HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-06-06, Page 4• 11 as,,w. ynyWtn 0ttY1. TSC LARD OF MISTS AND HEATHER - BELLS. floe wine is red. the lamps are bright, Aad /reins sod jewels glace, Where Ladies with dim Leers to-.igbi, Ars mt•gbng in the dance: Derek the moss'. sebu1 .wells B. glade••s bri.p to me - m. land of met• sad neuher bells L tar be read the we 1 aught the grows where 6re•fitr gleam, 'Moss noels of red and gold, To b.n.h from my mind the dream, Bet .till the days et old. LTbe glens, the moon, the a Douro -fells. Come bock suis to me. - The lad of mew sad heather -bells, Beyond the Northers me- This e -This lend 1s rich with all the bus And nn..res of the spring: Arpad my path, 'mug moonlight dews, The trawler team sing: B., stilt my hunger's" spilt dwells With olio who walk'd with me. 'Mug misty inure and heather-biB , Beyond the NN,Mr• .es ! AGRICULTURE. THE COST OF FINE WOOL. Newton Reed, of AmcdiaUnion, (Dutch4 ea Co.,) ie a letter to the Cultivator fol August, .aye : We followed a mixed husbandry, es the sale is about equally adapted t o grain and grass, and yields a better return than by any single branch of farming. The value td improved lands, in good need farms, is shoot fifty do' ler, per acre. The Number efsbcep kept on a farm of two hundreJ, is four hundreJ, besides a team of four oxen, two or three horses, four cow*, end a few young cattle. There are usually about for ty acres under the plow and one hundred end sixty in meadow a0d pasture. What -proportion of the farm is devoted to the sheep, cannot be defined, probably not leu than one hundred and twenty acres. Th2 quantity of wool produced on an overage of these Hocks is two pound" and three -quer - ter" per Reece ; and the average price per pound, for the let rex years, has been forty- seven cents. The surplus sheep sold each year from a Rock of four hundred, and not lees Jhan one hundred, at the price of a dol- lar and a quarter per head. This amounts to six hundred and forty-two dollars. The cost of keeping sheep includes a part of the general expenses of the farm, as fencing, taxes, seed plaster, manure,• &cc. Henry Swift, of Poughkeepsie, was accw- tom&d to pay a tenant on one of these taro., same years ago, two hundred dollars yearly fpr the labor given to four hundred 'sheep, which included the securing of the hay, winter care, washing and shearing and all other l■bot devoted.to them. Now, as to the profile of the business of growing fine wool, it is plain that it dose not yield a large per cent., like other bran- ches of farming, when well done it brings a fair return. There is • general'mprne- . too among our farmers, that their busi- n ess dols not yield them five per cent., on the eapttal invested; but i believe it can be demonstrated, that with skilful and prudent management, the farts yields at least six per ceot., if the valuation of :he land be not too extravagant. Onood land, easily cultivated, the rais- ing 1 Ing o7 grain is twice as profitable as any branch of grazing. But a there meet be manure tit keep op the fertility of the sod, it is nee enary that a portion of the farm be devoted to stock. Therefore, what seems • deficiency in the profits of the gran crop, is made up in the increased production of grain, and this in a maxed husbandry the acre of grass 1s truly as profitable u ao acre of w brat. We prefer fine wooled sheep to other stock, fur several reasons ; and the first is that on our dry, arable lends it is more pro- fitable than making beef, and bring much lees cue and labor than ohm dairy. -We es- timate that it requires as much hay and p.s- ture for eight cows or &teeve, as for one hundred 'beep. Sheep writ' do as well on straw and other course feed es any stock will, and on poor or dry pasture sheep do well, whsle cows or fatting cattle would not do at ill. The ga•stity of hay to one hundred sheep, through the winter, does net exceed fifteen tens. it :s our opinion • Iso that on land suitable for wheat or corn, the manure of sheep is better th•..iho.,•- nure of cattle, and oo certain cold grass land se a top drew/inc. I might Rad that there is leu flee wean in the wool market, that in that of beef sod the products of the dairy, eon.tgoting a more stable and uni form business. And there is lees trouble of beyeg and soiling, after the flocks ere Nils established. wake elute.. Large shrines however sjtil bee• takes oa i(.sdoy a.d Tweedsy Co, CASJI for Wit It:ATI' felly sad carefully sada sad kept. are bad bot we (sons was po.lpousd fur • work, at s epeeist meeting of the Leonetti held yes • T the Galeria Mi14-end Cob her Cherry travellers. The react* eldecompultron terse' y. Aaw SLop at Oednbb..d Repeal Mills, 's 10114/1•01 1a ivory cheese, cad .oth,ag A atroog oppuitioa to the proposed la. by WILLIAM PIPER. Oodtrack Mills, 6111 December, lu49 46-tf but dry.••s cao put a stop to it ; but I. muw.t h.e been got op h the Cly, and largo dives this degree of dryness a Jf16 unless the Duectors conte in a more tar.gt- IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. cult of •ttsiornent,-l• seldom shamed.- U. sad sati.lactory shape before lbs pbiw What is called koow.' to cheese a amply oe ootid. ly bops the uppuay neo 0 11 a- FZRA HOPKINS, se best Flatabrosgh, oueewlul. The routs a sot sl Jelerms. .4 having foe • few msstbe past bees •rung s• f.rmeotauon, acid this 1e the first step to .d -ib esp.... is not yet ytarsstned-ibe Tr.nelli.g A,vas far the WA8HINOTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO, oke• ttt. pre- decompwition, %arch a inevitable, after puttee who ere to rise's the buddug cel ..., pp,,..,, si it.•ktag lbw' 1■ab i.at. d the bsa•isg has owe occurred. The great lbs road ars not koow.-ibe Lutlery part ,he Wellington District fee the very liberal pct - losses heretofore sustained by foreign mer• la( th• Ocawe ts out rt5taovNI. to •bort ,ansae and.ucu•ragereset wbirh b bssreeeivsd sortie' is determtard but that • Rel at •Mir bide : tall bas sow the piesesre .r ra- chant.-perchuers of large cheese, b.ve Rued to the North is wanted, price Ave Immune ahem tet he is dolt athrized re set made them shy of the article, and their loss bundrsd thousand pounds. And on flits .I•nl« the OENF.SEE MUTUAL, the forsaer of character bas led to their fall in value." cW rcaesunaute reit:: tno w.omlad /bob Cr./011100a, pI W000a .-to 1•ai18 o • being rclua.Iy droted to the Ir •orotic. of Farm Stock and B.,Idinp, the latter respond to the demand to the provost elan • ,slug ri.k. i5 T.wes,-.ed brit tea very mode - Tea Arris on Tangs.-Haalag • small and if the friends of the scheme permit u nim e"n"' young orchard, of •►out 60 treee of the best forcing it forward previous to thew being Te. W•suuoTon Coa►.av o.gcrs eseeliu ad• cultivated vari'ttee, 1 was greatly eunpriud sotuethiog 4e1atte to go oo-we hope ibe da..y .1 .o rhe Agrieoh•Lirrnt, rskiag ern eletlon will ne ative the R"sal.-G/a4e. din.y risks woo* per emit., doing f • imam,. on finding that the above insect was doing g P upti amount 1 ►aiaer, having a ver large cask great injury to lbs new growth. The - uptul ea bud. aid promptly midis, all claims lesvoe were carted o and blacklisted, the I DIAN TROUI(LES, rg.m•t the Ina'itution,-Cepiu•I, 11384.009; P Men,bw'•. 37.916. -both being daily wrestling. young shoots retarded in their growth. sod BTILLwavRa Ymesnta Territory, t TN' Ginn/ft COMPANY is intended to Inman in lime instances entirely killed. My April Ith, 1850, ( against Fin ie Tawas a.d Village,. and the quire and seedling topple trees of the se- For come dav• ibere hes been eoseidera- rates arceoseq.esdy higher t• propned.'s is the q gll t t h d b rules twine 'realer ; bot in centre f the mond year's growth were in a still worse a earl tateu ere, octauu.e 50100 torte husisesa dose, link mon be hitherto peen l .auq .py+uases Lee` the sine./.. _i. rill tee the Ent pavesst tar Lying 5M eoadiuos mu of the to bete so mom -rust r 1 p 1 51 new hand by eons, the burs- poet thmees years the Assessseenu have rely pletely covered that they were ds.troyed• tog of our village sad the a.s.sere el its avengedtweppeeruse •Itho.gb aeries that pe - My fret reined, wan a strong in!usion or 1011 bitan•.. Sud Icnly ate morning aces• rind mute et . msniissstrooa Ives ever haute tnbacco-any four ounces to PA quarts 01 ' /'any of warn we made their sppoaranee ihave Bees EZRAtiIIOPRIN8.1Atret far the our streets, and the rause of their warlikee Wellington and Heron Dueness.preparations was explained. April l8th 1819 Last Sabbath morning about seventy-five braves Com the Crow, RodWing, a0 J m.NuR i -n Peiuhrwrr s.wf.ispr i•.Inl eto• nh t+•r+h•wir 1p1 r(nnp ewr•ryd boiling water. This wan p'acd in a suita- ble vessel which was held by another person u I t own -the limbs,one care( I boo d nett e 1 y er two at a time, and immersed the ends of them in the infusion. A few trees were treated in One manner. The insects were lulled by the tobacro infusion ; but 1 thought the effect on the young shoots and tender leaves rather injurious. tVbile reecct:ng oo the subject 1 remem- bered having read that the bitter principle was destructive to insects. I seized the :dee and resolved to try it. The bitter se- lected was the common quassia of the shops, u being cheep and intensely bitter. Ilalf a pound of quassia chips were boiled for a few minutes in six quarts of water. When the decoction wan cold, it was used in the same way as the tobacco infusion, with complete success, and without any appa- tent injury to the leaves or new growth. - All the insects (bat were wet with the ligmd were kilted. Many of my young seedling apple trees that looked sir miserably three weeks ago, arc now sending out a thrifty gro. th, which contrant■ pleasantly with the blackened and curled fubage below which was nearly de- stroyed by the wood louse. Would strong bitter infusion destroy lice on cattle and stock t It is cheap and per- fectly safe -safer in my opinion than un• gueotum or tobacco.-Prarie Farsur. LARGE VS. SMALL CHEESES. The .994fn6rla Telegraph, speaking of the great declne in Ore price of cheese in the northers part of Oh t, the tut Mason, attribute It to the large sine of the eheee- 5.. s " it is staled by o:.e our moot intelligent and cautious merchants, that hie elper.enee of N.w York prate of eheree, argoired during hie fall bait, to fnoke pereha•es, settled on his mind, cnncturivcly, 160 Lou and weight of cheese.. intended for export or for city eve. ile fnend on enquiry et the h'gh..a maces, 'bet while five and a half tent@ mato to the top price for our large Maud eltereee, the small seer, ray from ben to lwesty pared , were quick of ole at w oe or mu and s half cu. The he doctor- ed wee • Aet *alb beewfeg by u muter 0xerebast rt the habit of beyingebeeee, •tad 11 ta a fact worth buena( by these who WA -ha -thaw bands, vurprteeel a toutpany their view•, •std afire E. I1. by Ieaviog their of fifteen Cbippaw•v., who were n.aklsg names nod place of resideuee with either of the •agar forest toile, trom here, on the Apple following gentlemen : River. wbteh empties into the Si. Croix, Jeep COemracao, Cembiidge. right utiles above th:.. They killed the Huey Env. Berlin. whet° company, with the exception of a Tno.as,Seaaaow, boy about a ght yore of age, whom theyR. Returnee. Agent for Gripe and the took prisoner. About half the killed were tir,ghbori.g Tnenships. 3e -s15 men, the others were ',saws and children. FOR SALE.- None of the Stoltz were moored. TIIREF. MILL PRIVILEGES, elope to th About an hour;ago in e heart of our 1 little village, they&Jorme.' a ring, in the the Lake Shore, and at 6. 8 and 18 centre of which was their prisoner, around macs from Goderieh. with email Farms at• _born they danced. The fresh scalps were iached . Alco -ONE HUNDRED Balding stretched on hoops of a foot or more in LOTS in the new laid not Town Plot of diameter. and suspended on pole., earned\Cicalow, on the 18 inti@ Riven, and on the aloft le the dance, the Inn' hair Austin{ train road from Goder,cb to the Banishing loose. They were in Gill war doses, in all sett temente in the new county of Bruce. rte glory of .ermuil:on, feathers, trinketsTerms-One fourth of the put -chafe mon- the trumpery. Some of our citizens many• ev down, the remainder in Four iatalmente felted coesidereble solicitude for the with interest. Apply (if by letter poet - prisoner; but /hay send they did not intend pail) to ibe proprietor, •0911 11 tiwyll '134'0 to kill him. . The scalps of hal father and JOHN HAWKINS. mother were before hen. They have now Gederich, March 18, 1850. 3e-n8m6 left and have separated /or their several 1`'oTICE.-Recetved in Store rut No - bands. The Chippeways will, beyond ail ,ober, per Schooner .9aseratios, A doubt, revenge this murder in a sport time. fist vat IRON, consigned to F. C., Godeneb. They are not .o numerous as the .Sioux. If the ,eine ie not taken away forthwith, It but are better his mo - And the long eta be sold to pee carts. - Mick hair that this morning fell so 'ries- CHRISTOPHER CRABB. (1117 over the shouldi+e of some of (hone Gnderieh, Jan. 23. 1(50. yr-n511f tall, fierce braves, will to a few dare 6e • borne higher in our streets, Jangling tom a CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE .calp hoop to grace another dance. -(.'fere- c 0 y P A N Y . land Dr•,ocrat. CALI/.an]IAN Lorre*s.-The last aerie- THE Suberiber bavi.g b.es appistad t:ty of this new and men• side) vein litera- Arent of the titre, la the followingfrom the Boston Post: CLOVER Sowtte Macn'R--Vgae saes -"Mister Editor-larndgeable female, is is prepared to receive proposals for •Aees- ple•-Much of the Clover upon - the James remarkable scarce on rho Sarah Neradr, vane, o*,d will M happy to afford to 007 River lent►tions, is rows by a very cheep. but the fellers being continually at work person the necessity information, se to LM Pwith Heir cradles has no time to thiole of prt.etpl.. t►f thS ltetitslina. simple contrivance of a box' made of thio rte pettyeots. Gold is veru plenty and- ie - JAMES WATSON- light wood four inches Jeep three and three the occasion of much gilt, the forynit me- Hod.rieb, lith lune. 1819. v2e19tf ere been' shot and retied... I am d ggin' my- self, in the bed of Feather river, which is as full of gold as a quilt of cotton. The So "CANADA' LiFE ASSURANCE CO.," quarters wide, and thirteen feet long, divid- ed into thirteen equal parts and twenty -els half-inch boles through the bottom, six maim apart; that i5, two touch division. Over these holes tact a piece of tin, through which make a hole, about three-six-teenlhe of an inch, larger or smaller, until itis found by trial that 1t will sow the just quantity per acre that yo0 desire. This implement is generally carried by • strap, around • KINCARDINE ARMS. (Near fie Wharf Godvetel,) entity is mined. The Sandwiches has moa- BY H. MARLTON. tered strong, and to has ibe Polly Neabuas. THE above hotel has gond Ieeemodatiou Also the Chinese 1s beginoin' to come in ; for travellers, Stabhsg, lett., ke. but the boys don't like their long tails, nor The Packet Mary Ann will lure God*. the way their eyes Is ant in their heads.- rich (wind k weather permitting.) regular They're a proud, lazy, steepi.b looking set, ly twice aweek for the hi•'ardine Settle - and onium they iniad their pea and goes moot. For freight or pea age apply to they'll get a lemmin'. Why can't they use Capt. Rnwan at the Kincardine Arms. tobacco and work for betters and worship Gaderieh, March 35th, 1850. n8-13 God like Christians, instead of chewin' , , I E Rw abrih.wNOTba.ier bCeesE. •preeeted Aneel THfar the PROVINCIAL MUTUAI. AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, hen• by intimates, that he is prepared to reeeire Sub- scription. for Stook :n the Proprietary Branch. and applications for Is.orseee, is the Mutual B ranch, sod to {.ve nob infermat:oa an the subject as may be regeurcd. Gnderieh, nth Sept. lel* 2.-.341. man's neck, who shakes it as he walks, and their infernal •plum soil laafin' and worship - sows • bed fifteen feel wide. It appears in' idles 1 There's mete a number here, too, from the Society !elands. Nice Soci- ety they have here, I guess. There isn't a petticoat nor t pair o' breeches in the hull crowd, and they're all piled up as if they were afraid o' ruetin'- Soap fat and stele goose grease is a per- fume to the stuff tine gets on the leeward side o' one on 'em. Then there's Irish and Scotch and Juhn Ball• and niggara and yel ler-bellies-so, as stated aforepaij, the so- ciety is i mixture, and no mistake. The nateral featree of the tole is sand k rack... In the ..sod the golf is generally e onght for near the rurr.nt, and in the. rock we leek for it in cern. There'* one kind m of deposit they call a pocket. The pocket is general) found in the natural breeches of Ott" mountain, and can only be dug into with • pick. The miners who words these de- posits are known as the p'ekoncket gangs. In the sand the preahus metal in (mind in grains and gobs. Some may Pay that the gobs is not the reel stuff, and that nobody can say who's what until the assayer has crucified it; others say that priapic acid will d" the bnsiners. Not bein. a kimmlat or an essayist, I eaosot decide. The princi- pal quadrupeds is prime dogs, turkey bus - undo, and ceottpodes. The climate ,s pret- ty healthy to the mountains, but we suffer with egnr in the wilderness. Gold is pro - cored in various ways. Some epeckilators have done well by hiri.g gangs of Isamu to dig, .04 .$tooin' '810 as @tan as they've got enough to make It worth while. r ve got a pretty smart chance that way, and in- tend to beat It down the Sacryrneato to San Franciseo,where you can always Aad a sale for our ear. Prigging sod merrier is punished with death wham any of that boys Is suffners, but we don't take se eemplaieto from ferrinen, Metne...mid Iaja.L A grape -vine balm and a maple Iimb is the weal method o( s'- e knahen. The turkey buzzard, which ie a bird of wonderful Mattnk, le partial to cold vote's. ewe on the adjoining trees until the viol *perk has fled, when they come re a body round the Corp.., and carry off the car- rion with their great 'steno. Funerals is done rep quite rnitgh here.' When a atop, dive, Ms mete tau hu clothe. (which ie generally Mod) an.1 his pick and shovel and his gold. end then holes him. A few of t►m dtn•essed leave, wills, behind 'em, but they meetly die detested." Character will always operate. There note be little culture; dander abilities -no •position jn society; still, if there be • char- acter of sterling excellence, t1 .:11 commeed renitence. it will sectors emirate redoes , besides who knows In what it may !unit? Therefore, Int all pay the ant mut attention to the chewier., teething is /sets Irnpe►tant. not only to go a labor raving implement, but a crop increasing one.-.9griceliorisf. TORONTO UNIVERSITY.-iNSTAL- ATION OF THE CHANCELLOR. Tho ceremony of installing the Hon. M. drflergniere Into the office of Chancellor of the University, took place on Thoreday af- ternoon lest. The new City Hall hied been granted for the occaaioo,4y the Corpora- tion, and the area of the room, with the Inge gallery, was crowded at the appointed trine, with a highly respectable s.nrmblege, including a very large number of ladies. - Many of the members of both holden of Parlismenl, the-It/hest legal functionaries, end the members of the Curporeuon, were in attendance. Its Excellency the Governor General, at- tended by hie stiff, arrived at half -past two o'clock ; and shortly afterwards, Mr, De Blaegniere was conducted by the officers of the University into the rnom. After the oaths bad been •dsIotetered, he returned, attired in the Chancellor's robes of purple and gold. Ile was prevented to that Gover- nor (:••neral bo Dr. McCeel, with an address in Latin, to which his Eeeelleaey made a suitable reply in the same Iaagnage, deliv• ore.' in bre ua.:al grad ful and emphatic manner. Nr. deBlecgoters then took h -s Peat in the Chancellor's chair, after which Mr. Pro Vice Consultor Smith eoneretule- tcd 'he Chancellor upon the horn, conferred him, and the members of the University on the choice they had made : he concluded by expressing a fervent hope, that in future.. .11 parties would units in supporting the Unt- unitt, by which •loos it could peeper. T' a Chancellor thea addressed the se .smWsge at coesidsra►Ie length.-witl'',rat geed (.sling and abrllty, and his Exeells.ev followed him. We have very full motes or these *preehct% bet the presruro of Perls. mutiny matter com-els tie lo defer them till Tueedsy. The epee'ch of hie Excellen- cy, we have heard enteral!' rII' pronunnced the greatest efr..rt of slogneoee in matter and in manner, which ever wee delivered in Cantda. His Excellency was loudly ap- plauded in the moron of 1:. odd and when he ant down. the cheering w deaf- reing•. The Prefei.nrs, manatee. and ender gr' Jules of the lrniversity, wove the .ncee•- steely presented to the Governer Gee0eeI abed to the Cheneelloe, and the brake uit his Ex«Maty Ming entbuarett- rally cheered as maturing bis carriage: - (Glob*, Ws foot. Tian !A TT.*r RartanAD.-Our ►.ak es aro aware that the C'mmen C,roeetl have n►slued the gnesunn in ibe decision of • popular tot., whether t 100.000 shall he ad- immt.v.d by this Ca. in the L.ke Siatwe Rut Reed .eh.srs. The note wee to Mee HN CLARK. New Tailurtn;,r, Establishment IN GODERICH. w T toe rg EDT? Ii i II f):41fii ;E".111g2it ir 'I. II lirt s CP 1.11 z TOE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of Goderieb and us vicialty, der he ba re- ceived a Large Supply of to LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKINTG, B 0 X, tart, 1)R. P. A. McDOUGA CA N be consulted. ag.91 „ ire. Wm, F• O.oSif 15L 13/4110411.` AND PARLOUR S'I'O'I•ES, which he Oren for RALE at very - REDUCED PRICES FOR CA811. The S.beee,ber •1eo keeps os bead, es ssaeh et bis OLD STAND, • LARGE and very Sa- eerior.wenlmrtit of TINWARE of -every description. The seamier" takes this opperieuiy of veer - nine his &teem tbasb to the Public for the very Intend pstruage he as received sloe/ he has beers i• besiner a Gederich, and hopes by strict •taemtisn to beemees. and leederue priers, to coat islet W receive • share of the pnblte estrowaee N. B --GRAINING. PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER sad BELT. HANGING e.nied esu heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderieb, 6th Sept. 1849. 2v-531 if Goodrich, Sept. lith. 1M8. rely. I. LEWIS, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RtC., Jere, 1848. GODERICH. ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Conveyancer, COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS, `e, 1.. OODaRICH. Oct. 1, 1849. 1-481 JOHN STRACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT 8inLAW, .dicifer Chaserr11, Cipirrya.ecr, NOTARY PUBLIC, Ifo his once in West Strut, Goderieb. Goderich, 1st1 Januar', 1880. DAN1IL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, sad Conveyancer, 3ofieiror in Chaseeryq Hae his office u formerly, is Stratford. Barnifeid, lnd January, 1660. 5.-.49 N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of ahs late Ira s( Strachan k Lure, cooties« to act es Agent and Consul for Mr. Lisare in all mattere referred to him from Stretford. ,. tit ti & A W. 1 WILLIAMS, DIXIE; WATSON of Golerieh, ARRIRTR AT LAW, lee. .lee. sod B F. GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Rrr•ffwd, late of rte firm of hector, Weller and Williams, Berri.ters. dye. Tomato. being this day earerrd intoeo-p.riner•i ip, in the Placate... tied Pra(rs- noel ,d (.ane, Crjscrwv rod Coeeeeeecute. will in future keep then Ofiier• at Gode,icb and Stretford, reitoreuvety, ander the name, style and firm of WATIel end Wearers. 1/1141E W•Tsoe, Gn,'erleh. t . Gcoaoa WILLIAMS, Stratford, 24,1, December. 1149- ^v-•470 TWO 000D FARMS FOR BALE. oNF. within 9 tales; eid the other'with- ie about 3 lulu of Goderieb Teen Plot. TM first i0 11:T 10 is 1st Coaou- cion, Townehip of Galeria, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, 1s boun• ed at the one sod by lake Huron, and at tbe,utber by• Public Road, -nail the seeo.d is LO8 in • 8th COicss.ion, Colborne, W.Di.ieiow, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is Dittpbed at Ike J.setios .f two Pelt- ier: Reads. For Particalan appy to JNO. McDONALD, Eeq Gedetieb, lath Jo.., 1819. a19-0 HURON HOTEL, GODERiCH. I TAMER GENTLES, would rcepeetfeay ia- •1 fisc the NbaMunts of Goderieb, sod Ste vi- ctim?. that he will a erweerly Keep Horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. foe wbneh bin reepetfelly solicits the patronage of the public. JAMES GENTLER. 18th Sept. 1849. •21.33-tf 41 P111?I711IL111. MOFFAT'S IVESETABLEM LIFE PILL$ PHONIX BITTERS T J HE Subr,ber hese to a^nano.• 11 ,he in - 1t w habitant, of Gnderch. and i,.'tetnuy, !hat he,hes eommenerd bootees. in the we. line. in tet he Room a•'j.nni'r 11 HORTON•a Red - die Shop, Market Screw. i -herr he ...II be pre- pared to eremite all ender. ,. kits bile pa the shortest motive. and at moderate ebur.•. N. B. -Coutes doss oa rhr short.- JOHN hort• JOHN ADAMS. Goderieb, Oet. 17, 1849. .2.37 TRAVELLER'S HOME, STRASBURG, W-ArOaeoe, 28th February, 1849. s THE Sn►ecnber hereby intimates to ban Invade and the Travelling Pohl!, gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber- deee to the Village of Btrub.rgh, and will . ow he touted to that well-itoow. hoose for- merly oecupred by Mr. Jose., -where het will be reedy •ed able to conduce to the comfort of 'hoes who may honor him with their patrooegw. And ,bile be returns thanks for put furore, be hopes, by strict attention to the want. and writhes of his cestnmerl, atilt to MOT'S a continuums of their patro..ge- JOIIN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES sad attentive Grooms. v3-.4lf PLANS A SPECiFiCAT olars. THE Babes her bggs+ to Mdse. the Inhabitant, of the Dtelriet of Herne, and the ne.ghhor,nr Dretriete, that he has Established hitnself in Stratford and is prepaid to rive Plane and Speaks - twee of Pebbe er Private Beading', Bodg- e., Mill Dams. k,e. kyr, ktc., and will take the .epennteedeoce or such Erections, on the most resnonable t`rms. Ili• thoroogh know edge of hie prnfe.eit. and his practiee as Redder, qusG6es him for any uederr•king m the lin.. Airbus post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Budder, kr. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March tech, 1849. 2v-n7tf C•AUTION.-Wherese Margret Roche, `) my wife, has *bunted herself from my bed and board without any just rause.- This is to forbid the palate gtvieg her say thing on my aecosnt. TH08. ROCHE. R-swsn tab, May 14th, 1850. Bort. TM high and ann.! •ebbeiiy labial thew yr.-ehti.est Med.iw. ►..• *evinced for than W.n.►r e...cy u .11 lis 4.ear... *Melt •h•y peben i• ems, b.. r.,.Mred 1N .ward Greene• of pais{ rat may rwce.nry, ►w .ower. ,Ay of to.. Th.y .n bear by their fr.iu; 1Mar good *nubs tardy for t►..% sad Ural war. noil by Iha boa 1 the modulo.. IYOSTRMI. A, TE."d CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, AFrxtrut,s .1 Nae BLADDER .ed KIDNEYS. "woos rtv.az a LIVE' OOMPLLINTS.- In Ow rank .ad laws. whew tt.ws drawn pada. teen will be bed t...ar.bl. Purr.. frau., d wl.w..8. tri w Urea Mad.ea,...41 wryer •awwerd• b• walnut Una BILIOUS COOED:. al REMOVE Loormw. BMW CORT/►ENBBL COLDS a COUGHS, Cgu,L•e, C0R>R:MP 100:1. UPS .r8 (Prat e.s r in dr teems COa*UPT RUMORS- DkOPS/SS. PTRRPRPIIIA. w um..sa iai..arMdse as, ma..54 Sibs mos tame n.Ysrs wi rlr. mem-room d ra. Bum. Sers1P5LY. MATO MING r. 1PfaVRR ears SOON. Brthis wow .ftie w ane wsstr►.te. modba /15.51 t. a.wd • a.18 s.e.b, std nor..awdr. Ogle atdew ewe 1 . epee ei.r w s Men 1 ata bass --s sun M 0w mammas is wrem.l- TRY TWIN. Be aaTenCD. MOD Be CURDS. postman, eCnMPLIMIOM, • #sN84RAL D>ARILI?T • it RPD• 5 aural_ ■seoetdiss.er me, WA. INWARD mew. imn.AILMITUS1 *51U54 TSM. IMPURE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. LOO d 4175 rr TLZV8* ooRSvLaINTIs Larioe0. LOODENE L TIE tsRCLVRIAL DI$ :Assa- essw 1886 r wiMl. Nati* J.s awls 1 lanes• 4i . duly .awn Una Me wow anown .l aww.rsrr.. 1 lrwpwIlk *00NT SWEATS. MIR POs, DEIILITI. NERr1am COMPLAINTS or/ se .twine OMOAAIC ArriurelRO, PALPITATION of Mo 1IAMT. PAINTER'S 0502.10. r i L • S . Ten newt .www 1 rim .n.aw we. "wed 1 rem era pats srendb.8. dew of Wove Lib ■ead.r alms. PRIMO r tine lm , area brit,+.• fir sed .sass D aSIUleAIPIa/. Tiro slelOsliiiIds web mama .Oto moat aireN *sub U. RM Be tae.ts•. M eta. Was Orogrr. IJLTs1101L • sototl82.1. r R •m• $V1t., r lb ollOiesss OSSA ssi>4O5_M1ss ▪ •1t sIdea Atm. WIs/NsalrMOM ns ire lesSlimin Puma sellinsdeilmsenen• saw w are ase am b awsraa 1.a.r 51 b. wiera 7i1 Wi mu 01 P16III1 117711e PINIFY TIE BLOOD, A.d tkaa gemova.B Meuse from the eyelets. a.l.{a. trot will lass the LIFE PI IA 1 and 101181111 III T T I II i wyesd re seri that 1s As 5r1•0e.s 1 .ivy p.ustt- 11. 'males 111.. nn.Re18•• ass as pM vp i. MA, .mer sad 18bsar, ••l••a•• tM• . Ma mese ^N er 9.51 *warp or ," a ing Il .g W ek.e16w. RS ..86► I.. 5n.lag 1'resSwny 0.s will err01 r w 1111... by .W 1585 (55 .18tass 18. els, 410 `0.1 Ise ss TM irsifpe. sal ..__draw see eaprdg 58.0.0.. 5w Who peen tn.M why .8ws sin be .weed .es. ssa 5.15180 M sur1...S • ta1 bey th... ski .e0r. win pe.; iw it pia e.. b. .tied NW obey isms iiia.. hors as. we its. awash lie.r. IL s.irrAe an. D.......7.•••••..1 &IWO* ,rest. Me. Testi. PrSae by DENJ. PARSONS, Sete .14.14. Roderick, leo 1111, 1841. 1 R. WILLIAMS, & Co. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. And General tenders to Grammes, Limiters, Palms, 0.1., Nuii.M., Dye Stag., H.rd. are../ e. , STRATFORD. Preeeriptiess di•pe.rd with ass.raey sad promptitude. 3r -a15. J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, W'LI, attend SALES n any pert of the enunty on nugo5le Terms. Ap- ply.t his Residenee, Light -Howe Street. Goderich, April 4th 1849. v -9s DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKERi Three dors East njats Crowds C.',. (yrs, WEs'-STREI.1'. G ODERiC H. Aegnel lith, 1849. 2v-n3Y R. YOUNG, BOOT sad SHOE Maker, sae door West of Mr. George Videos's, Blacksmith, Frost strut, Gndericb. April 118th, 1830. •3o19 JOHN J. E. LiNTON, 1U0LIa, Om,nissioner Queen's Bends, AND CONVEYANCES. STRATFORD. DAVID 11. LIZARB. WISHES to iorimate to the inhabitants of Gedench tad the nrrasdi.g evesstry. that he hes commeaeed reemerge/ Con,ryasceT. Gegen! Agent and Aeewtaar, sad by tesid.- oes avenues, 'curacy, and rnoderato cberpe, hopes to be varlet to each es may require bio services. Those wishing to emptor i.,m is any n( the aro.. branches will please call st the Registry Office, Lights.. street. C.deri.h, i3th Match. 1850. v +6 Da. JOHN HYDE, (t.aTe eau rsoar, Efl IE ID IL 19 STRATFORD. July 31, 1849._ 2v-.11 WM. REED, MOUSE AND SIGH' PAINTER. {•e., LiGHT-HOUSE' 8T. GODERICH. Oct 25, 1849. 9vskl TO LET, THAT two story Fume Dwelling Hesse lately occupied by Judp Aelaad, and hue mediately opposite his present residue,. For terms and farther periiedsrs apply to ALEX. M. R088, North 8r. Galeria, May 43. 1850. ' DAVID H. LIZARS. AUCTIONEER. IS prenred to •tteed Bales in any pert of the Clouted Counties en thiamin mums. able terms. Apply st the Registry O•o., Lighthouse street. ,Godertch, April 11, 1880. •3-0 i0 NOTICE. THE Subss►tber b•Wirrg RENTED the WAREHOUSE wedHARF Wes( i.g to the Messrs. Davenport, of tkie place bas established btaas.0 ea a 700 0 0 0 05 0 LCD . atYAJNr• Amy order' or fret, tM M.' chants of Goderieb, will receive p.myt stteoties. JOHN MCZWAN. Windsor, march, 18tH. tar -Milt. Btgc 4nron a tal, , is nuns PTO /0.5..00 avzety eauses1 BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, INTIM a*0 non MOO. OFYICti r ABUT -ego A.., 0000*K7. Book said Jeb Pristine, executed frisk imamate sad diep•ieh. Tsai se ,.i Hinton 11tes a t. -TEN OWL- .4.1 1RL- LINOS per •.nem iety in edvaee., or TwILVI a.. Bit int.( p.id wivarck tha ..piwlM• of ohm year. N• paper ditmeeieeed testa income, are paid .p. sakes the pabli.her thinks it him •than• tare is do an. Amy indnidssl in the seearry t..estiag K sp.matll. 1., ata anb•ertben, still g5Beive s sevrnrh copy grail• pet nil iTAlts.arlen.ddns eJtotoLitert f11 pit paid, er they will set be fakes N 170tA 50 as.aw.tssP.• Six bussed owlet, int 15 4tlee,... • 1, 6 7j F.sek nheemeeef Sauer ties, . • • - w • Tee lieu lied eerier, 5.t iese.titoeeeee 1 8 1 4/ reek ..b. i.•.t lit..rtlso.«.... Over rr.li.eh, Sot iesei4a.. Me Mee, 8 1 rage sobempeet ! ss TAA Nod ibases• s be OM we' Mewaltm by lila rile.