach.
lee will be held by 'Rev. A. E. Mr, and Mrs. Wni. Glenn are
Holley during the Sunday Sehoei on a motor trip to Toronto, Ot.
annual . rally service, when the tawa and Northern Ontario points
members of the sehog will rally for the next, two weeks,
il with the congregation for the Miss Mary. Yee is attending
regular morning service. The a Peistniasters' Convention at Of-
f School is to be in their pliteee tawa, this week.
..i. at io.ao a.to, Mrs. George Fulton ef Irot
I Miss Doreen Baker has accept- Springs, Arkansas, formerly of Martha Baker, all of DashWOOd,
I I ed a position on the nursing staff London, has taken np residence surprised their brother, Me,
11 at Vittoria Hospital, London. in property formerly owned by ChrisFiseher, on Saturday eve -
:11 The world Wide C011111111ftiOn Mr. D, M. jaeksen, in Old orcie hills and helped • celebrate his
•i; service will be observedsthe first and subdivision. birthday. Mr, and Mrs. Ray
Sunday in 'October, Misses Minty Broderick and Pitcher it'd family and Mrs,
i 1 The T,W.S, group or the United Marley Clark of Thedford are Jared Lyons Of Londentovere also
Clitireh will hold its opening taking nurses' teething c01118e$ present.
tritaing for the teaser!, in the' itt Sick! Children's 1-tosP'ital, in Mrs. Iteele Lewis and jerky '
e I church, on Friday evening, So- Torontoaceornpanied by ltoratio Slime-
. .
er 20 at 8,30 p.. 'Little Peter Gill returned honie son viaiWd or1 Sunday with IVIr.
ti Visitors. with Mr, and1 Mrs. on Salurday after 1.111d0f.gOillg at .lifid Mre Lieerd Johnston, Alisir
t 1 W. iSweifeer on Sunday were operate in St. Joseph's Ilospi- Craig.
fMr. and Mrs. A. Wuerth lied tel. Iast week ,
' Mr, and Mrs, till Treibrier of
1 grandson, and Mr. Albert. and Mr. VITin, S‘veirtar made a t Yeter were StuldaY viSitors
1111118$ Pearl Xeyes M Exeter, business trip tO London en Mon- with their touelfis, Mr. and Mit.
and Mfe. Earl SWeitter and AO, John McAllister,
latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs.
perry Hodgine, Granton
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Hodgins and
family of Owen Sound spent a
feW days with the latter's moth-
er. Mrs, Jessie Lewis ger boye.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnie! Fiedler
and Martha Lou, Meters. Wm.
and hob nether a,nd Mr.
mother, Mrs. S. Lamport.
Mrs. Robt. Palmer and daugh.
ters of Brighton are spending a
few weeks at the home of Mrs.
Palmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. •Fahrner.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown .of
Franklin, Ind., and Mr, and Mrs,
Albert Voltz of Kitchener visited
on Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
rahrner.,, ,
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Walper's Men's Wear
Prizes Fri., Sept. 20; 8 p.n.).
* * * Added Attractions * *
Wndmffls v*, 'League AlloStats -- :Ladies TOMS ki EXPlibielell,„
Orian Bowling at 10:00 0.111.
for Coffis, Mg, Soip Sandwitheo, Hot Dogs & Milk Shekel
.Len MeKttighti Pr'o
• 10(rillt-